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Cedarling Nativity Plan

Oleh edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 278 revisions

JS App

  • Needs to call the WASM component using a few javascript lines of code (ideally 1-2)
  • Input from JS component is object
input = { 
           "tokens": {"access_token": "...", 
                       "id_token": "...", 
                       "userinfo_token": "...", 
                       "tx_token": "..." },
           "resource": {"id": "12345", "type": "Ticket", "creator": "[email protected]", "organization": "gluu"},
           "action": "View",
           "context": {
                       "ip_address": "",
                       "network_type": "VPN",
                       "user_agent": "Chrome 125.0.6422.77 (Official Build) (arm64)",
                       "time": "1719266610.98636",

decision_result = authz(input)

  • tokens : Object with token_type as key. At least one token is required -- could be any of access_token, id_token, or userinfo_token
  • resource : Object
  • action : Cedar syntax action
  • context : Object

Bootstrap properties

  • CEDARLING_APPLICATION_NAME : Human friendly identifier for this application

  • CEDARLING_LOCAL_POLICY_STORE : JSON object with policy store

  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_LOCAL_FN : Local file with JSON object with policy store

  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_URI : Location of policy store JSON, used if policy store is not local, or retreived from Lock Master.

  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_ID : The identifier of the policy store in case there is more then one policy_store_id in the policy store.

  • CEDARLING_USER_AUTHZ : When enabled, Cedar engine authorization is queried for a User principal.

  • CEDARLING_WORKLOAD_AUTHZ : When enabled, Cedar engine authorization is queried for a Workload principal.


  • CEDARLING_USER_IDENTIFIER : default sub -- uses the specified claim of the id_token or userinfo_token as the Cedar User entity identifier. If none present, ignores token.

  • CEDARLING_WORKLOAD_IDENTIFIER : default client_id -- uses the specified claim of the access_token as the Cedar Workcload entity identifier. If none present, ignores token.

  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_USER : Name of Cedar User schema entity

  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_WORKLOAD : Name of Cedar Workload schema entity

  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_ROLE : Name of Cedar Role schema entity

The following bootstrap properties are needed to configure log behavior:

  • CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE : off, memory, std_out

  • CEDARLING_LOG_LEVEL : System Log Level See below. Default to WARN

  • CEDARLING_LOG_STDOUT_TYPE : Either System, Metric, or Decision. Default to System.

  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_USER_CLAIMS : List of claims to map from user entity, such as ["sub", "email", "username", ...]

  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_WORKLOAD_CLAIMS : List of claims to map from user entity, such as ["client_id", "rp_id", ...]

  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_DEFAULT_JWT_ID : Default is jti, but perhaps some other claim is needed.

  • CEDARLING_LOG_TTL : in case of memory store, TTL (time to live) of log entities in seconds.

  • CEDARLING_LOG_SEND_TELEMETRY_TO_IMPROVE_PROJECT : Default is enabled. Whether to send back non PII usage information to the Janssen Project, used by the developers to improve the Cedarling.

The following bootstrap properties are needed to configure JWT and cryptographic behavior:

  • CEDARLING_LOCAL_JWKS : JWKS file with public keys

  • CEDARLING_JWT_SIG_VALIDATION : Enabled | Disabled -- Whether to check the signature of all JWT tokens. This requires an iss is present.

  • CEDARLING_JWT_STATUS_VALIDATION : Enabled | Disabled -- Whether to check the status of the JWT. On startup, the Cedarling should fetch and retreive the latest Status List JWT from the .well-known/openid-configuration via the status_list_endpoint claim and cache it. See the IETF Draft for more info.

  • CEDARLING_JWT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_SUPPORTED : Only tokens signed with these algorithms are acceptable to the Cedarling.

  • CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS : JSON object containing token specific configs. See: Token Configs.

  • CEDARLING_ID_TOKEN_TRUST_MODE : Strict | None. Varying levels of validations based on the preference of the developer. Strict mode requires (1) id_token aud matches the access_token client_id; (2) if a Userinfo token is present, the sub matches the id_token, and that the aud matches the access token client_id.

