diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4f9c333c..73c8dde6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,90 +1,55 @@ # Data Lovers -## Índice - -* [1. Preámbulo](#1-preámbulo) -* [2. Resumen del proyecto](#2-resumen-del-proyecto) -* [3. Objetivos de aprendizaje](#3-objetivos-de-aprendizaje) -* [4. Consideraciones generales](#4-consideraciones-generales) -* [5. Criterios de aceptación mínimos del proyecto](#5-criterios-de-aceptación-mínimos-del-proyecto) -* [6. Parte adicional-opcional (extensión)](#6-parte-adicional-opcional-extensión) -* [7. Consideraciones técnicas](#7-consideraciones-técnicas) -* [8. Pistas, tips y lecturas complementarias](#8-pistas-tips-y-lecturas-complementarias) - -*** - -## 1. Preámbulo - -Según [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/05/21/how-much-data-do-we-create-every-day-the-mind-blowing-stats-everyone-should-read), -el 90% de la data que existe hoy ha sido creada durante los últimos dos años. -Cada día generamos 2.5 millones de terabytes de datos, una cifra sin precedentes. - -No obstante, los datos por sí mismos son de poca utilidad. Para que esas -grandes cantidades de datos se conviertan en **información** fácil de leer para -los usuarios, necesitamos entender, procesar y mostrar estos datos. Una manera -simple de hacerlo es creando _interfaces_ y _visualizaciones_. - -En la siguiente imagen, podrás ver cómo con la data que que se ve en la parte -izquierda se puede construir (a la derecha) una interfaz amigable y comprensible -para el usuario. - -![json-interfaz](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Tn-RPXS26pVvOTdUzRT1KVaJ-_QbFs9SpcGLxSPE43fgbHaXtFgMUInuDt7kV41DkT1j8Tt29V0LxQW7SMtC6digOIhfTXSBKdwI08wUwhD3RAqlwy0hjfmhZ2BFe91mtmCSEqysfgk) - -\* Puedes ver el detalle de la data en este [link](https://gist.github.com/lalogf/dd4aa3017a9f8aa8f90dfbca382c4dc9#file-student-json) -y la interfaz construida en este [link](https://app.talento.laboratoria.la/profile/HFOoMpOreBU2psCcjjLg5O2EWEv2). - -## 2. Resumen del proyecto - -En este proyecto **construirás una _página web_ para visualizar un -_conjunto (set) de datos_** que se adecúe a lo que tu usuario necesita. - -Como entregable final tendrás una página web que permita a los usuarios -**visualizar, filtrar, ordenar, etc.**. - -Te proponemos una serie de datos de diferentes _temáticas_ para que los -explores y decidas con cuál te interesa trabajar. Cada _set_ de datos viene con -información básica sobre los datos y su estructura, y una lista de las -necesidades de los usuarios que proviene de una investigación (_research_) -hecha por el equipo de Laboratoria. - -Una vez que elijas, diseña tu proyecto intentando ofrecerle la mejor experiencia -posible para ayudarle a satisfacer sus necesidades. - -### Estos son datos que te proponemos: - -* [Indicadores de desarrollo del Banco Mundial](src/data/worldbank/worldbank.json) - de algunos países (Brasil, Chile, México y Perú). Estos datos incluyen - indicadores demográficos, económicos y comerciales. -* [Pokémon](src/data/pokemon/pokemon.json): - En este set encontrarás una lista con los 151 Pokémon de la región de Kanto, - junto con sus respectivas estadísticas usadas en el juego [Pokémon GO](http://pokemongolive.com). -* [Steam noticias](src/data/steam/steam.json): - Lista noticias relacionadas a los videojuegos presentes en la - plataforma de [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/). -* [League of Legends - Challenger leaderboard](src/data/lol/lol.json): - Este set de datos muestra la lista de jugadores en una liga del - juego League of Legends (LoL), puedes revisar la documentación de su API en - este [link](https://developer.riotgames.com/api-methods/). -* [Personas heridas por medio de transporte en EEUU](src/data/injuries/injuries.json). - Este set nos muestra el número de personas heridas en accidentes de - transporte, con data anual desde 1960 y categorizada por tipo de transporte - (aire, barco, automóvil, moto, bicicleta, ...). -* [Rick and Morty](src/data/rickandmorty/rickandmorty.json). - Este set nos proporciona la lista de los personajes de la serie Rick and - Morty. Puedes revisar la documentación de su API en este [link](https://rickandmortyapi.com). -* [Pacientes en EEUU](src/data/patient/patient.json). - Este set nos proporciona una lista de pacientes de EEUU. Puedes revisar la - documentación de su API en este [link](https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Patient). - -## 3. Objetivos de aprendizaje - -El objetivo principal de este proyecto es que, entendiendo las necesidades de -tus usuarios, aprendas a diseñar y construir una interfaz web donde se pueda -visualizar y manipular data. - -Revisa la lista y reflexiona sobre los objetivos que conseguiste en el -proyecto anterior. Piensa en eso al decidir tu estrategia de trabajo individual -y de equipo. +## 1. Objetivos de aprendizaje + +Vanya Xel Jimenez Sanpedro + +### UX + +- [x] Diseñar la aplicación pensando y entendiendo al usuario. +- [x] Crear prototipos para obtener _feedback_ e iterar. +- [x] Aplicar los principios de diseño visual (contraste, alineación, jerarquía). +- [ ] Planear y ejecutar _tests_ de usabilidad. + +### HTML y CSS + +- [x] Entender y reconocer por qué es importante el HTML semántico. +- [x] Identificar y entender tipos de selectores en CSS. +- [ ] Entender como funciona `flexbox` en CSS. +- [x] Construir tu aplicación respetando el diseño planeado (maquetación). + +### DOM + +- [x] Entender y reconocer los selectores del DOM (querySelector | querySelectorAll). +- [x] Manejar eventos del DOM. (addEventListener) +- [x] Manipular dinámicamente el DOM. (createElement, appendchild, innerHTML, value) + +### Javascript + +- [ ] Manipular arrays (`filter` | `map` | `sort` | `reduce`). +- [ ] Manipular objects (key | value). +- [x] Entender el uso de condicionales (`if-else` | `switch`). +- [x] Entender el uso de bucles (`for` | `forEach`). +- [x] Entender la diferencia entre expression y statements. +- [x] Utilizar funciones (parámetros | argumentos | valor de retorno). +- [ ] Entender la diferencia entre tipos de datos atómicos y estructurados. +- [x] Utilizar ES Modules (`import` | `export`). + +### Pruebas Unitarias (_testing_) +- [ ] Testear funciones (funciones puras). + +### Git y GitHub +- [x] Ejecutar comandos de git (`add` | `commit` | `pull` | `status` | `push`). +- [x] Utilizar los repositorios de GitHub (`clone` | `fork` | gh-pages). +- [x] Colaborar en Github (pull requests). + +### Buenas prácticas de desarrollo +- [x] Organizar y dividir el código en módulos (Modularización). +- [ ] Utilizar identificadores descriptivos (Nomenclatura | Semántica). +- [ ] Utilizar linter para seguir buenas prácticas (ESLINT). + + +Yazmin Tepale ### UX @@ -130,326 +95,185 @@ y de equipo. - [ ] Utilizar identificadores descriptivos (Nomenclatura | Semántica). - [ ] Utilizar linter para seguir buenas prácticas (ESLINT). -## 4. Consideraciones generales +## 2. Definición del producto -* Este proyecto se debe resolver en duplas. -* El proyecto será entregado subiendo tu código a GitHub (`commit`/`push`) y la - interfaz será desplegada usando [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/). -* Tiempo: toma como referencia 3 semanas. +La producto diseñado es una aplicación complementaria diseñada para cubrir las necesidades de los usuarios de POKEMON GO!, basandonos en la investigacion previa al diseño, en la cual realizamos entrevistas a usuarios, en la cual realizamos diversas preguntas que nos ayudaron a comprender las deficiencias de la aplicación POKEMON GO!, por lo que al analizar los datos obtuvimos las caracteristicas generales de nuestro proyecto. -## 5. Criterios de aceptación mínimos del proyecto +El proceso del diseño fue se realizo basandonos en 2 aspectos, el primero en la aplicación existente, la cual ya tiene una paleta de colores, que decidimos retomar y la segunda en las necesidades de los usuarios, tratando de dar un flujo facil y entendible entre secciones. -Los criterios que deberás considerar para saber si has completado este proyecto -son: +Las historias de usuario los obtuvimos a través de una pequeña encuesta realizada a usuarios que utilizaron la app de Pokémon GO: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1E-ZNG-C0kr7ATXNQzxhebduaQpY8iFibS2B6_3r5wP0/edit -### Definición del producto +### Historias de usuario -Documenta brevemente tu trabajo en el archivo `README.md` de tu repositorio, -contándonos cómo fue tu proceso de diseño y cómo crees que el producto resuelve -el problema (o problemas) que tiene tu usuario. +**Historia 1** -### Historias de usuario +Cómo: Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Jugar sin internet +Para: Ahorrar datos -Una vez que entiendas las necesidades de tus usuarios, escribe las [Historias -de Usuario](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historias_de_usuario) que representen -todo lo que el usuario necesita hacer/ver. Las **Historias de Usuario** deben -ser el resultado de tu proceso de entendimiento de tus usuarios. +Criterios de aceptación: -Asegúrate de incluir la definición de terminado (_definition of done_) y los -Criterios de Aceptación para cada una. +1.- El usuario habilita la opción de juego offline en menú. -En la medida de lo posible, termina de construir una historia de usuario antes -de pasar a la siguiente (Cumple con Definición de Terminado + Criterios de -Aceptación). +TAREAS: +1.1 Crear botón dentro del menú -### Diseño de la Interfaz de Usuario +**Historia 2** -#### Prototipo de baja fidelidad +Como: Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Un pokémon mascota +Para: Acompañamiento en misiones -Durante tu trabajo deberás haber hecho e iterado bocetos (_sketches_) de tu -solución usando papel y lápiz. Te recomendamos tomar fotos de todas las -iteraciones que hagas, que las subas a tu repositorio y las menciones en tu -`README.md`. +Criterios de aceptación: -#### Prototipo de alta fidelidad +1.- El usuario ingresa a su catálogo de pokémones +2.- Elige desde su catálogo el pokémon que desea de acompañante. +3.- Visualiza caracteristicas del pokemon para una mejor elección +4.- Seleccionar pokémon -Lo siguiente es diseñar tu Interfaz de Usuario (UI por sus siglas en inglés - -_User Interface_). Para eso debes aprender a utilizar alguna herramienta de -diseño visual. Nosotros te recomendamos [Figma](https://www.figma.com/) que es -una herramienta que funciona en el navegador y, además, puedes crear una cuenta -gratis. Sin embargo, eres libre de utilizar otros editores gráficos como -Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint, Keynote, etc. Recuerda utilizar la -[identidad gráfica](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eeWFqrWpy-OYOH4EHDckFGunyrm9iNeE) -correspondiente a cada set de datos que elijas. +TAREAS: +2.1 Crear opción del catálogo +2.2 Agregar características del pokémon +2.3 Diseñar tarjetas para visualizar al pokémon y características. -El diseño debe representar el _ideal_ de tu solución. Digamos que es lo que -desearías implementar si tuvieras tiempo ilimitado para trabajar. Además, tu -diseño debe seguir los fundamentos de _visual design_. +**Historia 3** -#### Testeos de usabilidad +Como:Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Acceder a la plataforma +Para: Poder jugar + +Criterios de aceptación: -Durante el reto deberás hacer _tests_ de usabilidad con distintos usuarios, y -en base a los resultados, deberás iterar tus diseños. Cuéntanos -qué problemas de usabilidad detectaste a través de los _tests_ y cómo los -mejoraste en tu propuesta final. - -### Implementación de la Interfaz de Usuario (HTML/CSS/JS) - -Luego de diseñar tu interfaz de usuario deberás trabajar en su implementación. -**No** es necesario que construyas la interfaz exactamente como la diseñaste. -No tienes tiempo ilimitado para trabajar, así es que deberás priorizar. - -Como mínimo, tu implementación debe: - -1. Mostrar la data en una interfaz: puede ser un card, una tabla, una lista, etc. -2. Permitir al usuario interactuar para obtener la infomación que necesita. -3. Ser _responsive_, es decir, debe visualizarse sin problemas desde distintos - tamaños de pantallas: móviles, tablets y desktops. -4. Que la interfaz siga los fundamentos de _visual design_. - -### Pruebas unitarias - -El _boilerplate_ de este proyecto no incluye Pruebas Unitarias (_tests_), así es -que tendrás que escribirlas tú para las funciones que tenga tu código. - -Tus _pruebas unitarias_ deben dar una cobertura del 70% de _statements_ -(_sentencias_), _functions_ (_funciones_), _lines_ (_líneas_), y _branches_ -(_ramas_) del archivo `src/data.js` que contenga tus funciones y está detallado -en la sección de [Consideraciones técnicas](#srcdatajs). - -## 6. Parte adicional-opcional (extensión) - -Si **terminaste** con todo lo anterior y te queda tiempo, intenta explorar y -completar parte o todo de lo siguiente: - -* En lugar de consumir la data estática brindada en este repositorio, puedes - consumir la data de forma dinámica, cargando un archivo JSON por medio de - `fetch`. La carpeta `src/data` contiene una versión `.js` y una `.json` de - de cada set datos. +Abrir app +2.- Seleccionar Crear cuenta o iniciar sesión +3.- Dar opción de incio o registro con RR.SS o cuenta de correo electrónico y contraseña +4.- Verificar cuenta con código enviado a correo o teléfono celular +5.- El acceso del usuario deberá ser en cualquier dispositivo -* Agregarle a tu interfaz de usuario implementada visualizaciones gráficas. Para - ello te recomendamos explorar librerías de gráficas como [Chart.js](https://www.chartjs.org/) - o [Google Charts](https://developers.google.com/chart/). +TAREAS: -* 100% Coverage de pruebas unitarias. +3.1 Crear pantalla con opciones de registro por RR.SS o creación de una cuenta +3.2 Crear pantalla para creación de contraseña y verificación del usuario +3.3 Opción de enviar código a dispositivo móvil o correo +3.4 Botón de crear/ingreso de usuario + +**Historia 4** + +Como: Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Una versión LITE +Para: Ahorro de espacio + + +Criterios de aceptación: + +1.- El usuario encuentra la opción de descarga de la versión lite en menú +2.- Redirigir a la tienda para descarga de la app + + +TAREAS: + +4.1 Crear botón de redirección a página de descargas/compras + +**Historia 5** + +Como:Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Filtar a mis pokemones por tipo, poder de ataque, debilidad, etc. +Para: Elegir el mejor en misiones/batallas + +Criterios de aceptación: + +1.- Que el usuario visualice su catalogo +2.- Filtre sus pokémones por tipo, poder de ataque, debilidad, etc +3.- Seleccionar a pokémon para misiones/batallas + +Tareas +7.1 Agregar catalogo a menú +7.2 Diseñar tarjeta para poder visualizar pokémon/características +7.3 Agregar opción de filtrado (lista y ordenar) +7.4 Agregar más características del pokémon +7.5 Añadir botón para hacer la elección del pokémon + + +**Historia 6** + +Como:Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Conocer características de mis pokemones +Para: Elegir el mejor en misiones/batallas + +Criterios de aceptación: + +1.- Que el usuario visualice su catalogo +2.- Visualice sus características +3.- Elija el pokémon que desea para misiones/batallas + +Tareas +6.1 Agregar catalogo a menú +6.2 Diseñar tarjeta para poder visualizar pokémon/características +6.3 Agregar más características del pokémon +6.4 Añadir botón para hacer la elección del pokémon + +**Historia 7** + +Como:Usuario de Pokémon GO! +Quiero: Sugerir zonas de centros pokémon +Para: Adquirir más productos (pokebolas, polvo estelar,etc) + +Criterios de aceptación: + +1.- El usuario abra el menú de opción para sugerencia de creación de centro pokémon +2.- Pueda visualizar el menú de zonas cercanas al usuario +3.- Que el usuario pueda ver la popularidad por zona +4.- Que el usuario vote por la zona que elija +5.- Que el usuario active datos para hacer votación + + +Tareas + +5.1 Agregar opción al menú para sugerencias de creación del centro pokémon +5.2 Agregar mapa para visualizar zonas cercanas con votos +5.3 Agregar botón para visualizar el # de votaciones +5.4 Agregar botón para votar por zona +5.5 Agregar un mensaje para activar modo online + + +### Diseño de la Interfaz de Usuario + +#### Prototipo de baja fidelidad + + +#### Prototipo de alta fidelidad +![lol](pantallaPrincipal.png) +![lol](cuentaNueva.png) +![lol](menu.png) +![lol](catalogo.png) +![lol](modal.png) +![lol](centrosDesktop.png) + +#### Testeos de usabilidad -## 7. Consideraciones técnicas +Realizamos diferentes testeos de usabilidad, en diferentes partes del proceso, recibimos feedback, con lo que nos ayudo a mejorar la experiencia de usuario. Los testeos se realizaron con coaches, compañeras y amigos. -La lógica del proyecto debe estar implementada completamente en JavaScript -(ES6), HTML y CSS. En este proyecto NO está permitido usar librerías o -frameworks, solo [vanilla JavaScript](https://medium.com/laboratoria-how-to/vanillajs-vs-jquery-31e623bbd46e), -con la excepción de librerías para hacer gráficas (charts); ver -[_Parte opcional_](#6-hacker-edition) más arriba. + A continuacion enlistaremos algunos de los comentarios recibidos: -No se debe utilizar la _pseudo-variable_ `this`. +Primer feedback +- Dejar una sola imagen de RR.SS +- Descripción en los botones de votación y catálogo +- Hacer más pequeña la pantalla de tarjeta de los pokemones -El _boilerplate_ contiene una estructura de archivos como punto de partida así -como toda la configuración de dependencias: +Segundo Feedback -```text -. -├── pokemon -| ├── README.md -├── potter -| ├── README.md -├── lol -| ├── README.md -├── src -| ├── data (según con qué data trabajes) -| | ├── lol -| | | ├── lol.js -| | | └── lol.json -| | ├── pokemon -| | | ├── pokemon.js -| | | └── pokemon.json -| | ├── potter -| | | ├── potter.js -| | | └── potter.json -| ├── data.js -| ├── index.html -| ├── main.js -| └── style.css -├── test -| ├── data.spec.js -├── README.md -└── package.json +- Agregar iconos de RR.SS +- Dejar inicio de sesión y la creación de cuenta en una sola pantalla +- Centrado en los textos de iniciar sesión y crear cuenta +- Despegar un poco los botones del borde de la pantalla darle contraste a las letras de las tarjetas de los pokemones -directory: 9 file: 16 -``` +#### Producto Final -### `src/index.html` -Como en el proyecto anterior, existe un archivo `index.html`. Como ya sabes, -acá va la página que se mostrará al usuario. También nos sirve para indicar -qué script se usará y unir todo lo que hemos hecho. - -Encontrarás 1 etiqueta inicial, la cual si deseas puedes borrar y empezar de cero: +![lol](inicioDesktop.png) +![lol](nuevaCuentaDesktop.png) +![lol](menuDesktop.png) +![lol](catalogoDesktop.png) +![lol](modalDesktop.png) +![lol](centroDesktop.png) -``` -
-``` - -### `src/main.js` - -Acá escribirás todo el código que tenga que ver con la interacción del DOM -(seleccionar, actualizar y manipular elementos del DOM y eventos). Es decir, -en este archivo deberás invocar a tus funciones exportadas en el boilerplate, -según sea necesario para realizar operaciones como creación de nodos, -registro de manejadores de eventos (_event listeners_ o _event handlers_), .... - -En este archivo encontrarás una serie de _sentencias_ `import` -_comentadas_. Para _cargar_ las diferentes fuentes de datos tendrás que -_descomentar_ estas _sentencias_. Cada una de estas sentencias importará un -objeto, el cual ya se encuentra exportado en el boilerplate. Este objeto -contiene la data correspondiente a esa fuente de datos. - -Por ejemplo, si "descomentamos" la siguiente línea: - -``` - /** - import LoL from './data/lol/lol.js' - */ -``` - -La línea quedaría así: - -``` -import LoL from './data/lol/lol.js' -``` - -Y ahora tendríamos el objeto `LoL` disponible en nuestro archivo (`src/main.js`). - -Esta no es la única forma de dividir tu código, puedes usar más archivos y -carpetas, siempre y cuando la estructura sea clara para tus compañeras. - -### `src/data.js` - -El corazón de este proyecto es la manipulación de datos a través de arreglos -y objetos. - -Te recomendamos que este archivo contenga toda la funcionalidad que corresponda -a obtener, procesar y manipular datos (tus funciones). Por ejemplo: - -* `filterData(data, condition)`: esta función `filter` o filtrar recibiría la - data, y nos retornaría aquellos datos que sí cumplan con la condición. - -* `sortData(data, sortBy, sortOrder)`: esta función `sort` u ordenar - recibe tres parámetros. - El primer parámetro, `data`, nos entrega los datos. - El segundo parámetro, `sortBy`, nos dice con respecto a cuál de los campos de - la data se quiere ordenar. - El tercer parámetro, `sortOrder`, indica si se quiere ordenar de manera - ascendente o descendente. - -* Y así sucesivamente, según tu proyecto en particular. - -Estos nombres de funciones y de parámetros son solamente referenciales, lo que -decidas depende de tu propia implementación. - -Estas funciones deben ser [_puras_](https://medium.com/laboratoria-developers/introducci%C3%B3n-a-la-programaci%C3%B3n-funcional-en-javascript-parte-2-funciones-puras-b99e08c2895d) -e independientes del DOM. Estas funciones serán exportadas en el boilerplate, para -después ser usadas desde el archivo `src/main.js`, al cargar la página, y cada vez -que el usuario interactúe (click, filtrado, ordenado, ...). - -### `src/data` - -En esta carpeta están los datos de las diferentes fuentes. Encontrarás una -carpeta por cada fuente, y dentro de cada carpeta dos archivos: uno con la -extensión `.js` y otro `.json`. Ambos archivos contienen la misma data; la -diferencia es que el `.js` lo importaremos como un objeto al archivo main.js, -mientras que el `.json` está ahí para opcionalmente cargar la data de forma -asíncrona con [`fetch()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) -(ver sección de [_Parte Opcional_](#6-hacker-edition)). - -### `test/data.spec.js` - -Tendrás también que completar las pruebas unitarias de las funciones -implementadas en el archivo `data.js`. - -## 8. Pistas, tips y lecturas complementarias - -### Primeros pasos - -Antes de empezar a escribir código, debes definir qué deberá hacer el producto -en base al conocimiento que puedas obtener de tu usuario. Estas preguntas te -pueden ayudar: - -* ¿Quiénes son los principales usuarios de producto? -* ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de estos usuarios en relación con el producto? -* ¿Cuáles son los datos más relevantes que quieren ver en la interfaz y por qué? -* ¿Cuándo utilizan o utilizarían el producto? -* Toda tu investigación previa debe tener como resultado todas las Historias - de Usuario de tu proyecto. -* No hagas los prototipos de alta fidelidad de todas tus Historias. Comienza - solamente por los que se necesiten para tu Sprint 1 (semana 1 de trabajo). Más - pistas en la guía de organización para el proyecto. - -Cuando ya estés lista para codear, te sugerimos empezar de esta manera: - -1. Una de las integrantes del equipo debe realizar un :fork_and_knife: - [fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) del repo de tu cohort, - tus _coaches_ te compartirán un _link_ a un repo y te darán acceso de lectura - en ese repo. La otra integrante del equipo deber hacer un fork **del - repositorio de su compañera** y [configurar](https://gist.github.com/BCasal/026e4c7f5c71418485c1) - un `remote` hacia el mismo. -2. :arrow_down: [Clona](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) - tu _fork_ a tu computadora (copia local). -3. 📦 Instala las dependencias del proyecto con el comando `npm install`. Esto - asume que has instalado [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) (que incluye [npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/)). -4. Si todo ha ido bien, deberías poder ejecutar las :traffic_light: - pruebas unitarias (unit tests) con el comando `npm test`. -5. Para ver la interfaz de tu programa en el navegador, usa el comando - `npm start` para arrancar el servidor web y dirígete a - `http://localhost:5000` en tu navegador. -6. A codear se ha dicho! :rocket: - -*** - -### Contenido de referencia - -#### Diseño de experiencia de usuario (User Experience Design) - -* Investigación con usuarios / entrevistas -* Principios de diseño visual - -#### Desarrollo Front-end - -* Unidad de testing en curso de JavaScript en LMS. -* Unidad de arreglos en curso de JavaScript en LMS. -* Unidad de objetos en curso de JavaScript en LMS. -* Unidad de funciones en curso de JavaScript en LMS. -* Unidad de DOM en curso de Browser JavaScript en LMS. -* [Array en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array) -* [Array.sort en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array/sort) -* [Array.map en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array/map) -* [Array.filter en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array/filter) -* [Array.reduce en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array/reduce) -* [Array.forEach en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Array/forEach) -* [Object.keys en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Object/keys) -* [Object.entries en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/Object/entries) -* [Fetch API en MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) -* [json.org](https://json.org/json-es.html) -* [expressions-vs-statements](https://2ality.com/2012/09/expressions-vs-statements.html) -* [expresión vs sentencia](https://openclassrooms.com/en/courses/4309531-descubre-las-funciones-en-javascript/5108986-diferencia-entre-expresion-y-sentencia) -* [datos atomicos vs datos estructurados](https://www.todojs.com/tipos-datos-javascript-es6/) -* [Modulos: Export](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Sentencias/export) -* [Modulos: Import](https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Sentencias/import) - -#### Herramientas - -* [Git](https://git-scm.com/) -* [GitHub](https://github.com/) -* [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) -* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) -* [Jest](https://jestjs.io/) - -#### Organización del Trabajo - -* [Historias de Usuario](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky6wFiF5vMk&t=344s). - Ojo que Cris no diferencia _Definición de terminado_ de _Criterios de - Aceptación_ y nosotros sí lo haremos. Más detalles en la guía. -* [Cómo dividir H.U.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ueq786iZ30I&t=341s) -* [Guía para Data Lovers](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQhx9D36NjpH-Daea-ITPUDUzNL8ZiNAprq_7b5PSUrfutk45tEtaOLz2lmd8f54_5jX1hypDM8f8SM/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=60000) - -*** diff --git a/catalogo.png b/catalogo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afad591e Binary files /dev/null and b/catalogo.png differ diff --git a/catalogoDesktop.png b/catalogoDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af8630e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/catalogoDesktop.png differ diff --git a/centroPokemon.png b/centroPokemon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4bb76a5 Binary files /dev/null and b/centroPokemon.png differ diff --git a/centrosDesktop.png b/centrosDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b60b601 Binary files /dev/null and b/centrosDesktop.png differ diff --git a/cuentaNueva.png b/cuentaNueva.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4de54d8f Binary files /dev/null and b/cuentaNueva.png differ diff --git a/inicioDesktop.png b/inicioDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21df65ad Binary files /dev/null and b/inicioDesktop.png differ diff --git a/menu.png b/menu.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6506296e Binary files /dev/null and b/menu.png differ diff --git a/menuDesktop.png b/menuDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f8f792a Binary files /dev/null and b/menuDesktop.png differ diff --git a/modal.png b/modal.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35dbd2e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/modal.png differ diff --git a/modalDesktop.png b/modalDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17605f68 Binary files /dev/null and b/modalDesktop.png differ diff --git a/nuevaCuentaDesktop.png b/nuevaCuentaDesktop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e9748d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/nuevaCuentaDesktop.png differ diff --git a/pantallaPrincipal.png b/pantallaPrincipal.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c669d6ed Binary files /dev/null and b/pantallaPrincipal.png differ diff --git a/src/.vscode/settings.json b/src/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f3a2913 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "liveServer.settings.port": 5501 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data.js b/src/data.js index 951191c6..f756d4ba 100644 --- a/src/data.js +++ b/src/data.js @@ -1,13 +1,46 @@ -// import data from './data/injuries/injuries.js'; -// import data from './data/lol/lol.js'; -// import data from './data/patient/patient.js'; -// import data from './data/pokemon/pokemon.js'; -// import data from './data/rickandmorty/rickandmorty.js'; -// import data from './data/steam/steam.js'; -// import data from './data/steam/worldbank.js'; +import data from "./pokemon.js"; -// esta es una función de ejemplo +function filterType(type) { + const filter = data.pokemon.filter((poke) => poke.type.includes(type)); + return filter; + } + + function sortbyNameAZ(pokemonArray) { + const sortName = pokemonArray.sort((prev, next) => { + if (prev.name > next.name) { + return 1; + } if (prev.name < next.name) { + return -1; + } + return 0; + }); + return sortName; + } + function sortbyNameZA(pokemonArray) { + const sortName = pokemonArray.sort((prev, next) => { + if (prev.name < next.name) { + return 1; + } if (prev.name > next.name) { + return -1; + } + return 0; + }); + return sortName; + } + function sortbyNumber(pokemonArray) { + const sortNumber = pokemonArray.sort((prev, next) => { + if (prev.num > next.num) { + return 1; + } if (prev.num < next.num) { + return -1; + } + return 0; + }); + return sortNumber; + } -export const example = () => { - return 'example'; -}; + const pokemons = { + filterType, sortbyNameAZ, sortbyNameZA, sortbyNumber, + }; + export default pokemons; + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/injuries/injuries.js b/src/data/injuries/injuries.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6d4e5524..00000000 --- a/src/data/injuries/injuries.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -export default [{"Total_Injured_Persons": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": null, "Year": "1960-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": null, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2757, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 476, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 30, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 172, "Year": "1985-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3271903, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 485, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 32691, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 11, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 69, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 175, "Year": "1990-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3136005, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 514, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 20959, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 31, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 89, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 431, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3096870, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 96, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 2094, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 80435, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 26, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 14716, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 20514, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2234594, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 67088, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 88446, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 98, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4755, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 18713, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 534, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1866, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 23468, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 82, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3967, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 326, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 39281, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 12844, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 52125, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 28031, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 562601, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 26, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 110, "Year": "1991-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3109431, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 456, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 20144, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 7, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 408, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 38, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 13084, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 52668, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 32102, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 600874, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 19, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1398, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 171, "Year": "1993-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3302962, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 484, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15767, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 6, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 113, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 415, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 7, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3265928, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 157, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 722496, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 25, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1870, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 154, "Year": "1995-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3515777, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 467, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 20291, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 114, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 366, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 13, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3483319, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 137, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1610, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 55281, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 22, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 15473, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 10193, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2458080, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 58158, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 81797, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 127, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4002, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 8556, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 754820, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 43, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 120, "Year": "1997-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3221955, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 369, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15559, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 75, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 327, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 6, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3192035, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 147, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1303, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 48974, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 10, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 12519, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9514, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2201375, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 53379, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 68955, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 81, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3470, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7997, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 513, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1134, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 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"Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 322, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3236238, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 187, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1396, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 49986, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 10509, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9730, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2137503, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 51290, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 85235, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 108, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 8176, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 444, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1207, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11700, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4315, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 130, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 42607, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 12718, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 55325, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 32892, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 846865, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 67, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 525, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 152, "Year": "1999-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3218900, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 359, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 17769, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 7, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 77, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 309, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3188750, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 120, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1219, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 57723, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 12, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 15466, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3490, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9735, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2051609, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 51160, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 77625, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 81, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3812, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7834, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 1099, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 6245, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 128, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 362, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 414, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1029, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11643, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 150, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4355, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 275, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 42713, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 13984, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 56697, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 52, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30832, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 886566, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 31, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 607, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 150, "Year": "2000-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3061790, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 368, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15427, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 51, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 321, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 10, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3032672, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 125, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 60236, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 24, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17536, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3441, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9114, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1926625, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 45277, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 77619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3847, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7138, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 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"2001-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2946446, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 337, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 18819, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1172, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 297, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2925758, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 141, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 999, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 160, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 64713, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 13182, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 2828, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3085, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7825, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1804788, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 154, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 48011, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70664, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3628, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7477, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 860, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4740, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 1535, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 342, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 395, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 807, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11103, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 349, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 1884, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5382, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 26242, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 879338, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 24, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4596, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 663, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 102, "Year": "2002-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2906666, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 367, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 18174, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1194, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 298, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 66, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 323, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 5, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2888601, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 193, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1035, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 167, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 67103, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 12, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 14561, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3570, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3073, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7599, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1756495, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 14863, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 180, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 46378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 69949, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 71, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3430, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5834, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 842, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4526, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 118, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 348, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 398, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9264, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 114, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14909, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 4689, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 19627, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 50, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 26893, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 889048, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 31, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4533, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 695, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 135, "Year": "2003-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2806810, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 302, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 16410, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1104, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 40, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 265, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2788378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 137, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1094, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 76379, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 17, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 16511, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3741, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3034, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7348, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1642549, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15610, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 41086, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 67985, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 56, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3374, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5825, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 957, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4314, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 353, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 406, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9194, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 150, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 346, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14628, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5803, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20455, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27287, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 900171, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3974, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 537, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 141, "Year": "2004-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2716586, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 305, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 11133, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 985, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 297, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 44, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 271, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2699000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 144, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1053, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 176, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 87335, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17806, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3143, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 2963, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7290, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1573396, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 14900, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 45439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 64446, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3512, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 6038, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 909, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4327, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 443, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 359, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 420, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 875, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9550, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3451, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 787, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14593, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 4428, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 19028, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 872137, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 14, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4125, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 603, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 116, "Year": "2005-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2592859, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 286, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 9839, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1213, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 276, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 32, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 265, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2575000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 183, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1070, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 88652, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 11, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17989, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3136, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3104, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7026, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1474536, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15702, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 240, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 44012, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 60924, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 34, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3430, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5373, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 887, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3928, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 134, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 481, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 901, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8797, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 86, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3474, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14631, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5401, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20051, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 57, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23815, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 856896, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4223, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 736, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 283, "Year": "2006-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2510311, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 291, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12141, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 36, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 255, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 10, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2491000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 168, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1059, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 102994, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17685, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3565, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3682, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7894, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1379181, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16530, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 241, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 43481, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70286, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4107, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5563, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 891, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4212, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 99, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 361, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 407, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 843, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9669, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 211, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3673, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 309, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16169, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5836, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 22016, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23314, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 841451, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4301, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 615, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 115, "Year": "2007-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2366743, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 299, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15149, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1535, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 52, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 259, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2346000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 206, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 990, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 135, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 95986, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 12, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 18011, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 6198, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3513, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7319, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1304006, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16884, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 52395, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 68832, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 54, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4028, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5039, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 787, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3808, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 364, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 432, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 841, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 241, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3331, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 321, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16335, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8260, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24617, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 68, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 22947, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 768410, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 26, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3887, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 118, "Year": "2008-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2237367, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 301, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1454, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 217, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 58, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 273, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2217000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 743, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 169, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 90000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 14000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 6596, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3574, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6809, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1216000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 18210, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 199, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 51000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 59000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 62, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3866, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4159, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 578, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3237, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 603, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8023, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 67, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3358, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 127, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 17619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8604, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 26260, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 17000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 759000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 23, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3943, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 544, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 129, "Year": "2009-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2259336, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 278, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 17000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1369, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 254, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 100, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 256, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 3, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2239000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 153, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 82000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 3, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 13000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 4777, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3923, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6990, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1253000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 19076, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 210, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 52000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 103, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4282, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4097, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 667, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3067, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 310, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 390, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 718, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 57, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3153, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 110, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16697, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8436, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 25222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 20000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 733000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 17, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3770, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 622, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 128, "Year": "2010-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2237019, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 13000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1377, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 328, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2217000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 352, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1048, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 158, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 81000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 15000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 5621, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3935, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6808, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1240000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 352, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 48000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 69000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 51, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4486, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 3953, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 696, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2873, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 324, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 366, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 830, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3081, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 217, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14746, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8057, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 22919, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 42, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 728000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 720, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 99, "Year": "2011-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2381619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 274, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 58, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 50, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 247, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2362000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 283, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 971, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 92, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 93000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 33, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 462, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 15047, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8278, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 23325, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 25000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 762000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 18, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3327, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 682, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 137, "Year": "2012-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2333501, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 249, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 23000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1554, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 196, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 36, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4003, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 754, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 71, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 355, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 434, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 778, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8739, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 257, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2620, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 328, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 15805, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8817, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24622, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 79, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 24000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 750000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3432, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 589, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 164, "Year": "2013-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2351372, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 263, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 14000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1680, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 225, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 93, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 234, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2332000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 195, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 872, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 144, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 92000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 10000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 5264, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 4345, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7351, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1292000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 17101, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 337, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 50000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 65000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 93, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4689, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4102, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 679, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3009, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 51, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 667, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8786, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 88, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2678, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 139, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 7513, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24045, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 782000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 14, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3384, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 608, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 98, "Year": "2014-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2443175, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1794, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 248, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 171, "Year": "1993-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3302962, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 484, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15767, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 6, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 113, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 415, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 7, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3265928, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1961, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 57405, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 32, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 13065, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 42955, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 15238, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 58193, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30208, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 631411, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 31, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1878, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 182, "Year": "1994-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3499643, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 452, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 19214, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 17, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 396, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 11, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3465279, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 461, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1696, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 14440, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 138, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4141, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 294, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 42257, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 14939, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 57196, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 722496, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 25, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1870, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 154, "Year": "1995-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3515777, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 467, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 20291, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 114, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 366, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 13, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3483319, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 137, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1610, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 55281, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 22, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 15473, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 10193, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 14670, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 55288, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 32760, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 761478, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 77, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1368, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 254, "Year": "1996-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3380064, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 417, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 16887, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 72, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 350, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 5, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3347614, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 159, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1540, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 52574, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 23, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 16995, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9528, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2340612, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 57802, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 77011, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 77, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3877, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7891, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 516, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1324, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11767, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 87, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4555, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 183, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 40356, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 15776, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 56132, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30913, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 754820, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 43, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 1062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 120, "Year": "1997-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3221955, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 28767, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 762506, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 30, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 579, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 130, "Year": "1998-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3264955, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 406, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 21958, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 88, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 322, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 3236238, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 187, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1396, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 49986, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 10509, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9730, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 2137503, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 51290, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 85235, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 108, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 8176, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 444, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 1207, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11700, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4315, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 130, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 42607, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 12718, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 55325, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 32892, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 846865, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 67, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 525, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 152, "Year": "1999-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 3218900, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 359, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 17769, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 7, 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"Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17536, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3441, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 9114, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1926625, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 45277, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 77619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3847, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7138, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 1032, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 5673, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 96, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 337, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 404, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 995, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 10985, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 214, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4274, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 310, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 40254, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 13691, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 53945, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 67, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 29424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 860527, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 19, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 524, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 210, "Year": "2001-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2946446, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 337, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 18819, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1172, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 297, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2925758, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 141, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 999, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 160, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 64713, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 13182, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 2828, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3085, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7825, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1804788, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 154, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 48011, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70664, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3628, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 7477, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 860, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4740, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 1535, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 342, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 395, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 807, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 11103, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 349, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 4062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 1884, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5382, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 26242, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 879338, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 24, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4596, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 663, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 102, "Year": "2002-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2906666, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 367, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 18174, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1194, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 298, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 66, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 323, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 5, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2888601, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 193, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1035, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 167, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 67103, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 12, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 14561, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3570, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3073, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7599, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1756495, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 14863, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 180, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 46378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 69949, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 71, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3430, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5834, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 842, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4526, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 118, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 348, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 398, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9264, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 114, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14909, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 4689, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 19627, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 50, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 26893, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 889048, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 31, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4533, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 695, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 135, "Year": "2003-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2806810, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 302, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 16410, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1104, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 40, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 265, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2788378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 137, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1094, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 76379, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 17, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 16511, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3741, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3034, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7348, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1642549, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15610, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 41086, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 67985, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 56, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3374, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5825, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 957, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4314, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 353, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 406, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9194, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 150, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 346, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14628, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5803, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20455, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27287, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 900171, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3974, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 537, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 141, "Year": "2004-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2716586, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 305, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 11133, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 985, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 297, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 44, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 271, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2699000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 144, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1053, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 176, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 87335, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17806, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3143, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 2963, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7290, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1573396, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 14900, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 45439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 64446, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3512, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 6038, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 909, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4327, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 443, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 359, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 420, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 875, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9550, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3451, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 787, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14593, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 4428, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 19028, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 872137, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 14, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4125, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 603, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 116, "Year": "2005-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2592859, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 286, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 9839, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1213, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 276, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 32, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 265, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2575000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 183, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1070, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 233, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 88652, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 11, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17989, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3136, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3104, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7026, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1474536, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15702, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 240, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 44012, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 60924, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 34, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3430, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5373, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 887, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3928, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 134, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 481, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 901, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8797, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 86, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3474, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14631, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5401, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 20051, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 57, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23815, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 856896, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4223, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 736, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 283, "Year": "2006-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2510311, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 291, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12141, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 36, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 255, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 10, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2491000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 168, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1059, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 102994, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 17685, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3565, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3682, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7894, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1379181, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16530, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 241, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 43481, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70286, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4107, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5563, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 891, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 4212, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 99, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 361, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 407, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 843, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9669, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 211, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3673, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 309, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16169, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 5836, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 22016, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 46, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23314, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 841451, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 4301, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 615, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 115, "Year": "2007-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2366743, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 299, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 15149, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1535, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 220, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 52, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 259, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2346000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 206, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 990, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 135, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 95986, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 12, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 18011, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 6198, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3513, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7319, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1304006, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16884, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 201, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 52395, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 68832, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 54, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4028, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 5039, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 787, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3808, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 364, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 432, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 841, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9062, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 241, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3331, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 321, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16335, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8260, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24617, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 68, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 22947, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 768410, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 26, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3887, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 118, "Year": "2008-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2237367, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 301, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 1, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1454, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 217, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 58, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 273, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2217000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 743, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 169, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 90000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 14000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 6596, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3574, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6809, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1216000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 18210, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 199, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 51000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 59000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 62, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 3866, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4159, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 578, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3237, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 344, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 603, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8023, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 67, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3358, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 127, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 17619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8604, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 26260, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 17000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 759000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 23, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3943, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 544, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 129, "Year": "2009-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2259336, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 278, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 17000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1369, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 254, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 100, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 256, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 3, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2239000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 888, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 153, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 82000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 3, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 13000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 4777, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3923, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6990, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1253000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 19076, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 210, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 52000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 103, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4282, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4097, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 667, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3067, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 53, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 310, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 390, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 718, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8378, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 57, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3153, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 110, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16697, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8436, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 25222, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 20000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 733000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 17, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3770, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 622, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 128, "Year": "2010-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2237019, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 13000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1377, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 232, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 328, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 2, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2217000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 352, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1048, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 158, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 81000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 15000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 5621, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3935, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6808, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1240000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 15921, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 352, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 48000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 69000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 51, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4486, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 3953, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 696, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2873, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 60, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 324, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 366, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 830, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3081, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 217, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 14746, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8057, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 22919, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 42, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 23000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 728000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 20, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 720, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 99, "Year": "2011-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2381619, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 274, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 12000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1439, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 58, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 50, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 247, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2362000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 283, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 971, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 92, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 93000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 16000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 5726, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 4029, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6606, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1328000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16160, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 177, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 49000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 76000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 54, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4425, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4034, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 698, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2576, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 429, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 330, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 410, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 763, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8449, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 33, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 3000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 462, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 15047, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8278, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 23325, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 25000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 762000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 18, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3327, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 682, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 137, "Year": "2012-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2333501, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 249, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 23000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1554, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 196, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 36, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 215, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 6, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2313000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 221, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 975, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 157, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 88000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 16, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 16000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 6444, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 4179, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7002, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1296000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 16624, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 459, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 48000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 66000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 42, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4736, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4003, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 754, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2823, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 71, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 355, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 434, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 778, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8739, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 257, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2620, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 328, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 15805, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 8817, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24622, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 79, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 24000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 750000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3432, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 589, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 164, "Year": "2013-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2351372, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 263, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": 14000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1680, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 225, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 93, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 234, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2332000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 195, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 872, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 144, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 92000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 15, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 10000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 5264, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 4345, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7351, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1292000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 17101, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 337, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 50000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 65000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 93, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4689, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4102, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 679, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 3009, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 51, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 363, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 667, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 8786, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 88, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2678, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 139, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16532, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 7513, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24045, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 61, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 27000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 782000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 14, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3384, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 608, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 98, "Year": "2014-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": 2443175, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": 284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": 4, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": 1794, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": 165, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": 248, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 0, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": 2424000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 322, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 1032, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": 74, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": 88000, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": 9, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": 10000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": 3563, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 4282, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 7065, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": 1378000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": 18895, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": 313, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": 45000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": 70000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 49, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4969, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 4101, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 710, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2783, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 263, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 345, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 415, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 860, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 9070, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 295, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": 2679, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 558, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": 16851, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": 7401, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": 24252, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 70, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": 30000, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": 803000, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": 23, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": 3231, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": 424, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": 128, "Year": "2015-01-04"},{"Total_Injured_Persons": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Air": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Bus_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Commuter_Carrier": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Employee_Or_Worker": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Freight_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Gas_Pipeline": 75, "Total_Injured_Persons_General_Aviation": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Hazardous_Liquid_Pipeline": 5, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 202, "Total_Injured_Persons_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing_Railroads": 797, "Total_Injured_Persons_Industrial_Or_Other": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Motorcyclists": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_On_Demand_Air_Taxi": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Counts": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incident_Transit": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents": 3909, "Total_Injured_Persons_Other_Incidents_Railroads": 6397, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Car_Occupants": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Or_Occupant": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Passenger_Vessel": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedalcyclists": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pedestrians": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Pipeline": 80, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail": 4461, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight": 3505, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Highway_Rail_Grade_Crossing": 598, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Other_Incidents": 2490, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Train_Accidents": 34, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Freight_Trespassers": 383, "Total_Injured_Persons_Rail_Road_Trespassers": 483, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad": 624, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Alone": 7961, "Total_Injured_Persons_Railroad_Train_Accidents": 250, "Total_Injured_Persons_Recreational_Boating": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Train_Accidents_Rail_Roads": 284, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Non_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Rail": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Transit_Total": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Trespassers": 100, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Large": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Truck_Occupants_Light": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_US_Air_Carrier": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Not_Related_To_Vessel_Casualties": null, "Total_Injured_Persons_Water_Vessel_Related": null, "Year": "2016-01-04"}] diff --git a/src/data/lol/lol.js b/src/data/lol/lol.js deleted file mode 100644 index b36e9124..00000000 --- a/src/data/lol/lol.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6973 +0,0 @@ -export default { - type: "champion", - format: "standAloneComplex", - version: "6.24.1", - data: { - Aatrox: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Aatrox", - key: "266", - name: "Aatrox", - title: "the Darkin Blade", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Aatrox.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Aatrox_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise, slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe felled, Aatrox's ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 4, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Aatrox.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "BloodWell", - stats: { - hp: 537.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 105.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 24.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 6.59, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Ahri: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ahri", - key: "103", - name: "Ahri", - title: "the Nine-Tailed Fox", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ahri.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ahri_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Unlike other foxes that roamed the woods of southern Ionia, Ahri had always felt a strange connection to the magical world around her; a connection that was somehow incomplete. Deep inside, she felt the skin she had been born into was an ill fit for ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 4, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Ahri.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 514.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 20.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.505, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.065, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Akali: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Akali", - key: "84", - name: "Akali", - title: "the Fist of Shadow", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Akali.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Akali_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 3, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Akali.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin"], - partype: "Energy", - stats: { - hp: 587.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 200, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 26.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.34, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 50, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.1, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.1 - } - }, - Alistar: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Alistar", - key: "12", - name: "Alistar", - title: "the Minotaur", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Alistar.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Alistar_0.jpg", - blurb: - "As the mightiest warrior to ever emerge from the Minotaur tribes of the Great Barrier, Alistar defended his tribe from Valoran's many dangers; that is, until the coming of the Noxian army. Alistar was lured from his village by the machinations of ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 9, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Alistar.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 613.36, - hpperlevel: 106, - mp: 278.84, - mpperlevel: 38, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 24.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.675, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.1116, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.62, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.125 - } - }, - Amumu: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Amumu", - key: "32", - name: "Amumu", - title: "the Sad Mummy", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Amumu.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Amumu_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Solitude can be lonelier than death.''

