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174 lines (136 loc) · 5.69 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (136 loc) · 5.69 KB


In production since 2012, is a 2-server configuration, with Fedora 3.6.2 on the back-end server and Islandora v7 on the front-end. There is also a dev/test staging server ( with a configuration which is identical to the production front-end.

All servers are configured and maintained using Puppet Apply with system specs including:

  • Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS
  • 2 CPUs
  • 24G RAM
  • PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9

This is the back-end server configured to run Fedora and Solr.


Apache Tomcat Version 6.0.35 runs in Java on the back-end server and is accessible only from either of the two front-end servers.

Java and Tomcat specs include:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_80-b15)

  • CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/fedora/tomcat
  • JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre
  • JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
  • JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle

Tomcat webapps on the back-end include:

  • Adore-Djatoka v1.1
  • Fedora v3.6.2
  • FedoraGSearch
  • Solr v4.2.1

Fedora v3.6.2:

Fedora runs on the back-end server only. Specs include:

  • FEDORA_HOME=/usr/local/fedora
  • KAKADU_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/adore-djatoka-1.1/lib/Linux-x86-64

Other Back-End Apps

  • ntpd - NTP daemon program - Ver. 4.2.6p5 This is the front-end server configured to run Islandora v7 on Drupal v7.37.

Software versions:

  • Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_80-b15) is installed here, primarly to run a Handle Server, v7.1.

java -server -Xmx200M -cp :/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/admintool.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/cnriutil.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/handle.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/icu4j-4_2_1-idna.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/je-3.3.96.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/json_simple-1.1.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/jython-2.2.1.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/oldadmintool.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib//.jar:/hs/hsj-7.1/bin/../lib/amazons3/*.jar net.handle.server.Main /hs/srv_1

  • Webmin v1.740

  • Apache Webserver v2.4.7

  • MySQL Server v5.5.43

  • OpenSSH v6.6.1

  • Memcached runs here with parameters "/usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache -l"

  • ffmpeg v2.5.3

  • Tesseract v3.03 [leptonica-1.70 libgif 4.1.6(?) : libjpeg 8d : libpng 1.2.50 : libtiff 4.0.3 : zlib 1.2.8 : webp 0.4.0]

Other Settings:

  • PHP memory limit: 8192M

Fedora XACML policies:

Tree output of repository-policies drectory (tree /path/to/repository-policies) is yet to be documented.

Active Drupal (version 7.37) Modules:

  • Add another (addanother) version: 7.x-1.2
  • Advanced help (advanced_help)
  • Backup and Migrate (backup_migrate)
  • CKEditor (ckeditor)
  • Color (color)
  • Comment (comment)
  • Context layouts (context_layouts)
  • Context UI (context_ui)
  • Contextual links (contextual)
  • Dashboard (dashboard)
  • Database logging (dblog)
  • Date All Day (date_all_day)
  • Date Popup (date_popup)
  • Date Repeat Field (date_repeat_field)
  • Date Tools (date_tools)
  • Date Views (date_views)
  • Delete content and users (delete_all)
  • Devel (devel)
  • Digital Grinnell v7 Code (dg7)
  • Drupal-to-Drupal migration (migrate_d2d)
  • Entity tokens (entity_token)
  • Fast Permissions Administration (fpa)
  • Fedora Import Control (FIC) (fic)
  • Fedora Object Control (FOC) (foc)
  • Git Deploy (git_deploy)
  • Global Redirect (globalredirect)
  • Help (help)
  • ImageMagick Advanced (imagemagick_advanced)
  • IMCE (imce)
  • Islandora Audio (islandora_audio)
  • Islandora basic image (islandora_basic_image)
  • Islandora Bibliography (islandora_bibliography)
  • Islandora Binary Object Storage(islandora_binary_object)
  • Islandora Book Solution Pack (islandora_book)
  • Islandora Compound Object (islandora_compound_object)
  • Islandora Entities (islandora_entities)
  • Islandora Google Scholar (islandora_google_scholar)
  • Islandora Health Check (IHC) (ihc)
  • Islandora Internet Archive BookReader(islandora_internet_archive_bookreader)
  • Islandora JW Player (islandora_jwplayer)
  • Islandora Large Image Solution Pack (islandora_large_image)
  • Islandora Mods Display Changes (islandora_mods_display)
  • Islandora OAI Provider (islandora_oai)
  • Islandora OCR (islandora_ocr)
  • Islandora OpenSeadragon (islandora_openseadragon)
  • Islandora PDF (islandora_pdf)
  • Islandora pdf.js Reader (islandora_pdfjs_reader)
  • Islandora Scholar (islandora_scholar)
  • Islandora Solr Display Profiles (islandora_solr_config)
  • Islandora Solr Facet Pages (islandora_solr_facet_pages)
  • Islandora Sync Field Collection (islandora_sync_field_collection)
  • Islandora Sync Relation (islandora_sync_relation)
  • Islandora Video Solution Pack (islandora_video)
  • Islandora Web ARChive Solution Pack (islandora_web_archive)
  • Islandora Webform (islandora_webform)
  • Islandora XACML Editor (islandora_xacml_editor)
  • Islandora XQuery (islandora_xquery)
  • Islandora XML Forms (xml_forms)
  • jQuery Update (jquery_update)
  • Login Destination (login_destination)
  • Maillog / Mail Developer (maillog)
  • Masquerade (masquerade)
  • Memcache (memcache)
  • Memcache Admin (memcache_admin)
  • Menu (menu)
  • Migrate UI (migrate_ui)
  • Module filter (module_filter)
  • Overlay (overlay)
  • Page Title (page_title)
  • Pathauto (pathauto)
  • PHP filter (php)
  • PHPMailer (phpmailer)
  • RDF (rdf)
  • Redirect 403 to User Login (r4032login)
  • Remove Generator (remove_generator)
  • Search (search)
  • Shortcut (shortcut)
  • simplehtmldom API (simplehtmldom)
  • Statistics (statistics)
  • Syslog (syslog)
  • Token Filter (token_filter)
  • Toolbar (toolbar)
  • Transliteration (transliteration)
  • Update manager (update)
  • Views Bulk Operations (views_bulk_operations)
  • Views UI (views_ui)

Build Scripts:
