Author: Léo-Paul Dagallier
Last update: 2023-08-09
cd <path to program directory>
git clone
cd bamm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
sudo make install
Prepare the path variables:
- in bash:
cd $path_to_output
mkdir BAMM
- in R:
path_to_tree = c("data/name_MCC_monodoreae3_monod_pruned.newick")
path_to_output = c("outputs/BAMM/")
path_to_figures = c("figures/")
data_suffix <- "monodoreae3"
The tree needs to be ultrametric, fully bifurcating (no polytomy) and minimum branch length should be > 0.
v <- read.tree(path_to_tree)
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
# Now to check min branch length:
## [1] 0.1063518
Prepare manually the configuration file in the data/BAMM
setBAMMpriors(v, outfile = paste0(path_to_output, "myPriors.txt"))
## Prior block written to file << outputs/BAMM/myPriors.txt >>
## Copy and paste the contents of the file into the
## priors block of your BAMM input file
## This function simply sets the expectedNumberOfShifts to 1;
## This is a parameter you may need to vary to achieve good convergence
## with your data.
Copy the values from myPriors.txt into the bamm_config_FINAL file.
In bash (not R).
cd $path_to_output/BAMM
bamm -c $path_to_data/bamm_config_FINAL
Compute effective sample size after discarding the burnin:
mcmcout <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_output, "mcmc_out.txt"), header=T)
burnstart <- floor(0.1 * nrow(mcmcout))
postburn <- mcmcout[burnstart:nrow(mcmcout), ]
paste0("ESS for the log Likelihood: ", effectiveSize(postburn$logLik))
## [1] "ESS for the log Likelihood: 901.000000000001"
paste0("ESS for the log Prior: ",effectiveSize(postburn$logPrior))
## [1] "ESS for the log Prior: 901"
paste0("ESS for the number of shifts: ",effectiveSize(postburn$N_shifts))
## [1] "ESS for the number of shifts: 708.541052069349"
Visual assessment of MCMC convergence of the BAMM run:
plot(mcmcout$logLik, type="l", main="a)", xlab="Generations",ylab="log Likelihood")
plot(mcmcout$N_shifts ~ mcmcout$generation, main="b)", xlab="Generations",ylab="Number of shifts")
plot(postburn$logLik, type="l", main="c)", xlab="Generations",ylab="log Likelihood")
plot(postburn$N_shifts ~ postburn$generation, main="d)", xlab="Generations",ylab="Number of shifts")
Save the plot in PDF:
pdf(paste0(path_to_figures, "BAMM - 1. Assessing MCMC convergence of the BAMM run - ", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot(mcmcout$logLik, type="l", main="a)", xlab="Generations",ylab="log Likelihood")
plot(mcmcout$N_shifts ~ mcmcout$generation, main="b)", xlab="Generations",ylab="Number of shifts")
plot(postburn$logLik, type="l", main="c)", xlab="Generations",ylab="log Likelihood")
plot(postburn$N_shifts ~ postburn$generation, main="d)", xlab="Generations",ylab="Number of shifts")
## png
## 2
tree <- read.tree(path_to_tree)
edata <- getEventData(tree, eventdata = paste0(path_to_output, "event_data.txt"), burnin=0.1)
## Reading event datafile: outputs/BAMM/event_data.txt
## ...........
## Read a total of 200 samples from posterior
## Discarded as burnin: GENERATIONS < 950000
## Analyzing 181 samples from posterior
## Setting recursive sequence on tree...
## Done with recursive sequence
Compute the posterior probabilities of the models sampled using BAMM:
post_probs <- table(postburn$N_shifts) / nrow(postburn)
## 0 1 2 3
## 0.847946726 0.119866815 0.022197558 0.009988901
shift_probs <- summary(edata)
## Analyzed 181 posterior samples
## Shift posterior distribution:
## 0 0.8400
## 1 0.1300
## 2 0.0220
## 3 0.0055
## Compute credible set of shift configurations for more information:
## See ?credibleShiftSet and ?getBestShiftConfiguration
Posterior probability of the expected number of rate shifts.
plot(post_probs, xlim=c(0,8), main="", ylab="Posterior", xlab="Number of shifts")
Save the plot in PDF:
pdf(paste0(path_to_figures, "BAMM - 2. Posterior for number of shifts - ", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot(post_probs, xlim=c(0,8), main="", ylab="Posterior", xlab="Number of shifts")
## png
## 2
bfmat <- computeBayesFactors(mcmcout, expectedNumberOfShifts=1, burnin=0.1)
## 0 1 2 3
## 1.00000000 0.28272251 0.10471204 0.09424084
Here it means that the models with 1, 2 or 3 shifts are not better than the null model (the model with 0 shift).
Speciation rate through time:
# plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="s", legend=T, lwd=1.5, logcolor = F, breaksmethod = "linear")
ratesHistogram(plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="s", legend=T, lwd=1.5), plotBrks = TRUE, xlab = "Speciation rate")
axis(side = 1, at = c(0, 0.17, 0.175, 0.180, 0.185, 0.190, 0.195, 0.20, 0.205, 0.21, 0.215, 0.3), cex.axis = 0.75, tcl = NA, mgp = c(0, 0.25, 0))
Extinction rate through time:
ratesHistogram(plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="e", legend=T, lwd=1.5), plotBrks = TRUE, xlab = "Extinction rate")
Net diversification rate through time:
ratesHistogram(plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="netdiv", legend=T, lwd=1.5), plotBrks = TRUE, xlab = "Net diversification rate")
axis(side = 1, at = c(0, 0.15, 0.155, 0.16, 0.165, 0.17, 0.175, 0.180), cex.axis = 0.75, tcl = NA, mgp = c(0, 0.25, 0))
Save the plots in PDF:
pdf(paste0(path_to_figures, "BAMM - 3. Speciation rate through time of Monodoreae - ", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="s", legend=T, lwd=2, labels = T, cex = 0.45)
## png
## 2
pdf(paste0(path_to_figures, "BAMM - 4. Extinction rate through time of Monodoreae - ", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="e", legend=T, lwd=2, labels = T, cex = 0.45)
## png
## 2
pdf(paste0(path_to_figures, "BAMM - 5. Net diversification rate through time of Monodoreae - ", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot.bammdata(edata, tau=0.001, spex="netdiv", legend=T, lwd=2, labels = T, cex = 0.45)
## png
## 2
css <- credibleShiftSet(edata, expectedNumberOfShifts=1, threshold=5, set.limit = 0.95)
## [1] 1
## 95 % credible set of rate shift configurations sampled with BAMM
## Distinct shift configurations in credible set: 1
## Frequency of 1 shift configurations with highest posterior probability:
## rank probability cumulative Core_shifts
## 1 0.9834254 0.9834254 0
# plot.credibleshiftset(css, spex="netdiv", BFcriterion=5, border=F, pal="temperature")
# plot.credibleshiftset(css, spex="s", BFcriterion=5, border=F, pal="temperature")
# plot.credibleshiftset(css, spex="e", BFcriterion=5, border=F, pal="temperature")
best <- getBestShiftConfiguration(edata, expectedNumberOfShifts=1)
## Processing event data from data.frame
## Discarded as burnin: GENERATIONS < 0
## Analyzing 1 samples from posterior
## Setting recursive sequence on tree...
## Done with recursive sequence
{plot.bammdata(best, lwd = 2)
addBAMMshifts(best, cex=2.5)}