diff --git a/17 - Debugging/01 - Words Score/README.md b/17 - Debugging/01 - Words Score/README.md
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+++ b/17 - Debugging/01 - Words Score/README.md
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Words - Score
+## Problem Statement
+**Problem URL :** [Words Score](https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/words-score/problem?isFullScreen=true)
+## Problem Solution
+def is_vowel(letter):
+ return letter in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']
+def score_words(words):
+ score = 0
+ for word in words:
+ num_vowels = 0
+ for letter in word:
+ if is_vowel(letter):
+ num_vowels += 1
+ if num_vowels % 2 == 0:
+ score += 2
+ else:
+ score += 1
+ return score
+n = int(input())
+words = input().split()
+## Problem Solution Explanation
+Let's go through the code step by step:
+### 1. `def is_vowel(letter):`
+This line defines a function named `is_vowel` that takes a single parameter `letter`. The purpose of this function is to check whether a given letter is a vowel.
+### 2. `return letter in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']`
+This line returns a boolean value (`True` or `False`). It checks if the `letter` passed to the function is one of the vowels listed in the array `['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']`. If the letter is found in this list, the function returns `True`, indicating that the letter is a vowel; otherwise, it returns `False`.
+### 3. `def score_words(words):`
+This line defines another function called `score_words` that takes one parameter `words`. This parameter is expected to be a list of words (strings). The purpose of this function is to calculate and return a score based on the number of vowels in each word.
+### 4. `score = 0`
+Here, the variable `score` is initialized to `0`. This variable will be used to accumulate the total score for all the words in the list.
+### 5. `for word in words:`
+This is the start of a loop that iterates over each word in the list `words`. For each iteration, the current word is assigned to the variable `word`.
+### 6. `num_vowels = 0`
+Inside the loop, `num_vowels` is initialized to `0` for each word. This variable will be used to count the number of vowels in the current word.
+### 7. `for letter in word:`
+This is another loop that iterates over each letter in the current `word`. The loop assigns the current letter to the variable `letter`.
+### 8. `if is_vowel(letter):`
+This line checks if the current `letter` is a vowel by calling the `is_vowel` function defined earlier. If the letter is a vowel (`True`), the code inside the `if` block is executed.
+### 9. `num_vowels += 1`
+If the `letter` is a vowel, the `num_vowels` variable is incremented by 1. This counts the total number of vowels in the current word.
+### 10. `if num_vowels % 2 == 0:`
+After counting the vowels in the word, this line checks if the number of vowels is even. It does so by using the modulo operator (`%`), which returns the remainder when `num_vowels` is divided by 2. If the remainder is `0`, the number is even.
+### 11. `score += 2`
+If the number of vowels is even, `2` is added to the `score`.
+### 12. `else:`
+If the number of vowels is not even (i.e., odd), the code inside the `else` block is executed.
+### 13. `score += 1`
+If the number of vowels is odd, `1` is added to the `score`.
+### 14. `return score`
+After processing all the words in the list, the total `score` is returned as the output of the `score_words` function.
+### 15. `n = int(input())`
+This line reads an integer input from the user (presumably the number of words) and converts it from a string to an integer using `int()`. The integer is stored in the variable `n`, but in this particular code, `n` is not actually used.
+### 16. `words = input().split()`
+This line reads a line of input from the user, which is expected to be a series of words separated by spaces. The `split()` method splits the input string into a list of words, which is then stored in the variable `words`.
+### 17. `print(score_words(words))`
+Finally, this line calls the `score_words` function with the list `words` as an argument. The resulting score is printed to the console.