The following bootstrap property is used to define tokens and validation settings

  • CEDARLING_LOCAL_POLICY_STORE : JSON object containing token specific configs. See: Token Configs.

The following bootstrap properties are only needed for enterprise deployments.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK : Enabled | Disabled. If Enabled, the Cedarling will connect to the Lock Master for policies, and subscribe for SSE events.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_MASTER_CONFIGURATION_URI : Required if LOCK == Enabled. URI where Cedarling can get JSON file with all required metadata about Lock Master, i.e. .well-known/lock-master-configuration.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION : Enabled | Disabled, controls whether Cedarling should listen for SSE config updates.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_SSA_JWT : SSA for DCR in a Lock Master deployment. The Cedarling will validate this SSA JWT prior to DCR.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_LOG_INTERVAL : How often to send log messages to Lock Master (0 to turn off trasmission).

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_HEALTH_INTERVAL : How often to send health messages to Lock Master (0 to turn off transmission).

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL : How often to send telemetry messages to Lock Master (0 to turn off transmission).

  • CEDARLING_LOCK_LISTEN_SSE : Enabled | Disabled: controls whether Cedarling should listen for updates from the Lock Server.

Cedarling Policy Store

The Cedarling Policy Store is a JSON file that contains all the data the Cedarling needs to verify JWT tokens and evaluate policies:

  1. Cedar Schema - JSON format Schema file
  2. Cedar Policies - JSON format Policy Set file (beware CLI bug cedar-950)
  3. Trusted Issuers - JSON file with below syntax

cedarling_store.json schema

    "cedar_version": "v4.0.0",
    "policy_store_version": "1.2.4",
    "policy_stores": {
            "some_random_id": {
                "name": "",
                "description": "",
                "policies": {...}
                "trusted_issuers": {...},
                "schema": ""

Currently cedarling support only one policy_store in policy_stores map.
We have policy_stores map to avoid incompatible change in future.

Token Configs

The CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS bootstrap property sets the entity type name of a token and it's validation settings. Below is an example of the CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS:

  "access_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Access_token",
    "iss": "enabled",
    "aud": "enabled",
    "sub": "enabled",
    "jti": "enabled",
    "nbf": "enabled",
    "iat": "enabled",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "id_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "id_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "userinfo_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Userinfo_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "custom_token1": {
    "entity_type_name": "SomeCustom_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "custom_token2": {
    "entity_type_name": "AnotherCustom_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  // more custom tokens can be added here
  • The access_token in the example shows all the possible claims that could be validated
  • If a validation setting is missing (e.g. jti, exp, etc.), it defaults to "disabled".
  • Only tokens defined in this bootstrap property gets validated.
  • If the bootstrap property is not set, it defaults to the following:
  "access_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Access_token",
    "iss": "enabled",
    "jti": "enabled",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "id_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "id_token",
    "iss": "enabled",
    "aud": "enabled",
    "sub": "enabled",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "userinfo_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Userinfo_token",
    "iss": "enabled",
    "aud": "enabled",
    "sub": "enabled",
    "exp": "enabled",

Trusted Issuer Metadata Schema

This record contains the information needed to validate tokens from this issuer:

 "name": "Google", 
 "description": "Consumer IDP", 
 "openid_configuration_endpoint": "",
 "tokens_metadata": {
     "access_tokens": {
         "trusted": true,                    <---- Allows to toggle configuration without deleting it
         "principal_identifier": "jti",      <---- Maps to Cedar entity identifier
         ... <- `Token Entity Metadata Schema` values
     "id_tokens": {
         "principal_identifier": "jti",
     "userinfo_tokens": {
         "principal_identifier": "sub",
     "tx_tokens": {
         "principal_identifier": "jti",
     "custom_tokens": {                     <---- More tokens can be added by just adding new entries here
         "principal_identifier": "jti",

