This program simulate an intern captor airplane environment. Four types of sensors are linked through a scheduler to a server:
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Pressure sensor
- Light sensor
The scheduler periodically retrieves the data generated by the sensors then sends them to the server. It will log in files and/or display the data in the console.
The sensors generate data according to reality:
- 23°C average temperature with a 3°C dispersion
- 20% average humidity with an 8% dispersion
- 79289 Pascal average pressure with 3447 Pascal dispersion
- Light intensity is represented as a boolean
The executable file will be in the Simulation/ repertory. (The logs files need to be in the Simulation/logs/ repertory if the program was launched from Simulation/)
The program runs util the userenter "q" in the terminal. (There is a little latency as all threads have to synchronize.)
/!\ Entry in the terminal can be ignored if a cout is performed before the user has pressed ENTER. Thus he will have to type "q"+ENTER again.
This plane sensor environment simulation implementation was made for the 2022 Automn semester AP4A course.
Author : Flavian THEUREL