diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 55174538..ec4276c3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -87,24 +87,14 @@ As an alternative, you can use the [Azure Governance Visualizer accelerator](htt ## Release history -__Changes__ (2024-Mar-19 / 6.4.3 Minor) +__Changes__ (2024-Apr-17 / 6.4.4 Minor) -* Support for `-DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth` - Azure Consumption data should be collected/reported for the previous month - -__Changes__ (2024-Mar-14 / 6.4.2 Minor) - -* optimize objects handling / best practices - -__Changes__ (2024-Feb-06 / 6.4.0 Minor) - -* change PowerShell parallel handling / batches -* add addition JSON outputs 'definitions_tracking' and 'assignments_tracking' (JSON filenames have no displayName included; GUIDs only) -* update ARM API-version for RBAC Role definitions. Using `2022-05-01-preview` instead of `2018-11-01-preview` consequently -* fix *_roleDefinitions.csv - description partially missing -* optimize array handling / best practices -* optimize getting private endpoint capable resource types / in case resource provider 'microsoft.network' is not registered, try with next available subscription instead of throwing -* use [AzAPICall](https://aka.ms/AzAPICall) PowerShell module version 1.2.0 -* documentation update - style guidance, links updates - kudos @ckittel +* fix issue #230 + * use [AzAPICall](https://aka.ms/AzAPICall) PowerShell module version 1.2.1 +* update [API reference](#api-reference) Microsoft.Security/pricings use API version 2024-01-01 (previous 2018-06-01) +* add 'Mutate' to `ValidPolicyEffects` +* location related tasks - use only physical locations (exclude logical) +* optimize collection of Role definitions that are used in Policy definitions [Full release history](history.md) @@ -614,7 +604,7 @@ Azure Governance Visualizer polls the following APIs | ARM | 2022-05-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints | | ARM | 2022-05-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks | | ARM | 2020-06-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Resources/tags/default | -| ARM | 2018-06-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings | +| ARM | 2024-01-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings | | ARM | 2020-01-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Security/securescores | | ARM | 2020-01-01-preview | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityContacts | | ARM | 2019-10-01 | /subscriptions/`subscriptionId`/providers | diff --git a/history.md b/history.md index 6936e86f..1b18e81d 100644 --- a/history.md +++ b/history.md @@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ ### Azure Governance Visualizer version 6 +__Changes__ (2024-Apr-17 / 6.4.4 Minor) + +* fix issue #230 + * use [AzAPICall](https://aka.ms/AzAPICall) PowerShell module version 1.2.1 +* update [API reference](#api-reference) Microsoft.Security/pricings use API version 2024-01-01 (previous 2018-06-01) +* add 'Mutate' to `ValidPolicyEffects` +* location related tasks - use only physical locations (exclude logical) +* optimize collection of Role definitions that are used in Policy definitions + __Changes__ (2024-Mar-19 / 6.4.3 Minor) * Support for `-DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth` - Azure Consumption data should be collected/reported for the previous month diff --git a/pwsh/AzGovVizParallel.ps1 b/pwsh/AzGovVizParallel.ps1 index 3dd7ce0a..073fc94c 100644 --- a/pwsh/AzGovVizParallel.ps1 +++ b/pwsh/AzGovVizParallel.ps1 @@ -1,653 +1,653 @@ -<# -.SYNOPSIS - This script creates the following files to help better understand and audit your governance setup - csv file - Management Groups, Subscriptions, Policy, PolicySet (Initiative), RBAC - html file - Management Groups, Subscriptions, Policy, PolicySet (Initiative), RBAC - The html file uses Java Script and CSS files which are hosted on various CDNs (Content Delivery Network). For details review the BuildHTML region in this script. - markdown file for use with Azure DevOps Wiki leveraging the Mermaid plugin - Management Groups, Subscriptions - -.DESCRIPTION - Do you want to get granular insights on your technical Azure Governance implementation? - document it in csv, html and markdown? Azure Governance Visualizer is a PowerShell based script that iterates your Azure Tenants Management Group hierarchy down to Subscription level. It captures most relevant Azure governance capabilities such as Azure Policy, RBAC and Blueprints and a lot more. From the collected data Azure Governance Visualizer provides visibility on your Hierarchy Map, creates a Tenant Summary and builds granular Scope Insights on Management Groups and Subscriptions. The technical requirements as well as the required permissions are minimal. - -.PARAMETER ManagementGroupId - Define the Management Group Id for which the outputs/files should be generated - -.PARAMETER CsvDelimiter - The script outputs a csv file depending on your delimit defaults choose semicolon or comma - -.PARAMETER OutputPath - Full- or relative path - -.PARAMETER DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData - default is to capture the DisplayName and SignInName for RoleAssignments on ObjectType=User; for data protection and security reasons this may not be acceptable - -.PARAMETER HierarchyMapOnly - default is to query all Management groups and Subscription for Governance capabilities, if you use the parameter -HierarchyMapOnly then only the HierarchyMap will be created - -.PARAMETER NoMDfCSecureScore - default is to query all Subscriptions for Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud Secure Score and summarize Secure Score for Management Groups. - -.PARAMETER LimitCriticalPercentage - default is 80%, this parameter defines the warning level for approaching Limits (e.g. 80% of Role Assignment limit reached) change as per your preference - -.PARAMETER SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist - default is 'undefined', this parameter defines the QuotaIds the subscriptions must match so that Azure Governance Visualizer processes them. The script checks if the QuotaId startswith the string that you have put in. Separate multiple strings with comma e.g. MSDN_,EnterpriseAgreement_ - -.PARAMETER NoPolicyComplianceStates - use this parameter if policy compliance states should not be queried - -.PARAMETER NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle - use this parameter if Resource Diagnostics Policy Lifecycle recommendations should not be created - -.PARAMETER NoAADGroupsResolveMembers - use this parameter if Microsoft Entra ID Group memberships should not be resolved for Role assignments where identity type is 'Group' - -.PARAMETER AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays - define Service Principal Secret and Certificate grace period (lifetime below the defined will be marked for warning / default is 14 days) - -.PARAMETER NoAzureConsumption - #obsolete - use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should not be reported - -.PARAMETER DoAzureConsumption - use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should be reported - -.PARAMETER AzureConsumptionPeriod - use this parameter to define for which time period Azure Consumption data should be gathered; default is 1 day - -.PARAMETER NoAzureConsumptionReportExportToCSV - use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should not be exported (CSV) - -.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit - Leveraging PowerShell Core's parallel capability you can define the ThrottleLimit (default=5) - -.PARAMETER DoTranscript - Log the console output - -.PARAMETER MermaidDirection - Define the direction the Mermaid based HierarchyMap should be built TD (default) = TopDown (Horizontal), LR = LeftRight (Vertical) - -.PARAMETER SubscriptionId4AzContext - Define the Subscription Id to use for AzContext (default is to use a random Subscription Id) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall - -.PARAMETER TenantId4AzContext - Define the Tenant Id to use for AzContext. Default is to use the Tenant Id from the current context #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall - -.PARAMETER NoCsvExport - Export enriched 'Role assignments' data, enriched 'Policy assignments' data and 'all resources' (subscriptionId, mgPath, resourceType, id, name, location, tags, createdTime, changedTime) - -.PARAMETER DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy - Do not include Policy assignments on ResourceGroups - -.PARAMETER DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC - Do not include Role assignments on ResourceGroups and Resources - -.PARAMETER ChangeTrackingDays - Define the period for Change tracking on newly created and updated custom Policy, PolicySet and RBAC Role definitions and Policy/RBAC Role assignments (default is '14') - -.PARAMETER FileTimeStampFormat - Ddefine the time format for the output files (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) - -.PARAMETER NoJsonExport - Enable export of ManagementGroup Hierarchy including all MG/Sub Policy/RBAC definitions, Policy/RBAC assignments and some more relevant information to JSON - -.PARAMETER JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups - JSON Export will not include ResourceGroups (Policy & Role assignments) - -.PARAMETER JsonExportExcludeResources - JSON Export will not include Resources (Role assignments) - -.PARAMETER LargeTenant - A large tenant is a tenant with more than ~500 Subscriptions - the HTML output for large tenants simply becomes too big. - If the parameter switch is true then the following parameters will be set: - -PolicyAtScopeOnly $true - -RBACAtScopeOnly $true - -NoResourceProvidersAtAll $true - -NoScopeInsights $true - -.PARAMETER PolicyAtScopeOnly - Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants - -.PARAMETER RBACAtScopeOnly - Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants - -.PARAMETER NoResourceProvidersDetailed - default is to output all ResourceProvider states for all Subscriptions in the TenantSummary. In large Tenants this can become time consuming and may blow off the html file. - -.PARAMETER NoResourceProvidersAtAll - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter NoResourceProvidersAtAll will be set to true - Resource Provider states will not be collected - - -.PARAMETER NoScopeInsights - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoScopeInsights will be set to true - Q: Why would you want to do this? A: In larger tenants the ScopeInsights section blows up the html file (up to unusable due to html file size) - -.PARAMETER AADGroupMembersLimit - Defines the limit (default=500) of Microsoft Entra group members; For Microsoft Entra groups that have more members than the defined limit group members will not be resolved - -.PARAMETER NoResources - Will speed up the processing time but information like Resource diagnostics capability, resource type stats, UserAssigned Identities assigned to Resources is excluded (featured for large tenants) - -.PARAMETER StatsOptOut - Will opt-out sending stats - -.PARAMETER NoSingleSubscriptionOutput - Single Scope Insights output per Subscription should not be created - -.PARAMETER HtmlTableRowsLimit - Although the parameter -LargeTenant was introduced recently, still the html output may become too large to be processed properly. The new parameter defines the limit of rows - if for the html processing part the limit is reached then the html table will not be created (csv and json output will still be created). Default rows limit is 20.000 - -.PARAMETER ManagementGroupsOnly - Collect data only for Management Groups (Subscription data such as e.g. Policy assignments etc. will not be collected) - -.PARAMETER ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable - Resource Types to be excluded from processing analysis for diagnostic settings capability (default: microsoft.web/certificates) - -.PARAMETER NoPIMEligibility - Do not report on PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments - Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` - -.PARAMETER PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope - Ignore the current scope (ManagementGrouId) and get all PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments - By default will only report for PIM Elibility for the scope (ManagementGroupId) that was provided. If you use the new switch parameter then PIM Eligibility for all onboarded scopes (Management Groups and Subscriptions) will be reported - -.PARAMETER NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll - Prevent integration of PIM eligible assignments with RoleAssignmentsAll (HTML, CSV) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll - -.PARAMETER NoALZPolicyVersionChecker - 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' for Policy and Set definitions. Azure Governance Visualizer will clone the ALZ GitHub repository and collect the ALZ policy and set definitions history. The ALZ data will be compared with the data from your tenant so that you can get lifecycle management recommendations for ALZ policy and set definitions that already exist in your tenant plus a list of ALZ policy and set definitions that do not exist in your tenant. The 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' results will be displayed in the TenantSummary and a CSV export `*_ALZPolicyVersionChecker.csv` will be provided. - If you do not want to execute the 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature then use this parameter - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker - -.PARAMETER NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML - DefinitionInsights will be written to a separate HTML file `*_DefinitionInsights.html`. If you want to keep DefinitionInsights in the main html file then use this parameter - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML - -.PARAMETER NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis - Analysis on Storage Accounts, specially focused on anonymous access. - If you do not want to execute this feature then use this parameter - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis - -.PARAMETER StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags - If the Storage Account Access Analysis feature is executed with this parameter you can define the subscription tags that should be added to the CSV output - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags @('Responsible', 'TeamEmail') - -.PARAMETER StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags - If the Storage Account Access Analysis feature is executed with this parameter you can define the Storage Account (resource) tags that should be added to the CSV output - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags @('SAResponsible', 'DataOfficer') - -.PARAMETER NoNetwork - Network analysis / Virtual Network, Subnets, Virtual Network Peerings and Private Endpoints - If you do not want to execute this feature then use this parameter - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoNetwork - -.PARAMETER NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage - Define warning level when ceratin percentage of IP addresses is used (default = 90%) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage 96 - -.EXAMPLE - Define the ManagementGroup ID - PS C:\> .\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId - - Define how the CSV output should be delimited. Valid input is ; or , (semicolon is default) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -CsvDelimiter "," - - Define the outputPath (must exist) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -OutputPath 123 - - Define if User information should be scrubbed (default prints Userinformation to the CSV and HTML output) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData - - Define if only the HierarchyMap output should be created. Will ignore the parameters 'LimitCriticalPercentage' and 'DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData' (default queries for Governance capabilities such as policy-, role-, blueprints assignments and more) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -HierarchyMapOnly - - Define if Microsoft Defender for Cloud SecureScore should be queried for Subscriptions and Management Groups - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoMDfCSecureScore - - Define when limits should be highlighted as warning (default is 80 percent) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -LimitCriticalPercentage 90 - - Define the QuotaId whitelist by providing strings separated by a comma - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist MSDN_,EnterpriseAgreement_ - - Define if policy compliance states should be queried - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPolicyComplianceStates - - Define if Resource Diagnostics Policy Lifecycle recommendations should not be created - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle - - Define if Microsoft Entra ID Group memberships should not be resolved for Role assignments where identity type is 'Group' - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoAADGroupsResolveMembers - - Define Service Principal Secret and Certificate grace period (lifetime below the defined will be marked for warning / default is 14 days) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays 30 - - #obsolete Define if Azure Consumption data should not be reported - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoAzureConsumption - - Define if Azure Consumption data should be reported - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoAzureConsumption - - Define for which time period (days) Azure Consumption data should be gathered; e.g. 14 days; default is 1 day - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AzureConsumptionPeriod 14 - - Define the number of script blocks running in parallel. Leveraging PowerShell Core's parallel capability you can define the ThrottleLimit (default=5) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ThrottleLimit 10 - - Define if you want to log the console output - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoTranscript - - Define the direction the Mermaid based HierarchyMap should be built in Markdown TD = TopDown (Horizontal), LR = LeftRight (Vertical) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -MermaidDirection "LR" - - Define the Subscription Id to use for AzContext (default is to use a random Subscription Id) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -SubscriptionId4AzContext "" - - Define the Tenant Id to use for AzContext (default is to use the Tenant Id from the current context) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -TenantId4AzContext "" - - Do not Export enriched 'Role assignments' data, enriched 'Policy assignments' data and 'all resources' (subscriptionId, mgPath, resourceType, id, name, location, tags, createdTime, changedTime) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoCsvExport - - Do not include Policy assignments on ResourceGroups - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy - - Do not include Role assignments on ResourceGroups and Resources - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC - - Define the period for Change tracking on newly created and updated custom Policy, PolicySet and RBAC Role definitions and Policy/RBAC Role assignments (default is '14') - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ChangeTrackingDays 30 - - Define the time format for the output files (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -FileTimeStampFormat "yyyyMM-dd_HHmm" (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) - - Do not enable export of ManagementGroup Hierarchy including all MG/Sub Policy/RBAC definitions, Policy/RBAC assignments and some more relevant information to JSON - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoJsonExport - - JSON Export will not include ResourceGroups (Policy & Role assignments) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups - - JSON Export will not include Resources (Role assignments) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -JsonExportExcludeResources - - A large tenant is a tenant with more than ~500 Subscriptions - the HTML output for large tenants simply becomes too big. - If the parameter switch is true then the following parameters will be set: - -PolicyAtScopeOnly $true - -RBACAtScopeOnly $true - -NoResourceProvidersAtAll $true - -NoScopeInsights $true - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -LargeTenant - - Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file for 'Policy Assignments'; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -PolicyAtScopeOnly will be set to true - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -PolicyAtScopeOnly - - Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file for 'Role Assignments'; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -RBACAtScopeOnly will be set to true - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -RBACAtScopeOnly - - Define if a detailed summary on Resource Provider states per Subscription should be created in the TenantSummary section - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceProvidersDetailed - - Define if Resource Provider states should be collected - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoResourceProvidersAtAll will be set to true - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceProvidersAtAll - - Define if ScopeInsights should be created or not. Q: Why would you want to do this? A: In larger tenants the ScopeInsights section blows up the html file (up to unusable due to html file size) - Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoScopeInsights will be set to true - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoScopeInsights - - Defines the limit (default=500) of Microsoft Entra group members; For groups that have more members than the defined limit group members will not be resolved - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AADGroupMembersLimit 750 - - Will speed up the processing time but information like Resource diagnostics capability, resource type stats, UserAssigned Identities assigned to Resources is excluded (featured for large tenants) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResources - - Will opt-out sending stats - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StatsOptOut - - Will not create a single Scope Insights output per Subscription - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoSingleSubscriptionOutput - - Although the parameter -LargeTenant was introduced recently, still the html output may become too large to be processed properly. The new parameter defines the limit of rows - if for the html processing part the limit is reached then the html table will not be created (csv and json output will still be created). Default rows limit is 20.000 - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -HtmlTableRowsLimit 23077 - - Define if data should be collected for Management Groups only (Subscription data such as e.g. Policy assignments etc. will not be collected) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ManagementGroupsOnly - - Define Resource Types to be excluded from processing analysis for diagnostic settings capability (default: microsoft.web/certificates) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable @('microsoft.web/certificates') - - Define if report on PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments should be created. Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibility - - Define if the current scope (ManagementGroupId) should be ignored and therefore and get all PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments. Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope - - Define if PIM Eligible assignments should not be integrated with RoleAssignmentsAll outputs (HTML, CSV) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll - - Define if the 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature should not be executed - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker - - Define if DefinitionInsights should not be written to a seperate html file (*_DefinitionInsights.html) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML - - Define if Storage Account Access Analysis (focus on anonymous access) should be executed - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis - Additionally you can define Subscription and/or Storage Account Tag names that should be added to the CSV output per Storage Account - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId --StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags @('Responsible', 'TeamEmail') -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags @('SAResponsible', 'DataOfficer') - - Define if Network analysis / Virtual Network and Virtual Network Peerings should not be executed - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoNetwork - - Define warning level when ceratin percentage of IP addresses is used (default = 90%) - PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage 96 - -.NOTES - AUTHOR: Julian Hayward - Customer Engineer - Customer Success Unit | Azure Infrastucture/Automation/Devops/Governance | Microsoft - -.LINK - https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting (aka.ms/AzGovViz) - https://github.com/microsoft/CloudAdoptionFramework/tree/master/govern/AzureGovernanceVisualizer - Please note that while being developed by a Microsoft employee, Azure Governance Visualizer is not a Microsoft service or product. Azure Governance Visualizer is a personal/community driven project, there are none implicit or explicit obligations related to this project, it is provided 'as is' with no warranties and confer no rights. -#> - -[CmdletBinding()] -Param -( - [string] - $Product = 'AzGovViz', - - [string] - $ProductVersion = '6.4.3', - - [string] - $GithubRepository = 'aka.ms/AzGovViz', - - # <--- AzAPICall related parameters #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall - [string] - $AzAPICallVersion = '1.2.0', - - [switch] - $DebugAzAPICall, - - [switch] - $AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation, - - [string] - $SubscriptionId4AzContext = 'undefined', - - [string] - $TenantId4AzContext = 'undefined', - # AzAPICall related parameters ---> - - [string] - $ARMLocation = 'westeurope', - - [string] - $ScriptPath = 'pwsh', #e.g. 'myfolder\pwsh' - - [string] - $ManagementGroupId, - - [switch] - $AzureDevOpsWikiAsCode, #deprecated - Based on environment variables the script will detect the code run platform - - [switch] - $NoCsvExport, - - [string] - [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet(';', ',')][string]$CsvDelimiter = ';', - - [switch] - $CsvExportUseQuotesAsNeeded, - - [string] - $OutputPath, - - [switch] - $DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData, - - [switch] - $HierarchyMapOnly, - - [string] - $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON, - - [Alias('NoASCSecureScore')] - [switch] - $NoMDfCSecureScore, - - [switch] - $NoResourceProvidersDetailed, - - [switch] - $NoResourceProvidersAtAll, - - [int] - $LimitCriticalPercentage = 80, - - [array] - $SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist = @('undefined'), - - [switch] - $NoPolicyComplianceStates, - - [switch] - $NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle, - - [switch] - $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers, - - [int] - $AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays = 14, - - [switch] - $NoAzureConsumption, #obsolete - - [switch] - $DoAzureConsumption, - - [switch] - $DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth, - - [int] - $AzureConsumptionPeriod = 1, - - [switch] - $NoAzureConsumptionReportExportToCSV, - - [switch] - $DoTranscript, - - [int] - $HtmlTableRowsLimit = 20000, #HTML TenantSummary may become unresponsive depending on client device performance. A recommendation will be shown to use the CSV file instead of opening the TF table - - [int] - $ThrottleLimit = 10, - - [Alias('ExludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable')] - [array] - $ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable = @('microsoft.web/certificates', 'microsoft.chaos/chaosexperiments'), - - [switch] - $DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy, - - [switch] - $DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC, - - [Alias('AzureDevOpsWikiHierarchyDirection')] - [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('TD', 'LR')][string]$MermaidDirection = 'TD', - - [int] - $ChangeTrackingDays = 14, - - [string] - $FileTimeStampFormat = 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss', - - [switch] - $NoJsonExport, - - [switch] - $JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups, - - [switch] - $JsonExportExcludeResources, - - [switch] - $LargeTenant, - - [switch] - $NoScopeInsights, - - [int] - $AADGroupMembersLimit = 500, - - [switch] - $PolicyAtScopeOnly, - - [switch] - $RBACAtScopeOnly, - - [switch] - $NoResources, - - [switch] - $StatsOptOut, - - [switch] - $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput, - - [switch] - $ManagementGroupsOnly, - - [string] - $DirectorySeparatorChar = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar, - - [switch] - $ShowMemoryUsage, - - [int] - $CriticalMemoryUsage = 99, - - [switch] - $DoPSRule, - - [switch] - $PSRuleFailedOnly, - - [string] - $PSRuleVersion, - - [switch] - $NoPIMEligibility, - - [switch] - $PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope, - - [switch] - $NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll, - - [switch] - $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker, - - [switch] - $NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML, - - [switch] - $NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis, - - [array] - $StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags = @('undefined'), - - [array] - $StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags = @('undefined'), - - [switch] - $GitHubActionsOIDC, - - [switch] - $NoNetwork, - - [int] - $NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage = 80, - - [switch] - $ShowRunIdentifier, - - #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-subscription-service-limits#role-based-access-control-limits - [int] - $LimitRBACCustomRoleDefinitionsTenant = 5000, - - [int] - $LimitRBACRoleAssignmentsManagementGroup = 500, - - #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/governance/policy/overview#maximum-count-of-azure-policy-objects - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicyAssignmentsManagementGroup = 200, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicyAssignmentsSubscription = 200, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicyDefinitionsScopedManagementGroup = 500, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicyDefinitionsScopedSubscription = 500, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicySetAssignmentsManagementGroup = 200, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicySetAssignmentsSubscription = 200, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedTenant = 2500, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedManagementGroup = 200, - - [int] - $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedSubscription = 200, - - #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-subscription-service-limits#subscription-limits - [int] - $LimitResourceGroups = 980, - - [int] - $LimitTagsSubscription = 50, - - [array] - $MSTenantIds = @('2f4a9838-26b7-47ee-be60-ccc1fdec5953', '33e01921-4d64-4f8c-a055-5bdaffd5e33d'), - - [array] - $ValidPolicyEffects = @('append', 'audit', 'auditIfNotExists', 'deny', 'denyAction', 'deployIfNotExists', 'modify', 'manual', 'disabled', 'EnforceRegoPolicy', 'enforceSetting') -) - -$Error.clear() -$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' -#removeNoise -$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' -Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings 'true' - -#start -$startAzGovViz = Get-Date -$startTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' -Write-Host "Start Azure Governance Visualizer $($startTime) (#$($ProductVersion))" - -if ($ManagementGroupId -match ' ') { - Write-Host "Provided Management Group ID: '$($ManagementGroupId)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host 'The Management Group ID may not contain spaces - provide the Management Group ID, not the displayName.' -ForegroundColor DarkRed - throw 'Management Group ID validation failed!' +<# +.SYNOPSIS + This script creates the following files to help better understand and audit your governance setup + csv file + Management Groups, Subscriptions, Policy, PolicySet (Initiative), RBAC + html file + Management Groups, Subscriptions, Policy, PolicySet (Initiative), RBAC + The html file uses Java Script and CSS files which are hosted on various CDNs (Content Delivery Network). For details review the BuildHTML region in this script. + markdown file for use with Azure DevOps Wiki leveraging the Mermaid plugin + Management Groups, Subscriptions + +.DESCRIPTION + Do you want to get granular insights on your technical Azure Governance implementation? - document it in csv, html and markdown? Azure Governance Visualizer is a PowerShell based script that iterates your Azure Tenants Management Group hierarchy down to Subscription level. It captures most relevant Azure governance capabilities such as Azure Policy, RBAC and Blueprints and a lot more. From the collected data Azure Governance Visualizer provides visibility on your Hierarchy Map, creates a Tenant Summary and builds granular Scope Insights on Management Groups and Subscriptions. The technical requirements as well as the required permissions are minimal. + +.PARAMETER ManagementGroupId + Define the Management Group Id for which the outputs/files should be generated + +.PARAMETER CsvDelimiter + The script outputs a csv file depending on your delimit defaults choose semicolon or comma + +.PARAMETER OutputPath + Full- or relative path + +.PARAMETER DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData + default is to capture the DisplayName and SignInName for RoleAssignments on ObjectType=User; for data protection and security reasons this may not be acceptable + +.PARAMETER HierarchyMapOnly + default is to query all Management groups and Subscription for Governance capabilities, if you use the parameter -HierarchyMapOnly then only the HierarchyMap will be created + +.PARAMETER NoMDfCSecureScore + default is to query all Subscriptions for Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud Secure Score and summarize Secure Score for Management Groups. + +.PARAMETER LimitCriticalPercentage + default is 80%, this parameter defines the warning level for approaching Limits (e.g. 80% of Role Assignment limit reached) change as per your preference + +.PARAMETER SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist + default is 'undefined', this parameter defines the QuotaIds the subscriptions must match so that Azure Governance Visualizer processes them. The script checks if the QuotaId startswith the string that you have put in. Separate multiple strings with comma e.g. MSDN_,EnterpriseAgreement_ + +.PARAMETER NoPolicyComplianceStates + use this parameter if policy compliance states should not be queried + +.PARAMETER NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle + use this parameter if Resource Diagnostics Policy Lifecycle recommendations should not be created + +.PARAMETER NoAADGroupsResolveMembers + use this parameter if Microsoft Entra ID Group memberships should not be resolved for Role assignments where identity type is 'Group' + +.PARAMETER AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays + define Service Principal Secret and Certificate grace period (lifetime below the defined will be marked for warning / default is 14 days) + +.PARAMETER NoAzureConsumption + #obsolete + use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should not be reported + +.PARAMETER DoAzureConsumption + use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should be reported + +.PARAMETER AzureConsumptionPeriod + use this parameter to define for which time period Azure Consumption data should be gathered; default is 1 day + +.PARAMETER NoAzureConsumptionReportExportToCSV + use this parameter if Azure Consumption data should not be exported (CSV) + +.