Token Entity Metadata Schema

  "user_id": "...",                     <-- OPTIONAL e.g. email, sub, uid
  "role_mapping": "...",                <-- OPTIONAL e.g. role, memberOf
  "claim_mapping": {                    <-- OPTIONAL
                      "email_address": {
                         "parser": "regex", 
                         "type": "Jans::email_address",  
                         "regex_expression" : "^(?P<UID>[^@]+)@(?P<DOMAIN>.+)$", 
                         "UID": {"attr": "uid", "type":"String"}, 
                         "DOMAIN": {"attr": "domain", "type":"String"} 
                      "picture_url": {
                         "parser": "regex", 
                         "type": "Jans::Url", 
                         "regex_expression": "(?x) ^(?P<SCHEME>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*):\\/\\/(?P<HOST>[^\\/:\\#?]+)(?::(?<PORT>\\d+))?(?P<PATH>\\/[^?\\#]*)?(?:\\?(?P<QUERY>[^\\#]*))?(?:(?P<FRAGMENT>.*))?",
                         "SCHEME": {"attr": "scheme", "type":"String"}, 
                         "HOST": {"attr": "host", "type":"String"}, 
                         "PORT": {"attr": "port", "type":"String"}, 
                         "PATH": {"attr": "path", "type":"String"}, 
                         "QUERY": {"attr": "query", "type":"String"}, 
                         "FRAGMENT": {"attr": "fragment", "type":"String"}

user_id - the field in the JWT payload that should be used to retrieve the id of the User entity.

role_mapping - This field in the JWT payload specifies which field(s) should be used to retrieve the id of the Role entity. It can be either a string or an array. If an array is provided, multiple Role entities will be created, and authorization will be attempted for each one until a permit status is achieved.

claim_mapping - is used for mapping JWT payload values to types defined in the cedar-policy schema. Mapping fields ("attr") should be the same as type in cedar-policy schema. It is very important to use correct namespace and typename to proper mapping.

In regex attribute mapping "UID": {"attr": "uid", "type":"String"}, type field can contain possible variants:

  • String - to string without transformation,
  • Number - parse string to float64 (JSON number) if error returns default value
  • Boolean - if string NOT empty map to true else false

Note use of regex named capture groups which is more readable by referring to parts of a regex match by descriptive names rather than numbers. For example, (?P<name>...) defines a named capture group where name is the identifier, and ... is the regex pattern for what you want to capture.

When you use (?x) modifier in regexp, ensure that you escaped character # => \#.

Cedarling schema

Currently the Cedarling only supports one Namespace. All types and entities must be in the same Namespace.

namespace Jans {
    // ******  TYPES  ******
    type Url = {
        host: String,
        path: String,
        protocol: String
    type email_address = {
        domain: String,
        uid: String
    type Context = {
        network?: String,
        network_type?: String,
        user_agent?: String,
        operating_system?: String,
        device_health?: Set<String>,
        current_time?: Long,
        geolocation?: Set<String>,
        fraud_indicators?: Set<String>,

    // ******  Entities  ******
    entity Role;
    entity User in [Role] = {
        email?: email_address,
        phone_number?: String,
        role: Set<String>,
        sub: String,
        "username"?: String,
        id_token?: id_token,
        userinfo_token?: Userinfo_token,     
    entity Workload = {
        client_id: String,
        iss: TrustedIssuer,
        name?: String,
        rp_id?: String,
        spiffe_id?: String,
        access_token?: Access_token,
    entity Access_token = {
        aud: String,
        exp: Long,
        iat: Long,
        iss: TrustedIssuer,
        jti?: String,
        nbf?: Long,
        scope?: Set<String>
    entity id_token = {
        acr?: String,
        amr?: Set<String>,
        aud: String,
        azp?: String,
        birthdate?: String,
        email?: email_address,
        exp: Long,
        iat: Long,
        iss: TrustedIssuer,
        jti?: String,
        name?: String,
        phone_number?: String,
        role?: Set<String>,
        sub: String
    entity Userinfo_token = {
        aud: String,
        birthdate?: String,
        email?: email_address,
        exp?: Long,
        iat?: Long,
        iss: TrustedIssuer,
        jti?: String,
        name?: String,
        phone_number?: String,
        role?: Set<String>,
        sub: String
    entity HTTP_Request = {
        "header": {
        "Accept"?: String
        "url": Url
    entity TrustedIssuer = {
        issuer_entity_id: Url
    entity Application = {
        app_id: String,
        name: String,
        url: Url

