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Code Engine Java SDK Example

Running the example

To run the example, create a Code Engine project from the Console or Code Engine CLI. Next, from the root directory, set the following environment variables, build the project, and execute the IbmCloudCodeEngineExamples class:

  1. export CE_API_KEY=<Your IBM Cloud API key>
  2. export CE_PROJECT_ID=<Your Code Engine project ID>
  3. export CE_PROJECT_REGION=<The region (e.g. 'us-south') of your Code Engine project>
  4. mvn package
  5. java -jar ./modules/examples/target/code-engine-examples-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


Set up an authenticator

IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator(ceApiKey);
authenticator.setClientIdAndSecret("bx", "bx");

Set up a Code Engine client

IbmCloudCodeEngine ceClient = new IbmCloudCodeEngine("Code Engine Client", authenticator);
ceClient.setServiceUrl("https://api." + System.getenv("CE_PROJECT_REGION") + "");

Get a Delegated Refresh Token from IAM using an HTTP client

This example uses Java's HttpURLConnection, but you may use the HTTP client of your choice.

URL iamUrl = new URL(""
  + "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&"
  + "response_type=delegated_refresh_token&"
  + "receiver_client_ids=ce&"
  + "delegated_refresh_token_expiry=3600&"
  + "apikey="
  + System.getenv("CE_API_KEY"));
HttpURLConnection iamConnection = (HttpURLConnection) iamUrl.openConnection();
iamConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
BufferedReader iamInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iamConnection.getInputStream()));
String iamResponse = "";
String iamInputLine = "";
while ((iamInputLine = iamInput.readLine()) != null) {
  iamResponse = iamResponse + iamInputLine;
JSONObject iamJson = new JSONObject(iamResponse);
String delegatedRefreshToken = iamJson.getString("delegated_refresh_token");

Use the Code Engine client to get a Kubernetes config

GetKubeconfigOptions options = new GetKubeconfigOptions.Builder()
Response<String> kubeConfigResponse = ceClient.getKubeconfig(options).execute();

Deprecated endpoint

The /namespaces/{id}/config endpoint function, listKubeconfig(), is deprecated, and will be removed before Code Engine is out of Beta. Please use the getKubeconfig() function, demonstrated in the example above.