⚒️ Create client State > 📚 What is React > ⚒️ Connect your UI to your State | next=> 05. Final Something
+ React is a great way to build a UI, but we need to connect it to our game state.
In step 4 of the Battlestax tutorial, we will:
+ Build out the NewGame.js component by connecting it to redux.
+ Build a test to try out the functionality of NewGame.js
React is a popular open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. React makes user interfaces very easy to build by cutting each page into pieces called components. A React component is a bit of code that represents a piece of the page. Each component is a JavaScript function that returns a piece of code that represents a piece of a web page.
Hooks are a fairly new addition in React. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class. In this step, we will be using a hook to extract current state information from our Redux store.
In this step we will be working with /src/pages/lobby/NewGame/NewGame.js
on branch step-4
git checkout step-4
In order to bind our React component to our Redux store, we need to import the items that we need:
📘 Code to copy
//let's import what we need
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { selectGame, createGame } from "../../../store/gameSlice";
React Hooks allow you to access things like state, React lifecycle methods, and other goodies in function components that were previously only available in class components.
is a React Hook which allows you to extract data from the Redux store state, using a selector function.
is a React Hook that allows us to dispatch actions from our React component.
📘 Code to copy
// let's connect Redux to our Component
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const { id, idError, idLoading } = useSelector(selectGame);
When our game id is set, we want to show it in the UI
📘 Code to copy
{/* let's display the game id */}
{id || "----"}
We also need to change our button to create a new game and also make it disabled while a request is taking place
📘 Code to copy
{/* let's make our button create a new game*/}
onClick={() => {
}} ...
Finally, let's show any errors
📘 Code to copy
{/* let's show an error message if there is one */}
{idError && (
<Typography color="textSecondary">Error: {idError}</Typography>
We are provided with test cases store/gameSlice.test.js
. This test will check to see if our NewGame
compenent renders properly.
We can run our tests to see that we have a properly rendering component:
📘 Command to execute
npm test src/pages/lobby/NewGame/NewGame.test.js
📗 Expected output
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⚒️ Create client State > 📚 What is React > ⚒️ Connect your UI to your State | next=> 05. Final Something