    // ******  Actions  ******
    action Compare appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Execute appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Monitor appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Read appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Search appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Share appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Tag appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action Write appliesTo {
      principal: [User, Workload],
      resource: [Application],
      context: Context
    action GET appliesTo {
      principal: [Workload],
      resource: [HTTP_Request],
      context: Context
    action PUT appliesTo {
      principal: [Workload],
      resource: [HTTP_Request],
      context: Context
    action DELETE appliesTo {
      principal: [Workload],
      resource: [HTTP_Request],
      context: Context
    action HEAD appliesTo {
      principal: [Workload],
      resource: [HTTP_Request],
      context: Context
    action PATCH appliesTo {
      principal: [Workload],
      resource: [HTTP_Request],
      context: Context

JSON Format

Entity Mapping

  • TrustedIssuer: Created on startup from Policy Store
  • Workload: Created from access token client_id
  • Application: Created if input supplies an Application name
  • Role: Created for each role claim value in the joined id_token and userinfo token
  • User: Created based on the joined id_token and userinfo token. sub is the entity identifier
  • Access_token: 1:1 mapping from claims in token
  • id_token: 1:1 mapping from claims in token
  • Userinfo_token: 1:1 mapping from claims in token

Token Entity Mapper

The bootstrap property CEDARLING_TOKEN_ENTITY_MAPPER allows the user to define on which principal a token entity will be included in. Token entities that do not have a mapping will not be automatically included into the principal entities.


Consider the following configuration that maps various tokens to specific principal entities:

  • access_token → Jans::Workload
  • userinfo_token → Jans::User
  • id_token → Jans::User
  • customer1_token → Customer::Widget

This configuration can be set in the CEDARLING_TOKEN_ENTITY_MAPPER as follows:

    "id_token": "Jans::User",
    "userinfo_token": "Jans::User",
    "access_token": "Jans::Workload",
    "customer1_token": "Customer::Widget"

Cederling Agama Lab / AdminUI Mockups


Lock Master Swagger

Swagger UI

Lock Master .well-known metadata

  "version": "1.0",
  "issuer": "",
  "audit": {
    "health_endpoint": "",
    "log_endpoint": "",
    "telemetry_endpoint": ""
  "config": {
    "config_endpoint": "",
    "issuers_endpoint": "",
    "policy_endpoint": "",
    "schema_endpoint": "",
    "sse_endpoint": ""

Cedarling logger

Cedarling application has internal logger.


Using configuration parameter CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE you can set up:

  • off - disabled
  • memory - store log entry in memory
  • std_out - write log entry data to std output stream
  • lock - centralize logs by sending to Jans Lock Server

Using the memory logger, we can set time to live entry in memory using CEDARLING_LOG_TTL.

Log types

Possible values for field log_type:

  • Decision
  • System
  • Metric

System Log Levels

  • FATAL: Indicates very severe error events that will likely lead the application to abort. These are the most critical issues.
  • ERROR: Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running but indicate a significant problem.
  • WARN: Designates potentially harmful situations that should be addressed to prevent future issues.
  • INFO: Provides informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level.
  • DEBUG: Designates fine-grained informational events useful for debugging the application.
  • TRACE: Provides finer-grained informational events than DEBUG. It is often used for detailed tracing of program execution.

Log Storage interface

pub trait LogStorage {
    /// return logs and remove them from the storage
    fn pop_logs(&self) -> Vec<LogEntry>;

    /// get specific log entry
    fn get_log_by_id(&self, id: &str) -> Option<LogEntry>;

    /// returns a list of all log ids
    fn get_log_ids(&self) -> Vec<String>;

