Author: Léo-Paul Dagallier
Last update: 2023-08-30
HybPiper uses clean reads to create per samples assemblies and to extract the targeted sequences. See the full HybPiper documentation for more details. And see their test dataset if you want to practice with a tutorial dataset.
The workflow is divided in 2 major steps:
hybpiper assemble
: for each sample, assembles the targeted locihybpiper extract
: for each locus, extract the assembled sequences for the samples
The output from each step can be either stored into a same directory, or
into two separate directories.
Here the output from each step will be stored into separate directories.
The practical reason for storing them separately is that you will
usually first assemble a bunch of samples (e.g. samples from a complete
sequencing plate), and secondly extract the sequences from either only a
subset of samples, or from different assembly runs (e.g only some
samples from different sequencing plates).
But if you prefer, you can totally store the outputs from the assemble
and extract
steps into a same directory.
The following assumes that:
- We defined a unique identifier
for the analysed data and created a corresponding subfolder in theDATA
; see here for details on folder organization and analysis naming) - The analysis will be run in a temporary directory whose path is
- The names of the output folders are composed of the unique identifier
and of a step identifier (hybpiper2_assemble
, etc.). The output folders will be stored in the<base_directory>/DATA_ANALYSES/PHYLOGENY_RECONSTRUCTION/JOBS_OUTPUTS/
Note: if you are running HybPiper in local (i.e. not on a cluster), you can directly run HybPiper in the output directory (i.e temporary directory and output directory are the same).
👉 💻 See the script for local
👉 👩💻 See the script for cluster (SLURM)
As input, HybPiper needs:
- the list of the samples to analyse
).There must not be any duplicate. - the target file
- the clean reads for each sample (R1 and R2 .fastq). They can be either
copied manually, or you can create the following text file to batch
copy the .fastq files:
: contains the copy commands (scp
) to transfer the clean .fastq R1 and R2 files from their storage directory to the working directory. Each line contains ascp
command specific to a single sample, e.g.scp <path_to_clean_reads_storage>/Sample1_CLEAN* .
- the .fastq file names have to match the names in
- you can use
to batch rename the input .fastq files. Each line contains arename
command specific to a single sample, e.g.rename -v 'Sample1_CLEAN' 'Sample1' *
- you can use
Note that input_fastq.txt
and files_renaming.txt
can be easily
created using a simple spreadsheet (see 3 last columns in the example
, input_fastq.txt
, and
are stored in the DATA/<analysis_ID>
- for the inputs:
- for the outputs:
Note. Since the release of HybPiper
the parameter --hybpiper_output
or -o
allows you to specify a
directory where all the hybpiper assemble
outputs will be stored. A
strategy can be to store all the assemblies in a same directory (easier
if you want to use only a subset of the samples or if you want to
combine different assembly runs).
- temporary directory for local users:
- temporary directory for cluster users: depends on the cluster manager and its setup (please see with your cluster documentation), e.g. for SLURM on HiperGator:
Go to working directory.
cd $path_to_tmp
Copy the reference file.
scp $path_to_ref/$reference_fasta_file $path_to_tmp
Copy the data related files.
scp $path_to_dir_in/$analysis_ID/namelist_$analysis_ID".txt" $path_to_tmp
scp $path_to_dir_in/$analysis_ID/input_fastq.txt $path_to_tmp
scp $path_to_dir_in/$analysis_ID/files_renaming.txt $path_to_tmp
Text files written on Windows systems have a ‘carriage return’ (CR, \r)
and a ‘line feed’ (LF, \f) at the end of each line. This is incompatible
(in some situations) with Unix-based systems (Linux and MacOS) files,
that only have a LF.
Thus, if you wrote your text files on Windows system, you need to run to
following command to make them compatible with Linux.
dos2unix *.txt
Copy the .fastq files, either manually or using the input_fastq.txt
sh input_fastq.txt
Each line in input_fastq.txt
will be run at a time. To copy several
samples in parallel (here, 8 in parallel), use:
parallel -j 8 < input_fastq.txt
If your .fastq files are in .fastq.gz (compressed .fastq), you need to decompress them. One by one:
gunzip *.gz
Or in parallel:
ls *.gz | parallel -j 8 gunzip
Rename you .fastq files:
sh files_renaming.txt
Go to working directory.
cd $path_to_tmp
Rename namelist_<analysis_ID>.txt
to namelist.txt
mv $path_to_tmp/namelist_$analysis_ID".txt" $path_to_tmp/namelist.txt
Run hybpiper assemble
while read name;
do hybpiper assemble -t_aa $reference_fasta_file -r $name*.fastq --prefix $name --cpu 8 --diamond --run_intronerate;
done < namelist.txt
Here, the assembly is run with an amino-acid reference and the Diamond
aligner. The reference has to be in amino-acids and specified with
(note: if target reference is in nucleotide and specified with
, it will automatically be translated)
For the Melastomataceae probe set, I recommend to add the
See the full list of parameters for more details.
