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Slicklist-rs: A Collection of Learning Experiences 🎓🦀

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Welcome to Slicklist-rs, a repository showcasing my journey through the world of Rust and data structures. This project is primarily a CV piece, demonstrating my abilities as a programmer. However, it is important to note that the data structures presented here are not intended for practical use.

Feel free to explore the various linked lists and other data structures I've created, such as the BadStack (a.k.a. I32List). While I doubt you'll find these creations particularly useful, if you do happen to stumble upon something of interest, I encourage you to fork this repository and use the code however you see fit.

Remember, this project is a testament to my learning experience, and as such, it may not be the most polished or efficient. But who knows? You might just find a hidden gem amidst the chaos. Happy exploring! 🚀

The BadStack (a.k.a. I32List) 📚🔗

This is a simple linked list data structure in Rust, serving as a learning experience and a display of my programming abilities. However, it's far from perfect and not intended for practical use.

Features? 🌟

The BadStack is a single-linked list storing i32 values, with the following features:

  • A new() function to create an empty list.
  • A push() function to add elements to the list.
  • A pop() function to remove elements from the list.
  • A custom Drop implementation to clean up the list when it goes out of scope.

Problems! 😅

The BadStack has its share of issues:

  1. The I32Link enum has two variants: Empty and More(Box<I32Node>), leading to allocating a node that just says "I'm not actually a Node. In other words, its just a bad implementation of Option. Which i use in later lists.
  2. The implementation is inefficient and impractical, as it uses Box for heap allocation.
  3. The BadStack lacks iterators, making it difficult to traverse the list.

This data structure is just one of several in this series, and it's important to note that it's not meant for actual use. It's a learning experience and a testament to my journey as a programmer.


A simple linked list implementation using Rc in Rust.


  • RefList<T>: A linked list with elements of type T.
  • Node<T>: A node in the list containing a reference to the element and a reference to the next node in the list.



  • new() -> Self: Create a new empty list.
  • prepend(&self, elem: T) -> RefList<T>: Add a node with a reference to the next node to the beginning of the list.
  • tail(&self) -> RefList<T>: Get a reference to the tail of the list.
  • head(&self) -> Option<&T>: Get the first element of the list, if it exists.


  • iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T>: Create a new iterator for the list.


Iterator for Iter

  • next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>: Return the next element in the list and update the next field accordingly.


  • basics(): Test basic functionality of the RefList.
  • iter(): Test the iterator for the RefList.

ThreadList Documentation


The ThreadList<T> struct represents a singly linked list of elements of type T. It contains a single field, head, which is of type Link<T>. It is a thread-safe data structure due to its use of std::sync::Arc for shared ownership of nodes.

pub struct ThreadList<T> { head: Link<T>, }

Data Structures

The Link<T> is an enumeration that represents either None (if the link is empty) or a linked list node containing an element of type T and a reference to the next node.

type Link<T> = Option<Arc<Node<T>>>;

The Node<T> struct represents a node in the linked list, containing an element of type T and a reference to the next node.

struct Node<T> { elem: T, next: Link<T>, }


The ThreadList struct has several methods:

  • new(): creates a new, empty ThreadList<T>.
pub fn new() -> Self { ThreadList { head: None } }
  • prepend(elem: T): creates a new ThreadList<T> with the specified element as its head, and the original head as its tail.
pub fn prepend(&self, elem: T) -> ThreadList<T> { 
    ThreadList { 
        head: Some(Arc::new(Node { elem, next: self.head.clone(), })), 
  • tail(): creates a new ThreadList<T> with the same head as the original, but with the tail set to the original tail.
pub fn tail(&self) -> ThreadList<T> { 
    ThreadList { 
        head: self.head.as_ref().and_then(|node|, 
  • head(): returns the element at the head of the list, or None if the list is empty.
    self.head.as_ref().map(|node| &node.elem) 

Iterator Implementation

The ThreadList struct implements the Iterator trait, which allows it to be iterated over. The iter() method returns an Iter<'_, T> object, which can be used to iterate over the elements of the list.

impl<T> ThreadList<T> {
     pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> { 
        Iter { next: self.head.as_deref(), } 