A lonely and melancholy soul from ancient Shurima, Amumu roams the world in search of a friend. Cursed by an ancient spell, he is doomed to remain alone forever, as his touch is death and his affection ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Amumu.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 613.12, - hpperlevel: 84, - mp: 287.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 23.544, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.875, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 7.38, - mpregenperlevel: 0.525, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.384, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.8, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.18 - } - }, - Anivia: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Anivia", - key: "34", - name: "Anivia", - title: "the Cryophoenix", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Anivia.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Anivia_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Anivia is a being of the coldest winter, a mystical embodiment of ice magic, and an ancient protector of the Freljord. She commands all the power and fury of the land itself, calling the snow and bitter wind to defend her home from those who would ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 4, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 10 - }, - image: { - full: "Anivia.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 467.6, - hpperlevel: 70, - mp: 396.04, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 21.22, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 600, - hpregen: 5.57, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.68 - } - }, - Annie: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Annie", - key: "1", - name: "Annie", - title: "the Dark Child", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Annie.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Annie_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There have always been those within Noxus who did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Noxian High Command. The High Command had just put down a coup attempt from the self-proclaimed Crown Prince Raschallion, and a crackdown on any form of ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 3, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Annie.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 511.68, - hpperlevel: 76, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 19.22, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 575, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.41, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.625, - attackspeedoffset: 0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Ashe: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ashe", - key: "22", - name: "Ashe", - title: "the Frost Archer", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ashe.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ashe_0.jpg", - blurb: - "With each arrow she fires from her ancient ice-enchanted bow, Ashe proves she is a master archer. She chooses each target carefully, waits for the right moment, and then strikes with power and precision. It is with this same vision and focus that she ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 3, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Ashe.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 527.72, - hpperlevel: 79, - mp: 280, - mpperlevel: 32, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 21.212, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 600, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6.97, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56.508, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.26, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.33 - } - }, - AurelionSol: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "AurelionSol", - key: "136", - name: "Aurelion Sol", - title: "The Star Forger", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/AurelionSol.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/AurelionSol_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising. Now, he is forced to wield his awesome power at the behest of a space-faring empire that tricked him into servitude. Desiring a return to his ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 3, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "AurelionSol.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 550, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 350, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 19, - armorperlevel: 3.6, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Azir: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Azir", - key: "268", - name: "Azir", - title: "the Emperor of the Sands", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Azir.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Azir_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Shurima was once the glory of Runeterra. I will make it so again.''

Azir was a mortal emperor of Shurima in a far distant age, a proud man who stood at the cusp of immortality. His hubris saw him betrayed and murdered at the moment of his ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 3, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Azir.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 524.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 350.56, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 19.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 6.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 52, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.8, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.5 - } - }, - Bard: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Bard", - key: "432", - name: "Bard", - title: "the Wandering Caretaker", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Bard.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Bard_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Bard travels through realms beyond the imagination of mortal beings. Some of Valoran's greatest scholars have spent their lives trying to understand the mysteries he embodies. This enigmatic spirit has been given many names throughout the history of ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 4, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Bard.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 535, - hpperlevel: 89, - mp: 350, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 25, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 5.4, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 52, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Blitzcrank: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Blitzcrank", - key: "53", - name: "Blitzcrank", - title: "the Great Steam Golem", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Blitzcrank.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Blitzcrank_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Zaun is a place where both magic and science have gone awry, and the unchecked nature of experimentation has taken its toll. However, Zaun's lenient restrictions allow their researchers and inventors the leeway to push the bounds of science at an ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 8, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Blitzcrank.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 582.6, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 267.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 24.38, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.54, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.13 - } - }, - Brand: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Brand", - key: "63", - name: "Brand", - title: "the Burning Vengeance", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Brand.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Brand_0.jpg", - blurb: - "In a faraway place known as Lokfar there was a seafaring marauder called Kegan Rodhe. As was his people's way, Kegan sailed far and wide with his fellows, stealing treasures from those unlucky enough to catch their attention. To some, he was a ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Brand.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 507.68, - hpperlevel: 76, - mp: 375.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 21.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.005, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Braum: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Braum", - key: "201", - name: "Braum", - title: "the Heart of the Freljord", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Braum.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Braum_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Would you like a bedtime story?''

''Grandma, I'm too old for that.''

''You're never too old to be told a story.''

The girl reluctantly crawls into bed and waits, knowing she won't win this battle. A bitter wind howls outside, ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 9, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Braum.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 576.16, - hpperlevel: 87, - mp: 310.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 26.72, - armorperlevel: 4.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.18, - hpregenperlevel: 1, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - Caitlyn: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Caitlyn", - key: "51", - name: "Caitlyn", - title: "the Sheriff of Piltover", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Caitlyn.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Caitlyn_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Go ahead, run. I'll give you a five minute head start.''

One of the reasons Piltover is known as the City of Progress is because it has an extraordinarily low crime rate. This hasn't always been the case; brigands and thieves of all sorts ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Caitlyn.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 524.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 313.7, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 22.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 650, - hpregen: 5.67, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.4, - mpregenperlevel: 0.55, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.66, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.18, - attackspeedoffset: 0.1, - attackspeedperlevel: 4 - } - }, - Camille: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Camille", - key: "164", - name: "Camille", - title: "the Steel Shadow", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Camille.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Camille_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Weaponized to execute outside the boundaries of the law, Camille Ferros is an elegant and elite operative who ensures the commerce of the Piltover machine with its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Raised among manners and money, she is the Principal ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 6, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Camille.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 575.6, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 338.8, - mpperlevel: 32, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 26, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 8.15, - mpregenperlevel: 0.75, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 62, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Cassiopeia: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Cassiopeia", - key: "69", - name: "Cassiopeia", - title: "the Serpent's Embrace", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Cassiopeia.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Cassiopeia_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Cassiopeia is a terrifying creature - half woman, half snake - whose slightest glance brings death. The youngest daughter of one of Noxus' most influential families, she was once a beautiful and cunning temptress capable of manipulating the hardest ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 3, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 10 - }, - image: { - full: "Cassiopeia.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 525, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 375, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 328, - armor: 25, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.034, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.5 - } - }, - Chogath: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Chogath", - key: "31", - name: "Cho'Gath", - title: "the Terror of the Void", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Chogath.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Chogath_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is a place between dimensions, between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To those that truly know, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 7, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Chogath.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 574.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 272.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 28.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.925, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.156, - attackdamageperlevel: 4.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.44 - } - }, - Corki: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Corki", - key: "42", - name: "Corki", - title: "the Daring Bombardier", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Corki.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Corki_0.jpg", - blurb: - "When Heimerdinger and his yordle colleagues migrated to Piltover, they embraced science as a way of life, and they immediately made several groundbreaking contributions to the techmaturgical community. What yordles lack in stature, they make up for ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 3, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Corki.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 512.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 350.16, - mpperlevel: 34, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 23.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.42, - mpregenperlevel: 0.55, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.3 - } - }, - Darius: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Darius", - key: "122", - name: "Darius", - title: "the Hand of Noxus", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Darius.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Darius_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is no greater symbol of Noxian might than Darius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened warrior. Orphaned at a young age, Darius had to fight to keep himself and his younger brother alive. By the time he joined the military, he had ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 5, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 2 - }, - image: { - full: "Darius.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 582.24, - hpperlevel: 100, - mp: 263, - mpperlevel: 37.5, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 30, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 9.845, - hpregenperlevel: 0.95, - mpregen: 6.585, - mpregenperlevel: 0.35, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1 - } - }, - Diana: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Diana", - key: "131", - name: "Diana", - title: "Scorn of the Moon", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Diana.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Diana_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I am the light coursing in the soul of the moon.''

Bearing her crescent moonblade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari, a faith all but quashed in the lands around Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Diana.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 589.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 297.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.048, - armorperlevel: 3.6, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 7.425, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.25 - } - }, - Draven: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Draven", - key: "119", - name: "Draven", - title: "the Glorious Executioner", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Draven.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Draven_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Unlike his brother Darius, victory in battle was never enough for Draven. He craved recognition, acclaim, and glory. He first sought greatness in the Noxian military, but his flair for the dramatic went severely underappreciated. Thirsting for a ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 3, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Draven.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 557.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 360.56, - mpperlevel: 39, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 25.544, - armorperlevel: 3.3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.175, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 8.04, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.8, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.91, - attackspeedoffset: -0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.7 - } - }, - DrMundo: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "DrMundo", - key: "36", - name: "Dr. Mundo", - title: "the Madman of Zaun", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/DrMundo.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/DrMundo_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Beware the Madman of Zaun. In his eyes, you are already dead''

It is said that the man now known as Dr. Mundo was born without any sort of conscience. Instead, he had an unquenchable desire to inflict pain through experimentation. By the time ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 7, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "DrMundo.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 582.52, - hpperlevel: 89, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.76, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.27, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.8 - } - }, - Ekko: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ekko", - key: "245", - name: "Ekko", - title: "the Boy Who Shattered Time", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ekko.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ekko_0.jpg", - blurb: - "A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates time to spin any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero-Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality. As well as experimenting with multi-dimensional ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 3, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Ekko.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 580, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 280, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 27, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 9, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 7, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.3 - } - }, - Elise: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Elise", - key: "60", - name: "Elise", - title: "the Spider Queen", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Elise.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Elise_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Beauty is power too, and can strike swifter than any sword.''

Elise is a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep in the Immortal Bastion of Noxus. Once she was mortal, the mistress of a once-powerful house, but the ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Elise.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 529.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 324, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 22.128, - armorperlevel: 3.35, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.705, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.54, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.75 - } - }, - Evelynn: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Evelynn", - key: "28", - name: "Evelynn", - title: "the Widowmaker", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Evelynn_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with the shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 2, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 10 - }, - image: { - full: "Evelynn.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 531.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 315.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 26.5, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 9.82, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.105, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.6 - } - }, - Ezreal: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ezreal", - key: "81", - name: "Ezreal", - title: "the Prodigal Explorer", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ezreal.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ezreal_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The intrepid young adventurer Ezreal has explored some of the most remote and abandoned locations on Runeterra. During an expedition to the buried ruins of ancient Shurima, he recovered an amulet of incredible mystical power. Likely constructed to be ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 2, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Ezreal.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 484.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 360.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 21.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.09, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.66, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.8 - } - }, - FiddleSticks: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "FiddleSticks", - key: "9", - name: "Fiddlesticks", - title: "the Harbinger of Doom", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/FiddleSticks.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fiddlesticks_0.jpg", - blurb: - "For nearly twenty years, Fiddlesticks has stood alone in the easternmost summoning chamber of the Institute of War. Only the burning emerald light of his unearthly gaze pierces the musty darkness of his dust-covered home. It is here that the Harbinger ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 3, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "FiddleSticks.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 524.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 400.12, - mpperlevel: 56, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 20.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 480, - hpregen: 5.605, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 48.36, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.625, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.11 - } - }, - Fiora: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Fiora", - key: "114", - name: "Fiora", - title: "the Grand Duelist", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Fiora.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fiora_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.''
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. ...", - info: { - attack: 10, - defense: 4, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Fiora.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 550, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 24, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 8.25, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.2 - } - }, - Fizz: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Fizz", - key: "105", - name: "Fizz", - title: "the Tidal Trickster", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Fizz.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fizz_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 4, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Fizz.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 558.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 317.2, - mpperlevel: 37, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.412, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 8.175, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.1 - } - }, - Galio: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Galio", - key: "3", - name: "Galio", - title: "the Sentinel's Sorrow", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Galio.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Galio_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''There is no such thing as redemption. Only penance.''

Long before the regulation of magic, mages experimented with the creation of artificial life. Now forbidden, instilling golems with reason was once not so uncommon a practice amongst the ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 7, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Galio.png", - sprite: "champion0.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 577.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 369, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.71, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.97, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.2 - } - }, - Gangplank: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Gangplank", - key: "41", - name: "Gangplank", - title: "the Saltwater Scourge", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gangplank.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gangplank_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I was cutting throats and sinking Noxian war galleys when you were still pissing your britches, boy. You don't want to take me on.''

As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king known as Gangplank is feared far and wide. Where ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 6, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Gangplank.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 282, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 7.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.2 - } - }, - Garen: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Garen", - key: "86", - name: "Garen", - title: "The Might of Demacia", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Garen.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Garen_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Throughout Valoran, the resolve of Demacia's military is alternately celebrated or despised, but always respected. Their ''zero tolerance'' moral code is strictly upheld by civilians and soldiers alike. In combat, this means Demacian troops may not ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 7, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Garen.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 616.28, - hpperlevel: 84.25, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 27.536, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 7.84, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 4.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - Gnar: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Gnar", - key: "150", - name: "Gnar", - title: "the Missing Link", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gnar.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gnar_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story.

I've hunted every creature this jungle has to offer. I was certain there were no challenges left here, but now there is something new. Each track is the size of a ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 5, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Gnar.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "Gnarfury", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 65, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 23, - armorperlevel: 2.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 2.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 6 - } - }, - Gragas: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Gragas", - key: "79", - name: "Gragas", - title: "the Rabble Rouser", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gragas.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gragas_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The only thing more important to Gragas than fighting is drinking. His unquenchable thirst for stronger ale has led him in search of the most potent and unconventional ingredients to toss in his still. Impulsive and unpredictable, this rowdy carouser ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 7, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Gragas.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 583.52, - hpperlevel: 89, - mp: 400, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 26.048, - armorperlevel: 3.6, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 5.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.38, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.05 - } - }, - Graves: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Graves", - key: "104", - name: "Graves", - title: "the Outlaw", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Graves.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Graves_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Malcolm Graves is a wanted man in every realm, city and empire he has visited. Tough, strong-willed, and above all, relentless, through his life of crime he has amassed (then invariably lost) a small fortune.", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Graves.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 551.12, - hpperlevel: 84, - mp: 322.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 24.376, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 425, - hpregen: 6.675, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 7.9, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.83, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: 0.3, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.6 - } - }, - Hecarim: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Hecarim", - key: "120", - name: "Hecarim", - title: "the Shadow of War", - champkey: "Hecarim", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Hecarim.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Hecarim_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Break their ranks and ride them down without mercy. Crush the living and feast on their terror.''

Hecarim is an armored colossus who charges from the Shadow Isles at the head of a deathly host of spectral horsemen to hunt the living. A ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 6, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Hecarim.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 580, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 277.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 6.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0672, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Heimerdinger: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Heimerdinger", - key: "74", - name: "Heimerdinger", - title: "the Revered Inventor", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Heimerdinger.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Heimerdinger_0.jpg", - blurb: - "From the Journal of Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger



Current meteorological conditions in Bandle City seem optimal. Atmospheric pressure is ideal for today's experiments!

Running a fifth trial for my ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Heimerdinger.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 476, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 307.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 19.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 11.005, - hpregenperlevel: 1.75, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.536, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.7, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Illaoi: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Illaoi", - key: "420", - name: "Illaoi", - title: "the Kraken Priestess", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Illaoi.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Illaoi_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I'm not big on sermons. Broken bones teach better lessons.''
Illaoi's powerful physique is dwarfed only by her indomitable faith. As the prophet of the Great Kraken, she uses a huge, golden idol to rip her foes' spirits from their bodies and ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 6, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Illaoi.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 585.6, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 26, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 9.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 7.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.75, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60, - attackdamageperlevel: 5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Irelia: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Irelia", - key: "39", - name: "Irelia", - title: "the Will of the Blades", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Irelia.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Irelia_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The sword flourishes, as though painting with blood.''

The Ionians have developed some of the most breathtaking and deadly martial arts in all of Runeterra - just one manifestation of their pursuit of enlightenment. The most remarkable blade ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 4, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Irelia.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 607.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 338.8, - mpperlevel: 32, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.3, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.59, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 8.1, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.06, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.2 - } - }, - Ivern: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ivern", - key: "427", - name: "Ivern", - title: "the Green Father", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ivern.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ivern_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Ivern Bramblefoot, known to many as the Green Father, is a peculiar half man, half tree who roams Runeterra's forests, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with all things that grow,...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Ivern.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 580, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 450, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 22, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 6.9, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.75, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.4 - } - }, - Janna: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Janna", - key: "40", - name: "Janna", - title: "the Storm's Fury", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Janna.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Janna_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There are those sorcerers who give themselves over to the primal powers of nature, forgoing the learned practice of magic. Such a sorceress is Janna, who first learned magic as an orphan growing up amidst the chaos that is the city-state of Zaun. ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Janna.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 487.04, - hpperlevel: 78, - mp: 409.52, - mpperlevel: 64, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 19.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 475, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 11.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51.956, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.95, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.61 - } - }, - JarvanIV: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "JarvanIV", - key: "59", - name: "Jarvan IV", - title: "the Exemplar of Demacia", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/JarvanIV.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/JarvanIV_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''There is only one truth, and you will find it at the point of my lance.''

As the royal family of Demacia for centuries, members of the Lightshield line have spent their lives waging war against any who opposed Demacian ethics. It is said that ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 8, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "JarvanIV.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 571.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 302.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 29, - armorperlevel: 3.6, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 8.175, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 6.755, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.712, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.4, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Jax: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Jax", - key: "24", - name: "Jax", - title: "Grandmaster at Arms", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jax.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jax_0.jpg", - blurb: - "It is seldom the case where a champion is defined by his actions after joining the League of Legends rather than before. Such is the case with Jax, for whom the argument could be made that he is the most prolific tournament fighter currently at the ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Jax.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 592.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 338.8, - mpperlevel: 32, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 27.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.37, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.575, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.97, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.4 - } - }, - Jayce: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Jayce", - key: "126", - name: "Jayce", - title: "the Defender of Tomorrow", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jayce.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jayce_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Armed with wit, charm, and his signature transforming hammer, Jayce lives to protect his native Piltover. Long before his nation called him a hero, however, he was a promising young inventor. When Piltover commissioned him to study a rare arcane ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 4, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Jayce.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 571.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 357.2, - mpperlevel: 37, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.34, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.38, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Jhin: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Jhin", - key: "202", - name: "Jhin", - title: "the Virtuoso", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jhin.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jhin_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Art requires a certain...cruelty.''

Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's ...", - info: { - attack: 10, - defense: 2, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Jhin.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 20, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53, - attackdamageperlevel: 4, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 0 - } - }, - Jinx: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Jinx", - key: "222", - name: "Jinx", - title: "the Loose Cannon", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jinx.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jinx_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Jinx lives to wreak havoc without a thought for the consequences, leaving a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. A manic and impulsive criminal, she despises nothing more than boredom, and gleefully brings her own volatile brand of pandemonium to ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 2, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Jinx.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 517.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 245.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 22.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.84, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 6.68, - mpregenperlevel: 1, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1 - } - }, - Kalista: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kalista", - key: "429", - name: "Kalista", - title: "the Spear of Vengeance", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kalista.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kalista_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''When wronged, we seek justice. When hurt, we strike back. When betrayed, the Spear of Vengeance strikes!''

A specter of wrath and retribution, Kalista is the undying spirit of vengeance, an armored nightmare summoned from the Shadow Isles to ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Kalista.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 517.76, - hpperlevel: 83, - mp: 231.8, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 19.012, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6.3, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 63, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.9, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Karma: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Karma", - key: "43", - name: "Karma", - title: "the Enlightened One", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Karma.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Karma_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Karma is a woman of indomitable will and unbound spiritual power. She is the soul of Ionia made manifest and an inspiring presence on the battlefield, shielding her allies and turning back her foes. A strong leader torn between tradition and ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 7, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Karma.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 522.44, - hpperlevel: 83, - mp: 374, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 20.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.62, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.3 - } - }, - Karthus: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Karthus", - key: "30", - name: "Karthus", - title: "the Deathsinger", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Karthus.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Karthus_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Death is not the end of the journey, it is just the beginning...''

The harbinger of oblivion, Karthus is an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. The living fear the eternity of undeath,...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Karthus.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 516, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 372.48, - mpperlevel: 61, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 20.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 450, - hpregen: 6.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 45.66, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.25, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.11 - } - }, - Kassadin: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kassadin", - key: "38", - name: "Kassadin", - title: "the Void Walker", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kassadin.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kassadin_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is a place between dimensions and between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To most, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of unspeakable ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 5, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Kassadin.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 564.04, - hpperlevel: 78, - mp: 397.6, - mpperlevel: 67, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 23.376, - armorperlevel: 3.2, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 7.79, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.852, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.9, - attackspeedoffset: -0.023, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.7 - } - }, - Katarina: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Katarina", - key: "55", - name: "Katarina", - title: "the Sinister Blade", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Katarina.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Katarina_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Driven by an intense killer instinct, Katarina uses her talents as an assassin for the glory of Noxus, and the continued elevation of her family. While her fervor drives her to ever-greater feats, it can sometimes lead her astray.

From ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 3, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Katarina.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Mage"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 590, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 27.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 34.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.74 - } - }, - Kayle: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kayle", - key: "10", - name: "Kayle", - title: "The Judicator", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kayle.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kayle_0.jpg", - blurb: - "In a world far away where an ancient war still rages, Kayle was a great hero - the strongest of an immortal race committed to destroying evil wherever it could be found. For ten thousand years, Kayle fought tirelessly for her people, wielding her ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 6, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Kayle.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 574.24, - hpperlevel: 93, - mp: 322.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.26, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.8, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.2 - } - }, - Kennen: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kennen", - key: "85", - name: "Kennen", - title: "the Heart of the Tempest", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kennen.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kennen_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 4, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Kennen.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Marksman"], - partype: "Energy", - stats: { - hp: 535.72, - hpperlevel: 79, - mp: 200, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 24.3, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.59, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 50, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0947, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.4 - } - }, - Khazix: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Khazix", - key: "121", - name: "Kha'Zix", - title: "the Voidreaver", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Khazix.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Khazix_0.jpg", - blurb: - "A vicious Void predator, Kha'Zix infiltrated Valoran to devour the land's most promising creatures. With each kill he absorbs his prey's strength, evolving to grow more powerful. Kha'Zix hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 4, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Khazix.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 572.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 327.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 27, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 7.59, - mpregenperlevel: 0.5, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.21, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.065, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.7 - } - }, - Kindred: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kindred", - key: "203", - name: "Kindred", - title: "The Eternal Hunters", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kindred.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kindred_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are ours to take?''
''All things, Dear Wolf.''
Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's arrow offers a swift release for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Kindred.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 20, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6.97, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54, - attackdamageperlevel: 1.7, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Kled: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Kled", - key: "240", - name: "Kled", - title: "the Cantankerous Cavalier", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kled.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kled_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''A sane man would run . . . but I ain't the runnin' kind!''

A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, Kled is a popular folk hero in Noxus. Embodying the furious bravado of his nation, he is an icon beloved by the empire's soldiers, distrusted by ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Kled.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "Gnarfury", - stats: { - hp: 340, - hpperlevel: 70, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - KogMaw: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "KogMaw", - key: "96", - name: "Kog'Maw", - title: "the Mouth of the Abyss", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/KogMaw.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/KogMaw_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry.''

When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche. From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "KogMaw.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 517.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 322.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 19.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 5.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.675, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.06, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.65 - } - }, - Leblanc: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Leblanc", - key: "7", - name: "LeBlanc", - title: "the Deceiver", - "name:": - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Leblanc.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leblanc_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 4, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Leblanc.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 516, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 21.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 7.4, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.4 - } - }, - LeeSin: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "LeeSin", - key: "64", - name: "Lee Sin", - title: "the Blind Monk", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/LeeSin.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/LeeSin_0.jpg", - blurb: - "As a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris,...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "LeeSin.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "Energy", - stats: { - hp: 570.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 200, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 24.216, - armorperlevel: 3.7, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.425, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 50, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.176, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Leona: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Leona", - key: "89", - name: "Leona", - title: "the Radiant Dawn", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Leona.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leona_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''If you would shine like a sun, first you must burn like one.''

Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a warrior templar of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 8, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Leona.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 576.16, - hpperlevel: 87, - mp: 302.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 27.208, - armorperlevel: 3.6, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.425, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - Lissandra: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Lissandra", - key: "127", - name: "Lissandra", - title: "the Ice Witch", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lissandra.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lissandra_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze - she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 5, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Lissandra.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 506.12, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 304, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 20.216, - armorperlevel: 3.7, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 5.67, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.536, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.7, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Lucian: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Lucian", - key: "236", - name: "Lucian", - title: "the Purifier", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lucian.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lucian_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Lucian.png", - sprite: "champion1.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 554.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 348.88, - mpperlevel: 38, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 24.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 6.19, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 8.175, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.3 - } - }, - Lulu: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Lulu", - key: "117", - name: "Lulu", - title: "the Fae Sorceress", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lulu.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lulu_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Perhaps more than any other champion in the League, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum. During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream. It wasn't that she was antisocial; the ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Lulu.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 552.76, - hpperlevel: 74, - mp: 350, - mpperlevel: 55, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 19.216, - armorperlevel: 3.7, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.005, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 11, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 46.368, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.6, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.25 - } - }, - Lux: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Lux", - key: "99", - name: "Lux", - title: "the Lady of Luminosity", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lux.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lux_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Born to the prestigious Crownguards, the paragon family of Demacian service, Luxanna was destined for greatness. She grew up as the family's only daughter, and she immediately took to the advanced education and lavish parties required of families as ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 4, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Lux.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 477.72, - hpperlevel: 79, - mp: 384, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 18.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Malphite: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Malphite", - key: "54", - name: "Malphite", - title: "Shard of the Monolith", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Malphite.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Malphite_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is a world of perfect harmony, where all are part of the whole. The Monolith is the essence of all creation, and its denizens are but singular pieces of it. It is beautiful in its symmetry, and in its almost complete lack of uncertainty. The ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 9, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 2 - }, - image: { - full: "Malphite.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 574.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 282.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 28.3, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.32, - mpregenperlevel: 0.55, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.97, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.4 - } - }, - Malzahar: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Malzahar", - key: "90", - name: "Malzahar", - title: "the Prophet of the Void", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Malzahar.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Malzahar_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Many men have gone mad beneath the glare of the Shurima sun, but it was during the night's chilling embrace that Malzahar relinquished his sanity. Malzahar was born a seer, blessed with the gift of prophecy. His talent, though unrefined, promised to ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Malzahar.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 525, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 55, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 20, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.5 - } - }, - Maokai: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Maokai", - key: "57", - name: "Maokai", - title: "the Twisted Treant", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Maokai.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Maokai_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''All around me are empty husks, soulless and unafraid... but I will bring them fear.''

Maokai is a rageful, towering treant who fights the unnatural horrors of the Shadow Isles. He was twisted into a force of vengeance after a magical ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 8, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Maokai.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 572.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 377.28, - mpperlevel: 43, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 28.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 63.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.1, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.125 - } - }, - MasterYi: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "MasterYi", - key: "11", - name: "Master Yi", - title: "the Wuju Bladesman", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MasterYi.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MasterYi_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Through the ancient martial art of Wuju, Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind until thought and action have become one. Though he chooses to enter into violence as a last resort, the grace and speed with which he wields his blade ...", - info: { - attack: 10, - defense: 4, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "MasterYi.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 598.56, - hpperlevel: 92, - mp: 250.56, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 355, - armor: 24.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.59, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 7.255, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - MissFortune: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "MissFortune", - key: "21", - name: "Miss Fortune", - title: "the Bounty Hunter", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MissFortune.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MissFortune_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The bigger the risk, the bigger the bounty.''

Beauty and danger: There are few who can match Miss Fortune in either. One of Bilgewater's most infamous bounty hunters, she built her legend upon a swathe of bullet-riddled corpses and captured ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 2, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 1 - }, - image: { - full: "MissFortune.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 530, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 325.84, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 24.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.19, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 8.04, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 46, - attackdamageperlevel: 1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04734, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - MonkeyKing: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "MonkeyKing", - key: "62", - name: "Wukong", - title: "the Monkey King", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MonkeyKing.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MonkeyKing_0.jpg", - blurb: - "During the chaos of the Rune Wars, an enormous runestone was lost deep within the Plague Jungles. It remained there, untouched for centuries, emanating a potent magic which infused nearby wildlife with sentience and vitality. A group of monkeys who ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "MonkeyKing.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 577.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 265.84, - mpperlevel: 38, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 24.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 6.19, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 8.04, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.876, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Mordekaiser: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Mordekaiser", - key: "82", - name: "Mordekaiser", - title: "the Iron Revenant", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Mordekaiser.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Mordekaiser_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''All things must die... and yet I live on.''

The baleful revenant Mordekaiser is among the most terrifying and hateful spirits haunting the Shadow Isles. He has existed for countless centuries, shielded from true death by necromantic sorcery ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 6, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Mordekaiser.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 525, - hpperlevel: 73, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 20, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 4, - hpregenperlevel: 0.3, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61, - attackdamageperlevel: 5, - attackspeedoffset: 0.04, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.2 - } - }, - Morgana: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Morgana", - key: "25", - name: "Morgana", - title: "Fallen Angel", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Morgana.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Morgana_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is a world far away populated by graceful and beautiful winged beings gifted with immortality, where an ancient conflict still rages. Like so many conflicts, this war split families. One side proclaimed themselves as beings of perfect order and ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 1 - }, - image: { - full: "Morgana.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 547.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 340.8, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 25.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 450, - hpregen: 5.705, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.53 - } - }, - Nami: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nami", - key: "267", - name: "Nami", - title: "the Tidecaller", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nami.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nami_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Nami channels the primal energies of the ocean, harnessing its mystical restorative properties and commanding the raw power of the tides themselves. Though many doubted her, Nami had the bravery and determination to take on a dangerous quest when no ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 3, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Nami.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 489.32, - hpperlevel: 74, - mp: 377.24, - mpperlevel: 43, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 19.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 11.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51.208, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.61 - } - }, - Nasus: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nasus", - key: "75", - name: "Nasus", - title: "the Curator of the Sands", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nasus.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nasus_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''What was fallen will be great again.''

Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 5, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Nasus.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 561.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 325.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 24.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 9.01, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 7.44, - mpregenperlevel: 0.5, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.18, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.48 - } - }, - Nautilus: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nautilus", - key: "111", - name: "Nautilus", - title: "the Titan of the Depths", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nautilus.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nautilus_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Once, Nautilus was a sailor commissioned by the Institute of War to explore the uncharted reaches of the Guardian's Sea. This expedition took him deep into unknown waters where he and his crew found a vast section of black oozing liquid that none of ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 6, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Nautilus.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 576.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 26.46, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 8.37, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.625, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 1 - } - }, - Nidalee: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nidalee", - key: "76", - name: "Nidalee", - title: "the Bestial Huntress", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nidalee.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nidalee_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There are few dwellers, let alone champions, residing in the blasted and dangerous lands that lie south of the Great Barrier. Much of that world still bears the scars of past Runes Wars, especially the mysterious Kumungu Jungle. There are ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 4, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Nidalee.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 511.2, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 295.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 6.005, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.22 - } - }, - Nocturne: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nocturne", - key: "56", - name: "Nocturne", - title: "the Eternal Nightmare", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nocturne.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nocturne_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Before Nocturne, people believed that dreams were figments of their imagination, meaningless images that flashed through the mind when one slept. This belief was put to the test when a rash of sleep-related incidents started afflicting summoners of ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 5, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Nocturne.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 582.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 273.8, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.26, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 6.755, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.208, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.065, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.7 - } - }, - Nunu: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Nunu", - key: "20", - name: "Nunu", - title: "the Yeti Rider", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nunu.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nunu_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Sometimes bonds of friendship become stronger than even bonds of blood. When those bonds link a fearless boy to a fearsome Yeti, the bond becomes a force to be reckoned with. Given the responsibility of taming a terrifying beast, Nunu forged a ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 6, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Nunu.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 598.28, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 283.56, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 26.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.39, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 7.44, - mpregenperlevel: 0.5, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59, - attackdamageperlevel: 4, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.25 - } - }, - Olaf: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Olaf", - key: "2", - name: "Olaf", - title: "the Berserker", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Olaf.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Olaf_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Most men would say that death is a thing to be feared; none of those men would be Olaf. The Berserker lives only for the roar of a battle cry and the clash of steel. Spurred on by his hunger for glory and the looming curse of a forgettable death, Olaf ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Olaf.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 597.24, - hpperlevel: 93, - mp: 315.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 26.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 7.465, - mpregenperlevel: 0.575, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.98, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.1, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.7 - } - }, - Orianna: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Orianna", - key: "61", - name: "Orianna", - title: "the Lady of Clockwork", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Orianna.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Orianna_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 3, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Orianna.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 517.72, - hpperlevel: 79, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 17.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 6.87, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 40.368, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.6, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - Pantheon: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Pantheon", - key: "80", - name: "Pantheon", - title: "the Artisan of War", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Pantheon.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Pantheon_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Bring forth one true champion, or a hundred more like you, and then we shall have a battle that will be spoken of until the end of time.''

The peerless warrior known as Pantheon is a nigh-unstoppable paragon of battle. He was born among the ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 4, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Pantheon.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 579.16, - hpperlevel: 87, - mp: 317.12, - mpperlevel: 31, - movespeed: 355, - armor: 27.652, - armorperlevel: 3.9, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 7.84, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 7.355, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.572, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.9, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.95 - } - }, - Poppy: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Poppy", - key: "78", - name: "Poppy", - title: "Keeper of the Hammer", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Poppy.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Poppy_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I'm no hero. Just a yordle with a hammer.''

Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing a hammer twice the length of her body, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching for the ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 7, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Poppy.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 280, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 29, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 7, - mpregenperlevel: 0.7, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 4, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Quinn: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Quinn", - key: "133", - name: "Quinn", - title: "Demacia's Wings", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Quinn.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Quinn_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Quinn and Valor are an elite ranger team. With crossbow and claw, they undertake their nation's most dangerous missions deep within enemy territory, from swift reconnaissance to lethal strikes. The pair's unbreakable bond is deadly on the battlefield, ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 4, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Quinn.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 532.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 268.8, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 23.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6.97, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.065, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.1 - } - }, - Rammus: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Rammus", - key: "33", - name: "Rammus", - title: "the Armordillo", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rammus.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rammus_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''OK.''

Idolized by many, dismissed by some, mystifying to all, the curious being, Rammus, is an enigma. Protected by a spiked shell, Rammus inspires increasingly disparate theories on his origin wherever he goes - from demigod, to sacred ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 10, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Rammus.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 564.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 310.44, - mpperlevel: 33, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 31.384, - armorperlevel: 4.3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.84, - mpregenperlevel: 0.5, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.215 - } - }, - RekSai: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "RekSai", - key: "421", - name: "Rek'Sai", - title: "the Void Burrower", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/RekSai.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/RekSai_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The largest and fiercest of her species, Rek'Sai is a merciless predator that tunnels through the earth to ambush and devour her prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great Shuriman empire. Merchants, traders and ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "RekSai.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter"], - partype: "Battlefury", - stats: { - hp: 570, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 24, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 7.34, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.628, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.35, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Renekton: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Renekton", - key: "58", - name: "Renekton", - title: "the Butcher of the Sands", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Renekton.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Renekton_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Blood and vengeance.''

Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the armies of Shurima to countless victories. However, after the ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Renekton.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "Rage", - stats: { - hp: 572.16, - hpperlevel: 87, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.584, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.96, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.328, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.06, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.65 - } - }, - Rengar: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Rengar", - key: "107", - name: "Rengar", - title: "the Pridestalker", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rengar.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rengar_0.jpg", - blurb: - "On every wall of his den, the trophy hunter Rengar mounts the heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the most lethal creatures in Valoran. Though his collection is extensive, he remains unsatisfied, tirelessly seeking greater game. He takes time with every ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 4, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Rengar.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "Ferocity", - stats: { - hp: 586.2, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 4, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.88, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60, - attackdamageperlevel: 1.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - Riven: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Riven", - key: "92", - name: "Riven", - title: "the Exile", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Riven.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Riven_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''There is a place between war and murder in which our demons lurk.''

In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Riven.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 558.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 24.376, - armorperlevel: 3.2, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 5.34, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - Rumble: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Rumble", - key: "68", - name: "Rumble", - title: "the Mechanized Menace", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rumble.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rumble_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Ugh, it's gonna take forever to scrape your face off my suit!''

Even amongst yordles, Rumble was always the runt of the litter. As such, he was used to being bullied. In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 10 - }, - image: { - full: "Rumble.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Mage"], - partype: "Heat", - stats: { - hp: 584.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.005, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.036, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.85 - } - }, - Ryze: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ryze", - key: "13", - name: "Ryze", - title: "the Rune Mage", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ryze.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ryze_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Take care with this world. What is made can be unmade.''

Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers on Runeterra, Ryze is an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with a boundless constitution and ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Ryze.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 558.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 400, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 21.552, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.112 - } - }, - Sejuani: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Sejuani", - key: "113", - name: "Sejuani", - title: "the Winter's Wrath", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sejuani.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sejuani_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Sejuani was weaned on hardship and reared on barbarity. Where others succumbed to the harshness of the Freljord, she was tempered by it until pain became power, hunger an encouragement, and frost an ally in culling the weak. Through her ordeals, she ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 7, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Sejuani.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 600, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 400, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 29.54, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.675, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0672, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.44 - } - }, - Shaco: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Shaco", - key: "35", - name: "Shaco", - title: "the Demon Jester", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shaco.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shaco_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Most would say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco - then it's hysterical. He is Valoran's first fully functioning homicidal comic; he jests until someone dies, and then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 4, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Shaco.png", - sprite: "champion2.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 582.12, - hpperlevel: 84, - mp: 297.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 24.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.37, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.155, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.58, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.1, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Shen: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Shen", - key: "98", - name: "Shen", - title: "the Eye of Twilight", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shen.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shen_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The Eye is blind to fear, to hate, to love - to all things that would sway equilibrium.''

