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mlpack core class documentation

Underlying the implementations of mlpack's machine learning algorithms are mlpack core support classes, each of which are documented on this page.

Core math utilities

mlpack provides a number of additional mathematical utility classes and functions on top of Armadillo.


Aliases are matrix, vector, or cube objects that share memory with another matrix, vector, or cube. They are often used internally inside of mlpack to avoid copies.

Important caveats about aliases:

  • An alias represents the same memory block as the input. As such, changes to the alias object will also be reflected in the original object.

  • The MakeAlias() function is not guaranteed to return an alias; it only returns an alias if possible, and makes a copy otherwise.

  • If mat goes out of scope or is destructed, then a becomes invalid. You are responsible for ensuring an invalid alias is not used!

  • MakeAlias(a, vector, rows, cols, offset=0, strict=true)

    • Make a into an alias of vector with the given size.
    • If offset is 0, then the alias is identical: the first element of a is the first element of vector. Otherwise, the first element of a is the offset'th element of vector.
    • If strict is true, the size of a cannot be changed.
    • vector and a should have the same vector type (e.g. arma::vec, arma::fvec).
    • If an alias cannot be created, the vector will be copied.
  • MakeAlias(a, mat, rows, cols, offset=0, strict=true)

    • Make a into an alias of mat with the given size.
    • If offset is 0, then the alias is identical: the first element of a is the first element of mat. Otherwise, the first element of a is the offset'th element of mat; elements in mat are ordered in a column-major way.
    • If strict is true, the size of a cannot be changed.
    • mat and a should have the same matrix type (e.g. arma::mat, arma::fmat, arma::sp_mat).
    • If an alias cannot be created, the matrix will be copied. Sparse types cannot have aliases and will be copied.
  • MakeAlias(a, cube, rows, cols, slices, offset=0, strict=true)

    • Make a into an alias of cube with the given size.
    • If offset is 0, then the alias is identical: the first element of a is the first element of cube. Otherwise, the first element of a is the offset'th element of cube; elements in cube are ordered in a column-major way.
    • If strict is true, the size of a cannot be changed.
    • cube and a should have the same cube type (e.g. arma::cube, arma::fcube).
    • If an alias cannot be created, the cube will be copied.

  • ClearAlias(a)
    • If a is an alias, reset a to an empty matrix, without modifying the aliased memory. a is no longer an alias after this call.

  • UnwrapAlias(a, in)
    • If in is a matrix type (e.g. arma::mat), make a into an alias of in.
    • If in is not a matrix type, but instead, e.g., an Armadillo expression, fill a with the results of the evaluated expression in.
    • This can be used in place of, e.g., a = in, to avoid a copy when possible.
    • a should be a matrix type that matches the type of the expression or matrix in.


The Range class represents a simple mathematical range (i.e. [0, 3]), with the bounds represented as doubles.


  • r = Range()

    • Construct an empty range.
  • r = Range(p)

    • Construct the range [p, p].
  • r = Range(lo, hi)

    • Construct the range [lo, hi].

Accessing and modifying range properties

  • r.Lo() and r.Hi() return the lower and upper bounds of the range as doubles.

    • A range is considered empty if r.Lo() > r.Hi().
    • These can be used to modify the bounds, e.g., r.Lo() = 3.0.
  • r.Width() returns the span of the range (i.e. r.Hi() - r.Lo()) as a double.

  • r.Mid() returns the midpoint of the range as a double.

Working with ranges

  • Given two ranges r1 and r2,

    • r1 | r2 returns the union of the ranges,
    • r1 |= r2 expands r1 to include the range r2,
    • r1 & r2 returns the intersection of the ranges (possibly an empty range),
    • r1 &= r2 shrinks r1 to the intersection of r1 and r2,
    • r1 == r2 returns true if the two ranges are strictly equal (i.e. lower and upper bounds are equal),
    • r1 != r2 returns true if the two ranges are not strictly equal,
    • r1 < r2 returns true if r1.Hi() < r2.Lo(),
    • r1 > r2 returns true if r1.Lo() > r2.Hi(), and
    • r1.Contains(r2) returns true if the ranges overlap at all.
  • Given a range r and a double scalar d,

    • r * d returns a new range [d * r.Lo(), d * r.Hi()],
    • r *= d scales r.Lo() and r.Hi() by d, and
    • r.Contains(d) returns true if d is contained in the range.

  • To use ranges with different element types (e.g. float), use the type RangeType<float> or similar.


mlpack::Range r1(5.0, 6.0); // [5, 6]
mlpack::Range r2(7.0, 8.0); // [7, 8]

mlpack::Range r3 = r1 | r2; // [5, 8]
mlpack::Range r4 = r1 & r2; // empty range

bool b1 = r1.Contains(r2); // false
bool b2 = r1.Contains(5.5); // true
bool b3 = r1.Contains(r3); // true
bool b4 = r3.Contains(r4); // false

// Create a range of `float`s and a range of `int`s.
mlpack::RangeType<float> r5(1.0f, 1.5f); // [1.0, 1.5]
mlpack::RangeType<int> r6(3, 4); // [3, 4]

Range is used by:


  • ColumnCovariance(X, normType=0)

    • X: a column-major data matrix
    • normType: either 0 or 1 (see below)
  • Computes the covariance of the data matrix X.

  • Equivalent to arma::cov(X.t(), normType), but avoids computing the transpose and is thus slightly more efficient.

  • normType controls the type of normalization done when computing the covariance:

    • 0 will normalize with X.n_cols - 1, providing the best unbiased estimation of the covariance matrix (if the columns are from a normal distribution);
    • 1 will normalize with X.n_cols, providing the second moment about the mean of the columns.
  • Any dense matrix type can be used so long as it supports the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::mat, arma::fmat, etc.).


// Generate a random data matrix with 100 points in 5 dimensions.
arma::mat data(5, 100, arma::fill::randu);

// Compute the covariance matrix of the column-major matrix.
arma::mat cov = mlpack::ColumnCovariance(data);
cov.print("Covariance of random matrix:");


The ColumnsToBlocks class provides a way to transform data points (e.g. columns in a matrix) into a block matrix format, primarily useful for visualization as an image.

As a simple example, given a matrix with four columns A, B, C, and D, ColumnsToBlocks can transform this matrix into the form

[[m m m m m]
 [m A m B m]
 [m m m m m]
 [m C m D m]
 [m m m m m]]

where m is a margin, and where each column may itself be reshaped into a block.


  • ctb = ColumnsToBlocks(rows, cols)

    • Create a ColumnsToBlocks object that will reshape the input matrix into blocks of shape rows by cols.
    • Each input column will be reshaped into a square (e.g. ctb.BlockHeight() and ctb.BlockWidth() are set to 0).
  • ctb = ColumnsToBlocks(rows, cols, blockHeight, blockWidth)

    • Create a ColumnsToBlocks object that will reshape the input matrix into blocks of shape rows by cols.
    • Each individual column will also be reshaped into a block of shape blockHeight by blockWidth.


  • ctb.Rows(rows) will set the number of rows in the block output to rows.

