diff --git a/src/csg/probabilistic_csg.jl b/src/csg/probabilistic_csg.jl
index 6c0d636..8612250 100644
--- a/src/csg/probabilistic_csg.jl
+++ b/src/csg/probabilistic_csg.jl
@@ -37,13 +37,10 @@ function expr2pcsgrammar(ex::Expr)::ContextSensitiveGrammar
 	alltypes = collect(keys(bytype))
 	# Normalize probabilities for each type
-	for t ∈ alltypes
-		total_prob = sum(probabilities[i] for i ∈ bytype[t])
-		if !(total_prob ≈ 1)
-			@warn "The probabilities for type $t don't add up to 1, so they will be normalized."
-			for i ∈ bytype[t]
-				probabilities[i] /= total_prob
-			end
+	total_prob = sum(probabilities)
+	if !(total_prob ≈ 1)
+		for i ∈ eachindex(probabilities)
+			probabilities[i] /= total_prob
@@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ function expr2pcsgrammar(ex::Expr)::ContextSensitiveGrammar
 	domains = Dict(type => BitArray(r ∈ bytype[type] for r ∈ 1:length(rules)) for type ∈ alltypes)
 	bychildtypes = [BitVector([childtypes[i1] == childtypes[i2] for i2 ∈ 1:length(rules)]) for i1 ∈ 1:length(rules)]
-	normalize!(ContextSensitiveGrammar(rules, types, is_terminal, is_eval, bytype, domains, childtypes, bychildtypes, log_probabilities))
+	ContextSensitiveGrammar(rules, types, is_terminal, is_eval, bytype, domains, childtypes, bychildtypes, log_probabilities)