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IL-2 DS Events Commander


IL-2 DS Events Commander is a software system for managing events on dedicated server of IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles (IL-2 FB). It is written in Python language and it is free. The main purpose of this software is to organize different events in muptiplayer game mode and support new features of latest game patches.

Note: IL-2 FB and it's dedicated server (DS) are property of 1C and Ubisoft. Currently they are developed by Daidalos Team and their updates are released and distributed as free patches. IL-2 Horus Team does not own or distribute neither IL-2 FB nor IL-2 FB DS. You need to buy IL-2 FB on your own to play it, however DS is distributed freely as a bunch of patches.

For end-users

Project structure overview

The project structure which used on development and staging platforms is depicted below.

Project structure

Here you can see the two parts of the entire system: server and client.

Client part consists of an IL-2 FB game client and a web browser (note: Internet Explorer is not a browser). It's up to the user to get them both.

Server part consists of different multiple parts. The core part includes web application and commander. They share same settings and sources and they are grouped by a rectangle on the picture.

Commander communicates with game server (which is IL-2 FB DS itself) via three channels: TCP socket for managing game flow and interaction with players, UDP socket for getting coordinates of playesr and objects in real time and the last: events log reader which reads and parses mission log and takes proper actions.

Web application is ran by Nginx web server in a bunch with serveral worker processes. We use uWSGI as worker. More workers - more power. One worker may be just enough for you. You may switch to any other worker or web server, but this will not be covered here.

Both web application and comander depend on a database with support of spatial data types, a quick caching engine and a background tasks runner.

We use PostgreSQL 9.1 with PostGIS 1.5 as a database, but in general you may use any other (such as MySQL) as well. We use Redis as a caching engine and a shared storage between web application and commander. Celery is used for running different background tasks.

So, the only firm project dependencies are:

  • Python
  • Redis
  • Celery
  • IL-2 DS

Among soft dependencies we name:

  • PostgreSQL + PostGIS
  • Ngnix + uWSGI

Installation process

Our goal is to make commander available both for Linux and Windows families. But currently we focus on Linux for development convenience. This section will cover installation process for Debian-based Linux distributives such as Ubuntu.

Firstly, update your lists of available software:

sudo apt-get update

Create postgres user:

sudo useradd postgres

Install tools:

sudo apt-get install curl gcc gettext git make vim unzip wget

Set your timezone (optionally):

sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /etc/localtime

Get project sources and switch to its directory:

git clone il2ec
cd il2ec

Install Python and create a virtual environment:

sudo apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
mkvirtualenv il2ec
workon il2ec

Create project structure:

mkdir $VENV/var
mkdir $VENV/var/static
mkdir $VENV/var/uploads
mkdir $VENV/var/log
touch $VENV/var/log/il2ec-web.log
touch $VENV/var/log/il2ec-daemon.log

Install Redis:

sudo apt-get install redis-server

Install Postgres with PostGIS, create user and database:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-server-dev-9.1 postgresql-9.1-postgis
sudo su - postgres
pg_dropcluster 9.1 --stop main
pg_createcluster --locale=en_US.UTF-8 9.1 --port=5432 --start main

createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis
psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"

psql -q -d template_postgis -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
psql -q -d template_postgis -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql

psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geography_columns TO PUBLIC;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"


Install pip dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.pip

Next step is to configure project settings. This is a really personal thing as it includes specifying paths to files and directories, secret keys and passwords, etc. To make things easier, we made a mockup for production settings which is called '' and can be found at 'il2ec/settings/'. This file includes components which are shared by all platforms and optional production componens, which you can redefine.

Note: configuring project may seem a bit tricky for users not familiar with Django.

So, bootstrap your production settings:

cd il2ec/settings/components/production
cd -

In you can define your own VAR_ROOT and LOG_ROOT variables. 'VAR_ROOT' tells where your static files fill be stored and where user files will be uploaded. 'LOG_ROOT' tells where logs of web application and commander will be placed.

