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base repository: Franiac/TwitchLeecher
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base: master
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head repository: Kinstone/TwitchLeecher
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
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Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.
  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Apr 16, 2023

  1. Restore Readme

    StoneMoney authored Apr 16, 2023


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    c953bcd View commit details
  2. style: add editorconfig (#1)

    * style: add editorconfig
    * feat: add editorconfig contents
    Ganon11 authored Apr 16, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    d98750f View commit details
Showing with 197 additions and 1 deletion.
  1. +132 −0 .editorconfig
  2. +65 −1
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# Core EditorConfig Options #
root = true
# All files
indent_style = space

# XML project files
indent_size = 2

# XML config files
indent_size = 2

# Code files
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8-bom
# .NET Coding Conventions #
# Organize usings
dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = true
# this. preferences
dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_event = false:silent
# Language keywords vs BCL types preferences
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:silent
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:silent
# Parentheses preferences
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_arithmetic_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_relational_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_operators = never_if_unnecessary:silent
# Modifier preferences
dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members:silent
dotnet_style_readonly_field = true:suggestion
# Expression-level preferences
dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_collection_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_explicit_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_null_propagation = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_coalesce_expression = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_is_null_check_over_reference_equality_method = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_anonymous_type_member_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_auto_properties = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_assignment = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_return = true:silent
# Naming Conventions #
# Style Definitions
dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case_style.capitalization = pascal_case
# Use PascalCase for constant fields
dotnet_naming_rule.constant_fields_should_be_pascal_case.severity = suggestion
dotnet_naming_rule.constant_fields_should_be_pascal_case.symbols = constant_fields = pascal_case_style
dotnet_naming_symbols.constant_fields.applicable_kinds = field
dotnet_naming_symbols.constant_fields.applicable_accessibilities = *
dotnet_naming_symbols.constant_fields.required_modifiers = const
# C# Coding Conventions #
# var preferences
csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = true:silent
csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = true:silent
csharp_style_var_elsewhere = true:silent
# Expression-bodied members
csharp_style_expression_bodied_methods = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_constructors = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_operators = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = true:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_indexers = true:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_accessors = true:silent
# Pattern matching preferences
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_is_with_cast_check = true:suggestion
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true:suggestion
# Null-checking preferences
csharp_style_throw_expression = true:suggestion
csharp_style_conditional_delegate_call = true:suggestion
# Modifier preferences
csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,private,protected,internal,static,extern,new,virtual,abstract,sealed,override,readonly,unsafe,volatile,async:suggestion
# Expression-level preferences
csharp_prefer_braces = true:silent
csharp_style_deconstructed_variable_declaration = true:suggestion
csharp_prefer_simple_default_expression = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_local_over_anonymous_function = true:suggestion
csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true:suggestion
# C# Formatting Rules #
# New line preferences
csharp_new_line_before_open_brace = all
csharp_new_line_before_else = true
csharp_new_line_before_catch = true
csharp_new_line_before_finally = true
csharp_new_line_before_members_in_object_initializers = true
csharp_new_line_before_members_in_anonymous_types = true
csharp_new_line_between_query_expression_clauses = true
# Indentation preferences
csharp_indent_case_contents = true
csharp_indent_switch_labels = true
csharp_indent_labels = flush_left
# Space preferences
csharp_space_after_cast = false
csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true
csharp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses = false
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses = false
csharp_space_between_parentheses = false
csharp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
csharp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
csharp_space_around_binary_operators = before_and_after
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis = false
csharp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Wrapping preferences
csharp_preserve_single_line_statements = true
csharp_preserve_single_line_blocks = true
# VB Coding Conventions #
# Modifier preferences
visual_basic_preferred_modifier_order = Partial,Default,Private,Protected,Public,Friend,NotOverridable,Overridable,MustOverride,Overloads,Overrides,MustInherit,NotInheritable,Static,Shared,Shadows,ReadOnly,WriteOnly,Dim,Const,WithEvents,Widening,Narrowing,Custom,Async:suggestion
66 changes: 65 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,65 @@

**There is a FAKE website providing a download link for Twitch Leecher.**

**This site has nothing to do with Twitch Leecher and only provides MALWARE!**


# Twitch Leecher

If you are looking for an extremely fast and easy to use Twitch VOD downloader, this is your tool!

![Twitch Leecher Screenshot](

## Is this project alive?

Yes! Just because there are no commits for a longer period of time, does not mean the project is dead. I am a human being with a life and TL never was and still is not my top priority. I will always try to keep it running if there are breaking changes, but new features can take time. If I decide to discontinue TL (which is very unlikely) you WILL be informed very clearly.

## Download & Requirements
- Requires Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit or higher
- Requires [.NET Framework 4.8](

The latest Installer is available [HERE](

Once installed, future releases will automatically update current installations with a single click!

## What is the difference compared to other VOD downloaders?

Nearly all of the well known VOD downloaders execute the download process via FFMPEG's integrated download capabilities. However, this is extremely slow. The download speed rarely exceeds 1.5Mbit even if the internet connection is 100 times faster. Twitch Leecher does not use FFMPEG for download tasks at all. It downloads thousands of small video chunks in parallel while using all of the available bandwidth of your internet connection. As soon as all video chunks are downloaded, FFMPEG is only used to merge those chunks together in order to create a single video file again.

## Features

- Very easy to use, no manual needed
- Intuitive and stylish GUI
- Up to 20 times faster download speed compared to direct download with FFMPEG
- Browse your past broadcasts, uploads and highlights within the application
- Search channels, VOD urls and VOD IDs
- Sub-Only video download support
- Audio-Only download support
- Time Selection for VOD downloads
- Queue multiple downloads
- Specify default search parameters
- Specify default download quality
- Specify default download folders
- Specify a filename template with wildcards for your downloads
- Developed by an experienced Software Engineer
- Free and Open Source

## Support & Issues

**IMPORTANT:** Help me be efficient, please! I am developing Twitch Leecher in my free time for no money. Contribute to the project by posting complete, structured and helpful issues which I can reproduce quickly without asking for missing information. When creating a new issue please follow the below checklist:

- Windows Insider Builds are NOT supported!
- Take a look at the latest closed issues [HERE]( Maybe your problem has already been resolved
- Provide the version of Twitch Leecher you are using
- Provide as much information about the VOD as possible (Url, Channel, ID)
- Provide information about your operating system (e.g. Windows 10 64 Bit)
- Try to describe the problem as detailed as possible, I cannot read your mind ;)
- Is there any additional information about the issue that might be interesting for me? Write it down!
- When you have a problem with a download, provide the download log created by Twitch Leecher (see screenshot below)

![Twitch Leecher Log Screenshot](

[MIT License](