Leader of a secret clan of mystic warriors, Shen serves as the Eye of Twilight, entrusted to enforce equilibrium in the world. Longing to remain free ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 9, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Shen.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Melee"], - partype: "Energy", - stats: { - hp: 540, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 400, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 25, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 50, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Shyvana: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Shyvana", - key: "102", - name: "Shyvana", - title: "the Half-Dragon", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shyvana.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shyvana_0.jpg", - blurb: - "A half-breed born from the union between dragon and human, Shyvana searched all her life for belonging. Persecution forged her into a brutal warrior, and those who dare stand against Shyvana face the fiery beast lurking just beneath her skin....", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 6, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Shyvana.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "Dragonfury", - stats: { - hp: 595, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 27.628, - armorperlevel: 3.35, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.712, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.4, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Singed: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Singed", - key: "27", - name: "Singed", - title: "the Mad Chemist", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Singed.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Singed_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Singed descended from a long line of Zaun's revered chemists. Even in his youth, his talent for concocting potions far outstripped that of his peers, and he quickly distinguished himself from his less extraordinary chemist compatriots. It came as no ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 8, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Singed.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 542.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 290.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 27.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.02, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.52, - mpregenperlevel: 0.55, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 62.32, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: 0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.81 - } - }, - Sion: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Sion", - key: "14", - name: "Sion", - title: "The Undead Juggernaut", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sion.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sion_0.jpg", - blurb: - "BLOOD.






Gone. Too quick. No fight. More. I want... more.

A voice? Unfamiliar. I see him. The Grand ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 9, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Sion.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 542.64, - hpperlevel: 73, - mp: 325.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 23.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 10.18, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 8.005, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.72, - attackdamageperlevel: 4, - attackspeedoffset: -0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.3 - } - }, - Sivir: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Sivir", - key: "15", - name: "Sivir", - title: "the Battle Mistress", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sivir.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sivir_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''I don't care what face is on your coin, as long as it pays.''

Sivir is a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts of Shurima. Armed with her legendary jeweled crossblade, she has fought and won ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 3, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Sivir.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 515.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 284, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.21, - armorperlevel: 3.25, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 5.17, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8.01, - mpregenperlevel: 0.9, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.6 - } - }, - Skarner: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Skarner", - key: "72", - name: "Skarner", - title: "the Crystal Vanguard", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Skarner.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Skarner_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''We are one. We cannot be shattered.''

Skarner is an immense crystalline scorpion from a hidden valley in Shurima. Part of the ancient Brackern race, Skarner and his kin are known for their great wisdom and deep connection to the land, as ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 6, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Skarner.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 601.28, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 272.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 29.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.925, - hpregenperlevel: 0.85, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.156, - attackdamageperlevel: 4.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.1 - } - }, - Sona: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Sona", - key: "37", - name: "Sona", - title: "Maven of the Strings", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sona.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sona_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Sona has no memories of her true parents. As an infant, she was found abandoned on the doorstep of an Ionian adoption house, nestled atop an ancient instrument in an exquisite case of unknown origins. She was an unusually well-behaved child, always ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 2, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Sona.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 482.36, - hpperlevel: 77, - mp: 340.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 20.544, - armorperlevel: 3.3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 11.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.3 - } - }, - Soraka: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Soraka", - key: "16", - name: "Soraka", - title: "the Starchild", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Soraka.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Soraka_0.jpg", - blurb: - "A healer gifted with the magic of the stars, Soraka holds all living creatures close to her heart. She was once a celestial being, but she sacrificed her immortality and entered the world of mortals. So long as evil threatens life in Valoran, Soraka ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 5, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Soraka.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 529.04, - hpperlevel: 78, - mp: 350.8, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 23.384, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 2.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 11.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.14 - } - }, - Swain: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Swain", - key: "50", - name: "Swain", - title: "the Master Tactician", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Swain.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Swain_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The earliest account of Swain's existence comes from a Noxian infirmary doctor's notes. According to them, Swain limped into the ward without cry or complaint; his right leg was snapped in half, with bone protruding from the skin. A small, scowling ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 6, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Swain.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 516.04, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 374, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 7.84, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 52.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.11 - } - }, - Syndra: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Syndra", - key: "134", - name: "Syndra", - title: "the Dark Sovereign", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Syndra.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Syndra_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Born with immense magical potential, Syndra loves nothing more than exercising the incredible power at her command. With each passing day, her mastery of magical force grows more potent and devastating. Refusing any notion of balance or restraint, ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 3, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Syndra.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 511.04, - hpperlevel: 78, - mp: 384, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 24.712, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.505, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.872, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.9, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - TahmKench: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "TahmKench", - key: "223", - name: "Tahm Kench", - title: "the River King", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/TahmKench.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/TahmKench_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The whole world's a river, and I'm its king.''
Tahm Kench travels Runeterra's waterways, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of the unsuspecting. The singularly charming gourmand savors every moment of his victims' suffering. A deal ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 9, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "TahmKench.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 610, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 325, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 27, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 6.5, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 8, - mpregenperlevel: 1, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Taliyah: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Taliyah", - key: "163", - name: "Taliyah", - title: "the Stoneweaver", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Taliyah.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Taliyah_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Taliyah is a nomadic mage from Shurima who weaves stone with energetic enthusiasm and raw determination. Torn between teenage wonder and adult responsibility, she has crossed nearly all of Valoran on a journey to learn the true nature of her growing ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 7, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Taliyah.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 520, - hpperlevel: 75, - mp: 340, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 20, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 7, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 7, - mpregenperlevel: 0.85, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Talon: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Talon", - key: "91", - name: "Talon", - title: "the Blade's Shadow", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Talon.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Talon_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The three deadliest blademasters in all of Valoran are bound to the house of Du Couteau: my father, myself, and Talon. Challenge us, if you dare.''
-- Katarina Du Couteau

Talon's earliest memories are the darkness of Noxus' underground ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 3, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Talon.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 583, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 377.2, - mpperlevel: 37, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 7.59, - mpregenperlevel: 0.5, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - Taric: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Taric", - key: "44", - name: "Taric", - title: "the Shield of Valoran", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Taric.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Taric_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The best weapons are beautiful.''

Taric is the Aspect of the Protector, wielding incredible power as Runeterra's guardian of life, love, and beauty. Shamed by a dereliction of duty and exiled from his homeland Demacia, Taric ascended Mount ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 8, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Taric.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 575, - hpperlevel: 90, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 25, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 150, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 5, - mpregenperlevel: 1, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Teemo: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Teemo", - key: "17", - name: "Teemo", - title: "the Swift Scout", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Teemo.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Teemo_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Teemo is a legend among his yordle brothers and sisters in Bandle City. As far as yordles are concerned, there is something just slightly off about him. While Teemo enjoys the companionship of other yordles, he also insists on frequent solo missions ...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 3, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Teemo.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 515.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 267.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 24.3, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 500, - hpregen: 5.74, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 49.54, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0947, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.38 - } - }, - Thresh: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Thresh", - key: "412", - name: "Thresh", - title: "the Chain Warden", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Thresh.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Thresh_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The mind is a wondrous thing to tear apart.''

Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is a restless spirit who prides himself on tormenting mortals and breaking them with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond the point of death,...", - info: { - attack: 5, - defense: 6, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Thresh.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 560.52, - hpperlevel: 93, - mp: 273.92, - mpperlevel: 44, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 16, - armorperlevel: 0, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 450, - hpregen: 6.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 47.696, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.5 - } - }, - Tristana: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Tristana", - key: "18", - name: "Tristana", - title: "the Yordle Gunner", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Tristana.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Tristana_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Greatness comes in all shapes and sizes, as proven by this diminutive, cannon-wielding yordle. In a world fraught with turmoil, Tristana refuses to back down from any challenge. She represents the pinnacle of martial proficiency, unwavering courage, ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 3, - magic: 5, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Tristana.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 542.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 246.76, - mpperlevel: 32, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 22, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.19, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 7.205, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 56.96, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04734, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.5 - } - }, - Trundle: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Trundle", - key: "48", - name: "Trundle", - title: "the Troll King", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Trundle.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Trundle_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a mischievous streak. There is nothing he can't beat into submission and bend to his will, not even the ice itself. With his massive, frozen club, he chills his enemies to the core and runs them through with ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 6, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Trundle.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 616.28, - hpperlevel: 96, - mp: 281.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 350, - armor: 27.536, - armorperlevel: 2.7, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 7.505, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 60.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0672, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - Tryndamere: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Tryndamere", - key: "23", - name: "Tryndamere", - title: "the Barbarian King", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Tryndamere.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Tryndamere_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Fueled by his unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere cuts his way through the tundra, mastering the art of battle by challenging the Freljord's greatest warriors. The wrathful barbarian seeks revenge on the one who decimated his clan and strikes down all ...", - info: { - attack: 10, - defense: 5, - magic: 2, - difficulty: 5 - }, - image: { - full: "Tryndamere.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "Battlefury", - stats: { - hp: 625.64, - hpperlevel: 98, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 24.108, - armorperlevel: 3.1, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 61.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.0672, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - TwistedFate: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "TwistedFate", - key: "4", - name: "Twisted Fate", - title: "the Card Master", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Maokai.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Maokai_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Twisted Fate is an infamous card sharp and swindler who has gambled and charmed his way across much of the known world, earning the enmity and admiration of the rich and foolish alike. He rarely takes things seriously, greeting each day with a mocking ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 2, - magic: 6, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "TwistedFate.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 521.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 265.84, - mpperlevel: 38, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 20.542, - armorperlevel: 3.15, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.505, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 49.954, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.22 - } - }, - Twitch: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Twitch", - key: "29", - name: "Twitch", - title: "the Plague Rat", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Twitch.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Twitch_0.jpg", - blurb: - "H.I.V.E. Incident Report
Code Violation: Industrial Homicide
Casefile Status: Unsolved
Investigating Agent: Rol, P.

Team responded to report of suspicious character, criminal activity; proceeded to Sump Works, Sector 90TZ. Sector 90TZ ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 2, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Twitch.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 525.08, - hpperlevel: 81, - mp: 287.2, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 23.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.005, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 7.255, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.46, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 3.38 - } - }, - Udyr: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Udyr", - key: "77", - name: "Udyr", - title: "the Spirit Walker", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Udyr.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Udyr_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Udyr is more than a man; he is a vessel for the untamed power of four primal animal spirits. When tapping into the spirits' bestial natures, Udyr can harness their unique strengths: the tiger grants him speed and ferocity, the turtle resilience, the ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 7, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Udyr.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 593.32, - hpperlevel: 99, - mp: 270.4, - mpperlevel: 30, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.47, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 6, - hpregenperlevel: 0.75, - mpregen: 7.505, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 58.286, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.67 - } - }, - Urgot: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Urgot", - key: "6", - name: "Urgot", - title: "the Headsman's Pride", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Urgot.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Urgot_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There are warriors who become great for their strength, cunning, or skill with arms. Others simply refuse to die. Urgot, once a great soldier of Noxus, may constitute a case in support of the latter. Prone to diving headlong into enemy battle lines, ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Urgot.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Fighter"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 586.52, - hpperlevel: 89, - mp: 312.4, - mpperlevel: 55, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 24.544, - armorperlevel: 3.3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 425, - hpregen: 6.505, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 8.59, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.05, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.6, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.9 - } - }, - Varus: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Varus", - key: "110", - name: "Varus", - title: "the Arrow of Retribution", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Varus.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Varus_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''The life of an arrow is fleeting, built of nothing but direction and intent.''

For his incomparable skill with the bow and his unquestioned sense of honor, Varus was chosen to be the warden of a sacred Ionian temple. The temple was built to ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 3, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 2 - }, - image: { - full: "Varus.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 537.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 360.48, - mpperlevel: 33, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 23.212, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 575, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 7.34, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.66, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.41, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 3 - } - }, - Vayne: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Vayne", - key: "67", - name: "Vayne", - title: "the Night Hunter", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vayne.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vayne_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Vayne knows this fact well.

As a young ...", - info: { - attack: 10, - defense: 1, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Vayne.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Marksman", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 498.44, - hpperlevel: 83, - mp: 231.8, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 19.012, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6.97, - mpregenperlevel: 0.4, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 1.66, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 4 - } - }, - Veigar: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Veigar", - key: "45", - name: "Veigar", - title: "the Tiny Master of Evil", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Veigar.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Veigar_0.jpg", - blurb: - "To most, thoughts of yordles do not conjure images to be feared. The easygoing half-pint race, though fierce, is often regarded with some degree of joviality. Their high-pitched voices and naturally cute forms inspire something of a protective ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Veigar.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 492.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 392.4, - mpperlevel: 52, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 22.55, - armorperlevel: 3.75, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 50.71, - attackdamageperlevel: 2.625, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.24 - } - }, - Velkoz: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Velkoz", - key: "161", - name: "Vel'Koz", - title: "the Eye of the Void", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Velkoz.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Velkoz_0.jpg", - blurb: - "I pass into the sudden glare. Blink. Blink, blink, blink. My eyes adjust and evaluate the landscape before me.

There's a scurrying. I look down to find a small, white creature standing on its hind legs, sniffing at my body. It intrigues me....", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 2, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Velkoz.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 507.68, - hpperlevel: 76, - mp: 375.6, - mpperlevel: 42, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 21.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.9379, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.14159, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - Vi: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Vi", - key: "254", - name: "Vi", - title: "the Piltover Enforcer", - img: "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vi.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vi_0.jpg", - blurb: - "To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 5, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Vi.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 582.8, - hpperlevel: 85, - mp: 295.6, - mpperlevel: 45, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 9.01, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 8.09, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.88, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.5, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Viktor: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Viktor", - key: "112", - name: "Viktor", - title: "the Machine Herald", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Viktor.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Viktor_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Early in life, Viktor discovered his passion for science and invention, particularly in the field of mechanical automation. He attended Zaun's prestigious College of Techmaturgy and led the team that constructed Blitzcrank - a scientific breakthrough ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 4, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 9 - }, - image: { - full: "Viktor.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 516.04, - hpperlevel: 78, - mp: 324, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 22.72, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 7.84, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 52.04, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.11 - } - }, - Vladimir: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Vladimir", - key: "8", - name: "Vladimir", - title: "the Crimson Reaper", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vladimir.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vladimir_0.jpg", - blurb: - "There is a temple hidden in the mountains between Noxus and the Tempest Flats, where the secrets of an ancient and terrifying sorcery are kept. The area surrounding the temple is littered with the exsanguinated corpses of those who have mistakenly ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 6, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Vladimir.png", - sprite: "champion3.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 96, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Tank"], - partype: "Gnarfury", - stats: { - hp: 525, - hpperlevel: 84, - mp: 2, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 330, - armor: 23, - armorperlevel: 3.3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 450, - hpregen: 7.005, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 52, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Volibear: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Volibear", - key: "106", - name: "Volibear", - title: "the Thunder's Roar", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Volibear.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Volibear_0.jpg", - blurb: - "The unforgiving northern reaches of the Freljord are home to the Ursine, a fierce and warlike race that has endured the barren tundra for thousands of years. Their leader is a furious adversary who commands the force of lightning to strike fear within ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 7, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Volibear.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 584.48, - hpperlevel: 86, - mp: 270.4, - mpperlevel: 30, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.38, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.09, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 8.09, - mpregenperlevel: 0.65, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: -0.05, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.67 - } - }, - Warwick: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Warwick", - key: "19", - name: "Warwick", - title: "the Blood Hunter", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Warwick.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Warwick_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Warwick was once a man revered for his ability to track down human specimens for the darkest types of scientific research. When his ambitions exceeded his physical limits, he drank a dangerous elixir to transform himself into an unstoppable manhunter. ...", - info: { - attack: 7, - defense: 4, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 3 - }, - image: { - full: "Warwick.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 48, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 592.64, - hpperlevel: 98, - mp: 240.4, - mpperlevel: 30, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 8.39, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 8.105, - mpregenperlevel: 0.6, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 62.43, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: -0.08, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.88 - } - }, - Xerath: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Xerath", - key: "101", - name: "Xerath", - title: "the Magus Ascendant", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Xerath.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Xerath_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''A lifetime as a slave has prepared me for eternity as your master.''

Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the ...", - info: { - attack: 1, - defense: 3, - magic: 10, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Xerath.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 96, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 514.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 366.96, - mpperlevel: 44, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 21.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 525, - hpregen: 5.42, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.7, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.36 - } - }, - XinZhao: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "XinZhao", - key: "5", - name: "Xin Zhao", - title: "the Seneschal of Demacia", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/XinZhao.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/XinZhao_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''Death is inevitable, one can only avoid defeat.''

Whenever Jarvan III, the king of Demacia, delivers one of his rallying speeches from the glinting marble balcony atop the Royal Palace, Xin Zhao is at his side. Coined the Seneschal of Demacia,...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 6, - magic: 3, - difficulty: 2 - }, - image: { - full: "XinZhao.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 144, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 600, - hpperlevel: 92, - mp: 273.8, - mpperlevel: 35, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 25.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 8.175, - hpregenperlevel: 0.7, - mpregen: 7.255, - mpregenperlevel: 0.45, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57.544, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.6 - } - }, - Yasuo: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Yasuo", - key: "157", - name: "Yasuo", - title: "the Unforgiven", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Yasuo.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Yasuo_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will ...", - info: { - attack: 8, - defense: 4, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 10 - }, - image: { - full: "Yasuo.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 192, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Assassin"], - partype: "Wind", - stats: { - hp: 517.76, - hpperlevel: 82, - mp: 100, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 24.712, - armorperlevel: 3.4, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 6.51, - hpregenperlevel: 0.9, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 55.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: -0.067, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.5 - } - }, - Yorick: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Yorick", - key: "83", - name: "Yorick", - title: "Shepherd of Souls", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Yorick.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Yorick_0.jpg", - blurb: - "''These isles… How they scream.''
The last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order, Yorick is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead. Trapped on the Shadow Isles, his only companions are the rotting corpses and shrieking spirits that ...", - info: { - attack: 6, - defense: 6, - magic: 4, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Yorick.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 240, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Fighter", "Tank"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 580, - hpperlevel: 100, - mp: 300, - mpperlevel: 40, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 30, - armorperlevel: 4, - spellblock: 32, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 8, - hpregenperlevel: 0.8, - mpregen: 7.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.75, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 57, - attackdamageperlevel: 5, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Zac: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Zac", - key: "154", - name: "Zac", - title: "the Secret Weapon", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Zac.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Zac_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Zac is the product of a Zaun experiment to manufacture a hexchem-engineered supersoldier - the Zaun Amorphous Combatant. Combining brute strength with limitless flexibility, he is a versatile juggernaut: a creative fighter who bounces over obstacles ...", - info: { - attack: 3, - defense: 7, - magic: 7, - difficulty: 8 - }, - image: { - full: "Zac.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 288, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Tank", "Fighter"], - partype: "None", - stats: { - hp: 614.6, - hpperlevel: 95, - mp: 0, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 23.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 175, - hpregen: 7.92, - hpregenperlevel: 0.55, - mpregen: 0, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 59.67, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.375, - attackspeedoffset: -0.02, - attackspeedperlevel: 1.6 - } - }, - Zed: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Zed", - key: "238", - name: "Zed", - title: "the Master of Shadows", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Zed.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Zed_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of the shadows, ...", - info: { - attack: 9, - defense: 2, - magic: 1, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Zed.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 336, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Assassin", "Fighter"], - partype: "Energy", - stats: { - hp: 579.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 200, - mpperlevel: 0, - movespeed: 345, - armor: 26.88, - armorperlevel: 3.5, - spellblock: 32.1, - spellblockperlevel: 1.25, - attackrange: 125, - hpregen: 7.09, - hpregenperlevel: 0.65, - mpregen: 50, - mpregenperlevel: 0, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.712, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.4, - attackspeedoffset: -0.03, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.1 - } - }, - Ziggs: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Ziggs", - key: "115", - name: "Ziggs", - title: "the Hexplosives Expert", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ziggs.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ziggs_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Ziggs was born with a talent for tinkering, but his chaotic, hyperactive nature was unusual among yordle scientists. Aspiring to be a revered inventor like Heimerdinger, he rattled through ambitious projects with manic zeal, emboldened by both his ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 4, - magic: 9, - difficulty: 4 - }, - image: { - full: "Ziggs.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 384, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 524.4, - hpperlevel: 80, - mp: 384, - mpperlevel: 47, - movespeed: 325, - armor: 21.544, - armorperlevel: 3.3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 6.255, - hpregenperlevel: 0.6, - mpregen: 6, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 54.208, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.1, - attackspeedoffset: -0.04734, - attackspeedperlevel: 2 - } - }, - Zilean: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Zilean", - key: "26", - name: "Zilean", - title: "the Chronokeeper", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Zilean.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Zilean_0.jpg", - blurb: - "In the wastelands of Urtistan, there was once a great city. It perished long ago in a terrible Rune War, like most of the lands below the Great Barrier. Nevertheless, one man survived: a sorcerer named Zilean. Being obsessed with time, it was only ...", - info: { - attack: 2, - defense: 5, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 6 - }, - image: { - full: "Zilean.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 432, - y: 0, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Support", "Mage"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 499.28, - hpperlevel: 77, - mp: 360.8, - mpperlevel: 60, - movespeed: 335, - armor: 19.134, - armorperlevel: 3.8, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 550, - hpregen: 5.44, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 51.64, - attackdamageperlevel: 3, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.13 - } - }, - Zyra: { - version: "6.24.1", - id: "Zyra", - key: "143", - name: "Zyra", - title: "Rise of the Thorns", - img: - "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Zyra.png", - splash: - "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Zyra_0.jpg", - blurb: - "Longing to take control of her fate, the ancient, dying plant Zyra transferred her consciousness into a human body for a second chance at life. Centuries ago, she and her kind dominated the Kumungu Jungle, using thorns and vines to consume any animal ...", - info: { - attack: 4, - defense: 3, - magic: 8, - difficulty: 7 - }, - image: { - full: "Zyra.png", - sprite: "champion4.png", - group: "champion", - x: 0, - y: 48, - w: 48, - h: 48 - }, - tags: ["Mage", "Support"], - partype: "MP", - stats: { - hp: 499.32, - hpperlevel: 74, - mp: 334, - mpperlevel: 50, - movespeed: 340, - armor: 20.04, - armorperlevel: 3, - spellblock: 30, - spellblockperlevel: 0, - attackrange: 575, - hpregen: 5.69, - hpregenperlevel: 0.5, - mpregen: 8.5, - mpregenperlevel: 0.8, - crit: 0, - critperlevel: 0, - attackdamage: 53.376, - attackdamageperlevel: 3.2, - attackspeedoffset: 0, - attackspeedperlevel: 2.11 - } - } - } -}; diff --git a/src/data/lol/lol.json b/src/data/lol/lol.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0612f155..00000000 --- a/src/data/lol/lol.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6950 +0,0 @@ -{ - "type": "champion", - "format": "standAloneComplex", - "version": "6.24.1", - "data": { - "Aatrox": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Aatrox", - "key": "266", - "name": "Aatrox", - "title": "the Darkin Blade", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Aatrox.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Aatrox_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise, slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe felled, Aatrox's ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Aatrox.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "BloodWell", - "stats": { - "hp": 537.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 105.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 24.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 6.59, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.376, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Ahri": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ahri", - "key": "103", - "name": "Ahri", - "title": "the Nine-Tailed Fox", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ahri.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ahri_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Unlike other foxes that roamed the woods of southern Ionia, Ahri had always felt a strange connection to the magical world around her; a connection that was somehow incomplete. Deep inside, she felt the skin she had been born into was an ill fit for ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ahri.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 514.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 334, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 20.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.505, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.065, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Akali": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Akali", - "key": "84", - "name": "Akali", - "title": "the Fist of Shadow", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Akali.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Akali_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Akali.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "Energy", - "stats": { - "hp": 587.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 200, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 26.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.34, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 50, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.376, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.1, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.1 - } - }, - "Alistar": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Alistar", - "key": "12", - "name": "Alistar", - "title": "the Minotaur", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Alistar.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Alistar_0.jpg", - "blurb": "As the mightiest warrior to ever emerge from the Minotaur tribes of the Great Barrier, Alistar defended his tribe from Valoran's many dangers; that is, until the coming of the Noxian army. Alistar was lured from his village by the machinations of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Alistar.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 613.36, - "hpperlevel": 106, - "mp": 278.84, - "mpperlevel": 38, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 24.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.675, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 8.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.1116, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.62, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.125 - } - }, - "Amumu": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Amumu", - "key": "32", - "name": "Amumu", - "title": "the Sad Mummy", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Amumu.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Amumu_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Solitude can be lonelier than death.''

A lonely and melancholy soul from ancient Shurima, Amumu roams the world in search of a friend. Cursed by an ancient spell, he is doomed to remain alone forever, as his touch is death and his affection ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Amumu.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 613.12, - "hpperlevel": 84, - "mp": 287.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 23.544, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.875, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 7.38, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.525, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.384, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.8, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.18 - } - }, - "Anivia": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Anivia", - "key": "34", - "name": "Anivia", - "title": "the Cryophoenix", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Anivia.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Anivia_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Anivia is a being of the coldest winter, a mystical embodiment of ice magic, and an ancient protector of the Freljord. She commands all the power and fury of the land itself, calling the snow and bitter wind to defend her home from those who would ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 10 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Anivia.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 467.6, - "hpperlevel": 70, - "mp": 396.04, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 21.22, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 600, - "hpregen": 5.57, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 51.376, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.68 - } - }, - "Annie": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Annie", - "key": "1", - "name": "Annie", - "title": "the Dark Child", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Annie.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Annie_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There have always been those within Noxus who did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Noxian High Command. The High Command had just put down a coup attempt from the self-proclaimed Crown Prince Raschallion, and a crackdown on any form of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Annie.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 511.68, - "hpperlevel": 76, - "mp": 334, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 19.22, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 575, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.41, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.625, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Ashe": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ashe", - "key": "22", - "name": "Ashe", - "title": "the Frost Archer", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ashe.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ashe_0.jpg", - "blurb": "With each arrow she fires from her ancient ice-enchanted bow, Ashe proves she is a master archer. She chooses each target carefully, waits for the right moment, and then strikes with power and precision. It is with this same vision and focus that she ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ashe.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 527.72, - "hpperlevel": 79, - "mp": 280, - "mpperlevel": 32, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 21.212, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 600, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6.97, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56.508, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.26, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.33 - } - }, - "AurelionSol": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "AurelionSol", - "key": "136", - "name": "Aurelion Sol", - "title": "The Star Forger", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/AurelionSol.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/AurelionSol_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising. Now, he is forced to wield his awesome power at the behest of a space-faring empire that tricked him into servitude. Desiring a return to his ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "AurelionSol.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 550, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 350, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 19, - "armorperlevel": 3.6, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Azir": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Azir", - "key": "268", - "name": "Azir", - "title": "the Emperor of the Sands", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Azir.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Azir_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Shurima was once the glory of Runeterra. I will make it so again.''

Azir was a mortal emperor of Shurima in a far distant age, a proud man who stood at the cusp of immortality. His hubris saw him betrayed and murdered at the moment of his ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Azir.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 524.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 350.56, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 19.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 6.92, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 52, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.8, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.5 - } - }, - "Bard": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Bard", - "key": "432", - "name": "Bard", - "title": "the Wandering Caretaker", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Bard.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Bard_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Bard travels through realms beyond the imagination of mortal beings. Some of Valoran's greatest scholars have spent their lives trying to understand the mysteries he embodies. This enigmatic spirit has been given many names throughout the history of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Bard.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 535, - "hpperlevel": 89, - "mp": 350, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 25, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 5.4, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 52, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Blitzcrank": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Blitzcrank", - "key": "53", - "name": "Blitzcrank", - "title": "the Great Steam Golem", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Blitzcrank.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Blitzcrank_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Zaun is a place where both magic and science have gone awry, and the unchecked nature of experimentation has taken its toll. However, Zaun's lenient restrictions allow their researchers and inventors the leeway to push the bounds of science at an ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Blitzcrank.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.6, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 267.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 24.38, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.51, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 8.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.54, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.13 - } - }, - "Brand": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Brand", - "key": "63", - "name": "Brand", - "title": "the Burning Vengeance", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Brand.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Brand_0.jpg", - "blurb": "In a faraway place known as Lokfar there was a seafaring marauder called Kegan Rodhe. As was his people's way, Kegan sailed far and wide with his fellows, stealing treasures from those unlucky enough to catch their attention. To some, he was a ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Brand.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 507.68, - "hpperlevel": 76, - "mp": 375.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 21.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.005, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Braum": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Braum", - "key": "201", - "name": "Braum", - "title": "the Heart of the Freljord", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Braum.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Braum_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Would you like a bedtime story?''

''Grandma, I'm too old for that.''

''You're never too old to be told a story.''

The girl reluctantly crawls into bed and waits, knowing she won't win this battle. A bitter wind howls outside, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Braum.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 576.16, - "hpperlevel": 87, - "mp": 310.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 26.72, - "armorperlevel": 4.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.18, - "hpregenperlevel": 1, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.376, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "Caitlyn": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Caitlyn", - "key": "51", - "name": "Caitlyn", - "title": "the Sheriff of Piltover", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Caitlyn.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Caitlyn_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Go ahead, run. I'll give you a five minute head start.''

One of the reasons Piltover is known as the City of Progress is because it has an extraordinarily low crime rate. This hasn't always been the case; brigands and thieves of all sorts ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Caitlyn.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 524.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 313.7, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 22.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 650, - "hpregen": 5.67, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.4, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.66, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.18, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.1, - "attackspeedperlevel": 4 - } - }, - "Camille": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Camille", - "key": "164", - "name": "Camille", - "title": "the Steel Shadow", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Camille.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Camille_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Weaponized to execute outside the boundaries of the law, Camille Ferros is an elegant and elite operative who ensures the commerce of the Piltover machine with its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Raised among manners and money, she is the Principal ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Camille.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 575.6, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 338.8, - "mpperlevel": 32, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 26, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 8.15, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 62, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Cassiopeia": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Cassiopeia", - "key": "69", - "name": "Cassiopeia", - "title": "the Serpent's Embrace", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Cassiopeia.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Cassiopeia_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Cassiopeia is a terrifying creature - half woman, half snake - whose slightest glance brings death. The youngest daughter of one of Noxus' most influential families, she was once a beautiful and cunning temptress capable of manipulating the hardest ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 10 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Cassiopeia.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 525, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 375, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 328, - "armor": 25, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.034, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.5 - } - }, - "Chogath": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Chogath", - "key": "31", - "name": "Cho'Gath", - "title": "the Terror of the Void", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Chogath.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Chogath_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is a place between dimensions, between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To those that truly know, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Chogath.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 574.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 272.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 28.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.925, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.156, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4.2, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.44 - } - }, - "Corki": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Corki", - "key": "42", - "name": "Corki", - "title": "the Daring Bombardier", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Corki.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Corki_0.jpg", - "blurb": "When Heimerdinger and his yordle colleagues migrated to Piltover, they embraced science as a way of life, and they immediately made several groundbreaking contributions to the techmaturgical community. What yordles lack in stature, they make up for ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Corki.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 512.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 350.16, - "mpperlevel": 34, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 23.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.42, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.3 - } - }, - "Darius": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Darius", - "key": "122", - "name": "Darius", - "title": "the Hand of Noxus", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Darius.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Darius_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is no greater symbol of Noxian might than Darius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened warrior. Orphaned at a young age, Darius had to fight to keep himself and his younger brother alive. By the time he joined the military, he had ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 2 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Darius.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.24, - "hpperlevel": 100, - "mp": 263, - "mpperlevel": 37.5, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 30, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 9.845, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.95, - "mpregen": 6.585, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.35, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1 - } - }, - "Diana": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Diana", - "key": "131", - "name": "Diana", - "title": "Scorn of the Moon", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Diana.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Diana_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I am the light coursing in the soul of the moon.''

Bearing her crescent moonblade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari, a faith all but quashed in the lands around Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Diana.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 589.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 297.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26.048, - "armorperlevel": 3.6, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 7.425, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.25 - } - }, - "Draven": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Draven", - "key": "119", - "name": "Draven", - "title": "the Glorious Executioner", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Draven.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Draven_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Unlike his brother Darius, victory in battle was never enough for Draven. He craved recognition, acclaim, and glory. He first sought greatness in the Noxian military, but his flair for the dramatic went severely underappreciated. Thirsting for a ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Draven.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 557.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 360.56, - "mpperlevel": 39, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 25.544, - "armorperlevel": 3.3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.175, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 8.04, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.8, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.91, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.7 - } - }, - "DrMundo": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "DrMundo", - "key": "36", - "name": "Dr. Mundo", - "title": "the Madman of Zaun", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/DrMundo.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/DrMundo_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Beware the Madman of Zaun. In his eyes, you are already dead''

It is said that the man now known as Dr. Mundo was born without any sort of conscience. Instead, he had an unquenchable desire to inflict pain through experimentation. By the time ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "DrMundo.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "None", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.52, - "hpperlevel": 89, - "mp": 0, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.76, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.27, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.8 - } - }, - "Ekko": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ekko", - "key": "245", - "name": "Ekko", - "title": "the Boy Who Shattered Time", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ekko.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ekko_0.jpg", - "blurb": "A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates time to spin any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero-Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality. As well as experimenting with multi-dimensional ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ekko.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 580, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 280, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 27, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 9, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "mpregen": 7, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.3 - } - }, - "Elise": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Elise", - "key": "60", - "name": "Elise", - "title": "the Spider Queen", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Elise.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Elise_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Beauty is power too, and can strike swifter than any sword.''

Elise is a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep in the Immortal Bastion of Noxus. Once she was mortal, the mistress of a once-powerful house, but the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Elise.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 529.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 324, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 22.128, - "armorperlevel": 3.35, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.705, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.54, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.75 - } - }, - "Evelynn": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Evelynn", - "key": "28", - "name": "Evelynn", - "title": "the Widowmaker", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Evelynn_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with the shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 10 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Evelynn.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 531.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 315.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 26.5, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 9.82, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.105, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.6 - } - }, - "Ezreal": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ezreal", - "key": "81", - "name": "Ezreal", - "title": "the Prodigal Explorer", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ezreal.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ezreal_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The intrepid young adventurer Ezreal has explored some of the most remote and abandoned locations on Runeterra. During an expedition to the buried ruins of ancient Shurima, he recovered an amulet of incredible mystical power. Likely constructed to be ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ezreal.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 484.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 360.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 21.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.09, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.66, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.8 - } - }, - "FiddleSticks": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "FiddleSticks", - "key": "9", - "name": "Fiddlesticks", - "title": "the Harbinger of Doom", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/FiddleSticks.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fiddlesticks_0.jpg", - "blurb": "For nearly twenty years, Fiddlesticks has stood alone in the easternmost summoning chamber of the Institute of War. Only the burning emerald light of his unearthly gaze pierces the musty darkness of his dust-covered home. It is here that the Harbinger ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "FiddleSticks.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 524.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 400.12, - "mpperlevel": 56, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 20.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 480, - "hpregen": 5.605, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 48.36, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.625, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.11 - } - }, - "Fiora": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Fiora", - "key": "114", - "name": "Fiora", - "title": "the Grand Duelist", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Fiora.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fiora_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.''
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. ...", - "info": { - "attack": 10, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Fiora.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 550, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 24, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 8.25, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.2 - } - }, - "Fizz": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Fizz", - "key": "105", - "name": "Fizz", - "title": "the Tidal Trickster", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Fizz.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Fizz_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Fizz.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 558.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 317.2, - "mpperlevel": 37, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.412, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 8.175, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.1 - } - }, - "Galio": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Galio", - "key": "3", - "name": "Galio", - "title": "the Sentinel's Sorrow", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Galio.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Galio_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''There is no such thing as redemption. Only penance.''

Long before the regulation of magic, mages experimented with the creation of artificial life. Now forbidden, instilling golems with reason was once not so uncommon a practice amongst the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Galio.png", - "sprite": "champion0.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 577.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 369, - "mpperlevel": 47, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 26.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.71, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.97, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.375, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.2 - } - }, - "Gangplank": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Gangplank", - "key": "41", - "name": "Gangplank", - "title": "the Saltwater Scourge", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gangplank.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gangplank_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I was cutting throats and sinking Noxian war galleys when you were still pissing your britches, boy. You don't want to take me on.''

As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king known as Gangplank is feared far and wide. Where ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Gangplank.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 282, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 7.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.2 - } - }, - "Garen": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Garen", - "key": "86", - "name": "Garen", - "title": "The Might of Demacia", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Garen.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Garen_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Throughout Valoran, the resolve of Demacia's military is alternately celebrated or despised, but always respected. Their ''zero tolerance'' moral code is strictly upheld by civilians and soldiers alike. In combat, this means Demacian troops may not ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Garen.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "None", - "stats": { - "hp": 616.28, - "hpperlevel": 84.25, - "mp": 0, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 27.536, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 7.84, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "Gnar": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Gnar", - "key": "150", - "name": "Gnar", - "title": "the Missing Link", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gnar.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gnar_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story.

I've hunted every creature this jungle has to offer. I was certain there were no challenges left here, but now there is something new. Each track is the size of a ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Gnar.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "Gnarfury", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 65, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 23, - "armorperlevel": 2.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 2.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 51, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 6 - } - }, - "Gragas": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Gragas", - "key": "79", - "name": "Gragas", - "title": "the Rabble Rouser", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Gragas.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Gragas_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The only thing more important to Gragas than fighting is drinking. His unquenchable thirst for stronger ale has led him in search of the most potent and unconventional ingredients to toss in his still. Impulsive and unpredictable, this rowdy carouser ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Gragas.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 583.52, - "hpperlevel": 89, - "mp": 400, - "mpperlevel": 47, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 26.048, - "armorperlevel": 3.6, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 5.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.38, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.05 - } - }, - "Graves": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Graves", - "key": "104", - "name": "Graves", - "title": "the Outlaw", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Graves.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Graves_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Malcolm Graves is a wanted man in every realm, city and empire he has visited. Tough, strong-willed, and above all, relentless, through his life of crime he has amassed (then invariably lost) a small fortune.", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Graves.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 551.12, - "hpperlevel": 84, - "mp": 322.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 24.376, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 425, - "hpregen": 6.675, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 7.9, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.83, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.3, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.6 - } - }, - "Hecarim": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Hecarim", - "key": "120", - "name": "Hecarim", - "title": "the Shadow of War", - "champkey": "Hecarim", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Hecarim.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Hecarim_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Break their ranks and ride them down without mercy. Crush the living and feast on their terror.''

Hecarim is an armored colossus who charges from the Shadow Isles at the head of a deathly host of spectral horsemen to hunt the living. A ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Hecarim.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 580, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 277.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 6.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0672, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Heimerdinger": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Heimerdinger", - "key": "74", - "name": "Heimerdinger", - "title": "the Revered Inventor", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Heimerdinger.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Heimerdinger_0.jpg", - "blurb": "From the Journal of Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger



Current meteorological conditions in Bandle City seem optimal. Atmospheric pressure is ideal for today's experiments!

Running a fifth trial for my ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Heimerdinger.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 476, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 307.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 19.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 11.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 1.75, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.536, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.7, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Illaoi": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Illaoi", - "key": "420", - "name": "Illaoi", - "title": "the Kraken Priestess", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Illaoi.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Illaoi_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I'm not big on sermons. Broken bones teach better lessons.''
Illaoi's powerful physique is dwarfed only by her indomitable faith. As the prophet of the Great Kraken, she uses a huge, golden idol to rip her foes' spirits from their bodies and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Illaoi.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 585.6, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 26, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 9.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 7.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60, - "attackdamageperlevel": 5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Irelia": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Irelia", - "key": "39", - "name": "Irelia", - "title": "the Will of the Blades", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Irelia.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Irelia_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The sword flourishes, as though painting with blood.''

The Ionians have developed some of the most breathtaking and deadly martial arts in all of Runeterra - just one manifestation of their pursuit of enlightenment. The most remarkable blade ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Irelia.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 607.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 338.8, - "mpperlevel": 32, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.3, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.59, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 8.1, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.06, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.2 - } - }, - "Ivern": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ivern", - "key": "427", - "name": "Ivern", - "title": "the Green Father", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ivern.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ivern_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Ivern Bramblefoot, known to many as the Green Father, is a peculiar half man, half tree who roams Runeterra's forests, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with all things that grow,...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ivern.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 580, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 450, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 22, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 6.9, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.4 - } - }, - "Janna": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Janna", - "key": "40", - "name": "Janna", - "title": "the Storm's Fury", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Janna.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Janna_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There are those sorcerers who give themselves over to the primal powers of nature, forgoing the learned practice of magic. Such a sorceress is Janna, who first learned magic as an orphan growing up amidst the chaos that is the city-state of Zaun. ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Janna.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 487.04, - "hpperlevel": 78, - "mp": 409.52, - "mpperlevel": 64, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 19.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 475, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 11.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 51.956, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.95, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.61 - } - }, - "JarvanIV": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "JarvanIV", - "key": "59", - "name": "Jarvan IV", - "title": "the Exemplar of Demacia", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/JarvanIV.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/JarvanIV_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''There is only one truth, and you will find it at the point of my lance.''

As the royal family of Demacia for centuries, members of the Lightshield line have spent their lives waging war against any who opposed Demacian ethics. It is said that ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "JarvanIV.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 571.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 302.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 29, - "armorperlevel": 3.6, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 8.175, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 6.755, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.712, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.4, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Jax": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Jax", - "key": "24", - "name": "Jax", - "title": "Grandmaster at Arms", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jax.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jax_0.jpg", - "blurb": "It is seldom the case where a champion is defined by his actions after joining the League of Legends rather than before. Such is the case with Jax, for whom the argument could be made that he is the most prolific tournament fighter currently at the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Jax.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 592.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 338.8, - "mpperlevel": 32, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 27.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.37, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.575, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.97, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.375, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.4 - } - }, - "Jayce": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Jayce", - "key": "126", - "name": "Jayce", - "title": "the Defender of Tomorrow", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jayce.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jayce_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Armed with wit, charm, and his signature transforming hammer, Jayce lives to protect his native Piltover. Long before his nation called him a hero, however, he was a promising young inventor. When Piltover commissioned him to study a rare arcane ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Jayce.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 571.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 357.2, - "mpperlevel": 37, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.34, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.38, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Jhin": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Jhin", - "key": "202", - "name": "Jhin", - "title": "the Virtuoso", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jhin.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jhin_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Art requires a certain...cruelty.''

Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's ...", - "info": { - "attack": 10, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Jhin.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 20, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 0 - } - }, - "Jinx": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Jinx", - "key": "222", - "name": "Jinx", - "title": "the Loose Cannon", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Jinx.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Jinx_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Jinx lives to wreak havoc without a thought for the consequences, leaving a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. A manic and impulsive criminal, she despises nothing more than boredom, and gleefully brings her own volatile brand of pandemonium to ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Jinx.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 517.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 245.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 22.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.84, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 6.68, - "mpregenperlevel": 1, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1 - } - }, - "Kalista": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kalista", - "key": "429", - "name": "Kalista", - "title": "the Spear of Vengeance", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kalista.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kalista_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''When wronged, we seek justice. When hurt, we strike back. When betrayed, the Spear of Vengeance strikes!''

