The Oracle Database Integration provides SQL and Geneos Include files that can get you easily started monitoring basic application dependent statistics of your Oracle Database Server. The integration includes 5 SQL statements that can be copied and pasted into an Existing SQL-Toolkit plugin or the Geneos include file has everything already configured. In order for the integration to work the Netprobe running the SQL-Toolkit plug-in needs to have the proper environment variables set. The SQL included with this Integration currently supports Oracle 10g and 11g database instances.
To test out this SQL or any other SQL before implementing it Oracle provides a free program called SqlDeveloper
- ORACLE_HOME: Path to the Oracle Client Libraries installed on the physical server
- By Default the Netprobe running the SQL-Toolkit plugin will look in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin for the tnsnames.ora file.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: For Unix Systems only add in $ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib
ORACLE_DB_NAME: Oracle Instance Name
ORACLE_USER: Username with access to the required tables
ORACLE_PASS: Your password for the named user
ORACLE_TRACE_FILES_DIRECTORY: Variable for the Directory Path of the Oracle Trace files to be added to an FKM view
The ORACLE_USER must have access to read from the tables reference in the SQL. ex. v$instance, v$session, etc
Server Status: Selected values from the v$instance table.
Session Status: Session Status values filtered by TYPE=USER
Table Space: Table Space statistics in Mb and Percentages.
Long Query: A Union of long running queries against the user and process running them.
Locks: A Union of table locks with the user and process locking them, filtered by TYPE=USER