    • ctb.Rows() will return a size_t with the current setting.
  • ctb.Cols(cols) will set the number of columns in the block output to cols.

    • ctb.Cols() will return a size_t with the current setting.
  • ctb.BlockHeight(blockHeight) will set the number of rows in each individual block to blockHeight.

    • ctb.BlockHeight() will return a size_t with the current setting.
    • If ctb.BlockHeight() is 0, each input column will be reshaped into a square; if this is not possible, an exception will be thrown.
  • ctb.BlockWidth() will set the number of columns in each individual block to blockWidth.

    • ctb.BlockWidth() will return a size_t with the current setting.
    • If ctb.BlockWidth() is 0, each input column will be reshaped into a square; if this is not possible, an exception will be thrown.
  • ctb.BufSize(bufSize) will set the number of margin elements to bufSize.

    • ctb.BufSize() will return a size_t with the current setting.
    • The default setting is 1.
  • ctb.BufValue(bufValue) will set the element used for margins to bufValue.

    • ctb.BufValue() will return a size_t with the current setting.
    • The default setting is -1.0.

Scaling values

ColumnsToBlocks also has the capability of linearly scaling values of the inputs to a given range.

  • ctb.Scale(true) enables scaling values.

    • By default scaling is disabled.
    • ctb.Scale(false) will disable scaling.
    • ctb.Scale() will return a bool indicating whether scaling is enabled.
  • ctb.MinRange(value) sets the lower bound of the scaling range to value.

    • ctb.MinRange() returns the current value as a double.
  • ctb.MaxRange(value) sets the upper bound of the scaling range to value.

    • ctb.MaxRange() returns the current value as a double.
    • Must be greater than ctb.MinRange(), if ctb.Scale() == true.

Note: the margin element (ctb.BufValue()) is considered during the scaling process.

Transforming into block format

  • ctb.Transform(input, output) will perform the columns-to-blocks transformation on the given matrix input, storing the result in the matrix output.
    • An exception will be thrown if input.n_rows is not equal to ctb.BlockHeight() * ctb.BlockWidth() (if neither of those are 0).
    • If either ctb.BlockHeight() or ctb.BlockWidth() is 0, each column will be reshaped into a square, and an exception will be thrown if input.n_rows is not a perfect square (i.e. if sqrt(input.n_rows) is not an integer).


Reshape two 4-element vectors into one row of two blocks.

// This matrix has two columns.
arma::mat input;
input = { { -1.0000, 0.1429 },
          { -0.7143, 0.4286 },
          { -0.4286, 0.7143 },
          { -0.1429, 1.0000 } };
input.print("Input columns:");

arma::mat output;
mlpack::ColumnsToBlocks ctb(1, 2);
ctb.Transform(input, output);

// The columns of the input will be reshaped as a square which is
// surrounded by padding value -1 (this value could be changed with the
// BufValue() method):
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -0.4286  -1.0000   0.1429   0.7143  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -0.7143  -0.1429  -1.0000   0.4286   1.0000  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000
output.print("Output using 2x2 block size:");

// Now, let's change some parameters; let's have each input column output not
// as a square, but as a 4x1 vector.
ctb.Transform(input, output);

// The output here will be similar, but each maximal input is 4x1:
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000  0.1429 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.7143 -1.0000  0.4286 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.4286 -1.0000  0.7143 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.1429 -1.0000  1.0000 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000
output.print("Output using 4x1 block size:");

Load simple images and reshape into blocks.

// Load some favicons from websites associated with mlpack.
std::vector<std::string> images;
// See the following files:
// -
// -
// - 
// -

mlpack::data::ImageInfo info;
info.Channels() = 1; // Force loading in grayscale.

arma::mat matrix;
mlpack::data::Load(images, matrix, info, true);

// Now `matrix` has 4 columns, each of which is an individual image.
// Let's save that as its own image just for visualization.
mlpack::data::ImageInfo outInfo(matrix.n_cols, matrix.n_rows, 1);
mlpack::data::Save("favicons-matrix.png", matrix, outInfo, true);

// Use ColumnsToBlocks to create a 2x2 block matrix holding each image.
mlpack::ColumnsToBlocks ctb(2, 2);
ctb.BufValue(0.0); // Use 0 for the margin value.
ctb.BufSize(2); // Use 2-pixel margins.

arma::mat blocks;
ctb.Transform(matrix, blocks);

mlpack::data::ImageInfo blockOutInfo(blocks.n_cols, blocks.n_rows, 1);
mlpack::data::Save("favicons-blocks.png", blocks, blockOutInfo, true);

The resulting images (before and after using ColumnsToBlocks) are shown below.


four favicons each as a column in a matrix, unintelligible


four favicons each as a block in a larger image, much better

See also

Distribution utilities

  • Digamma(x) returns the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (see Wikipedia).

    • x should have type double.
    • The return type is double.
  • Trigamma(x) returns the trigamma function at the value x.

    • x should have type double.
    • The return type is double.
  • Both of these functions are used internally by the GammaDistribution class.


const double d1 = mlpack::Digamma(0.25);
const double d2 = mlpack::Digamma(1.0);

const double t1 = mlpack::Trigamma(0.25);
const double t2 = mlpack::Trigamma(1.0);

std::cout << "Digamma(0.25):  " << d1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Digamma(1.0):   " << d2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trigamma(0.25): " << t1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trigamma(1.0):  " << t2 << "." << std::endl;


  • RandVector(v) generates a random vector on the unit sphere (i.e. with an L2-norm of 1) and stores it in v (an arma::vec).

  • The Box-Muller transform is used to generate the vector.

  • v is not resized, and should have size equal to the desired dimensionality when RandVector() is called.


// Generate a random 10-dimensional vector.
arma::vec v;
v.print("Random 10-dimensional vector: ");

std::cout << "Random 10-dimensional vector: " << std::endl;
std::cout << v.t();
std::cout << "L2-norm of vector (should be 1): " << arma::norm(v, 2) << "."
    << std::endl;

Logarithmic utilities

mlpack contains a few functions that are useful for working with logarithms, or vectors containing logarithms.

  • LogAdd(x, y) for scalars x and y (e.g. double, float, int, etc.) will return log(e^x + e^y).

  • AccuLog(v), given a vector v containing log values, will return the scalar log-sum of those values: log(e^(v[0]) + e^(v[1]) + ... + e^(v[v.n_elem - 1])).

  • LogSumExp(m, out), given a matrix m (arma::mat) containing log values, will compute the scalar log-sum of each column, storing the result in the column vector out (type arma::vec).

    • out will be set to size m.n_cols.
    • out[i] will be equal to AccuLog(m.col(i)).
    • Different element types can be used for m and out (e.g. arma::fmat and arma::fvec).
  • LogSumExpT(m, out), given a matrix m (type arma::mat) containing log values, will compute the scalar log-sum of each row, storing the result in the column vector out (type arma::vec)

    • out will be set to size m.n_rows.
    • out[i] will be equal to AccuLog(m.row(i)).
    • Different element types can be used for m and out (e.g. arma::fmat and arma::fvec).