After different trials, I found out that running hybpiper assemble
parallel was faster. For example, on 8 CPUs, running 4
hybpiper assemble --cpu 2
in parallel is faster than one single
hybpiper assemble --cpu 8
Initialize an empty text file that will contain all the commands to run in parallel.
rm hybpiper_parallel.txt
touch hybpiper_parallel.txt
Write the commands to be run in parallel in the file, 1 command per line.
while read name;
echo "hybpiper assemble -t_aa $reference_fasta_file -r $path_to_fastq/$name"_"*.fastq --prefix $name --cpu 2 --diamond --unpaired $path_to_fastq/$name.fastq --no_stitched_contig;" >> hybpiper_parallel.txt
done < namelist.txt
Run the commands in the text file on 4 parallel instances.
parallel -j 4 < hybpiper_parallel.txt
As an example, running hybpiper assemble
on 240 samples (64Gb RAM)
took the following times:
Command | CPU time | Wall time |
hybpiper assemble --cpu 8 |
147h and 6mins | 30h and 40mins |
hybpiper assemble --cpu 2 parallel -j4 |
147h and 16mins | 21h and 34mins |
Compute the summary statistics for the exons.
hybpiper stats -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --seq_lengths_filename genes_sequences_lengths --stats_filename hybpiper_genes_statistics gene namelist.txt
Compute the summary statistics for the supercontigs (exons+introns).
hybpiper stats -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --seq_lengths_filename supercontigs_sequences_lengths --stats_filename hybpiper_supercontigs_statistics supercontig namelist.txt
Visualize the summary statistics.
hybpiper recovery_heatmap --heatmap_dpi 300 --heatmap_filetype pdf --heatmap_filename recovery_heatmap_exons genes_sequences_lengths.tsv
hybpiper recovery_heatmap --heatmap_dpi 300 --heatmap_filetype pdf --heatmap_filename recovery_heatmap_supercontigs supercontigs_sequences_lengths.tsv
(click here to see this figure in full resolution)
(only in cases the temporary directory is different from the output directory)
.fastq files can take up a lot of space so you may want to remove them.
rm $path_to_tmp/*.fastq
Transfer the assemblies to the output directory.
mkdir $path_to_dir_out
scp -rp $path_to_tmp/* $path_to_dir_out/
If your running on a cluster, remove the temporary directory with the
following command (on some clusters (e.g. HiperGator), it is
automatically removed at the end of the job).
Do not remove the temporary directory if your temporary directory and
your output directory are the same (local users).
# rm -r $path_to_tmp
👉 💻 See the script for local
👉 👩💻 See the script for cluster (SLURM)
For extracting the loci sequences, you will usually be in 2 situations:
- the list of samples you want to extract sequences for is the same as the list of samples you just assembled sequences for (same as previous step)
- the list of samples you want to extract sequences for is different from the list of samples you just assembled sequences for (different from previous step): this can happen when you want to discard samples that have poor assembly statistics, or when you want to extract the sequences for samples that were assembled in 2 separate assembly runs.
To extract the sequences for the samples you assembled in the step before, you can simply define the temporary directory as the output directory of the previous step.
To extract the sequences for samples assembled in several different assembly runs, or for a subset of samples from the step before, you need:
- a new
, - a new
with the list of samples you want to extract sequences of - the different assemblies of the samples you want to extract sequence
of. The assemblies folder can either be copied manually, or you can
create a text file to copy the assemblies folders:
: contains thescp
commands to transfer the folders from their respective assembly output directories to the current working directory. Each line contains a command specific to a single sample, e.g.scp -r path_to_assembly/Sample1 .
Similarly to input_fastq.txt
and files_renaming.txt
can be easily created using a simple spreadsheet.
and input_assemblies.txt
are stored in
the DATA/<analysis_ID>
Note. Since the release of HybPiper
you can store all the assemblies outputs in a same directory thanks to
the parameter --hybpiper_output
or -o
. You can then directly
retrieve the assemblies from this directory for the extraction step
(i.e. without copying the assemblies with input_assemblies.txt
, which
can be long).