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit + Leveraging PowerShell Core's parallel capability you can define the ThrottleLimit (default=5) + +.PARAMETER DoTranscript + Log the console output + +.PARAMETER MermaidDirection + Define the direction the Mermaid based HierarchyMap should be built TD (default) = TopDown (Horizontal), LR = LeftRight (Vertical) + +.PARAMETER SubscriptionId4AzContext + Define the Subscription Id to use for AzContext (default is to use a random Subscription Id) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall + +.PARAMETER TenantId4AzContext + Define the Tenant Id to use for AzContext. Default is to use the Tenant Id from the current context #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall + +.PARAMETER NoCsvExport + Export enriched 'Role assignments' data, enriched 'Policy assignments' data and 'all resources' (subscriptionId, mgPath, resourceType, id, name, location, tags, createdTime, changedTime) + +.PARAMETER DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy + Do not include Policy assignments on ResourceGroups + +.PARAMETER DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC + Do not include Role assignments on ResourceGroups and Resources + +.PARAMETER ChangeTrackingDays + Define the period for Change tracking on newly created and updated custom Policy, PolicySet and RBAC Role definitions and Policy/RBAC Role assignments (default is '14') + +.PARAMETER FileTimeStampFormat + Ddefine the time format for the output files (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) + +.PARAMETER NoJsonExport + Enable export of ManagementGroup Hierarchy including all MG/Sub Policy/RBAC definitions, Policy/RBAC assignments and some more relevant information to JSON + +.PARAMETER JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups + JSON Export will not include ResourceGroups (Policy & Role assignments) + +.PARAMETER JsonExportExcludeResources + JSON Export will not include Resources (Role assignments) + +.PARAMETER LargeTenant + A large tenant is a tenant with more than ~500 Subscriptions - the HTML output for large tenants simply becomes too big. + If the parameter switch is true then the following parameters will be set: + -PolicyAtScopeOnly $true + -RBACAtScopeOnly $true + -NoResourceProvidersAtAll $true + -NoScopeInsights $true + +.PARAMETER PolicyAtScopeOnly + Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants + +.PARAMETER RBACAtScopeOnly + Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants + +.PARAMETER NoResourceProvidersDetailed + default is to output all ResourceProvider states for all Subscriptions in the TenantSummary. In large Tenants this can become time consuming and may blow off the html file. + +.PARAMETER NoResourceProvidersAtAll + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter NoResourceProvidersAtAll will be set to true + Resource Provider states will not be collected + + +.PARAMETER NoScopeInsights + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoScopeInsights will be set to true + Q: Why would you want to do this? A: In larger tenants the ScopeInsights section blows up the html file (up to unusable due to html file size) + +.PARAMETER AADGroupMembersLimit + Defines the limit (default=500) of Microsoft Entra group members; For Microsoft Entra groups that have more members than the defined limit group members will not be resolved + +.PARAMETER NoResources + Will speed up the processing time but information like Resource diagnostics capability, resource type stats, UserAssigned Identities assigned to Resources is excluded (featured for large tenants) + +.PARAMETER StatsOptOut + Will opt-out sending stats + +.PARAMETER NoSingleSubscriptionOutput + Single Scope Insights output per Subscription should not be created + +.PARAMETER HtmlTableRowsLimit + Although the parameter -LargeTenant was introduced recently, still the html output may become too large to be processed properly. The new parameter defines the limit of rows - if for the html processing part the limit is reached then the html table will not be created (csv and json output will still be created). Default rows limit is 20.000 + +.PARAMETER ManagementGroupsOnly + Collect data only for Management Groups (Subscription data such as e.g. Policy assignments etc. will not be collected) + +.PARAMETER ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable + Resource Types to be excluded from processing analysis for diagnostic settings capability (default: microsoft.web/certificates) + +.PARAMETER NoPIMEligibility + Do not report on PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments + Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` + +.PARAMETER PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope + Ignore the current scope (ManagementGrouId) and get all PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments + By default will only report for PIM Elibility for the scope (ManagementGroupId) that was provided. If you use the new switch parameter then PIM Eligibility for all onboarded scopes (Management Groups and Subscriptions) will be reported + +.PARAMETER NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll + Prevent integration of PIM eligible assignments with RoleAssignmentsAll (HTML, CSV) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll + +.PARAMETER NoALZPolicyVersionChecker + 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' for Policy and Set definitions. Azure Governance Visualizer will clone the ALZ GitHub repository and collect the ALZ policy and set definitions history. The ALZ data will be compared with the data from your tenant so that you can get lifecycle management recommendations for ALZ policy and set definitions that already exist in your tenant plus a list of ALZ policy and set definitions that do not exist in your tenant. The 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' results will be displayed in the TenantSummary and a CSV export `*_ALZPolicyVersionChecker.csv` will be provided. + If you do not want to execute the 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature then use this parameter + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker + +.PARAMETER NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML + DefinitionInsights will be written to a separate HTML file `*_DefinitionInsights.html`. If you want to keep DefinitionInsights in the main html file then use this parameter + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML + +.PARAMETER NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis + Analysis on Storage Accounts, specially focused on anonymous access. + If you do not want to execute this feature then use this parameter + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis + +.PARAMETER StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags + If the Storage Account Access Analysis feature is executed with this parameter you can define the subscription tags that should be added to the CSV output + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags @('Responsible', 'TeamEmail') + +.PARAMETER StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags + If the Storage Account Access Analysis feature is executed with this parameter you can define the Storage Account (resource) tags that should be added to the CSV output + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags @('SAResponsible', 'DataOfficer') + +.PARAMETER NoNetwork + Network analysis / Virtual Network, Subnets, Virtual Network Peerings and Private Endpoints + If you do not want to execute this feature then use this parameter + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoNetwork + +.PARAMETER NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage + Define warning level when ceratin percentage of IP addresses is used (default = 90%) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage 96 + +.EXAMPLE + Define the ManagementGroup ID + PS C:\> .\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId + + Define how the CSV output should be delimited. Valid input is ; or , (semicolon is default) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -CsvDelimiter "," + + Define the outputPath (must exist) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -OutputPath 123 + + Define if User information should be scrubbed (default prints Userinformation to the CSV and HTML output) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData + + Define if only the HierarchyMap output should be created. Will ignore the parameters 'LimitCriticalPercentage' and 'DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData' (default queries for Governance capabilities such as policy-, role-, blueprints assignments and more) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -HierarchyMapOnly + + Define if Microsoft Defender for Cloud SecureScore should be queried for Subscriptions and Management Groups + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoMDfCSecureScore + + Define when limits should be highlighted as warning (default is 80 percent) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -LimitCriticalPercentage 90 + + Define the QuotaId whitelist by providing strings separated by a comma + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist MSDN_,EnterpriseAgreement_ + + Define if policy compliance states should be queried + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPolicyComplianceStates + + Define if Resource Diagnostics Policy Lifecycle recommendations should not be created + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle + + Define if Microsoft Entra ID Group memberships should not be resolved for Role assignments where identity type is 'Group' + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoAADGroupsResolveMembers + + Define Service Principal Secret and Certificate grace period (lifetime below the defined will be marked for warning / default is 14 days) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays 30 + + #obsolete Define if Azure Consumption data should not be reported + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoAzureConsumption + + Define if Azure Consumption data should be reported + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoAzureConsumption + + Define for which time period (days) Azure Consumption data should be gathered; e.g. 14 days; default is 1 day + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AzureConsumptionPeriod 14 + + Define the number of script blocks running in parallel. Leveraging PowerShell Core's parallel capability you can define the ThrottleLimit (default=5) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ThrottleLimit 10 + + Define if you want to log the console output + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoTranscript + + Define the direction the Mermaid based HierarchyMap should be built in Markdown TD = TopDown (Horizontal), LR = LeftRight (Vertical) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -MermaidDirection "LR" + + Define the Subscription Id to use for AzContext (default is to use a random Subscription Id) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -SubscriptionId4AzContext "" + + Define the Tenant Id to use for AzContext (default is to use the Tenant Id from the current context) #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -TenantId4AzContext "" + + Do not Export enriched 'Role assignments' data, enriched 'Policy assignments' data and 'all resources' (subscriptionId, mgPath, resourceType, id, name, location, tags, createdTime, changedTime) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoCsvExport + + Do not include Policy assignments on ResourceGroups + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy + + Do not include Role assignments on ResourceGroups and Resources + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC + + Define the period for Change tracking on newly created and updated custom Policy, PolicySet and RBAC Role definitions and Policy/RBAC Role assignments (default is '14') + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ChangeTrackingDays 30 + + Define the time format for the output files (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -FileTimeStampFormat "yyyyMM-dd_HHmm" (default is `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`) + + Do not enable export of ManagementGroup Hierarchy including all MG/Sub Policy/RBAC definitions, Policy/RBAC assignments and some more relevant information to JSON + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoJsonExport + + JSON Export will not include ResourceGroups (Policy & Role assignments) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups + + JSON Export will not include Resources (Role assignments) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -JsonExportExcludeResources + + A large tenant is a tenant with more than ~500 Subscriptions - the HTML output for large tenants simply becomes too big. + If the parameter switch is true then the following parameters will be set: + -PolicyAtScopeOnly $true + -RBACAtScopeOnly $true + -NoResourceProvidersAtAll $true + -NoScopeInsights $true + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -LargeTenant + + Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file for 'Policy Assignments'; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -PolicyAtScopeOnly will be set to true + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -PolicyAtScopeOnly + + Removing 'inherited' lines in the HTML file for 'Role Assignments'; use this parameter if you run against a larger tenants + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -RBACAtScopeOnly will be set to true + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -RBACAtScopeOnly + + Define if a detailed summary on Resource Provider states per Subscription should be created in the TenantSummary section + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceProvidersDetailed + + Define if Resource Provider states should be collected + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoResourceProvidersAtAll will be set to true + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResourceProvidersAtAll + + Define if ScopeInsights should be created or not. Q: Why would you want to do this? A: In larger tenants the ScopeInsights section blows up the html file (up to unusable due to html file size) + Note if you use parameter -LargeTenant then parameter -NoScopeInsights will be set to true + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoScopeInsights + + Defines the limit (default=500) of Microsoft Entra group members; For groups that have more members than the defined limit group members will not be resolved + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -AADGroupMembersLimit 750 + + Will speed up the processing time but information like Resource diagnostics capability, resource type stats, UserAssigned Identities assigned to Resources is excluded (featured for large tenants) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoResources + + Will opt-out sending stats + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -StatsOptOut + + Will not create a single Scope Insights output per Subscription + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoSingleSubscriptionOutput + + Although the parameter -LargeTenant was introduced recently, still the html output may become too large to be processed properly. The new parameter defines the limit of rows - if for the html processing part the limit is reached then the html table will not be created (csv and json output will still be created). Default rows limit is 20.000 + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -HtmlTableRowsLimit 23077 + + Define if data should be collected for Management Groups only (Subscription data such as e.g. Policy assignments etc. will not be collected) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ManagementGroupsOnly + + Define Resource Types to be excluded from processing analysis for diagnostic settings capability (default: microsoft.web/certificates) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable @('microsoft.web/certificates') + + Define if report on PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments should be created. Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibility + + Define if the current scope (ManagementGroupId) should be ignored and therefore and get all PIM (Privileged Identity Management) eligible Role assignments. Note: this feature requires you to execute as Service Principal with `Application` API permission `PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources` + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope + + Define if PIM Eligible assignments should not be integrated with RoleAssignmentsAll outputs (HTML, CSV) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll + + Define if the 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature should not be executed + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker + + Define if DefinitionInsights should not be written to a seperate html file (*_DefinitionInsights.html) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML + + Define if Storage Account Access Analysis (focus on anonymous access) should be executed + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis + Additionally you can define Subscription and/or Storage Account Tag names that should be added to the CSV output per Storage Account + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId --StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags @('Responsible', 'TeamEmail') -StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags @('SAResponsible', 'DataOfficer') + + Define if Network analysis / Virtual Network and Virtual Network Peerings should not be executed + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NoNetwork + + Define warning level when ceratin percentage of IP addresses is used (default = 90%) + PS C:\>.\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -ManagementGroupId -NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage 96 + +.NOTES + AUTHOR: Julian Hayward - Customer Engineer - Customer Success Unit | Azure Infrastucture/Automation/Devops/Governance | Microsoft + +.LINK + https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting (aka.ms/AzGovViz) + https://github.com/microsoft/CloudAdoptionFramework/tree/master/govern/AzureGovernanceVisualizer + Please note that while being developed by a Microsoft employee, Azure Governance Visualizer is not a Microsoft service or product. Azure Governance Visualizer is a personal/community driven project, there are none implicit or explicit obligations related to this project, it is provided 'as is' with no warranties and confer no rights. +#> + +[CmdletBinding()] +Param +( + [string] + $Product = 'AzGovViz', + + [string] + $ProductVersion = '6.4.4', + + [string] + $GithubRepository = 'aka.ms/AzGovViz', + + # <--- AzAPICall related parameters #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall + [string] + $AzAPICallVersion = '1.2.1', + + [switch] + $DebugAzAPICall, + + [switch] + $AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation, + + [string] + $SubscriptionId4AzContext = 'undefined', + + [string] + $TenantId4AzContext = 'undefined', + # AzAPICall related parameters ---> + + [string] + $ARMLocation = 'westeurope', + + [string] + $ScriptPath = 'pwsh', #e.g. 'myfolder\pwsh' + + [string] + $ManagementGroupId, + + [switch] + $AzureDevOpsWikiAsCode, #deprecated - Based on environment variables the script will detect the code run platform + + [switch] + $NoCsvExport, + + [string] + [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet(';', ',')][string]$CsvDelimiter = ';', + + [switch] + $CsvExportUseQuotesAsNeeded, + + [string] + $OutputPath, + + [switch] + $DoNotShowRoleAssignmentsUserData, + + [switch] + $HierarchyMapOnly, + + [string] + $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON, + + [Alias('NoASCSecureScore')] + [switch] + $NoMDfCSecureScore, + + [switch] + $NoResourceProvidersDetailed, + + [switch] + $NoResourceProvidersAtAll, + + [int] + $LimitCriticalPercentage = 80, + + [array] + $SubscriptionQuotaIdWhitelist = @('undefined'), + + [switch] + $NoPolicyComplianceStates, + + [switch] + $NoResourceDiagnosticsPolicyLifecycle, + + [switch] + $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers, + + [int] + $AADServicePrincipalExpiryWarningDays = 14, + + [switch] + $NoAzureConsumption, #obsolete + + [switch] + $DoAzureConsumption, + + [switch] + $DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth, + + [int] + $AzureConsumptionPeriod = 1, + + [switch] + $NoAzureConsumptionReportExportToCSV, + + [switch] + $DoTranscript, + + [int] + $HtmlTableRowsLimit = 20000, #HTML TenantSummary may become unresponsive depending on client device performance. A recommendation will be shown to use the CSV file instead of opening the TF table + + [int] + $ThrottleLimit = 10, + + [Alias('ExludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable')] + [array] + $ExcludedResourceTypesDiagnosticsCapable = @('microsoft.web/certificates', 'microsoft.chaos/chaosexperiments'), + + [switch] + $DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy, + + [switch] + $DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC, + + [Alias('AzureDevOpsWikiHierarchyDirection')] + [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('TD', 'LR')][string]$MermaidDirection = 'TD', + + [int] + $ChangeTrackingDays = 14, + + [string] + $FileTimeStampFormat = 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss', + + [switch] + $NoJsonExport, + + [switch] + $JsonExportExcludeResourceGroups, + + [switch] + $JsonExportExcludeResources, + + [switch] + $LargeTenant, + + [switch] + $NoScopeInsights, + + [int] + $AADGroupMembersLimit = 500, + + [switch] + $PolicyAtScopeOnly, + + [switch] + $RBACAtScopeOnly, + + [switch] + $NoResources, + + [switch] + $StatsOptOut, + + [switch] + $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput, + + [switch] + $ManagementGroupsOnly, + + [string] + $DirectorySeparatorChar = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar, + + [switch] + $ShowMemoryUsage, + + [int] + $CriticalMemoryUsage = 99, + + [switch] + $DoPSRule, + + [switch] + $PSRuleFailedOnly, + + [string] + $PSRuleVersion, + + [switch] + $NoPIMEligibility, + + [switch] + $PIMEligibilityIgnoreScope, + + [switch] + $NoPIMEligibilityIntegrationRoleAssignmentsAll, + + [switch] + $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker, + + [switch] + $NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML, + + [switch] + $NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis, + + [array] + $StorageAccountAccessAnalysisSubscriptionTags = @('undefined'), + + [array] + $StorageAccountAccessAnalysisStorageAccountTags = @('undefined'), + + [switch] + $GitHubActionsOIDC, + + [switch] + $NoNetwork, + + [int] + $NetworkSubnetIPAddressUsageCriticalPercentage = 80, + + [switch] + $ShowRunIdentifier, + + #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-subscription-service-limits#role-based-access-control-limits + [int] + $LimitRBACCustomRoleDefinitionsTenant = 5000, + + [int] + $LimitRBACRoleAssignmentsManagementGroup = 500, + + #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/governance/policy/overview#maximum-count-of-azure-policy-objects + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicyAssignmentsManagementGroup = 200, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicyAssignmentsSubscription = 200, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicyDefinitionsScopedManagementGroup = 500, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicyDefinitionsScopedSubscription = 500, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicySetAssignmentsManagementGroup = 200, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicySetAssignmentsSubscription = 200, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedTenant = 2500, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedManagementGroup = 200, + + [int] + $LimitPOLICYPolicySetDefinitionsScopedSubscription = 200, + + #https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-subscription-service-limits#subscription-limits + [int] + $LimitResourceGroups = 980, + + [int] + $LimitTagsSubscription = 50, + + [array] + $MSTenantIds = @('2f4a9838-26b7-47ee-be60-ccc1fdec5953', '33e01921-4d64-4f8c-a055-5bdaffd5e33d'), + + [array] + $ValidPolicyEffects = @('append', 'audit', 'auditIfNotExists', 'deny', 'denyAction', 'deployIfNotExists', 'modify', 'manual', 'disabled', 'EnforceRegoPolicy', 'enforceSetting', 'Mutate') +) + +$Error.clear() +$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' +#removeNoise +$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' +Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings 'true' + +#start +$startAzGovViz = Get-Date +$startTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' +Write-Host "Start Azure Governance Visualizer $($startTime) (#$($ProductVersion))" + +if ($ManagementGroupId -match ' ') { + Write-Host "Provided Management Group ID: '$($ManagementGroupId)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host 'The Management Group ID may not contain spaces - provide the Management Group ID, not the displayName.' -ForegroundColor DarkRed + throw 'Management Group ID validation failed!' } - -#region Functions + +#region Functions function addHtParameters { Write-Host 'Add Azure Governance Visualizer htParameters' if ($LargeTenant -eq $true) { @@ -2037,15 +2037,12 @@ function cacheBuiltIn { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds)) { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.(($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id).ToLower()).RoleDefinitionIds = $builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) } - #else { - $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) - #} + $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) } } else { @@ -2128,15 +2125,12 @@ function cacheBuiltIn { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds)) { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.(($staticPolicyDefinition.Id).ToLower()).RoleDefinitionIds = $staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) } - #else { - $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) - #} + $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) } } else { @@ -4187,6 +4181,90 @@ function getPolicyRemediation { } } } +function getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes { + $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false + $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $prioCounter = 0 + foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection) { + $prioCounter++ + if ($subscription.subscriptionId -eq $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { + $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + subscriptionInfo = $subscription + prio = 0 + }) + } + else { + $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + subscriptionInfo = $subscription + prio = $prioCounter + }) + } + } + + foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes | Sort-Object -Property prio) { + + if ($privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted) { + continue + } + + $subscriptionId = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionId + $subscriptionName = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionName + + $armLocationsFromAzAPICall = $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations + + Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId)) for $($armLocationsFromAzAPICall.Count) locations" + + $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($armLocationsFromAzAPICall.Count / $ThrottleLimit) + Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" + $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } + $locationsBatch = ($armLocationsFromAzAPICall) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } + Write-Host "Processing data in $($locationsBatch.Count) batches" + + $locationsBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { + + $subscriptionId = $using:subscriptionId + $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf + $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = $using:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes + + foreach ($location in $_.Group) { + $currentTask = "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location)" + #Write-Host $currentTask + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/$($location)/availablePrivateEndpointTypes?api-version=2022-07-01" + $method = 'GET' + $availablePrivateEndpointTypes = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -skipOnErrorCode 400, 409 + Write-Host " Returned $($availablePrivateEndpointTypes.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location)" + foreach ($availablePrivateEndpointType in $availablePrivateEndpointTypes) { + if (-not $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower())) { + $script:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower()) = @{} + } + } + } + } -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit + + if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + #Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $true + } + else { + Write-Host " $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - likely the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is not registered - trying next available subscription" + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false + } + } + + if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" + } + else { + $throwmsg = "$($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - Checked for $($subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Count) Subscriptions with no success. Make sure that for at least one Subscription the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is registered. Once you registered the Resource Provider for Subscription 'subscriptionEnabled' it may be a good idea to use the parameter: -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" + Write-Host $throwmsg -ForegroundColor DarkRed + Throw $throwmsg + } + + $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date + Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + #endregion Getting Available Private Endpoint Types +} function getResourceDiagnosticsCapability { Write-Host 'Checking Resource Types Diagnostics capability (1st party only)' $startResourceDiagnosticsCheck = Get-Date @@ -4438,6 +4516,141 @@ function prepareData { $endPreparingArrays = Get-Date Write-Host "Preparing Arrays duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreparingArrays -End $endPreparingArrays).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreparingArrays -End $endPreparingArrays).TotalSeconds) seconds)" } +function processAADGroups { + if ($NoPIMEligibility) { + Write-Host 'Resolving Microsoft Entra groups (for which a RBAC role assignment exists)' + } + else { + Write-Host 'Resolving Microsoft Entra groups (for which a RBAC role assignment or PIM eligibility exists)' + } + + Write-Host " Users known as Guest count: $($htUserTypesGuest.Keys.Count) (before resolving Microsoft Entra groups)" + $startAADGroupsResolveMembers = Get-Date + + $roleAssignmentsforGroups = ($roleAssignmentsUniqueById.where( { $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -eq 'Group' } ) | Select-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname) | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -Unique + $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + if ($roleAssignmentsforGroups.Count -gt 0) { + foreach ($roleAssignmentforGroups in $roleAssignmentsforGroups) { + $null = $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Add($roleAssignmentforGroups) + } + } + + $aadGroupsCount = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery).Count + Write-Host " $aadGroupsCount Groups from RoleAssignments" + + if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { + $PIMEligibleGroups = $arrayPIMEligible.where({ $_.IdentityType -eq 'Group' }) | Select-Object IdentityObjectId, IdentityDisplayName | Sort-Object -Property IdentityObjectId -Unique + $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal = 0 + $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments = 0 + foreach ($PIMEligibleGroup in $PIMEligibleGroups) { + $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal++ + if ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -notcontains $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityObjectId) { + $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments++ + $null = $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId = $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityObjectId + RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname = $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityDisplayName + }) + } + } + Write-Host " $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal groups from PIM eligibility; $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments groups added ($($cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments) already covered in role assignments)" + $aadGroupsCount = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery).Count + Write-Host " $aadGroupsCount groups from role assignments and PIM eligibility" + } + + if ($aadGroupsCount -gt 0) { + + switch ($aadGroupsCount) { + { $_ -gt 0 } { $indicator = 1 } + { $_ -gt 10 } { $indicator = 5 } + { $_ -gt 50 } { $indicator = 10 } + { $_ -gt 100 } { $indicator = 20 } + { $_ -gt 250 } { $indicator = 25 } + { $_ -gt 500 } { $indicator = 50 } + { $_ -gt 1000 } { $indicator = 100 } + { $_ -gt 10000 } { $indicator = 250 } + } + + Write-Host " processing $($aadGroupsCount) Microsoft Entra groups (indicating progress in steps of $indicator)" + + $ThrottleLimitThis = $ThrottleLimit * 2 + $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Count / $ThrottleLimitThis) + Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" + $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } + $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } + Write-Host "Processing data in $($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch.Count) batches" + + $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { + #$aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment = $_ + #region UsingVARs + #fromOtherFunctions + $AADGroupMembersLimit = $using:AADGroupMembersLimit + $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf + $scriptPath = $using:ScriptPath + #Array&HTs + $htAADGroupsDetails = $using:htAADGroupsDetails + $arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals = $using:arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals + $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound = $using:arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound + $arrayProgressedAADGroups = $using:arrayProgressedAADGroups + $htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit = $using:htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit + $indicator = $using:indicator + $htUserTypesGuest = $using:htUserTypesGuest + $htServicePrincipals = $using:htServicePrincipals + #other + $function:getGroupmembers = $using:funcGetGroupmembers + #endregion UsingVARs + + foreach ($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment in $_.Group) { + + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph)/beta/groups/$($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)/transitiveMembers/`$count" + $method = 'GET' + $aadGroupMembersCount = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask "getGroupMembersCountTransitive $($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)" -listenOn 'Content' -consistencyLevel 'eventual' + + if ($aadGroupMembersCount -eq 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { + $null = $script:arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + groupId = $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId + }) + } + else { + if ($aadGroupMembersCount -gt $AADGroupMembersLimit) { + Write-Host " Group exceeding limit ($($AADGroupMembersLimit)); memberCount: $aadGroupMembersCount; Group: $($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname) ($($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)); Members will not be resolved adjust the limit using parameter -AADGroupMembersLimit" + $script:htAADGroupsDetails.