Obviously the major flaw of this project is that there just aren't enough languages. Here are a few that I plan to add when I get the proverbial Round Tuit:
- 8th
- Anguish
- Ark
- ArnoldC
- Bato
- Batsh
- Bloom
- Bog
- Boo
- Brainfuck
- C--
- C2
- Carbon
- Ceylon
- Chapel
- Clu ... see also clu2c current download
- Cmajor
- Cobra
- Coconut
- Cotowali
- Cyber
- Cyclone
- Cyclops
- Dale
- E ... see also
- Egison
- Eiffel
- Elixir
- Elm
- Euphoria
- Factor
- Foo
- Frege -- Similar or identical to Haskell
- Frink
- Gambas
- Gluon
- Intercal
- Joy
- K
- Kit
- Kitten
- KLisp (kernel)
- Mojo
- MoonScript
- Mumps
- newLISP
- Ni ... see also
- OCaml
- Odin
- Oz
- P
- Pharo
- Picat
- Plankalkül See also the Konrad Zuse Internet Archive -- It's not likely that I'll find an implementation
- PL/M
- Pony
- Prolog
- Pyth
- Q
- Racket
- Rebol
- Red
- Rockstar
- RPL/2
- Self
- Stanza
- TECO ... see also
- Terra
- TrumpScript
- Useless (This will require implementing platform-specific features)
- Whenever
- Whiley
- Wren
- Xonsh
- Yorick
- Zimbu