How to release a new version of OCE:
- Increase the version and build number accordingly in
- Make sure everything you want to release is pushed to git.
- Create a new tag on the git repository with the new version number.
- Clone a new copy of the repository in another directory and switch to the new tag.
- Install PyInstaller into the same python environment as you develop OCE in. (pip install pyinstaller)
- Open a terminal in your OCE development folder and activate your python environment.
- Run the following command: "pyinstaller oce.spec" to generate the executables from the specifications file. This will create two directories, "build" and "dist". "build" is a temporary directory for build files. "dist" is the output dir. In the "dist" directory you will find directories for the normal version of OCE and the portable version.
- Test the application by running oce in each of the directories in "dist"
- Zip both of the versions of the application and name them "OCE_vx.x" for the normal build and "OCE_Portable_vx.x" for the portable build, where is the operating system the build is for (e.g. Linux), and vx.x is the version (e.g. v1.1b4)
- Upload the archives as releases to the repository