MOM for community call - 24-10-17 Present members
- Aarush
- Akash
- Cocoa
- Pradhvan
- Sourabh
- hellozee
- Warlord
- rajudev
T-shirts/Hoodies design to be provided by TK Sourabh
Sticker Quotes : Dimensions Needed: 1" or 2"? ,Quantity: 500-600 stickers
Need two designs for sticker: One formal : ILUG-D logo One to be given at PyCon . We need this ! Do we? Why not? I thought we decided no shirts Like someone decide at the group sticker for " rm-rf /* " or ":(){ :|: };:"
Question about the two designs: Lets go with one only ? Time is of the essence here.
TO;DO: Venue for the meetup : Need confirmation from Innov8, CP PyCon: - A mini knowledge sharing session near table - lightning talk - Install fest at table - Open Spaces - Infographics - We can keep cheat sheets of bash, vim etc - Create a funny poster - MAP OF ALL OS - Refer GNU/Linux Timeline on Wikipedia / or
(ये Docker Docker क्या है) 1:00 - 2:30 Introduction to Docker - By mfrw (ILUGD/talks#57 ) - 90 min
[Buffer Talk] How the Linux Desktop is Built - By cocoa1231 (ILUGD/talks#46 ) - 60 min
2:30 - 3:00 Break
A handson Hackathon on
3:00 - 5:15 Coding and configuring a webApp with a remote database server within 3 hours - By rajudev (ILUGD/talks#59 ) - 180 min
5:15 -5:25: Hiring and pitching
5:25-5:30: Closure