Sample logs

    "request_id": "0193b8a1-03ce-788d-8721-43b94d01f7f5",
    "timestamp": "2024-12-12T04:09:40.302Z",
    "log_kind": "System",
    "pdp_id": "ecf15fdf-4b8d-4374-a41f-a47c470585c7",
    "level": "INFO",
    "msg": "Cedarling Authz initialized successfully",
    "application_id": "My App",
    "cedar_lang_version": "4.1.0",
    "cedar_sdk_version": "4.2.2"
Decision Log
  "request_id": "01937015-4649-7aad-8df8-4976e4bd8565",
  "timestamp": "2024-11-27T10:10:50.654Z",
  "pdp_id": "20939sdf9s89021304958",
  "policystore_id": "564lk460gdlfkg340",
  "policystore_version": "1.2.1",
  "principal": "User" | "Workload", 
  "User": {"email":"[email protected]", "sub":"qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0"},   <-- claims set in Bootstrap properties | could be empty
  "Workload" {"client_id":"123456", "rp_id": "5478963214"},                                                       <-- claims set in Bootstrap properties | could be empty
  "diagnostics": {
    "reason": [
        "id": "840da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
        "description": "simple policy for user"
    "errors": []
  "lock_client_id": "987654",
  "action": ""Jans::Action::Read",
  "resource": "Jans::Application::\"some_id\"",
  "decision": "ALLOW",
  "tokens": {"id_token": {"jti": "ijLZO1ooRyWrgIn7cIdNyA"}, 
             "Userinfo": {"jti": "huKL87hhQuQcnhd5dQqZaZ"},
             "access": {"jti": "PiLYppReSD2Ldkuyd72KPI"}
 "decision_time_ms": 1,


    "id": "01937015-4649-7aad-8df8-4976e4bd8565",
    "time": 1732752262,
    "log_kind": "Decision",
    "pdp_id": "75f0dc93-0a90-4076-95fa-dc16d3f00375",
    "msg": "Result of authorize.",
    "application_id": "TestApp",
    "action": "Jans::Action::\"Read\"",
    "resource": "Jans::Application::\"some_id\"",
    "context": {
        "user_agent": "Linux",
        "operating_system": "Linux",
        "network_type": "Local",
        "network": "",
        "geolocation": [
        "fraud_indicators": [
        "device_health": [
        "current_time": 1732752262
    "entities": [
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "PUT"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Share"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "PATCH"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "HEAD"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Monitor"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Compare"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::User",
                "id": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0"
            "attrs": {
                "sub": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0",
                "role": [
                "email": {
                    "domain": "jans.test",
                    "uid": "admin"
            "parents": [
                    "type": "Jans::Role",
                    "id": "CasaAdmin"
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::id_token",
                "id": "ijLZO1ooRyWrgIn7cIdNyA"
            "attrs": {
                "sub": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0",
                "acr": "simple_password_auth",
                "exp": 1731956630,
                "jti": "ijLZO1ooRyWrgIn7cIdNyA",
                "amr": [],
                "aud": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62",
                "iss": {
                    "__entity": {
                        "type": "Jans::TrustedIssuer",
                        "id": ""
                "iat": 1731953030
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Test"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Workload",
                "id": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62"
            "attrs": {
                "iss": {
                    "__entity": {
                        "type": "Jans::TrustedIssuer",
                        "id": ""
                "client_id": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62"
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Write"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Read"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Role",
                "id": "CasaAdmin"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Search"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Application",
                "id": "some_id"
            "attrs": {
                "name": "Some Application",
                "app_id": "application_id",
                "url": {
                    "host": "jans.test",
                    "path": "/protected-endpoint",
                    "protocol": "http"
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "GET"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Execute"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Access_token",
                "id": "uZUh1hDUQo6PFkBPnwpGzg"
            "attrs": {
                "nbf": 1731953030,
                "scope": [
                "exp": 1732121460,
                "aud": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62",
                "iss": {
                    "__entity": {
                        "type": "Jans::TrustedIssuer",
                        "id": ""
                "jti": "uZUh1hDUQo6PFkBPnwpGzg",
                "iat": 1731953030
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Userinfo_token",
                "id": "OIn3g1SPSDSKAYDzENVoug"
            "attrs": {
                "aud": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62",
                "jti": "OIn3g1SPSDSKAYDzENVoug",
                "email": {
                    "uid": "admst",
                    "uid": "admst",
                    "uid": "admst",
                    "uid": "admin"
                "name": "Default Admin User",
                "iss": {
                    "__entity": {
                        "type": "Jans::TrustedIssuer",
                        "id": ""
                "role": [
                "sub": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0"
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "DELETE"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Tag"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
    "person_principal": "Jans::User::\"qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0\"",
    "person_diagnostics": {
        "reason": [
                "id": "840da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
                "description": "simple policy example for principal user"
        "errors": []
    "person_decision": "ALLOW",
    "workload_principal": "Jans::Workload::\"d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62\"",
    "workload_diagnostics": {
        "reason": [
                "id": "444da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
                "description": "simple policy example for principal workload"
        "errors": []
    "workload_decision": "ALLOW",
    "authorized": true

