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PCB Design

HomeKid edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 35 revisions



These are the parts necessary for this project:

USB TTL adapter
NodeMCU or Wemos D1 Mini
WS2812B LED strip
JST 3 pin female connector
5V 10A power supply
Jumper cables
Logic level converter from 3.3V to 5V

PCB Design

I've designed a simple PCB design for ESP8266 boards.
The board dimensions are 38mm x 26mm, and compatible with ESP-12E/F and ESP-07S boards.

Note: For controlling the LED strip, this module uses GPIO3 (same pin as RXD on Wemos D1 Mini). If You are using Wemos D1 Mini or any ESP8266 board, you must have to use a logic level shifter. ESP8266 chips are using 3.3V logic, but - reference to the WS2812B's datasheet - the LED strip's data line using 5V logic with minimum of 3.5V. Without the logic level shifter the LED strip may not work properly or could be damaged!

For PCB manufacturing Gerber files can be downloaded from here.


Parts needed for PCB

Prefix Value Package
R1 10K Ω SMD 0805
R2 10K Ω SMD 0805
R3 10K Ω SMD 0805
R4 10K Ω SMD 0805
C1 100nF SMD 0805
C2 10uF SMD 0805
C3 10uF SMD 0805
C4 100nF SMD 0805
C5 10V 1000uF SMD 8x10
IC1 AMS1117-3.3 SOT223
Q1 BSS138 SOT23-3
U1 DC adapter 5.5x2.1mm jack
Reset Tactile Touch Key SMD 6.1x3.7mm
Serial 2.54mm 4P header (optional)


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