An application for the Wii U, which sends GamePad data
- using DSU/CemuHook to compatible applications (button, stick and motion data) and/or
- to the RWUG server, which emulates virtual controllers (one for button & stick data, one for motion data).
This means that you can run the client - without any additional software on your PC - for applications that support input and motion data via DSU (mainly emulators like Cemu and yuzu).
Alternatively, you can combine the client with the server and use the controllers it creates for anything you want, e.g. in any application that supports generic controllers.
You can also use DSU exclusively for motion data and the controller created by the server for input, if the application you're using does not fully support DSU.
In order to enable full DSU support (as opposed to only motion data), you need to check Enable UDP controllers
in Emulation -> Configure... -> Controls -> Advanced