With the Devjoy Gitea Operator you can create and manage instances of Gitea, a lightweight DevOps platform. For each instance of Gitea, the operator will also manage a Postgresql database. This project is inspired by: https://github.com/redhat-gpte-devopsautomation/gitea-operator.
The Devjoy Gitea Operator is based on Quarkus and the Java Operator SDK. It is implemented to run on OpenShift 4.13+.
First, you need to add the devjoy catalog source to your OpenShift cluster. This can be done as follows:
oc apply -f deploy/gitea-catalog-source.yaml
Second, create a new project for the operator, e.g. devjoy-gitea-operator
Third, navigate to the OperatorHub in your cluster and search for 'Gitea'. Install the operator into the project you created in the previous step.
The Gitea custom resource represents an instance of Gitea with a Postgres database running in OpenShift.
apiVersion: devjoy.io/v1alpha1
kind: Gitea
name: mygitea
logLevel: WARN
resourceRequirementsEnabled: false
ingressEnabled: true
adminEmail: [email protected]
adminPasswordLength: 12
adminUser: devjoyadmin
The following table describes all available fields of the Gitea custom resource:
Field | Description |
adminUser | The name of the admin user. |
adminEmail | The email of the admin user. |
adminPassword | The optional admin password. If not set it will be generated. Once set the value will be moved to a secret. |
adminPasswordLength | The length of the generated admin password. Value is ignored if adminPassword is set. Min length is 10. |
resourceRequirementsEnabled | Enables resource requirements such as cpuLimit, cpuRequest, memoryLimit, and memoryRequest. Default value is true. |
memoryLimit | The memory resource limits for the Gitea deployment. |
memoryRequest | The memory resource requests for the Gitea deployment. |
cpuLimit | The cpu resource limits for the Gitea deployment. |
cpuRequest | The cpu resource requests for the Gitea deployment. |
logLevel | The log level for Gitea. Default is Warn |
ingressEnabled | Create a route / ingress to access for Gitea. |
allowCreateOrganization | Allow new users to create organizations by default. Default is false. |
configOverrides | Allows to override arbitrary config properties in the app.ini. |
configOverrides.section.key | Override a key in a specific app.ini section. Example configOverrides.database.HOST. More infos here |
disableRegistration | Disable registration, after which only admin can create accounts for users. Default value is false. |
enableCaptcha | Enable this to use captcha validation for registration. Default value is false. |
image | The image url to use for Gitea. Default is quay.io/gpte-devops-automation/gitea |
imageTag | The image tag to use for Gitea. Default is 1.20 |
mailer | The specification for the mailer. |
mailer.enableNotifyMail | Enable this to ask for mail confirmation of registration. |
mailer.enabled | Enable to use a mail service. |
mailer.from | Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the "Name" \[email protected]\ format. |
mailer.heloHostname | HELO hostname. If empty it is retrieved from system. |
mailer.host | Mail server address + port. e.g. smtp.gmail.com. For smtp+unix, this should be a path to a unix socket instead. Mail server port. If no protocol is specified, it will be inferred by this setting. |
mailer.password | Password of mailing user. Use your password for quoting if you use special characters in the password. |
mailer.protocol | Mail server protocol. One of "smtp", "smtps", "smtp+starttls", "smtp+unix", "sendmail", "dummy" |
mailer.user | Username of mailing user (usually the sender's e-mail address). |
postgres | The specification for the postgres database. |
postgres.cpuLimit | The cpu resource limits for the Postgres deployment. |
postgres.cpuRequest | The cpu resource requests for the Postgres deployment. |
postgres.memoryLimit | The memory resource limits for the Postgres deployment. |
postgres.memoryRequest | The memory resource requests for the Postgres deployment. |
postgres.image | The image to be used for the Postgres pod. |
postgres.imageTag | The image tag to be used for the Postgres pod. |
postgres.ssl | Enables SSL for database connections. |
postgres.storageClass | The storage class used to store the Postgres data. |
postgres.volumeSize | The size of the volume to store Postgres data. |
registerEmailConfirm | Enable this to ask for mail confirmation of registration. Requires Mailer to be enabled.. Default value is false. |
route | The hostname of the route. If not set it will be generated by OpenShift. |
ssl | Enables SSL for Gitea. |
sso | Enables SSO using RHSSO and OpenShift. |
storageClass | Storage class of the persistent volume claim. |
volumeSize | Size of the storage request of the persistent volume claim. Default value is 4Gi. |
The GiteaRepository custom resource represents a repository in Gitea. Each repository is owned by a user that will also be created with the repository.
apiVersion: devjoy.io/v1alpha1
kind: GiteaRepository
name: myrepo
deleteOnFinalize: true
user: testuser
visibility: PUBLIC
The following table describes all of the available fields of the GiteaRepository custom resource:
Field | Description |
user | The user owning the repository. |
visibility | The visibility of the repository: PRIVATE (default) or PUBLIC. |
deleteOnFinalize | Whether the repository should be deleted with the repository resource. Default is true. |
webhooks | Array of webhooks for the repository. |
webhooks.active | Wether this webhook is active. Default is true. |
webhooks.branchFilter | The branch to trigger the webhook, e.g. main or * for all branches. |
webhooks.events | The list of events to trigger the webhook, e.g. push |
webhooks.httpMethod | The http method of the webhook. Either POST or GET |
webhooks.secretRef | A secret containing the secret of the webhook. By default the user secret is referred. |
webhooks.secretRef.namespace | The namespace of the referenced secret. If empty, it points to the same namespace as the repository resource. |
webhooks.secretRef.name | The name of the referenced secret. |
webhooks.secretRef.key | The key storing the password as value. |
webhooks.targetUrl | The target url of the webhook. |
webhooks.type | The type of the webhook. One of dingtalk, discord, gitea, gogs, msteams, slack, telegram, feishu, wechatwork, packagist. |
This project has been generated with operator-sdk 1.25.3:
operator-sdk init --plugins quarkus --domain devjoy.io --project-name devjoy-generator
operator-sdk create api --version v1alpha1 --kind Gitea
operator-sdk create api --version v1alpha1 --kind GiteaRepository