— TypeElements
Access all elements of a collection that implements map
. An alias for Elements()
is available as ∗
). This optic can also be written as @optic _[∗]
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (1,2,3);
+julia> set(obj, Elements(), 0)
+(0, 0, 0)
+julia> modify(x -> 2x, obj, Elements())
+(2, 4, 6)
— TypeIf(modify_condition)
Restric access to locations for which modify_condition
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (1,2,3,4,5,6);
+julia> @set obj |> Elements() |> If(iseven) *= 10
+(1, 20, 3, 40, 5, 60)
This function/type is experimental. It can be changed or deleted at any point without warning
— MethodIndexLens(indices::Tuple)
Construct a lens for accessing an element of an object at indices
via []
— TypeProperties()
Access all properties of an object. An alias for Properties()
is available as ∗ₚ
). This optic can also be written as @optic _[∗ₚ]
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=2, c=3)
+(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
+julia> set(obj, Properties(), "hi")
+(a = "hi", b = "hi", c = "hi")
+julia> modify(x -> 2x, obj, Properties())
+(a = 2, b = 4, c = 6)
Based on mapproperties
— MethodPropertyLens{fieldname}()
Construct a lens for accessing a property fieldname
of an object.
The second constructor may not be type stable when fieldname
is not a constant.
— TypeRecursive(descent_condition, optic)
Apply optic
recursively as long as descent_condition
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=missing, b=1, c=(d=missing, e=(f=missing, g=2)))
+(a = missing, b = 1, c = (d = missing, e = (f = missing, g = 2)))
+julia> set(obj, Recursive(!ismissing, Properties()), 100)
+(a = 100, b = 1, c = (d = 100, e = (f = 100, g = 2)))
+julia> obj = (1,2,(3,(4,5),6))
+(1, 2, (3, (4, 5), 6))
+julia> modify(x -> 100x, obj, Recursive(x -> (x isa Tuple), Elements()))
+(100, 200, (300, (400, 500), 600))
— Functiondelete(obj, optic)
Delete a part according to optic
of obj
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=2); lens=@optic _.a;
+julia> delete(obj, lens)
+(b = 2,)
— Functiongetall(obj, optic)
Extract all parts of obj
that are selected by optic
. Returns a flat Tuple
of values, or an AbstractVector
if the selected parts contain arrays.
The details of getall
behavior are consireded experimental: in particular, the precise output container type might change in the future.
See also setall
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=(2, 3));
+julia> getall(obj, @optic _.a)
+julia> getall(obj, @optic _ |> Elements() |> last)
+(1, 3)
— Functioninsert(obj, optic, val)
Insert a part according to optic
into obj
with the value val
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=2); lens=@optic _.c; val = 100;
+julia> insert(obj, lens, val)
+(a = 1, b = 2, c = 100)
See also set
— Functionmodify(f, obj, optic)
Replace a part x
of obj
by f(x)
. The optic
argument selects which part to replace.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=2); optic=@optic _.a; f = x -> "hello $x";
+julia> modify(f, obj, optic)
+(a = "hello 1", b = 2)
See also set
— Functionset(obj, optic, val)
Replace a part according to optic
of obj
by val
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=2); lens=@optic _.a; val = 100;
+julia> set(obj, lens, val)
+(a = 100, b = 2)
See also modify
— Functionsetall(obj, optic, values)
Replace a part of obj
that is selected by optic
with values
. The values
collection should have the same number of elements as selected by optic
The details of setall
behavior are consireded experimental: in particular, supported container types for the values
argument might change in the future.
See also getall
, set
. The former is dual to setall
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a=1, b=(2, 3));
+julia> optic = @optic _ |> Elements() |> last;
+julia> getall(obj, optic)
+(1, 3)
+julia> setall(obj, optic, (4, 5))
+(a = 4, b = (2, 5))
— Functionoptic₁ ⨟ optic₂
Compose optics optic₁
, optic₂
, ..., opticₙ
to access nested objects.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> obj = (a = (b = (c = 1,),),);
+julia> la = @optic _.a
+ lb = @optic _.b
+ lc = @optic _.c
+ lens = la ⨟ lb ⨟ lc
+(@optic _.c) ∘ (@optic _.a.b)
+julia> lens(obj)
— Macro@accessor func
Given a simple getter function, define the corresponding set
method automatically.
julia> @accessor my_func(x) = x.a
+julia> my_func((a=1, b=2))
+julia> set((a=1, b=2), my_func, 100)
+(a = 100, b = 2)
— Macro@delete obj_optic
Define an optic and call delete
on it.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> xs = (1,2,3);
+julia> ys = @delete xs[2]
+(1, 3)
— Macro@insert assignment
Return a modified copy of deeply nested objects.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> t = (a=1, b=2);
+julia> @insert t.c = 5
+(a = 1, b = 2, c = 5)
+julia> t
+(a = 1, b = 2)
— Macro@modify(f, obj_optic)
Define an optic and call modify
on it.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> xs = (1,2,3);
+julia> ys = @modify(xs |> Elements() |> If(isodd)) do x
+ x + 1
+ end
+(2, 2, 4)
— Macro@optic
Construct an optic from property access and similar.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> struct T;a;b;end
+julia> t = T("A1", T(T("A3", "B3"), "B2"))
+T("A1", T(T("A3", "B3"), "B2"))
+julia> l = @optic _.b.a.b
+(@optic _.b.a.b)
+julia> l(t)
+julia> set(t, l, 100)
+T("A1", T(T("A3", 100), "B2"))
+julia> t = ("one", "two")
+("one", "two")
+julia> set(t, (@optic _[1]), "1")
+("1", "two")
See also @set
— Macro@reset assignment
Shortcut for obj = @set obj...
julia> using Accessors
+julia> t = (a=1,)
+(a = 1,)
+julia> @reset t.a=2
+(a = 2,)
+julia> t
+(a = 2,)
— Macro@set assignment
Return a modified copy of deeply nested objects.
julia> using Accessors
+julia> struct T;a;b end
+julia> t = T(1,2)
+T(1, 2)
+julia> @set t.a = 5
+T(5, 2)
+julia> t
+T(1, 2)
+julia> t = @set t.a = T(2,2)
+T(T(2, 2), 2)
+julia> @set t.a.b = 3
+T(T(2, 3), 2)