As part of Illumina's Platinum Genomes project we have derived a set of high-confidence and phased variant calls for NA12877 and NA12878. We did this by taking into account the inheritance constraints in the pedigree and the concordance of variant calls across different methods.
Please cite our submitted manuscript in publications and other public usage of Platinum Genomes:
If you have any questions, contact us at: [email protected]. Please note that, while Platinum Genomes are freely available, Illumina does not offer technical support for these resources.
- Submission of manuscript.
- Implementation of k-mer filtering.
- ConfidentRegions.bed is now the same for all pedigree members.
- Clean-ups in the VCFs: less cluttered INFO fields and removal of non-PASSing records.
- Change of versioning scheme: hg38 and hg19 builds are now released together in the same bundle under a common release id.
- Include truth data that is natively built on hg38.
- Simplifications in the back-end processing workflow.
- Changes in the formatting of the VCFs.
- Introduction of "silver" variant calls.
- Refresh isaac and bwa_gatk call sets with newer versions of the pipelines
- Use vcfallelicprimitives for decomposition of complex variant calls
- Small fixes in the formatting of the VCFs
- First public release of PG truth data
- bwa_freebayes: bwa-mem-0.7.12, freebayes-0.9.21 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- bwa_gatk: bwa-mem-0.7.12, gatk-3.2.2 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- bwa_platypus: bwa-mem-0.7.12, platypus-0.8.1 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- isaac_strelka: isaac_aligner-, isaac_variant_caller- (now known as strelka), SNVs and indels
- bwa_freebayes: bwa-mem-0.7.5, freebayes-0.9.1 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- bwa_gatk: bwa-mem-0.7.5, gatk-3.2.2 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- bwa_platypus: bwa-mem-0.7.5, platypus-0.7.2 (joint calling mode), SNVs and indels
- cgi: CGTools-2.0, SNVs only
- cortex: cortex-, SNVs and indels
- isaac_strelka: isaac_aligner-, isaac_variant_caller- (now known as strelka), SNVs and indels