A specter of wrath and retribution, Kalista is the undying spirit of vengeance, an armored nightmare summoned from the Shadow Isles to ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kalista.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 517.76, - "hpperlevel": 83, - "mp": 231.8, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 19.012, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6.3, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 63, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.9, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Karma": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Karma", - "key": "43", - "name": "Karma", - "title": "the Enlightened One", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Karma.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Karma_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Karma is a woman of indomitable will and unbound spiritual power. She is the soul of Ionia made manifest and an inspiring presence on the battlefield, shielding her allies and turning back her foes. A strong leader torn between tradition and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Karma.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 522.44, - "hpperlevel": 83, - "mp": 374, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 20.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.62, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.3 - } - }, - "Karthus": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Karthus", - "key": "30", - "name": "Karthus", - "title": "the Deathsinger", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Karthus.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Karthus_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Death is not the end of the journey, it is just the beginning...''

The harbinger of oblivion, Karthus is an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. The living fear the eternity of undeath,...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Karthus.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 516, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 372.48, - "mpperlevel": 61, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 20.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 450, - "hpregen": 6.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 45.66, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.25, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.11 - } - }, - "Kassadin": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kassadin", - "key": "38", - "name": "Kassadin", - "title": "the Void Walker", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kassadin.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kassadin_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is a place between dimensions and between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To most, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of unspeakable ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kassadin.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 564.04, - "hpperlevel": 78, - "mp": 397.6, - "mpperlevel": 67, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 23.376, - "armorperlevel": 3.2, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 7.79, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.852, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.9, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.023, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.7 - } - }, - "Katarina": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Katarina", - "key": "55", - "name": "Katarina", - "title": "the Sinister Blade", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Katarina.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Katarina_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Driven by an intense killer instinct, Katarina uses her talents as an assassin for the glory of Noxus, and the continued elevation of her family. While her fervor drives her to ever-greater feats, it can sometimes lead her astray.

From ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Katarina.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "None", - "stats": { - "hp": 590, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 0, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 27.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 34.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.74 - } - }, - "Kayle": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kayle", - "key": "10", - "name": "Kayle", - "title": "The Judicator", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kayle.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kayle_0.jpg", - "blurb": "In a world far away where an ancient war still rages, Kayle was a great hero - the strongest of an immortal race committed to destroying evil wherever it could be found. For ten thousand years, Kayle fought tirelessly for her people, wielding her ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kayle.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 574.24, - "hpperlevel": 93, - "mp": 322.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 26.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.26, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 51, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.8, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.2 - } - }, - "Kennen": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kennen", - "key": "85", - "name": "Kennen", - "title": "the Heart of the Tempest", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kennen.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kennen_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kennen.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "Energy", - "stats": { - "hp": 535.72, - "hpperlevel": 79, - "mp": 200, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 24.3, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.59, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 50, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0947, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.4 - } - }, - "Khazix": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Khazix", - "key": "121", - "name": "Kha'Zix", - "title": "the Voidreaver", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Khazix.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Khazix_0.jpg", - "blurb": "A vicious Void predator, Kha'Zix infiltrated Valoran to devour the land's most promising creatures. With each kill he absorbs his prey's strength, evolving to grow more powerful. Kha'Zix hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Khazix.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 572.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 327.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 27, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.51, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 7.59, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.21, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.1, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.065, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.7 - } - }, - "Kindred": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kindred", - "key": "203", - "name": "Kindred", - "title": "The Eternal Hunters", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kindred.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kindred_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are ours to take?''
''All things, Dear Wolf.''
Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's arrow offers a swift release for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kindred.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 20, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6.97, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54, - "attackdamageperlevel": 1.7, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Kled": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Kled", - "key": "240", - "name": "Kled", - "title": "the Cantankerous Cavalier", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Kled.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Kled_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''A sane man would run . . . but I ain't the runnin' kind!''

A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, Kled is a popular folk hero in Noxus. Embodying the furious bravado of his nation, he is an icon beloved by the empire's soldiers, distrusted by ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Kled.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "Gnarfury", - "stats": { - "hp": 340, - "hpperlevel": 70, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "KogMaw": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "KogMaw", - "key": "96", - "name": "Kog'Maw", - "title": "the Mouth of the Abyss", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/KogMaw.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/KogMaw_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry.''

When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche. From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "KogMaw.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 517.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 322.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 19.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 5.92, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.675, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.06, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.65 - } - }, - "Leblanc": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Leblanc", - "key": "7", - "name": "LeBlanc", - "title": "the Deceiver", - "name:": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Leblanc.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leblanc_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Leblanc.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 516, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 334, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 21.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 7.4, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.4 - } - }, - "LeeSin": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "LeeSin", - "key": "64", - "name": "Lee Sin", - "title": "the Blind Monk", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/LeeSin.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/LeeSin_0.jpg", - "blurb": "As a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris,...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "LeeSin.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "Energy", - "stats": { - "hp": 570.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 200, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 24.216, - "armorperlevel": 3.7, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.425, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 50, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.176, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Leona": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Leona", - "key": "89", - "name": "Leona", - "title": "the Radiant Dawn", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Leona.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leona_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''If you would shine like a sun, first you must burn like one.''

Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a warrior templar of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Leona.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 576.16, - "hpperlevel": 87, - "mp": 302.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 27.208, - "armorperlevel": 3.6, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.425, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "Lissandra": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Lissandra", - "key": "127", - "name": "Lissandra", - "title": "the Ice Witch", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lissandra.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lissandra_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze - she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Lissandra.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 506.12, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 304, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 20.216, - "armorperlevel": 3.7, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.92, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 5.67, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.536, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.7, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Lucian": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Lucian", - "key": "236", - "name": "Lucian", - "title": "the Purifier", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lucian.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lucian_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Lucian.png", - "sprite": "champion1.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 554.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 348.88, - "mpperlevel": 38, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 24.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 6.19, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 8.175, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.3 - } - }, - "Lulu": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Lulu", - "key": "117", - "name": "Lulu", - "title": "the Fae Sorceress", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lulu.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lulu_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Perhaps more than any other champion in the League, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum. During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream. It wasn't that she was antisocial; the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Lulu.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 552.76, - "hpperlevel": 74, - "mp": 350, - "mpperlevel": 55, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 19.216, - "armorperlevel": 3.7, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 11, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 46.368, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.6, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.25 - } - }, - "Lux": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Lux", - "key": "99", - "name": "Lux", - "title": "the Lady of Luminosity", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Lux.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Lux_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Born to the prestigious Crownguards, the paragon family of Demacian service, Luxanna was destined for greatness. She grew up as the family's only daughter, and she immediately took to the advanced education and lavish parties required of families as ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Lux.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 477.72, - "hpperlevel": 79, - "mp": 384, - "mpperlevel": 47, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 18.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Malphite": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Malphite", - "key": "54", - "name": "Malphite", - "title": "Shard of the Monolith", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Malphite.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Malphite_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is a world of perfect harmony, where all are part of the whole. The Monolith is the essence of all creation, and its denizens are but singular pieces of it. It is beautiful in its symmetry, and in its almost complete lack of uncertainty. The ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 2 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Malphite.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 574.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 282.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 28.3, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.32, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.97, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.375, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.4 - } - }, - "Malzahar": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Malzahar", - "key": "90", - "name": "Malzahar", - "title": "the Prophet of the Void", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Malzahar.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Malzahar_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Many men have gone mad beneath the glare of the Shurima sun, but it was during the night's chilling embrace that Malzahar relinquished his sanity. Malzahar was born a seer, blessed with the gift of prophecy. His talent, though unrefined, promised to ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Malzahar.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 525, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 55, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 20, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.5 - } - }, - "Maokai": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Maokai", - "key": "57", - "name": "Maokai", - "title": "the Twisted Treant", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Maokai.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Maokai_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''All around me are empty husks, soulless and unafraid... but I will bring them fear.''

Maokai is a rageful, towering treant who fights the unnatural horrors of the Shadow Isles. He was twisted into a force of vengeance after a magical ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Maokai.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 572.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 377.28, - "mpperlevel": 43, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 28.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 63.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.1, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.125 - } - }, - "MasterYi": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "MasterYi", - "key": "11", - "name": "Master Yi", - "title": "the Wuju Bladesman", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MasterYi.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MasterYi_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Through the ancient martial art of Wuju, Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind until thought and action have become one. Though he chooses to enter into violence as a last resort, the grace and speed with which he wields his blade ...", - "info": { - "attack": 10, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "MasterYi.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 598.56, - "hpperlevel": 92, - "mp": 250.56, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 355, - "armor": 24.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.59, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 7.255, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "MissFortune": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "MissFortune", - "key": "21", - "name": "Miss Fortune", - "title": "the Bounty Hunter", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MissFortune.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MissFortune_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The bigger the risk, the bigger the bounty.''

Beauty and danger: There are few who can match Miss Fortune in either. One of Bilgewater's most infamous bounty hunters, she built her legend upon a swathe of bullet-riddled corpses and captured ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 1 - }, - "image": { - "full": "MissFortune.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 530, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 325.84, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 24.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.19, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 8.04, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 1, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04734, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "MonkeyKing": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "MonkeyKing", - "key": "62", - "name": "Wukong", - "title": "the Monkey King", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/MonkeyKing.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/MonkeyKing_0.jpg", - "blurb": "During the chaos of the Rune Wars, an enormous runestone was lost deep within the Plague Jungles. It remained there, untouched for centuries, emanating a potent magic which infused nearby wildlife with sentience and vitality. A group of monkeys who ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "MonkeyKing.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 577.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 265.84, - "mpperlevel": 38, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 24.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 6.19, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 8.04, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.876, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Mordekaiser": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Mordekaiser", - "key": "82", - "name": "Mordekaiser", - "title": "the Iron Revenant", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Mordekaiser.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Mordekaiser_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''All things must die... and yet I live on.''

The baleful revenant Mordekaiser is among the most terrifying and hateful spirits haunting the Shadow Isles. He has existed for countless centuries, shielded from true death by necromantic sorcery ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Mordekaiser.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "None", - "stats": { - "hp": 525, - "hpperlevel": 73, - "mp": 0, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 20, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 4, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.3, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61, - "attackdamageperlevel": 5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.04, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.2 - } - }, - "Morgana": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Morgana", - "key": "25", - "name": "Morgana", - "title": "Fallen Angel", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Morgana.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Morgana_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is a world far away populated by graceful and beautiful winged beings gifted with immortality, where an ancient conflict still rages. Like so many conflicts, this war split families. One side proclaimed themselves as beings of perfect order and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 1 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Morgana.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 547.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 340.8, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 25.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 450, - "hpregen": 5.705, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 8.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.53 - } - }, - "Nami": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nami", - "key": "267", - "name": "Nami", - "title": "the Tidecaller", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nami.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nami_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Nami channels the primal energies of the ocean, harnessing its mystical restorative properties and commanding the raw power of the tides themselves. Though many doubted her, Nami had the bravery and determination to take on a dangerous quest when no ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nami.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 489.32, - "hpperlevel": 74, - "mp": 377.24, - "mpperlevel": 43, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 19.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 11.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 51.208, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.1, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.61 - } - }, - "Nasus": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nasus", - "key": "75", - "name": "Nasus", - "title": "the Curator of the Sands", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nasus.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nasus_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''What was fallen will be great again.''

Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nasus.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 561.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 325.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 24.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 9.01, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "mpregen": 7.44, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.18, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.48 - } - }, - "Nautilus": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nautilus", - "key": "111", - "name": "Nautilus", - "title": "the Titan of the Depths", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nautilus.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nautilus_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Once, Nautilus was a sailor commissioned by the Institute of War to explore the uncharted reaches of the Guardian's Sea. This expedition took him deep into unknown waters where he and his crew found a vast section of black oozing liquid that none of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nautilus.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 576.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 334, - "mpperlevel": 47, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 26.46, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 8.37, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.625, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1 - } - }, - "Nidalee": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nidalee", - "key": "76", - "name": "Nidalee", - "title": "the Bestial Huntress", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nidalee.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nidalee_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There are few dwellers, let alone champions, residing in the blasted and dangerous lands that lie south of the Great Barrier. Much of that world still bears the scars of past Runes Wars, especially the mysterious Kumungu Jungle. There are ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nidalee.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 511.2, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 295.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 6.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.22 - } - }, - "Nocturne": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nocturne", - "key": "56", - "name": "Nocturne", - "title": "the Eternal Nightmare", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nocturne.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nocturne_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Before Nocturne, people believed that dreams were figments of their imagination, meaningless images that flashed through the mind when one slept. This belief was put to the test when a rash of sleep-related incidents started afflicting summoners of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nocturne.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 273.8, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.26, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 6.755, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.208, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.1, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.065, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.7 - } - }, - "Nunu": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Nunu", - "key": "20", - "name": "Nunu", - "title": "the Yeti Rider", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Nunu.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Nunu_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Sometimes bonds of friendship become stronger than even bonds of blood. When those bonds link a fearless boy to a fearsome Yeti, the bond becomes a force to be reckoned with. Given the responsibility of taming a terrifying beast, Nunu forged a ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Nunu.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 598.28, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 283.56, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 26.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.39, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 7.44, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.25 - } - }, - "Olaf": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Olaf", - "key": "2", - "name": "Olaf", - "title": "the Berserker", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Olaf.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Olaf_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Most men would say that death is a thing to be feared; none of those men would be Olaf. The Berserker lives only for the roar of a battle cry and the clash of steel. Spurred on by his hunger for glory and the looming curse of a forgettable death, Olaf ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Olaf.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 597.24, - "hpperlevel": 93, - "mp": 315.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 26.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.51, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "mpregen": 7.465, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.575, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.98, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.1, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.7 - } - }, - "Orianna": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Orianna", - "key": "61", - "name": "Orianna", - "title": "the Lady of Clockwork", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Orianna.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Orianna_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Orianna.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 517.72, - "hpperlevel": 79, - "mp": 334, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 17.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 6.87, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 40.368, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.6, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "Pantheon": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Pantheon", - "key": "80", - "name": "Pantheon", - "title": "the Artisan of War", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Pantheon.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Pantheon_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Bring forth one true champion, or a hundred more like you, and then we shall have a battle that will be spoken of until the end of time.''

The peerless warrior known as Pantheon is a nigh-unstoppable paragon of battle. He was born among the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Pantheon.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 579.16, - "hpperlevel": 87, - "mp": 317.12, - "mpperlevel": 31, - "movespeed": 355, - "armor": 27.652, - "armorperlevel": 3.9, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 7.84, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 7.355, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.572, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.9, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.95 - } - }, - "Poppy": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Poppy", - "key": "78", - "name": "Poppy", - "title": "Keeper of the Hammer", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Poppy.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Poppy_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I'm no hero. Just a yordle with a hammer.''

Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing a hammer twice the length of her body, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching for the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Poppy.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 280, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 29, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 7, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Quinn": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Quinn", - "key": "133", - "name": "Quinn", - "title": "Demacia's Wings", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Quinn.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Quinn_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Quinn and Valor are an elite ranger team. With crossbow and claw, they undertake their nation's most dangerous missions deep within enemy territory, from swift reconnaissance to lethal strikes. The pair's unbreakable bond is deadly on the battlefield, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Quinn.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 532.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 268.8, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 23.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6.97, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.065, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.1 - } - }, - "Rammus": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Rammus", - "key": "33", - "name": "Rammus", - "title": "the Armordillo", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rammus.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rammus_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''OK.''

Idolized by many, dismissed by some, mystifying to all, the curious being, Rammus, is an enigma. Protected by a spiked shell, Rammus inspires increasingly disparate theories on his origin wherever he goes - from demigod, to sacred ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 10, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Rammus.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 564.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 310.44, - "mpperlevel": 33, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 31.384, - "armorperlevel": 4.3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.92, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.84, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.215 - } - }, - "RekSai": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "RekSai", - "key": "421", - "name": "Rek'Sai", - "title": "the Void Burrower", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/RekSai.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/RekSai_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The largest and fiercest of her species, Rek'Sai is a merciless predator that tunnels through the earth to ambush and devour her prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great Shuriman empire. Merchants, traders and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "RekSai.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "Battlefury", - "stats": { - "hp": 570, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 24, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 7.34, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.628, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.35, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Renekton": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Renekton", - "key": "58", - "name": "Renekton", - "title": "the Butcher of the Sands", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Renekton.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Renekton_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Blood and vengeance.''

Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the armies of Shurima to countless victories. However, after the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Renekton.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "Rage", - "stats": { - "hp": 572.16, - "hpperlevel": 87, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.584, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7.96, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.328, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.1, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.06, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.65 - } - }, - "Rengar": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Rengar", - "key": "107", - "name": "Rengar", - "title": "the Pridestalker", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rengar.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rengar_0.jpg", - "blurb": "On every wall of his den, the trophy hunter Rengar mounts the heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the most lethal creatures in Valoran. Though his collection is extensive, he remains unsatisfied, tirelessly seeking greater game. He takes time with every ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Rengar.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "Ferocity", - "stats": { - "hp": 586.2, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 4, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.88, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60, - "attackdamageperlevel": 1.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "Riven": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Riven", - "key": "92", - "name": "Riven", - "title": "the Exile", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Riven.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Riven_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''There is a place between war and murder in which our demons lurk.''

In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Riven.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "None", - "stats": { - "hp": 558.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 0, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 24.376, - "armorperlevel": 3.2, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 5.34, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "Rumble": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Rumble", - "key": "68", - "name": "Rumble", - "title": "the Mechanized Menace", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Rumble.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Rumble_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Ugh, it's gonna take forever to scrape your face off my suit!''

Even amongst yordles, Rumble was always the runt of the litter. As such, he was used to being bullied. In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 10 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Rumble.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "Heat", - "stats": { - "hp": 584.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.036, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.85 - } - }, - "Ryze": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Ryze", - "key": "13", - "name": "Ryze", - "title": "the Rune Mage", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Ryze.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Ryze_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Take care with this world. What is made can be unmade.''

Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers on Runeterra, Ryze is an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with a boundless constitution and ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Ryze.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 558.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 400, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 21.552, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.112 - } - }, - "Sejuani": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Sejuani", - "key": "113", - "name": "Sejuani", - "title": "the Winter's Wrath", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sejuani.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sejuani_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Sejuani was weaned on hardship and reared on barbarity. Where others succumbed to the harshness of the Freljord, she was tempered by it until pain became power, hunger an encouragement, and frost an ally in culling the weak. Through her ordeals, she ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Sejuani.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 600, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 400, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 29.54, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.675, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0672, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.44 - } - }, - "Shaco": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Shaco", - "key": "35", - "name": "Shaco", - "title": "the Demon Jester", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shaco.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shaco_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Most would say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco - then it's hysterical. He is Valoran's first fully functioning homicidal comic; he jests until someone dies, and then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Shaco.png", - "sprite": "champion2.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.12, - "hpperlevel": 84, - "mp": 297.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 24.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.37, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.155, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.58, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.1, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Shen": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Shen", - "key": "98", - "name": "Shen", - "title": "the Eye of Twilight", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shen.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shen_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The Eye is blind to fear, to hate, to love - to all things that would sway equilibrium.''

Leader of a secret clan of mystic warriors, Shen serves as the Eye of Twilight, entrusted to enforce equilibrium in the world. Longing to remain free ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Shen.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Melee" - ], - "partype": "Energy", - "stats": { - "hp": 540, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 400, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 25, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 50, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Shyvana": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Shyvana", - "key": "102", - "name": "Shyvana", - "title": "the Half-Dragon", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Shyvana.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Shyvana_0.jpg", - "blurb": "A half-breed born from the union between dragon and human, Shyvana searched all her life for belonging. Persecution forged her into a brutal warrior, and those who dare stand against Shyvana face the fiery beast lurking just beneath her skin....", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Shyvana.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "Dragonfury", - "stats": { - "hp": 595, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 27.628, - "armorperlevel": 3.35, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.712, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.4, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Singed": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Singed", - "key": "27", - "name": "Singed", - "title": "the Mad Chemist", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Singed.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Singed_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Singed descended from a long line of Zaun's revered chemists. Even in his youth, his talent for concocting potions far outstripped that of his peers, and he quickly distinguished himself from his less extraordinary chemist compatriots. It came as no ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Singed.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 542.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 290.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 27.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.02, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.52, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 62.32, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.375, - "attackspeedoffset": 0.02, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.81 - } - }, - "Sion": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Sion", - "key": "14", - "name": "Sion", - "title": "The Undead Juggernaut", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sion.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sion_0.jpg", - "blurb": "BLOOD.






Gone. Too quick. No fight. More. I want... more.

A voice? Unfamiliar. I see him. The Grand ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Sion.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Tank", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 542.64, - "hpperlevel": 73, - "mp": 325.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 23.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 10.18, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 8.005, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.72, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.3 - } - }, - "Sivir": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Sivir", - "key": "15", - "name": "Sivir", - "title": "the Battle Mistress", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sivir.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sivir_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''I don't care what face is on your coin, as long as it pays.''

Sivir is a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts of Shurima. Armed with her legendary jeweled crossblade, she has fought and won ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Sivir.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 515.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 284, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.21, - "armorperlevel": 3.25, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 5.17, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8.01, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.6 - } - }, - "Skarner": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Skarner", - "key": "72", - "name": "Skarner", - "title": "the Crystal Vanguard", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Skarner.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Skarner_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''We are one. We cannot be shattered.''

Skarner is an immense crystalline scorpion from a hidden valley in Shurima. Part of the ancient Brackern race, Skarner and his kin are known for their great wisdom and deep connection to the land, as ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Skarner.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 601.28, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 272.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 29.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.925, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 57.156, - "attackdamageperlevel": 4.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.1 - } - }, - "Sona": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Sona", - "key": "37", - "name": "Sona", - "title": "Maven of the Strings", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Sona.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sona_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Sona has no memories of her true parents. As an infant, she was found abandoned on the doorstep of an Ionian adoption house, nestled atop an ancient instrument in an exquisite case of unknown origins. She was an unusually well-behaved child, always ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Sona.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 482.36, - "hpperlevel": 77, - "mp": 340.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 20.544, - "armorperlevel": 3.3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 11.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.3 - } - }, - "Soraka": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Soraka", - "key": "16", - "name": "Soraka", - "title": "the Starchild", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Soraka.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Soraka_0.jpg", - "blurb": "A healer gifted with the magic of the stars, Soraka holds all living creatures close to her heart. She was once a celestial being, but she sacrificed her immortality and entered the world of mortals. So long as evil threatens life in Valoran, Soraka ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Soraka.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 529.04, - "hpperlevel": 78, - "mp": 350.8, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 23.384, - "armorperlevel": 3.8, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 2.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 11.5, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.14 - } - }, - "Swain": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Swain", - "key": "50", - "name": "Swain", - "title": "the Master Tactician", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Swain.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Swain_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The earliest account of Swain's existence comes from a Noxian infirmary doctor's notes. According to them, Swain limped into the ward without cry or complaint; his right leg was snapped in half, with bone protruding from the skin. A small, scowling ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Swain.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 516.04, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 374, - "mpperlevel": 47, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 7.84, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 52.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.11 - } - }, - "Syndra": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Syndra", - "key": "134", - "name": "Syndra", - "title": "the Dark Sovereign", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Syndra.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Syndra_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Born with immense magical potential, Syndra loves nothing more than exercising the incredible power at her command. With each passing day, her mastery of magical force grows more potent and devastating. Refusing any notion of balance or restraint, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 9, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Syndra.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 511.04, - "hpperlevel": 78, - "mp": 384, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 24.712, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.505, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 53.872, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.9, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "TahmKench": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "TahmKench", - "key": "223", - "name": "Tahm Kench", - "title": "the River King", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/TahmKench.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/TahmKench_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The whole world's a river, and I'm its king.''
Tahm Kench travels Runeterra's waterways, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of the unsuspecting. The singularly charming gourmand savors every moment of his victims' suffering. A deal ...", - "info": { - "attack": 3, - "defense": 9, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "TahmKench.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 610, - "hpperlevel": 95, - "mp": 325, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 27, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 6.5, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 8, - "mpregenperlevel": 1, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Taliyah": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Taliyah", - "key": "163", - "name": "Taliyah", - "title": "the Stoneweaver", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Taliyah.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Taliyah_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Taliyah is a nomadic mage from Shurima who weaves stone with energetic enthusiasm and raw determination. Torn between teenage wonder and adult responsibility, she has crossed nearly all of Valoran on a journey to learn the true nature of her growing ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Taliyah.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Support" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 520, - "hpperlevel": 75, - "mp": 340, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 20, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 7, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.7, - "mpregen": 7, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.85, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Talon": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Talon", - "key": "91", - "name": "Talon", - "title": "the Blade's Shadow", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Talon.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Talon_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The three deadliest blademasters in all of Valoran are bound to the house of Du Couteau: my father, myself, and Talon. Challenge us, if you dare.''
-- Katarina Du Couteau

Talon's earliest memories are the darkness of Noxus' underground ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Talon.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Assassin", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 583, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 377.2, - "mpperlevel": 37, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 26.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.51, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 7.59, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.1, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "Taric": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Taric", - "key": "44", - "name": "Taric", - "title": "the Shield of Valoran", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Taric.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Taric_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The best weapons are beautiful.''

Taric is the Aspect of the Protector, wielding incredible power as Runeterra's guardian of life, love, and beauty. Shamed by a dereliction of duty and exiled from his homeland Demacia, Taric ascended Mount ...", - "info": { - "attack": 4, - "defense": 8, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Taric.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 575, - "hpperlevel": 90, - "mp": 300, - "mpperlevel": 60, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 25, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 150, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.5, - "mpregen": 5, - "mpregenperlevel": 1, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Teemo": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Teemo", - "key": "17", - "name": "Teemo", - "title": "the Swift Scout", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Teemo.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Teemo_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Teemo is a legend among his yordle brothers and sisters in Bandle City. As far as yordles are concerned, there is something just slightly off about him. While Teemo enjoys the companionship of other yordles, he also insists on frequent solo missions ...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 7, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Teemo.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 515.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 267.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 24.3, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 500, - "hpregen": 5.74, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 49.54, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0947, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.38 - } - }, - "Thresh": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Thresh", - "key": "412", - "name": "Thresh", - "title": "the Chain Warden", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Thresh.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Thresh_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The mind is a wondrous thing to tear apart.''

Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is a restless spirit who prides himself on tormenting mortals and breaking them with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond the point of death,...", - "info": { - "attack": 5, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Thresh.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Support", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 560.52, - "hpperlevel": 93, - "mp": 273.92, - "mpperlevel": 44, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 16, - "armorperlevel": 0, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 450, - "hpregen": 6.92, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 47.696, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.2, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.5 - } - }, - "Tristana": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Tristana", - "key": "18", - "name": "Tristana", - "title": "the Yordle Gunner", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Tristana.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Tristana_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Greatness comes in all shapes and sizes, as proven by this diminutive, cannon-wielding yordle. In a world fraught with turmoil, Tristana refuses to back down from any challenge. She represents the pinnacle of martial proficiency, unwavering courage, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 5, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Tristana.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 542.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 246.76, - "mpperlevel": 32, - "movespeed": 325, - "armor": 22, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.19, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 7.205, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 56.96, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04734, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.5 - } - }, - "Trundle": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Trundle", - "key": "48", - "name": "Trundle", - "title": "the Troll King", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Trundle.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Trundle_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a mischievous streak. There is nothing he can't beat into submission and bend to his will, not even the ice itself. With his massive, frozen club, he chills his enemies to the core and runs them through with ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Trundle.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 616.28, - "hpperlevel": 96, - "mp": 281.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 350, - "armor": 27.536, - "armorperlevel": 2.7, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 175, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 7.505, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 60.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0672, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "Tryndamere": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Tryndamere", - "key": "23", - "name": "Tryndamere", - "title": "the Barbarian King", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Tryndamere.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Tryndamere_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Fueled by his unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere cuts his way through the tundra, mastering the art of battle by challenging the Freljord's greatest warriors. The wrathful barbarian seeks revenge on the one who decimated his clan and strikes down all ...", - "info": { - "attack": 10, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 2, - "difficulty": 5 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Tryndamere.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "Battlefury", - "stats": { - "hp": 625.64, - "hpperlevel": 98, - "mp": 100, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 24.108, - "armorperlevel": 3.1, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.51, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 61.376, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.0672, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "TwistedFate": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "TwistedFate", - "key": "4", - "name": "Twisted Fate", - "title": "the Card Master", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Maokai.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Maokai_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Twisted Fate is an infamous card sharp and swindler who has gambled and charmed his way across much of the known world, earning the enmity and admiration of the rich and foolish alike. He rarely takes things seriously, greeting each day with a mocking ...", - "info": { - "attack": 6, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 6, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "TwistedFate.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 48, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 521.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 265.84, - "mpperlevel": 38, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 20.542, - "armorperlevel": 3.15, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.505, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 49.954, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.04, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.22 - } - }, - "Twitch": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Twitch", - "key": "29", - "name": "Twitch", - "title": "the Plague Rat", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Twitch.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Twitch_0.jpg", - "blurb": "H.I.V.E. Incident Report
Code Violation: Industrial Homicide
Casefile Status: Unsolved
Investigating Agent: Rol, P.

Team responded to report of suspicious character, criminal activity; proceeded to Sump Works, Sector 90TZ. Sector 90TZ ...", - "info": { - "attack": 9, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 6 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Twitch.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 525.08, - "hpperlevel": 81, - "mp": 287.2, - "mpperlevel": 40, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 23.04, - "armorperlevel": 3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 6.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 7.255, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.46, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3.38 - } - }, - "Udyr": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Udyr", - "key": "77", - "name": "Udyr", - "title": "the Spirit Walker", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Udyr.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Udyr_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Udyr is more than a man; he is a vessel for the untamed power of four primal animal spirits. When tapping into the spirits' bestial natures, Udyr can harness their unique strengths: the tiger grants him speed and ferocity, the turtle resilience, the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Udyr.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 593.32, - "hpperlevel": 99, - "mp": 270.4, - "mpperlevel": 30, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.47, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 6, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.75, - "mpregen": 7.505, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.45, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 58.286, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.2, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.67 - } - }, - "Urgot": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Urgot", - "key": "6", - "name": "Urgot", - "title": "the Headsman's Pride", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Urgot.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Urgot_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There are warriors who become great for their strength, cunning, or skill with arms. Others simply refuse to die. Urgot, once a great soldier of Noxus, may constitute a case in support of the latter. Prone to diving headlong into enemy battle lines, ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Urgot.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Fighter" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 586.52, - "hpperlevel": 89, - "mp": 312.4, - "mpperlevel": 55, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 24.544, - "armorperlevel": 3.3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 425, - "hpregen": 6.505, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 8.59, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.05, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.6, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.9 - } - }, - "Varus": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Varus", - "key": "110", - "name": "Varus", - "title": "the Arrow of Retribution", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Varus.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Varus_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''The life of an arrow is fleeting, built of nothing but direction and intent.''

For his incomparable skill with the bow and his unquestioned sense of honor, Varus was chosen to be the warden of a sacred Ionian temple. The temple was built to ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 2 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Varus.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 144, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 537.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 360.48, - "mpperlevel": 33, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 23.212, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 575, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 7.34, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.66, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.41, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 3 - } - }, - "Vayne": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Vayne", - "key": "67", - "name": "Vayne", - "title": "the Night Hunter", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vayne.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vayne_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Vayne knows this fact well.

As a young ...", - "info": { - "attack": 10, - "defense": 1, - "magic": 1, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Vayne.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 192, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Marksman", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 498.44, - "hpperlevel": 83, - "mp": 231.8, - "mpperlevel": 35, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 19.012, - "armorperlevel": 3.4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 550, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6.97, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.4, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 1.66, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 4 - } - }, - "Veigar": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Veigar", - "key": "45", - "name": "Veigar", - "title": "the Tiny Master of Evil", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Veigar.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Veigar_0.jpg", - "blurb": "To most, thoughts of yordles do not conjure images to be feared. The easygoing half-pint race, though fierce, is often regarded with some degree of joviality. Their high-pitched voices and naturally cute forms inspire something of a protective ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Veigar.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 240, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 492.76, - "hpperlevel": 82, - "mp": 392.4, - "mpperlevel": 52, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 22.55, - "armorperlevel": 3.75, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 50.71, - "attackdamageperlevel": 2.625, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.24 - } - }, - "Velkoz": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Velkoz", - "key": "161", - "name": "Vel'Koz", - "title": "the Eye of the Void", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Velkoz.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Velkoz_0.jpg", - "blurb": "I pass into the sudden glare. Blink. Blink, blink, blink. My eyes adjust and evaluate the landscape before me.

There's a scurrying. I look down to find a small, white creature standing on its hind legs, sniffing at my body. It intrigues me....", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 2, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Velkoz.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 288, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 507.68, - "hpperlevel": 76, - "mp": 375.6, - "mpperlevel": 42, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 21.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.9379, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.14159, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "Vi": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Vi", - "key": "254", - "name": "Vi", - "title": "the Piltover Enforcer", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vi.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vi_0.jpg", - "blurb": "To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive ...", - "info": { - "attack": 8, - "defense": 5, - "magic": 3, - "difficulty": 4 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Vi.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 336, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 582.8, - "hpperlevel": 85, - "mp": 295.6, - "mpperlevel": 45, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 9.01, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.9, - "mpregen": 8.09, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 55.88, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.5, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.03, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.5 - } - }, - "Viktor": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Viktor", - "key": "112", - "name": "Viktor", - "title": "the Machine Herald", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Viktor.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Viktor_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Early in life, Viktor discovered his passion for science and invention, particularly in the field of mechanical automation. He attended Zaun's prestigious College of Techmaturgy and led the team that constructed Blitzcrank - a scientific breakthrough ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 9 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Viktor.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 384, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 516.04, - "hpperlevel": 78, - "mp": 324, - "mpperlevel": 50, - "movespeed": 335, - "armor": 22.72, - "armorperlevel": 4, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 7.84, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 52.04, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.11 - } - }, - "Vladimir": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Vladimir", - "key": "8", - "name": "Vladimir", - "title": "the Crimson Reaper", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Vladimir.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Vladimir_0.jpg", - "blurb": "There is a temple hidden in the mountains between Noxus and the Tempest Flats, where the secrets of an ancient and terrifying sorcery are kept. The area surrounding the temple is littered with the exsanguinated corpses of those who have mistakenly ...", - "info": { - "attack": 2, - "defense": 6, - "magic": 8, - "difficulty": 7 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Vladimir.png", - "sprite": "champion3.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 432, - "y": 96, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "Gnarfury", - "stats": { - "hp": 525, - "hpperlevel": 84, - "mp": 2, - "mpperlevel": 0, - "movespeed": 330, - "armor": 23, - "armorperlevel": 3.3, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 450, - "hpregen": 7.005, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "mpregen": 0, - "mpregenperlevel": 0, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 52, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2 - } - }, - "Volibear": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Volibear", - "key": "106", - "name": "Volibear", - "title": "the Thunder's Roar", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Volibear.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Volibear_0.jpg", - "blurb": "The unforgiving northern reaches of the Freljord are home to the Ursine, a fierce and warlike race that has endured the barren tundra for thousands of years. Their leader is a furious adversary who commands the force of lightning to strike fear within ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 7, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Volibear.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 0, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 584.48, - "hpperlevel": 86, - "mp": 270.4, - "mpperlevel": 30, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 26.38, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.09, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "mpregen": 8.09, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.65, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 59.544, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.3, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.05, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.67 - } - }, - "Warwick": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Warwick", - "key": "19", - "name": "Warwick", - "title": "the Blood Hunter", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Warwick.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Warwick_0.jpg", - "blurb": "Warwick was once a man revered for his ability to track down human specimens for the darkest types of scientific research. When his ambitions exceeded his physical limits, he drank a dangerous elixir to transform himself into an unstoppable manhunter. ...", - "info": { - "attack": 7, - "defense": 4, - "magic": 4, - "difficulty": 3 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Warwick.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 48, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Fighter", - "Tank" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 592.64, - "hpperlevel": 98, - "mp": 240.4, - "mpperlevel": 30, - "movespeed": 345, - "armor": 25.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 32.1, - "spellblockperlevel": 1.25, - "attackrange": 125, - "hpregen": 8.39, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "mpregen": 8.105, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.6, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 62.43, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3.375, - "attackspeedoffset": -0.08, - "attackspeedperlevel": 2.88 - } - }, - "Xerath": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "Xerath", - "key": "101", - "name": "Xerath", - "title": "the Magus Ascendant", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/Xerath.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Xerath_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''A lifetime as a slave has prepared me for eternity as your master.''

Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the ...", - "info": { - "attack": 1, - "defense": 3, - "magic": 10, - "difficulty": 8 - }, - "image": { - "full": "Xerath.png", - "sprite": "champion4.png", - "group": "champion", - "x": 96, - "y": 0, - "w": 48, - "h": 48 - }, - "tags": [ - "Mage", - "Assassin" - ], - "partype": "MP", - "stats": { - "hp": 514.4, - "hpperlevel": 80, - "mp": 366.96, - "mpperlevel": 44, - "movespeed": 340, - "armor": 21.88, - "armorperlevel": 3.5, - "spellblock": 30, - "spellblockperlevel": 0, - "attackrange": 525, - "hpregen": 5.42, - "hpregenperlevel": 0.55, - "mpregen": 6, - "mpregenperlevel": 0.8, - "crit": 0, - "critperlevel": 0, - "attackdamage": 54.7, - "attackdamageperlevel": 3, - "attackspeedoffset": 0, - "attackspeedperlevel": 1.36 - } - }, - "XinZhao": { - "version": "6.24.1", - "id": "XinZhao", - "key": "5", - "name": "Xin Zhao", - "title": "the Seneschal of Demacia", - "img": "https://www.masterypoints.com/assets/img/lol/champion_icons/XinZhao.png", - "splash": "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/XinZhao_0.jpg", - "blurb": "''Death is inevitable, one can only avoid defeat.''