  • LogSumExp<eT, true>(m, out) performs an incremental sum, otherwise identical to LogSumExp().

    • The input values of out are not ignored.
    • out[i] will be equal to log(e^(out[i]) + e^(AccuLog(m.col(i)))).
    • eT represents the element type of m and out (e.g., double if m is arma::mat and out is arma::vec).
  • LogSumExpT<eT, true>(m, out) performs an incremental sum, otherwise identical to LogSumExpT().

    • The input values of out are not ignored.
    • out[i] will be equal to log(e^(out[i]) + e^(AccuLog(m.row(i)))).
    • eT represents the element type of m and out (e.g., double if m is arma::mat and out is arma::vec).


  • z = MultiplyCube2Cube(x, y, transX=false, transY=false)

    • Inputs x and y are cubes (e.g. arma::cube), and must have the same number of slices
    • z is a cube whose slices are the slices of x and y multiplied
    • transX and transY indicate whether each slice of x and y should be transposed before multiplication.
  • If transX and transY are false, then z.slice(i) = x.slice(i) * y.slice(i).

  • If transX is false and transY is true, then z.slice(i) = x.slice(i) * y.slice(i).t().

  • The inner dimensions of x and y must match for multiplication, or an exception will be thrown.

Example usage:

// Generate two random cubes.
arma::cube x(10, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 10x100.
arma::cube y(12, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x100.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyCube2Cube(x, y, false, true);

// Output size should be 10x12x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;


  • z = MultiplyMat2Cube(x, y, transX=false, transY=false)

    • Input x is a matrix and y is a cube (e.g. arma::cube).
    • z is a cube whose slices are x multiplied by the slices of y.
    • transX and transY indicate whether x and each slice of y should be transposed before multiplication.
  • If transX and transY are false, then z.slice(i) = x * y.slice(i).

  • If transX is false and transY is true, then z.slice(i) = x * y.slice(i).t().

  • The inner dimensions of x and y must match for multiplication, or an exception will be thrown.

Example usage:

// Generate random inputs.
arma::mat  x(10, 100,    arma::fill::randu); // Random 10x100 matrix.
arma::cube y(12, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x100.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyMat2Cube(x, y, false, true);

// Output size should be 10x12x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;


  • z = MultiplyCube2Mat(x, y, transX=false, transY=false)

    • Input x is a cube (e.g. arma::cube) and y is a matrix.
    • z is a cube whose slices are the slices of x multiplied with y.
    • transX and transY indicate whether each slice of x and y should be transposed before multiplication.
  • If transX and transY are false, then z.slice(i) = x.slice(i) * y.

  • If transX is true and transY is false, then z.slice(i) = x.slice(i).t() * y.

  • The inner dimensions of x and y must match for multiplication, or an exception will be thrown.

Example usage:

// Generate two random cubes.
arma::cube x(12, 50, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x50.
arma::mat  y(12, 60,    arma::fill::randu); // Random 12x60 matrix.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyCube2Mat(x, y, true, false);

// Output size should be 50x60x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;


  • Compute the quantile function of the Gaussian distribution at the given probability.

  • double q = Quantile(p, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0)

    • q is the computed quantile.
    • p is the probability to compute the quantile of (between 0 and 1).
    • mu is the (optional) mean of the Gaussian distribution.
    • sigma is the (optional) standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
    • All arguments are doubles.
  • See also Quantile function on Wikipedia.

Example usage:

// 70% of points from N(0, 1) are less than q1 = 0.524.
double q1 = mlpack::Quantile(0.7);

// 90% of points from N(0, 1) are less than q2 = 1.282.
double q2 = mlpack::Quantile(0.9);

// 50% of points from N(1, 1) are less than q3 = 1.0.
double q3 = mlpack::Quantile(0.5, 1.0); // Quantile of 1.0 for N(1, 1) is 1.0.

// 10% of points from N(1, 0.1) are less than q4 = 0.871.
double q4 = mlpack::Quantile(0.1, 1.0, 0.1);

std::cout << "Quantile(0.7): " << q1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.9): " << q2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.5, 1.0): " << q3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.1, 1.0, 0.1): " << q4 << "." << std::endl;

RNG and random number utilities

On top of the random number generation support that Armadillo provides via randu(), randn(), and randi(), mlpack provides a few additional thread-safe random number generation functions for generating random scalar values.

  • RandomSeed(seed) will set the random seed of mlpack's RNGs and Armadillo's RNG to seed.

    • This internally calls arma::arma_rng::set_seed().
    • In a multithreaded application, each thread's RNG will be deterministically set to a different value based on seed.
  • Random() returns a random double uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, not including 1.

  • Random(lo, hi) returns a random double uniformly distributed between lo and hi, not including hi.

  • RandBernoulli(p) samples from a Bernoulli distribution with parameter p: with probability p, 1 is returned; with probability 1 - p, 0 is returned.

  • RandInt(hiExclusive) returns a random int uniformly distributed in the range [0, hiExclusive).

  • RandInt(lo, hiExclusive) returns a random int uniformly distributed in the range [lo, hiExclusive).

  • RandNormal() returns a random double normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

  • RandNormal(mean, stddev) returns a random double normally distributed with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.


mlpack::RandomSeed(123); // Set a specific random seed.

const double r1 = mlpack::Random();             // In the range [0, 1).
const double r2 = mlpack::Random(3, 4);         // In the range [3, 4).
const double r3 = mlpack::RandBernoulli(0.25);  // P(1) = 0.25.
const int    r4 = mlpack::RandInt(10);          // In the range [0, 10).
const int    r5 = mlpack::RandInt(5, 10);       // In the range [5, 10).
const double r6 = mlpack::RandNormal();         // r6 ~ N(0, 1).
const double r7 = mlpack::RandNormal(2.0, 3.0); // r7 ~ N(2, 3).

std::cout << "Random():            " << r1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Random(3, 4):        " << r2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandBernoulli(0.25): " << r3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandInt(10):         " << r4 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandInt(5, 10):      " << r5 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandNormal():        " << r6 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandNormal(2, 3):    " << r7 << "." << std::endl;


The RandomBasis() function generates a random d-dimensional orthogonal basis.

  • RandomBasis(basis, d) fills the matrix basis with d orthogonal vectors, each of dimension d.

    • basis.col(i) represents the ith basis vector.
    • basis will have size d rows by d cols.
  • The random basis is generated using the QR decomposition.


arma::mat basis;

// Generate a 10-dimensional random basis.
mlpack::RandomBasis(basis, 10);

// Each two vectors are orthogonal.
std::cout << "Dot product of basis vectors 2 and 4: "
    << arma::dot(basis.col(2), basis.col(4))
    << " (should be zero or very close!)." << std::endl;


Shuffle a column-major dataset and associated labels/responses, optionally with weights. This preserves the connection of each data point to its label (and optionally its weight).

