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Vlastimil Holer edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 8 revisions

The deployment blueprint is ready only for the cloud providers which support the OCCI API, we are targeting the EGI's Federated Cloud. Tool occi-cli is used to control the cloud and needs to be installed manually:

  • for standalone use, on the same host you have cfy tool installed or
  • for deployment via Cloudify Manager, on host running the Cloudify Manager


RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 7

yum install -y ruby-devel openssl-devel gcc gcc-c++ ruby rubygems
gem install occi-cli


apt-get install -y ruby rubygems ruby-dev
gem install occi-cli

From repository

In case you have experienced any problems when installing via gem or if you prefer regular operating system packages, the EGI provides OCCI CLI as part of their Application Database. You can find there package repositories for various Linux distributions and versions.

An example of installing from the CentOS 7.x repository:

# add repository definition
curl \
    '' \
    -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rocci-cli.repo

# install via yum
yum -y install occi-cli


You can now check the OCCI tool is working:

occi --version
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