Since the dawn of time, Caribou have been pretending to be stupid mamalls but secretly observing the evolution of those trashy unruly specimen of biped unoptimality called humans.
Recently though, the Commitee to Avoid Humans At All Point (CAHAAP) has discovered that it was becoming very difficult to continue gather and exchange valuable intel using their encrypted antlers patterns.
To help them, we, the Assembly of Inter-Human-Caribou Harmony (IHCH), have decided to provide them with the full service of a modern experience while using their CaribouPhones (an Android variant, obviously):
- an API that allows :
- to signal the presence of a human in a specific location with trashing level and level of excitement
- to request if the presence of a human was signaled in a specific location
- to signal a Caribou is ready to antler-exchange
- is highly secured
- a Single Page Application that
- displays a map of the current vincinity and display the zone where human are currently actively trashing the world
- signals when a human has quit the zone
- allows them to signal the presence of human and rate its trashing level
- presents a live-chat to allow Antler-exchange using the highly secure Caribou algorithm: every voyel is replaced by 'muu' and every consonants is replaced by 'grm'
- is secured to only allow signing up with adresses that are Cariboued (they contain 'carib' at the end of the user name, like [email protected] is my Caribou adress, yes, I am a secret Caribou agent)
- Make sure sure that an individual human can't be tracked?
- Make sure that an individual Caribou can't be tracked?
- Storing the chat conversation in a reversable encrypted format that only participant in the conversation can decrypt?