  • ShuffleData(inputData, inputLabels, outputData, outputLabels)

    • Randomly permute data points and labels from inputData and inputLabels into outputData and outputLabels.
    • outputData will be set to the same size as inputData.
    • outputLabels will be set to the same size as inputLabels.
    • inputData can be a dense matrix, a sparse matrix, or a cube, with any element type. (That is, inputData may have type arma::mat, arma::fmat, arma::sp_mat, arma::cube, etc.)
    • inputLabels must be a dense vector type but may hold any element type (e.g. arma::Row<size_t>, arma::uvec, arma::vec, etc.).
    • outputData must have the same type as inputData, and outputLabels must have the same type as inputLabels.
  • ShuffleData(inputData, inputLabels, inputWeights, outputData, outputLabels, outputWeights)

    • Identical to the previous overload, but also handles weights via inputWeights and outputWeights.
    • inputWeights must be a dense vector type but may hold any element type (e.g. arma::rowvec, arma::frowvec, arma::vec, etc.)
    • outputWeights must have the same type as inputWeights.

Note: when inputData is a cube (e.g. arma::cube or similar), the columns of the cube will be shuffled.

Example usage:

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("iris.csv", dataset, true);
// See
arma::Row<size_t> labels;
mlpack::data::Load("iris.labels.csv", labels, true);

// Now shuffle the points in the iris dataset.
arma::mat shuffledDataset;
arma::Row<size_t> shuffledLabels;
mlpack::ShuffleData(dataset, labels, shuffledDataset, shuffledLabels);

std::cout << "Before shuffling, the first point was: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << dataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << labels[0] << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "After shuffling, the first point is: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << shuffledDataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << shuffledLabels[0] << "." << std::endl;

// Generate random weights, then shuffle those also.
arma::rowvec weights(dataset.n_cols, arma::fill::randu);
arma::rowvec shuffledWeights;
mlpack::ShuffleData(dataset, labels, weights, shuffledDataset, shuffledLabels,

std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Before shuffling with weights, the first point was: "
    << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << dataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << labels[0] << " and weight " << weights[0] << "."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "After shuffling with weights, the first point is: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << shuffledDataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << shuffledLabels[0] << " and weight "
    << shuffledWeights[0] << "." << std::endl;


mlpack includes a number of distance metrics for its distance-based techniques. These all implement the same API, providing one Evaluate() method, and can be used with a variety of different techniques, including:

Supported metrics:


The LMetric template class implements a generalized L-metric (L1-metric, L2-metric, etc.). The class has two template parameters:

LMetric<Power, TakeRoot>
  • Power is an int representing the type of the metric; e.g., 2 would represent the L2-metric (Euclidean distance).

    • Power must be 1 or greater.
    • If Power is INT_MAX, the metric is the L-infinity distance (Chebyshev distance).
  • TakeRoot is a bool (default true) indicating whether the root of the distance should be taken.

    • If set to false, the metric will no longer satisfy the triangle inequality.

Several convenient typedefs are available:

  • ManhattanDistance (defined as LMetric<1>)
  • EuclideanDistance (defined as LMetric<2>)
  • SquaredEuclideanDistance (defined as LMetric<2, false>)
  • ChebyshevDistance (defined as LMetric<INT_MAX>)

The static Evaluate() method can be used to compute the distance between two vectors.

Note: The vectors given to Evaluate() can have any type so long as the type implements the Armadillo API (e.g. arma::fvec, arma::sp_fvec, etc.).

Example usage:

// Create two vectors: [0, 1.0, 5.0] and [1.0, 3.0, 5.0].
arma::vec a("0.0 1.0 5.0");
arma::vec b("1.0 3.0 5.0");

const double d1 = mlpack::ManhattanDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d1 = 3.0
const double d2 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d2 = 2.24
const double d3 = mlpack::SquaredEuclideanDistance::Evaluate(a, b); // d3 = 5.0
const double d4 = mlpack::ChebyshevDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d4 = 2.0
const double d5 = mlpack::LMetric<4>::Evaluate(a, b);               // d5 = 2.03
const double d6 = mlpack::LMetric<3, false>::Evaluate(a, b);        // d6 = 9.0

std::cout << "Manhattan distance:         " << d1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Euclidean distance:         " << d2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Squared Euclidean distance: " << d3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Chebyshev distance:         " << d4 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "L4-distance:                " << d5 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cubed L3-distance:          " << d6 << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the distance between two random 10-dimensional vectors in a matrix.
arma::mat m(10, 100, arma::fill::randu);

const double d7 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(m.col(0), m.col(7));

std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Distance between two random vectors: " << d7 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Compute the distance between two 32-bit precision `float` vectors.
arma::fvec fa("0.0 1.0 5.0");
arma::fvec fb("1.0 3.0 5.0");

const double d8 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(fa, fb); // d8 = 2.236

std::cout << "Euclidean distance (fvec): " << d8 << "." << std::endl;


The IoUDistance class implements the intersection-over-union distance metric, a measure of the overlap between two bounding boxes related to the Jaccard index.

For two bounding boxes, the IoUDistance is computed as 1 - (area of intersection / area of union). If the bounding boxes overlap completely, the distance is 0; if they do not overlap at all, the distance is 1.

The class has a boolean template parameter UseCoordinates that controls how bounding boxes are specified.

  • IoUDistance<> (or IoUDistance<false>) expects bounding boxes to be provided to the Evaluate() as four-element vectors of the form [x0, y0, h, w], where:

    • (x0, y0) is the lower left corner of the bounding box,
    • h is the height of the bounding box, and
    • w is the width of the bounding box.
  • IoUDistance<true> expects bounding boxes to be provided to the Evaluate() as four-element vectors of the form [x0, y0, x1, y1], where:

    • (x0, y0) is the lower left corner of the bounding box, and
    • (x1, y1) is the upper right corner of the bounding box.

The static Evaluate() method can be used to compute the IoU distance between two bounding boxes.

If either input vector does not have four elements, an exception will be thrown.

Note: The vectors given to Evaluate() can have any type so long as the type implements the Armadillo API (e.g. arma::vec, arma::fvec, etc.). The use of sparse objects is not recommended to represent bounding boxes (as they are in general not sparse).

Example usage:

// Create three bounding boxes by representing the lower left and size.
arma::vec bb1("0.0 0.0 3.0 5.0"); // Lower left at (0, 0), height=3, width=5.
arma::vec bb2("2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0"); // Lower left at (2, 2), height=5, width=2.
arma::vec bb3("1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0"); // Lower left at (1, 1), height=1.5, width=1.

// Represent the same three bounding boxes in lower left/upper right form.
arma::vec bb1Coord("0.0 0.0 5.0 3.0"); // Upper right is (5, 3).
arma::vec bb2Coord("2.0 2.0 4.0 7.0"); // Upper right is (4, 7).
arma::vec bb3Coord("1.0 1.0 2.0 2.5"); // Upper right is (2, 2.5).

