This document describes in more detail how to use the toolkit and the Watson NLP module.
At a minimum you need the Watson NLP runtime image. The NLP runtime container runs in the Watson NLP pod at runtime.
Additionally you have to access 'model images' which are necessary for different functionality provided by Watson NLP. There are two types of model images:
- Stock models provided out of the box by Watson NLP
- Custom models provided by consumers
The model containers run as Kubernetes init containers. They are triggered when pods are created. Their purpose is to put the model artifacts on disk so that the Watson NLP runtime container can access them. Once they have done this, these containers terminate.
Images reside in registries which are typically protected. Pull secrets need to be provided to access them. Sealed Secrets for Kubernetes are used to protect the secrets.
There can be multiple registries (N >= 1) and multiple secrets (M >= 0). Registries can use secrets, but don't have to (N > M). There needs to be one registry to access the NLP runtime image which is usually stored in a protected registry.
The configuration is done in two files:
Pull secrets have to contain the following information:
Secret name
- Defined in the "imagePullSecrets" array in the BOM
Registry URL
- Defined in the "registries" array in the BOM
Registry user name
- Defined in the "registryUserNames" array in the BOM
- The "registry" name needs to map to the same name under registries
Registry password
- Defined in "TF_VAR_terraform-gitops-watson-nlp_registry_credentials" in
- This variable can include a comma delimited list of registry passwords/tokens
- For multiple secrets the order needs to be the same one as in the BOM for "registryUserNames"
- Defined in "TF_VAR_terraform-gitops-watson-nlp_registry_credentials" in
Follow the instructions below to deploy the modules against an existing cluster.
cd roks-existing-nlp
cp output/ output/
vi output/
Fill the values with the ones from your own OpenShift cluster.
export TF_VAR_gitops_repo_token=___your-github-token____
export TF_VAR_terraform_gitops_watson_nlp_registry_credentials=___your-registry-credentials___
export TF_VAR_server_url=
export TF_VAR_cluster_login_token=sha256~xxx
To obtain "TF_VAR_server_url" and "TF_VAR_cluster_login_token" open the OpenShift console, click on your user name in the upper right corner and choose 'copy login command'.
Follow the instructions how to deploy Watson NLP to your existing cluster. There are only two differences:
- The
s files as just described - Use the directory "roks-existing-nlp" rather than "roks-new-nlp"
If you can't or don't want to use Docker, we have instructions how to use Multipass. See the documentation for more details on Multipass.
brew install --cask multipass
curl --output cli-tools.yaml
multipass launch --name cli-tools --cloud-init ./cli-tools.yaml
multipass mount $PWD cli-tools:/automation
multipass shell cli-tools
In the VM invoke these commands:
cd ../../automation
echo $TF_VAR_ibmcloud_api_key
cd cluster-with-watson-nlp
Here are some best practices how to run Multipass:
- When using Multipass, the "launch" script is not used. Enter the VM and use
- When creating the VM with Multipass, if you see the following error on MacOS: cli-tools: timed out waiting for response. It is neccessary to disable the MacOS firewall.
Here are a couple of best practices and topics you should be aware of, especially when sharing the same IBM Cloud organizations.
- Specify your own resource group, rather than using the default
- Be aware that each IBM Cloud region has a VPC limit of ten. Ensure the region you select has sufficient capacity.