A Learner and Student of Masters in Computer Science at Lakehead University with 2+ years of full-time experience in the industry. I recently finished my co-op at Ceridian(Dayforce) as a Software Developer. Highly interested in software and web development using any technology but mainly JavaScript and its frameworks, Django, Python and its libraries, and the standard HTML & CSS. Check out my projects and works in the Repositories section on Github.
- A passionate individual with an affinity for writing well-structured and clean codes.
- Strong foundational knowledge for building web apps and websites with Django and MERN stack.
- Certifications for Python, Data Science, Data Visualizations, and Javascript skills from well-reputed universities and Coursera.
- A team player who prioritizes goals and steps outside the comfort zone.
- Well-versed in documentation, effective technical communication, quick learning, and task prioritization.
- Experienced in scrum methodologies and have acted as the scrum master.
- Languages: JavaScript, Typescript, Python, Java, C++
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Technologies: HTML5, Cascading StyleSheets (CSS3), ReactJS, Nextjs, Redux, NodeJs, Unit Testing, Automation Testing (Selenium, SpecFlow)
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, NoSQL, Firebase
- Web App Development: MERN Stack, Django Framework
- Cloud: Docker, Heroku, Vercel, Github Pipelines