// Compute the distance between each of the bounding boxes using the
// height/width representation.
const double d1 = mlpack::IoUDistance<>::Evaluate(bb1, bb2);
const double d2 = mlpack::IoUDistance<>::Evaluate(bb2, bb3);
const double d3 = mlpack::IoUDistance<>::Evaluate(bb1, bb3);

std::cout << "IoUDistance with width/height bounding box representations:"
    << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(0, 0), h=3, w=5 and ll=(2, 2), h=5, w=2:   " << d1
    << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(0, 0), h=3, w=5 and ll=(1, 1), h=1.5, w=1: " << d3
    << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(2, 2), h=5, w=2 and ll=(1, 1), h=1.5, w=1: " << d2
    << "." << std::endl;

// Now compute the same distances with the other representation.
const double d1Coord = mlpack::IoUDistance<true>::Evaluate(bb1Coord, bb2Coord);
const double d2Coord = mlpack::IoUDistance<true>::Evaluate(bb2Coord, bb3Coord);
const double d3Coord = mlpack::IoUDistance<true>::Evaluate(bb1Coord, bb3Coord);

std::cout << "IoUDistance with two-coordinate bounding box representations:"
    << std::endl;
std::cout << "(same bounding boxes as above)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(0, 0), ur=(5, 3) and ll=(2, 2), ur=(4, 7):   " << d1Coord
    << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(0, 0), ur=(5, 3) and ll=(1, 1), ur=(2, 2.5): " << d3Coord
    << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ll=(2, 2), ur=(4, 7) and ll=(1, 1), ur=(2, 2.5): " << d2Coord
    << "." << std::endl;


The IPMetric<KernelType> class implements the distance metric induced by the given KernelType. This computes distances in kernel space. Using the fact that a kernel k(x, y) (represented by KernelType) implements an inner product in kernel space, the IPMetric distance is defined as

d(x, y) = sqrt(k(x, x) + k(y, y) - 2 k(x, y)).

The template parameter KernelType can be any of mlpack's kernels, or a custom kernel.

This metric is used by the FastMKS method (fast max-kernel search).

Constructors and properties

  • d = IPMetric<KernelType>()

    • Construct a new IPMetric using a default-constructed KernelType.
    • A default constructor for KernelType must be available (e.g. k = KernelType()).
  • d = IPMetric<KernelType>(kernel)

    • Construct a new IPMetric using the given kernel (a KernelType object).
    • kernel is not copied; ensure that kernel does not go out of scope while d is in use.
  • d = IPMetric<KernelType>(other)

    • Copy constructor: create a new IPMetric from the given IPMetric other.
    • This copies the internally-held KernelType.
  • The copy operator (d = other;) will also copy the internally-held KernelType.

  • The internally-held KernelType can be accessed with d.Kernel().

Distance evaluation

  • d.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Evaluate and return the distance in kernel space between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g. arma::vec, arma::sp_vec, etc.).
    • x1 and x2 must be valid inputs to the Evaluate() function of the given KernelType.

Example usage:

// Create a few random points.
arma::vec x1(3, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec x2(3, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec x3(3, arma::fill::randu);

// Create a metric on the Epanechnikov kernel.
mlpack::EpanechnikovKernel ek(1.5 /* bandwidth */);
mlpack::IPMetric<mlpack::EpanechnikovKernel> ip1(ek);

// Compute distances in kernel space, and compare with kernel evaluations.
std::cout << "x1: " << x1.t();
std::cout << "x2: " << x2.t();
std::cout << "x3: " << x3.t();
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "  ek(x1, x2): " << ek.Evaluate(x1, x2) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  ip(x1, x2): " << ip1.Evaluate(x1, x2) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "  ek(x2, x3): " << ek.Evaluate(x2, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  ip(x2, x3): " << ip1.Evaluate(x2, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "  ek(x1, x3): " << ek.Evaluate(x1, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  ip(x1, x3): " << ip1.Evaluate(x1, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel.
std::cout << "With bandwidth 2.0:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "  ek(x1, x3): " << ek.Evaluate(x1, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  ip(x1, x3): " << ip1.Evaluate(x1, x3) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Now create a metric on the LinearKernel.
// This one is a bit of a trick!  For the LinearKernel, the induced metric is
// exactly the Euclidean distance.
mlpack::IPMetric<mlpack::LinearKernel> ip2;

std::cout << "  Euclidean distance between x1/x2:     "
    << mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(x1, x2) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  IPMetric<LinearKernel> between x1/x2: "
    << ip2.Evaluate(x1, x2) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel space distance between two floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1(10, arma::fill::randu);
arma::fvec fx2(10, arma::fill::randu);

std::cout << "IPMetric<EpanechnikovKernel> result between two random "
    << "10-dimensional 32-bit floating point vectors:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << ip1.Evaluate(fx1, fx2) << "." << std::endl;


The MahalanobisDistance class implements the weighted Euclidean distance known as the Mahalanobis distance. This distance requires an inverse covariance matrix Q that controls the weighting of individual dimensions in the distance calculation. The metric is defined as:

d_Q(x, y) = sqrt((x - y)^T Q (x - y))

The class has two template parameters:

MahalanobisDistance<TakeRoot = true, MatType = arma::mat>
  • When TakeRoot is manually specified as false, the sqrt() is omitted. This is slightly faster, but will cause the distance to no longer satisfy the triangle inequality.

  • MatType is the matrix type used to represent Q, and should be a matrix type satisfying the Armadillo API (e.g. arma::mat, arma::fmat).


  • Many descriptions of the Mahalanobis distance use the term C^-1 instead of Q as used here. Ensure that the given Q matrix is the inverted covariance (you can use, e.g., arma::pinv()).

  • Instead of using MahalanobisDistance directly as a distance metric for mlpack machine learning algorithms, it can often be faster to simply multiply the dataset by the equivalent transformation implied by Q and then use that modified dataset with the Euclidean distance directly. See the example usage below.

Constructors and properties

  • md = MahalanobisDistance()

    • Create a MahalanobisDistance object without initializing the inverse covariance Q.
    • Call Q() to set the matrix before calling Evaluate().
  • md = MahalanobisDistance(dimensionality)

    • Create a MahalanobisDistance where Q is the identity matrix of the given dimensionality.
    • This distance metric will be equivalent to the Euclidean distance.
  • md = MahalanobisDistance(matQ)

    • Create a MahalanobisDistance with the given Q matrix.
    • matQ must be positive definite and symmetric.
  • md.Q()

    • Access or modify the Q matrix.
    • For instance, to set the Q matrix, md.Q() = myCustomQ; can be used.
    • The Q matrix must be positive definite and symmetric.

Distance evaluation

  • md.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Evaluate and return the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types with element type equivalent to the element type of MatType (e.g. arma::vec, arma::fvec, etc.).

