Blender add-on for fixing the time of making your projects.
Author: Nikita Akimov [email protected]
1.4.0. (for Blender 2.8x, 2,9x)
Version 1.1.2. for Blender 2.7x is frozen. You can get the last release here.
User Preferences - Add-ons - Install Add-on from File - select distributive archive
"Properties" window - "Render" tab - "TimeMe" subtab
The add-on works in the background, fixing the project developing time.
Enable autosave with TimeMe
System autosave doesn't work with running TimeMe. To fix this you can use the built-in TimeMe autosave. To do this - check the "Enable autosave with TimeMe" checkbox in the add-on preferences.
Consider canceled rendering time
Check this option if you want to add time of cancelled renderings to the "RENDER TIME" category.
- Added custom directory for TimeMe autosaves to fix permissions problems
- Added the "Pause - Resume" option
- Ported to Blender 2.80. Version for 2.7x frozen.
- Added new monitoring category "ACTIVE TIME" - time with main Blender window being active
- Fixed broken autosaves with built-in autosave option
- Enable counting the mouse move event in work time category
- Work time damping time added
- Added project name to statistic text
- Seconds accuracy enabled
- Added Copy to clipboard function
- Added Reset time function
- This release