If you have questions about how to use EPPlus 5 and use the community license, please direct these to Stack Overflow. If you are a customer with a commercial license, please sign in on https://epplussoftware.com and ask your question at our online support service.
If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by submitting a Pull Request with a fix. Please see the Submission Guidelines below.
Before you submit your question or issue, search Stack Overflow, maybe your question was already answered. If your issue appears to be a bug, please verify that it hasn't been reported before. If it's not reported create an issue in the issue tracker with a fully reproducable unit test including any Excel files nessesary. If we can't reproduce the issue, we can't fix it!
Anyone that want to contribute and submit a pull request are welcome to do so. Please note that for pull requests with more than 20 significant lines of code it's mandatory to sign the EPPlus CAA, for the pull request to be accepted. This is not a complicated process. Just download the CAA form, sign it and mail it to [email protected]. You only need to do this once either for you or your company.
Our unit tests are still LGPL (as stated in the header of those code files). So the 20 lines are excluding unit tests.
Please see our CAA for more information.
For branch naming see Branching-strategy-and-CI