This repository contains the assignment manager system.
This system depends on the Centralized Config system, and will use the following configurations:
- rest_services
- servers
The location of the configuration system is in the config.cfg file as CONFIG.
To rebuild the docker container:
docker build --tag .
docker push
After installing on the production server, set up the environment for Docker. Rename env_template to .env, and change any values enclosed in angle brackets.
To create a new database instance:
sudo mkdir /data/mysql/assignment
sudo chown mysql:mysqldba /data/mysql/assignment
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up db
Take the following steps to start the system:
cd /opt/flask/birdsong
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml down
docker image ls
docker image rm <image id from above for assignment-manager>
docker volume rm assignment-manager_static_volume
docker pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d
If you need to open an ssh tunnel to use mysql from a remote machine:
ssh birdsong -L 12345:localhost:3306
- Modify api/config.cfg to change MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST as needed
- docker-compose up -d
Written by Rob Svirskas ([email protected])