The Iter<'a, T> struct, and the Iterator trait implementation for Iter<'a, T>:

pub struct Iter<'a, T> { next: Option<&'a Node<T>>, }

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> { 
    type Item = &'a T

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|node| {

Recursive Destructor

When the ThreadList is dropped, it moves the current head into a mutable variable and then loops over each node, taking ownership of that node and letting the last one drop. This ensures that the linked list is properly deallocated, even if there are still references to the nodes.

impl<T> Drop for ThreadList<T> { 
    fn drop(&mut self) { let mut head = self.head.take(); 
    while let Some(node) = head {
         if let Ok(mut node) = Arc::try_unwrap(node) { head =; } else { break; } 


DubDeque is a double-ended queue (deque) implemented in Rust.


The primary structure is DubDeque<T>, which consists of a head and tail that are of type Link<T>. Link<T> is an alias for Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>.

The Node<T> structure represents each element in the deque. It holds an element of type T and pointers to the next and previous nodes.


new() -> Self

Creates a new DubDeque with head and tail initialized to None.

push_front(&mut self, elem: T)

Adds an element to the front of the deque. If the deque is not empty, this method connects the old head to the new element. If the deque is empty, the new element becomes both the head and tail.

pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T>

Removes and returns the front element of the deque. If the deque is not empty, it sets the next element as the new head. If the deque is empty, it returns None.

peek_front(&self) -> Option<Ref<T>>

Returns a reference to the front element of the deque, or None if the deque is empty.

push_back(&mut self, elem: T)

Adds an element to the back of the deque. If the deque is not empty, this method connects the old tail to the new element. If the deque is empty, the new element becomes both the head and tail.

pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<T>

Removes and returns the back element of the deque. If the deque is not empty, it sets the previous element as the new tail. If the deque is empty, it returns None.

peek_back(&self) -> Option<Ref<T>>

Returns a reference to the back element of the deque, or None if the deque is empty.

peek_back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<RefMut<T>>

Returns a mutable reference to the back element of the deque, or None if the deque is empty.

peek_front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<RefMut<T>>

Returns a mutable reference to the front element of the deque, or None if the deque is empty.


The DubDeque structure also provides an into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> method which returns an IntoIter<T> object for iterating over the deque. IntoIter<T> implements the Iterator trait, allowing elements to be accessed using the next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> method. IntoIter<T> also implements the DoubleEndedIterator trait, providing the next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> method for reversed iteration.

Drop Trait

The Drop trait is implemented for DubDeque<T>. This ensures that all nodes are popped out when a DubDeque<T> object goes out of scope.


The module includes tests for basic operations such as push_front, pop_front, and iteration via into_iter.


ToughList is a singly-linked list implemented in Rust.


The primary structure is ToughList<T>, which consists of a head that is of type Link<T>. Link<T> is an alias for Option<Box<Node<T>>>.

The Node<T> structure represents each element in the list. It holds an element of type T and a pointer to the next node.


new() -> Self

Creates a new ToughList with head initialized to None.

push(&mut self, elem: T)

Adds an element to the top of the list. If the list is not empty, this method connects the current head to the new element. If the list is empty, the new element becomes the new head.

pop(&mut self) -> Option<T>

Removes and returns the top element of the list. If the list is not empty, it sets the next element as the new head. If the list is empty, it returns None.

peek(&self) -> Option<&T>

Returns a reference to the top element of the list, or None if the list is empty.

peek_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>

Returns a mutable reference to the top element of the list, or None if the list is empty.


The ToughList structure provides an into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> method which returns an IntoIter<T> object for iterating over the list. IntoIter<T> implements the Iterator trait, allowing elements to be accessed using the next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> method. ToughList also provides iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> and iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, T> methods for creating iterators over the list.

Drop Trait

The Drop trait is implemented for ToughList<T>. This ensures that all nodes are popped off when a ToughList<T> object goes out of scope.


The module includes tests for basic operations such as push, pop, peek, and iteration using into_iter, iter, and iter_mut.


UnsafeList is a singly-linked list implemented in Rust using unsafe operations.