In diagnostic information
"reason": [
        "id": "444da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
        "description": "simple policy example for principal workload"
  • "id": "444da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8" - shows policy ID (from policy store) that was executed.
  • "description": "simple policy example for principal workload" - description of policy in policy store
LogEntry json schema generated from LogEntry struct using schemars crate
  "$schema": "",
  "title": "LogEntry",
  "description": "LogEntry is a struct that encapsulates all relevant data for logging events.",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "action": {
      "description": "cedar-policy action",
      "type": "string"
    "application_id": {
      "description": "name of application from [bootstrap properties](",
      "anyOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/ApplicationName"
          "type": "null"
    "authorized": {
      "description": "is authorized",
      "type": "boolean"
    "cedar_lang_version": {
      "description": "cedar-policy language  version",
      "anyOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Version"
          "type": "null"
    "cedar_sdk_version": {
      "description": "cedar-policy sdk  version",
      "anyOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Version"
          "type": "null"
    "context": {
      "description": "cedar-policy context"
    "error_msg": {
      "description": "error message",
      "type": [
    "id": {
      "description": "unique identifier for this event",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Uuid"
    "log_kind": {
      "description": "kind of log entry",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/LogType"
    "msg": {
      "description": "message of the event",
      "type": "string"
    "pdp_id": {
      "description": "unique id of cedarling",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Uuid"
    "person_decision": {
      "description": "cedar-policy user/person decision",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Decision"
    "person_diagnostics": {
      "description": "cedar-policy user/person diagnostics information",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Diagnostics"
    "person_principal": {
      "description": "cedar-policy user/person principal",
      "type": "string"
    "resource": {
      "description": "cedar-policy resource",
      "type": "string"
    "time": {
      "description": "Time of decision, in unix time",
      "type": "integer",
      "format": "uint64",
      "minimum": 0.0
    "workload_decision": {
      "description": "cedar-policy workload decision",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Decision"
    "workload_diagnostics": {
      "description": "cedar-policy workload diagnostics information",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Diagnostics"
    "workload_principal": {
      "description": "cedar-policy workload principal",
      "type": "string"
  "definitions": {
    "ApplicationName": {
      "description": "Name of application from configuration",
      "type": "string"
    "Decision": {
      "description": "Cedar-policy decision of the authorization",
      "oneOf": [
          "description": "Determined that the request should be allowed",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "Determined that the request should be denied.",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
    "Diagnostics": {
      "description": "Diagnostics providing more information on how a `Decision` was reached",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "errors": {
          "description": "Errors that occurred during authorization. The errors should be treated as unordered, since policies may be evaluated in any order.",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyEvaluationError"
        "reason": {
          "description": "`PolicyId`s of the policies that contributed to the decision. If no policies applied to the request, this set will be empty.",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
          "uniqueItems": true
    "LogType": {
      "description": "Type of log entry",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
    "PolicyEvaluationError": {
      "description": "An error occurred when evaluating a policy",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "error": {
          "description": "Underlying evaluation error string representation",
          "type": "string"
        "id": {
          "description": "Id of the policy with an error",
          "type": "string"
    "Uuid": {
      "description": "version 7 uuid",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Version": {
      "description": "SemVer version as defined by <>.",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "n.n.n"

Cedarling Startup Sequence



Authz Sequence Diagram

Note: no JWT status check



Topology Diagram


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