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Gomokururu is a parallelized Go-Moku AI.

This is a class project for COMS W4995 Parallel Functional Programming, Fall 2021 at Columbia University.



Prerequisite: haskell stack tool.

To execute the main game, run stack run. To run the test suites, run stack test.

To rapidly load and test the libraries, run stack ghci then run :l <hs filename>

Reproducing Results

To reproduce the results in our report, you need to run the main game with specific number of cores and proper RTS options.

stack run -- +RTS -N4 -l -s

-N4 can be changed to any number of cores.

To view the threadscope result, install Threadscope, and

threadscope gomokururu-exe.eventlog

Tweaking Parameters

Unfortunately, the parameters cannot be configured as command line arguments right now. Instead, in src/AI.hs, change the following parameters

-- Tweakable parameters
searchLevel :: Int
searchLevel = 2 -- must be less than treeLevel

sequentialLevel :: Int
sequentialLevel = 0 -- level to be evaluated sequentially, must be
                    -- less than or equal to searchLevel

cutoffScore :: Int
cutoffScore = 1000

Note the caveat: searchLevel=2 means searching for three levels, because we count from 0 to 2 in minimax.

seqAB Testing

The code with alpha-beta pruning that is used to perform tests in mode=seqAB are all in seqAB branch. If you don't have access to the seqAB branch locally, the code can be found here.

git clone -b seqAB

Playing as Human

One of both of AIs can be replaced by human players. To do this, in app/Main.hs,

(newBoard, row, col) <- case piece of
        Black -> takeTurnAI board piece (step + 1)
        White -> takeTurnAI board piece (step + 1)

change takeTurnAI to takeTurn for the side you want. Also don't forget to comment this line:

if step + 1 >= totalSteps then do putStrLn $ "Game ended at step limit."

Note on Character Encoding

This project has only been tested on macOS Big Sur 11.3.1.

Emojis and full-width characters might fail on Windows. One workaround, for now, is to replace those Unicode characters with ASCII characters.


If you happen to be able to write some code like this, you should think twice whether you should be doing programming any more.

boardDiff :: Board -> Board -> (Int, Int)
boardDiff oldBoard newBoard = (drow, dcol)
  where (drow, dcol) = quotRem diffPos (dim newBoard)
        diffPos = getDiff oldBoard1d newBoard1d 0
        getDiff [] [] _ = error "Invalid parameters"
        getDiff (x:xs) (y:ys) ind | x /= y = ind
                                  | x == y = getDiff xs ys (ind + 1)
        oldBoard1d = (V.toList . V.concat . V.toList) (getBoard oldBoard)
        newBoard1d = (V.toList . V.concat . V.toList) (getBoard newBoard)