($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) = @{ + MembersAllCount = $aadGroupMembersCount + MembersUsersCount = 'n/a' + MembersGroupsCount = 'n/a' + MembersServicePrincipalsCount = 'n/a' + } + + } + else { + getGroupmembers -aadGroupId $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -aadGroupDisplayName $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname + } + } + + $null = $script:arrayProgressedAADGroups.Add($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) + $processedAADGroupsCount = $null + $processedAADGroupsCount = ($arrayProgressedAADGroups).Count + if ($processedAADGroupsCount) { + if ($processedAADGroupsCount % $indicator -eq 0) { + Write-Host " $processedAADGroupsCount Microsoft Entra groups processed" + } + } + } + } -ThrottleLimit ($ThrottleLimitThis) + } + else { + Write-Host " processing $($aadGroupsCount) Microsoft Entra groups" + } + + $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount = ($arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound).Count + if ($arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount -gt 0) { + Write-Host "$arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount Groups could not be checked for Memberships" + } + + Write-Host " processed $($arrayProgressedAADGroups.Count) Microsoft Entra groups" + $endAADGroupsResolveMembers = Get-Date + Write-Host "Resolving Microsoft Entra groups duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startAADGroupsResolveMembers -End $endAADGroupsResolveMembers).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startAADGroupsResolveMembers -End $endAADGroupsResolveMembers).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + Write-Host " Users known as Guest count: $($htUserTypesGuest.Keys.Count) (after resolving Microsoft Entra groups)" +} function processALZPolicyVersionChecker { $start = Get-Date Write-Host "Processing 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' base data" @@ -17596,7 +17809,7 @@ extensions: [{ name: 'sort' }] } #role used in a policyDef (rule roledefinitionIds) - if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)") { + if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains ("/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)".Tolower())) { $roleIsUsed = $true } @@ -17726,7 +17939,7 @@ extensions: [{ name: 'sort' }] } #role used in a policyDef (rule roledefinitionIds) - if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)") { + if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains ("/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)".ToLower())) { $roleIsUsed = $true } @@ -27968,141 +28181,6 @@ extensions: [{ name: 'sort' }] $script:html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force $script:html = $null } -function processAADGroups { - if ($NoPIMEligibility) { - Write-Host 'Resolving Microsoft Entra groups (for which a RBAC role assignment exists)' - } - else { - Write-Host 'Resolving Microsoft Entra groups (for which a RBAC role assignment or PIM eligibility exists)' - } - - Write-Host " Users known as Guest count: $($htUserTypesGuest.Keys.Count) (before resolving Microsoft Entra groups)" - $startAADGroupsResolveMembers = Get-Date - - $roleAssignmentsforGroups = ($roleAssignmentsUniqueById.where( { $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -eq 'Group' } ) | Select-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname) | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -Unique - $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - if ($roleAssignmentsforGroups.Count -gt 0) { - foreach ($roleAssignmentforGroups in $roleAssignmentsforGroups) { - $null = $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Add($roleAssignmentforGroups) - } - } - - $aadGroupsCount = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery).Count - Write-Host " $aadGroupsCount Groups from RoleAssignments" - - if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { - $PIMEligibleGroups = $arrayPIMEligible.where({ $_.IdentityType -eq 'Group' }) | Select-Object IdentityObjectId, IdentityDisplayName | Sort-Object -Property IdentityObjectId -Unique - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal = 0 - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments = 0 - foreach ($PIMEligibleGroup in $PIMEligibleGroups) { - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal++ - if ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -notcontains $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityObjectId) { - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments++ - $null = $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId = $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityObjectId - RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname = $PIMEligibleGroup.IdentityDisplayName - }) - } - } - Write-Host " $cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal groups from PIM eligibility; $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments groups added ($($cntPIMEligibleGroupsTotal - $cntPIMEligibleGroupsNotCoveredFromRoleAssignments) already covered in role assignments)" - $aadGroupsCount = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery).Count - Write-Host " $aadGroupsCount groups from role assignments and PIM eligibility" - } - - if ($aadGroupsCount -gt 0) { - - switch ($aadGroupsCount) { - { $_ -gt 0 } { $indicator = 1 } - { $_ -gt 10 } { $indicator = 5 } - { $_ -gt 50 } { $indicator = 10 } - { $_ -gt 100 } { $indicator = 20 } - { $_ -gt 250 } { $indicator = 25 } - { $_ -gt 500 } { $indicator = 50 } - { $_ -gt 1000 } { $indicator = 100 } - { $_ -gt 10000 } { $indicator = 250 } - } - - Write-Host " processing $($aadGroupsCount) Microsoft Entra groups (indicating progress in steps of $indicator)" - - $ThrottleLimitThis = $ThrottleLimit * 2 - $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery.Count / $ThrottleLimitThis) - Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" - $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } - $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch = ($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQuery) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } - Write-Host "Processing data in $($optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch.Count) batches" - - $optimizedTableForAADGroupsQueryBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { - #$aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment = $_ - #region UsingVARs - #fromOtherFunctions - $AADGroupMembersLimit = $using:AADGroupMembersLimit - $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf - $scriptPath = $using:ScriptPath - #Array&HTs - $htAADGroupsDetails = $using:htAADGroupsDetails - $arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals = $using:arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals - $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound = $using:arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound - $arrayProgressedAADGroups = $using:arrayProgressedAADGroups - $htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit = $using:htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit - $indicator = $using:indicator - $htUserTypesGuest = $using:htUserTypesGuest - $htServicePrincipals = $using:htServicePrincipals - #other - $function:getGroupmembers = $using:funcGetGroupmembers - #endregion UsingVARs - - foreach ($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment in $_.Group) { - - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph)/beta/groups/$($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)/transitiveMembers/`$count" - $method = 'GET' - $aadGroupMembersCount = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask "getGroupMembersCountTransitive $($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)" -listenOn 'Content' -consistencyLevel 'eventual' - - if ($aadGroupMembersCount -eq 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { - $null = $script:arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - groupId = $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId - }) - } - else { - if ($aadGroupMembersCount -gt $AADGroupMembersLimit) { - Write-Host " Group exceeding limit ($($AADGroupMembersLimit)); memberCount: $aadGroupMembersCount; Group: $($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname) ($($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId)); Members will not be resolved adjust the limit using parameter -AADGroupMembersLimit" - $script:htAADGroupsDetails.($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) = @{ - MembersAllCount = $aadGroupMembersCount - MembersUsersCount = 'n/a' - MembersGroupsCount = 'n/a' - MembersServicePrincipalsCount = 'n/a' - } - - } - else { - getGroupmembers -aadGroupId $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId -aadGroupDisplayName $aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname - } - } - - $null = $script:arrayProgressedAADGroups.Add($aadGroupIdWithRoleAssignment.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) - $processedAADGroupsCount = $null - $processedAADGroupsCount = ($arrayProgressedAADGroups).Count - if ($processedAADGroupsCount) { - if ($processedAADGroupsCount % $indicator -eq 0) { - Write-Host " $processedAADGroupsCount Microsoft Entra groups processed" - } - } - } - } -ThrottleLimit ($ThrottleLimitThis) - } - else { - Write-Host " processing $($aadGroupsCount) Microsoft Entra groups" - } - - $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount = ($arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound).Count - if ($arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount -gt 0) { - Write-Host "$arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFoundCount Groups could not be checked for Memberships" - } - - Write-Host " processed $($arrayProgressedAADGroups.Count) Microsoft Entra groups" - $endAADGroupsResolveMembers = Get-Date - Write-Host "Resolving Microsoft Entra groups duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startAADGroupsResolveMembers -End $endAADGroupsResolveMembers).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startAADGroupsResolveMembers -End $endAADGroupsResolveMembers).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - Write-Host " Users known as Guest count: $($htUserTypesGuest.Keys.Count) (after resolving Microsoft Entra groups)" -} function removeInvalidFileNameChars { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, @@ -29505,7 +29583,7 @@ function dataCollectionDefenderPlans { $currentTask = "Getting Microsoft Defender for Cloud plans for Subscription: '$($scopeDisplayName)' ('$scopeId') [quotaId:'$SubscriptionQuotaId']" #https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/defenderforcloud/pricings - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($scopeId)/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings?api-version=2018-06-01" + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($scopeId)/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings?api-version=2024-01-01" $method = 'GET' $defenderPlansResult = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -caller 'CustomDataCollection' @@ -31671,15 +31749,12 @@ function dataCollectionPolicyDefinitions { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.($hlpPolicyDefinitionId).RoleDefinitionIds = $scopePolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $scopePolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($roledefinitionId)) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) } - #else { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) - #} + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) } else { Write-Host "$currentTask $($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) Finding: empty roleDefinitionId in roledefinitionIds" @@ -34028,1891 +34103,1805 @@ function processScopeInsightsMGSubs($mgChild) { } } #endregion HTML -#endregion Functions - -$funcAddRowToTable = $function:addRowToTable.ToString() -$funcGetGroupmembers = $function:GetGroupmembers.ToString() -$funcResolveObjectIds = $function:ResolveObjectIds.ToString() -$funcNamingValidation = $function:NamingValidation.ToString() -$funcTestGuid = $function:testGuid.ToString() -$funcDetectPolicyEffect = $function:detectPolicyEffect.ToString() -$funcGetPolicyHash = $function:getPolicyHash.ToString() - -if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { - processHierarchyMapOnlyCustomData - Write-Host 'Skipping PowerShell version check /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' -} -else { - testPowerShellVersion -} - -showMemoryUsage - -$outputPathGiven = $OutputPath -setOutput -if ($DoTranscript) { - setTranscript -} - -#region PSRule paused -if ($DoPSRule) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host ' * * * CHANGE: PSRule for Azure * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta - Write-Host 'PSRule integration has been paused' - Write-Host 'Azure Governance Visualizer leveraged the Invoke-PSRule cmdlet, but there are certain [resource types](https://github.com/Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure/blob/ab0910359c1b9826d8134041d5ca997f6195fc58/src/PSRule.Rules.Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure.psm1#L1582) where also child resources need to be queried to achieve full rule evaluation.' - $DoPSRule = $false - Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta - Write-Host '' -} -#endregion PSRule paused - -#region verifyModules3rd -$modules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() -$null = $modules.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - ModuleName = 'AzAPICall' - ModuleVersion = $AzAPICallVersion - ModuleProductName = 'AzAPICall' - ModulePathPipeline = 'AzAPICallModule' - }) - -if ($DoPSRule) { - - <#temporary workaround / PSRule/Azure DevOps Az.Resources module requirements - if ($env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID -and $env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID) { - $PSRuleVersion = '1.14.3' - Write-Host "Running in Azure DevOps; enforce PSRule version '$PSRuleVersion' (Az.Resources dependency on latest PSRule)" - } - #> - - $null = $modules.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - ModuleName = 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' - ModuleVersion = $PSRuleVersion - ModuleProductName = 'PSRule' - ModulePathPipeline = 'PSRuleModule' - }) -} -verifyModules3rd -modules $modules -#endregion verifyModules3rd - -#Region initAZAPICall -Write-Host "Initialize 'AzAPICall'" -$parameters4AzAPICallModule = @{ - DebugAzAPICall = $DebugAzAPICall - SubscriptionId4AzContext = $SubscriptionId4AzContext - TenantId4AzContext = $TenantId4AzContext - GithubRepository = $GithubRepository - SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation = $AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation -} -$azAPICallConf = initAzAPICall @parameters4AzAPICallModule -Write-Host " Initialize 'AzAPICall' succeeded" -ForegroundColor Green - -Write-Host " Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$false" -ForegroundColor Yellow -$ignoreARMLocation = $false - -if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].azureCloudEnvironment -ne 'AzureCloud') { - Write-Host " Non Public Cloud ($($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].azureCloudEnvironment)) -> Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$true" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $ignoreARMLocation = $true -} - -if (-not $ignoreARMLocation) { - if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations.count -gt 0) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host "Check if provided parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is valid" - if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations -notcontains $ARMLocation) { - Write-Host " Parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is not valid - please provide a valid ARMLocation" -ForegroundColor DarkRed - Write-Host " Valid ARMLocations: '$($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations -join ', ')'" -ForegroundColor Yellow - throw 'ARMLocation validation failed!' - } - else { - Write-Host " Parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is valid" -ForegroundColor Green - } - } - else { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host "Skipping ARMLocation validation - no locations found in '`$azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations'. (-SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation = '$skipAzContextSubscriptionValidation')" - Write-Host " Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$true" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $ignoreARMLocation = $true - } -} -#EndRegion initAZAPICall - -#region required AzAPICall version -if (-not ([System.Version]"$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)" -ge [System.Version]'1.1.84')) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host 'Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version check failed -> https://aka.ms/AzAPICall; https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/AzAPICall' - throw "This version of Azure Governance Visualizer '$ProductVersion' requires AzAPICall PowerShell module version '1.1.84' or greater" -} -else { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version requirement check succeeded: '1.1.84' or greater - current: '$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)' " -ForegroundColor Green -} -#endregion required AzAPICall version - -checkAzGovVizVersion - -#region promptNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable -if ($azGovVizNewerVersionAvailable) { - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host " * * * This Azure Governance Visualizer version ($ProductVersion) is not up to date. Get the latest Azure Governance Visualizer version ($azGovVizVersionOnRepositoryFull)! * * *" -ForegroundColor Green - Write-Host 'Check the Azure Governance Visualizer history: https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting/blob/master/history.md' - Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Green - Pause - } -} -#endregion promptNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - handleCloudEnvironment -} - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - <# PSRule paused - #region recommendPSRule - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { - if (-not $DoPSRule) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host ' * * * RECOMMENDATION: PSRule for Azure * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta - Write-Host "Parameter -DoPSRule == '$DoPSRule'" - Write-Host "'PSRule for Azure' based ouputs provide aggregated Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework (WAF) aligned resource analysis results including guidance for remediation." - Write-Host 'Consider running Azure Governance Visualizer with the parameter -DoPSRule (example: .\pwsh\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -DoPSRule)' - Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta - Pause - } - } - #endregion recommendPSRule - #> - - #region hintPIMEligibility - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType -eq 'User') { - if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host ' * * * HINT: PIM (Privileged Identity Management) Eligibility reporting * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkBlue - Write-Host "Parameter -NoPIMEligibility == '$NoPIMEligibility'" - Write-Host "Executing principal accountType: '$($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType)'" - Write-Host "PIM Eligibility reporting requires to execute the script as ServicePrincipal. API Permission 'PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources' is required" - Write-Host "For this run we switch the parameter -NoPIMEligibility from '$NoPIMEligibility' to 'True'" - $NoPIMEligibility = $true - Write-Host "Parameter -NoPIMEligibility == '$NoPIMEligibility'" - Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkBlue - Pause - } - } - #endregion hintPIMEligibility -} - -#region delimiterOpposite -if ($CsvDelimiter -eq ';') { - $CsvDelimiterOpposite = ',' -} -if ($CsvDelimiter -eq ',') { - $CsvDelimiterOpposite = ';' -} -#endregion delimiterOpposite - -#region runDataCollection - -#run -if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { - Write-Host 'Skipping Access validation /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' - Write-Host 'Skipping addHtParameters /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' -} -else { - addHtParameters - validateAccess -} - -getFileNaming - -Write-Host "Running Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) for ManagementGroupId: '$ManagementGroupId'" -ForegroundColor Yellow - -$newTable = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) -$htMgDetails = @{} -$htSubDetails = @{} - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - #helper ht / collect results /save some time - $htCacheDefinitionsPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheDefinitionsPolicySet = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheDefinitionsRole = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheDefinitionsBlueprint = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htRoleAssignmentsPIM = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets = @{} - $htSubscriptionTags = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheAssignmentsRole = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheAssignmentsBlueprint = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCacheAssignmentsPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCachePolicyComplianceMG = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCachePolicyComplianceSUB = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCachePolicyComplianceResponseTooLargeMG = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htCachePolicyComplianceResponseTooLargeSUB = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $outOfScopeSubscriptions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htOutOfScopeSubscriptions = @{} - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumption -eq $true) { - $htManagementGroupsCost = @{} - $htAzureConsumptionSubscriptions = @{} - $arrayConsumptionData = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $arrayTotalCostSummary = @() - $azureConsumptionStartDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays( - ($($AzureConsumptionPeriod)))).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') - $azureConsumptionEndDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth -eq $true) { - $azureConsumptionStartDate = ((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).AddDays( - $((Get-Date).Day) + 1)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') - $azureConsumptionEndDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays( - $((Get-Date).Day))).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') - } - } - $customDataCollectionDuration = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htResourceLocks = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAllTagList = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAllTagList.AllScopes = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAllTagList.Subscription = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAllTagList.ResourceGroup = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAllTagList.Resource = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayTagList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $htSubscriptionTagList = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htPolicyAssignmentExemptions = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htUserTypesGuest = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $resourcesAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $resourcesIdsAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $resourceGroupsAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htResourceProvidersAll = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayFeaturesAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htResourceTypesUniqueResource = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayDataCollectionProgressMg = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayDataCollectionProgressSub = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arraySubResourcesAddArrayDuration = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub = @{} - $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.mg = @{} - $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.sub = @{} - $htMgAtScopePolicyAssignments = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htMgAtScopePoliciesScoped = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htMgAtScopeRoleAssignments = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htMgASCSecureScore = @{} - $htConsumptionExceptionLog = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htConsumptionExceptionLog.Mg = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htConsumptionExceptionLog.Sub = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htRoleAssignmentsFromAPIInheritancePrevention = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.PolicyAssignment = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.Policy = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.PolicySet = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.Role = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.Subscription = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htNamingValidation.ManagementGroup = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htPrincipals = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htServicePrincipals = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htDailySummary = @{} - $arrayDefenderPlans = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayDefenderPlansSubscriptionsSkipped = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayUserAssignedIdentities4Resources = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htSubscriptionsRoleAssignmentLimit = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoMDfCSecureScore -eq $false) { - $htMgASCSecureScore = @{} - } - $htManagedIdentityForPolicyAssignment = @{} - $htPolicyAssignmentManagedIdentity = @{} - $htManagedIdentityDisplayName = @{} - $htAppDetails = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - if (-not $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers) { - $htAADGroupsDetails = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayProgressedAADGroups = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - } - if ($DoAzureConsumption) { - $allConsumptionData = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - } - $arrayPsRule = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayPSRuleTracking = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htClassicAdministrators = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayOrphanedResources = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayPIMEligible = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $alzPolicies = @{} - $alzPolicySets = @{} - $alzPolicyHashes = @{} - $alzPolicySetHashes = @{} - $htDoARMRoleAssignmentScheduleInstances = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htDoARMRoleAssignmentScheduleInstances.Do = $true - $storageAccounts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayStorageAccountAnalysisResults = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htDefenderEmailContacts = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) - $arrayVNets = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayPrivateEndPoints = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $arrayPrivateEndPointsFromResourceProperties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htUnknownTenantsForSubscription = @{} - $htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - #$htResourcesWithProperties = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $htResourceProvidersRef = @{} - $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayAdvisorScores = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) - $htHashesBuiltInPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} - $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $arrayRemediatable = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() -} - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - if (-not $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker) { - switch ($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name) { - 'Azurecloud' { - Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" - processALZPolicyVersionChecker - } - 'AzureChinaCloud' { - Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" - processALZPolicyVersionChecker - } - 'AzureUSGovernment' { - Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" - processALZPolicyVersionChecker - } - Default { - Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature NOT supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" - Write-Host "Setting parameter -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker to 'true'" - $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker = $true - } - } - } - else { - #Write-Host "Skipping 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' (parameter -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker = $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker)" - } -} - -if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { - $script:hierarchyLevel = -1 - $script:mgSubPathTopMg = "$ManagementGroupId" - $script:getMgParentId = "'$ManagementGroupId'" - $script:getMgParentName = 'Tenant Root' - $script:mermaidprnts = "'$getMgParentId',$getMgParentId" -} -else { - getSubscriptions - getEntities - showMemoryUsage - setBaseVariablesMG -} - -if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { -} -else { - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType -eq 'User') { - getTenantDetails - } - - getDefaultManagementGroup -} - -runInfo - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - - #getSubscriptions - detailSubscriptions - showMemoryUsage - - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoMDfCSecureScore -eq $false) { - getMDfCSecureScoreMG - } - - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumption -eq $true) { - getConsumption - } - - getOrphanedResources - showMemoryUsage - cacheBuiltIn - showMemoryUsage - - if ($subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection.count -eq 0) { - Write-Host '--- Info ---' -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host '--- Seems this tenant has no subscriptions. Activating parameter -ManagementGroupsOnly' -ForegroundColor Yellow - $ManagementGroupsOnly = $true - $script:azAPICallConf['htParameters'].ManagementGroupsOnly = $true - } - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - - #region sanity check / AzContext has subscription - if (-not $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { - Write-Host '--- Sanity check ---' -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host 'Current AzContext has no subscription:' -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host ($azAPICallConf['checkcontext'] | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Environment, ExtendedProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) - if ($AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation) { - Write-Host 'You have enabled the parameter -AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation' -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host "Please use the parameter -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" -ForegroundColor Yellow - throw - } - else { - Write-Host 'You have NOT enabled the parameter -AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation, but somehow reached this point in the script.' -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host "Please use the parameter -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" -ForegroundColor Yellow - throw - } - } - #endregion sanity check / AzContext has subscription - - #region Getting Tenant Resource Providers - $startGetRPs = Get-Date - $currentTask = 'Getting Tenant Resource Providers' - Write-Host $currentTask - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/providers?api-version=2021-04-01" - $method = 'GET' - $resourceProviders = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -caller 'CustomDataCollection' - - Write-Host " Returned $($resourceProviders.Count) Resource Provider namespaces" - foreach ($resourceProvider in $resourceProviders) { - foreach ($resourceProviderResourceType in $resourceProvider.resourceTypes) { - $APIs = $resourceProviderResourceType.apiVersions | Sort-Object -Descending - $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)") = @{} - $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APILatest = $APIs | Select-Object -First 1 - $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APIs = $APIs - if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($resourceProviderResourceType.defaultApiVersion)) { - $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APIDefault = $resourceProviderResourceType.defaultApiVersion - } - } - } - Write-Host " Created ht for $($htResourceProvidersRef.Keys.Count) Resource/sub types" - $endGetRPs = Get-Date - Write-Host "Getting Tenant Resource Providers duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - #endregion Getting Tenant Resource Providers - - #region Getting Available Private Endpoint Types - $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false - $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $prioCounter = 0 - foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection) { - $prioCounter++ - if ($subscription.subscriptionId -eq $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { - $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - subscriptionInfo = $subscription - prio = 0 - }) - } - else { - $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - subscriptionInfo = $subscription - prio = $prioCounter - }) - } - } - - foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes | Sort-Object -Property prio) { - - if ($privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted) { - continue - } - - $subscriptionId = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionId - $subscriptionName = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionName - - $currentTask = "Getting Locations for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId))" - Write-Host $currentTask - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/locations?api-version=2020-01-01" - $method = 'GET' - $getLocations = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask - Write-Host " Returned $($getLocations.Count) locations" - - Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId)) for $($getLocations.Count) locations" - - $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($getLocations.Count / $ThrottleLimit) - Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" - $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } - $getLocationsBatch = ($getLocations) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } - Write-Host "Processing data in $($getLocationsBatch.Count) batches" - - $getLocationsBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { - $subscriptionId = $using:subscriptionId - $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf - $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = $using:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes - - foreach ($location in $_.Group) { - $currentTask = "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location.name)" - #Write-Host $currentTask - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/$($location.name)/availablePrivateEndpointTypes?api-version=2022-07-01" - $method = 'GET' - $availablePrivateEndpointTypes = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -skipOnErrorCode 400, 409 - Write-Host " Returned $($availablePrivateEndpointTypes.