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This community-created event features 28 maps with 50 missions and new shiny medals! Complete the campaign and take home up to 5 in-game Canteen Crasher participan...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1542738000,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338447896497","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403127338447896497","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Fixed XP-earned text being truncated for some clients ;* Fixed some missing particles when running in DirectX8 ;* Fixed the Athenian Attire not bein...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540923360,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338447872960","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45363/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Fixed XP-earned text being truncated for some clients; * Fixed some missing particles when running in DirectX8; * Fixed the Athenian Attire not bein...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540923360,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338430027998","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403127338430027998","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect ;* Updated the equip_region for the Earbuds ;* Updated the models for the TFNew tournament...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540494720,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338429999684","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45236/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect; * Updated the equip_region for the Earbuds; * Updated the models for the TFNew tournament...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540494720,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338429434053","title":"Team Fortress 2008 throwback mod Steam page removed (Updated)","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/pcgamer/2403127338429434053","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"Update: The Steam page for XYK's Team Fortress 2008 mod has been pulled. As reported by Eurogamer, a screenshot from the project's Discord (also now shuttered) suggests Valve could not be convinced at this stage that the TF-2008 team has created a mod for the original game, and is "no...","feedlabel":"PC Gamer","date":1540482175,"feedname":"pcgamer","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338428683883","title":"Team Fortress 2 mod reverts the game to 2008 - and it's coming to Steam","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/eurogamer/2403127338428683883","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"UPDATE 26/10/18: All good things must come to an end, but it seems TF2008's end came particularly quickly, as the mod's newly-approved Steam page has now been removed. According to an email screenshot shared on the mod's Discord server, it appears Valve has U-turned on its decision to launch the mod...","feedlabel":"Eurogamer","date":1540464693,"feedname":"eurogamer","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706534048982","title":"All of Halloween is happening in TF2 s Scream Fortress X","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/rps/2403126706534048982","is_external_url":true,"author":"contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Cox)","contents":"The thing about special Halloween game modes is that they’re fun for a round or two, then the novelty wears off. The thing about Team Fortress 2‘s Halloween mode is that there are 18 of them. Ok, so only 5 of those are new – but you can also play the 13 previous Halloween events, w...","feedlabel":"Rock, Paper, Shotgun","date":1540295862,"feedname":"rps","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706532334864","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403126706532334864","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: The Insured Tank Update * Fixed a common crash related to the Panzer Pants taunt ;* Fixed competitive match history failing to load ;* Fixed an issue ...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540254060,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706532311081","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45119/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: The Insured Tank Update * Fixed a common crash related to the Panzer Pants taunt; * Fixed competitive match history failing to load; * Fixed an issue ...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540254060,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440}],"count":2587}} -;; diff --git a/src/data/steam/steam.json b/src/data/steam/steam.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5940532f..00000000 --- a/src/data/steam/steam.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"appnews":{"appid":440,"newsitems":[{"gid":"3316234163932872071","title":"Operation Canteen Crasher!","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/3316234163932872071","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":" Operation Canteen Crasher is a new community Mann vs. Machine event brought you by the same group that hosted Operation Titanium Tank! This community-created event features 28 maps with 50 missions and new shiny medals! Complete the campaign and take home up to 5 in-game Canteen Crasher participan...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1542738000,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338447896497","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403127338447896497","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Fixed XP-earned text being truncated for some clients ;* Fixed some missing particles when running in DirectX8 ;* Fixed the Athenian Attire not bein...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540923360,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338447872960","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45363/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Fixed XP-earned text being truncated for some clients; * Fixed some missing particles when running in DirectX8; * Fixed the Athenian Attire not bein...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540923360,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338430027998","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403127338430027998","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect ;* Updated the equip_region for the Earbuds ;* Updated the models for the TFNew tournament...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540494720,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338429999684","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45236/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: * Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect; * Updated the equip_region for the Earbuds; * Updated the models for the TFNew tournament...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540494720,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338429434053","title":"Team Fortress 2008 throwback mod Steam page removed (Updated)","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/pcgamer/2403127338429434053","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"Update: The Steam page for XYK's Team Fortress 2008 mod has been pulled. As reported by Eurogamer, a screenshot from the project's Discord (also now shuttered) suggests Valve could not be convinced at this stage that the TF-2008 team has created a mod for the original game, and is "no...","feedlabel":"PC Gamer","date":1540482175,"feedname":"pcgamer","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403127338428683883","title":"Team Fortress 2 mod reverts the game to 2008 - and it's coming to Steam","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/eurogamer/2403127338428683883","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"UPDATE 26/10/18: All good things must come to an end, but it seems TF2008's end came particularly quickly, as the mod's newly-approved Steam page has now been removed. According to an email screenshot shared on the mod's Discord server, it appears Valve has U-turned on its decision to launch the mod...","feedlabel":"Eurogamer","date":1540464693,"feedname":"eurogamer","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706534048982","title":"All of Halloween is happening in TF2 s Scream Fortress X","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/rps/2403126706534048982","is_external_url":true,"author":"contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Cox)","contents":"The thing about special Halloween game modes is that they’re fun for a round or two, then the novelty wears off. The thing about Team Fortress 2‘s Halloween mode is that there are 18 of them. Ok, so only 5 of those are new – but you can also play the 13 previous Halloween events, w...","feedlabel":"Rock, Paper, Shotgun","date":1540295862,"feedname":"rps","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706532334864","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://steamstore-a.akamaihd.net/news/externalpost/tf2_blog/2403126706532334864","is_external_url":true,"author":"","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: The Insured Tank Update * Fixed a common crash related to the Panzer Pants taunt ;* Fixed competitive match history failing to load ;* Fixed an issue ...","feedlabel":"TF2 Blog","date":1540254060,"feedname":"tf2_blog","feed_type":0,"appid":440},{"gid":"2403126706532311081","title":"Team Fortress 2 Update Released","url":"https://store.steampowered.com/news/45119/","is_external_url":false,"author":"Valve","contents":"An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: The Insured Tank Update * Fixed a common crash related to the Panzer Pants taunt; * Fixed competitive match history failing to load; * Fixed an issue ...","feedlabel":"Product Update","date":1540254060,"feedname":"steam_updates","feed_type":0,"appid":440}],"count":2587}} diff --git a/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.js b/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.js deleted file mode 100644 index 454e2072..00000000 --- a/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36723 +0,0 @@ -export default { - "PER": { - "indicators": [ - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - 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"1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 80.0698013305664, - "2003": 67.7149963378906, - "2004": 68.4058990478516, - "2005": 66.8352966308594, - "2006": 66.3368988037109, - "2007": 72.7347030639648, - "2008": 69.448600769043, - "2009": 69.0343017578125, - "2010": 68.8998031616211, - "2011": 69.6343994140625, - "2012": 67.1211013793945, - "2013": 65.5431976318359, - "2014": 64.5300979614258, - "2015": 62.7122001647949, - "2016": 62.986198425293, - "2017": 60.263599395752 - 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"2010": 77.9032974243164, - "2011": 79.3110961914063, - "2012": 78.1052017211914, - "2013": 79.8455963134766, - "2014": 79.0990982055664, - "2015": 79.3988037109375, - "2016": 79.5418014526367, - "2017": 80.4606018066406 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 84.2255020141602, - 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"2016": 79.0189971923828, - "2017": 79.4820022583008 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% del total de la población entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 75.5410003662109, - "1991": 75.6240005493164, - "1992": 77.0500030517578, - "1993": 78.338996887207, - "1994": 79.5279998779297, - "1995": 79.8410034179688, - "1996": 80.5090026855469, - "1997": 81.1060028076172, - "1998": 82.6309967041016, - "1999": 82.5019989013672, - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 43.1910018920898, - "1991": 43.2229995727539, - "1992": 44.8289985656738, - "1993": 46.375, - "1994": 47.9109992980957, - "1995": 50.7939987182617, - "1996": 51.9980010986328, - "1997": 53.2690010070801, - "1998": 55.0839996337891, - "1999": 57.2229995727539, - "2000": 52.9560012817383, - "2001": 55.7529983520508, - "2002": 57.689998626709, - "2003": 59.6069984436035, - "2004": 61.5289993286133, - "2005": 63.4640007019043, - "2006": 65.3970031738281, - "2007": 67.306999206543, - "2008": 67.8339996337891, - "2009": 67.9369964599609, - "2010": 68.8840026855469, - "2011": 67.4140014648438, - "2012": 67.1940002441406, - "2013": 65.9130020141602, - "2014": 64.2040023803711, - "2015": 60.4269981384277, - "2016": 60.2709999084473, - "2017": 60.8790016174316 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": 49.7400016784668, - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 39.6300010681152, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": 41.9300003051758, - "1980": 41.9199981689453, - "1981": 41.9900016784668, - "1982": 42.0400009155273, - "1983": "", - "1984": 41.8300018310547, - "1985": "", - "1986": 48.4099998474121, - "1987": 48.3199996948242, - 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"indicatorCode": "SG.VAW.ARGU.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 12.9, - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres víctimas de violencia física o sexual en los últimos 12 meses (% de mujeres de entre 15 y 49 años)", - "indicatorCode": "SG.VAW.1549.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 1, - "2014": "", - "2015": 1, - "2016": "", - "2017": 1 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "La ley exige igualdad de remuneración para hombres y mujeres por trabajo de igual valor (1=sí; 0=no)", - "indicatorCode": "SG.LAW.EQRM.WK" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 1, - "2010": "", - "2011": 1, - "2012": "", - "2013": 1, - "2014": "", - "2015": 1, - "2016": "", - "2017": 1 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Las mujeres no embarazadas y que no amamantan pueden hacer los mismos trabajos que los hombres (1=sí; 0=no)", - "indicatorCode": "SG.JOB.NOPN.EQ" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 5.6, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 10.8, - "1998": 10.8, - "1999": 10.8, - "2000": "", - "2001": 17.5, - "2002": 17.5, - "2003": 17.5, - "2004": 18.3, - "2005": 18.3, - "2006": 29.2, - "2007": 29.2, - "2008": 29.2, - "2009": 27.5, - "2010": 27.5, - "2011": 21.5, - "2012": 21.5, - "2013": 21.5, - "2014": 22.3, - "2015": 22.3, - "2016": 27.7, - "2017": 27.7 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de escaños ocupados por mujeres en los parlamentos nacionales (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SG.GEN.PARL.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 15.2815504074097, - "1971": 13.3423204421997, - "1972": 14.1351003646851, - "1973": 13.7966899871826, - "1974": 14.5591802597046, - "1975": 14.3904104232788, - "1976": 16.3112506866455, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educacin terciaria, profesores (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 6.88583993911743, - "1971": 6.7673602104187, - "1972": 6.71360015869141, - "1973": 7.46516990661621, - "1974": 8.15804004669189, - "1975": 8.37884998321533, - "1976": 8.02931976318359, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 12.1821804046631, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": 30.8059692382813, - "2002": 32.6345481872559, - "2003": 32.6629791259766, - "2004": 33.6382102966309, - "2005": 33.6079483032227, - "2006": 35.4248313903809, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel terciario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 11.7591495513916, - "2005": 15.1386804580688, - "2006": 16.0016593933105, - 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"1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos nivel de licenciatura o equivalente, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 35.6549415588379, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - 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"2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 12.2, - "2007": "", - "2008": 12.6, - "2009": 10.9, - "2010": 10.3, - "2011": 9.6, - "2012": 9.3, - "2013": 9, - "2014": 8.6, - "2015": 6.5, - "2016": 6, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Necesidades de anticoncepción insatisfechas (% de mujeres casadas entre 15 y 49 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.UWT.TFRT" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 49.7412220022422, - "1961": 49.7405035767773, - "1962": 49.7402183429689, - "1963": 49.7407162477034, - "1964": 49.7421598401563, - "1965": 49.7448412584914, - "1966": 49.748646088836, - "1967": 49.7536126003403, - "1968": 49.7601614654142, - "1969": 49.7688879987984, - "1970": 49.7799501839058, - "1971": 49.7934155973814, - "1972": 49.808789840365, - "1973": 49.8255564295153, - "1974": 49.8429127424629, - "1975": 49.8603836427817, - "1976": 49.8777486258549, - "1977": 49.8948468022071, - "1978": 49.9114673224068, - "1979": 49.9273047513511, - "1980": 49.9422032914111, - 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"2017": 50.0548320644059 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5004721, - "1961": 5148262, - "1962": 5297665, - "1963": 5452349, - "1964": 5611421, - "1965": 5774222, - "1966": 5940648, - "1967": 6110779, - "1968": 6284375, - "1969": 6461221, - "1970": 6641178, - "1971": 6823856, - "1972": 7009330, - "1973": 7198621, - "1974": 7393120, - "1975": 7593710, - "1976": 7800831, - "1977": 8013773, - "1978": 8230942, - "1979": 8450073, - "1980": 8669527, - "1981": 8888432, - "1982": 9107129, - "1983": 9326509, - "1984": 9548042, - "1985": 9772633, - "1986": 10000155, - "1987": 10229681, - "1988": 10460377, - "1989": 10691111, - "1990": 10920797, - "1991": 11149309, - "1992": 11376105, - "1993": 11599241, - "1994": 11816310, - "1995": 12025641, - "1996": 12226609, - "1997": 12419736, - "1998": 12606015, - "1999": 12786981, - "2000": 12964040, - "2001": 13137629, - "2002": 13308134, - "2003": 13476784, - "2004": 13645023, - "2005": 13814104, - "2006": 13984304, - "2007": 14156091, - "2008": 14331114, - "2009": 14511323, - "2010": 14697923, - "2011": 14891720, - "2012": 15091930, - "2013": 15296126, - "2014": 15500874, - "2015": 15703562, - "2016": 15903293, - "2017": 16100379 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 67.949577331543, - "1978": 75.0156021118164, - "1979": 84.7582702636719, - "1980": 84.5397872924805, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 94.3837280273438, - "1999": 95.0136108398438, - "2000": 95.5454864501953, - "2001": 95.7724990844727, - "2002": "", - "2003": 96.6299209594727, - "2004": 96.921630859375, - "2005": 96.0303268432617, - "2006": 96.4719390869141, - "2007": 95.4194564819336, - "2008": 95.8081665039063, - "2009": 95.2583923339844, - "2010": 92.9879531860352, - "2011": 88.8521118164063, - "2012": 98.3144607543945, - "2013": 93.7408828735352, - "2014": 94.7446594238281, - "2015": 94.8355407714844, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 23.197660446167, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 41.768009185791, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 52.1739501953125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 60.910701751709, - "1999": 61.7676391601563, - "2000": 63.8640518188477, - "2001": 66.6630401611328, - "2002": 67.3620529174805, - "2003": "", - "2004": 68.1773681640625, - "2005": 69.6006774902344, - "2006": 72.1924285888672, - "2007": 75.9625778198242, - "2008": 77.6753768920898, - "2009": 80.4776611328125, - "2010": 80.7018508911133, - "2011": 81.1748275756836, - "2012": 75.8371429443359, - "2013": 80.5659713745117, - "2014": 79.4018707275391, - "2015": 78.6519622802734, - "2016": 80.3221588134766, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 30.7303600311279, - "1971": 38.5358390808105, - "1972": 40.1944885253906, - "1973": "", - "1974": 38.1874618530273, - "1975": 63.888069152832, - "1976": 72.1487579345703, - "1977": 47.0706596374512, - "1978": 51.2668495178223, - "1979": 53.1899490356445, - "1980": 52.953800201416, - "1981": 53.6105194091797, - "1982": 53.7116584777832, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 59.0662498474121, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 63.9740409851074, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 67.1886672973633, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 78.5781326293945, - "1999": 79.6793212890625, - "2000": 81.5766067504883, - "2001": 84.4440002441406, - "2002": 85.51708984375, - "2003": 78.9803009033203, - "2004": 83.7653503417969, - "2005": 84.5824508666992, - "2006": 87.7421722412109, - "2007": 90.3146667480469, - "2008": 91.1638107299805, - "2009": 93.1049423217773, - "2010": 94.9087905883789, - "2011": 95.3835678100586, - "2012": 92.6181716918945, - "2013": 97.7117080688477, - "2014": 95.5008392333984, - "2015": 95.7722625732422, - "2016": 97.8610687255859, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 44.0310401916504, - "1971": 44.100040435791, - "1972": 44.1003684997559, - "1973": 44.0998191833496, - "1974": 44.1655693054199, - "1975": 42.7002105712891, - "1976": 42.6476783752441, - "1977": 45.9697914123535, - "1978": 44.635799407959, - "1979": 60.2808113098145, - "1980": 40.128101348877, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 70.5823211669922, - "2004": 67.7231674194336, - "2005": 70.2429962158203, - "2006": 66.9079132080078, - "2007": 64.5308380126953, - "2008": 66.247428894043, - "2009": 59.7417793273926, - "2010": 56.0594482421875, - "2011": 48.3022918701172, - "2012": 48.9602317810059, - "2013": 48.9428482055664, - "2014": 54.0125694274902, - "2015": 56.7083587646484, - "2016": 54.6560211181641, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.5932807922363, - "1971": 48.7150802612305, - "1972": 47.6504707336426, - "1973": 43.9413108825684, - "1974": 44.2774200439453, - "1975": 68.7019882202148, - "1976": 73.4592514038086, - "1977": 46.4037208557129, - "1978": 46.1341400146484, - "1979": 45.8060111999512, - "1980": 45.7374382019043, - "1981": 46.132381439209, - "1982": 46.2699317932129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 46.7608184814453, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 47.6299705505371, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 47.632080078125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.888069152832, - "1999": 47.7373313903809, - "2000": 47.510929107666, - "2001": 47.5320701599121, - "2002": 47.5045318603516, - "2003": 47.1419486999512, - "2004": 48.1854705810547, - "2005": 48.1036186218262, - "2006": 48.5288391113281, - "2007": 48.5853118896484, - "2008": 48.7057304382324, - "2009": 48.6301383972168, - "2010": 48.8050193786621, - "2011": 48.8094711303711, - "2012": 48.2569618225098, - "2013": 48.5901412963867, - "2014": 48.5766410827637, - "2015": 48.6633911132813, - "2016": 48.6433982849121, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.8385696411133, - "1971": 50.9975204467773, - "1972": 50.3261604309082, - "1973": "", - "1974": 44.2513008117676, - "1975": 70.4495086669922, - "1976": 75.0633087158203, - "1977": 46.3243789672852, - "1978": 45.908031463623, - "1979": 46.5185089111328, - "1980": 45.4979400634766, - "1981": 46.132381439209, - "1982": 46.2699317932129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 46.7608184814453, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 47.6299705505371, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 47.632080078125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.888069152832, - "1999": 47.7373313903809, - "2000": 47.510929107666, - "2001": 47.5320701599121, - "2002": 47.5045318603516, - "2003": 47.7377090454102, - "2004": 48.6879806518555, - "2005": 48.6171493530273, - "2006": 48.8807792663574, - "2007": 48.890079498291, - "2008": 48.9906616210938, - "2009": 48.6909713745117, - "2010": 48.8688888549805, - "2011": 48.8034706115723, - "2012": 48.2652206420898, - "2013": 48.5958518981934, - "2014": 48.6534004211426, - "2015": 48.7756385803223, - "2016": 48.7421684265137, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 9.02184009552002, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 18.4954395294189, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 18.4397106170654, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 43.3140487670898, - "2005": 40.4030799865723, - "2006": 39.7140884399414, - "2007": 42.0277786254883, - "2008": 42.0777206420898, - "2009": 42.1277389526367, - "2010": 47.6409606933594, - "2011": 48.8342704772949, - "2012": 51.1922416687012, - "2013": 51.9419097900391, - "2014": 50.5954895019531, - "2015": 51.4677505493164, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 2.99389004707336, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 8.18871021270752, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 18.4397106170654, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 11.7591495513916, - "2005": 15.1386804580688, - "2006": 16.0016593933105, - "2007": 17.0619201660156, - "2008": 17.227710723877, - "2009": 17.832389831543, - "2010": 19.9095706939697, - "2011": 20.9165000915527, - "2012": 21.7303199768066, - "2013": 20.5774402618408, - "2014": 20.8854904174805, - "2015": 20.8408794403076, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 13.8929395675659, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 27.6347904205322, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 42.5531806945801, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 57.7741584777832, - "2005": 45.9065284729004, - "2006": 44.6119804382324, - "2007": 46.9851913452148, - "2008": 47.5463485717773, - "2009": 47.3424301147461, - "2010": 53.2193794250488, - "2011": 54.1841888427734, - "2012": 56.3102684020996, - "2013": 57.2789688110352, - "2014": 56.2469902038574, - "2015": 57.157341003418, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 24.9134407043457, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 39.0290412902832, - "1978": 38.7047691345215, - "1979": 47.9896507263184, - "1980": 49.8363914489746, - "1981": 51.2098388671875, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 66.8261108398438, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 77.2057876586914, - "2001": 79.8575210571289, - "2002": 83.194709777832, - "2003": "", - "2004": 82.527458190918, - "2005": 82.5394973754883, - "2006": 87.1178283691406, - "2007": "", - "2008": 87.6278533935547, - "2009": 89.939697265625, - "2010": 90.2468338012695, - "2011": 88.9716186523438, - "2012": 81.7379379272461, - "2013": 89.4017486572266, - "2014": 87.2488327026367, - "2015": 87.2978820800781, - "2016": 87.2509994506836, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 72.4094085693359, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 88.7865982055664, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 93.2807769775391, - "1994": "", - "1995": 88.1133575439453, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 99.6503982543945, - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 99.8705291748047, - "2005": 99.8693313598633, - "2006": 99.8297576904297, - "2007": 99.8442916870117, - "2008": 99.8495025634766, - "2009": 99.8424911499023, - "2010": 99.8506164550781, - "2011": 99.1729431152344, - "2012": 93.0671081542969, - "2013": 95.9269332885742, - "2014": 95.7099227905273, - "2015": 98.2808227539063, - "2016": 99.8950119018555, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": 55.5725708007813, - "1980": 60.0711212158203, - "1981": 60.4582595825195, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 60.0712890625, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 59.1646308898926, - "1994": "", - "1995": 57.6934089660645, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 59.6443405151367, - "1999": 62.0265617370605, - "2000": 62.1155281066895, - "2001": 63.6815605163574, - "2002": 66.9655685424805, - "2003": 63.7260284423828, - "2004": 64.0355377197266, - "2005": 64.2262496948242, - "2006": 64.4960708618164, - "2007": 64.6508407592773, - "2008": 65.2520294189453, - "2009": 65.2591400146484, - "2010": 66.2344284057617, - "2011": 65.9048004150391, - "2012": 67.1833267211914, - "2013": 66.7540664672852, - "2014": 67.0082092285156, - "2015": 67.8424530029297, - "2016": 69.9231262207031, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.334943612263856, - "1961": 0.349147022654834, - "1962": 0.353646103597639, - "1963": 0.34944565187488, - "1964": 0.33852375769925, - "1965": 0.321601878695304, - "1966": 0.344558255409762, - "1967": 0.360854156237691, - "1968": 0.36834211834908, - "1969": 0.366525150586863, - "1970": 0.355554391103506, - "1971": 0.381705230418245, - "1972": 0.399909891517433, - "1973": 0.409328284034322, - "1974": 0.410611542976652, - "1975": 0.404387262038284, - "1976": 0.432902486183206, - "1977": 0.453306962074678, - "1978": 0.463725723771869, - "1979": 0.463415785816914, - "1980": 0.453242720162242, - "1981": 0.481648344168574, - "1982": 0.503287206084554, - "1983": 0.518328879899461, - "1984": 0.52765808769738, - "1985": 0.532078017507473, - "1986": 0.571171261079706, - "1987": 0.604446882664888, - "1988": 0.631077043060901, - "1989": 0.651335609804371, - "1990": 0.665922215369852, - "1991": 0.707604200151543, - "1992": 0.74411219936662, - "1993": 0.774456246467978, - "1994": 0.79764305498678, - "1995": 0.814002144084758, - "1996": 0.851797771271205, - "1997": 0.882925156478731, - "1998": 0.908233165535117, - "1999": 0.928718045330638, - "2000": 0.945770064406625, - "2001": 0.984485025076821, - "2002": 1.01302714663282, - "2003": 1.03425275898558, - "2004": 1.0599692869588, - "2005": 1.10544282936379, - "2006": 1.19427432519364, - "2007": 1.29087904922899, - "2008": 1.38510535679297, - "2009": 1.46482204684495, - "2010": 1.52579422978178, - "2011": 1.58925921105946, - "2012": 1.63556306391072, - "2013": 1.67044932428634, - "2014": 1.70021369761384, - "2015": 1.72866468673421, - "2016": 1.7768396631339, - "2017": 1.8194291066422 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.567483954656432, - "1961": 0.580176490663546, - "1962": 0.59399709570379, - "1963": 0.607004319238493, - "1964": 0.617365684248006, - "1965": 0.625279258497252, - "1966": 0.633179870889549, - "1967": 0.637545556793987, - "1968": 0.6412411735455, - "1969": 0.646394853232849, - "1970": 0.653935190413508, - "1971": 0.665049593689898, - "1972": 0.676013353061327, - "1973": 0.685950632502911, - "1974": 0.692711695835005, - "1975": 0.696076002892393, - "1976": 0.6946822217576, - "1977": 0.688951212131611, - "1978": 0.68436872907515, - "1979": 0.685910747106625, - "1980": 0.695355121450109, - "1981": 0.709967502715607, - "1982": 0.727089973280264, - "1983": 0.745230451130117, - "1984": 0.761915614295249, - "1985": 0.776270290475632, - "1986": 0.790097911501954, - "1987": 0.801148970109826, - "1988": 0.8106787034609, - "1989": 0.819222776608114, - "1990": 0.827036859496035, - "1991": 0.831728451047024, - "1992": 0.835690100312875, - "1993": 0.840934768542926, - "1994": 0.84901271657242, - "1995": 0.860427932175607, - "1996": 0.872155006812599, - "1997": 0.886596731219553, - "1998": 0.904861758839868, - "1999": 0.927365106744117, - "2000": 0.953290868686834, - "2001": 0.985588724907004, - "2002": 1.05002707742701, - "2003": 1.1507939246332, - "2004": 1.27022917815132, - "2005": 1.37994492874021, - "2006": 1.3822779074946, - "2007": 1.35956326923607, - "2008": 1.32856403606364, - "2009": 1.30866808179188, - "2010": 1.30819880011585, - "2011": 1.30778060664324, - "2012": 1.3204740971465, - "2013": 1.34146402055841, - "2014": 1.36509068036482, - "2015": 1.38899024590975, - "2016": 1.40004346269942, - "2017": 1.41484859363568 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.11512665136512, - "1961": 1.11892151543987, - "1962": 1.11936023183026, - "1963": 1.12026924170312, - "1964": 1.1253117079215, - "1965": 1.13578976900776, - "1966": 1.13731662360179, - "1967": 1.14319303643611, - "1968": 1.15082247637991, - "1969": 1.15601989159634, - "1970": 1.15747537560354, - "1971": 1.14551136220422, - "1972": 1.13137791078147, - "1973": 1.12053374652347, - "1974": 1.11849951285783, - "1975": 1.12698521184175, - "1976": 1.13040491957718, - "1977": 1.14023665500965, - "1978": 1.1544606735826, - "1979": 1.17037959053401, - "1980": 1.18655839009441, - "1981": 1.18919697337045, - "1982": 1.19308769857801, - "1983": 1.19795065914788, - "1984": 1.20241444342655, - "1985": 1.20602167666892, - "1986": 1.20264159958353, - "1987": 1.19708499276077, - "1988": 1.1925294045498, - "1989": 1.19286970135652, - "1990": 1.19966540897435, - "1991": 1.20429852532605, - "1992": 1.21318303352808, - "1993": 1.22619293427541, - "1994": 1.24388208064563, - "1995": 1.26725021961402, - "1996": 1.29317110031553, - "1997": 1.32175080329788, - "1998": 1.35115667807445, - "1999": 1.3809045309444, - "2000": 1.41200593426169, - "2001": 1.50304126391138, - "2002": 1.57716337821391, - "2003": 1.6209951588595, - "2004": 1.64055481641724, - "2005": 1.65228257327186, - "2006": 1.647804095848, - "2007": 1.66234461634533, - "2008": 1.68830583418788, - "2009": 1.71612931946434, - "2010": 1.74181800838609, - "2011": 1.75468673258519, - "2012": 1.76903176320481, - "2013": 1.78728284367988, - "2014": 1.81352343012894, - "2015": 1.85022306398432, - "2016": 1.88504996324032, - "2017": 1.92875571880912 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.72086527066533, - "1961": 3.74821711642048, - "1962": 3.76892176540286, - "1963": 3.78231404807102, - "1964": 3.78743502316614, - "1965": 3.78458042817904, - "1966": 3.78820499440297, - "1967": 3.78447657819077, - "1968": 3.77752759820985, - "1969": 3.77207342079771, - "1970": 3.77059612014615, - "1971": 3.79297499418217, - "1972": 3.81661354460605, - "1973": 3.84005385474416, - "1974": 3.86102266174804, - "1975": 3.87848576275815, - "1976": 3.904775297715, - "1977": 3.92499165499406, - "1978": 3.94117660637426, - "1979": 3.95550148111041, - "1980": 3.96940917307253, - "1981": 3.99599029525445, - "1982": 4.02308038781938, - "1983": 4.05056081529309, - "1984": 4.07700471269546, - "1985": 4.10238720867992, - "1986": 4.15118648684675, - "1987": 4.19326776792595, - "1988": 4.23282309967782, - "1989": 4.27586137228607, - "1990": 4.32554589661284, - "1991": 4.39300649223916, - "1992": 4.46635215368491, - "1993": 4.54562736249417, - "1994": 4.62948129420743, - "1995": 4.71726919572873, - "1996": 4.81985564110938, - "1997": 4.92290538472669, - "1998": 5.02683877711067, - "1999": 5.13196195411567, - "2000": 5.23892283878504, - "2001": 5.43662745868166, - "2002": 5.63194702066774, - "2003": 5.82550004700677, - "2004": 6.01682606794656, - "2005": 6.20530382648108, - "2006": 6.30508138121672, - "2007": 6.40926979130537, - "2008": 6.5199057826078, - "2009": 6.63822496080474, - "2010": 6.76548836607414, - "2011": 6.8777289497424, - "2012": 6.99591861291679, - "2013": 7.12485725141873, - "2014": 7.27135726209004, - "2015": 7.43971783224269, - "2016": 7.61236101305315, - "2017": 7.80524434827004 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 186219, - "1961": 192968, - "1962": 199665, - "1963": 206225, - "1964": 212529, - "1965": 218530, - "1966": 225044, - "1967": 231261, - "1968": 237394, - "1969": 243722, - "1970": 250412, - "1971": 258827, - "1972": 267519, - "1973": 276431, - "1974": 285450, - "1975": 294521, - "1976": 304605, - "1977": 314540, - "1978": 324396, - "1979": 334243, - "1980": 344129, - "1981": 355181, - "1982": 366387, - "1983": 377776, - "1984": 389274, - "1985": 400911, - "1986": 415125, - "1987": 428958, - "1988": 442769, - "1989": 457137, - "1990": 472384, - "1991": 489790, - "1992": 508097, - "1993": 527258, - "1994": 547034, - "1995": 567282, - "1996": 589305, - "1997": 611412, - "1998": 633684, - "1999": 656223, - "2000": 679176, - "2001": 714244, - "2002": 749507, - "2003": 785090, - "2004": 820997, - "2005": 857207, - "2006": 881722, - "2007": 907302, - "2008": 934375, - "2009": 963294, - "2010": 994386, - "2011": 1024212, - "2012": 1055819, - "2013": 1089827, - "2014": 1127124, - "2015": 1168301, - "2016": 1210616, - "2017": 1256674 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.70331105237992, - "1961": 1.69997208766222, - "1962": 1.70191833427117, - "1963": 1.70559483525452, - "1964": 1.70623387329738, - "1965": 1.70190952197873, - "1966": 1.67315024450186, - "1967": 1.64288382872298, - "1968": 1.61712182993536, - "1969": 1.60313352538166, - "1970": 1.6036311630256, - "1971": 1.60070880786981, - "1972": 1.60931238924582, - "1973": 1.62424119168346, - "1974": 1.63919991007855, - "1975": 1.65103728598573, - "1976": 1.64678567019702, - "1977": 1.64249682577811, - "1978": 1.63862147994464, - "1979": 1.63579535765287, - "1980": 1.63425294136577, - "1981": 1.61517747499982, - "1982": 1.59961550987655, - "1983": 1.58905082511563, - "1984": 1.58501656727628, - "1985": 1.58801722402789, - "1986": 1.58727571468157, - "1987": 1.59058692239046, - "1988": 1.59853794860622, - "1989": 1.61243328451707, - "1990": 1.63292141277261, - "1991": 1.64937531571455, - "1992": 1.67336682047734, - "1993": 1.70404341320785, - "1994": 1.73894344200259, - "1995": 1.77558889985434, - "1996": 1.80273176271004, - "1997": 1.83163269373052, - "1998": 1.86258717466124, - "1999": 1.89497427109652, - "2000": 1.92785597142989, - "2001": 1.96351244478646, - "2002": 1.991729418394, - "2003": 2.01945820452848, - "2004": 2.04607278641919, - "2005": 2.06763349510522, - "2006": 2.08072505268048, - "2007": 2.09648285649498, - "2008": 2.11793055556331, - "2009": 2.14860551270357, - "2010": 2.18967732779042, - "2011": 2.22600239945452, - "2012": 2.27084968865476, - "2013": 2.3256610628941, - "2014": 2.39252945398244, - "2015": 2.47183983561441, - "2016": 2.55042792397951, - "2017": 2.64221092918304 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.30350411001768, - "1961": 2.26488128709869, - "1962": 2.22014625677822, - "1963": 2.1779783029336, - "1964": 2.14975773524826, - "1965": 2.14002930265906, - "1966": 2.12424566335334, - "1967": 2.12499912040674, - "1968": 2.13510492292392, - "1969": 2.14553874569528, - "1970": 2.15165140883138, - "1971": 2.14012554785772, - "1972": 2.12959043583202, - "1973": 2.11922474617715, - "1974": 2.10790601368651, - "1975": 2.09491775496855, - "1976": 2.06898417130581, - "1977": 2.04255797049455, - "1978": 2.01947699066802, - "1979": 2.00511734860704, - "1980": 2.00186238534121, - "1981": 1.99116042362913, - "1982": 1.99256055093561, - "1983": 2.00303200199946, - "1984": 2.01915807004978, - "1985": 2.0392367374709, - "1986": 2.0543485684669, - "1987": 2.0729479105071, - "1988": 2.09575740669236, - "1989": 2.1238488916351, - "1990": 2.1569583533067, - "1991": 2.18382084921473, - "1992": 2.21443943872891, - "1993": 2.24576017297693, - "1994": 2.27506668112126, - "1995": 2.30192245837312, - "1996": 2.32359563905321, - "1997": 2.34691727418749, - "1998": 2.37081285170713, - "1999": 2.39417732770542, - "2000": 2.41675453151599, - "2001": 2.4315572900135, - "2002": 2.4420330034273, - "2003": 2.45251407550303, - "2004": 2.4696632866296, - "2005": 2.4984251600285, - "2006": 2.54156301477342, - "2007": 2.5955401526834, - "2008": 2.65936097631503, - "2009": 2.73314231463039, - "2010": 2.81735802190773, - "2011": 2.90431231641641, - "2012": 3.00303579502897, - "2013": 3.10732967384417, - "2014": 3.20926399316168, - "2015": 3.30461246827631, - "2016": 3.38499726974767, - "2017": 3.460974213031 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.72780331698677, - "1961": 2.70858451038127, - "1962": 2.7055106689376, - "1963": 2.71099617596082, - "1964": 2.71588864357579, - "1965": 2.71510264589849, - "1966": 2.69142265576999, - "1967": 2.66907050639534, - "1968": 2.64685032322228, - "1969": 2.62362175817852, - "1970": 2.5992527229356, - "1971": 2.56170561729651, - "1972": 2.52566258482089, - "1973": 2.49364357600058, - "1974": 2.46958015960517, - "1975": 2.45550561510703, - "1976": 2.44282886199461, - "1977": 2.43872581898044, - "1978": 2.44230825070712, - "1979": 2.4531368286616, - "1980": 2.47066535463815, - "1981": 2.47989662972166, - "1982": 2.49907599828969, - "1983": 2.52563900905708, - "1984": 2.55621075699419, - "1985": 2.58849539637602, - "1986": 2.61630997045745, - "1987": 2.6449890969251, - "1988": 2.67347114170233, - "1989": 2.70113231471122, - "1990": 2.72724650540551, - "1991": 2.73902102658891, - "1992": 2.752637611443, - "1993": 2.76751009872634, - "1994": 2.7817729608212, - "1995": 2.7947858759165, - "1996": 2.80513545413361, - "1997": 2.81590458543453, - "1998": 2.83004603992983, - "1999": 2.85220569264942, - "2000": 2.88541248603155, - "2001": 2.91696447532774, - "2002": 2.95815348403867, - "2003": 3.01153472605443, - "2004": 3.07911649511932, - "2005": 3.16058184600056, - "2006": 3.25257424250095, - "2007": 3.35852625972285, - "2008": 3.47261957062369, - "2009": 3.58469137092224, - "2010": 3.6875968632022, - "2011": 3.77318453116021, - "2012": 3.84972019479552, - "2013": 3.92258849366022, - "2014": 4.00032901368471, - "2015": 4.08718631169506, - "2016": 4.17354469753809, - "2017": 4.26770672493444 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.34791755707559, - "1961": 3.3221703406257, - "1962": 3.29144761592315, - "1963": 3.25661412051684, - "1964": 3.21978934755052, - "1965": 3.18219603686732, - "1966": 3.12699788743656, - "1967": 3.07489437925999, - "1968": 3.0288294380905, - "1969": 2.99331968369446, - "1970": 2.97051215913803, - "1971": 2.9485692245377, - "1972": 2.94022437811094, - "1973": 2.9424655243093, - "1974": 2.95148772798057, - "1975": 2.9645847728469, - "1976": 2.97532327637318, - "1977": 2.98927783722403, - "1978": 3.00733463954252, - "1979": 3.0311669275518, - "1980": 3.06083596025481, - "1981": 3.08231989095943, - "1982": 3.11262850651237, - "1983": 3.14636416554915, - "1984": 3.17659992800616, - "1985": 3.19980492451006, - "1986": 3.21504080987561, - "1987": 3.2248799889498, - "1988": 3.2309465887969, - "1989": 3.23575412055007, - "1990": 3.24078054757003, - "1991": 3.23556287598733, - "1992": 3.23387429460711, - "1993": 3.23802388692013, - "1994": 3.25118334289215, - "1995": 3.27555014933088, - "1996": 3.31055760259323, - "1997": 3.35632657014773, - "1998": 3.41377536150602, - "1999": 3.48415313982245, - "2000": 3.56736816357927, - "2001": 3.65476117077433, - "2002": 3.75459127136767, - "2003": 3.8620047529147, - "2004": 3.96932418850602, - "2005": 4.07076768363228, - "2006": 4.16416028594336, - "2007": 4.25003655670457, - "2008": 4.33094794039709, - "2009": 4.41294826473045, - "2010": 4.50027653574632, - "2011": 4.59130370317246, - "2012": 4.68690945252323, - "2013": 4.78389165778206, - "2014": 4.87859556315369, - "2015": 4.96872493801726, - "2016": 5.05136295051364, - "2017": 5.13424527868286 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.85501854947816, - "1961": 3.79223197891482, - "1962": 3.72620486481885, - "1963": 3.66331948609315, - "1964": 3.61238138703855, - "1965": 3.57759143226271, - "1966": 3.54217131122015, - "1967": 3.5241987969128, - "1968": 3.51979313774242, - "1969": 3.52413266780381, - "1970": 3.53432779546038, - "1971": 3.54094725383845, - "1972": 3.55510491803138, - "1973": 3.57491981452564, - "1974": 3.59860297122229, - "1975": 3.62461779227574, - "1976": 3.64796938993566, - "1977": 3.67233919095557, - "1978": 3.69596776456841, - "1979": 3.71725518779174, - "1980": 3.73525568349923, - "1981": 3.73865590511716, - "1982": 3.74549556028982, - "1983": 3.75275384331826, - "1984": 3.75608017520666, - "1985": 3.75404689036019, - "1986": 3.7485426472975, - "1987": 3.73836608622183, - "1988": 3.73006846506687, - "1989": 3.73264363874692, - "1990": 3.75038630429378, - "1991": 3.77226863863887, - "1992": 