In you can redefine any base settings and define your own Django settings.

Set your HOSTNAME, PROJECT_NAME and SECRET_KEY. You may generate your own secret key by running:

python generate_secret_key

You may define ADMINS and SUPPORTERS, who will receive emails with error reports and emails with support requests.

Now you need to configure DATABASES (docs). There is an example for Postgres+PostGIS and you may just set your DB NAME, USER name, and user PASSWORD.

Proceed to 'Email settings' section. It has an example for SMTP backend for sending emails via Gmail account. You need to specify your onw settings.

Set your local host name for IL2_CONNECTION. This will tell commander the ander of your network interface used by IL-2 DS.

Now you need to set IL2_SERVER_PATH variable which will point to the directory, where your 'il2server.exe' lives.

Install supervisor and nginx:

sudo apt-get install supervisor nginx

Install uWSGI and Celery:

pip install uwsgi celery

Now you need to create configuration files. You can use some examples.

Firstly, create uWSGI configuration file in '/etc/uwsgi/conf.d/' directory. You may use our staging file as example:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/uwsgi/conf.d/
sudo wget -O /etc/uwsgi/conf.d/il2ec-production.ini
sudo touch /tmp/uwsgi-touch-reload-il2ec

Note: do not forget to edit configuration file for your needs! Specify path to your virtualenv, chdir (path to sources), number of workers, uid (user identifier) and gid (group identifier). Refer to the documentation to see other available options.

After that it's time to define a supervisor service for running uwsgi. Again, you can use our example file to bootstrap:

sudo mkdir /var/log/supervisor/uwsgi
sudo wget -O /etc/supervisor/conf.d/uwsgi.conf

Note: change path to uwsgi executable file and to its ini-config file (il2ec-production.ini) in command line. Also, change name of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in environment line (e.g., 'il2ec.settings.production').

Create an NGINX config file for your domain to serve the web application. You can follow this tutorial or use our example config files:

sudo wget -O /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo wget -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/il2ec.conf

Then change paths to uploads, static, favicon.ico and access_log in your il2ec.conf.

Create a script for running Celery (you do not have to change it):

sudo mkdir /var/log/celery
sudo mkdir /var/run/celery
sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/celeryd

Get Celery configuration example:

sudo wget -O /etc/default/celeryd

Enable Celery to run at start up:

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/celeryd
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/celeryd

sudo update-rc.d celeryd defaults
sudo update-rc.d celeryd enable


Finally, init your system:

python syncdb --migrate --settings=il2ec.settings.production
python collectstatic --settings=il2ec.settings.production

Starting system

DB, uWSGI and Nginix will start automatically when the system boots. You just need to start your IL2 DS. To start commander, run:

workon il2ec
python run_commander --settings=il2ec.settings.production

For developers

Development process overview

Development of this project is a fully isolated process. All services and servers (except game server) are running on a VirtualBox guest machine. It is managed by Vagrant and provisioned by Puppet. You do not need to dive into the abyss of knowledge about how these things are working. If you are not familiar with DevOps, just let the magic happen to you: run few commands and look how the entire system borns and gets configured automatically. You can access the guest machine via SSH or use Fabric to run some commands.

During provisioning you will get installed and configured Postgres 9.1, PostGIS 1.5, Redis, Nginx+uWSGI, isolated Python environment (by virtualenv), configured project and other stuff. Due to certain problems with running IL-2 Dedicated Server on VirtualBox under Wine, IL-2 DS must be located on the host machine.

The approach, described above, provides identical development environment for every developer. This environment is close to the real production server environment, so minimal amount of deployment issues is expected.

Creating new local environment

To start development on this project, you will need:

  1. Install needed software.
  2. Clone git repository.
  3. Setup security settings.
  4. Get IL-2 DS somewhere and place it to project's directory. In case you've got no one, maybe this full and clean 4.12.2 will help you (Its size is ~2 GB, so take some patience). Or you can leave this task up to automatic provisioning stage.
  5. Start VM and automatically provision all needed stuff. This will start the web application.
  6. Update 'hosts' file.
  7. Start IL-2 DS.
  8. Run commander.

