- Rewrite by fork [fontify]
- Can be access to icon by name in String and access to icon name
// Return String "account"
// Return _UiIconsData? instance
// Attention! Can be null if generated icons font outdated
final icon = UiIcons.all['collection'];
- Replace pedantic with lints
- Add naming strategy option namely - snake, camel
- Fixed iconsMap hardcoded
which prevented custom out-font name
- Replaced [icon-font-generator] with [fantasticon] pull#14
- Attribute ascent replaced by descent
- Attribute mono removed
- Attribute yarn added
- Added const in dart class template issue#16
- Upgrade dependencies
- Null-safety
- Added new flag
- Normalize icons sizes (Default: false) - Fixed bug, when an error occurs and the conversion no longer occurs (ScerIO#3)
- Update requirements in readme
- Update requirements in readme
- Update readme
- Readme fix
- Hide error message
- Fix running as global package
- Initial release