Example usage:

// Create random 10-dimensional data.
arma::mat dataset(10, 100, arma::fill::randu);

// Create a positive-definite Q matrix by using a weighting matrix W such that
// Q = W^T W.
arma::mat W(10, 10, arma::fill::randu);
arma::mat Q = W.t() * W;

// Create a MahalanobisDistance object with the given Q.
mlpack::MahalanobisDistance md(std::move(Q));

std::cout << "Mahalanobis distance between points 3 and 4: "
    << md.Evaluate(dataset.col(3), dataset.col(4)) << "." << std::endl;

// Now compare the Mahalanobis distance with the Euclidean distance on the
// dataset transformed with W.  (They are the same!)
arma::mat transformedDataset = W * dataset;
std::cout << "Mahalanobis distance between points 2 and 71:           "
    << md.Evaluate(dataset.col(2), dataset.col(71)) << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Euclidean distance between transformed points 2 and 71: "
    << mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(transformedDataset.col(2),
    << "." << std::endl;

// Create a Mahalanobis distance for 32-bit floating point data.
arma::fmat floatDataset(20, 100, arma::fill::randn);

// Use a random diagonal matrix as Q.
arma::fmat fQ = arma::diagmat(arma::randu<arma::fvec>(20));

mlpack::MahalanobisDistance<false /* do not take square root */,
                            arma::fmat> fmd;
fmd.Q() = std::move(fQ);

const double d1 = fmd.Evaluate(floatDataset.col(3), floatDataset.col(5));
const double d2 = fmd.Evaluate(floatDataset.col(11), floatDataset.col(31));

std::cout << "Squared Mahalanobis distance on 32-bit floating point data:"
    << std::endl;
std::cout << " - Points 3 and 5:   " << d1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - Points 11 and 31: " << d2 << "." << std::endl;

// Note that an equivalent transformation matrix can be recovered from Q with
// an upper Cholesky decomposition (Q -> R.t() * R).
arma::mat recoveredW = arma::chol(md.Q(), "lower");
// A transformed dataset can be created with `(recoveredW * dataset)`.


mlpack has support for a number of different distributions, each supporting the same API. These can be used with, for instance, the HMM class.


DiscreteDistribution represents a multidimensional categorical distribution (or generalized Bernoulli distribution) where integer-valued vectors (e.g. [0, 3, 4]) are associated with specific probabilities in each dimension.

Example: a 3-dimensional DiscreteDistribution will have a specific probability value associated with each integer value in each dimension. So, for the vector [0, 3, 4], P(0) in dimension 0 could be, e.g., 0.3, P(3) in dimension 1 could be, e.g., 0.4, and P(4) in dimension 2 could be, e.g., 0.6. Then, P([0, 3, 4]) would be 0.3 * 0.4 * 0.6 = 0.072.


  • d = DiscreteDistribution(numObservations)

    • Create a one-dimensional discrete distribution with numObservations different observations in the one and only dimension. numObservations is of type size_t.
  • d = DiscreteDistribution(numObservationsVec)

    • Create a multidimensional discrete distribution with numObservationsVec.n_elem dimensions and numObservationsVec[i] different observations in dimension i.
    • numObservationsVec is of type arma::Col<size_t>.
  • d = DiscreteDistribution(probabilities)

    • Create a multidimensional discrete distribution with the given probabilities.
    • probabilities should have type std::vector<arma::vec>, and probabilities.size() should be equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • probabilities[i] is a vector such that probabilities[i][j] contains the probability of j in dimension i.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • d.Dimensionality() returns a size_t indicating the number of dimensions in the multidimensional discrete distribution.

  • d.Probabilities(i) returns an arma::vec& containing the probabilities of each observation in dimension i.

    • d.Probabilities(i)[j] is the probability of j in dimension i.
    • This can be used to modify probabilities: d.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7 sets the probability of observing the value 1 in dimension 0 to 0.7.
    • Note: when setting probabilities manually, be sure that the sum of probabilities in a dimension is 1!

Compute probabilities of points

  • d.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size d.Dimensionality().
    • observation[i] should take integer values between 0 and d.Probabilities(i).n_elem - 1.
  • d.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to d.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • d.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • d.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample from the distribution

  • d.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the multidimensional discrete distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • d.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • observations(j, i) should be an integer value between 0 and the number of observations for dimension i.
  • d.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from d.

Example usage:

// Create a single-dimension Bernoulli distribution: P([0]) = 0.3, P([1]) = 0.7.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution bernoulli(2);
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[0] = 0.3;
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7;

const double p1 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("0")); // p1 = 0.3.
const double p2 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("1")); // p2 = 0.7.

// Create a 3-dimensional discrete distribution by specifying the probabilities
// manually.
arma::vec probDim0 = arma::vec("0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1"); // 4 possible values.
arma::vec probDim1 = arma::vec("0.7 0.3");         // 2 possible values.
arma::vec probDim2 = arma::vec("0.4 0.4 0.2");     // 3 possible values.
std::vector<arma::vec> probs { probDim0, probDim1, probDim2 };
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d(probs);

arma::vec obs("2 0 1");
const double p3 = d.Probability(obs); // p3 = 0.5 * 0.7 * 0.4 = 0.14.

// Estimate a 10-dimensional discrete distribution.
// Each dimension takes values between 0 and 9.
arma::mat observations = arma::randi<arma::mat>(10, 1000,
    arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of the 10 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d2(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10"));

// Compute the probabilities of each point.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;


GaussianDistribution is a standard multivariate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and covariance.


  • g = GaussianDistribution(dimensionality)

    • Create the distribution with the given dimensionality.
    • The distribution will have a zero mean and unit diagonal covariance matrix.
  • g = GaussianDistribution(mean, covariance)

    • Create the distribution with the given mean and covariance.
    • mean is of type arma::vec and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • covariance is of type arma::mat, and should be symmetric and square, with rows and columns equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • g.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution as a size_t.

  • g.Mean() returns an arma::vec& holding the mean of the distribution. This can be modified.

  • g.Covariance() returns a const arma::mat& holding the covariance of the distribution. To set a new covariance, use g.Covariance(newCov) or g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)).

  • g.InvCov() returns a const arma::mat& holding the precomputed inverse of the covariance.

  • g.LogDetCov() returns a double holding the log-determinant of the covariance.

Compute probabilities of points

  • g.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size d.Dimensionality().
  • g.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to g.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • g.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • g.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample from the distribution

  • g.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the multidimensional discrete distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • g.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
  • g.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from d.

Example usage:

// Create a Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and unit
// covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
g.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set a random covariance.
arma::mat newCov(3, 3, arma::fill::randu);
newCov *= newCov.t(); // Ensure covariance is positive semidefinite.
g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::GaussianDistribution g2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;


mlpack includes a number of Mercer kernels for its kernel-based techniques. These all implement the same API, providing one Evaluate() method, and can be used with a variety of different techniques, including:

Supported kernels:


The GaussianKernel class implements the standard Gaussian kernel (also called the radial basis function kernel or RBF kernel).

The Gaussian kernel is defined as: k(x1, x2) = exp(-|| x1 - x2 ||^2 / (2 * bw^2)) where bw is the bandwidth parameter of the kernel.

Constructors and properties

  • g = GaussianKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create a GaussianKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • g.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use g.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • g.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • g.Evaluate(distance)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors, given that the distance between those two vectors (distance) is already known.
    • distance should have type double.

Other utilities

  • g.Gradient(distance)

    • Compute the (one-dimensional) gradient of the kernel function with respect to the distance between two points, evaluated at distance.
  • g.Normalizer(dimensionality)

    • Return the normalizing constant of the Gaussian kernel for points in the given dimensionality as a double.