Install tools

  1. git
  2. vagrant (>=1.3)
  3. virtualbox (>=4.0)
  4. NFS server
  5. fabric
  6. wine (>=1.6) # to develop work on Linux only

If you need to run project on guest FreeBSD or Windows then copy propper vagrant boxes to provision/boxes (see Vagrantfile for names).

Get sourses

Clone the whole project:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:IL2HorusTeam/il2ds-events-commander.git

Setup private settings

You will need to use an existsing development email for different purposes: sending email confirmation requests, password resetting requests, etc. To make this possible, you need to copy il2ec/settings/local/ into il2ec/settings/local/ and set valid value for EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD. Contact developers to get the real passsword value.

Get IL-2 DS

Copy IL-2 DS directory to provision/files/il2ds so that executable file will be accessible as provision/files/il2ds/il2server.exe. You need to do this to provide access to config and log files from virtual machine directly. Do not mind if you have no local copy of IL-2 DS: it will be obtained during provisioning and placed to the directory as mentioned just above.

Note: confs.ini, gc.cmd and server.cmd will be changed during development. Their content will be taken from provision/files/conf/il2ds. Place all your custom server commands to user.cmd inside server root directory.

Start VM and let some magic happen

Start a development virtual machine:

vagrant up [ubuntu|freebsd|windows]
fab incarnate

This will bring for you a clean virtual machine, install all of the necessary software and configure it, create database and run several services, so the web application will be accessible at


Update 'hosts'

To make your IL-2 server accessible from the outer world, you need to set a localHost parameter in server's config file. This parameter specifies an IP address of the network interface the server will be running on. Due to bugs occurring on Wine running on VirtualBox, it was decided to place IL-2 server outside the virtual machine. Hence, the value of localHost may vary for every developer while it must be stored in repository and remain the same. To resolve this problem it was decided to store the name of server's interface as il2ds-host. It's value must be specified on developer's machine and on the virtual machine. To do that you need to edit hosts file on both of them. To define il2ds-host on Windows host machine, add the next string to your C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts:

XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    il2ds-host

where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of target network interface. For the Linux host machine run:

sudo bash -c 'echo "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    il2ds-host" >> /etc/hosts'

Run this command on the guest machine also (for any host machine):

vagrant ssh
sudo bash -c 'echo "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    il2ds-host" >> /etc/hosts'

Run game server

Then you can start your dedicated server: on Windows run il2server.exe as usual. On Linux you can run it as:

wine PATH/TO/PROJECT/provision/files/il2ds/il2server.exe &

To make your work with dedicated server on Linux easier, you can install il2dsd. If so, set path to your il2server.exe in /etc/il2dsd.conf and start the service:

sudo service il2dsd start

Run commander

Execute next command to run commander as daemon:

fab commander:run

Starting existing local environment

To start existing provisioned environment, simply run:

vagrant up
fab reload_all

Configuring staging environment

Staging platform is a remote machine, where the project runs on the real hardware.

Create il2ec-dev user and il2ec-dev group on your staging machine. To allow user to use 'sudo' without password:

sudo bash -c 'echo "il2ec-dev ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/il2ec'

Install SSH server:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Now, follow installation process guide for end-users. Remember, your settings name is staging.

After that you can come back to your local machine.

To access remote machine without any authentication pain, you need to create an SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Enter ./ssh/staging_key as a file name, and then keep hitting return without input for passwords. Now, append the contents of local ./ssh/ file to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine.

To apply latest changes and rebuild project on remote machine, run:

fab staging build

To update project on remote machine, run:

fab staging update

Default users

Serveral test users are created for development. There this a superuser admin and there are 10 standard users user1, user2, ..., user10. Their passwords are equal to thier usernames.