Trimming adapter sequences from files. I used a very large adapter file because subsets of this were leaving adapter contamination in my sequences Set minimum length to 36 bases.
Mapped with BWA to the Drosophila melanogaster v6.23 genome
I then merged reads from the same biological sample. Samples were sequenced twice to increase read depth.
Following mapping, I converted SAM to BAM files (compressing) using SAMtools. This step also sorts the file. Will also filter for mapping quality less than 20.
First I have to add read group information. In the future, I should do this earlier in the pipeline
Indexing the files
This step identifies the indels in the files
Realignment step
Finally, I removed duplicate reads using Picard
At this point, I can calculate the read depth for each sample
I also merged treatments together at this point for the artificial selection experiment merging ee lineages
At this point, I was able to move on to creating pileup/mpileup files and population genetics analysis.