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Distributed RPC Framework

The distributed RPC framework provides mechanisms for multi-machine model training through a set of primitives to allow for remote communication, and a higher-level API to automatically differentiate models split across several machines.


The RPC API is experimental and subject to change.

RPC and RRef Framework

Before using RPC and distributed autograd primitives, initialization must take place. First, a backend over which RPCs can be sent over must be initialized. The default (and currently, only available) implementation is the ProcessGroup backend, and must be initialized with torch.distributed.init_process_group before using other functions. See the documentation for torch.distributed for additional details. Next, to initialize the RPC framework we need to use init_rpc which would initialize the RPC framework, RRef framework and distributed autograd.

.. automodule:: torch.distributed.rpc
.. autofunction:: init_rpc


An RRef (Remote REFerence) is a reference to a value of some type T (e.g. Tensor) on a remote worker. This handle keeps the referenced remote value alive on the owner, but there is no implication that the value will be transferred to the local worker in the future. RRefs can be used in multi-machine training by holding references to nn.Modules that exist on other workers, and calling the appropriate functions to retrieve or modify their parameters during training.

.. autoclass:: RRef

RPC and RRef primitives

This library provides primitives allowing users to create and modify references (RRefs) to remote data as well as remotely execute functions.

.. automodule:: torch.distributed.rpc.api

Distributed Autograd Framework

This module provides an RPC-based distributed autograd framework that can be used for applications such as model parallel training. In short, applications may send and receive gradient recording tensors over RPC. In the forward pass, we record when gradient recording tensors are sent over RPC and during the backward pass we use this information to perform a distributed backward pass using RPC. For more details see :ref:`distributed-autograd-design`.

.. automodule:: torch.distributed.autograd
    :members: context, backward, get_gradients

Distributed Optimizer

.. automodule:: torch.distributed.optim
    :members: DistributedOptimizer