Example usage:

// Create a Gaussian kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::GaussianKernel g;

// Create a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::GaussianKernel g2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = g.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = g2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 1.5;
const double k3 = g.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k4 = g.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = g.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = g.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = g2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k5
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k6 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;


The CauchyKernel class implements the Cauchy kernel, a kernel function with a longer tail than the Gaussian kernel, defined as: k(x1, x2) = 1 / (1 + (|| x1 - x2 ||^2 / bw^2)) where bw is the bandwidth parameter of the kernel.

Constructors and properties

  • c = CauchyKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create a CauchyKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • c.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use c.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • c.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).

Example usage:

// Create a Cauchy kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::CauchyKernel c;

// Create a Cauchy kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::CauchyKernel c2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = c.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = c2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k3 = c.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k3 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = c.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k4 = c.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k5 = c2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k4
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k5 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;


The CosineSimilarity class implements the dot-product cosine similarity, defined as: k(x1, x2) = (x1^T x2) / (|| x1 || * || x2 ||). The value of the kernel is limited to the range [-1, 1]. The cosine similarity is often used in text mining tasks.


  • c = CosineSimilarity()
    • Create a CosineSimilarity object.

Note: because the CosineSimilarity kernel has no parameters, it is not necessary to create an object and the Evaluate() function (below) can be called statically.

Kernel evaluation

  • c.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2 with an instantiated CosineSimilarity object.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • CosineDistance::Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2 without an instantiated CosineSimilarity object (e.g. call Evaluate() statically).
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).

Example usage:

// Create a cosine similarity kernel.
mlpack::CosineSimilarity c;

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = c.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = c.Evaluate(x1, x1);
const double k3 = c.Evaluate(x2, x2);
std::cout << "Cosine similarity values:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x1, x2): " << k1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x1, x1): " << k2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x2, x2): " << k3 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix,
// using the static Evaluate() function.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = mlpack::CosineSimilarity::Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average cosine similarity for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the cosine similarity between two sparse 32-bit floating point
// vectors.
arma::sp_fvec x3, x4;
x3.sprandu(100, 1, 0.2);
x4.sprandu(100, 1, 0.2);
const double k4 = mlpack::CosineSimilarity::Evaluate(x3, x4);
std::cout << "Cosine similarity between two random sparse 32-bit floating "
    << "point vectors: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;


The EpanechnikovKernel implements the parabolic or Epanechnikov kernel, defined as the following function: k(x1, x2) = max(0, (3 / 4) * (1 - (|| x1 - x2 ||_2 / bw)^2)), where bw is the bandwidth parameter of the kernel.

The kernel takes the value 0 when || x1 - x2 ||_2 (the Euclidean distance between x1 and x2) is greater than or equal to bw.

Constructors and properties

  • e = EpanechnikovKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create an EpanechnikovKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • e.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use e.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • e.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • e.Evaluate(distance)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors, given that the distance between those two vectors (distance) is already known.
    • distance should have type double.

Other utilities

  • e.Gradient(distance)

    • Compute the (one-dimensional) gradient of the kernel function with respect to the distance between two points, evaluated at distance.
  • e.Normalizer(dimensionality)

    • Return the normalizing constant of the Epanechnikov kernel for points in the given dimensionality as a double.

Example usage:

// Create an Epanechnikov kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::EpanechnikovKernel e;

// Create an Epanechnikov kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::EpanechnikovKernel e2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = e.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = e2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 1.5;
const double k3 = e.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k4 = e.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = e.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = e.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = e2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k5
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k6 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;


The HyperbolicTangentKernel implements the hyperbolic tangent kernel, which is defined by the following equation: f(x1, x2) = tanh(s * (x1^T x2) + t) where s is the scale parameter and t is the offset parameter.

The hyperbolic tangent kernel is not a positive definite Mercer kernel and thus does not satisfy the theoretical requirements of many kernel methods. See this discussion for more details. In practice, for many kernel methods, it may still provide compelling results despite this theoretical limitation.

Constructors and properties

  • h = HyperbolicTangentKernel(s=1.0, t=0.0)

    • Create a HyperbolicTangentKernel with the given scale factor s and the given offset t.
  • h.Scale() returns the scale factor of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the scale parameter, use h.Scale(scale).
  • h.Offset() returns the offset parameter of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the offset parameter, use h.Offset(offset).

Kernel evaluation

  • h.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).

Example usage:

// Create a hyperbolic tangent kernel with default scale and offset.
mlpack::HyperbolicTangentKernel h;

// Create a hyperbolic tangent kernel with scale 2.0 and offset 1.0.
mlpack::HyperbolicTangentKernel h2(2.0, 1.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = h.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = h2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (s=1.0, t=0.0), " << k2
    << " (s=2.0, t=1.0)." << std::endl;

// Change the scale and offset of the kernel.
const double k3 = h.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with s=2.5, t=-1.0: " << k3 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = h.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k4 = h.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k5 = h2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k4
    << " (s=2.5, t=-1.0), " << k5 << " (s=2.0, t=1.0)." << std::endl;


The LaplacianKernel class implements the Laplacian kernel, also known as the exponential kernel, defined by the following equation: k(x1, x2) = exp(-|| x1 - x2 || / bw) where bw is the bandwidth parameter.

Constructors and properties

  • l = LaplacianKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create a LaplacianKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • l.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use l.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • l.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • l.Evaluate(distance)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors, given that the distance between those two vectors (distance) is already known.
    • distance should have type double.

Other utilities

  • l.Gradient(distance)
    • Compute the (one-dimensional) gradient of the kernel function with respect to the distance between two points, evaluated at distance.

Example usage:

// Create a Laplacian kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::LaplacianKernel l;

// Create a Laplacian kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::LaplacianKernel l2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = l.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = l2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 1.5;
const double k3 = l.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k4 = l.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = l.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = l.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = l2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k5
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k6 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;


The LinearKernel class implements the simple linear dot product kernel, defined by the following equation: k(x1, x2) = x1^T x2.

The use of the linear kernel for kernel methods generally results in the non-kernelized version of the algorithm; for instance, a kernel support vector machine using the linear kernel amounts to a linear SVM.


  • l = LinearKernel()
    • Create a LinearKernel object.

Note: because the LinearKernel kernel has no parameters, it is not necessary to create an object and the Evaluate() function (below) can be called statically.

Kernel evaluation

  • l.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2 with an instantiated LinearKernel object.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • LinearKernel::Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2 without an instantiated LinearKernel object (e.g. call Evaluate() statically).
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).

