- 2 tweaks to make it clearer which sources receive which weights when using an informative prior
- source names appear in plots from 'plot_prior' function
- warning message that asks users to confirm the informative prior matches their alpha vector
- fixed minor mistakes in manual (new example datasets table)
- scale mix and source tracer data (so can always use same priors regardless of scale of data)
- update compare_models to work with loo 2.0.0
Nothing changed, just trying to get new Zenodo DOI (3.1.8 failed)
- updated manual
- new example: alligator diet, model comparison table with LOO/WAIC weights
- new example: mantis shrimp diet, informative priors + combining sources
- new function 'compare_models' to perform model selection based on LOO/WAIC weights, via 'loo' package
- new function 'combine_sources' to aggregate sources a posteriori
- new function 'summary_stat' to print summary of posterior after combining sources
- new function 'plot_intervals' to plot CI of posterior after combining sources
- Removed
call (now directly usejags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.list
) - Added epsilon (multiplicative error term) estimates to output (summary stats, posterior plots)
- Fixed bug #129 by using
instead ofcompositions::rDirichlet.rcomp
- Small changes to pass R CMD check
- Improved continuous effect output plots: 1) added 95% CI shading, 2) plot each level of fixed effect
- Fixed bug with 1FE + 1RE: empty levels Heidelberger diagnostic (#100)
- Fixed bug with 1FE + 1RE: posterior density plots saved over themselves
- Added return value for output_JAGS function: now returns p.both if 1FE + 1RE
- Added check/error message: if sources by factor, sources must match for all factor levels
- Updated CITATION and manual
- Changed resid.prop prior from dchisqr(3) to dunif(0,20)
- Updated install instructions in README (install.packages)
- Fixed error in Cladocera vignette (process vs. resid error)
- Fixed link to manual to CRAN page (DESCRIPTION file)
- CRAN submission
- added files for CRAN submission (cran-comments.md, NEWS.md)
- fixed broken links found when checking for CRAN submission
- Changed "Isotopes" to "Tracers" in GUI
- Fixed bug #72 by using
, created when making changes to pass R CMD check for CRAN submission
- Tests via testthat package (see "tests/testthat" folder)
- Changes to pass R CMD check for submission to CRAN
- download latest release by default (instead of master)
- updated citation info
- Added vignettes for script examples, see browseVignettes("MixSIAR")
- Tested package install on Windows, Mac, Linux
- Revised install instructions
- Couple minor bug fixes
- Revised manual
- Converted to R package structure, so can now run MixSIAR with:
- Problem loading mix/consumer data in the GUI version (#48)
- Fixed an error that applies with source data = means and the "Resid*Process" error structure (affects Wolves, Killer whale, and Isopod examples)
- error structures now multivariate, with 3 options: "Residual only", "Residual * Process", "Process only (N=1)"
- fixed coding of fixed effects (cases with 2FE, 1FE + 1RE)
- new function plot_prior to plot uninformative vs. informative priors (included in GUI)
- new function calc_area to calculate Brett (2014) normalized surface area
- normalized continuous covariate
- MCMC chains given different initial values (#35)
- added new examples with fatty acids
- new manual