- Switched to download dots from KooL's Hyprland dots specific branch
- Removal of Bibata Ice cursor on assets since its integrated in the GTK Themes and Icons extract from a separate repo
- updated swww.sh to download from version v0.9.5
- switched to download rofi-wayland from releases instead from upstream
- User will be ask if they want to set Thunar as default file manager if they decided to install it
- updated xdph installation since it is now in Debian Repo
- Added fastfetch on tty. However, will be disabled if user decided to install pokemon colorscripts
- Added Essential Packages final check in lieu of errors from Install log files in Install-Logs directory
- nwg-look is now in Debian Repo
- added background check of known login managers if they are active if user chose to install sddm
- Added final error checks on install-logs
- Fix installation issue on hyprlock and xdph
- disabled imagemagick compilation from source
- dotfiles adjusted so it will be compatible for imagemagick v6
- added a function to check if it is Ubuntu or Based on Ubuntu and script will exit
- Added final check if hyprland is installed and will give an error to user
- Created a newer and compatible Hyprland-Dots repo
- Moved Ubuntu-Hyprland on a separate Github Repo
- refactor Debian-Hyprland script. As Hyprland is now in official repo
- added eza (ls replacement for tty). Note only on .zshrc
- Version bumps for Debian (Hyprland v0.41.2)
- adjusted script to install only Hyprland-Dots v2.2.14
- changed behaviour of rofi-wayland.sh. To redownload a new rofi-wayland from repo instead of pulling changes. (It proves giving issue)
- switched over to source install for imagemagick
- removal of fzf for Debian and Ubuntu (headache)
- Added fzf for zsh (CTRL R to invoke FZF history)
- added qalculate-gtk to work with rofi-calc. Default keybinds (SUPER ALT C)
- added power-profiles-daemon for ROG laptops. Note, I cant add to all since it conflicts with TLP, CPU-Auto-frequency etc.
- Note: Fastfetch configs will be added from Hyprland-Dots v2.2.12. However, you need to install from Fastfetch github page
- Disabled the auto-login in .zprofile as it causes auto-login to Hyprland if any wayland was chosen. Can enabled if only using hyprland
- Backed down hyprland version to install as v0.40.0 is failing to install
- removed from waybar-git to install. Instead to install from official repo
- cliphist install script is removed as it is now on Debian repo
- dependencies cleaned up and added
- added wallust-git and remove python-pywal for migration to wallust on Hyprland-Dots v2.2.11
- added ags.sh for upcoming ags overview for next Hyprland-Dots release. Will be installed form source
- added manual installation of waybar since Debian is very slow in updating their packages
- Bump swww to v0.9.5
- added python3-pyquery for new weather-waybar python based on Hyprland-Dots
- Added pyprland (hyprland plugin) - warning, I cant make it to properly run. Drop Down terminal not working, zoom is hit and miss
- Updated hyprland.sh to install v0.39.1 Hyprland
- adding hypridle and hyprlock
- dropping swaylock-effects and swayidle
- adjusted to work with current Hyprland-Dots
- Change dotfiles to specific version only as Debian and Ubuntu cant keep up with Hyprland development
- Change default Oh-my-zsh theme to xiong-chiamiov-plus
- dropped wlsunset
- added hyprlang build and install
- Readme updated for cliphist instruction for ubuntu 23.10 users
- Created cliphist.sh for ubuntu 23.10 users (disabled by default and needs to be enabled on install.sh if desired)
- Code Cleaned up.
- Pokemon Color Scripts now offered as optional
- Remove dunst in favor of swaync. NOTE: Part of the script is to also uninstall mako and dunst (if installed) as on my experience, dunst is sometimes taking over the notification even if it is not set to start
- zsh theme switched to
theme by default - pywal tty color change disabled by default
- Added a script / function to force install packages. Some users reported that it is not installed.
- Changing over to zsh automatically if user opted
- If chose to install zsh and have no login manager, zsh auto login will auto start Hyprland
- added as optional, with zsh, pokemon colorscripts
- improved zsh install scripts, so even the existing zsh users of can still opt for zsh and oh-my-zsh installation :)
- Added kvantum for qt apps theming
- return of wlogout due to theming issues of rofi-power
- replace the Hyprland to specific branch/version as newest needed some new libraries and debian dont have those yet
- nvidia - Move to normal hyprland package as nvidia patches are doing nothing see
- drop wlogout since Hyprland-Dots v2.1.9 uses rofi-power
- Added Bibata cursor to install if opted for GTK Themes. However, it is not pre-applied. Use nwg-look utility to apply
- Adjust dotfiles script to download from releases instead of from upstream
- initial release. Added swappy for screenshots
- BETA release