3.80875461174899, - "1993": 3.85949590641107, - "1994": 3.92391433774647, - "1995": 4.00123269905545, - "1996": 4.09528036837027, - "1997": 4.20262454790717, - "1998": 4.3164714873393, - "1999": 4.42831658231134, - "2000": 4.53350996552849, - "2001": 4.6283538202857, - "2002": 4.71292254142636, - "2003": 4.79092080060946, - "2004": 4.87020977180096, - "2005": 4.95625412350365, - "2006": 5.0474074226626, - "2007": 5.14560870974966, - "2008": 5.24701083907515, - "2009": 5.34525496958616, - "2010": 5.43622535952198, - "2011": 5.52068606187681, - "2012": 5.6004706621977, - "2013": 5.67156097845441, - "2014": 5.72897981565557, - "2015": 5.77067654569669, - "2016": 5.79478135721837, - "2017": 5.80370152754159 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.29542254386506, - "1961": 4.25699085574721, - "1962": 4.2320688589642, - "1963": 4.21900648344292, - "1964": 4.21581121223618, - "1965": 4.22055273266346, - "1966": 4.21782128218293, - "1967": 4.22554963941586, - "1968": 4.24136051715564, - "1969": 4.26290944080074, - "1970": 4.28833559347453, - "1971": 4.30768428154655, - "1972": 4.33322504907388, - "1973": 4.35983381821773, - "1974": 4.38096559787554, - "1975": 4.39279293088715, - "1976": 4.39300520854632, - "1977": 4.38620999466543, - "1978": 4.37482072224288, - "1979": 4.36226690898393, - "1980": 4.35060644023601, - "1981": 4.32798349765735, - "1982": 4.31160170618041, - "1983": 4.30248782208052, - "1984": 4.30264266830079, - "1985": 4.31428519680532, - "1986": 4.34070358723512, - "1987": 4.37444640268912, - "1988": 4.4183996915597, - "1989": 4.47774875366063, - "1990": 4.55452190064918, - "1991": 4.63883331993938, - "1992": 4.74131440571014, - "1993": 4.85274244379047, - "1994": 4.96087062013337, - "1995": 5.05991196812412, - "1996": 5.15891934404391, - "1997": 5.25021500049236, - "1998": 5.33665915332158, - "1999": 5.4236336160975, - "2000": 5.51378316587909, - "2001": 5.60016532662284, - "2002": 5.6884989051432, - "2003": 5.77868620426699, - "2004": 5.86854484178768, - "2005": 5.95567486037094, - "2006": 6.03464254362819, - "2007": 6.11409647720522, - "2008": 6.18768452859764, - "2009": 6.2464687048779, - "2010": 6.28670630175605, - "2011": 6.30593461412578, - "2012": 6.30427073333507, - "2013": 6.29531376706936, - "2014": 6.29990887611183, - "2015": 6.32949229493479, - "2016": 6.37922638910233, - "2017": 6.45493460402798 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.04517432832946, - "1961": 5.0460922629991, - "1962": 5.05088181235936, - "1963": 5.06013003567269, - "1964": 5.07580697445194, - "1965": 5.09757162006297, - "1966": 5.10782490131551, - "1967": 5.12682589241077, - "1968": 5.14851516658379, - "1969": 5.16516924587473, - "1970": 5.17275700184515, - "1971": 5.16439981406396, - "1972": 5.15367448153739, - "1973": 5.13919120365103, - "1974": 5.11957132030473, - "1975": 5.09463686463707, - "1976": 5.06439504601624, - "1977": 5.03017616541518, - "1978": 4.99977949063674, - "1979": 4.98375222290821, - "1980": 4.98757313980336, - "1981": 4.99648138283061, - "1982": 5.02805165976621, - "1983": 5.08001330829932, - "1984": 5.14784239988965, - "1985": 5.2274275893268, - "1986": 5.32219857036187, - "1987": 5.42658066726017, - "1988": 5.53615163362753, - "1989": 5.64408238658871, - "1990": 5.744426115498, - "1991": 5.82514867285085, - "1992": 5.90162346398465, - "1993": 5.97792871685072, - "1994": 6.05796410436995, - "1995": 6.14194965359028, - "1996": 6.23359163058349, - "1997": 6.32597834785417, - "1998": 6.41577900833681, - "1999": 6.49774172652638, - "2000": 6.56688089259836, - "2001": 6.63627305686033, - "2002": 6.70226995777695, - "2003": 6.76343901953456, - "2004": 6.81369566533368, - "2005": 6.84627925868797, - "2006": 6.85430412430848, - "2007": 6.84699659298578, - "2008": 6.83808765153744, - "2009": 6.84571815973448, - "2010": 6.87717764671312, - "2011": 6.92361351457233, - "2012": 6.99348022333528, - "2013": 7.07209878790209, - "2014": 7.13735192368173, - "2015": 7.17624264450508, - "2016": 7.18932281442106, - "2017": 7.17811008187384 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.07929749558567, - "1961": 6.09621384774393, - "1962": 6.11351898353785, - "1963": 6.12792649041239, - "1964": 6.13610843452721, - "1965": 6.1361014994233, - "1966": 6.11082962302105, - "1967": 6.08521434010296, - "1968": 6.05754748881154, - "1969": 6.02627583857602, - "1970": 5.99194901868313, - "1971": 5.94650939088363, - "1972": 5.90310427717118, - "1973": 5.86616357044952, - "1974": 5.84195925968458, - "1975": 5.83426206238294, - "1976": 5.84131207526171, - "1977": 5.8594981765772, - "1978": 5.89296997925997, - "1979": 5.94808640250582, - "1980": 6.02690319783305, - "1981": 6.11456347489744, - "1982": 6.2283534893445, - "1983": 6.35282583165344, - "1984": 6.46912942018775, - "1985": 6.56946182433853, - "1986": 6.66718799202372, - "1987": 6.74357162387143, - "1988": 6.80684270185063, - "1989": 6.8725330552705, - "1990": 6.94950321840123, - "1991": 7.02876554176616, - "1992": 7.11507899846582, - "1993": 7.20006103850814, - "1994": 7.27524736353887, - "1995": 7.33887515712256, - "1996": 7.40588704425126, - "1997": 7.4612115439785, - "1998": 7.49864310796418, - "1999": 7.51321989138797, - "2000": 7.50524585740601, - "2001": 7.51677433448803, - "2002": 7.50128511640213, - "2003": 7.47247321560345, - "2004": 7.45441303192125, - "2005": 7.46155631397539, - "2006": 7.5148015904684, - "2007": 7.59803731115019, - "2008": 7.68853107839782, - "2009": 7.75579394264574, - "2010": 7.78476871453707, - "2011": 7.79535309492162, - "2012": 7.7743943649877, - "2013": 7.73839176512952, - "2014": 7.71486770908094, - "2015": 7.71922759454763, - "2016": 7.74820081276254, - "2017": 7.80334998304388 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.30953541284902, - "1961": 7.28426550246773, - "1962": 7.2475460433636, - "1963": 7.20217887699799, - "1964": 7.15324793728792, - "1965": 7.10444008021863, - "1966": 7.03244594446736, - "1967": 6.96713135919332, - "1968": 6.91333664843362, - "1969": 6.8780343529497, - "1970": 6.86604093430412, - "1971": 6.8600696498107, - "1972": 6.87590780800844, - "1973": 6.91326660668297, - "1974": 6.97234820648768, - "1975": 7.05203292566704, - "1976": 7.14595479739151, - "1977": 7.25543205293385, - "1978": 7.37129390885103, - "1979": 7.48246258999472, - "1980": 7.58332028956136, - "1981": 7.65481212384407, - "1982": 7.726509987893, - "1983": 7.8025319436175, - "1984": 7.88574491578847, - "1985": 7.97527624864839, - "1986": 8.06130666200807, - "1987": 8.14203138064004, - "1988": 8.21834139534821, - "1989": 8.2910201364517, - "1990": 8.35903430107424, - "1991": 8.39856306828619, - "1992": 8.43808870644413, - "1993": 8.4729467072613, - "1994": 8.49454478736303, - "1995": 8.49991069085365, - "1996": 8.47373814379144, - "1997": 8.42153768287723, - "1998": 8.35994629230144, - "1999": 8.31473824822294, - "2000": 8.30199600602868, - "2001": 8.34199166820804, - "2002": 8.40407140505735, - "2003": 8.47110174586917, - "2004": 8.51686674213255, - "2005": 8.52898002345719, - "2006": 8.52797292508146, - "2007": 8.494704399308, - "2008": 8.44526230762833, - "2009": 8.40565216711176, - "2010": 8.39227648485476, - "2011": 8.4158053489866, - "2012": 8.4602444432547, - "2013": 8.50914257755756, - "2014": 8.53849218189296, - "2015": 8.53449464917714, - "2016": 8.50369847953493, - "2017": 8.44813600672779 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8.44382396388372, - "1961": 8.36233827305958, - "1962": 8.27735745664744, - "1963": 8.20017056865388, - "1964": 8.14618680502254, - "1965": 8.12340021682582, - "1966": 8.09391228232601, - "1967": 8.09572723870394, - "1968": 8.12790452511189, - "1969": 8.18938092351275, - "1970": 8.27826027249985, - "1971": 8.36751734943841, - "1972": 8.48718900197151, - "1973": 8.62096820461358, - "1974": 8.74632208679449, - "1975": 8.8506133562365, - "1976": 8.92108573533108, - "1977": 8.96763385545514, - "1978": 9.00585753054055, - "1979": 9.0586253690646, - "1980": 9.1368998562436, - "1981": 9.2096302667455, - "1982": 9.30559212642935, - "1983": 9.40761234292223, - "1984": 9.49536339346749, - "1985": 9.56060228227272, - "1986": 9.60921297904142, - "1987": 9.64025962485836, - "1988": 9.65538411591711, - "1989": 9.65770716583284, - "1990": 9.64917847098128, - "1991": 9.59651142599651, - "1992": 9.53450947674806, - "1993": 9.47621114668338, - "1994": 9.44061823683919, - "1995": 9.43891237758244, - "1996": 9.43222124266487, - "1997": 9.46240496680325, - "1998": 9.50887409771241, - "1999": 9.53903036220981, - "2000": 9.53570874015421, - "2001": 9.49182615129213, - "2002": 9.41072650836898, - "2003": 9.3188263104036, - "2004": 9.25068768689056, - "2005": 9.2234225576154, - "2006": 9.21182514000693, - "2007": 9.23230213992706, - "2008": 9.26776652083941, - "2009": 9.28854916634387, - "2010": 9.27580292148841, - "2011": 9.22806220209112, - "2012": 9.14824799058145, - "2013": 9.04138852430851, - "2014": 8.91622569693646, - "2015": 8.77915245492648, - "2016": 8.62488093660105, - "2017": 8.45742771288628 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 53.0045718814008, - "1961": 52.7020483227249, - "1962": 52.4290777698644, - "1963": 52.2052692875549, - "1964": 52.0664366240078, - "1965": 52.0272868023733, - "1966": 51.8574566756163, - "1967": 51.8244891526923, - "1968": 51.8902197911487, - "1969": 52.0106029495044, - "1970": 52.1649773579326, - "1971": 52.2121669696236, - "1972": 52.328660846138, - "1973": 52.4999711750428, - "1974": 52.7132188728465, - "1975": 52.9589814518883, - "1976": 53.1614123773705, - "1977": 53.3768292720971, - "1978": 53.6212800890493, - "1979": 53.9242769209613, - "1980": 54.2973336376944, - "1981": 54.5526968470828, - "1982": 54.9290083391841, - "1983": 55.3710599815944, - "1984": 55.8044641417992, - "1985": 56.1937747138001, - "1986": 56.5447448654036, - "1987": 56.83004057897, - "1988": 57.0913976186887, - "1989": 57.3931572487007, - "1990": 57.7611428472012, - "1991": 58.0241094697144, - "1992": 58.3716995629524, - "1993": 58.768341188018, - "1994": 59.1613813885939, - "1995": 59.5275562788987, - "1996": 59.8211147798846, - "1997": 60.1019715470671, - "1998": 60.3800535204863, - "1999": 60.6742279510699, - "2000": 60.9946792045288, - "2001": 61.3396784655984, - "2002": 61.6810336957108, - "2003": 62.0342109834372, - "2004": 62.4061324067143, - "2005": 62.7872879467663, - "2006": 63.1570400194275, - "2007": 63.5462193303377, - "2008": 63.9314730078168, - "2009": 64.2788157299829, - "2010": 64.5670043493912, - "2011": 64.7894621695093, - "2012": 64.9563395743738, - "2013": 65.0790683966736, - "2014": 65.182559049086, - "2015": 65.2807712592159, - "2016": 65.3363907296678, - "2017": 65.4036302248767 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2652731, - "1961": 2713240, - "1962": 2777517, - "1963": 2846413, - "1964": 2921667, - "1965": 3004171, - "1966": 3080669, - "1967": 3166880, - "1968": 3260976, - "1969": 3360520, - "1970": 3464369, - "1971": 3562883, - "1972": 3667889, - "1973": 3779274, - "1974": 3897152, - "1975": 4021551, - "1976": 4147032, - "1977": 4277498, - "1978": 4413536, - "1979": 4556641, - "1980": 4707322, - "1981": 4848879, - "1982": 5002456, - "1983": 5164187, - "1984": 5328234, - "1985": 5491611, - "1986": 5654562, - "1987": 5813532, - "1988": 5971975, - "1989": 6135966, - "1990": 6307977, - "1991": 6469287, - "1992": 6640426, - "1993": 6816682, - "1994": 6990692, - "1995": 7158570, - "1996": 7314094, - "1997": 7464506, - "1998": 7611519, - "1999": 7758402, - "2000": 7907375, - "2001": 8058579, - "2002": 8208595, - "2003": 8360217, - "2004": 8515331, - "2005": 8673501, - "2006": 8832072, - "2007": 8995661, - "2008": 9162092, - "2009": 9327707, - "2010": 9490009, - "2011": 9648265, - "2012": 9803165, - "2013": 9954576, - "2014": 10103866, - "2015": 10251406, - "2016": 10390638, - "2017": 10530232 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.5970746033297, - "1961": 9.56827946368687, - "1962": 9.56439520853417, - "1963": 9.58694874687062, - "1964": 9.64145814706893, - "1965": 9.73030123549155, - "1966": 9.80978512452341, - "1967": 9.9308778798906, - "1968": 10.0709776230731, - "1969": 10.2022202924184, - "1970": 10.3118904507604, - "1971": 10.37463884035, - "1972": 10.4249779115804, - "1973": 10.4702941104153, - "1974": 10.5244755292049, - "1975": 10.5950173768794, - "1976": 10.6605538152143, - "1977": 10.7349782093957, - "1978": 10.8114708120321, - "1979": 10.8824071348919, - "1980": 10.9434113302836, - "1981": 10.9571932516804, - "1982": 10.9791387535431, - "1983": 10.9977997130974, - "1984": 10.9956924139082, - "1985": 10.9651376236912, - "1986": 10.9098930786359, - "1987": 10.8219677970471, - "1988": 10.726034478127, - "1989": 10.6566867852531, - "1990": 10.6291071300212, - "1991": 10.6056140504454, - "1992": 10.6313785550716, - "1993": 10.6776610698895, - "1994": 10.7001989537684, - "1995": 10.6745052489497, - "1996": 10.5821883103993, - "1997": 10.4588510273847, - "1998": 10.3290461203676, - "1999": 10.2270113641367, - "2000": 10.1680193958071, - "2001": 10.1210111717258, - "2002": 10.1064815027021, - "2003": 10.1127101326778, - "2004": 10.1136106965927, - "2005": 10.0853461194944, - "2006": 10.0077887300537, - "2007": 9.91037073090098, - "2008": 9.79420159440523, - "2009": 9.66059666939994, - "2010": 9.50881549966359, - "2011": 9.33120678218591, - "2012": 9.13556571433418, - "2013": 8.93736217096567, - "2014": 8.75854427572637, - "2015": 8.61096135743945, - "2016": 8.4863750222281, - "2017": 8.39504409212702 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.416755732535, - "1961": 11.512547635017, - "1962": 11.6384583483793, - "1963": 11.7869175676543, - "1964": 11.9319288529844, - "1965": 12.0388901011738, - "1966": 12.0797892486512, - "1967": 12.1160166322493, - "1968": 12.154176031825, - "1969": 12.2035448098742, - "1970": 12.264601249959, - "1971": 12.3174418202505, - "1972": 12.3961937012801, - "1973": 12.4887495844691, - "1974": 12.5701209462474, - "1975": 12.6152154065384, - "1976": 12.6215751574223, - "1977": 12.6063933664222, - "1978": 12.5778176328034, - "1979": 12.5383206476531, - "1980": 12.4788584198423, - "1981": 12.3693203584208, - "1982": 12.2620681870439, - "1983": 12.1568933977561, - "1984": 12.0644982702731, - "1985": 11.9988310205639, - "1986": 11.9757567709214, - "1987": 11.9731373885193, - "1988": 11.9801200167757, - "1989": 11.9674581935326, - "1990": 11.9036297265904, - "1991": 11.7806641342533, - "1992": 11.6270179244974, - "1993": 11.4539536443567, - "1994": 11.2923379737825, - "1995": 11.1708695185056, - "1996": 11.0992081125342, - "1997": 11.0641938610787, - "1998": 11.0476634406403, - "1999": 11.0245412893004, - "2000": 10.9776821868555, - "2001": 10.9049881904118, - "2002": 10.7974424361404, - "2003": 10.6542859672075, - "2004": 10.4821701224579, - "2005": 10.2875959653403, - "2006": 10.10230180857, - "2007": 9.90569429835499, - "2008": 9.69781688957563, - "2009": 9.49095668009228, - "2010": 9.3024801674305, - "2011": 9.1645302442606, - "2012": 9.05493983273708, - "2013": 8.96585304878543, - "2014": 8.8844210407477, - "2015": 8.80106467537373, - "2016": 8.72138925701672, - "2017": 8.64710025477659 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.143020502833, - "1961": 14.292049295869, - "1962": 14.3824387669369, - "1963": 14.4055132190707, - "1964": 14.3787770054049, - "1965": 14.3282209545185, - "1966": 14.3922466396775, - "1967": 14.4787104884664, - "1968": 14.5648055693685, - "1969": 14.6171598216498, - "1970": 14.598961208388, - "1971": 14.6333478510378, - "1972": 14.6400746776189, - "1973": 14.6035984937675, - "1974": 14.5167012731704, - "1975": 14.3793594462576, - "1976": 14.293460711183, - "1977": 14.1668439655468, - "1978": 14.0038875254026, - "1979": 13.8260719219311, - "1980": 13.6572156704743, - "1981": 13.5610149593264, - "1982": 13.5262979780888, - "1983": 13.5294431111484, - "1984": 13.5194671911164, - "1985": 13.4382904412498, - "1986": 13.3474757836205, - "1987": 13.1795775098798, - "1988": 12.9452674288512, - "1989": 12.6875144571064, - "1990": 12.4600818896427, - "1991": 12.3049834823889, - "1992": 12.2061264015889, - "1993": 12.1535170207346, - "1994": 12.1119421938129, - "1995": 12.0348731427606, - "1996": 11.9542528996792, - "1997": 11.8490895823173, - "1998": 11.7161856237824, - "1999": 11.5611965013477, - "2000": 11.3954069406919, - "2001": 11.1844830460289, - "2002": 10.945412102509, - "2003": 10.6903702463711, - "2004": 10.4370400977119, - "2005": 10.2051584677745, - "2006": 10.017041958744, - "2007": 9.86292118798341, - "2008": 9.74195163641174, - "2009": 9.63807631821753, - "2010": 9.52762768661332, - "2011": 9.43918626447264, - "2012": 9.34571779033136, - "2013": 9.24728382170542, - "2014": 9.1497544493456, - "2015": 9.0609164822818, - "2016": 8.9948169221819, - "2017": 8.94227341218033 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 43.2745628479338, - "1961": 43.5497345608546, - "1962": 43.8020004647327, - "1963": 44.0124166643741, - "1964": 44.146128352826, - "1965": 44.1881327694477, - "1966": 44.3543383299807, - "1967": 44.3910342691169, - "1968": 44.3322526106415, - "1969": 44.2173236296979, - "1970": 44.0644265219213, - "1971": 43.9948580361942, - "1972": 43.8547256092559, - "1973": 43.6599749702131, - "1974": 43.4257584654055, - "1975": 43.1625327853536, - "1976": 42.9338123249145, - "1977": 42.6981790729088, - "1978": 42.4375433045764, - "1979": 42.1202215979283, - "1980": 41.7332571892331, - "1981": 41.4513128576628, - "1982": 41.0479112729966, - "1983": 40.5783792031125, - "1984": 40.1185311455054, - "1985": 39.70383807752, - "1986": 39.3040686477497, - "1987": 38.976691653104, - "1988": 38.6757792816335, - "1989": 38.3309813790131, - "1990": 37.913311256186, - "1991": 37.5828840380465, - "1992": 37.1619482833627, - "1993": 36.6860314494878, - "1994": 36.2091373171987, - "1995": 35.7551745253726, - "1996": 35.359029579006, - "1997": 34.9751230682062, - "1998": 34.593107702403, - "1999": 34.1938100948144, - "2000": 33.7663979566862, - "2001": 33.2236940757199, - "2002": 32.6870192836215, - "2003": 32.140288969556, - "2004": 31.5770415253391, - "2005": 31.0074082267526, - "2006": 30.5378785993558, - "2007": 30.0445108783569, - "2008": 29.5486212095754, - "2009": 29.0829593092123, - "2010": 28.6675072845346, - "2011": 28.3328088807483, - "2012": 28.0477418127094, - "2013": 27.7960743519077, - "2014": 27.546083688824, - "2015": 27.2795109085414, - "2016": 27.0512482572791, - "2017": 26.7911254268533 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2165771, - "1961": 2242054, - "1962": 2320483, - "1963": 2399711, - "1964": 2477225, - "1965": 2551521, - "1966": 2634935, - "1967": 2712638, - "1968": 2786005, - "1969": 2856979, - "1970": 2926397, - "1971": 3002146, - "1972": 3073922, - "1973": 3142916, - "1974": 3210518, - "1975": 3277638, - "1976": 3349194, - "1977": 3421735, - "1978": 3493010, - "1979": 3559189, - "1980": 3618076, - "1981": 3684372, - "1982": 3738286, - "1983": 3784546, - "1984": 3830534, - "1985": 3880110, - "1986": 3930468, - "1987": 3987191, - "1988": 4045632, - "1989": 4098008, - "1990": 4140436, - "1991": 4190232, - "1992": 4227582, - "1993": 4255301, - "1994": 4278584, - "1995": 4299789, - "1996": 4323210, - "1997": 4343818, - "1998": 4360812, - "1999": 4372356, - "2000": 4377489, - "2001": 4364806, - "2002": 4350032, - "2003": 4331477, - "2004": 4308695, - "2005": 4283396, - "2006": 4270510, - "2007": 4253128, - "2008": 4234647, - "2009": 4220322, - "2010": 4213528, - "2011": 4219243, - "2012": 4232946, - "2013": 4251723, - "2014": 4269884, - "2015": 4283855, - "2016": 4302039, - "2017": 4313473 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 17.7147866125658, - "1961": 17.7451376299686, - "1962": 17.7811033494165, - "1963": 17.8199858776491, - "1964": 17.8354224944368, - "1965": 17.8210217137553, - "1966": 17.882302441652, - "1967": 17.7963071484012, - "1968": 17.613271009448, - "1969": 17.3966189981739, - "1970": 17.2008640635743, - "1971": 17.0440683649059, - "1972": 16.8184572303569, - "1973": 16.5676268919764, - "1974": 16.3389362459877, - "1975": 16.1679579325576, - "1976": 16.0187764563092, - "1977": 15.9249417409398, - "1978": 15.8558381463704, - "1979": 15.755829028344, - "1980": 15.5971830989165, - "1981": 15.5209775399156, - "1982": 15.2595451078639, - "1983": 14.8920426942079, - "1984": 14.5345656841159, - "1985": 14.2667166157063, - "1986": 13.9808360932078, - "1987": 13.8239767547049, - "1988": 13.7503918360066, - "1989": 13.6760087283742, - "1990": 13.549599639953, - "1991": 13.4972364214043, - "1992": 13.3288039572764, - "1993": 13.0785607843966, - "1994": 12.8048571496033, - "1995": 12.5494318641064, - "1996": 12.3055685667925, - "1997": 12.0618396248102, - "1998": 11.8292586379803, - "1999": 11.6080723041662, - "2000": 11.3933088291388, - "2001": 11.1342228392792, - "2002": 10.9441647449721, - "2003": 10.7956327559774, - "2004": 10.6578313051694, - "2005": 10.5146537936378, - "2006": 10.4185348320417, - "2007": 10.2758953920186, - "2008": 10.108852683588, - "2009": 9.95392631090254, - "2010": 9.8373994304908, - "2011": 9.7290923720151, - "2012": 9.64708418964098, - "2013": 9.58293748141686, - "2014": 9.51190819873072, - "2015": 9.41752975088588, - "2016": 9.33504207808044, - "2017": 9.20175175989635 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 19.9, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 17.7, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 21.3, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 18.7, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 17.5, - "2007": "", - "2008": 17.5, - "2009": 19, - "2010": 20.1, - "2011": 18.8, - "2012": 19.1, - "2013": "", - "2014": 18.6, - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 16.40212059021, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 9.27567958831787, - "1978": 14.9357795715332, - "1979": 15.608980178833, - "1980": 18.2693195343018, - "1981": 18.6492099761963, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 13.8940095901489, - "1994": "", - "1995": 14.8668804168701, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 9.51642990112305, - "1999": 9.93101978302002, - "2000": 10.3901100158691, - "2001": 10.3947696685791, - "2002": 9.67593955993652, - "2003": 7.38550996780396, - "2004": 7.3831000328064, - "2005": 8.68778991699219, - "2006": 8.40347003936768, - "2007": 7.50579023361206, - "2008": 6.73749017715454, - "2009": 6.46747016906738, - "2010": 5.8792200088501, - "2011": 5.14483022689819, - "2012": 4.48300981521606, - "2013": 4.48023986816406, - "2014": 3.88772010803223, - "2015": 2.89066004753113, - "2016": 2.64842009544373, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 66.3081512451172, - "1978": 53.896671295166, - "1979": 63.7672004699707, - "1980": 68.0959091186523, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 72.5888824462891, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 84.9431228637695, - "1999": 81.7548828125, - "2000": 80.4578323364258, - "2001": 76.7653274536133, - "2002": "", - "2003": 83.688117980957, - "2004": 84.9451522827148, - "2005": 83.9068984985352, - "2006": 89.5678176879883, - "2007": 82.1506576538086, - "2008": 87.5698394775391, - "2009": 90.9920272827148, - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 91.9978637695313, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 75.1686935424805, - "1978": 60.5240592956543, - "1979": 69.4373931884766, - "1980": 73.5544509887695, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 77.0887908935547, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 87.5836868286133, - "1999": 86.6598968505859, - "2000": 86.0798110961914, - "2001": 82.7331008911133, - "2002": "", - "2003": 89.7753601074219, - "2004": 89.8949432373047, - "2005": 88.5395736694336, - "2006": 93.2895278930664, - "2007": 86.1826095581055, - "2008": 91.0813980102539, - "2009": 93.7223281860352, - "2010": 84.4389114379883, - "2011": 77.8172988891602, - "2012": "", - "2013": 93.777946472168, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el quinto grado, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 25.1066703796387, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 18.9699802398682, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 17.6011695861816, - "1994": "", - "1995": 24.1690006256104, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 16.9151992797852, - "1999": 16.7713394165039, - "2000": 15.8652601242065, - "2001": 14.8622398376465, - "2002": 14.3700704574585, - "2003": 12.624400138855, - "2004": 12.6243801116943, - "2005": 11.9681997299194, - "2006": 11.8247003555298, - "2007": 12.2448902130127, - "2008": 11.5320100784302, - "2009": 11.3450403213501, - "2010": 10.3103799819946, - "2011": 9.54613971710205, - "2012": 9.45825004577637, - "2013": 8.67220020294189, - "2014": 7.74471998214722, - "2015": 6.71103000640869, - "2016": 6.22891998291016, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Alumnos de mayor edad, nivel primario, mujeres (% de matrícula de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.OENR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 83.7573089599609, - "2003": "", - "2004": 79.9897994995117, - "2005": 80.2700881958008, - "2006": 80.436637878418, - "2007": 78.7866973876953, - "2008": 77.8039703369141, - "2009": "", - "2010": 86.1292266845703, - "2011": 86.627571105957, - "2012": 74.2507095336914, - "2013": 73.6869812011719, - "2014": "", - "2015": 85.2722778320313, - "2016": 94.7286605834961, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa neta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% de población en edad escolar oficial)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 72.4094085693359, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 88.7865982055664, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 93.2807769775391, - "1994": "", - "1995": 88.1133575439453, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 97.5351333618164, - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 97.2469787597656, - "2005": 97.1361389160156, - "2006": 97.0526962280273, - "2007": 96.8688278198242, - "2008": 96.8943862915039, - "2009": 96.9949569702148, - "2010": 97.0298614501953, - "2011": 96.4119567871094, - "2012": 90.9188003540039, - "2013": 93.2321319580078, - "2014": 93.0838165283203, - "2015": 94.3669281005859, - "2016": 95.4673461914063, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 111.178573608398, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 123.154182434082, - "1978": 116.815849304199, - "1979": 116.224510192871, - "1980": 116.536880493164, - "1981": 119.895027160645, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 121.098327636719, - "1994": "", - "1995": 118.343963623047, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 120.452346801758, - "1999": 121.362098693848, - "2000": 117.818962097168, - "2001": 118.534080505371, - "2002": 117.80354309082, - "2003": 113.831336975098, - "2004": 110.966117858887, - "2005": 111.062698364258, - "2006": 107.866142272949, - "2007": 107.803497314453, - "2008": 103.407836914063, - "2009": 103.642082214355, - "2010": 107.535026550293, - "2011": 105.478218078613, - "2012": 90.6481170654297, - "2013": 93.7644882202148, - "2014": 92.6168670654297, - "2015": 98.2173004150391, - "2016": 101.808471679688, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa bruta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 97.2108993530273, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 101.55549621582, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 109.379203796387, - "1978": 110.83081817627, - "1979": 108.835487365723, - "1980": 109.543601989746, - "1981": 111.491889953613, - "1982": 113.576080322266, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 117.171279907227, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - 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"1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 45.8893089294434, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 46.4466705322266, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 47.7745208740234, - "1978": 48.1232109069824, - "1979": 47.6291198730469, - "1980": 47.9101982116699, - "1981": 48.1260681152344, - "1982": 47.5917587280273, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 48.1530303955078, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 48.5799903869629, - "1992": 48.5502815246582, - "1993": 48.5816993713379, - "1994": "", - "1995": 48.5816917419434, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 48.8835296630859, - "1999": 49.010181427002, - "2000": 49.0340881347656, - "2001": 49.0970687866211, - "2002": 49.0829391479492, - "2003": 49.0204811096191, - "2004": 49.0365982055664, - "2005": 49.0601615905762, - "2006": 49.0042304992676, - "2007": 49.0141487121582, - "2008": 49.0527305603027, - "2009": 49.0133514404297, - "2010": 49.0601005554199, - "2011": 48.91162109375, - "2012": 48.7655792236328, - "2013": 48.8618202209473, - "2014": 48.9521408081055, - "2015": 48.9706802368164, - "2016": 49.0734100341797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 27.5532493591309, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 44.2566413879395, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 42.5531806945801, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 79.6410522460938, - "2005": 66.2373886108398, - "2006": 64.8725204467773, - "2007": 66.1341705322266, - "2008": 65.7824783325195, - "2009": 65.6573333740234, - "2010": 71.8836669921875, - "2011": 72.6237182617188, - "2012": 74.2169418334961, - "2013": 75.2330932617188, - "2014": 74.280403137207, - "2015": 75.2641296386719, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela primaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CUAT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 62.6108818054199, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 74.1317672729492, - "1978": 73.3493270874023, - "1979": 73.6949615478516, - "1980": 74.5740509033203, - "1981": 73.2970581054688, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 85.2747192382813, - "1994": "", - "1995": 88.5521392822266, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 95.8839797973633, - "1999": 101.208709716797, - "2000": 99.6783294677734, - "2001": 95.4756927490234, - "2002": 95.8929977416992, - "2003": 101.715103149414, - "2004": 102.037178039551, - "2005": 102.744209289551, - "2006": 104.009101867676, - "2007": 106.584060668945, - "2008": 105.979942321777, - "2009": 103.193397521973, - "2010": 104.828666687012, - "2011": 100.79759979248, - "2012": 94.4156875610352, - "2013": 95.8121719360352, - "2014": 96.6542282104492, - "2015": 99.9104537963867, - "2016": 103.060943603516, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización de la educación de nivel primario, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CMPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 5.99890995025635, - "1971": 6.60086011886597, - "1972": 7.20349979400635, - "1973": 8.64694023132324, - "1974": 10.04358959198, - "1975": 12.1021795272827, - "1976": 13.1058197021484, - "1977": 13.4970798492432, - "1978": "", - "1979": 14.0186195373535, - "1980": 15.1139001846313, - "1981": 16.0586204528809, - "1982": 17.5200595855713, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 20.8117408752441, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 30.0437698364258, - "1992": "", - "1993": 33.0262718200684, - "1994": "", - "1995": 35.1008796691895, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 57.4724082946777, - "1999": 56.5135498046875, - "2000": 59.0798988342285, - "2001": 62.7684593200684, - "2002": 60.7887382507324, - "2003": 60.0858688354492, - "2004": 62.8813095092773, - "2005": 64.4681701660156, - "2006": 65.2962188720703, - "2007": 69.4759979248047, - "2008": 73.2374725341797, - "2009": 77.9454879760742, - "2010": 78.7401962280273, - "2011": 77.1505432128906, - "2012": 77.257080078125, - "2013": 85.6049118041992, - "2014": 88.1948394775391, - "2015": 89.2614288330078, - "2016": 89.6323013305664, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel preprimario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRE.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 0.532140016555786, - "1971": 0.526419997215271, - "1972": 0.491780012845993, - "1973": 0.485210001468658, - "1974": 0.486110001802444, - "1975": 0.468609988689423, - "1976": 0.435990005731583, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 0.541299998760223, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": 0.976040005683899, - "2002": 1.06784999370575, - "2003": 1.07044994831085, - "2004": 1.02348005771637, - "2005": 1.02591001987457, - "2006": 1.06532001495361, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación terciaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.TERT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 0.753620028495789, - "1971": 1.04340004920959, - "1972": 1.01348996162415, - "1973": "", - "1974": 0.793229997158051, - "1975": 2.38520002365112, - "1976": 3.02219009399414, - 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"countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación secundaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 0.865130007266998, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 0.884800016880035, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 0.934849977493286, - "1978": 0.949970006942749, - "1979": 0.933210015296936, - "1980": 0.945450007915497, - "1981": 0.954750001430511, - "1982": 0.935350000858307, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 0.957040011882782, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 0.972220003604889, - "1992": 0.971409976482391, - "1993": 0.97298002243042, - "1994": "", - "1995": 0.973010003566742, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 0.986370027065277, - "1999": 0.992179989814758, - "2000": 0.993640005588531, - 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"1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 11.8, - "2006": 11.8, - "2007": 11.8, - "2008": 11.8, - "2009": 11, - "2010": 11, - "2011": 11, - "2012": 11, - "2013": 11, - "2014": 11, - "2015": 11, - "2016": 11, - "2017": 11 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": 5.90000009536743, - "1970": 4.84000015258789, - "1971": 4.57000017166138, - "1972": 4.40000009536743, - "1973": 4.23000001907349, - "1974": 4, - "1975": 4.92000007629395, - "1976": 5.19999980926514, - "1977": 5.82000017166138, - "1978": 6.5, - "1979": 7.11999988555908, - "1980": 6.96999979019165, - "1981": 6.76999998092651, - "1982": 6.98000001907349, - "1983": 9.19999980926514, - "1984": 10.5, - "1985": 11.789999961853, - "1986": "", - "1987": 3.63000011444092, - "1988": "", - "1989": 7.92000007629395, - "1990": 8.60000038146973, - "1991": 5.80000019073486, - "1992": 9.39999961853027, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 7.07000017166138, - "1997": 7.69000005722046, - "1998": 7.75, - "1999": 7.98999977111816, - "2000": "", - "2001": 7.88000011444092, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - 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"2005": 4.87099981307983, - "2006": 4.75600004196167, - "2007": 4.56300020217896, - "2008": 4.54699993133545, - "2009": 3.94899988174438, - "2010": 3.80999994277954, - "2011": 3.61899995803833, - "2012": 3.50200009346008, - "2013": 3.54399991035461, - "2014": 3.06900000572205, - "2015": 2.96199989318848, - "2016": 3.56800007820129, - "2017": 3.73300004005432 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 4.8899998664856, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - 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}, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.80999994277954, - "1998": 1.37000000476837, - "1999": 1.69000005722046, - "2000": 1.54999995231628, - "2001": 1.44000005722046, - "2002": 5.15939998626709, - "2003": 8.15709972381592, - "2004": 8.48019981384277, - "2005": 8.67020034790039, - "2006": 7.21360015869141, - "2007": 6.91349983215332, - 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"1998": 6.42999982833862, - "1999": 6.57000017166138, - "2000": 6.94999980926514, - "2001": 6.1100001335144, - "2002": 6.83879995346069, - "2003": 6.22149991989136, - "2004": 5.77029991149902, - "2005": 5.6596999168396, - "2006": 4.97830009460449, - "2007": 5.21610021591187, - "2008": 3.64310002326965, - "2009": 4.24209976196289, - "2010": 4.07469987869263, - "2011": 3.54010009765625, - "2012": 4.00839996337891, - "2013": 2.91009998321533, - "2014": 3.38199996948242, - "2015": 3.34599995613098, - "2016": 4.14029979705811, - "2017": 3.91519999504089 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - 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"1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 9.5600004196167, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 12.3900003433228, - "1997": 12.5699996948242, - "1998": 12.1800003051758, - "1999": 13.0799999237061, - "2000": 13.6700000762939, - "2001": 12.6199998855591, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - 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"1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 73.8583374023438, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 81.6587524414063, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 82.0626220703125, - "2005": 82.4543685913086, - "2006": 83.4548721313477, - "2007": 84.6468811035156, - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 90.668830871582, - "2013": "", - "2014": 90.4491806030273, - "2015": 91.2465286254883, - "2016": 91.1885299682617, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 0.930069983005524, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 0.967010021209717, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 0.978049993515015, - "2005": 0.983319997787476, - "2006": 0.984210014343262, - "2007": 0.986649990081787, - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 0.999559998512268, - "2013": "", - "2014": 0.996290028095245, - "2015": 0.995299994945526, - "2016": 0.995800018310547, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con respecto a varones de jóvenes alfabetizados (% de jóvenes entre 15 y 24 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 89.7637176513672, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 93.786247253418, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 95.6560211181641, - "2005": 96.2877807617188, - "2006": 96.9576416015625, - "2007": 96.7052307128906, - 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"1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 100.5, - "2004": 100.5, - "2005": 104.5, - "2006": 74.5, - "2007": 74.5, - "2008": 67, - "2009": 41, - "2010": 27.5, - "2011": 26.5, - "2012": 26.5, - "2013": 26.5, - "2014": 26.5, - "2015": 26.5, - "2016": 26.5, - "2017": 26.5 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tiempo necesario para iniciar un negocio, mujeres (días)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.REG.DURS.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 32.8, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 28.7, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": 56.6 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Empresas con participación de mujeres en la propiedad (% de empresas)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.FRM.FEMO.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 14.1, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": 19.9 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Porcentaje de empresas con manager mujer (promedio entre empresas que reportan)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.FRM.FEMM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 60.9, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 49.9, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": 66.5 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Empresas que usan bancos para financiar el capital de trabajo (% de empresas)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.FRM.BKWC.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": 0.606 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Índice de Capital Humano, femenino, límite superior (escala de 0 a 1)", - "indicatorCode": "HD.HCI.OVRL.UB.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 490000, - "2013": 900000, - "2014": 430000, - "2015": 840000, - "2016": 480000, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Flujos oficiales netos de organismos de las Naciones Unidas, Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) (USD a precios actuales)", - "indicatorCode": "DT.NFL.ILOG.CD" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 8.92500019073486, - "1992": 9.11800003051758, - "1993": 9.05300045013428, - "1994": 8.85200023651123, - "1995": 8.76500034332275, - "1996": 8.58899974822998, - "1997": 8.56799983978271, - "1998": 8.48799991607666, - "1999": 8.20199966430664, - "2000": 8.19600009918213, - "2001": 8.36299991607666, - "2002": 8.24400043487549, - "2003": 8.16100025177002, - "2004": 8.36699962615967, - "2005": 8.92199993133545, - "2006": 9.22599983215332, - "2007": 10.3549995422363, - "2008": 10.6450004577637, - "2009": 10.2089996337891, - "2010": 10.0609998703003, - "2011": 9.77999973297119, - "2012": 9.90499973297119, - "2013": 9.79800033569336, - "2014": 9.14000034332275, - "2015": 8.99199962615967, - "2016": 9.0620002746582, - "2017": 8.97200012207031 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Empleados en la industria, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 32.2900009155273, - "1992": 31.9120006561279, - "1993": 31.0400009155273, - "1994": 31.1490001678467, - "1995": 32.2669982910156, - "1996": 33.1619987487793, - "1997": 33.1339988708496, - "1998": 34.0029983520508, - "1999": 33.7859992980957, - "2000": 33.6389999389648, - "2001": 33.7120018005371, - "2002": 33.5390014648438, - "2003": 33.7910003662109, - "2004": 32.9480018615723, - "2005": 32.9830017089844, - "2006": 34.632999420166, - "2007": 36.2360000610352, - "2008": 36.9650001525879, - "2009": 36.5940017700195, - "2010": 36.4939994812012, - "2011": 37.5559997558594, - "2012": 38.4370002746582, - "2013": 38.6209983825684, - "2014": 38.7820014953613, - "2015": 39.8899993896484, - "2016": 39.5940017700195, - "2017": 40.2350006103516 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Trabajadores asalariados (empleados), mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 64.44700050354, - "1992": 64.8720016479492, - "1993": 66.10599899292, - "1994": 66.1359977722168, - "1995": 64.9440002441406, - "1996": 63.9629993438721, - "1997": 64.0450000762939, - "1998": 63.0459995269775, - "1999": 63.2820014953613, - "2000": 63.4639987945556, - "2001": 63.3680000305176, - "2002": 63.6040000915527, - "2003": 63.3659992218018, - "2004": 64.4090003967285, - "2005": 64.0170001983642, - "2006": 62.3579998016357, - "2007": 60.5310001373291, - "2008": 60.1749992370605, - "2009": 60.3629989624024, - "2010": 60.273998260498, - "2011": 59.6559982299805, - "2012": 58.5279998779297, - "2013": 58.4750003814698, - "2014": 58.6259994506836, - "2015": 57.632999420166, - "2016": 57.988000869751, - "2017": 57.2280006408691 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Empleo vulnerable, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 40.8790016174316, - "1992": 41.7639999389648, - "1993": 43.1030006408691, - "1994": 44.390998840332, - "1995": 47.3889999389648, - "1996": 49.6619987487793, - "1997": 52.5099983215332, - "1998": 52.4039993286133, - "1999": 54.6059989929199, - "2000": 51.7690010070801, - "2001": 56.5299987792969, - "2002": 58.2290000915527, - "2003": 60.5940017700195, - "2004": 61.6599998474121, - "2005": 63.4869995117188, - "2006": 65.0660018920898, - "2007": 66.6569976806641, - "2008": 66.9219970703125, - "2009": 67.7239990234375, - "2010": 69.2890014648438, - "2011": 68.7220001220703, - "2012": 68.6500015258789, - "2013": 68.1309967041016, - "2014": 67.5059967041016, - "2015": 66.0510025024414, - "2016": 66.068000793457, - "2017": 66.4130020141602 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 42.2999992370605, - "1991": 40.5, - "1992": 38.2999992370605, - "1993": 40.5999984741211, - "1994": 41.0999984741211, - "1995": 45.7000007629395, - "1996": "", - "1997": 50.5099983215332, - "1998": 50.9599990844727, - "1999": 53.9500007629395, - "2000": 50.2900009155273, - "2001": 54.3199996948242, - "2002": 54.0336990356445, - "2003": 52.9757995605469, - "2004": 52.8160018920898, - "2005": 51.934398651123, - "2006": 54.2285003662109, - "2007": 56.2436981201172, - "2008": 55.1249008178711, - "2009": 56.4401016235352, - "2010": 58.2467002868652, - "2011": 57.638500213623, - "2012": 57.5713996887207, - "2013": 58.4123992919922, - "2014": 57.9702987670898, - "2015": 57.5694007873535, - "2016": 57.5531005859375, - "2017": 57.807300567627 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 67.7099990844727, - "1992": 68.0879974365234, - "1993": 68.9599990844727, - "1994": 68.8509979248047, - "1995": 67.7330017089844, - "1996": 66.8379974365234, - "1997": 66.8659973144531, - "1998": 65.9970016479492, - "1999": 66.213996887207, - "2000": 66.3610000610352, - "2001": 66.2880020141602, - "2002": 66.4609985351563, - "2003": 66.2089996337891, - "2004": 67.052001953125, - "2005": 67.0169982910156, - "2006": 65.3669967651367, - "2007": 63.7639999389648, - "2008": 63.0349998474121, - "2009": 63.4059982299805, - "2010": 63.5060005187988, - "2011": 62.4440002441406, - "2012": 61.5629997253418, - "2013": 61.3790016174316, - "2014": 61.2179985046387, - "2015": 60.1100006103516, - "2016": 60.4059982299805, - "2017": 59.7649993896484 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Independientes, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - 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"2002": 47.1110000610352, - "2003": 49.4109992980957, - "2004": 50.2150001525879, - "2005": 52.3470001220703, - "2006": 54.2159996032715, - "2007": 56.3390007019043, - "2008": 57.0410003662109, - "2009": 57.851001739502, - "2010": 59.3650016784668, - "2011": 57.2840003967285, - "2012": 56.9000015258789, - "2013": 57.2729988098145, - "2014": 54.5120010375977, - "2015": 52.0660018920898, - "2016": 50.9049987792969, - "2017": 51.7169990539551 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, edades entre 15 y 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SH.ANM.ALLW.