Example usage:

// Create a linear kernel.
mlpack::LinearKernel l;

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = l.Evaluate(x1, x2); // Identical to arma::dot(x1, x2).
const double k2 = l.Evaluate(x1, x1);
const double k3 = l.Evaluate(x2, x2);
std::cout << "Linear kernel values:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x1, x2): " << k1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x1, x1): " << k2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "  - k(x2, x2): " << k3 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix,
// using the static Evaluate() function.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = mlpack::LinearKernel::Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average linear kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the cosine similarity between two sparse 32-bit floating point
// vectors.
arma::sp_fvec x3, x4;
x3.sprandu(100, 1, 0.2);
x4.sprandu(100, 1, 0.2);
const double k4 = mlpack::LinearKernel::Evaluate(x3, x4);
std::cout << "Linear kernel value between two random sparse 32-bit floating "
    << "point vectors: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;


The PolynomialKernel class implements the standard polynomial kernel, which is defined by the following equation: k(x1, x2) = (x1^T x2 + t)^d where d is the degree of the polynomial and t is the offset.

The use of the polynomial kernel has a similar effect to the use of polynomial (interaction) features in standard machine learning methods.

Constructors and properties

  • p = PolynomialKernel(d=2.0, t=0.0)

    • Create a PolynomialKernel with the given degree d and given offset t.
  • p.Degree() returns the degree of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the degree, use p.Degree(newDegree).
  • p.Offset() returns the offset of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the offset, use p.Offset(newOffset).

Kernel evaluation

  • p.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).

Example usage:

// Create a polynomial kernel with default degree (2) and offset (0).
mlpack::PolynomialKernel p;

// Create a polynomial kernel with degree 3.0 and offset -1.0.
mlpack::PolynomialKernel p2(3.0, -1.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = p.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = p2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Change the degree of the kernel to 2.5 and the offset to 1.0.
const double k3 = p.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with d=2.5, t=1.0: " << k3 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = p.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k4 = p.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k5 = p2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k4
    << " (d=2.5, t=1.0), " << k5 << " (d=3.0, t=-1.0)." << std::endl;


The PSpectrumStringKernel class implements the length-p string spectrum kernel, proposed by Leslie, Eskin, and Noble (pdf). The kernel finds the contiguous subsequence match count between two strings.

Due to mlpack's use of Armadillo, which requires that all matrix data be numeric, this class operates by internally storing all strings, and passing in numeric vectors such as [0 1] that reference string index 1 in dataset index 0. In turn, this means that the data points given to the PSpectrumStringKernel are simply IDs and have no geometric meaning.

Constructors and properties

  • p = PSpectrumStringKernel(datasets, p)

    • Create a PSpectrumStringKernel on the given set of string datasets, using the given substring length p.
    • datasets should have type std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>, and contains a list of datasets, each of which is made up of a list of strings.
      • Multiple datasets are supported for the case where, e.g., there are multiple files containing different sets of strings.
    • So, e.g., datasets[0] represents the 0th dataset, and datasets[0][1] is the string with index 1 inside the 0th dataset.
    • p (a size_t) is the length of substring to use for the kernel, and must be greater than 0.
    • The constructor will build counts of all substrings in the dataset, and for large data may be computationally intensive.
  • p.P() returns the substring length p of the kernel as a size_t.

    • The value of p cannot be changed once the object is constructed.
  • p.Counts() returns a std::vector<std::vector<std::map<std::string, int>>> that maps a substring to the number of times it appears in the original string. So, given a substring length of 5, p.Counts()[0][1]["hello"] would be the number of times the substring hello appears in the string with index 1 in the dataset with index 0.

Kernel evaluation

  • p.Evaluate(x1, x2)
    • Compute the kernel value between two index vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec, arma::uvec, etc.).
    • x1 and x2 do not contain string data directly, but instead are each length-2 vectors that represent the index of the datasets and strings to be compared in the datasets object that was passed to the constructor.
    • So, e.g., if x1 = [0, 0] and x2 = [1, 1], then the first string from the first dataset will be compared with the second string from the second dataset.

Example usage:

// Create two example datasets:
//      ["hello", "goodbye", "package"],
//      ["mlpack", "is", "really", "great"]
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> datasets;
datasets.push_back({ "hello", "goodbye", "package" });
datasets.push_back({ "mlpack", "is", "really", "great" });

// Create a p-spectrum string kernel with a substring length of 2,
// and another with a substring length of 3.
mlpack::PSpectrumStringKernel p(datasets, 2);
mlpack::PSpectrumStringKernel p2(datasets, 3);

// Evaluate the kernel value between "mlpack" and "package".
arma::uvec x1("1 0"); // "mlpack": dataset 1, string 0.
arma::uvec x2("0 2"); // "package": dataset 0, string 2.
const double k1 = p.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = p2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (p=2), " << k2 << " (p=3)."
    << std::endl;


The SphericalKernel class implements the simple spherical kernel, also known as the uniform kernel, or rectangular window kernel. The value of the SphericalKernel is 1 when the Euclidean distance between two points x1 and x2 is less than the bandwidth bw, and 0 otherwise: k(x1, x2) = 1(|| x1 - x2 || <= bw).

Constructors and properties

  • s = SphericalKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create a SphericalKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • s.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use s.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • s.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • s.Evaluate(distance)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors, given that the distance between those two vectors (distance) is already known.
    • distance should have type double.

Other utilities

  • s.Gradient(distance)

    • Compute the (one-dimensional) gradient of the kernel function with respect to the distance between two points, evaluated at distance.
  • s.Normalizer(dimensionality)

    • Return the normalizing constant of the spherical kernel for points in the given dimensionality as a double.

Example usage:

// Create a spherical kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::SphericalKernel s;

// Create a spherical kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::SphericalKernel s2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 2.5");
arma::vec x2("2.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = s.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = s2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 0.9;
const double k3 = s.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 3.0.
const double k4 = s.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=3.0: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix, using
// a kernel bandwidth of 2.5.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = s.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 2.5");
arma::fvec fx2("2.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = s.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = s2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k5
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k6 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;


The TriangularKernel class implements the simple triangular kernel, defined by the following equation: k(x1, x2) = max(0, 1 - || x1 - x2 || / bw) where bw is the bandwidth of the kernel.

Constructors and properties

  • t = TriangularKernel(bw=1.0)

    • Create a TriangularKernel with the given bandwidth bw.
  • t.Bandwidth() returns the bandwidth of the kernel as a double.

    • To set the bandwidth, use t.Bandwidth(newBandwidth).

Kernel evaluation

  • t.Evaluate(x1, x2)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors x1 and x2.
    • x1 and x2 should be vector types that implement the Armadillo API (e.g., arma::vec).
  • t.Evaluate(distance)

    • Compute the kernel value between two vectors, given that the distance between those two vectors (distance) is already known.
    • distance should have type double.

Other utilities

  • t.Gradient(distance)
    • Compute the (one-dimensional) gradient of the kernel function with respect to the distance between two points, evaluated at distance.

Example usage:

// Create a triangular kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::TriangularKernel t;

// Create a triangular kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::TriangularKernel t2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = t.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = t2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 0.75;
const double k3 = t.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k4 = t.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = t.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = t.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = t2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
std::cout << "Kernel values between two floating-point vectors: " << k5
    << " (bw=2.5), " << k6 << " (bw=5.0)." << std::endl;

Implement a custom kernel

mlpack supports custom kernels, so long as they implement an appropriate Evaluate() function.

See The KernelType Policy in mlpack for more information.