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location.name)" - foreach ($availablePrivateEndpointType in $availablePrivateEndpointTypes) { - if (-not $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower())) { - $script:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower()) = @{} - } - } - } - } -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit - - if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - #Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $true - } - else { - Write-Host " $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - likely the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is not registered - trying next available subscription" - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false - } - } - - if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" - } - else { - $throwmsg = "$($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - Checked for $($subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Count) Subscriptions with no success. Make sure that for at least one Subscription the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is registered. Once you registered the Resource Provider for Subscription 'subscriptionEnabled' it may be a good idea to use the parameter: -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" - Write-Host $throwmsg -ForegroundColor DarkRed - Throw $throwmsg - } - - $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date - Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - #endregion Getting Available Private Endpoint Types - } - - Write-Host 'Collecting custom data' - $startDataCollection = Get-Date - - processDataCollection -mgId $ManagementGroupId - - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - exportResourceLocks - } - - getPolicyRemediation - - if ($arrayAdvisorScores.Count -gt 0) { - if (-not $NoCsvExport) { - Write-Host "Exporting AdvisorScores CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_AdvisorScores.csv'" - $arrayAdvisorScores | Sort-Object -Property subscriptionName, subscriptionId, category | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_AdvisorScores.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation - } - } - - showMemoryUsage - - if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { - getPIMEligible - showMemoryUsage - } - - $endDataCollection = Get-Date - Write-Host "Collecting custom data duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startDataCollection -End $endDataCollection).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startDataCollection -End $endDataCollection).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - - exportBaseCSV -} -else { - processHierarchyMapOnly - exportBaseCSV -} - -prepareData -showMemoryUsage - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - - $rbacBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.RoleDefinitionName) } ) | Sort-Object -Property RoleIsCustom, RoleDefinitionName | Select-Object -Property Level, Role*, mg*, Subscription* - $roleAssignmentsUniqueById = $rbacBaseQuery | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentId -Unique - - if (-not $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers) { - processAADGroups - showMemoryUsage - } - - processApplications - showMemoryUsage - - processManagedIdentities - showMemoryUsage - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - createTagList - showMemoryUsage - } - - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis -eq $false) { - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - processStorageAccountAnalysis - showMemoryUsage - } - } - - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoResources -eq $false) { - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - getResourceDiagnosticsCapability - } - showMemoryUsage - } -} -#endregion runDataCollection - -#region createoutputs - -#region BuildHTML -$startBuildHTML = Get-Date -Write-Host 'Building HTML' -$html = $null - -#getFileNaming - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - #region preQueries - Write-Host ' Building preQueries' - $startPreQueries = Get-Date - - #region Create Policy/Set helper hash table - Write-Host ' Create Policy/Set helper hash table' - $startHelperHt = Get-Date - $tenantAllPolicySets = ($htCacheDefinitionsPolicySet).Values - $tenantAllPolicySetsCount = ($tenantAllPolicySets).count - if ($tenantAllPolicySetsCount -gt 0) { - foreach ($policySet in $tenantAllPolicySets) { - $PolicySetPolicyIds = $policySet.PolicySetPolicyIds - foreach ($PolicySetPolicyId in $PolicySetPolicyIds) { - - if ($policySet.LinkToAzAdvertizer) { - $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer = "$($policySet.LinkToAzAdvertizer) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" - } - else { - $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer = "$($policySet.DisplayName) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" - } - $hlper4CSVOutput = "$($policySet.DisplayName) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" - if (-not $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId)) { - $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId) = @{} - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = [array]$hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = [array]$hlper4CSVOutput - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = [array]($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) - $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet.Add($hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer) - $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV.Add($hlper4CSVOutput) - $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly.Add($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) - } - else { - # $array = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet - # $array += $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer - # $arrayCSV = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV - # $arrayCSV += $hlper4CSVOutput - # $arrayIdOnly = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly - # $arrayIdOnly += $policySet.PolicyDefinitionId - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = $array - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = $arrayCSV - # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = $arrayIdOnly - - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet.Add($hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer) - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV.Add($hlper4CSVOutput) - $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly.Add($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) - } - } - } - } - $endHelperHt = Get-Date - Write-Host " Create Policy/Set helper hash table duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHelperHt -End $endHelperHt).TotalSeconds) seconds" - #endregion Create Policy/Set helper hash table - - #region PreQueriesPolicyRelated - $startPreQueriesPolicyRelated = Get-Date - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy) { - $policyBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.PolicyVariant) } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyType, Policy | Select-Object -Property Level, Policy*, mg*, Subscription* - } - else { - $policyBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.PolicyVariant) -and ($_.PolicyAssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Mg' -or $_.PolicyAssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Sub') } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyType, Policy | Select-Object -Property Level, Policy*, mg*, Subscription* - } - - $policyBaseQuerySubscriptions = $policyBaseQuery.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.SubscriptionId) } ) - $policyBaseQueryManagementGroups = $policyBaseQuery.where({ [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.SubscriptionId) } ) - $policyPolicyBaseQueryScopeInsights = ($policyBaseQuery | Select-Object Mg*, Subscription*, PolicyAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicySetAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicyAndPolicySetAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicyAssignmentLimit -Unique) - $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments = $policyBaseQuery | Sort-Object -Property PolicyAssignmentId -Unique | Select-Object -Property Policy* - $policyAssignmentsOrphaned = $policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyAvailability -eq 'na' } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyAssignmentId -Unique - $policyAssignmentsOrphanedCount = $policyAssignmentsOrphaned.Count - Write-Host " $policyAssignmentsOrphanedCount orphaned Policy assignments found" - - $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase = @{} - foreach ($policyAssignment in $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments) { - if ($policyAssignment.PolicyVariant -eq 'Policy') { - if (-not $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId)) { - $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId) = @{} - $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments = [array]$policyAssignment.PolicyAssignmentId - } - else { - $usedInAssignments = $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments - $usedInAssignments += $policyAssignment.PolicyAssignmentId - $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments = $usedInAssignments - } - } - } - - $policyPolicySetBaseQueryUniqueAssignments = $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'PolicySet' } ) - #$policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyType -eq 'Custom' } )) | Select-Object PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId -Unique - $policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyType -eq 'Custom' } )) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId -Unique | Select-Object PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId - $policyPolicyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'Policy' } )).PolicyDefinitionId - $policyPolicySetBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'PolicySet' } )).PolicyDefinitionId - - #region create array Policy definitions - $tenantAllPoliciesCount = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).count - $tenantBuiltInPolicies = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).where({ $_.Type -eq 'BuiltIn' } ) - $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount = ($tenantBuiltInPolicies).count - $tenantCustomPolicies = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).where({ $_.Type -eq 'Custom' } ) - $tenantCustomPoliciesCount = ($tenantCustomPolicies).count - - #hashes for parity builtin/custom - Write-Host 'Processing Policy custom/built-In parity check' - $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity = Get-Date - foreach ($customPolicy in $tenantCustomPolicies) { - $policyRuleHash = getPolicyHash -json ($customPolicy.Json.properties.policyRule | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) - if ($htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash)) { - $null = $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - CustomPolicyName = $customPolicy.Name - CustomPolicyDisplayName = $customPolicy.DisplayName - CustomPolicyCategory = $customPolicy.Category - CustomPolicyId = $customPolicy.Id - MatchBuiltinPolicyCount = $htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash).Policies.Count - BuiltInPolicyId = ($htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash).Policies | Sort-Object) -join "$CsvDelimiterOpposite " - }) - } - } - if ($arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host " $($arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Count) custom Policy definition(s) found that have parity with built-In Policy definition Policy rule" - if (-not $NoCsvExport) { - Write-Host " Exporting PolicyCustomBuiltInParity CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_PolicyCustomBuiltInParity.csv'" - $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity | Sort-Object -Property CustomPolicyId | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_PolicyCustomBuiltInParity.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation - } - } - else { - Write-Host ' No custom Policy definition found that have parity with built-In Policy definition Policy rule' - } - $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity = Get-Date - Write-Host " Policy custom/built-In parity check duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity -End $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity -End $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - #endregion create array Policy definitions - - #region create array PolicySet definitions - $tenantBuiltInPolicySets = $tenantAllPolicySets.where({ $_.Type -eq 'Builtin' } ) - $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount = ($tenantBuiltInPolicySets).count - $tenantCustomPolicySets = $tenantAllPolicySets.where({ $_.Type -eq 'Custom' } ) - $tenantCustompolicySetsCount = ($tenantCustomPolicySets).count - #endregion create array PolicySet definitions - - $endPreQueriesPolicyRelated = Get-Date - Write-Host " PreQueriesPolicyRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesPolicyRelated -End $endPreQueriesPolicyRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" - #endregion PreQueriesPolicyRelated - - #region PreQueriesRBACRelated - $startPreQueriesRBACRelated = Get-Date - $rbacBaseQueryArrayListNotGroupOwner = $rbacBaseQuery.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -ne 'Group' -and $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'Owner' }) | Select-Object -Property mgid, SubscriptionId, RoleAssignmentId, RoleDefinitionName, RoleDefinitionId, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname, RoleAssignmentIdentitySignInName, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentScopeType - $rbacBaseQueryArrayListNotGroupUserAccessAdministrator = $rbacBaseQuery.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -ne 'Group' -and $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'User Access Administrator' }) | Select-Object -Property mgid, SubscriptionId, RoleAssignmentId, RoleDefinitionName, RoleDefinitionId, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname, RoleAssignmentIdentitySignInName, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentScopeType - $roleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals = (($roleAssignmentsUniqueById.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -eq 'ServicePrincipal' }))) - $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals = @{} - foreach ($spWithRoleAssignment in $roleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals | Group-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) { - if (-not $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name)) { - $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name) = @{} - $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name).RoleAssignments = $spWithRoleAssignment.group - } - } - - #region assignmentRgRes - $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes = @{} - foreach ($policyAssignmentRgRes in ($htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values | Sort-Object -Property id -Unique) { - $hlperPolDefId = (($policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.policyDefinitionId).ToLower()) - if (-not $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId)) { - $pscustomObj = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $null = $pscustomObj.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - PolicyAssignmentId = ($policyAssignmentRgRes.Id).ToLower() - PolicyAssignmentDisplayName = $policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.displayName - }) - $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId) = @{} - $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments = [array](($pscustomObj)) - } - else { - $pscustomObj = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $null = $pscustomObj.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - PolicyAssignmentId = ($policyAssignmentRgRes.Id).ToLower() - PolicyAssignmentDisplayName = $policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.displayName - }) - $array = @() - $array += $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments - $array += (($pscustomObj)) - $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments = $array - } - } - #endregion assignmentRgRes - - $tenantAllRoles = ($htCacheDefinitionsRole).Values - $tenantAllRolesCount = ($tenantAllRoles).Count - $tenantCustomRoles = $tenantAllRoles.where({ $_.IsCustom -eq $True } ) - $tenantCustomRolesCount = ($tenantCustomRoles).Count - $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignments = $tenantAllRoles.where({ $_.RoleCanDoRoleAssignments -eq $True } ) - $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignmentsCount = $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignments.Count - - $mgSubRoleAssignmentsArrayFromHTValues = ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).Values.Assignment - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC) { - $rgResRoleAssignmentsArrayFromHTValues = ($htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources).Values - } - - $endPreQueriesRBACRelated = Get-Date - Write-Host " PreQueriesRBACRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesRBACRelated -End $endPreQueriesRBACRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" - #endregion PreQueriesRBACRelated - - $blueprintBaseQuery = ($newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.BlueprintName) } )) | Select-Object mgid, SubscriptionId, Blueprint* - $mgsAndSubs = (($optimizedTableForPathQuery.where({ $_.mgId -ne '' -and $_.Level -ne '0' } )) | Sort-Object -Property MgId, SubscriptionId -Unique | Select-Object MgId, SubscriptionId) - - - #region PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated - $startPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated = Get-Date - $diagnosticSettingsMg = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Mg' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'true' }) - $diagnosticSettingsMgCount = $diagnosticSettingsMg.Count - $diagnosticSettingsMgCategories = ($diagnosticSettingsMg.DiagnosticCategories | Group-Object -Property Category).Name - $diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped = $diagnosticSettingsMg | Group-Object -Property ScopeId - $diagnosticSettingsMgManagementGroupsCount = ($diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped | Measure-Object).Count - - foreach ($entry in $diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped) { - $dsgrouped = $entry.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticSettingName - - foreach ($ds in $dsgrouped) { - $targetTypegrouped = $ds.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticTargetType - foreach ($tt in $targetTypegrouped) { - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name) = @{} - } - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name) = @{} - } - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name) = $tt.group - } - } - } - } - - foreach ($mg in $htManagementGroupsMgPath.Values) { - foreach ($mgWithDiag in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.keys) { - if ($mg.ParentNameChain -contains $mgWithDiag) { - foreach ($diagSet in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).keys) { - foreach ($tt in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).($diagset).keys) { - foreach ($tid in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).($diagset).($tt)) { - $null = $script:diagnosticSettingsMg.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - Scope = 'Mg' - ScopeName = $mg.displayName - ScopeId = $mg.Id - ScopeMgPath = $htManagementGroupsMgPath.($mg.Id).pathDelimited - DiagnosticsInheritedOrnot = $true - DiagnosticsInheritedFrom = $mgWithDiag - DiagnosticsPresent = 'true' - DiagnosticSettingName = $diagSet - DiagnosticTargetType = $tt - DiagnosticTargetId = $tid.DiagnosticTargetId - DiagnosticCategories = $tid.DiagnosticCategories - DiagnosticCategoriesHt = $tid.DiagnosticCategoriesHt - }) - } - } - } - } - } - } - $mgsDiagnosticsApplicableCount = $diagnosticSettingsMg.Count - - $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - foreach ($mg in $htManagementGroupsMgPath.Values) { - if ($diagnosticSettingsMg.ScopeId -notcontains $mg.Id) { - $null = $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - ScopeName = $mg.DisplayName - ScopeId = $mg.Id - ScopeMgPath = $mg.pathDelimited - }) - } - } - $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnosticsCount = $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics.Count - - $diagnosticSettingsSub = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Sub' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'true' }) - $diagnosticSettingsSubCount = $diagnosticSettingsSub.Count - $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiag = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Sub' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'false' }) - $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiagCount = $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiag.Count - $diagnosticSettingsSubCategories = ($diagnosticSettingsSub.DiagnosticCategories | Group-Object -Property Category).Name - $diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped = $diagnosticSettingsSub | Group-Object -Property ScopeId - $diagnosticSettingsSubSubscriptionsCount = ($diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped | Measure-Object).Count - - foreach ($entry in $diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped) { - $dsgrouped = $entry.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticSettingName - - foreach ($ds in $dsgrouped) { - $targetTypegrouped = $ds.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticTargetType - foreach ($tt in $targetTypegrouped) { - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name) = @{} - } - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name) = @{} - } - if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name)) { - ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name) = $tt.group - } - } - } - } - $endPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated = Get-Date - Write-Host " PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated -End $endPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" - #endregion PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated - - #region PreQueriesDefenderRelated - $startPreQueriesDefenderRelated = Get-Date - $defenderPlansGroupedBySub = $arrayDefenderPlans | Sort-Object -Property subscriptionName | Group-Object -Property subscriptionName, subscriptionId, subscriptionMgPath - $subsDefenderPlansCount = ($defenderPlansGroupedBySub | Measure-Object).Count - $defenderCapabilities = ($arrayDefenderPlans.defenderPlan | Sort-Object -Unique) - $defenderCapabilitiesCount = $defenderCapabilities.Count - $defenderPlansGroupedByPlan = $arrayDefenderPlans | Group-Object -Property defenderPlan, defenderPlanTier - $defenderPlansGroupedByPlanCount = ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan | Measure-Object).Count - if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'ContainerRegistry, Standard' -or $defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'KubernetesService, Standard') { - if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'ContainerRegistry, Standard') { - $defenderPlanDeprecatedContainerRegistry = $true - } - if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'KubernetesService, Standard') { - $defenderPlanDeprecatedKubernetesService = $true - } - } - $endPreQueriesDefenderRelated = Get-Date - Write-Host " PreQueriesDefenderRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesDefenderRelated -End $endPreQueriesDefenderRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" - #endregion PreQueriesDefenderRelated - - $endPreQueries = Get-Date - Write-Host " Pre Queries duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueries -End $endPreQueries).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueries -End $endPreQueries).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - showMemoryUsage - #endregion preQueries - - #region summarizeDataCollectionResults - $startSummarizeDataCollectionResults = Get-Date - Write-Host 'Summary data collection' - #$mgsDetails = ($optimizedTableForPathQueryMg | Select-Object Level, MgId -Unique) - $mgsDetails = ($optimizedTableForPathQueryMg | Sort-Object -Property Level, MgId -Unique | Select-Object Level, MgId) - $mgDepth = ($mgsDetails.Level | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum - $totalMgCount = ($mgsDetails).count - $totalSubCount = ($optimizedTableForPathQuerySub).count - $totalSubOutOfScopeCount = ($outOfScopeSubscriptions).count - $totalSubIncludedAndExcludedCount = $totalSubCount + $totalSubOutOfScopeCount - $totalResourceCount = $($resourcesIdsAll.Count) - - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).keys).count - - $policyAssignmentsMg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Mg' } )) - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg = $policyAssignmentsMg.Count - - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Sub' } )).count - - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy) { - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Rg' -or $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Res' } )).count - } - else { - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values).count - $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg - } - - $totalRoleAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Tenant' } )).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'MG' } )).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Sub' } )).count - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC) { - $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRG = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'RG' } )).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRes = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Res' } )).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRG + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRes - } - else { - $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values).count - $totalRoleAssignmentsCount = $totalRoleAssignmentsCount + $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount - } - - $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount = ((($htCacheDefinitionsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheDefinitionsRole).($_).IsCustom -eq $True } ))).count - $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount = ((($htCacheDefinitionsBlueprint).keys)).count - $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsBlueprint).keys).count - $totalResourceTypesCount = ($resourceTypesDiagnosticsArray).Count - - Write-Host " Total Management Groups: $totalMgCount (depth $mgDepth)" - $htDailySummary.'ManagementGroups' = $totalMgCount - Write-Host " Total Subscriptions: $totalSubIncludedAndExcludedCount ($totalSubCount included; $totalSubOutOfScopeCount out-of-scope)" - $htDailySummary.'Subscriptions' = $totalSubCount - - $subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId = $optimizedTableForPathQuerySub | Group-Object -Property SubscriptionQuotaId - if ($subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId.Count -gt 0) { - foreach ($quotaId in $subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId) { - $htDailySummary."Subscriptions_$($quotaId.Name)" = $quotaId.Count - } - } - - $htDailySummary.'SubscriptionsOutOfScope' = $totalSubOutOfScopeCount - Write-Host " Total BuiltIn Policy definitions: $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyDefinitionsBuiltIn' = $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount - Write-Host " Total Custom Policy definitions: $tenantCustomPoliciesCount" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyDefinitionsCustom' = $tenantCustomPoliciesCount - Write-Host " Total BuiltIn PolicySet definitions: $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount" - $htDailySummary.'PolicySetDefinitionsBuiltIn' = $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount - Write-Host " Total Custom PolicySet definitions: $tenantCustompolicySetsCount" - $htDailySummary.'PolicySetDefinitionsCustom' = $tenantCustompolicySetsCount - Write-Host " Total Policy assignments: $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCount)" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount - Write-Host " Total Policy assignments ManagementGroups $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg)" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_ManagementGroups' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg - Write-Host " Total Policy assignments Subscriptions $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub)" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_Subscriptions' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub - Write-Host " Total Policy assignments ResourceGroups: $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg)" - $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_ResourceGroups' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg - Write-Host " Total Custom Role definitions: $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount" - $htDailySummary.'RoleDefinitionsCustom' = $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount - Write-Host " Total Role assignments: $totalRoleAssignmentsCount" - $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCount - Write-Host " Total Role assignments (Tenant): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen" - $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_Tenant' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen - Write-Host " Total Role assignments (ManagementGroups): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG" - $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_ManagementGroups' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG - Write-Host " Total Role assignments (Subscriptions): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub" - $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_Subscriptions' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub - Write-Host " Total Role assignments (ResourceGroups and Resources): $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount" - $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_RgRes' = $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount - Write-Host " Total Blueprint definitions: $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount" - $htDailySummary.'Blueprints' = $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount - Write-Host " Total Blueprint assignments: $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount" - $htDailySummary.'BlueprintAssignments' = $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount - Write-Host " Total Resources: $totalResourceCount" - $htDailySummary.'Resources' = $totalResourceCount - Write-Host " Total Resource Types: $totalResourceTypesCount" - $htDailySummary.'ResourceTypes' = $totalResourceTypesCount - - $rbacUnique = $rbacAll | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentId -Unique - $rbacUniqueObjectIds = $rbacUnique | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique - $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM = $rbacUnique.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentPIMRelated -eq $false } ) | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique - $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM = $rbacUnique.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentPIMRelated -eq $true } ) | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique - - if ($rbacUniqueObjectIds.Count -gt 0) { - $rbacUniqueObjectIdsGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIds | Group-Object -Property ObjectType - foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsGrouped) { - $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count - } - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIds.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIds.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count - } - - if ($rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.Count -gt 0) { - $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIMGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM | Group-Object -Property ObjectType - foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIMGrouped) { - $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count - } - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count - } - - if ($rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.Count -gt 0) { - $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIMGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM | Group-Object -Property ObjectType - foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIMGrouped) { - $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count - } - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count - $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count - } - - - # if ($arrayAdvisorScores.Count -gt 0) { - # $arrayAdvisorScoresGroupedByCategory = $arrayAdvisorScores | Group-Object -Property category - # foreach ($entry in $arrayAdvisorScoresGroupedByCategory) { - # $htDailySummary."Advisor_$($entry.Name)" = ($entry.Group.Score | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / $entry.Group.Count - # } - # } - - if ($htMgASCSecureScore.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - foreach ($mgASCSecureScore in $htMgASCSecureScore.Keys) { - $htDailySummary."MDfCSecureScore_$($mgASCSecureScore)" = $htMgASCSecureScore.($mgASCSecureScore).SecureScore - } - } - - $endSummarizeDataCollectionResults = Get-Date - Write-Host " Summary data collection duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummarizeDataCollectionResults -End $endSummarizeDataCollectionResults).TotalSeconds) seconds" - showMemoryUsage - #endregion summarizeDataCollectionResults -} - -$html = @" - - - - - - - - - Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"@ - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - - if (-not $NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML) { - $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedStart = $html - $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedStart += @' - -
- -


