This repository now uses an improved model which will be announced in an upcoming paper. The new model uses a convolution and transformer-based architecture with raw EMG signals as inputs, with soft dynamic time warping for training and an auxiliary phoneme-prediction loss. On the ASR-based open vocabulary evaluation, it achieves a WER around 45% (compared to 68% for the original model). If you plan to publish work that uses this updated model, please email me at [email protected] to discuss appropriate citation. To use the original model, checkout commit 200e683.
The EMG and audio data can be downloaded from The scripts expect the data to be located in a emg_data
subdirectory by default, but the location can be overridden with flags (see the top of
Force-aligned phonemes from the Montreal Forced Aligner can be downloaded from
By default, this data is expected to be in a subdirectory text_alignments
Note that there will not be an exception if the directory is not found, but logged phoneme prediction accuracies reporting 100% is a sign that the directory has not been loaded correctly.
This code requires Python 3.6 or later. We strongly recommend running in a new Anaconda environment.
First we will do some conda installs. Your environment must use CUDA 10.1 exactly, since DeepSpeech was compiled with this version.
conda install cudatoolkit=10.1
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
conda install libsndfile=1.0.28 -c conda-forge
Pull nv-wavenet into the nv_wavenet
folder and follow build intructions provided in the repository.
git clone nv_wavenet
# follow build instructions in nv_wavenet/pytorch
If you have an older GPU, you may need to use instead, which removes code for 16-bit floating point that only works on newer GPUs.
In another directory, follow the install instructions at
The rest of the required packages can be installed with pip.
pip install absl-py librosa soundfile matplotlib scipy scikit-learn numba jiwer unidecode deepspeech==0.8.2 praat-textgrids
Download pre-trained DeepSpeech model files. It is important that you use DeepSpeech version 0.7.0 model files to maintain consistency of evaluation. Note that the DeepSpeech pip package we recommend is version 0.8.2 (which uses a more up-to-date CUDA), but this is compatible with version 0.7.x model files.
curl -LO
curl -LO
To train a WaveNet model, use
python --output_directory "./models/wavenet_model/" --silent_data_directories ""
To train an EMG to speech feature transduction model, use
python --pretrained_wavenet_model "./models/wavenet_model/" --output_directory "./models/transduction_model/"
At the end of training, an ASR evaluation will be run on the validation set.
Finally, to evaluate a model on the test set, use
python --models ./models/transduction_model/ --pretrained_wavenet_model ./models/wavenet_model/ --output_directory evaluation_output
By default, the scripts now use a larger validation set than was used in the original EMNLP 2020 paper, since the small size of the original set gave WER evaluations a high variance. You may want to switch back to the original validation set for your final run that will be used to get test numbers by using --testset_file testset_origdev.json