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que creen que está justificado que un marido golpee a su esposa cuando ella se niega a tener relaciones sexuales (%)", - 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"indicatorCode": "SG.JOB.NOPN.EQ" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 12, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 14.2, - "1998": 17.4, - "1999": 18.2, - "2000": 16, - "2001": 16, - "2002": 16, - "2003": 22.6, - "2004": 22.6, - "2005": 24.2, - "2006": 22.6, - "2007": 23.2, - "2008": 23.2, - "2009": 27.6, - "2010": 26.2, - "2011": 26.2, - "2012": 36.8, - "2013": 36.8, - "2014": 37.4, - "2015": 42.4, - "2016": 42.4, - "2017": 42.6 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de escaños ocupados por mujeres en los parlamentos nacionales (%)", - 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"1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 0.0989099964499474, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 0.0553499981760979, - "2014": 0.0442100018262863, - "2015": 0.166989997029305, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos nivel de doctorado o equivalente, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.DO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 11.5771198272705, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 12.9674301147461, - "2014": 12.8495397567749, - "2015": 13.6109304428101, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos nivel de licenciatura o equivalente, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 18.4584999084473, - "2000": 18.5202007293701, - "2001": "", - "2002": 13.6679201126099, - "2003": 10.1943998336792, - "2004": 8.81509971618652, - "2005": 8.85035991668701, - "2006": 6.92757987976074, - "2007": 6.30041980743408, - "2008": 6.90633010864258, - "2009": 8.32923030853271, - "2010": 11.0055799484253, - "2011": 12.3255395889282, - "2012": 12.6420297622681, - "2013": 9.9647102355957, - "2014": 8.00582981109619, - "2015": 5.94252014160156, - "2016": 5.64198017120361, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Adolescentes que no asisten a la escuela, mujeres (% de mujeres en edad de asistir al ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.UNER.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 0.575469844821104, - "1991": 0.556243602403939, - "1992": 0.534102261538524, - "1993": 0.512607448379551, - "1994": 0.499479513804929, - "1995": 0.52662136478357, - "1996": 0.516202916758395, - "1997": 0.492882811119239, - "1998": 0.483579079737813, - "1999": 0.48899554354642, - "2000": 0.515167595075692, - "2001": 0.500689762795891, - "2002": 0.490156441677805, - "2003": 0.485524924867519, - "2004": 0.464309033479906, - "2005": 0.455021483259403, - "2006": 0.603368303554593, - "2007": 0.601137406622184, - "2008": 0.629019758500547, - "2009": 0.669365988843228, - "2010": 0.656369815314054, - "2011": 0.637919551563932, - "2012": 0.617734454625807, - "2013": 0.599426094409398, - "2014": 0.612827395582044, - "2015": 0.599888066117251, - "2016": 0.589655644963607, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Personal de las fuerzas armadas (% del total de la fuerza laboral)", - "indicatorCode": "MS.MIL.TOTL.TF.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 25.1, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 16.1, - "1996": "", - "1997": 12.1, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 9.9, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 12, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 9.8, - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": 13, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Necesidades de anticoncepción insatisfechas (% de mujeres casadas entre 15 y 49 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.UWT.TFRT" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.1820696801375, - "1961": 50.1755515530412, - "1962": 50.1694986387193, - "1963": 50.1637296365616, - "1964": 50.1579848829517, - "1965": 50.1521702553506, - "1966": 50.1462214285963, - "1967": 50.1402925624016, - "1968": 50.1347945889094, - "1969": 50.1302379496851, - "1970": 50.1269203851996, - "1971": 50.1251844724604, - "1972": 50.1248392362608, - "1973": 50.1251156892843, - "1974": 50.1250571391677, - "1975": 50.1241851869247, - "1976": 50.122078261603, - "1977": 50.1193922520359, - "1978": 50.117991533671, - "1979": 50.120230944788, - "1980": 50.1274255986448, - "1981": 50.1400900538471, - "1982": 50.1571246962244, - "1983": 50.1763168471198, - "1984": 50.1948354933124, - "1985": 50.2108344417773, - "1986": 50.2234787523967, - "1987": 50.2335706332245, - "1988": 50.2428417043025, - "1989": 50.2536575476627, - "1990": 50.2673760392319, - "1991": 50.2842376536875, - "1992": 50.3029574693023, - "1993": 50.3215872512599, - "1994": 50.3376479518284, - "1995": 50.3494427431597, - "1996": 50.3569234822169, - "1997": 50.3606139277588, - "1998": 50.3602775182666, - "1999": 50.355779590591, - "2000": 50.3472425804614, - "2001": 50.3344423910029, - "2002": 50.3179929878801, - "2003": 50.2998344658808, - "2004": 50.2824934371356, - "2005": 50.2677749896704, - "2006": 50.2563333652732, - "2007": 50.2477405779241, - "2008": 50.2413444655974, - "2009": 50.2360611763824, - "2010": 50.2311246589852, - "2011": 50.2264648166746, - "2012": 50.2223440038377, - "2013": 50.2187186413498, - "2014": 50.2155800705633, - "2015": 50.2129295235281, - "2016": 50.2106822126913, - "2017": 50.2088000617141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 19156559, - "1961": 19766220, - "1962": 20393694, - "1963": 21038608, - "1964": 21700487, - "1965": 22379424, - "1966": 23072797, - "1967": 23781446, - "1968": 24512916, - "1969": 25277411, - "1970": 26080967, - "1971": 26926610, - "1972": 27808334, - "1973": 28711961, - "1974": 29617991, - "1975": 30511794, - "1976": 31388332, - "1977": 32249766, - "1978": 33097665, - "1979": 33936252, - "1980": 34768819, - "1981": 35595551, - "1982": 36415343, - "1983": 37229095, - "1984": 38037950, - "1985": 38843457, - "1986": 39643463, - "1987": 40439557, - "1988": 41241293, - "1989": 42061252, - "1990": 42907164, - "1991": 43783246, - "1992": 44683267, - "1993": 45591586, - "1994": 46486389, - "1995": 47351425, - "1996": 48185257, - "1997": 48991681, - "1998": 49766759, - "1999": 50507138, - "2000": 51213051, - "2001": 51878234, - "2002": 52509648, - "2003": 53136973, - "2004": 53800047, - "2005": 54526575, - "2006": 55328392, - "2007": 56195237, - "2008": 57105221, - "2009": 58025277, - "2010": 58930624, - "2011": 59814705, - "2012": 60682808, - "2013": 61535994, - "2014": 62378597, - "2015": 63213533, - "2016": 64038916, - "2017": 64851331 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 79.4419326782227, - "1993": 80.9883880615234, - "1994": 83.060302734375, - "1995": "", - "1996": 82.9292602539063, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 88.434196472168, - "2000": 89.2118911743164, - "2001": 91.3920135498047, - "2002": 92.0778732299805, - "2003": 92.8159027099609, - "2004": 93.1361465454102, - "2005": 93.3574905395508, - "2006": 93.8921890258789, - "2007": 93.7815170288086, - "2008": 94.3359832763672, - "2009": 94.7290191650391, - "2010": 95.7057113647461, - "2011": 96.2930297851563, - "2012": 96.1033096313477, - "2013": 96.3435897827148, - "2014": 96.7699966430664, - "2015": 96.3161773681641, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 53.8530082702637, - "2000": 55.3409194946289, - "2001": "", - "2002": 60.324821472168, - "2003": 63.2065582275391, - "2004": 65.012092590332, - "2005": 66.6292495727539, - "2006": 68.0054168701172, - "2007": 69.3793334960938, - "2008": 70.1110763549805, - "2009": 69.9764404296875, - "2010": 69.6642379760742, - "2011": 69.36279296875, - "2012": 69.5795288085938, - "2013": 72.6909484863281, - "2014": 74.4079132080078, - "2015": 76.8230590820313, - "2016": 78.6078872680664, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 16.3660202026367, - "1972": 18.8100395202637, - "1973": "", - "1974": 23.133150100708, - "1975": 24.950590133667, - "1976": 27.1732597351074, - "1977": 32.8336296081543, - "1978": 35.3179588317871, - "1979": 37.7659187316895, - "1980": 40.3788909912109, - "1981": 45.3581886291504, - "1982": 49.7917594909668, - "1983": 51.5937004089355, - "1984": 53.3869209289551, - "1985": 52.309268951416, - "1986": 53.8731307983398, - "1987": 53.6404800415039, - "1988": 53.3380508422852, - "1989": 53.293140411377, - "1990": 52.3982810974121, - "1991": 51.7791786193848, - "1992": 51.068000793457, - "1993": 52.367618560791, - "1994": 54.2611999511719, - "1995": 56.6984405517578, - "1996": 59.0895690917969, - "1997": 61.6367416381836, - "1998": 65.8298568725586, - "1999": 68.742561340332, - "2000": 71.9352416992188, - "2001": 74.1587524414063, - "2002": 77.1828231811523, - "2003": 81.6951217651367, - "2004": 82.5823135375977, - "2005": 83.3487777709961, - "2006": 85.4001998901367, - "2007": 86.4813385009766, - "2008": 88.200798034668, - "2009": 87.591911315918, - "2010": 87.8837738037109, - "2011": 87.8781127929688, - "2012": 89.2878112792969, - "2013": 90.9356002807617, - "2014": 94.6566162109375, - "2015": 98.7249298095703, - "2016": 101.36109161377, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 42.6027793884277, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": 65.8379898071289, - "1975": 66.0780563354492, - "1976": 70.6163177490234, - "1977": 65.3352508544922, - "1978": 67.2568588256836, - "1979": 67.0101013183594, - "1980": 67.1832122802734, - "1981": 66.2561416625977, - "1982": 62.8651885986328, - "1983": 62.1298294067383, - "1984": 60.8985290527344, - "1985": 59.7556800842285, - "1986": 62.2541694641113, - "1987": 61.3211784362793, - "1988": 61.782039642334, - "1989": 63.4597816467285, - "1990": 63.2202186584473, - "1991": 63.338550567627, - "1992": 53.7262191772461, - "1993": 57.0093803405762, - "1994": 59.3088188171387, - "1995": 58.4569282531738, - "1996": 57.8544502258301, - "1997": 56.5431213378906, - "1998": 55.5537414550781, - "1999": 55.9118194580078, - "2000": 56.1070518493652, - "2001": 55.9407691955566, - "2002": 57.0930213928223, - "2003": 59.2524299621582, - "2004": 57.3966484069824, - "2005": 56.6326904296875, - "2006": 56.0685005187988, - "2007": 55.6003608703613, - "2008": 55.4262809753418, - "2009": 56.4104309082031, - "2010": 56.2095794677734, - "2011": 55.9787902832031, - "2012": 56.3016014099121, - "2013": 52.6191787719727, - "2014": 52.8722686767578, - "2015": 53.5777397155762, - "2016": 54.0277214050293, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 36.7083511352539, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": 36.4845314025879, - "1975": 36.2572898864746, - "1976": 34.0612602233887, - "1977": 40.4406890869141, - "1978": 41.7322807312012, - "1979": 41.2662315368652, - "1980": 41.399730682373, - "1981": 43.3149795532227, - "1982": 44.1810684204102, - "1983": 44.251781463623, - "1984": 45.2611389160156, - "1985": 45.1374816894531, - "1986": 46.271900177002, - "1987": 46.6855201721191, - "1988": 46.9416885375977, - "1989": 47.1937103271484, - "1990": 47.4671897888184, - "1991": 47.8266716003418, - "1992": 48.1710510253906, - "1993": 48.3161315917969, - "1994": 48.3647689819336, - "1995": 48.5400314331055, - "1996": 48.3825492858887, - "1997": 48.4634208679199, - "1998": 48.6573181152344, - "1999": 48.9613418579102, - "2000": 49.1820983886719, - "2001": 49.5453109741211, - "2002": 49.8053703308105, - "2003": 50.0108489990234, - "2004": 50.1059494018555, - "2005": 50.2921981811523, - "2006": 50.4536895751953, - "2007": 50.551830291748, - "2008": 50.6189002990723, - "2009": 50.5663681030273, - "2010": 50.338451385498, - "2011": 50.1949615478516, - "2012": 49.9666786193848, - "2013": 50.1169013977051, - "2014": 50.0197296142578, - "2015": 50.0227088928223, - "2016": 50.0508804321289, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 38.480899810791, - "1972": 40.9771003723145, - "1973": "", - "1974": 40.7499198913574, - "1975": 40.5029907226563, - "1976": 39.4464111328125, - "1977": 43.9346389770508, - "1978": 45.2214393615723, - "1979": 44.5320701599121, - "1980": 44.7398300170898, - "1981": 46.6999588012695, - "1982": 47.0528182983398, - "1983": 47.0636100769043, - "1984": 47.6120414733887, - "1985": 47.1283912658691, - "1986": 48.3011512756348, - "1987": 48.6086616516113, - "1988": 48.8446083068848, - "1989": 49.2492980957031, - "1990": 49.4368896484375, - "1991": 49.6602592468262, - "1992": 48.8490180969238, - "1993": 49.3578109741211, - "1994": 49.6157112121582, - "1995": 49.6799583435059, - "1996": 49.4451217651367, - "1997": 49.3644409179688, - "1998": 49.6043281555176, - "1999": 49.9482803344727, - "2000": 50.2231903076172, - "2001": 50.5112380981445, - "2002": 50.894458770752, - "2003": 51.454948425293, - "2004": 51.1848487854004, - "2005": 51.1829681396484, - "2006": 51.2800903320313, - "2007": 51.3124084472656, - "2008": 51.3983497619629, - "2009": 51.4645118713379, - "2010": 51.2785415649414, - "2011": 51.1162796020508, - "2012": 51.0203704833984, - "2013": 50.804328918457, - "2014": 50.7924499511719, - "2015": 50.9904708862305, - "2016": 51.147289276123, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 17.6146793365479, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 15.1735200881958, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 19.0862503051758, - "2005": 24.2976703643799, - "2006": 28.3331909179688, - "2007": 28.244779586792, - "2008": 28.5378303527832, - "2009": 29.3842506408691, - "2010": 28.1100196838379, - "2011": "", - "2012": 32.1964797973633, - "2013": 30.6377296447754, - "2014": 31.0507907867432, - "2015": 32.1521186828613, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 2.72135996818542, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 6.44299983978271, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 14.1850595474243, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.7000598907471, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 37.3907089233398, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 45.2249908447266, - "2005": 45.3649787902832, - "2006": 49.0287094116211, - "2007": 49.1021881103516, - "2008": 50.1750907897949, - "2009": 51.7892913818359, - "2010": 51.2572593688965, - "2011": "", - "2012": 55.6831588745117, - "2013": 54.8283004760742, - "2014": 56.0910301208496, - "2015": 58.0607986450195, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 57.7865180969238, - "1994": 59.1399307250977, - "1995": 60.7619400024414, - "1996": "", - "1997": 65.8351211547852, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 70.3402709960938, - "2001": "", - "2002": 75.5402069091797, - "2003": 78.3982009887695, - "2004": 80.5414505004883, - "2005": 83.1432418823242, - "2006": 82.9347686767578, - "2007": 84.2996520996094, - "2008": 84.8303833007813, - "2009": 85.050537109375, - "2010": 84.7211074829102, - "2011": 83.4844665527344, - "2012": 81.7629699707031, - "2013": 82.5334625244141, - "2014": 83.0946884155273, - "2015": 89.8460006713867, - "2016": 93.9376983642578, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 78.8815536499023, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 95.8587417602539, - "1998": 96.1689300537109, - "1999": 99.3823013305664, - "2000": 99.855827331543, - "2001": 99.8772277832031, - "2002": 99.8886184692383, - "2003": 99.8799285888672, - "2004": 99.1973571777344, - "2005": 97.7970428466797, - "2006": 96.7511596679688, - "2007": 96.3826904296875, - "2008": 96.3228607177734, - "2009": 97.1317596435547, - "2010": 98.2715072631836, - "2011": 99.3690414428711, - "2012": 99.902961730957, - "2013": 99.9063186645508, - "2014": 99.8947830200195, - "2015": 99.9044418334961, - "2016": 99.8771209716797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 60.6210899353027, - "1972": 60.7547416687012, - "1973": "", - "1974": 59.7021408081055, - "1975": "", - "1976": 62.1456718444824, - "1977": 62.0864410400391, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 61.7508811950684, - "2000": 62.8778305053711, - "2001": 62.6197814941406, - "2002": 63.2484283447266, - "2003": 63.4530715942383, - "2004": 66.0438690185547, - "2005": 66.4361419677734, - "2006": 66.5317230224609, - "2007": 66.5347290039063, - "2008": 66.4026107788086, - "2009": 66.517578125, - "2010": 66.6491088867188, - "2011": 66.8611679077148, - "2012": 67.1352005004883, - "2013": 67.2985382080078, - "2014": 67.6304931640625, - "2015": 67.6561889648438, - "2016": 68.0946426391602, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.477000990365496, - "1961": 0.500530703391948, - "1962": 0.517743351560372, - "1963": 0.529013236809819, - "1964": 0.535453494954306, - "1965": 0.53799863043845, - "1966": 0.557730362828123, - "1967": 0.572858329436388, - "1968": 0.583214916183584, - "1969": 0.588280254051365, - "1970": 0.58821822058975, - "1971": 0.606953515758334, - "1972": 0.619562466417442, - "1973": 0.627323944446844, - "1974": 0.632544633600884, - "1975": 0.636904556870847, - "1976": 0.660818824677235, - "1977": 0.68238324581952, - "1978": 0.701399974977085, - "1979": 0.717583641305361, - "1980": 0.731158037387352, - "1981": 0.765851370911571, - "1982": 0.795263754231047, - "1983": 0.818878441055679, - "1984": 0.836504158242404, - "1985": 0.8487710914887, - "1986": 0.876477393600115, - "1987": 0.897210553230549, - "1988": 0.913344236320798, - "1989": 0.927416609226621, - "1990": 0.940933801659178, - "1991": 0.971415045053082, - "1992": 0.99939200954129, - "1993": 1.02232681754758, - "1994": 1.03709713905929, - "1995": 1.04353971808075, - "1996": 1.06432965318294, - "1997": 1.07603370457936, - "1998": 1.08405487751152, - "1999": 1.09487292291743, - "2000": 1.11202520107766, - "2001": 1.15510281680918, - "2002": 1.19833794343877, - "2003": 1.24074243970418, - "2004": 1.280688472261, - "2005": 1.31787479191798, - "2006": 1.38231016396952, - "2007": 1.44042995816282, - "2008": 1.49262000968598, - "2009": 1.54039247412813, - "2010": 1.58559498004968, - "2011": 1.64341352297498, - "2012": 1.69554115400294, - "2013": 1.74114362209355, - "2014": 1.77801699089274, - "2015": 1.80619548971902, - "2016": 1.84208290833137, - "2017": 1.86760083613396 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.623880148861769, - "1961": 0.628086705500596, - "1962": 0.632337592574568, - "1963": 0.637228591782991, - "1964": 0.642985658753049, - "1965": 0.649525177702287, - "1966": 0.652421955932696, - "1967": 0.65530495263808, - "1968": 0.660080506935955, - "1969": 0.668169774369271, - "1970": 0.679648879583337, - "1971": 0.690008905317413, - "1972": 0.700976908577119, - "1973": 0.713012974384194, - "1974": 0.726720507594219, - "1975": 0.742208102945638, - "1976": 0.753515693459458, - "1977": 0.768411777003281, - "1978": 0.784318216062566, - "1979": 0.797153415847059, - "1980": 0.805233033956836, - "1981": 0.806789073543998, - "1982": 0.803600900060249, - "1983": 0.800954285991028, - "1984": 0.804796347310657, - "1985": 0.816984525036948, - "1986": 0.828810015189389, - "1987": 0.847731775518824, - "1988": 0.868600249613882, - "1989": 0.884201058418428, - "1990": 0.891718242942326, - "1991": 0.883669144463994, - "1992": 0.870153473782479, - "1993": 0.859827531769295, - "1994": 0.863291421996478, - "1995": 0.884577260514529, - "1996": 0.913800214293753, - "1997": 0.955545901762383, - "1998": 1.00346494319773, - "1999": 1.04979810775269, - "2000": 1.09075913622638, - "2001": 1.11644113440319, - "2002": 1.13924784675273, - "2003": 1.16141161592281, - "2004": 1.18489115818059, - "2005": 1.2099054229996, - "2006": 1.22220611034194, - "2007": 1.23571509221378, - "2008": 1.24816601717559, - "2009": 1.25569068804273, - "2010": 1.25689321153113, - "2011": 1.24407695846313, - "2012": 1.22552336033093, - "2013": 1.20969692013741, - "2014": 1.2074029754502, - "2015": 1.22356234663292, - "2016": 1.24714626667658, - "2017": 1.28749554885774 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.994061356723471, - "1961": 0.997838736996755, - "1962": 1.00046607542184, - "1963": 1.00431568558446, - "1964": 1.01285298521452, - "1965": 1.02753757078209, - "1966": 1.04045465140379, - "1967": 1.05663881596439, - "1968": 1.07451503429681, - "1969": 1.09233905628299, - "1970": 1.10934153630117, - "1971": 1.12143716277085, - "1972": 1.13326458176171, - "1973": 1.14279554582829, - "1974": 1.14812656591911, - "1975": 1.14924416274062, - "1976": 1.13967193731964, - "1977": 1.12895702871146, - "1978": 1.12038423981778, - "1979": 1.11845288282121, - "1980": 1.12531294924415, - "1981": 1.13854684471927, - "1982": 1.15912140323281, - "1983": 1.18065466599762, - "1984": 1.19515917079224, - "1985": 1.19956894666393, - "1986": 1.18881135109687, - "1987": 1.17003745836997, - "1988": 1.15369798272101, - "1989": 1.15351070895471, - "1990": 1.17571744372845, - "1991": 1.20690925537218, - "1992": 1.25517232211333, - "1993": 1.3111344999302, - "1994": 1.36347655145846, - "1995": 1.40685080020389, - "1996": 1.43945267576542, - "1997": 1.46573660128135, - "1998": 1.48799918885619, - "1999": 1.50997660924772, - "2000": 1.53362869556212, - "2001": 1.54983865200205, - "2002": 1.56949261416641, - "2003": 1.58797334624336, - "2004": 1.59903206032515, - "2005": 1.60044342413872, - "2006": 1.58070197339728, - "2007": 1.55380433946045, - "2008": 1.52956759262515, - "2009": 1.52112328563291, - "2010": 1.53469953983008, - "2011": 1.55801813828131, - "2012": 1.60174523232766, - "2013": 1.65537755530129, - "2014": 1.70439077225755, - "2015": 1.74212851317568, - "2016": 1.76102751264387, - "2017": 1.77070845315418 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.53961702109, - "1961": 3.5875245747543, - "1962": 3.63056817315352, - "1963": 3.67131773572049, - "1964": 3.71411992469845, - "1965": 3.76048982491731, - "1966": 3.80888785139973, - "1967": 3.85806212716997, - "1968": 3.90451255519589, - "1969": 3.94160667106374, - "1970": 3.96632149413785, - "1971": 3.98800309389125, - "1972": 3.99532025183529, - "1973": 3.99638687153367, - "1974": 4.00294901858462, - "1975": 4.0212123882723, - "1976": 4.0464209454144, - "1977": 4.08844826967117, - "1978": 4.13681775658904, - "1979": 4.17686949705378, - "1980": 4.20313696609235, - "1981": 4.23714212133658, - "1982": 4.25462181597096, - "1983": 4.26860005794931, - "1984": 4.29610736604968, - "1985": 4.34497159662917, - "1986": 4.40888566145481, - "1987": 4.4865992607239, - "1988": 4.5750259642665, - "1989": 4.66847060743419, - "1990": 4.764122950753, - "1991": 4.84902191573662, - "1992": 4.93551198930911, - "1993": 5.0231199463673, - "1994": 5.11195664416861, - "1995": 5.20227139065192, - "1996": 5.30052977405393, - "1997": 5.39783682866485, - "1998": 5.49153681108562, - "1999": 5.57803114569544, - "2000": 5.65648230896158, - "2001": 5.72042354791572, - "2002": 5.77632928198239, - "2003": 5.83142529283987, - "2004": 5.8944669695177, - "2005": 5.97063714398645, - "2006": 6.05115713373421, - "2007": 6.14349953336791, - "2008": 6.2434322996439, - "2009": 6.34441951910027, - "2010": 6.44456278699107, - "2011": 6.53197705153054, - "2012": 6.61577976721546, - "2013": 6.70929136886263, - "2014": 6.82981408654385, - "2015": 6.98709235272307, - "2016": 7.1635592855095, - "2017": 7.37113321544627 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 678069, - "1961": 709118, - "1962": 740407, - "1963": 772394, - "1964": 805982, - "1965": 841576, - "1966": 878817, - "1967": 917503, - "1968": 957110, - "1969": 996336, - "1970": 1034455, - "1971": 1073834, - "1972": 1111032, - "1973": 1147441, - "1974": 1185593, - "1975": 1226944, - "1976": 1270104, - "1977": 1318515, - "1978": 1369190, - "1979": 1417473, - "1980": 1461381, - "1981": 1508234, - "1982": 1549335, - "1983": 1589161, - "1984": 1634151, - "1985": 1687737, - "1986": 1747835, - "1987": 1814361, - "1988": 1886800, - "1989": 1963617, - "1990": 2044150, - "1991": 2123059, - "1992": 2205348, - "1993": 2290120, - "1994": 2376364, - "1995": 2463350, - "1996": 2554074, - "1997": 2644491, - "1998": 2732960, - "1999": 2817304, - "2000": 2896857, - "2001": 2967655, - "2002": 3033130, - "2003": 3098643, - "2004": 3171226, - "2005": 3255584, - "2006": 3348008, - "2007": 3452354, - "2008": 3565326, - "2009": 3681367, - "2010": 3797821, - "2011": 3907083, - "2012": 4014641, - "2013": 4128629, - "2014": 4260342, - "2015": 4416788, - "2016": 4587466, - "2017": 4780278 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.44467452513927, - "1961": 1.461068428865, - "1962": 1.48002115359674, - "1963": 1.50076022154322, - "1964": 1.52282778577657, - "1965": 1.54542844599448, - "1966": 1.55828088123512, - "1967": 1.57326002913111, - "1968": 1.58670209777954, - "1969": 1.59281758636012, - "1970": 1.5891128576636, - "1971": 1.56960351004466, - "1972": 1.54151629507902, - "1973": 1.51325440687435, - "1974": 1.4955573114704, - "1975": 1.4928555657152, - "1976": 1.49241448995807, - "1977": 1.5086962181369, - "1978": 1.53071532573161, - "1979": 1.54367955708015, - "1980": 1.54143294550401, - "1981": 1.52595483216174, - "1982": 1.49663575844685, - "1983": 1.46811266490498, - "1984": 1.45964768970438, - "1985": 1.47964703343959, - "1986": 1.51478690156844, - "1987": 1.57161947360456, - "1988": 1.63938349561081, - "1989": 1.70334223083443, - "1990": 1.75575346242305, - "1991": 1.78702847084736, - "1992": 1.81079418387201, - "1993": 1.82983109712023, - "1994": 1.84809153165439, - "1995": 1.86730361185275, - "1996": 1.88294723081181, - "1997": 1.90052062104176, - "1998": 1.91601780152017, - "1999": 1.9233835057776, - "2000": 1.92006927609542, - "2001": 1.8990409447013, - "2002": 1.86925087762448, - "2003": 1.84129789096952, - "2004": 1.82985527875096, - "2005": 1.84241350493015, - "2006": 1.86593888602548, - "2007": 1.91355014353085, - "2008": 1.97307868015718, - "2009": 2.0272130712965, - "2010": 2.06737505558019, - "2011": 2.08646843181112, - "2012": 2.09297002055393, - "2013": 2.10307327133038, - "2014": 2.14000334794337, - "2015": 2.21520600319546, - "2016": 2.31330259785768, - "2017": 2.44532837730038 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.04839448243432, - "1961": 2.06577686578415, - "1962": 2.0817512471379, - "1963": 2.09323299207495, - "1964": 2.09648780183889, - "1965": 2.08983474776497, - "1966": 2.06282740394121, - "1967": 2.02767728977972, - "1968": 1.99240245521147, - "1969": 1.96679184827811, - "1970": 1.95490067527021, - "1971": 1.94758277954718, - "1972": 1.9532849396875, - "1973": 1.96202209810824, - "1974": 1.96117974113637, - "1975": 1.94581485263747, - "1976": 1.90755602774802, - "1977": 1.86161040672357, - "1978": 1.82059984114286, - "1979": 1.80231742143129, - "1980": 1.81540257754528, - "1981": 1.85470941886582, - "1982": 1.91681307932316, - "1983": 1.99001098361494, - "1984": 2.05877309989346, - "1985": 2.11436146008956, - "1986": 2.1506697800172, - "1987": 2.17694752366247, - "1988": 2.19699206348898, - "1989": 2.21589002779946, - "1990": 2.23609517133538, - "1991": 2.24440894532205, - "1992": 2.25641289836753, - "1993": 2.26642263040427, - "1994": 2.26654951122466, - "1995": 2.25369319348146, - "1996": 2.22717698788337, - "1997": 2.18832050282169, - "1998": 2.1494044991194, - "1999": 2.12823177079518, - "2000": 2.13420806353881, - "2001": 2.15993646199132, - "2002": 2.21409038282396, - "2003": 2.28259888712144, - "2004": 2.34451096297369, - "2005": 2.38903869555279, - "2006": 2.40947355908204, - "2007": 2.41407834667833, - "2008": 2.42116728234881, - "2009": 2.45735492137332, - "2010": 2.53576311249925, - "2011": 2.64183685390557, - "2012": 2.78457116248524, - "2013": 2.94436953254934, - "2014": 3.09301456842711, - "2015": 3.21481630816591, - "2016": 3.30505573797934, - "2017": 3.37626069694699 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.66098868252156, - "1961": 2.62888908450882, - "1962": 2.58109675563943, - "1963": 2.52987317979843, - "1964": 2.49183843088477, - "1965": 2.47391074614294, - "1966": 2.46274855784721, - "1967": 2.47178819690829, - "1968": 2.48609722897546, - "1969": 2.48454271893701, - "1970": 2.4578038076579, - "1971": 2.40503362306037, - "1972": 2.33167510142823, - "1973": 2.25917701194903, - "1974": 2.21661909591499, - "1975": 2.217182058098, - "1976": 2.2416833822735, - "1977": 2.30439191403745, - "1978": 2.38615336678001, - "1979": 2.4609935575386, - "1980": 2.51526533100048, - "1981": 2.5563729892184, - "1982": 2.57929213348001, - "1983": 2.59094964204203, - "1984": 2.60153374212162, - "1985": 2.61543431785017, - "1986": 2.62346398387386, - "1987": 2.63535013734076, - "1988": 2.64537031038016, - "1989": 2.64440085087347, - "1990": 2.62871026919212, - "1991": 2.58835104079319, - "1992": 2.53650880093436, - "1993": 2.48609913430296, - "1994": 2.45583717969226, - "1995": 2.45544844345996, - "1996": 2.47974178161001, - "1997": 2.5331321046118, - "1998": 2.60071174814853, - "1999": 2.66055056770191, - "2000": 2.70136821381926, - "2001": 2.7241460528373, - "2002": 2.730005125725, - "2003": 2.7379842379059, - "2004": 2.776518020514, - "2005": 2.86043818339153, - "2006": 2.97602715481001, - "2007": 3.13146657363387, - "2008": 3.30513019264227, - "2009": 3.46554485211678, - "2010": 3.59472188169468, - "2011": 3.69058392795297, - "2012": 3.76187265820209, - "2013": 3.81786646098108, - "2014": 3.87302573700202, - "2015": 3.93609697568878, - "2016": 3.99718171387025, - "2017": 4.06641615420353 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.06923517181891, - "1961": 3.05728662334022, - "1962": 3.06426569584374, - "1963": 3.07460514015093, - "1964": 3.06754909245342, - "1965": 3.03354085281458, - "1966": 2.96891603697133, - "1967": 2.88283130963393, - "1968": 2.79789608083803, - "1969": 2.74416585751197, - "1970": 2.73545839002058, - "1971": 2.75947483769679, - "1972": 2.81742516470063, - "1973": 2.89123417558397, - "1974": 2.95791858117038, - "1975": 3.00545759470773, - "1976": 3.02590156832487, - "1977": 3.03857088451432, - "1978": 3.04470439499006, - "1979": 3.04733112403423, - "1980": 3.04866570524962, - "1981": 3.05529491903609, - "1982": 3.05956226139863, - "1983": 3.05786944945822, - "1984": 3.04440991635037, - "1985": 3.01644398092003, - "1986": 2.97012642487548, - "1987": 2.91036796641704, - "1988": 2.85250007662223, - "1989": 2.81765533918537, - "1990": 2.81690961483517, - "1991": 2.83603941434944, - "1992": 2.89053842012044, - "1993": 2.96212338307607, - "1994": 3.02455850086696, - "1995": 3.06455779415499, - "1996": 3.08464669661732, - "1997": 3.08253354278658, - "1998": 3.07995531394941, - "1999": 3.10991673652478, - "2000": 3.18974180173771, - "2001": 3.3137844173932, - "2002": 3.48368952027766, - "2003": 3.67527696109912, - "2004": 3.85210072400122, - "2005": 3.99292814571742, - "2006": 4.09581930203539, - "2007": 4.16925385221719, - "2008": 4.22398132962406, - "2009": 4.27678268558718, - "2010": 4.33746305380142, - "2011": 4.39820252905021, - "2012": 4.46496469865131, - "2013": 4.53868526243958, - "2014": 4.61971457708713, - "2015": 4.70889034617176, - "2016": 4.79876300224926, - "2017": 4.89300674491939 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.70302315175101, - "1961": 3.62808872915509, - "1962": 3.51960740807392, - "1963": 3.40842481754018, - "1964": 3.33694400548854, - "1965": 3.32423196753268, - "1966": 3.35252794221143, - "1967": 3.4273187834197, - "1968": 3.52345226612955, - "1969": 3.60531427905899, - "1970": 3.6535033382773, - "1971": 3.67255676346026, - "1972": 3.66450935176483, - "1973": 3.63940671413585, - "1974": 3.61305083879935, - "1975": 3.59349252271081, - "1976": 3.56735119175339, - "1977": 3.55570952049699, - "1978": 3.54576394109759, - "1979": 3.52001442233472, - "1980": 3.47186963536896, - "1981": 3.41650300154101, - "1982": 3.33850240036205, - "1983": 3.25885474883069, - "1984": 3.20638238457986, - "1985": 3.19488846679002, - "1986": 3.21686066585907, - "1987": 3.27864348672439, - "1988": 3.36041573475285, - "1989": 3.4322400514602, - "1990": 3.47875015647154, - "1991": 3.49358551383655, - "1992": 3.48684889133107, - "1993": 3.48139026094399, - "1994": 3.5116881956929, - "1995": 3.595316821675, - "1996": 3.72257000839198, - "1997": 3.89583692790619, - "1998": 4.08955085503756, - "1999": 4.26635719227024, - "2000": 4.40502584419502, - "2001": 4.51504917119488, - "2002": 4.59509295863646, - "2003": 4.65496577477359, - "2004": 4.71065759477868, - "2005": 4.77226004434975, - "2006": 4.83396833882379, - "2007": 4.90051158252119, - "2008": 4.97341188960225, - "2009": 5.05345454878225, - "2010": 5.14129809895273, - "2011": 5.23199243905028, - "2012": 5.32413224312012, - "2013": 5.42959476463791, - "2014": 5.56632135697063, - "2015": 5.74151098718828, - "2016": 5.94599034462168, - "2017": 6.190403401281 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.0204495962846, - "1961": 4.05747785869023, - "1962": 4.14301086683899, - "1963": 4.24995403687431, - "1964": 4.34230867846081, - "1965": 4.3997153635538, - "1966": 4.42303529896981, - "1967": 4.42013053284773, - "1968": 4.3982114084414, - "1969": 4.36716058861731, - "1970": 4.33205946696685, - "1971": 4.29355957892804, - "1972": 4.25272510032424, - "1973": 4.20434202332408, - "1974": 4.14147969330396, - "1975": 4.0623374706298, - "1976": 3.96074898025002, - "1977": 3.85352563488368, - "1978": 3.7542862165223, - "1979": 3.68380091932954, - "1980": 3.65373087039458, - "1981": 3.67613377728772, - "1982": 3.73592832031776, - "1983": 3.81368699010137, - "1984": 3.88069587143323, - "1985": 3.92133263744601, - "1986": 3.93983986868554, - "1987": 3.93346515145071, - "1988": 3.92847256788438, - "1989": 3.96297085621425, - "1990": 4.05623415372394, - "1991": 4.19079062258569, - "1992": 4.37912921631268, - "1993": 4.59073971655076, - "1994": 4.78165995602842, - "1995": 4.92708224748092, - "1996": 5.03551096404815, - "1997": 5.10656492884986, - "1998": 5.15288507524128, - "1999": 5.19515458606446, - "2000": 5.24580376469684, - "2001": 5.30757414491267, - "2002": 5.3769588425136, - "2003": 5.45389533371066, - "2004": 5.53638921542206, - "2005": 5.62369990002673, - "2006": 5.71667787278767, - "2007": 5.80925233251538, - "2008": 5.91487041535815, - "2009": 6.05340496694225, - "2010": 6.23223854259949, - "2011": 6.44475602890179, - "2012": 6.69603973013181, - "2013": 6.94855459549592, - "2014": 7.14771480742256, - "2015": 7.26284342843417, - "2016": 7.29957500844799, - "2017": 7.26346387555253 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.2959967142333, - "1961": 5.32901586646309, - "1962": 5.31995795759425, - "1963": 5.28264612994284, - "1964": 5.23821957150817, - "1965": 5.19574117744312, - "1966": 5.15028563072411, - "1967": 5.10943257573856, - "1968": 5.06197160770612, - "1969": 4.98902814718978, - "1970": 4.88232664072617, - "1971": 4.75443083085583, - "1972": 4.59849554453712, - "1973": 4.44347930270173, - "1974": 4.32806224622475, - "1975": 4.26951638010916, - "1976": 4.25635246423265, - "1977": 4.30590411105618, - "1978": 4.38640637558005, - "1979": 4.45174663213408, - "1980": 4.47776235814983, - "1981": 4.49741623594568, - "1982": 4.47854667840531, - "1983": 4.4559830912874, - "1984": 4.47878547385287, - "1985": 4.56848674086724, - "1986": 4.72063944765271, - "1987": 4.93072377642091, - "1988": 5.16656169098081, - "1989": 5.37856128282261, - "1990": 5.53673054543364, - "1991": 5.64784352880949, - "1992": 5.72087980943739, - "1993": 5.76818726525959, - "1994": 5.81007283250314, - "1995": 5.85855354913026, - "1996": 5.91472383701414, - "1997": 5.97363866734844, - "1998": 6.03687670170056, - "1999": 6.10570703468856, - "2000": 6.18103808232621, - "2001": 6.27368442479321, - "2002": 6.36794821218083, - "2003": 6.47608750780412, - "2004": 6.61598306782148, - "2005": 6.79347259948983, - "2006": 7.01676443051581, - "2007": 7.2794107899006, - "2008": 7.54133982558233, - "2009": 7.74431632614179, - "2010": 7.85519949449711, - "2011": 7.88453568978386, - "2012": 7.83087183719528, - "2013": 7.72273078818653, - "2014": 7.60443718882154, - "2015": 7.50366052940498, - "2016": 7.41339329270387, - "2017": 7.33720330273561 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.25568343049411, - "1961": 6.21034269577087, - "1962": 6.15737363925468, - "1963": 6.08837449480964, - "1964": 5.99273730484537, - "1965": 5.86720168190202, - "1966": 5.72099664722068, - "1967": 5.54801396231272, - "1968": 5.37501062195, - "1969": 5.23849597237185, - "1970": 5.15735478673011, - "1971": 5.14079585736176, - "1972": 5.1724817459399, - "1973": 5.2242584623272, - "1974": 5.25999925248132, - "1975": 5.26360741894126, - "1976": 5.24602279745298, - "1977": 5.20642847455079, - "1978": 5.17016563979155, - "1979": 5.17845915399087, - "1980": 5.25401252507383, - "1981": 5.43137289440317, - "1982": 5.65825830542843, - "1983": 5.90047444349366, - "1984": 6.11203612308614, - "1985": 6.26717712248703, - "1986": 6.3986234906213, - "1987": 6.48147012479859, - "1988": 6.52824537812779, - "1989": 6.56061845811137, - "1990": 6.59357972467208, - "1991": 6.64910560985868, - "1992": 6.71232477249257, - "1993": 6.78159138358537, - "1994": 6.8551981281058, - "1995": 6.93370160378677, - "1996": 7.02407763336916, - "1997": 7.10831498106791, - "1998": 7.2013125387043, - "1999": 7.32731451434391, - "2000": 7.49686290884308, - "2001": 7.72514849627027, - "2002": 7.99629096711661, - "2003": 8.2637918323352, - "2004": 8.45995915208029, - "2005": 8.54670757246888, - "2006": 8.56873974272125, - "2007": 8.49830239165296, - "2008": 8.36760048432697, - "2009": 8.22586680628858, - "2010": 8.10297389864689, - "2011": 7.99506870450659, - "2012": 7.89827313366459, - "2013": 7.81616878785346, - "2014": 7.75054339955145, - "2015": 7.7022651510039, - "2016": 7.67395827412455, - "2017": 7.6696220776101 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.11823372918024, - "1961": 6.94903729696421, - "1962": 6.7375676649082, - "1963": 6.52410207445323, - "1964": 6.36344332227797, - "1965": 6.28130972980763, - "1966": 6.26089215534241, - "1967": 6.30990620545503, - "1968": 6.39084639409937, - "1969": 6.44808597463791, - "1970": 6.45456512406154, - "1971": 6.42362727516116, - "1972": 6.34081854741819, - "1973": 6.25381200029535, - "1974": 6.23084166855488, - "1975": 6.30517518259251, - "1976": 6.44644661100331, - "1977": 6.67376935386136, - "1978": 6.93754420062831, - "1979": 7.16679298683918, - "1980": 7.32462654682787, - "1981": 7.46563847069756, - "1982": 7.53662055606236, - "1983": 7.56207558223756, - "1984": 7.57881090635125, - "1985": 7.60721504342057, - "1986": 7.65419237834514, - "1987": 7.70147598045083, - "1988": 7.75132042407203, - "1989": 7.80315410517539, - "1990": 7.85877873118761, - "1991": 7.94894082991844, - "1992": 8.03968071537831, - "1993": 8.1449416597383, - "1994": 8.28715494092594, - "1995": 8.4752769462178, - "1996": 8.70418897198415, - "1997": 8.9722457165738, - "1998": 9.23241518571, - "1999": 9.41864853167294, - "2000": 9.49610146226798, - "2001": 9.48868754006858, - "2002": 9.38012245178957, - "2003": 9.20116547846391, - "2004": 9.00110180201143, - "2005": 8.81348757347243, - "2006": 8.68569235329138, - "2007": 8.56823714679723, - "2008": 8.46605382372723, - "2009": 8.38196257124287, - "2010": 8.31664549007059, - "2011": 8.27469390973204, - "2012": 8.25420754665461, - "2013": 8.2482850036772, - "2014": 8.24643787258174, - "2015": 8.24212422611905, - "2016": 8.23675040116229, - "2017": 8.22992052391338 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.6580382578003, - "1961": 7.64092476963223, - "1962": 7.69721720365044, - "1963": 7.78823062594838, - "1964": 7.86056661224699, - "1965": 7.88754849599577, - "1966": 7.85304842524951, - "1967": 7.7750273143598, - "1968": 7.70048234565618, - "1969": 7.69394156236272, - "1970": 7.78640991340543, - "1971": 7.94280111543195, - "1972": 8.17052182989459, - "1973": 8.42537743853084, - "1974": 8.64953052687, - "1975": 8.81420177437623, - "1976": 8.88764681371558, - "1977": 8.92897951569633, - "1978": 8.94635068343043, - "1979": 8.95499570916094, - "1980": 8.96927554365741, - "1981": 9.01010404418822, - "1982": 9.03842446617277, - "1983": 9.06533549261249, - "1984": 9.10356463516721, - "1985": 9.1599786455648, - "1986": 9.21647008445074, - "1987": 9.27136694860181, - "1988": 9.34378735333632, - "1989": 9.45959092797247, - "1990": 9.63042930617436, - "1991": 9.86899736661803, - "1992": 10.16034704893, - "1993": 10.4483886664611, - "1994": 10.6541532114734, - "1995": 10.7355190440703, - "1996": 10.697979230536, - "1997": 10.5491175124201, - "1998": 10.3284117686502, - "1999": 10.0956062845768, - "2000": 9.88819685170857, - "2001": 9.68372114558476, - "2002": 9.49353780624493, - "2003": 9.32284346257949, - "2004": 9.17325964417837, - "2005": 9.04684350618311, - "2006": 8.98976227269062, - "2007": 8.9543891043431, - "2008": 8.93427543511606, - "2009": 8.91896647042288, - "2010": 8.90104114460151, - "2011": 8.88191078354842, - "2012": 8.85706691659577, - "2013": 8.82886067717898, - "2014": 8.80190406343561, - "2015": 8.77806800043801, - "2016": 8.75518512804401, - "2017": 8.73721157704535 