Top 7% Rank 68th/991 Solution
Outbrain as an online advertising company that needed help improving their recommendation algorithms to improve their click-through rate. The training and test sets were rather large being over 87 million and 32 million instances, respectively. I used the FTRL-Proximal (follow the regularized leader) algorithm was used in my solution as described here:
I implemented 27 different features for each training and test instance that I created by joining information from several separate csv files and doing some feature engineering. I one hot encoded these features in my learning algorithm using a hashing trick. I also used an online update approach to dramatically decrease the amount of RAM needed so the model could be trained on my machine.
The data sets can be downloaded here: - creates time base features out of the timestamps - changes meta tags into useful features - creates feature lists for topics and categories by rank and also a feature list for entities all of the training data and trains an online model that creates predictions on the test set takes all the predictions from the FTRL model and turns it into a submission file that can be evaluated by Kaggle