Synchronized Collective's Fabric and Forge versions to 3.0.
Fixed a problem with certain characters from written books in the function that writes them to a string.
Updated backend code.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at
Thank you very much to my Patrons and Github Sponsors for supporting this mod's development:
Adara Christine | joj | | limpjellyfish | Morgan Schetzle | Robert Gilbert | Tyler Behl
Improved modded villager support.
(Forge 1.12) Fixed an issue with a mod compatibility.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at
Thank you very much to my Patrons and Github Sponsors for supporting this mod's development:
Adara Christine | joj | | limpjellyfish | Morgan Schetzle | Robert Gilbert | Tyler Behl
Added NeighborUpdateCollector
Immersive Technology (MCTImmersiveTechnology-1.12.2-1.9.98.jar⟶MCTImmersiveTechnology-1.12.2-1.9.99.jar)
Official MCT Discord
If you want to keep the old Solar Towers and Advanced Coke Ovens, stay on the 1.8 releases. More details below -
#2 The steam turbine cycle has CHANGED. Your turbines will NO LONGER return water in the usual way.
#3 Combustion machines NO LONGER WORK IN VACUUM
#4 Some other heat processing machines NO LONGER WORK IN VACUUM OR HAVE REDUCED EFFICIENCY
#5 Delete configs so they will regenerate
update zh_CN.lang (PilyziFox)
update zh_CN.lang (PilyziFox)
Fix error with Mek fluid names and things being named
by mistake (Silfryi)Unupdate Solar Melter manual page for formation from silver sheetmetal to light engineering block (Silfryi)
Beta Release - Hopefully fewer bugs than last time!
Fixed JEI clash between solar melter and melter for ownership of JEI tab (Silfryi)
Fix solar mirrors improperly disconnecting from the tower (Silfryi)
Fix error when looking at empty creative barrels (Silfryi)
Update Solar Melter manual page for formation from silver sheetmetal to light engineering block (Silfryi)
Beta Release - There may be bugs!
Added in high pressure steam & high pressure steam turbine - they produce 24576 IF/t and are disabled by default, there only if people want to enable them and tweak them for stuff like NC compat (Silfryi)
High pressure steam turbine takes either tungsten if it exists or nickel for anything tungsten that does not exist (Silfryi)
High pressure steam turbine turns high pressure steam into normal steam for a cycle that requires two turbines (Silfryi)
Steam turbine steam output is now below shaft block (Silfryi)
Changed steam cycle to now require heat exchanging exhaust steam for hot water (Hot spring water from BOP if it exists) and running that through a cooling tower - Pumping water for this will be hard to get that much water (Silfryi)
LARGE amounts of Advanced Rocketry compat
- Combustion now needs a oxygenated atmosphere to run in. No more boilers on the moon (Silfryi)
- Heat transfer now varies based on atmosphere heat conduction vs radiative heat radiation (Silfryi)
- Anything solar-related now varies based on AR insolation (sun brightness) values (Silfryi)
Temperatures are now normalized to sane values, not 12000 'temperature units', they're now normalized to ~600C, about the top of a standard turbine cycle today (Silfryi)
Advanced Coke Oven has been removed, but the bricks stay to allow packs to use them for other things. BREAK MULTIBLOCK BEFORE UPDATING (Silfryi)
Solar tower has been completely redone
- Now an actual solar concentrator tower design (Silfryi)
- Mirrors AND tower will need to be disassembled before updating or things WILL crash! (Silfryi)
- Molten sodium cycle can now be used for energy storage (Silfryi)
Added Melter, Solar Melter, and Electrolytic Crucible Battery for use in sodium production from salt (Silfryi)
Fix gas turbine description - Hawk777
Update chinese translation about Heat Exchanger - PilyziFox
Update ru_ru.lang - Thanks kellixon
Added Heat Exchanger. Please, use it instead of the boiler for processing Flue Gas. For now, both of them can handle that recipe, but in later versions only the Heat Exchanger will be able to. You will still be able to re-add the recipe using CraftTweaker.
Removed misinformation present in the IE Manual concerning the Gas Turbine. It hasn't ever needed open air intakes.
Fixed valves and similar TEs not updating their values on the client when connected to a dedicated server, plus network optimizations.
Boiler and turbines now properly show their info on The One Probe when connected to a dedicated server.
Gas Turbine now recognizes OreDictionary for Steel Sheet Metal.
Gas Turbine won't crash anymore if its output is completely emptied.
CHECK CONFIGS! Some entries have been changed/removed
Pump now saves its mode between reloads
Refactor Fluid Pump to Distinguish from IE
Removed an old implementation of the hijacked IE pipe, cleaned up code as result
Tweaked creative barrel a bit
Testing pressurized fluid output on creative barrel
Added LittleNeighborUpdateCollector and used it for placement
Fixed structure connection cache using unloaded tileentity
Fixed crash with most recent Future MC versions
- Fixed crash at resource loading in certain conditions
- Updated some translations
- Made autocaster and celestial observer not appear to delete blocks in inventory when placed (note that they never were actually deleted, it just looked like it to the client)
- Fixed a crash with some other mods' projectiles
- Fixed some items passing through the item grate crashing the game
- Fixed some other mods having trouble manipulating impetus node tile entities
- Fixed the primal cutter being effective against all block types
- Fixed a worldgen crash relating to void stone spikes in the Emptiness
- Fixed chorus fruit allowing players to teleport in uncleared spires
Generated using ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre10.