- -'@ - - $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedEnd = @" -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - -"@ - } - if (-not $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput) { - - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { - $HTMLPath = "HTML-Subscriptions_$($ManagementGroupId)" - if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($HTMLPath)") { - Write-Host ' Cleaning old state (Pipeline only)' - Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($HTMLPath)" - } - } - else { - $HTMLPath = "HTML-Subscriptions_$($ManagementGroupId)_$($fileTimestamp)" - Write-Host " Creating new state ($($HTMLPath)) (local only))" - } - - $null = New-Item -Name $HTMLPath -ItemType directory -Path $outputPath - - $htmlSubscriptionOnlyStart = $html - $htmlSubscriptionOnlyStart += @' - -
- -


- -'@ - - $htmlSubscriptionOnlyEnd = @" -
- - - - - - - - - - -"@ - } - - $htmlShowHideScopeInfo = - @" -

- - -

-"@ -} -else { - $htmlShowHideScopeInfo = '

' -} - -$html += @" - -


- $($htmlShowHideScopeInfo) -
-"@ - -$html += @' -
-'@ -} -else { - $html += @' - - - - -
- - - -'@ -} - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - - $html += @' -


-'@ - - $html | Set-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force - $html = $null - - $startSummary = Get-Date - - if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoNetwork) { - if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { - processNetwork - processPrivateEndpoints - } - } - - processTenantSummary - showMemoryUsage - - #region BuildDailySummaryCSV - if (-not $NoCsvExport) { - $dailySummary4ExportToCSV = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - foreach ($entry in $htDailySummary.keys | Sort-Object) { - $null = $dailySummary4ExportToCSV.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - capability = $entry - count = $htDailySummary.($entry) - }) - } - Write-Host " Exporting DailySummary CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_DailySummary.csv'" - $dailySummary4ExportToCSV | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_DailySummary.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation - } - - #endregion BuildDailySummaryCSV - - $endSummary = Get-Date - Write-Host " Building TenantSummary duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummary -End $endSummary).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummary -End $endSummary).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - - $html += @' -
- -


-'@ - $html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force - $html = $null - - processDefinitionInsights - showMemoryUsage - - $html += @' -
-'@ - - if ((-not $NoScopeInsights) -or (-not $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput)) { - - if ((-not $NoScopeInsights)) { - $html += @' -