The primary structure is UnsafeList<T>, which consists of a head of type Link<T> and a tail of type *mut Node<T>. Link<T> is an alias for *mut Node<T>.

The Node<T> structure represents each element in the list. It holds an element of type T and a pointer to the next node.


new() -> Self

Creates a new UnsafeList with head and tail initialized to null pointers.

push(&mut self, elem: T)

Adds an element to the top of the list. This method uses unsafe operations to create a new node and update the pointers accordingly.

pop(&mut self) -> Option<T>

Removes and returns the top element of the list. This method uses unsafe operations to free the memory of the popped node and update the pointers.

peek(&self) -> Option<&T>

Returns a reference to the top element of the list, or None if the list is empty. This method uses unsafe operations to access the element without modifying the list.

peek_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>

Returns a mutable reference to the top element of the list, or None if the list is empty. This method uses unsafe operations to access the element without modifying the list.


The UnsafeList structure provides an into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> method which returns an IntoIter<T> object for iterating over the list. IntoIter<T> implements the Iterator trait, allowing elements to be accessed using the next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> method. UnsafeList also provides iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> and iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, T> methods for creating iterators over the list.

Drop Trait

The Drop trait is implemented for UnsafeList<T>. This ensures that all nodes are popped off when an UnsafeList<T> object goes out of scope.


The module includes tests for basic operations such as push, pop, peek, and iteration using into_iter, iter, and iter_mut.

GList Documentation

The GList is a generic data structure in Rust that represents a grow-only list. It allows for inserting elements but does not support deletion. This documentation will provide an overview of the GList struct and its methods.

Struct GList


  • front: Link<T>: Represents the front of the list.
  • back: Link<T>: Represents the back of the list.
  • len: usize: Represents the length of the list.
  • _boo: PhantomData<T>: A marker field that indicates that the GList struct is parameterized over type T.


  1. new() -> GList<T>

    • Creates a new empty GList instance.
    • Returns the newly created GList instance.
  2. len() -> usize

    • Returns the length of the list.
  3. push_front(elem: T)

    • Inserts an element at the front of the list.
    • Parameters:
      • elem: T: The element to be inserted.
    • Example:

    let mut list = GList::new(); list.push_front(1);

  4. push_back(elem: T)

    • Inserts an element at the back of the list.
    • Parameters:
      • elem: T: The element to be inserted.
    • Example:
      rust let mut list = GList::new(); list.push_back(2);
  5. pop_front() -> Option<T>

    • Removes and returns the element at the front of the list, if it exists.
    • Returns:
      • Some(elem): The removed element, wrapped in an Option, if the list is not empty.
      • None: If the list is empty.
    • Example:
      let mut list = GList::new(); list.push_front(1); let front = list.pop_front();
      1. pop_back() -> Option<T>
    • Removes and returns the element at the back of the list, if it exists.
    • Returns:
      • Some(elem): The removed element, wrapped in an Option, if the list is not empty.
      • None: If the list is empty.
    • Example:
       let mut list = GList::new(); list.push_back(2); let back = list.pop_back();
    7. `front() -> Option<&T>`
    - Returns a reference to the element at the front of the list, if it exists.
    - Returns:
     - `Some(&elem)`: A reference to the element, wrapped in an `Option`, if the list is not empty.
     - `None`: If the list is empty.
    - Example:
     let list = GList::new(); let front = list.front();
    1. front_mut() -> Option<&mut T>
    • Returns a mutable reference to the element at the front of the list, if it exists.
    • Returns:
      • Some(&mut elem): A mutable reference to the element, wrapped in an Option, if the list is not empty.
      • None: If the list is empty.
    • Example:
      let mut list = GList::new(); let front = list.front_mut();
      1. back() -> Option<&T>
    • Returns a reference to the element at the back of the list, if it exists.
    • Returns:
      • Some(&elem): A reference to the element, wrapped in an Option, if the list is not empty.
      • None: If the list is empty.
    • Example:
      let list = GList::new(); let back = list.back().unwrap();
  6. back_mut() -> Option<&mut T>

  • Returns a mutable reference to the element at the back of the list, if it exists.
    let list = GList::new(); let mut back = list.back_mut().unwrap();