- for the inputs
- for the outputs
- temporary directory for local users
- temporary directory for cluster users depends on the cluster manager and its setup (please see with your cluster documentation), e.g. for SLURM on HiperGator:
Go to working directory, copy the reference file and data related files.
cd $path_to_tmp
scp $path_to_ref/$reference_fasta_file $path_to_tmp
scp $path_to_dir_in/$analysis_ID/namelist_$analysis_ID".txt" $path_to_tmp
mv $path_to_tmp/namelist_$analysis_ID".txt" $path_to_tmp/namelist.txt
scp $path_to_dir_in/$analysis_ID/input_assemblies.txt $path_to_tmp
dos2unix *.txt
Copy the assemblies, either manually, or using the
parallel -j 8 < input_assemblies.txt
You can re-compute the assembly statistics and plot heatmap for the samples you’re focusing on. These will basically be the same than when run during the assembly step, except that they will only include the new list of samples.
Compute the summary statistics for the exons and supercontigs
hybpiper stats -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --seq_lengths_filename genes_sequences_lengths --stats_filename hybpiper_genes_statistics gene namelist.txt
hybpiper stats -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --seq_lengths_filename supercontigs_sequences_lengths --stats_filename hybpiper_supercontigs_statistics supercontig namelist.txt
Visualize the summary statistics.
hybpiper recovery_heatmap --heatmap_dpi 300 --heatmap_filetype pdf --heatmap_filename recovery_heatmap_exons genes_sequences_lengths.tsv
hybpiper recovery_heatmap --heatmap_dpi 300 --heatmap_filetype pdf --heatmap_filename recovery_heatmap_supercontigs supercontigs_sequences_lengths.tsv
Go to working directory.
cd $path_to_tmp
To recover the exon sequences, first create a subdirectory, then run the extraction command
mkdir retrieved_exons
hybpiper retrieve_sequences dna -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --sample_names namelist.txt --fasta_dir retrieved_exons
To recover the supercontigs sequences, first create a subdirectory, then run the extraction command
mkdir retrieved_supercontigs
hybpiper retrieve_sequences supercontig -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --sample_names namelist.txt --fasta_dir retrieved_supercontigs
To recover the introns sequences, first create a subdirectory, then run the extraction command
mkdir retrieved_introns
hybpiper retrieve_sequences intron -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --sample_names namelist.txt --fasta_dir retrieved_introns
To recover the exons sequences in amino-acids, first create a subdirectory, then run the extraction command
mkdir retrieved_aa
hybpiper retrieve_sequences aa -t_aa $reference_fasta_file --sample_names namelist.txt --fasta_dir retrieved_aa
The .fasta files containing the retrieved sequences have to be slightly modified to be compatible with downstream analyses. In particular, HybPiper incorporates additional informations in the sequences header that we don’t need downstream.
- for exons sequences
cd $path_to_tmp/retrieved_exons/
Create a subdirectory to contain the formatted fastas, and copy (not move) the original fastas to this subdirectory.
mkdir formatted_fastas
cp *.FNA formatted_fastas
Remove empty files
cd formatted_fastas
find . -type f -empty -delete
Write the sequence on a single line instead of wrapping the sequences
text on several lines. New files .FNA.oneline
are created.
ls -1 ./ | \
while read sample; \
cat $sample | awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' > $sample.oneline
Remove the .FNA
files and rename the .FNA.oneline
to .FNA
rm *.FNA
rename '.oneline' '' *
Removes everything after a space in the headers (i.e. keep only the sample name).
sed -i '/^>/s/[[:space:]].*//g' * # removes everything after a space in lines begining with >
Remove empty lines in the files.
sed -i '/^$/d' * #removes empty lines
- same for supercontigs
cd $path_to_tmp/retrieved_supercontigs/
mkdir formatted_fastas
cp *.fasta formatted_fastas
cd formatted_fastas
find . -type f -empty -delete
ls -1 ./ | \
while read sample; \
cat $sample | awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' > $sample.oneline
rm *.fasta
rename '.fasta.oneline' '.FNA' *
sed -i '/^>/s/[[:space:]].*//g' *
sed -i '/^$/d' *
- same can be done for introns sequences and amino-acids sequences if needed.
(only in cases the temporary directory is different from the output directory)
Transfer the extracted sequences in their respective subdirectory to the output directory.
mkdir $path_to_dir_out
scp -rp $path_to_tmp/* $path_to_dir_out/
If your running on a cluster, remove the temporary directory with the
following command (on some clusters, e.g. HiperGator, it is
automatically removed at the end of the job).
Do not remove the temporary directory if your temporary directory and
your output directory are the same (local users).
# rm -r $path_to_tmp