-'@ - $html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force - $html = $null - Write-Host ' Building ScopeInsights' - } - - $startHierarchyTable = Get-Date - $script:scopescnter = 0 - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoResources -eq $false) { - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoPSRule -eq $true) { - $grpPSRuleSubscriptions = $arrayPsRule | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId - $grpPSRuleManagementGroups = $arrayPsRule | Group-Object -Property mgPath - } - } - if ($arrayFeaturesAll.Count -gt 0) { - $script:subFeaturesGroupedBySubscription = $arrayFeaturesAll | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId - } - if ($arrayOrphanedResourcesSlim.Count -gt 0) { - $arrayOrphanedResourcesGroupedBySubscription = $arrayOrphanedResourcesSlim | Group-Object subscriptionId - } - $resourcesIdsAllCAFNamingRelevantGroupedBySubscription = $resourcesIdsAllCAFNamingRelevant | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId - - processScopeInsights -mgChild $ManagementGroupId -mgChildOf $getMgParentId - showMemoryUsage - - $endHierarchyTable = Get-Date - Write-Host " Building ScopeInsights duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHierarchyTable -End $endHierarchyTable).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHierarchyTable -End $endHierarchyTable).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - - if ((-not $NoScopeInsights)) { - $html += @' -
-'@ - } - } -} - -$html += @' - - - - - - - - - - - -"@ - -$html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force - -$endBuildHTML = Get-Date -Write-Host "Building HTML total duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startBuildHTML -End $endBuildHTML).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startBuildHTML -End $endBuildHTML).TotalSeconds) seconds)" -#endregion BuildHTML - -buildMD -showMemoryUsage - -if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoJsonExport) { - buildJSON - showMemoryUsage -} - -if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { - buildPolicyAllJSON -} - -#endregion createoutputs - -apiCallTracking -stage 'Summary' -spacing '' - -$endAzGovViz = Get-Date -$durationProduct = (New-TimeSpan -Start $startAzGovViz -End $endAzGovViz) -Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) duration: $($durationProduct.TotalMinutes) minutes" - -#end -$endTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' -Write-Host "End Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) $endTime" - -Write-Host 'Checking for errors' -if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host "Dumping $($Error.Count) Errors (handled by Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion)):" - $Error | Out-Host -} -else { - Write-Host 'Error count is 0' -} - -stats - -if ($DoTranscript) { - Stop-Transcript -} - -Write-Host '' -Write-Host '--------------------' -Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) completed successful" -ForegroundColor Green - -if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host "Don't bother about dumped errors" -} - -if ($DoPSRule) { - $psRuleErrors = $arrayPsRule.where({ -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.errorMsg) }) - if ($psRuleErrors) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host "$($psRuleErrors.Count) 'PSRule for Azure' error(s) encountered" - Write-Host 'Please review the error(s) and consider filing an issue at the PSRule.Rules.Azure GitHub repository https://github.com/Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure - thank you' - $psRuleErrorsGrouped = $psRuleErrors | Group-Object -Property resourceType, errorMsg - foreach ($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage in $psRuleErrorsGrouped) { - Write-Host "$($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Count) x $($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Name)" - Write-Host 'Resources:' - foreach ($resourceId in $errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Group.resourceId) { - Write-Host " -$resourceId" - } - } - } -} - -#region infoNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable -if ($azGovVizNewerVersionAvailable) { - if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host "This Azure Governance Visualizer version ($ProductVersion) is not up to date. Get the latest Azure Governance Visualizer version ($azGovVizVersionOnRepositoryFull)!" - Write-Host 'Check the Azure Governance Visualizer history: https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting/blob/master/history.md' - } -} -#endregion infoNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable - -#region reportErrors -if ($htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host '' - Write-Host ' * * * Please help * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen - Write-Host 'For the following resource(s) an error occurred converting from JSON (different casing). Please inspect the resource(s) for keys with different casing. Please file an issue at the Azure Governance Visualizer GitHub repository (aka.ms/AzGovViz) and provide the JSON dump for the resource(s) (scrub subscription Id and company identifyable names) - Thank you!' - foreach ($resourceId in $htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed.Keys) { - Write-Host " resId: '$resourceId'" - } - Write-Host ' * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -} -#endregion reportErrors - -#region runIdentifier -if ($ShowRunIdentifier) { - Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) run identifier: '$($statsIdentifier)'" -} +#endregion Functions + +$funcAddRowToTable = $function:addRowToTable.ToString() +$funcGetGroupmembers = $function:GetGroupmembers.ToString() +$funcResolveObjectIds = $function:ResolveObjectIds.ToString() +$funcNamingValidation = $function:NamingValidation.ToString() +$funcTestGuid = $function:testGuid.ToString() +$funcDetectPolicyEffect = $function:detectPolicyEffect.ToString() +$funcGetPolicyHash = $function:getPolicyHash.ToString() + +if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { + processHierarchyMapOnlyCustomData + Write-Host 'Skipping PowerShell version check /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' +} +else { + testPowerShellVersion +} + +showMemoryUsage + +$outputPathGiven = $OutputPath +setOutput +if ($DoTranscript) { + setTranscript +} + +#region PSRule paused +if ($DoPSRule) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host ' * * * CHANGE: PSRule for Azure * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta + Write-Host 'PSRule integration has been paused' + Write-Host 'Azure Governance Visualizer leveraged the Invoke-PSRule cmdlet, but there are certain [resource types](https://github.com/Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure/blob/ab0910359c1b9826d8134041d5ca997f6195fc58/src/PSRule.Rules.Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure.psm1#L1582) where also child resources need to be queried to achieve full rule evaluation.' + $DoPSRule = $false + Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta + Write-Host '' +} +#endregion PSRule paused + +#region verifyModules3rd +$modules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() +$null = $modules.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + ModuleName = 'AzAPICall' + ModuleVersion = $AzAPICallVersion + ModuleProductName = 'AzAPICall' + ModulePathPipeline = 'AzAPICallModule' + }) + +if ($DoPSRule) { + + <#temporary workaround / PSRule/Azure DevOps Az.Resources module requirements + if ($env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID -and $env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID) { + $PSRuleVersion = '1.14.3' + Write-Host "Running in Azure DevOps; enforce PSRule version '$PSRuleVersion' (Az.Resources dependency on latest PSRule)" + } + #> + + $null = $modules.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + ModuleName = 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' + ModuleVersion = $PSRuleVersion + ModuleProductName = 'PSRule' + ModulePathPipeline = 'PSRuleModule' + }) +} +verifyModules3rd -modules $modules +#endregion verifyModules3rd + +#Region initAZAPICall +Write-Host "Initialize 'AzAPICall'" +$parameters4AzAPICallModule = @{ + DebugAzAPICall = $DebugAzAPICall + SubscriptionId4AzContext = $SubscriptionId4AzContext + TenantId4AzContext = $TenantId4AzContext + GithubRepository = $GithubRepository + SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation = $AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation +} +$azAPICallConf = initAzAPICall @parameters4AzAPICallModule +Write-Host " Initialize 'AzAPICall' succeeded" -ForegroundColor Green + +Write-Host " Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$false" -ForegroundColor Yellow +$ignoreARMLocation = $false + +if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].azureCloudEnvironment -ne 'AzureCloud') { + Write-Host " Non Public Cloud ($($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].azureCloudEnvironment)) -> Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$true" -ForegroundColor Yellow + $ignoreARMLocation = $true +} + +if (-not $ignoreARMLocation) { + if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations.count -gt 0) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host "Check if provided parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is valid" + if ($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations -notcontains $ARMLocation) { + Write-Host " Parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is not valid - please provide a valid ARMLocation" -ForegroundColor DarkRed + Write-Host " Valid ARMLocations: '$($azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations -join ', ')'" -ForegroundColor Yellow + throw 'ARMLocation validation failed!' + } + else { + Write-Host " Parameter value for -ARMLocation '$($ARMLocation)' is valid" -ForegroundColor Green + } + } + else { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host "Skipping ARMLocation validation - no locations found in '`$azApiCallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations'. (-SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation = '$skipAzContextSubscriptionValidation')" + Write-Host " Setting `$ignoreARMLocation to `$true" -ForegroundColor Yellow + $ignoreARMLocation = $true + } +} +#EndRegion initAZAPICall + +#region required AzAPICall version +if (-not ([System.Version]"$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)" -ge [System.Version]'1.2.1')) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host 'Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version check failed -> https://aka.ms/AzAPICall; https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/AzAPICall' + throw "This version of Azure Governance Visualizer '$ProductVersion' requires AzAPICall PowerShell module version '1.2.1' or greater" +} +else { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version requirement check succeeded: '1.2.1' or greater - current: '$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)' " -ForegroundColor Green +} +#endregion required AzAPICall version + +checkAzGovVizVersion + +#region promptNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable +if ($azGovVizNewerVersionAvailable) { + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host " * * * This Azure Governance Visualizer version ($ProductVersion) is not up to date. Get the latest Azure Governance Visualizer version ($azGovVizVersionOnRepositoryFull)! * * *" -ForegroundColor Green + Write-Host 'Check the Azure Governance Visualizer history: https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting/blob/master/history.md' + Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Green + Pause + } +} +#endregion promptNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + handleCloudEnvironment +} + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + <# PSRule paused + #region recommendPSRule + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { + if (-not $DoPSRule) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host ' * * * RECOMMENDATION: PSRule for Azure * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta + Write-Host "Parameter -DoPSRule == '$DoPSRule'" + Write-Host "'PSRule for Azure' based ouputs provide aggregated Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework (WAF) aligned resource analysis results including guidance for remediation." + Write-Host 'Consider running Azure Governance Visualizer with the parameter -DoPSRule (example: .\pwsh\AzGovVizParallel.ps1 -DoPSRule)' + Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor Magenta + Pause + } + } + #endregion recommendPSRule + #> + + #region hintPIMEligibility + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType -eq 'User') { + if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host ' * * * HINT: PIM (Privileged Identity Management) Eligibility reporting * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkBlue + Write-Host "Parameter -NoPIMEligibility == '$NoPIMEligibility'" + Write-Host "Executing principal accountType: '$($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType)'" + Write-Host "PIM Eligibility reporting requires to execute the script as ServicePrincipal. API Permission 'PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources' is required" + Write-Host "For this run we switch the parameter -NoPIMEligibility from '$NoPIMEligibility' to 'True'" + $NoPIMEligibility = $true + Write-Host "Parameter -NoPIMEligibility == '$NoPIMEligibility'" + Write-Host ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkBlue + Pause + } + } + #endregion hintPIMEligibility +} + +#region delimiterOpposite +if ($CsvDelimiter -eq ';') { + $CsvDelimiterOpposite = ',' +} +if ($CsvDelimiter -eq ',') { + $CsvDelimiterOpposite = ';' +} +#endregion delimiterOpposite + +#region runDataCollection + +#run +if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { + Write-Host 'Skipping Access validation /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' + Write-Host 'Skipping addHtParameters /Using custom data (`$HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON)' +} +else { + addHtParameters + validateAccess +} + +getFileNaming + +Write-Host "Running Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) for ManagementGroupId: '$ManagementGroupId'" -ForegroundColor Yellow + +$newTable = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) +$htMgDetails = @{} +$htSubDetails = @{} + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + #helper ht / collect results /save some time + $htCacheDefinitionsPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheDefinitionsPolicySet = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheDefinitionsRole = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheDefinitionsBlueprint = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htRoleAssignmentsPIM = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets = @{} + $htSubscriptionTags = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheAssignmentsRole = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheAssignmentsBlueprint = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCacheAssignmentsPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCachePolicyComplianceMG = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCachePolicyComplianceSUB = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCachePolicyComplianceResponseTooLargeMG = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htCachePolicyComplianceResponseTooLargeSUB = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $outOfScopeSubscriptions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htOutOfScopeSubscriptions = @{} + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumption -eq $true) { + $htManagementGroupsCost = @{} + $htAzureConsumptionSubscriptions = @{} + $arrayConsumptionData = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $arrayTotalCostSummary = @() + $azureConsumptionStartDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays( - ($($AzureConsumptionPeriod)))).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + $azureConsumptionEndDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumptionPreviousMonth -eq $true) { + $azureConsumptionStartDate = ((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).AddDays( - $((Get-Date).Day) + 1)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + $azureConsumptionEndDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays( - $((Get-Date).Day))).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + } + } + $customDataCollectionDuration = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htResourceLocks = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAllTagList = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAllTagList.AllScopes = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAllTagList.Subscription = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAllTagList.ResourceGroup = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAllTagList.Resource = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayTagList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $htSubscriptionTagList = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htPolicyAssignmentExemptions = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htUserTypesGuest = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $resourcesAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $resourcesIdsAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $resourceGroupsAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htResourceProvidersAll = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayFeaturesAll = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htResourceTypesUniqueResource = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayDataCollectionProgressMg = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayDataCollectionProgressSub = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arraySubResourcesAddArrayDuration = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub = @{} + $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.mg = @{} + $htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.sub = @{} + $htMgAtScopePolicyAssignments = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htMgAtScopePoliciesScoped = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htMgAtScopeRoleAssignments = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htMgASCSecureScore = @{} + $htConsumptionExceptionLog = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htConsumptionExceptionLog.Mg = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htConsumptionExceptionLog.Sub = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htRoleAssignmentsFromAPIInheritancePrevention = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.PolicyAssignment = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.Policy = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.PolicySet = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.Role = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.Subscription = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htNamingValidation.ManagementGroup = @{} #[System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htPrincipals = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htServicePrincipals = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htDailySummary = @{} + $arrayDefenderPlans = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayDefenderPlansSubscriptionsSkipped = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayUserAssignedIdentities4Resources = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htSubscriptionsRoleAssignmentLimit = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoMDfCSecureScore -eq $false) { + $htMgASCSecureScore = @{} + } + $htManagedIdentityForPolicyAssignment = @{} + $htPolicyAssignmentManagedIdentity = @{} + $htManagedIdentityDisplayName = @{} + $htAppDetails = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + if (-not $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers) { + $htAADGroupsDetails = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htAADGroupsExeedingMemberLimit = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayGroupRoleAssignmentsOnServicePrincipals = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayGroupRequestResourceNotFound = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayProgressedAADGroups = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + } + if ($DoAzureConsumption) { + $allConsumptionData = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + } + $arrayPsRule = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayPSRuleTracking = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htClassicAdministrators = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayOrphanedResources = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayPIMEligible = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $alzPolicies = @{} + $alzPolicySets = @{} + $alzPolicyHashes = @{} + $alzPolicySetHashes = @{} + $htDoARMRoleAssignmentScheduleInstances = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htDoARMRoleAssignmentScheduleInstances.Do = $true + $storageAccounts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayStorageAccountAnalysisResults = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htDefenderEmailContacts = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) + $arrayVNets = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayPrivateEndPoints = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $arrayPrivateEndPointsFromResourceProperties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htUnknownTenantsForSubscription = @{} + $htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + #$htResourcesWithProperties = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $htResourceProvidersRef = @{} + $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayAdvisorScores = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) + $htHashesBuiltInPolicy = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable)) #@{} + $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $arrayRemediatable = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() +} + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + if (-not $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker) { + switch ($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name) { + 'Azurecloud' { + Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" + processALZPolicyVersionChecker + } + 'AzureChinaCloud' { + Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" + processALZPolicyVersionChecker + } + 'AzureUSGovernment' { + Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" + processALZPolicyVersionChecker + } + Default { + Write-Host "'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' feature NOT supported for Cloud environment '$($azAPICallConf['checkContext'].Environment.Name)'" + Write-Host "Setting parameter -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker to 'true'" + $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker = $true + } + } + } + else { + #Write-Host "Skipping 'Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Version Checker' (parameter -NoALZPolicyVersionChecker = $NoALZPolicyVersionChecker)" + } +} + +if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { + $script:hierarchyLevel = -1 + $script:mgSubPathTopMg = "$ManagementGroupId" + $script:getMgParentId = "'$ManagementGroupId'" + $script:getMgParentName = 'Tenant Root' + $script:mermaidprnts = "'$getMgParentId',$getMgParentId" +} +else { + getSubscriptions + getEntities + showMemoryUsage + setBaseVariablesMG +} + +if ($HierarchyMapOnly -and $HierarchyMapOnlyCustomDataJSON) { +} +else { + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].accountType -eq 'User') { + getTenantDetails + } + + getDefaultManagementGroup +} + +runInfo + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + + #getSubscriptions + detailSubscriptions + showMemoryUsage + + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoMDfCSecureScore -eq $false) { + getMDfCSecureScoreMG + } + + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoAzureConsumption -eq $true) { + getConsumption + } + + getOrphanedResources + showMemoryUsage + cacheBuiltIn + showMemoryUsage + + if ($subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection.count -eq 0) { + Write-Host '--- Info ---' -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host '--- Seems this tenant has no subscriptions. Activating parameter -ManagementGroupsOnly' -ForegroundColor Yellow + $ManagementGroupsOnly = $true + $script:azAPICallConf['htParameters'].ManagementGroupsOnly = $true + } + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + + #region sanity check / AzContext has subscription + if (-not $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { + Write-Host '--- Sanity check ---' -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host 'Current AzContext has no subscription:' -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host ($azAPICallConf['checkcontext'] | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Environment, ExtendedProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) + if ($AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation) { + Write-Host 'You have enabled the parameter -AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation' -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host "Please use the parameter -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" -ForegroundColor Yellow + throw + } + else { + Write-Host 'You have NOT enabled the parameter -AzAPICallSkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation, but somehow reached this point in the script.' -ForegroundColor Yellow + Write-Host "Please use the parameter -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" -ForegroundColor Yellow + throw + } + } + #endregion sanity check / AzContext has subscription + + #region Getting Tenant Resource Providers + $startGetRPs = Get-Date + $currentTask = 'Getting Tenant Resource Providers' + Write-Host $currentTask + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/providers?api-version=2021-04-01" + $method = 'GET' + $resourceProviders = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -caller 'CustomDataCollection' + + Write-Host " Returned $($resourceProviders.Count) Resource Provider namespaces" + foreach ($resourceProvider in $resourceProviders) { + foreach ($resourceProviderResourceType in $resourceProvider.resourceTypes) { + $APIs = $resourceProviderResourceType.apiVersions | Sort-Object -Descending + $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)") = @{} + $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APILatest = $APIs | Select-Object -First 1 + $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APIs = $APIs + if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($resourceProviderResourceType.defaultApiVersion)) { + $htResourceProvidersRef.("$($resourceProvider.nameSpace)/$($resourceProviderResourceType.resourceType)").APIDefault = $resourceProviderResourceType.defaultApiVersion + } + } + } + Write-Host " Created ht for $($htResourceProvidersRef.Keys.Count) Resource/sub types" + $endGetRPs = Get-Date + Write-Host "Getting Tenant Resource Providers duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + #endregion Getting Tenant Resource Providers + + getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes + } + + Write-Host 'Collecting custom data' + $startDataCollection = Get-Date + + processDataCollection -mgId $ManagementGroupId + + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + exportResourceLocks + } + + getPolicyRemediation + + if ($arrayAdvisorScores.Count -gt 0) { + if (-not $NoCsvExport) { + Write-Host "Exporting AdvisorScores CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_AdvisorScores.csv'" + $arrayAdvisorScores | Sort-Object -Property subscriptionName, subscriptionId, category | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_AdvisorScores.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation + } + } + + showMemoryUsage + + if (-not $NoPIMEligibility) { + getPIMEligible + showMemoryUsage + } + + $endDataCollection = Get-Date + Write-Host "Collecting custom data duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startDataCollection -End $endDataCollection).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startDataCollection -End $endDataCollection).