jQRSS - RSS Feed Reading Made EZ!
This simple and easy to use jQuery Plugin makes calling RSS Feeds simple and easy and provides plenty of feedback in the developer console if available! It maintains a list of Ajax calls for RSS feeds. It also includings easy to override options, in case you want to make it a little more "your own.
$.jQRSS('http://www.yourRSSurl.com/', { options }, function (newsFeed) { /* do work! */ })
- count: Number of entries to return. Default 10. Max 100. (-1 == 100)
- historical: Boolean setting. Default false. This value instructs the system to return any additional historical entries that it might have in its cache
- output: "json || json_xml || xml" Defaults to "json"
- rss: String url to path of RSS Feed. [Can be passed as simple string parameter instead]
- userip: Setting this to the end user's ip will help Google know this is not a bot making unfeathered calls, and reduce the chance of a erroneous return.
In general, the following methods should not be changed, but if you'd like to change how the Plugin works upon each ajax call, here you go!
- beforeSend
- error
- success