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JaKooLit edited this page Jan 5, 2025 · 16 revisions


🌐 KooL's Hyprland-Dots are being pulled by these Hyprland-Install Scripts below


Ubuntu - Hyprland Project

  • Just a small note regarding Ubuntu Hyprland Github Project. Branches contains and as per Ubuntu Versions. Refer to branches Readme for installations
  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will pull from releases and rest will pull from branches. This was due to Ubuntu 24.04 can only install a very old version of Hyprland in which some Hyprland settings are not compatible

πŸ” It is highly recommend, that in order to update to newer dot files (Hyprland-Dots), re-download and re-run the -Hyprland scripts above.

  • This is because to ensure that apps / packages are properly installed. You will get the latest released version of the dotfiles.

πŸ›Ž *** DEBIAN and UBUNTU Hyprland Dots UPDATING NOTES ***


This is very Important for Debian and Ubuntu Dots

  • Some parts of KooL's Dots are not compatible on Debian and Ubuntu especially the hyprland settings.

  • That is the reason the DOTS for those distro's are "fixed" and they are being pulled on the release and different branch of this repo.

  • for Debian and Ubuntu if you want to update from newest KooL's dots versions (main branch), after running, you will have 100% error which will appear on top. However, Hyprland is very good in pin pointing those errors.

  • You can simply just remove those lines or add # on those lines. Then, it should be ok.

πŸ”” Automatic copy of dotfiles / configurations


πŸ”£ Hyprland-Dots Related Below are for copying, and upgrading of KooL's dotfiles / configurations

clone this repo by using git. Change directory, make executable and run the script

git clone --depth=1
cd Hyprland-Dots

After cloning and CD into Hyprland-Dots to copy from main or upstream

chmod +x

to copy from releases (stable)

chmod +x

to have a guided upgrade (experimental)

chmod +x


The upgrade function script has exclusion folders

  • For example, ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs and UserScripts are excluded. Use the with caution

πŸ—’οΈ Manual copy (not recommended for newbies) as I may have missed something

  • Backup your existing folders in ~/.config (advisable)
  • copy all contents of configs into ~/.config, overwriting all
  • copy contents of wallpapers into ~/Pictures/wallpapers/ (create wallpapers folder if required)
  • make the Hyprland scripts executable
chmod +x $HOME/.config/hypr/scripts/*
  • Make sure to execute initial symlinks else dunst, rofi and waybar will fail to launch
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/waybar/configs/<any waybar config of choice>" "$HOME/.config/waybar/config"
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/waybar/style/<any waybar style of choice>" "$HOME/.config/waybar/style.css"
  • NOTE: for the above commands, you should navigate in waybar configs & styles directories and choose layout and styles of choice. YOu can symlink any of the configs and styles of choice.

  • after that initialize wallust with wallust run path/wallpaper

πŸ’” Updating dots


Be sure to check the created the backup folders in ~/Pictures and ~/.config and delete as required. Hyprland-Dots v2.2 creates a backup whenever you ran either or or even the distro-Hyprland install scripts

  • at the moment, to update dots is to ran the automatic copy of dots (see above)
  • after copy, log-out/log-in and then restore some settings from the created -backup folders in ~/.config/ .


KooL's dots v2.3.8, it will offer to restore all the files in ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/ and ~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/ directory.

πŸŽ‡ WARNING! on restoring the files in UserConfigs

  • if you restore the files in UserConfigs directory, you have to manage the changes or updates from the Hyprland

Development Branch

  • If you want to see the what is upcoming or participate in enhancing the dots
git clone --depth=1 -b development ~/Hyprland-Dots-development
cd Hyprland-Dots-development
chmod +Γ—
  • The development branch is use for PR, new features, etc, to test before pushing to main branch