The great power of Ruby iteration comes out of a simple module. I bet, you can implement part of it as well.
Reading the Enumerable documentation one more time won't hurt. Read it again, and again, and again... You get the idea :)
There are tests which you can use in order to check if your code is OK.
In order to run the tests, you will have to take all files from this directory (without
When you have all files, frist, you need to install the desired gems:
$ bundle install
If you do not have bundler, install it:
$ gem install bundler
And when you have everything ready, in order to run the tests, type the following command:
$ bundle exec rake
You will see which tests pass and which don't
Implement a module called MyEnumerable
which implements a similar module to
Enumerable, but with own little twist. Meaning, we have methods Enumerable
doesn't, we named filter how we liked it, etc.
module MyEnumerable
def map
# Your code goes here.
def filter
# Your code goes here.
def reject
# Your code goes here.
def reduce(initial = nil)
# Your code goes here.
def any?
# Your code goes here.
def one?
# Your code goes here.
def all?
# Your code goes here.
# Yield each consequative n elements.
def each_cons(n)
# Your code goes here.
def include?(element)
# Your code goes here.
# Count the occurences of an element in the collection. If no element is
# given, count the size of the collection.
def count(element = nil)
# Your code goes here.
# Count the size of the collection.
def size
# Your code goes here.
# Groups the collection by result of the block.
# Returns a hash where the keys are the evaluated
# result from the block and the values are arrays
# of elements in the collection that correspond to
# the key.
def group_by
def min
# Your code goes here.
def min_by
# Your code goes here.
def max
# Your code goes here.
def max_by
# Your code goes here.
def take(n)
# Your code goes here.
def take_while
# Your code goes here.
def drop(n)
# Your code goes here.
def drop_while
# Your code goes here.
Return an iterator for the method, if no block is given.
As a bonus, create aliases for the following methods, so they can be invoked with different names.
#map -> #collect
#filter -> #select
#reduce -> #foldl
As a bigger challenge, try to strictly follow Enumerable. For example if no
initial element is given to #reduce
Ruby's Enumerable will take the first one
of the collection as the initial value.
This is what makes (1..10).reduce { |sum, n| sum + n }
work. Consult with
rubyspec to better mimic Ruby's Enumerable behaviour.