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + + exportBaseCSV +} +else { + processHierarchyMapOnly + exportBaseCSV +} + +prepareData +showMemoryUsage + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + + $rbacBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.RoleDefinitionName) } ) | Sort-Object -Property RoleIsCustom, RoleDefinitionName | Select-Object -Property Level, Role*, mg*, Subscription* + $roleAssignmentsUniqueById = $rbacBaseQuery | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentId -Unique + + if (-not $NoAADGroupsResolveMembers) { + processAADGroups + showMemoryUsage + } + + processApplications + showMemoryUsage + + processManagedIdentities + showMemoryUsage + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + createTagList + showMemoryUsage + } + + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoStorageAccountAccessAnalysis -eq $false) { + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + processStorageAccountAnalysis + showMemoryUsage + } + } + + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoResources -eq $false) { + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + getResourceDiagnosticsCapability + } + showMemoryUsage + } +} +#endregion runDataCollection + +#region createoutputs + +#region BuildHTML +$startBuildHTML = Get-Date +Write-Host 'Building HTML' +$html = $null + +#getFileNaming + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + #region preQueries + Write-Host ' Building preQueries' + $startPreQueries = Get-Date + + #region Create Policy/Set helper hash table + Write-Host ' Create Policy/Set helper hash table' + $startHelperHt = Get-Date + $tenantAllPolicySets = ($htCacheDefinitionsPolicySet).Values + $tenantAllPolicySetsCount = ($tenantAllPolicySets).count + if ($tenantAllPolicySetsCount -gt 0) { + foreach ($policySet in $tenantAllPolicySets) { + $PolicySetPolicyIds = $policySet.PolicySetPolicyIds + foreach ($PolicySetPolicyId in $PolicySetPolicyIds) { + + if ($policySet.LinkToAzAdvertizer) { + $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer = "$($policySet.LinkToAzAdvertizer) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" + } + else { + $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer = "$($policySet.DisplayName) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" + } + $hlper4CSVOutput = "$($policySet.DisplayName) ($($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId))" + if (-not $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId)) { + $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId) = @{} + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = [array]$hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = [array]$hlper4CSVOutput + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = [array]($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) + $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet.Add($hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer) + $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV.Add($hlper4CSVOutput) + $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly.Add($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) + } + else { + # $array = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet + # $array += $hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer + # $arrayCSV = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV + # $arrayCSV += $hlper4CSVOutput + # $arrayIdOnly = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly + # $arrayIdOnly += $policySet.PolicyDefinitionId + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet = $array + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV = $arrayCSV + # $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly = $arrayIdOnly + + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet.Add($hlperDisplayNameWithOrWithoutLinkToAzAdvertizer) + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySet4CSV.Add($hlper4CSVOutput) + $null = $htPoliciesUsedInPolicySets.($PolicySetPolicyId).policySetIdOnly.Add($policySet.PolicyDefinitionId) + } + } + } + } + $endHelperHt = Get-Date + Write-Host " Create Policy/Set helper hash table duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHelperHt -End $endHelperHt).TotalSeconds) seconds" + #endregion Create Policy/Set helper hash table + + #region PreQueriesPolicyRelated + $startPreQueriesPolicyRelated = Get-Date + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy) { + $policyBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.PolicyVariant) } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyType, Policy | Select-Object -Property Level, Policy*, mg*, Subscription* + } + else { + $policyBaseQuery = $newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.PolicyVariant) -and ($_.PolicyAssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Mg' -or $_.PolicyAssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Sub') } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyType, Policy | Select-Object -Property Level, Policy*, mg*, Subscription* + } + + $policyBaseQuerySubscriptions = $policyBaseQuery.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.SubscriptionId) } ) + $policyBaseQueryManagementGroups = $policyBaseQuery.where({ [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.SubscriptionId) } ) + $policyPolicyBaseQueryScopeInsights = ($policyBaseQuery | Select-Object Mg*, Subscription*, PolicyAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicySetAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicyAndPolicySetAssignmentAtScopeCount, PolicyAssignmentLimit -Unique) + $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments = $policyBaseQuery | Sort-Object -Property PolicyAssignmentId -Unique | Select-Object -Property Policy* + $policyAssignmentsOrphaned = $policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyAvailability -eq 'na' } ) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyAssignmentId -Unique + $policyAssignmentsOrphanedCount = $policyAssignmentsOrphaned.Count + Write-Host " $policyAssignmentsOrphanedCount orphaned Policy assignments found" + + $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase = @{} + foreach ($policyAssignment in $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments) { + if ($policyAssignment.PolicyVariant -eq 'Policy') { + if (-not $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId)) { + $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId) = @{} + $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments = [array]$policyAssignment.PolicyAssignmentId + } + else { + $usedInAssignments = $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments + $usedInAssignments += $policyAssignment.PolicyAssignmentId + $htPolicyWithAssignmentsBase.($policyAssignment.PolicyDefinitionId).Assignments = $usedInAssignments + } + } + } + + $policyPolicySetBaseQueryUniqueAssignments = $policyBaseQueryUniqueAssignments.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'PolicySet' } ) + #$policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyType -eq 'Custom' } )) | Select-Object PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId -Unique + $policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQuery.where({ $_.PolicyType -eq 'Custom' } )) | Sort-Object -Property PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId -Unique | Select-Object PolicyVariant, PolicyDefinitionId + $policyPolicyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'Policy' } )).PolicyDefinitionId + $policyPolicySetBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions = ($policyBaseQueryUniqueCustomDefinitions.where({ $_.PolicyVariant -eq 'PolicySet' } )).PolicyDefinitionId + + #region create array Policy definitions + $tenantAllPoliciesCount = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).count + $tenantBuiltInPolicies = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).where({ $_.Type -eq 'BuiltIn' } ) + $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount = ($tenantBuiltInPolicies).count + $tenantCustomPolicies = (($htCacheDefinitionsPolicy).Values).where({ $_.Type -eq 'Custom' } ) + $tenantCustomPoliciesCount = ($tenantCustomPolicies).count + + #hashes for parity builtin/custom + Write-Host 'Processing Policy custom/built-In parity check' + $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity = Get-Date + foreach ($customPolicy in $tenantCustomPolicies) { + $policyRuleHash = getPolicyHash -json ($customPolicy.Json.properties.policyRule | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) + if ($htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash)) { + $null = $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + CustomPolicyName = $customPolicy.Name + CustomPolicyDisplayName = $customPolicy.DisplayName + CustomPolicyCategory = $customPolicy.Category + CustomPolicyId = $customPolicy.Id + MatchBuiltinPolicyCount = $htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash).Policies.Count + BuiltInPolicyId = ($htHashesBuiltInPolicy.($policyRuleHash).Policies | Sort-Object) -join "$CsvDelimiterOpposite " + }) + } + } + if ($arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host " $($arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity.Count) custom Policy definition(s) found that have parity with built-In Policy definition Policy rule" + if (-not $NoCsvExport) { + Write-Host " Exporting PolicyCustomBuiltInParity CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_PolicyCustomBuiltInParity.csv'" + $arrayCustomBuiltInPolicyParity | Sort-Object -Property CustomPolicyId | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_PolicyCustomBuiltInParity.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation + } + } + else { + Write-Host ' No custom Policy definition found that have parity with built-In Policy definition Policy rule' + } + $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity = Get-Date + Write-Host " Policy custom/built-In parity check duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity -End $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPolicyCustomBuiltInParity -End $endPolicyCustomBuiltInParity).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + #endregion create array Policy definitions + + #region create array PolicySet definitions + $tenantBuiltInPolicySets = $tenantAllPolicySets.where({ $_.Type -eq 'Builtin' } ) + $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount = ($tenantBuiltInPolicySets).count + $tenantCustomPolicySets = $tenantAllPolicySets.where({ $_.Type -eq 'Custom' } ) + $tenantCustompolicySetsCount = ($tenantCustomPolicySets).count + #endregion create array PolicySet definitions + + $endPreQueriesPolicyRelated = Get-Date + Write-Host " PreQueriesPolicyRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesPolicyRelated -End $endPreQueriesPolicyRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" + #endregion PreQueriesPolicyRelated + + #region PreQueriesRBACRelated + $startPreQueriesRBACRelated = Get-Date + $rbacBaseQueryArrayListNotGroupOwner = $rbacBaseQuery.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -ne 'Group' -and $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'Owner' }) | Select-Object -Property mgid, SubscriptionId, RoleAssignmentId, RoleDefinitionName, RoleDefinitionId, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname, RoleAssignmentIdentitySignInName, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentScopeType + $rbacBaseQueryArrayListNotGroupUserAccessAdministrator = $rbacBaseQuery.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -ne 'Group' -and $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'User Access Administrator' }) | Select-Object -Property mgid, SubscriptionId, RoleAssignmentId, RoleDefinitionName, RoleDefinitionId, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType, RoleAssignmentIdentityDisplayname, RoleAssignmentIdentitySignInName, RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId, RoleAssignmentScopeType + $roleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals = (($roleAssignmentsUniqueById.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectType -eq 'ServicePrincipal' }))) + $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals = @{} + foreach ($spWithRoleAssignment in $roleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals | Group-Object -Property RoleAssignmentIdentityObjectId) { + if (-not $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name)) { + $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name) = @{} + $htRoleAssignmentsForServicePrincipals.($spWithRoleAssignment.Name).RoleAssignments = $spWithRoleAssignment.group + } + } + + #region assignmentRgRes + $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes = @{} + foreach ($policyAssignmentRgRes in ($htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values | Sort-Object -Property id -Unique) { + $hlperPolDefId = (($policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.policyDefinitionId).ToLower()) + if (-not $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId)) { + $pscustomObj = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $null = $pscustomObj.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + PolicyAssignmentId = ($policyAssignmentRgRes.Id).ToLower() + PolicyAssignmentDisplayName = $policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.displayName + }) + $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId) = @{} + $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments = [array](($pscustomObj)) + } + else { + $pscustomObj = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $null = $pscustomObj.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + PolicyAssignmentId = ($policyAssignmentRgRes.Id).ToLower() + PolicyAssignmentDisplayName = $policyAssignmentRgRes.properties.displayName + }) + $array = @() + $array += $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments + $array += (($pscustomObj)) + $htPoliciesWithAssignmentOnRgRes.($hlperPolDefId).Assignments = $array + } + } + #endregion assignmentRgRes + + $tenantAllRoles = ($htCacheDefinitionsRole).Values + $tenantAllRolesCount = ($tenantAllRoles).Count + $tenantCustomRoles = $tenantAllRoles.where({ $_.IsCustom -eq $True } ) + $tenantCustomRolesCount = ($tenantCustomRoles).Count + $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignments = $tenantAllRoles.where({ $_.RoleCanDoRoleAssignments -eq $True } ) + $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignmentsCount = $tenantAllRolesCanDoRoleAssignments.Count + + $mgSubRoleAssignmentsArrayFromHTValues = ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).Values.Assignment + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC) { + $rgResRoleAssignmentsArrayFromHTValues = ($htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources).Values + } + + $endPreQueriesRBACRelated = Get-Date + Write-Host " PreQueriesRBACRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesRBACRelated -End $endPreQueriesRBACRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" + #endregion PreQueriesRBACRelated + + $blueprintBaseQuery = ($newTable.where({ -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.BlueprintName) } )) | Select-Object mgid, SubscriptionId, Blueprint* + $mgsAndSubs = (($optimizedTableForPathQuery.where({ $_.mgId -ne '' -and $_.Level -ne '0' } )) | Sort-Object -Property MgId, SubscriptionId -Unique | Select-Object MgId, SubscriptionId) + + + #region PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated + $startPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated = Get-Date + $diagnosticSettingsMg = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Mg' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'true' }) + $diagnosticSettingsMgCount = $diagnosticSettingsMg.Count + $diagnosticSettingsMgCategories = ($diagnosticSettingsMg.DiagnosticCategories | Group-Object -Property Category).Name + $diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped = $diagnosticSettingsMg | Group-Object -Property ScopeId + $diagnosticSettingsMgManagementGroupsCount = ($diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped | Measure-Object).Count + + foreach ($entry in $diagnosticSettingsMgGrouped) { + $dsgrouped = $entry.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticSettingName + + foreach ($ds in $dsgrouped) { + $targetTypegrouped = $ds.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticTargetType + foreach ($tt in $targetTypegrouped) { + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name) = @{} + } + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name) = @{} + } + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name) = $tt.group + } + } + } + } + + foreach ($mg in $htManagementGroupsMgPath.Values) { + foreach ($mgWithDiag in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.keys) { + if ($mg.ParentNameChain -contains $mgWithDiag) { + foreach ($diagSet in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).keys) { + foreach ($tt in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).($diagset).keys) { + foreach ($tid in ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).mg.($mgWithDiag).($diagset).($tt)) { + $null = $script:diagnosticSettingsMg.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + Scope = 'Mg' + ScopeName = $mg.displayName + ScopeId = $mg.Id + ScopeMgPath = $htManagementGroupsMgPath.($mg.Id).pathDelimited + DiagnosticsInheritedOrnot = $true + DiagnosticsInheritedFrom = $mgWithDiag + DiagnosticsPresent = 'true' + DiagnosticSettingName = $diagSet + DiagnosticTargetType = $tt + DiagnosticTargetId = $tid.DiagnosticTargetId + DiagnosticCategories = $tid.DiagnosticCategories + DiagnosticCategoriesHt = $tid.DiagnosticCategoriesHt + }) + } + } + } + } + } + } + $mgsDiagnosticsApplicableCount = $diagnosticSettingsMg.Count + + $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + foreach ($mg in $htManagementGroupsMgPath.Values) { + if ($diagnosticSettingsMg.ScopeId -notcontains $mg.Id) { + $null = $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + ScopeName = $mg.DisplayName + ScopeId = $mg.Id + ScopeMgPath = $mg.pathDelimited + }) + } + } + $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnosticsCount = $arrayMgsWithoutDiagnostics.Count + + $diagnosticSettingsSub = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Sub' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'true' }) + $diagnosticSettingsSubCount = $diagnosticSettingsSub.Count + $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiag = $arrayDiagnosticSettingsMgSub.where({ $_.Scope -eq 'Sub' -and $_.DiagnosticsPresent -eq 'false' }) + $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiagCount = $diagnosticSettingsSubNoDiag.Count + $diagnosticSettingsSubCategories = ($diagnosticSettingsSub.DiagnosticCategories | Group-Object -Property Category).Name + $diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped = $diagnosticSettingsSub | Group-Object -Property ScopeId + $diagnosticSettingsSubSubscriptionsCount = ($diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped | Measure-Object).Count + + foreach ($entry in $diagnosticSettingsSubGrouped) { + $dsgrouped = $entry.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticSettingName + + foreach ($ds in $dsgrouped) { + $targetTypegrouped = $ds.group | Group-Object -Property DiagnosticTargetType + foreach ($tt in $targetTypegrouped) { + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name) = @{} + } + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name) = @{} + } + if (-not ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name)) { + ($htDiagnosticSettingsMgSub).sub.($entry.Name).($ds.Name).($tt.Name) = $tt.group + } + } + } + } + $endPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated = Get-Date + Write-Host " PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated -End $endPreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" + #endregion PreQueriesDiagnosticsRelated + + #region PreQueriesDefenderRelated + $startPreQueriesDefenderRelated = Get-Date + $defenderPlansGroupedBySub = $arrayDefenderPlans | Sort-Object -Property subscriptionName | Group-Object -Property subscriptionName, subscriptionId, subscriptionMgPath + $subsDefenderPlansCount = ($defenderPlansGroupedBySub | Measure-Object).Count + $defenderCapabilities = ($arrayDefenderPlans.defenderPlan | Sort-Object -Unique) + $defenderCapabilitiesCount = $defenderCapabilities.Count + $defenderPlansGroupedByPlan = $arrayDefenderPlans | Group-Object -Property defenderPlan, defenderPlanTier + $defenderPlansGroupedByPlanCount = ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan | Measure-Object).Count + if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'ContainerRegistry, Standard' -or $defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'KubernetesService, Standard') { + if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'ContainerRegistry, Standard') { + $defenderPlanDeprecatedContainerRegistry = $true + } + if ($defenderPlansGroupedByPlan.Name -contains 'KubernetesService, Standard') { + $defenderPlanDeprecatedKubernetesService = $true + } + } + $endPreQueriesDefenderRelated = Get-Date + Write-Host " PreQueriesDefenderRelated duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueriesDefenderRelated -End $endPreQueriesDefenderRelated).TotalSeconds) seconds" + #endregion PreQueriesDefenderRelated + + $endPreQueries = Get-Date + Write-Host " Pre Queries duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueries -End $endPreQueries).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startPreQueries -End $endPreQueries).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + showMemoryUsage + #endregion preQueries + + #region summarizeDataCollectionResults + $startSummarizeDataCollectionResults = Get-Date + Write-Host 'Summary data collection' + #$mgsDetails = ($optimizedTableForPathQueryMg | Select-Object Level, MgId -Unique) + $mgsDetails = ($optimizedTableForPathQueryMg | Sort-Object -Property Level, MgId -Unique | Select-Object Level, MgId) + $mgDepth = ($mgsDetails.Level | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + $totalMgCount = ($mgsDetails).count + $totalSubCount = ($optimizedTableForPathQuerySub).count + $totalSubOutOfScopeCount = ($outOfScopeSubscriptions).count + $totalSubIncludedAndExcludedCount = $totalSubCount + $totalSubOutOfScopeCount + $totalResourceCount = $($resourcesIdsAll.Count) + + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).keys).count + + $policyAssignmentsMg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Mg' } )) + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg = $policyAssignmentsMg.Count + + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Sub' } )).count + + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsOnPolicy) { + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicy).Values.where({ $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Rg' -or $_.AssignmentScopeMgSubRg -eq 'Res' } )).count + } + else { + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg = (($htCacheAssignmentsPolicyOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values).count + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount + $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg + } + + $totalRoleAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Tenant' } )).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'MG' } )).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Sub' } )).count + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoNotIncludeResourceGroupsAndResourcesOnRBAC) { + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRG = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'RG' } )).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRes = (($htCacheAssignmentsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheAssignmentsRole).($_).AssignmentScopeTenMgSubRgRes -eq 'Res' } )).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRG + $totalRoleAssignmentsCountRes + } + else { + $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsRBACOnResourceGroupsAndResources).values).count + $totalRoleAssignmentsCount = $totalRoleAssignmentsCount + $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount + } + + $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount = ((($htCacheDefinitionsRole).keys.where({ ($htCacheDefinitionsRole).($_).IsCustom -eq $True } ))).count + $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount = ((($htCacheDefinitionsBlueprint).keys)).count + $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount = (($htCacheAssignmentsBlueprint).keys).count + $totalResourceTypesCount = ($resourceTypesDiagnosticsArray).Count + + Write-Host " Total Management Groups: $totalMgCount (depth $mgDepth)" + $htDailySummary.'ManagementGroups' = $totalMgCount + Write-Host " Total Subscriptions: $totalSubIncludedAndExcludedCount ($totalSubCount included; $totalSubOutOfScopeCount out-of-scope)" + $htDailySummary.'Subscriptions' = $totalSubCount + + $subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId = $optimizedTableForPathQuerySub | Group-Object -Property SubscriptionQuotaId + if ($subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId.Count -gt 0) { + foreach ($quotaId in $subscriptionsGroupedByQuotaId) { + $htDailySummary."Subscriptions_$($quotaId.Name)" = $quotaId.Count + } + } + + $htDailySummary.'SubscriptionsOutOfScope' = $totalSubOutOfScopeCount + Write-Host " Total BuiltIn Policy definitions: $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyDefinitionsBuiltIn' = $tenantBuiltInPoliciesCount + Write-Host " Total Custom Policy definitions: $tenantCustomPoliciesCount" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyDefinitionsCustom' = $tenantCustomPoliciesCount + Write-Host " Total BuiltIn PolicySet definitions: $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount" + $htDailySummary.'PolicySetDefinitionsBuiltIn' = $tenantBuiltInPolicySetsCount + Write-Host " Total Custom PolicySet definitions: $tenantCustompolicySetsCount" + $htDailySummary.'PolicySetDefinitionsCustom' = $tenantCustompolicySetsCount + Write-Host " Total Policy assignments: $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCount)" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCount + Write-Host " Total Policy assignments ManagementGroups $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg)" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_ManagementGroups' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountMg + Write-Host " Total Policy assignments Subscriptions $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub)" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_Subscriptions' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountSub + Write-Host " Total Policy assignments ResourceGroups: $($totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg)" + $htDailySummary.'PolicyAssignments_ResourceGroups' = $totalPolicyAssignmentsCountRg + Write-Host " Total Custom Role definitions: $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount" + $htDailySummary.'RoleDefinitionsCustom' = $totalRoleDefinitionsCustomCount + Write-Host " Total Role assignments: $totalRoleAssignmentsCount" + $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCount + Write-Host " Total Role assignments (Tenant): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen" + $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_Tenant' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountTen + Write-Host " Total Role assignments (ManagementGroups): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG" + $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_ManagementGroups' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountMG + Write-Host " Total Role assignments (Subscriptions): $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub" + $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_Subscriptions' = $totalRoleAssignmentsCountSub + Write-Host " Total Role assignments (ResourceGroups and Resources): $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount" + $htDailySummary.'TotalRoleAssignments_RgRes' = $totalRoleAssignmentsResourceGroupsAndResourcesCount + Write-Host " Total Blueprint definitions: $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount" + $htDailySummary.'Blueprints' = $totalBlueprintDefinitionsCount + Write-Host " Total Blueprint assignments: $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount" + $htDailySummary.'BlueprintAssignments' = $totalBlueprintAssignmentsCount + Write-Host " Total Resources: $totalResourceCount" + $htDailySummary.'Resources' = $totalResourceCount + Write-Host " Total Resource Types: $totalResourceTypesCount" + $htDailySummary.'ResourceTypes' = $totalResourceTypesCount + + $rbacUnique = $rbacAll | Sort-Object -Property RoleAssignmentId -Unique + $rbacUniqueObjectIds = $rbacUnique | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique + $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM = $rbacUnique.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentPIMRelated -eq $false } ) | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique + $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM = $rbacUnique.where({ $_.RoleAssignmentPIMRelated -eq $true } ) | Sort-Object -Property ObjectId -Unique + + if ($rbacUniqueObjectIds.Count -gt 0) { + $rbacUniqueObjectIdsGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIds | Group-Object -Property ObjectType + foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsGrouped) { + $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count + } + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIds.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermission_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIds.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count + } + + if ($rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.Count -gt 0) { + $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIMGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM | Group-Object -Property ObjectType + foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIMGrouped) { + $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count + } + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionStatic_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsNonPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count + } + + if ($rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.Count -gt 0) { + $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIMGrouped = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM | Group-Object -Property ObjectType + foreach ($principalType in $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIMGrouped) { + $htDailySummary."TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_$($principalType.Name)" = $principalType.Count + } + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_SP' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'SP*' } ).count + $htDailySummary.'TotalUniquePrincipalWithPermissionPIM_User' = $rbacUniqueObjectIdsPIM.where({ $_.ObjectType -like 'User*' } ).count + } + + + # if ($arrayAdvisorScores.Count -gt 0) { + # $arrayAdvisorScoresGroupedByCategory = $arrayAdvisorScores | Group-Object -Property category + # foreach ($entry in $arrayAdvisorScoresGroupedByCategory) { + # $htDailySummary."Advisor_$($entry.Name)" = ($entry.Group.Score | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / $entry.Group.Count + # } + # } + + if ($htMgASCSecureScore.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + foreach ($mgASCSecureScore in $htMgASCSecureScore.Keys) { + $htDailySummary."MDfCSecureScore_$($mgASCSecureScore)" = $htMgASCSecureScore.($mgASCSecureScore).SecureScore + } + } + + $endSummarizeDataCollectionResults = Get-Date + Write-Host " Summary data collection duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummarizeDataCollectionResults -End $endSummarizeDataCollectionResults).TotalSeconds) seconds" + showMemoryUsage + #endregion summarizeDataCollectionResults +} + +$html = @" + + + + + + + + + Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +"@ + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + + if (-not $NoDefinitionInsightsDedicatedHTML) { + $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedStart = $html + $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedStart += @' + +
+ +


+ +'@ + + $htmlDefinitionInsightsDedicatedEnd = @" +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +"@ + } + if (-not $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput) { + + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { + $HTMLPath = "HTML-Subscriptions_$($ManagementGroupId)" + if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($HTMLPath)") { + Write-Host ' Cleaning old state (Pipeline only)' + Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($HTMLPath)" + } + } + else { + $HTMLPath = "HTML-Subscriptions_$($ManagementGroupId)_$($fileTimestamp)" + Write-Host " Creating new state ($($HTMLPath)) (local only))" + } + + $null = New-Item -Name $HTMLPath -ItemType directory -Path $outputPath + + $htmlSubscriptionOnlyStart = $html + $htmlSubscriptionOnlyStart += @' + +
+ +


+ +'@ + + $htmlSubscriptionOnlyEnd = @" +
+ + + + + + + + + + +"@ + } + + $htmlShowHideScopeInfo = + @" +

+ + +

+"@ +} +else { + $htmlShowHideScopeInfo = '

' +} + +$html += @" + +


+ $($htmlShowHideScopeInfo) +
+"@ + +$html += @' +
+'@ +} +else { + $html += @' + + + + +
+ + + +'@ +} + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + + $html += @' +


+'@ + + $html | Set-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force + $html = $null + + $startSummary = Get-Date + + if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoNetwork) { + if (-not $ManagementGroupsOnly) { + processNetwork + processPrivateEndpoints + } + } + + processTenantSummary + showMemoryUsage + + #region BuildDailySummaryCSV + if (-not $NoCsvExport) { + $dailySummary4ExportToCSV = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + foreach ($entry in $htDailySummary.keys | Sort-Object) { + $null = $dailySummary4ExportToCSV.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + capability = $entry + count = $htDailySummary.($entry) + }) + } + Write-Host " Exporting DailySummary CSV '$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_DailySummary.csv'" + $dailySummary4ExportToCSV | Export-Csv -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName)_DailySummary.csv" -Delimiter "$csvDelimiter" -NoTypeInformation + } + + #endregion BuildDailySummaryCSV + + $endSummary = Get-Date + Write-Host " Building TenantSummary duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummary -End $endSummary).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startSummary -End $endSummary).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + + $html += @' +
+ +


+'@ + $html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force + $html = $null + + processDefinitionInsights + showMemoryUsage + + $html += @' +
+'@ + + if ((-not $NoScopeInsights) -or (-not $NoSingleSubscriptionOutput)) { + + if ((-not $NoScopeInsights)) { + $html += @' +


+'@ + $html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force + $html = $null + Write-Host ' Building ScopeInsights' + } + + $startHierarchyTable = Get-Date + $script:scopescnter = 0 + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoResources -eq $false) { + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].DoPSRule -eq $true) { + $grpPSRuleSubscriptions = $arrayPsRule | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId + $grpPSRuleManagementGroups = $arrayPsRule | Group-Object -Property mgPath + } + } + if ($arrayFeaturesAll.Count -gt 0) { + $script:subFeaturesGroupedBySubscription = $arrayFeaturesAll | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId + } + if ($arrayOrphanedResourcesSlim.Count -gt 0) { + $arrayOrphanedResourcesGroupedBySubscription = $arrayOrphanedResourcesSlim | Group-Object subscriptionId + } + $resourcesIdsAllCAFNamingRelevantGroupedBySubscription = $resourcesIdsAllCAFNamingRelevant | Group-Object -Property subscriptionId + + processScopeInsights -mgChild $ManagementGroupId -mgChildOf $getMgParentId + showMemoryUsage + + $endHierarchyTable = Get-Date + Write-Host " Building ScopeInsights duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHierarchyTable -End $endHierarchyTable).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startHierarchyTable -End $endHierarchyTable).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + + if ((-not $NoScopeInsights)) { + $html += @' +
+'@ + } + } +} + +$html += @' + + + + + + + + + + + +"@ + +$html | Add-Content -Path "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySeparatorChar)$($fileName).html" -Encoding utf8 -Force + +$endBuildHTML = Get-Date +Write-Host "Building HTML total duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startBuildHTML -End $endBuildHTML).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startBuildHTML -End $endBuildHTML).TotalSeconds) seconds)" +#endregion BuildHTML + +buildMD +showMemoryUsage + +if (-not $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].NoJsonExport) { + buildJSON + showMemoryUsage +} + +if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { + buildPolicyAllJSON +} + +#endregion createoutputs + +apiCallTracking -stage 'Summary' -spacing '' + +$endAzGovViz = Get-Date +$durationProduct = (New-TimeSpan -Start $startAzGovViz -End $endAzGovViz) +Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) duration: $($durationProduct.TotalMinutes) minutes" + +#end +$endTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' +Write-Host "End Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) $endTime" + +Write-Host 'Checking for errors' +if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host "Dumping $($Error.Count) Errors (handled by Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion)):" + $Error | Out-Host +} +else { + Write-Host 'Error count is 0' +} + +stats + +if ($DoTranscript) { + Stop-Transcript +} + +Write-Host '' +Write-Host '--------------------' +Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) completed successful" -ForegroundColor Green + +if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host "Don't bother about dumped errors" +} + +if ($DoPSRule) { + $psRuleErrors = $arrayPsRule.where({ -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.errorMsg) }) + if ($psRuleErrors) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host "$($psRuleErrors.Count) 'PSRule for Azure' error(s) encountered" + Write-Host 'Please review the error(s) and consider filing an issue at the PSRule.Rules.Azure GitHub repository https://github.com/Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure - thank you' + $psRuleErrorsGrouped = $psRuleErrors | Group-Object -Property resourceType, errorMsg + foreach ($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage in $psRuleErrorsGrouped) { + Write-Host "$($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Count) x $($errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Name)" + Write-Host 'Resources:' + foreach ($resourceId in $errorGroupedByResourceTypeAndMessage.Group.resourceId) { + Write-Host " -$resourceId" + } + } + } +} + +#region infoNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable +if ($azGovVizNewerVersionAvailable) { + if ($azAPICallConf['htParameters'].onAzureDevOpsOrGitHubActions) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host "This Azure Governance Visualizer version ($ProductVersion) is not up to date. Get the latest Azure Governance Visualizer version ($azGovVizVersionOnRepositoryFull)!" + Write-Host 'Check the Azure Governance Visualizer history: https://github.com/JulianHayward/Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting/blob/master/history.md' + } +} +#endregion infoNewAzGovVizVersionAvailable + +#region reportErrors +if ($htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host '' + Write-Host ' * * * Please help * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen + Write-Host 'For the following resource(s) an error occurred converting from JSON (different casing). Please inspect the resource(s) for keys with different casing. Please file an issue at the Azure Governance Visualizer GitHub repository (aka.ms/AzGovViz) and provide the JSON dump for the resource(s) (scrub subscription Id and company identifyable names) - Thank you!' + foreach ($resourceId in $htResourcePropertiesConvertfromJSONFailed.Keys) { + Write-Host " resId: '$resourceId'" + } + Write-Host ' * * * * * *' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen +} +#endregion reportErrors + +#region runIdentifier +if ($ShowRunIdentifier) { + Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer ($ProductVersion) run identifier: '$($statsIdentifier)'" +} #endregion runIdentifier diff --git a/pwsh/dev/devAzGovVizParallel.ps1 b/pwsh/dev/devAzGovVizParallel.ps1 index 2f92070a..7362e8f7 100644 --- a/pwsh/dev/devAzGovVizParallel.ps1 +++ b/pwsh/dev/devAzGovVizParallel.ps1 @@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ Param $Product = 'AzGovViz', [string] - $ProductVersion = '6.4.3', + $ProductVersion = '6.4.4', [string] $GithubRepository = 'aka.ms/AzGovViz', # <--- AzAPICall related parameters #consult the AzAPICall GitHub repository for details aka.ms/AzAPICall [string] - $AzAPICallVersion = '1.2.0', + $AzAPICallVersion = '1.2.1', [switch] $DebugAzAPICall, @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ Param $MSTenantIds = @('2f4a9838-26b7-47ee-be60-ccc1fdec5953', '33e01921-4d64-4f8c-a055-5bdaffd5e33d'), [array] - $ValidPolicyEffects = @('append', 'audit', 'auditIfNotExists', 'deny', 'denyAction', 'deployIfNotExists', 'modify', 'manual', 'disabled', 'EnforceRegoPolicy', 'enforceSetting') + $ValidPolicyEffects = @('append', 'audit', 'auditIfNotExists', 'deny', 'denyAction', 'deployIfNotExists', 'modify', 'manual', 'disabled', 'EnforceRegoPolicy', 'enforceSetting', 'Mutate') ) $Error.clear() @@ -648,6 +648,7 @@ if ($ManagementGroupId -match ' ') { } #region Functions +. ".\$($ScriptPath)\functions\getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes.ps1" . ".\$($ScriptPath)\functions\validateLeastPrivilegeForUser.ps1" . ".\$($ScriptPath)\functions\getPolicyRemediation.ps1" . ".\$($ScriptPath)\functions\getPolicyHash.ps1" @@ -820,14 +821,14 @@ if (-not $ignoreARMLocation) { #EndRegion initAZAPICall #region required AzAPICall version -if (-not ([System.Version]"$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)" -ge [System.Version]'1.1.84')) { +if (-not ([System.Version]"$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)" -ge [System.Version]'1.2.1')) { Write-Host '' Write-Host 'Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version check failed -> https://aka.ms/AzAPICall; https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/AzAPICall' - throw "This version of Azure Governance Visualizer '$ProductVersion' requires AzAPICall PowerShell module version '1.1.84' or greater" + throw "This version of Azure Governance Visualizer '$ProductVersion' requires AzAPICall PowerShell module version '1.2.1' or greater" } else { Write-Host '' - Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version requirement check succeeded: '1.1.84' or greater - current: '$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)' " -ForegroundColor Green + Write-Host "Azure Governance Visualizer version '$ProductVersion' - AzAPICall PowerShell module version requirement check succeeded: '1.2.1' or greater - current: '$($azapicallConf['htParameters'].azAPICallModuleVersion)' " -ForegroundColor Green } #endregion required AzAPICall version @@ -1160,93 +1161,7 @@ if (-not $HierarchyMapOnly) { Write-Host "Getting Tenant Resource Providers duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetRPs -End $endGetRPs).TotalSeconds) seconds)" #endregion Getting Tenant Resource Providers - #region Getting Available Private Endpoint Types - $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false - $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() - $prioCounter = 0 - foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection) { - $prioCounter++ - if ($subscription.subscriptionId -eq $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { - $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - subscriptionInfo = $subscription - prio = 0 - }) - } - else { - $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ - subscriptionInfo = $subscription - prio = $prioCounter - }) - } - } - - foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes | Sort-Object -Property prio) { - - if ($privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted) { - continue - } - - $subscriptionId = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionId - $subscriptionName = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionName - - $currentTask = "Getting Locations for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId))" - Write-Host $currentTask - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/locations?api-version=2020-01-01" - $method = 'GET' - $getLocations = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask - Write-Host " Returned $($getLocations.Count) locations" - - Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId)) for $($getLocations.Count) locations" - - $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($getLocations.Count / $ThrottleLimit) - Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" - $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } - $getLocationsBatch = ($getLocations) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } - Write-Host "Processing data in $($getLocationsBatch.Count) batches" - - $getLocationsBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { - $subscriptionId = $using:subscriptionId - $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf - $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = $using:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes - - foreach ($location in $_.Group) { - $currentTask = "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location.name)" - #Write-Host $currentTask - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/$($location.name)/availablePrivateEndpointTypes?api-version=2022-07-01" - $method = 'GET' - $availablePrivateEndpointTypes = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -skipOnErrorCode 400, 409 - Write-Host " Returned $($availablePrivateEndpointTypes.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location.name)" - foreach ($availablePrivateEndpointType in $availablePrivateEndpointTypes) { - if (-not $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower())) { - $script:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower()) = @{} - } - } - } - } -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit - - if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - #Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $true - } - else { - Write-Host " $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - likely the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is not registered - trying next available subscription" - $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false - } - } - - if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { - Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" - } - else { - $throwmsg = "$($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - Checked for $($subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Count) Subscriptions with no success. Make sure that for at least one Subscription the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is registered. Once you registered the Resource Provider for Subscription 'subscriptionEnabled' it may be a good idea to use the parameter: -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" - Write-Host $throwmsg -ForegroundColor DarkRed - Throw $throwmsg - } - - $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date - Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalSeconds) seconds)" - #endregion Getting Available Private Endpoint Types + getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes } Write-Host 'Collecting custom data' diff --git a/pwsh/dev/functions/cacheBuiltIn.ps1 b/pwsh/dev/functions/cacheBuiltIn.ps1 index e10eb2b2..854b67b4 100644 --- a/pwsh/dev/functions/cacheBuiltIn.ps1 +++ b/pwsh/dev/functions/cacheBuiltIn.ps1 @@ -79,15 +79,12 @@ function cacheBuiltIn { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds)) { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.(($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id).ToLower()).RoleDefinitionIds = $builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $builtinPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) } - #else { - $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) - #} + $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($builtinPolicyDefinition.Id) } } else { @@ -170,15 +167,12 @@ function cacheBuiltIn { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds)) { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.(($staticPolicyDefinition.Id).ToLower()).RoleDefinitionIds = $staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $staticPolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) } - #else { - $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) - #} + $null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($staticPolicyDefinition.Id) } } else { diff --git a/pwsh/dev/functions/dataCollection/dataCollectionFunctions.ps1 b/pwsh/dev/functions/dataCollection/dataCollectionFunctions.ps1 index 0cc46c46..f45c9293 100644 --- a/pwsh/dev/functions/dataCollection/dataCollectionFunctions.ps1 +++ b/pwsh/dev/functions/dataCollection/dataCollectionFunctions.ps1 @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function dataCollectionDefenderPlans { $currentTask = "Getting Microsoft Defender for Cloud plans for Subscription: '$($scopeDisplayName)' ('$scopeId') [quotaId:'$SubscriptionQuotaId']" #https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/defenderforcloud/pricings - $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($scopeId)/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings?api-version=2018-06-01" + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($scopeId)/providers/Microsoft.Security/pricings?api-version=2024-01-01" $method = 'GET' $defenderPlansResult = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -caller 'CustomDataCollection' @@ -2194,15 +2194,12 @@ function dataCollectionPolicyDefinitions { $script:htCacheDefinitionsPolicy.($hlpPolicyDefinitionId).RoleDefinitionIds = $scopePolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds foreach ($roledefinitionId in $scopePolicyDefinition.properties.policyRule.then.details.roleDefinitionIds) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($roledefinitionId)) { - if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId)) { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId) = @{ + if (-not $htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower())) { + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()) = @{ UsedInPolicies = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } - #$null = $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) } - #else { - $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.($roledefinitionId).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) - #} + $script:htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.(($roledefinitionId).ToLower()).UsedInPolicies.Add($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) } else { Write-Host "$currentTask $($hlpPolicyDefinitionId) Finding: empty roleDefinitionId in roledefinitionIds" diff --git a/pwsh/dev/functions/getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes.ps1 b/pwsh/dev/functions/getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0af829a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/pwsh/dev/functions/getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +function getPrivateEndpointCapableResourceTypes { + $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false + $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() + $prioCounter = 0 + foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessInCustomDataCollection) { + $prioCounter++ + if ($subscription.subscriptionId -eq $azAPICallConf['checkcontext'].Subscription.Id) { + $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + subscriptionInfo = $subscription + prio = 0 + }) + } + else { + $null = $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ + subscriptionInfo = $subscription + prio = $prioCounter + }) + } + } + + foreach ($subscription in $subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes | Sort-Object -Property prio) { + + if ($privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted) { + continue + } + + $subscriptionId = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionId + $subscriptionName = $subscription.subscriptionInfo.subscriptionName + + $armLocationsFromAzAPICall = $azAPICallConf['htParameters'].ARMLocations + + Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for Subscription '$($subscriptionName)' ($($subscriptionId)) for $($armLocationsFromAzAPICall.Count) locations" + + $batchSize = [math]::ceiling($armLocationsFromAzAPICall.Count / $ThrottleLimit) + Write-Host "Optimal batch size: $($batchSize)" + $counterBatch = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 } + $locationsBatch = ($armLocationsFromAzAPICall) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counterBatch.Value++ / $batchSize) } + Write-Host "Processing data in $($locationsBatch.Count) batches" + + $locationsBatch | ForEach-Object -Parallel { + + $subscriptionId = $using:subscriptionId + $azAPICallConf = $using:azAPICallConf + $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = $using:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes + + foreach ($location in $_.Group) { + $currentTask = "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location)" + #Write-Host $currentTask + $uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/$($location)/availablePrivateEndpointTypes?api-version=2022-07-01" + $method = 'GET' + $availablePrivateEndpointTypes = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -uri $uri -method $method -currentTask $currentTask -skipOnErrorCode 400, 409 + Write-Host " Returned $($availablePrivateEndpointTypes.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' for location $($location)" + foreach ($availablePrivateEndpointType in $availablePrivateEndpointTypes) { + if (-not $htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower())) { + $script:htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.(($availablePrivateEndpointType.resourceName).ToLower()) = @{} + } + } + } + } -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit + + if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + #Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $true + } + else { + Write-Host " $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - likely the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is not registered - trying next available subscription" + $privateEndpointAvailabilityCheckCompleted = $false + } + } + + if ($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count -gt 0) { + Write-Host " Created ht for $($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types'" + } + else { + $throwmsg = "$($htAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes.Keys.Count) 'Available Private Endpoint Types' - Checked for $($subsToProcessForGettingPrivateEndpointTypes.Count) Subscriptions with no success. Make sure that for at least one Subscription the Resource Provider 'Microsoft.Network' is registered. Once you registered the Resource Provider for Subscription 'subscriptionEnabled' it may be a good idea to use the parameter: -SubscriptionId4AzContext ''" + Write-Host $throwmsg -ForegroundColor DarkRed + Throw $throwmsg + } + + $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes = Get-Date + Write-Host "Getting 'Available Private Endpoint Types' duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalMinutes) minutes ($((New-TimeSpan -Start $startGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes -End $endGetAvailablePrivateEndpointTypes).TotalSeconds) seconds)" + #endregion Getting Available Private Endpoint Types +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pwsh/dev/functions/processTenantSummary.ps1 b/pwsh/dev/functions/processTenantSummary.ps1 index 6985dabf..71d21077 100644 --- a/pwsh/dev/functions/processTenantSummary.ps1 +++ b/pwsh/dev/functions/processTenantSummary.ps1 @@ -4777,7 +4777,7 @@ extensions: [{ name: 'sort' }] } #role used in a policyDef (rule roledefinitionIds) - if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)") { + if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains ("/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)".Tolower())) { $roleIsUsed = $true } @@ -4907,7 +4907,7 @@ extensions: [{ name: 'sort' }] } #role used in a policyDef (rule roledefinitionIds) - if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)") { + if ($htRoleDefinitionIdsUsedInPolicy.Keys -contains ("/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($customRoleAll.Id)".ToLower())) { $roleIsUsed = $true } diff --git a/version.json b/version.json index 28565d12..7786b0e5 100644 --- a/version.json +++ b/version.json @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "ProductVersion": "6.4.3" + "ProductVersion": "6.4.4" } \ No newline at end of file