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 51.3740981942273, - "1961": 51.0825185594413, - "1962": 50.7260454763102, - "1963": 50.3712698808343, - "1964": 50.1178591224048, - "1965": 50.005243655724, - "1966": 49.8962197822735, - "1967": 49.9078714596298, - "1968": 50.0005364518195, - "1969": 50.1015808266417, - "1970": 50.1692862845154, - "1971": 50.1707771669281, - "1972": 50.129795621701, - "1973": 50.0822444723383, - "1974": 50.0931646642181, - "1975": 50.1983577300751, - "1976": 50.2014713684522, - "1977": 50.3770352938375, - "1978": 50.6600481127625, - "1979": 50.9681224972008, - "1980": 51.2720148056806, - "1981": 51.7530548552573, - "1982": 52.1638985109023, - "1983": 52.5661746616376, - "1984": 53.0439524784014, - "1985": 53.6247794448141, - "1986": 54.248039475057, - "1987": 54.9375982330173, - "1988": 55.6587455447569, - "1989": 56.3475553554664, - "1990": 56.9680708090628, - "1991": 57.5365958509879, - "1992": 58.0756035587103, - "1993": 58.5729515655137, - "1994": 59.0245406892013, - "1995": 59.4324919254818, - "1996": 59.7794358643999, - "1997": 60.0679347989713, - "1998": 60.321572866677, - "1999": 60.5778529530676, - "2000": 60.8593497500871, - "2001": 61.1669894963088, - "2002": 61.5051215829016, - "2003": 61.8590181319129, - "2004": 62.2004958471504, - "2005": 62.5146552389426, - "2006": 62.9355636625846, - "2007": 63.3266699569812, - "2008": 63.7045517937203, - "2009": 64.0909926203368, - "2010": 64.4904110380778, - "2011": 64.8775648959116, - "2012": 65.268138790345, - "2013": 65.6452162175268, - "2014": 65.985086165937, - "2015": 66.2748344365623, - "2016": 66.4844051086433, - "2017": 66.6728752259533 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9841509, - "1961": 10097083, - "1962": 10344914, - "1963": 10597414, - "1964": 10875820, - "1965": 11190885, - "1966": 11512454, - "1967": 11868814, - "1968": 12256589, - "1969": 12664383, - "1970": 13084635, - "1971": 13509290, - "1972": 13940261, - "1973": 14379595, - "1974": 14836589, - "1975": 15316420, - "1976": 15757405, - "1977": 16246476, - "1978": 16767293, - "1979": 17296670, - "1980": 17826674, - "1981": 18421785, - "1982": 18995663, - "1983": 19569911, - "1984": 20176832, - "1985": 20829718, - "1986": 21505801, - "1987": 22216521, - "1988": 22954386, - "1989": 23700487, - "1990": 24443384, - "1991": 25191389, - "1992": 25950077, - "1993": 26704338, - "1994": 27438378, - "1995": 28142132, - "1996": 28804875, - "1997": 29428291, - "1998": 30020092, - "1999": 30596140, - "2000": 31167930, - "2001": 31732354, - "2002": 32296123, - "2003": 32870010, - "2004": 33463896, - "2005": 34087100, - "2006": 34821235, - "2007": 35586572, - "2008": 36378625, - "2009": 37188976, - "2010": 38004602, - "2011": 38806324, - "2012": 39606539, - "2013": 40395436, - "2014": 41160571, - "2015": 41894664, - "2016": 42575892, - "2017": 43238247 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.54405497770895, - "1961": 9.51567876913239, - "1962": 9.42419703736866, - "1963": 9.33182638924142, - "1964": 9.32776430239989, - "1965": 9.45220889276646, - "1966": 9.64094168379578, - "1967": 9.93574528917437, - "1968": 10.274166042812, - "1969": 10.5640538776761, - "1970": 10.7549041413994, - "1971": 10.8309145054247, - "1972": 10.8278582960058, - "1973": 10.7791352453821, - "1974": 10.7344830197621, - "1975": 10.7215724752721, - "1976": 10.6617615316979, - "1977": 10.6481454780168, - "1978": 10.6680734527994, - "1979": 10.7016705704074, - "1980": 10.7414037124128, - "1981": 10.7895091040737, - "1982": 10.8219503099518, - "1983": 10.8709342379592, - "1984": 10.9789603255654, - "1985": 11.1594610293786, - "1986": 11.3571533506759, - "1987": 11.6177871371499, - "1988": 11.8850799451113, - "1989": 12.0724734558518, - "1990": 12.131853136037, - "1991": 12.0685329788964, - "1992": 11.8929329854059, - "1993": 11.6430674651912, - "1994": 11.3776682326878, - "1995": 11.1333422820243, - "1996": 10.8888197529456, - "1997": 10.6582299145849, - "1998": 10.4500491804158, - "1999": 10.2703657344288, - "2000": 10.1210027569537, - "2001": 9.97525764126265, - "2002": 9.86738531559297, - "2003": 9.7904086561194, - "2004": 9.73001566336921, - "2005": 9.67577901829009, - "2006": 9.64263863582664, - "2007": 9.60176783672139, - "2008": 9.55672111539217, - "2009": 9.51333847143892, - "2010": 9.47306632071411, - "2011": 9.43398402947984, - "2012": 9.39613886364423, - "2013": 9.35010034452683, - "2014": 9.28197259463719, - "2015": 9.18455848394744, - "2016": 9.05855220544007, - "2017": 8.90936687174547 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.2970154773058, - "1961": 11.5350532372907, - "1962": 11.8681092367028, - "1963": 12.2518442763598, - "1964": 12.6002212669542, - "1965": 12.8356559652449, - "1966": 12.9422014616519, - "1967": 12.9772002519443, - "1968": 12.9628870392792, - "1969": 12.9274607586347, - "1970": 12.8851012311008, - "1971": 12.8149296482153, - "1972": 12.7416838419734, - "1973": 12.6774835295117, - "1974": 12.6367762510817, - "1975": 12.6238303989543, - "1976": 12.5749279246482, - "1977": 12.5809905101327, - "1978": 12.6259125908678, - "1979": 12.7119072338363, - "1980": 12.8567992405379, - "1981": 13.0702071767456, - "1982": 13.3170773635506, - "1983": 13.568985608593, - "1984": 13.7551012875406, - "1985": 13.8022770529695, - "1986": 13.677366841606, - "1987": 13.4393944939065, - "1988": 13.1260981711147, - "1989": 12.7988665481348, - "1990": 12.502485890293, - "1991": 12.2112199914296, - "1992": 11.9453082962801, - "1993": 11.7011373919112, - "1994": 11.4778373402554, - "1995": 11.2812491077355, - "1996": 11.1126516929171, - "1997": 10.974648940909, - "1998": 10.8602366145548, - "1999": 10.7603835814105, - "2000": 10.6692263268533, - "2001": 10.5723750569097, - "2002": 10.4879913014076, - "2003": 10.4119701958947, - "2004": 10.3430634549446, - "2005": 10.2822906026595, - "2006": 10.2258437182515, - "2007": 10.1660541147305, - "2008": 10.0995471097355, - "2009": 10.0139478868838, - "2010": 9.89511683933835, - "2011": 9.7460611192819, - "2012": 9.56898023623132, - "2013": 9.37423581308318, - "2014": 9.17899175476767, - "2015": 8.99613839023776, - "2016": 8.8229080065685, - "2017": 8.66368031829601 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 15.2395701024463, - "1961": 15.4915305000147, - "1962": 15.5876755046106, - "1963": 15.5349851159326, - "1964": 15.4002371560008, - "1965": 15.2708436432125, - "1966": 15.2273729436716, - "1967": 15.1924186951282, - "1968": 15.1588148273977, - "1969": 15.1095278439941, - "1970": 15.0302632567266, - "1971": 14.9932247317143, - "1972": 14.9525498363189, - "1973": 14.9162404795772, - "1974": 14.902382467628, - "1975": 14.9200999102216, - "1976": 14.9830935579213, - "1977": 15.1595735609368, - "1978": 15.4031751426075, - "1979": 15.6150356375526, - "1980": 15.6838496978485, - "1981": 15.6396492156927, - "1982": 15.4011798324552, - "1983": 14.9926975117389, - "1984": 14.5086461818943, - "1985": 14.0718359925417, - "1986": 13.6985985886602, - "1987": 13.3696904714097, - "1988": 13.0892128123229, - "1989": 12.8421867082974, - "1990": 12.6050002420342, - "1991": 12.3734647151072, - "1992": 12.1902165300492, - "1993": 12.0480303547245, - "1994": 11.9271882341128, - "1995": 11.8010897748562, - "1996": 11.6756869564611, - "1997": 11.5521571917485, - "1998": 11.4311518083325, - "1999": 11.3175246113718, - "2000": 11.2164794409425, - "2001": 11.1108590251107, - "2002": 11.0170731491329, - "2003": 10.9297245467963, - "2004": 10.837499825976, - "2005": 10.7278128008625, - "2006": 10.5738205698474, - "2007": 10.380301817405, - "2008": 10.1520151641468, - "2009": 9.90852141903605, - "2010": 9.67757798861213, - "2011": 9.47445902435903, - "2012": 9.28636477589559, - "2013": 9.11606982788219, - "2014": 8.96185957637968, - "2015": 8.81854667388158, - "2016": 8.69182209818654, - "2017": 8.59295702041952 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 45.0862847846827, - "1961": 45.3299568658044, - "1962": 45.6433863505363, - "1963": 45.9574123834452, - "1964": 46.1680209528967, - "1965": 46.2342665193587, - "1966": 46.2948923663268, - "1967": 46.2340664132002, - "1968": 46.0949509929846, - "1969": 45.9568125022945, - "1970": 45.8643922213467, - "1971": 45.8412197391807, - "1972": 45.8748841264637, - "1973": 45.921368656128, - "1974": 45.9038863171973, - "1975": 45.7804298816527, - "1976": 45.7521076861334, - "1977": 45.5345164364913, - "1978": 45.2031341306484, - "1979": 44.8550080057454, - "1980": 44.524848228227, - "1981": 44.0098030234061, - "1982": 43.5814796731268, - "1983": 43.1652252804131, - "1984": 42.6599401555489, - "1985": 42.0302489585568, - "1986": 41.3430748634882, - "1987": 40.5758025062587, - "1988": 39.7662284909766, - "1989": 38.9839740370994, - "1990": 38.2678062401842, - "1991": 37.6143822332755, - "1992": 36.9888844519807, - "1993": 36.403928488119, - "1994": 35.8635026666301, - "1995": 35.3652366838663, - "1996": 34.9200343615461, - "1997": 34.5342283723639, - "1998": 34.1868903222374, - "1999": 33.8441159012369, - "2000": 33.4841679409513, - "2001": 33.1125869557754, - "2002": 32.718549135116, - "2003": 32.3095565752473, - "2004": 31.9050371833318, - "2005": 31.514707617071, - "2006": 31.0132792036812, - "2007": 30.5298305096509, - "2008": 30.0520159066358, - "2009": 29.5645878605629, - "2010": 29.0650261749312, - "2011": 28.5904580525579, - "2012": 28.1160814424395, - "2013": 27.6454924136106, - "2014": 27.1850997475192, - "2015": 26.7380732107147, - "2016": 26.3520356058472, - "2017": 25.9559915586004 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8636981, - "1961": 8960019, - "1962": 9308373, - "1963": 9668800, - "1964": 10018685, - "1965": 10346963, - "1966": 10681527, - "1967": 10995130, - "1968": 11299217, - "1969": 11616692, - "1970": 11961877, - "1971": 12343486, - "1972": 12757041, - "1973": 13184925, - "1974": 13595809, - "1975": 13968430, - "1976": 14360823, - "1977": 14684775, - "1978": 14961182, - "1979": 15222109, - "1980": 15480764, - "1981": 15665532, - "1982": 15870345, - "1983": 16070023, - "1984": 16226967, - "1985": 16326002, - "1986": 16389827, - "1987": 16408675, - "1988": 16400107, - "1989": 16397148, - "1990": 16419630, - "1991": 16468798, - "1992": 16527842, - "1993": 16597128, - "1994": 16671647, - "1995": 16745944, - "1996": 16826308, - "1997": 16918899, - "1998": 17013707, - "1999": 17093694, - "2000": 17148264, - "2001": 17178225, - "2002": 17180395, - "2003": 17168320, - "2004": 17164925, - "2005": 17183891, - "2006": 17159149, - "2007": 17156311, - "2008": 17161270, - "2009": 17154934, - "2010": 17128201, - "2011": 17101298, - "2012": 17061628, - "2013": 17011929, - "2014": 16957684, - "2015": 16902081, - "2016": 16875558, - "2017": 16832806 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 18.5496992049305, - "1961": 18.303373128499, - "1962": 18.1876016092229, - "1963": 18.1705829911528, - "1964": 18.1675625299417, - "1965": 18.1277669109014, - "1966": 18.1253179610033, - "1967": 18.0644474661277, - "1968": 17.9732491263076, - "1969": 17.9198238996657, - "1970": 17.9490277335192, - "1971": 18.0330653592511, - "1972": 18.1806504481714, - "1973": 18.3276446470391, - "1974": 18.3647275984875, - "1975": 18.2364995724768, - "1976": 18.194086203564, - "1977": 17.7939523654218, - "1978": 17.1740463971731, - "1979": 16.5280651343565, - "1980": 15.9841992898407, - "1981": 15.2999466309678, - "1982": 14.8632224771209, - "1983": 14.6035421600812, - "1984": 14.396192686114, - "1985": 14.1561359130456, - "1986": 13.9671094332221, - "1987": 13.7667175409426, - "1988": 13.550917507539, - "1989": 13.3429207806673, - "1990": 13.1603201078571, - "1991": 13.0296975267387, - "1992": 12.8533596256514, - "1993": 12.6547607414833, - "1994": 12.4584770922619, - "1995": 12.2828978012745, - "1996": 12.1316957121679, - "1997": 12.0074222397064, - "1998": 11.89550189935, - "1999": 11.7662077084547, - "2000": 11.5984621731556, - "2001": 11.429352873755, - "2002": 11.2134846845756, - "2003": 10.9678618325563, - "2004": 10.7244739024113, - "2005": 10.504604213549, - "2006": 10.2136149155823, - "2007": 9.98347457751533, - "2008": 9.80045363275346, - "2009": 9.642118554643, - "2010": 9.49233134698067, - "2011": 9.36993790891698, - "2012": 9.26073643031258, - "2013": 9.15518677264519, - "2014": 9.04424841637181, - "2015": 8.92338814659532, - "2016": 8.83730550109215, - "2017": 8.69935421988486 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 27.6, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 22.7, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 22.9, - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 11.0268802642822, - "1976": 10.4547004699707, - "1977": 9.17765045166016, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 7.40555000305176, - "1994": 5.99414014816284, - "1995": 5.86112022399902, - "1996": 5.71038007736206, - "1997": 5.86861991882324, - "1998": "", - "1999": 5.50338983535767, - "2000": 5.15410995483398, - "2001": 4.43002986907959, - "2002": 4.62583017349243, - "2003": 4.11779022216797, - "2004": 3.81575989723206, - "2005": 3.62211990356445, - "2006": 3.27349996566772, - "2007": 2.93780994415283, - "2008": 2.76592993736267, - "2009": 2.76389002799988, - "2010": 2.61749005317688, - "2011": 2.39423990249634, - "2012": 2.20823001861572, - "2013": 1.55244994163513, - "2014": 0.614090025424957, - "2015": 0.57845002412796, - "2016": 0.633140027523041, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 54.6530303955078, - "1976": 69.9093170166016, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 78.9077224731445, - "1993": 80.7669372558594, - "1994": 83.8027496337891, - "1995": 84.5456924438477, - "1996": 84.2148513793945, - "1997": "", - "1998": 87.892219543457, - "1999": 88.4703216552734, - "2000": 88.4167861938477, - "2001": 90.0668869018555, - "2002": 92.1650924682617, - "2003": 91.5344390869141, - "2004": 92.4305801391602, - "2005": 93.2923583984375, - "2006": 93.5037536621094, - "2007": 92.622932434082, - "2008": 95.118293762207, - "2009": 95.1764984130859, - "2010": 95.8753967285156, - "2011": 96.5216674804688, - "2012": 95.6034774780273, - "2013": 96.4706802368164, - "2014": 96.2517013549805, - "2015": 94.006591796875, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 57.0148315429688, - "1976": 73.4128112792969, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 82.266487121582, - "1993": 83.7839508056641, - "1994": 86.0997619628906, - "1995": 86.3451766967773, - "1996": 86.1890411376953, - "1997": "", - "1998": 89.7832107543945, - "1999": 89.9975967407227, - "2000": 89.2668762207031, - "2001": 91.2684326171875, - "2002": 93.5630569458008, - "2003": 93.5006103515625, - "2004": 94.4015426635742, - "2005": 95.2023391723633, - "2006": 95.4746627807617, - "2007": 94.7527923583984, - "2008": 96.7407608032227, - "2009": 96.7733383178711, - "2010": 97.1086807250977, - "2011": 97.3246307373047, - "2012": 96.4663772583008, - "2013": 97.2819290161133, - "2014": 97.2213516235352, - "2015": 94.8507919311523, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el quinto grado, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 20.0964202880859, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 8.69946956634521, - "1998": 7.90799999237061, - "1999": 7.23480987548828, - "2000": 6.68796014785767, - "2001": 6.36931991577148, - "2002": 6.02274990081787, - "2003": 6.05930995941162, - "2004": 5.89727020263672, - "2005": 5.83757019042969, - "2006": 5.53212022781372, - "2007": 5.32916021347046, - "2008": 4.84978008270264, - "2009": 4.38919019699097, - "2010": 3.89658999443054, - "2011": 3.55352997779846, - "2012": 3.37202000617981, - "2013": 3.37847995758057, - "2014": 3.14515995979309, - "2015": 2.71628999710083, - "2016": 2.29651999473572, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Alumnos de mayor edad, nivel primario, mujeres (% de matrícula de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.OENR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 86.2040634155273, - "2000": 86.1457672119141, - "2001": 85.6056213378906, - "2002": 87.2188034057617, - "2003": 85.3783569335938, - "2004": 82.2027282714844, - "2005": 81.6029434204102, - "2006": 81.9774703979492, - "2007": 85.9030914306641, - "2008": 79.7459411621094, - "2009": "", - "2010": 74.7694473266602, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 71.1279067993164, - "2014": 71.5661392211914, - "2015": 72.5121002197266, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa neta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% de población en edad escolar oficial)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 78.8815536499023, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 95.8587417602539, - "1998": 96.1689300537109, - "1999": 96.9949722290039, - "2000": 97.5223999023438, - "2001": 97.8680572509766, - "2002": 97.5880279541016, - "2003": 97.6168899536133, - "2004": 97.1172485351563, - "2005": 95.9656066894531, - "2006": 94.9869918823242, - "2007": 94.7998580932617, - "2008": 94.8000717163086, - "2009": 95.4994125366211, - "2010": 96.532600402832, - "2011": 97.6352767944336, - "2012": 98.1623764038086, - "2013": 97.8608932495117, - "2014": 97.1454696655273, - "2015": 96.4732971191406, - "2016": 96.1772308349609, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 131.019317626953, - "1976": 132.771743774414, - "1977": 132.286422729492, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 110.507278442383, - "1994": 107.460113525391, - "1995": 109.437652587891, - "1996": 107.280006408691, - "1997": 107.791816711426, - "1998": "", - "1999": 107.236831665039, - "2000": 106.449737548828, - "2001": 105.782257080078, - "2002": 104.417297363281, - "2003": 102.602348327637, - "2004": 98.8414764404297, - "2005": 98.5688171386719, - "2006": 98.0761871337891, - "2007": 104.85578918457, - "2008": 108.284156799316, - "2009": 109.744972229004, - "2010": 104.038833618164, - "2011": 103.324058532715, - "2012": 102.995933532715, - "2013": 103.003936767578, - "2014": 103.942939758301, - "2015": 104.772163391113, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa bruta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 98.7209167480469, - "1972": 99.1042785644531, - "1973": "", - "1974": 105.597457885742, - "1975": 103.878562927246, - "1976": 105.058853149414, - "1977": 109.953521728516, - "1978": 109.039520263672, - "1979": 114.596542358398, - "1980": 115.622917175293, - "1981": 115.034057617188, - "1982": 113.681289672852, - "1983": 112.122123718262, - "1984": 112.220832824707, - "1985": 111.674346923828, - "1986": 111.772506713867, - "1987": 111.550537109375, - "1988": 110.354827880859, - "1989": 109.933197021484, - "1990": 108.45906829834, - "1991": 108.111457824707, - "1992": 108.052291870117, - "1993": 107.980827331543, - "1994": 107.48291015625, - "1995": 107.698822021484, - "1996": 107.196197509766, - "1997": 106.780349731445, - "1998": 106.27375793457, - "1999": 106.234222412109, - "2000": 106.37133026123, - "2001": 106.162048339844, - "2002": 106.208763122559, - "2003": 105.896812438965, - "2004": 104.902412414551, - "2005": 103.661109924316, - "2006": 102.285133361816, - "2007": 102.18367767334, - "2008": 102.497222900391, - "2009": 103.788917541504, - "2010": 104.640037536621, - "2011": 105.62377166748, - "2012": 106.565078735352, - "2013": 106.374588012695, - "2014": 105.527442932129, - "2015": 104.462173461914, - "2016": 104.226852416992, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 47.9386711120605, - "1972": 47.1405601501465, - "1973": "", - "1974": 47.9801483154297, - "1975": 47.5506782531738, - "1976": 47.5547409057617, - "1977": 48.3430595397949, - "1978": 48.0186195373535, - "1979": 48.6875686645508, - "1980": 49.0072708129883, - "1981": 48.7638092041016, - "1982": 48.7381896972656, - "1983": 48.3248901367188, - "1984": 48.385669708252, - "1985": 48.6590690612793, - "1986": 48.6722793579102, - "1987": 48.633228302002, - "1988": 48.567008972168, - "1989": 48.5586395263672, - "1990": 48.3616409301758, - "1991": 48.5323791503906, - "1992": 48.5127296447754, - "1993": 48.4985504150391, - "1994": 48.3620185852051, - "1995": 48.4413909912109, - "1996": 48.4220390319824, - "1997": 48.4798011779785, - "1998": 48.5556182861328, - "1999": 48.6382713317871, - "2000": 48.7258911132813, - "2001": 48.7849502563477, - "2002": 48.8140602111816, - "2003": 48.8151206970215, - "2004": 48.8213005065918, - "2005": 48.7635116577148, - "2006": 48.7414512634277, - "2007": 48.7775115966797, - "2008": 48.7980003356934, - "2009": 48.8316917419434, - "2010": 48.8726196289063, - "2011": 48.8866310119629, - "2012": 48.9136390686035, - "2013": 48.8976783752441, - "2014": 48.9075698852539, - "2015": 48.9355583190918, - "2016": 48.9735908508301, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 32.1890602111816, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 49.6509284973145, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 62.2423286437988, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 65.5550689697266, - "2005": 69.1048583984375, - "2006": 68.4678192138672, - "2007": 69.8880081176758, - "2008": 70.8418502807617, - "2009": 72.7437133789063, - "2010": 73.2645568847656, - "2011": "", - "2012": 75.7189483642578, - "2013": 76.9667663574219, - "2014": 77.6536407470703, - "2015": 78.0581665039063, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela primaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CUAT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 65.8192520141602, - "1976": 67.640983581543, - "1977": 73.6753311157227, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 88.8730926513672, - "1994": 90.5397720336914, - "1995": 93.6248092651367, - "1996": 94.9687194824219, - "1997": 94.7226028442383, - "1998": "", - "1999": 95.2226791381836, - "2000": 96.1635971069336, - "2001": 96.9123306274414, - "2002": 98.3771896362305, - "2003": 97.9900207519531, - "2004": 99.7771224975586, - "2005": 100.170600891113, - "2006": 99.4751586914063, - "2007": 99.1805877685547, - "2008": 97.3068618774414, - "2009": 94.4646682739258, - "2010": 94.1280136108398, - "2011": 94.1138763427734, - "2012": 101.253288269043, - "2013": 105.449089050293, - "2014": 107.385673522949, - "2015": 102.761360168457, - "2016": 102.143676757813, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización de la educación de nivel primario, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CMPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 12.5530004501343, - "1972": 12.7066698074341, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 13.3032102584839, - "1977": 15.1224403381348, - "1978": 15.2336397171021, - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 23.1742305755615, - "1982": 30.827600479126, - "1983": 37.5311012268066, - "1984": 43.0372886657715, - "1985": 49.5182914733887, - "1986": 54.742618560791, - "1987": 58.6999702453613, - "1988": 60.4529418945313, - "1989": 61.2495498657227, - "1990": 59.8170585632324, - "1991": 62.2305717468262, - "1992": 62.9831886291504, - "1993": 63.6146507263184, - "1994": 65.6101913452148, - "1995": 67.4229125976563, - "1996": 68.8409194946289, - "1997": 69.8229904174805, - "1998": 71.1544876098633, - "1999": 71.7415237426758, - "2000": 72.1717910766602, - "2001": 72.4209213256836, - "2002": 72.3654632568359, - "2003": 76.3847122192383, - "2004": 78.6467895507813, - "2005": 86.0408935546875, - "2006": 94.0295791625977, - "2007": 100.997970581055, - "2008": 102.317642211914, - "2009": 101.019836425781, - "2010": 101.361572265625, - "2011": 102.465019226074, - "2012": 104.256248474121, - "2013": 70.5023498535156, - "2014": 70.8542709350586, - "2015": 71.1455764770508, - "2016": 71.3131103515625, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel preprimario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRE.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.257050007581711, - "1972": 0.282029986381531, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 0.370779991149902, - "1978": 0.40200999379158, - "1979": "", - "1980": 0.467310011386871, - "1981": 0.486059993505478, - "1982": 0.512290000915527, - "1983": 0.542789995670319, - "1984": 0.551490008831024, - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 0.821560025215149, - "1994": 0.852869987487793, - "1995": 0.876590013504028, - "1996": 0.903389990329742, - "1997": 0.916270017623901, - "1998": 0.930280029773712, - "1999": 0.941330015659332, - "2000": 0.959869980812073, - "2001": 0.975639998912811, - "2002": 0.990480005741119, - "2003": 1.00636005401611, - "2004": 1.02211999893188, - "2005": 1.03689002990723, - "2006": 1.0395599603653, - "2007": 1.04272997379303, - "2008": 1.04367005825043, - "2009": 1.04351997375488, - "2010": 1.0355099439621, - "2011": 1.02590000629425, - "2012": 1.01695001125336, - "2013": 1.00680994987488, - "2014": 1.00631999969482, - "2015": 1.00218999385834, - "2016": 1.02186000347137, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación terciaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.TERT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.632560014724731, - "1972": 0.701560020446777, - "1973": "", - "1974": 0.694329977035522, - "1975": 0.68708997964859, - "1976": 0.657500028610229, - "1977": 0.790960013866425, - "1978": 0.83363002538681, - "1979": 0.811349987983704, - "1980": 0.818889975547791, - "1981": 0.886929988861084, - "1982": 0.899489998817444, - "1983": 0.899789988994598, - "1984": 0.919809997081757, - "1985": 0.902350008487701, - "1986": 0.94625997543335, - "1987": 0.957740008831024, - "1988": 0.966639995574951, - "1989": 0.982280015945435, - "1990": 0.989530026912689, - "1991": 0.998260021209717, - "1992": 0.967469990253448, - "1993": 0.988839983940125, - "1994": 1.00106000900269, - "1995": 1.00612998008728, - "1996": 0.999689996242523, - "1997": 0.998109996318817, - "1998": 1.00989997386932, - "1999": 1.02656996250153, - "2000": 1.04103994369507, - "2001": 1.05637001991272, - "2002": 1.07448995113373, - "2003": 1.09983003139496, - "2004": 1.08845996856689, - "2005": 1.08884000778198, - "2006": 1.09370994567871, - "2007": 1.0938800573349, - "2008": 1.09619998931885, - "2009": 1.09741997718811, - "2010": 1.08694005012512, - "2011": 1.07705998420715, - "2012": 1.07121002674103, - "2013": 1.06169998645782, - "2014": 1.06246995925903, - "2015": 1.07413995265961, - "2016": 1.08606004714966, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación secundaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.940060019493103, - "1972": 0.910300016403198, - "1973": "", - "1974": 0.941980004310608, - "1975": 0.926649987697601, - "1976": 0.927869975566864, - "1977": 0.958289980888367, - "1978": 0.946680009365082, - "1979": 0.973190009593964, - "1980": 0.986440002918243, - "1981": 0.977419972419739, - "1982": 0.976310014724731, - "1983": 0.960039973258972, - "1984": 0.962130010128021, - "1985": 0.972649991512299, - "1986": 0.973439991474152, - "1987": 0.97146999835968, - "1988": 0.968739986419678, - "1989": 0.968559980392456, - "1990": 0.961399972438812, - "1991": 0.96875, - "1992": 0.969799995422363, - "1993": 0.970939993858337, - "1994": 0.967109978199005, - "1995": 0.971340000629425, - "1996": 0.971390008926392, - "1997": 0.974449992179871, - "1998": 0.978309988975525, - "1999": 0.982140004634857, - "2000": 0.98540997505188, - "2001": 0.98650997877121, - "2002": 0.98675000667572, - "2003": 0.985859990119934, - "2004": 0.985040009021759, - "2005": 0.981620013713837, - "2006": 0.97979998588562, - "2007": 0.979659974575043, - "2008": 0.98105001449585, - "2009": 0.985059976577759, - "2010": 0.991219997406006, - "2011": 0.997300028800964, - "2012": 1.00309002399445, - "2013": 1.00528001785278, - "2014": 1.00650000572205, - "2015": 1.0064799785614, - "2016": 1.00555002689362, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación primaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 25.8, - "2014": 25.9, - "2015": 25.4, - "2016": 25.5, - "2017": 25.6 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 1.83000004291534, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 3.04699993133545, - "1992": 3.09599995613098, - "1993": 3.21399998664856, - "1994": 4.2480001449585, - "1995": 6.88800001144409, - "1996": 5.25, - "1997": 4.05499982833862, - "1998": 3.57299995422363, - "1999": 2.48799991607666, - "2000": 2.56299996376038, - "2001": 2.53800010681152, - "2002": 2.86500000953674, - "2003": 2.96399998664856, - "2004": 3.66100001335144, - "2005": 3.55789995193481, - "2006": 3.56599998474121, - "2007": 3.6275999546051, - "2008": 3.87409996986389, - "2009": 5.35640001296997, - "2010": 5.30329990386963, - "2011": 5.1697998046875, - "2012": 4.88700008392334, - "2013": 4.91389989852905, - "2014": 4.80940008163452, - "2015": 4.31269979476929, - "2016": 3.85899996757507, - "2017": 3.41960000991821 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 1.47000002861023, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 2.5239999294281, - "1992": 2.67400002479553, - "1993": 2.87899994850159, - "1994": 3.97199988365173, - "1995": 6.04199981689453, - "1996": 4.44600009918213, - "1997": 2.96799993515015, - "1998": 2.87400007247925, - "1999": 1.94900000095367, - "2000": 2.19199991226196, - "2001": 2.15000009536743, - "2002": 2.5220000743866, - "2003": 2.61100006103516, - "2004": 3.07500004768372, - "2005": 3.35890007019043, - "2006": 3.37750005722046, - "2007": 3.40720009803772, - "2008": 3.77819991111755, - "2009": 5.35820007324219, - "2010": 5.37449979782104, - "2011": 5.19430017471313, - "2012": 4.89279985427856, - "2013": 4.8882999420166, - "2014": 4.78649997711182, - "2015": 4.22749996185303, - "2016": 3.8283998966217, - "2017": 3.30920004844666 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 4.2649998664856, - "1992": 4.06500005722046, - "1993": 3.95499992370605, - "1994": 4.85200023651123, - "1995": 8.64200019836426, - "1996": 6.90399980545044, - "1997": 6.20499992370605, - "1998": 4.96400022506714, - "1999": 3.57399988174438, - "2000": 3.28999996185303, - "2001": 3.30900001525879, - "2002": 3.53200006484985, - "2003": 3.6470000743866, - "2004": 4.73600006103516, - "2005": 3.91599988937378, - "2006": 3.8970000743866, - "2007": 4.03499984741211, - "2008": 4.07499980926514, - "2009": 5.38000011444092, - "2010": 5.20800018310547, - "2011": 5.15199995040894, - "2012": 4.91400003433228, - "2013": 4.99100017547607, - "2014": 4.86800003051758, - "2015": 4.48000001907349, - "2016": 3.93700003623962, - "2017": 3.60400009155273 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 2.60999989509583, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 4.22499990463257, - "1992": 4.03800010681152, - "1993": 3.95099997520447, - "1994": 4.83900022506714, - "1995": 8.61100006103516, - "1996": 6.86600017547607, - "1997": 6.13399982452393, - "1998": 4.92500019073486, - "1999": 3.54099988937378, - "2000": 3.26699995994568, - "2001": 3.27500009536743, - "2002": 3.50200009346008, - "2003": 3.62700009346008, - "2004": 4.70100021362305, - "2005": 3.90100002288818, - "2006": 3.88240003585815, - "2007": 3.99230003356934, - "2008": 4.03439998626709, - "2009": 5.35340023040771, - "2010": 5.18459987640381, - "2011": 5.12919998168945, - "2012": 4.87750005722046, - "2013": 4.9552001953125, - "2014": 4.84700012207031, - "2015": 4.45149993896484, - "2016": 3.90840005874634, - "2017": 3.59890007972717 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 33.4122009277344, - "2006": 32.8610992431641, - "2007": 32.4630012512207, - "2008": 33.5794982910156, - "2009": 33.1169013977051, - "2010": 32.9648017883301, - "2011": 32.761100769043, - "2012": 32.323600769043, - "2013": 31.3575000762939, - "2014": 31.448299407959, - "2015": 30.7975997924805, - "2016": 30.5363998413086, - "2017": 29.4489002227783 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 5.44000005722046, - "1997": 4.19999980926514, - "1998": 3.53999996185303, - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": 3.09999990463257, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 3.75, - "2005": 4.17840003967285, - "2006": 4.24410009384155, - "2007": 4.23629999160767, - "2008": 4.71960020065308, - "2009": 6.5605001449585, - "2010": 6.25629997253418, - "2011": 6.12610006332397, - "2012": 5.71969985961914, - "2013": 5.6048002243042, - "2014": 5.82310009002686, - "2015": 5.15539979934692, - "2016": 4.69140005111694, - "2017": 3.94429993629456 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - 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"countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 3.34999990463257, - "1996": 4.78999996185303, - "1997": 3.32999992370605, - "1998": 3.21000003814697, - "1999": 1.86000001430511, - "2000": 1.33000004291534, - "2001": 2.70000004768372, - "2002": 1.62000000476837, - "2003": 1.67999994754791, - "2004": 3.97000002861023, - "2005": 3.84509992599487, - "2006": 3.582200050354, - "2007": 3.89779996871948, - 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"1999": 6.08300018310547, - "2000": 6.16699981689453, - "2001": 6.64099979400635, - "2002": 7.82299995422363, - "2003": 8.14900016784668, - "2004": 10.6009998321533, - "2005": 8.16800022125244, - "2006": 8.06900024414063, - "2007": 8.21399974822998, - "2008": 8.71000003814697, - "2009": 11.1780004501343, - "2010": 10.5080003738403, - "2011": 10.7510004043579, - "2012": 10.2849998474121, - "2013": 10.7489995956421, - "2014": 10.6400003433228, - "2015": 9.94400024414063, - "2016": 8.66100025177002, - "2017": 7.90199995040894 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - 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"countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.1415759073992, - "1991": 29.5231155134243, - "1992": 29.9700557856078, - "1993": 30.4517032393041, - "1994": 30.9529281372851, - "1995": 32.0806478546184, - "1996": 31.9841038843699, - "1997": 32.9449615664252, - "1998": 32.798595828881, - "1999": 32.4857982591688, - "2000": 32.8373750272335, - "2001": 32.5484312932772, - "2002": 33.0719758898829, - 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"1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 84.9559097290039, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 88.6820373535156, - "2001": "", - "2002": 88.728630065918, - "2003": "", - "2004": 89.6310195922852, - "2005": 90.2104110717773, - "2006": 89.8345108032227, - "2007": 91.3555526733398, - "2008": 91.45361328125, - "2009": 92.1162490844727, - "2010": 91.8534164428711, - "2011": 92.3382797241211, - "2012": 93.1792373657227, - "2013": 92.903938293457, - "2014": 93.5913391113281, - "2015": 93.4854965209961, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 90.8609390258789, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 94.9032135009766, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 96.4823608398438, - "2001": "", - "2002": 97.2721099853516, - "2003": "", - "2004": 97.6079330444336, - "2005": 97.6279296875, - "2006": 97.6917190551758, - "2007": 98.1161117553711, - "2008": 98.3564224243164, - "2009": 98.3815994262695, - "2010": 98.4921264648438, - "2011": 98.5066604614258, - "2012": 99.0295715332031, - "2013": 98.6019134521484, - 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"2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Incidencia de los beneficios de los programas activos del mercado laboral (ALMP) y los beneficios por desempleo para el quintil más pobre (% del total de beneficios de los ALMP/D)", - "indicatorCode": "per_lm_alllm.ben_q1_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - 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"1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 82.9421997070313, - "2006": 83.7192001342773, - "2007": 83.3655014038086, - "2008": 83.1641006469727, - "2009": 82.2954025268555, - "2010": 81.2183990478516, - "2011": 80.8443984985352, - "2012": 80.8687973022461, - "2013": 80.5921020507813, - "2014": 79.8393020629883, - "2015": 79.0083999633789, - "2016": 79.1174011230469, - "2017": 78.2623977661133 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 89.9293975830078, - "2006": 90.5899963378906, - "2007": 90.5078964233398, - "2008": 90.4466018676758, - "2009": 89.0522003173828, - "2010": 88.095703125, - "2011": 87.5824966430664, - "2012": 88.201301574707, - "2013": 88.0045013427734, - "2014": 87.5739974975586, - "2015": 86.4746017456055, - "2016": 86.6574020385742, - "2017": 85.8006973266602 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 60.5, - "1991": 60.7620010375977, - "1992": 61.3359985351563, - "1993": 61.9939994812012, - "1994": 62.0400009155273, - "1995": 62.0970001220703, - "1996": 62.2490005493164, - "1997": 63.7820014953613, - "1998": 63.5670013427734, - "1999": 62.8979988098145, - "2000": 62.9070014953613, - "2001": 62.3479995727539, - "2002": 62.4910011291504, - "2003": 62.0099983215332, - "2004": 63.4659996032715, - "2005": 63.8160018920898, - "2006": 64.6740036010742, - "2007": 64.8899993896484, - "2008": 64.6220016479492, - "2009": 64.6259994506836, - "2010": 64.4729995727539, - "2011": 64.6060028076172, - "2012": 65.3440017700195, - "2013": 65.1529998779297, - "2014": 64.5279998779297, - "2015": 64.6269989013672, - "2016": 64.6760025024414, - "2017": 64.8109970092773 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% del total de la población entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 35.2140007019043, - "1991": 35.826000213623, - "1992": 36.6829986572266, - "1993": 37.6450004577637, - "1994": 38.2280006408691, - "1995": 39.5849990844727, - "1996": 39.6310005187988, - "1997": 41.8320007324219, - "1998": 41.5330009460449, - "1999": 40.7449989318848, - "2000": 41.173999786377, - "2001": 40.5530014038086, - "2002": 41.2519989013672, - "2003": 40.7799987792969, - "2004": 43.1549987792969, - "2005": 43.8549995422363, - "2006": 45.1440010070801, - "2007": 45.6980018615723, - "2008": 45.5400009155273, - 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"1993": 55.1870002746582, - "1994": 54.798999786377, - "1995": 55.0149993896484, - "1996": 54.1839981079102, - "1997": 54.4109992980957, - "1998": 54.9290008544922, - "1999": 53.6920013427734, - "2000": 52.9080009460449, - "2001": 51.2439994812012, - "2002": 49.8139991760254, - "2003": 48.2820014953613, - "2004": 49.1669998168945, - "2005": 49.4220008850098, - "2006": 49.9739990234375, - "2007": 50.0029983520508, - "2008": 49.3269996643066, - "2009": 48.1860008239746, - "2010": 48.2519989013672, - "2011": 47.7560005187988, - "2012": 47.9580001831055, - "2013": 47.0309982299805, - "2014": 45.9070014953613, - "2015": 45.3919982910156, - "2016": 45, - "2017": 44.9500007629395 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.5699996948242, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.0699996948242, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": 46.3199996948242, - "1979": 46.9199981689453, - "1980": 49.3499984741211, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 50.9700012207031, - "1989": "", - "1990": 41.1100006103516, - "1991": 52.1759986877441, - "1992": 53.3359985351563, - "1993": 54.5349998474121, - "1994": 54.1259994506836, - "1995": 54.3569984436035, - "1996": 53.0719985961914, - "1997": 53.1139984130859, - "1998": 53.7709999084473, - "1999": 52.4249992370605, - "2000": 51.5209999084473, - "2001": 49.5610008239746, - "2002": 48.2459983825684, - "2003": 47.015998840332, - "2004": 47.9869995117188, - "2005": 47.8872985839844, - "2006": 48.3806991577148, - "2007": 48.3536987304688, - "2008": 47.7228012084961, - "2009": 46.9217987060547, - "2010": 47.0658988952637, - 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"1998": 37.7050018310547, - "1999": 36.8440017700195, - "2000": 36.5769996643066, - "2001": 35.0940017700195, - "2002": 34.2379989624023, - "2003": 32.6800003051758, - "2004": 33.5229988098145, - "2005": 34.7360000610352, - "2006": 35.3040008544922, - "2007": 35.4799995422363, - "2008": 34.6240005493164, - "2009": 33.9160003662109, - "2010": 33.7709999084473, - "2011": 33.4879989624023, - "2012": 33.9659996032715, - "2013": 33.2449989318848, - "2014": 32.0750007629395, - "2015": 31.6650009155273, - "2016": 31.3290004730225, - "2017": 31.3840007781982 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 17.9500007629395, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 22.3500003814697, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": 33.7200012207031, - "1979": 35.5099983215332, - "1980": 31.5400009155273, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 34.939998626709, - "1989": "", - "1990": 23.0200004577637, - "1991": 34.5419998168945, - "1992": 35.2210006713867, - "1993": 35.9420013427734, - "1994": 35.8269996643066, - "1995": 37.2840003967285, - "1996": 35.9900016784668, - "1997": 36.7039985656738, - "1998": 37.4280014038086, - "1999": 36.4659996032715, - "2000": 36.2939987182617, - "2001": 34.6349983215332, - "2002": 33.7550010681152, - "2003": 32.2900009155273, - "2004": 33.226001739502, - "2005": 34.3227996826172, - "2006": 34.9826011657715, - "2007": 35.0898017883301, - "2008": 34.1313018798828, - "2009": 33.3809013366699, - "2010": 33.2845001220703, - "2011": 33.2575988769531, - "2012": 33.7783012390137, - "2013": 33.046501159668, - "2014": 31.992000579834, - "2015": 31.5622997283936, - "2016": 31.1597995758057, - "2017": 30.7444000244141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 70.2529983520508, - "1992": 70.072998046875, - "1993": 71.2460021972656, - "1994": 73.6859970092773, - "1995": 74.6600036621094, - "1996": 72.4250030517578, - "1997": 69.7580032348633, - "1998": 71.8199996948242, - "1999": 70.2580032348633, - "2000": 71.1520004272461, - "2001": 72.2239990234375, - "2002": 73.4499969482422, - "2003": 75.3919982910156, - "2004": 75.3669967651367, - "2005": 76.6019973754883, - "2006": 77.2220001220703, - "2007": 78.0429992675781, - "2008": 78.3980026245117, - "2009": 80.5540008544922, - "2010": 80.4739990234375, - "2011": 80.3170013427734, - "2012": 80.5019989013672, - "2013": 80.4069976806641, - "2014": 80.0790023803711, - "2015": 80.0169982910156, - "2016": 79.6959991455078, - "2017": 79.427001953125 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleados de servicios, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.SRV.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 73.9122280305615, - "2009": "", - "2010": 82.2804530074953, - "2011": "", - "2012": 72.2302158924971, - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Cobertura de los programas de trabajo y protección social (% de la población)", - "indicatorCode": "per_allsp.cov_pop_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 7.16443950461843, - "2009": "", - "2010": 11.6526368764489, - "2011": "", - "2012": 8.62876776493065, - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Incidencia de los beneficios de los programas de trabajo y protección social (SPL) para el quintil más pobre (% del total de beneficios de los SPL)", - "indicatorCode": "per_allsp.ben_q1_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - 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"1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": 0.62 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Índice de Capital Humano, femenino (escala de 0 a 1)", - "indicatorCode": "HD.HCI.OVRL.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 19.0930004119873, - "1992": 18.8239994049072, - "1993": 17.7040004730225, - "1994": 15.2449998855591, - "1995": 15.1190004348755, - "1996": 17.7390003204346, - "1997": 18.3430004119873, - "1998": 20.25, - "1999": 21.1410007476807, - "2000": 22.1140003204346, - "2001": 21.8889999389648, - "2002": 20.5149993896484, - "2003": 19.5030002593994, - "2004": 19.2240009307861, - "2005": 18.7450008392334, - "2006": 18.2670001983643, - "2007": 17.7999992370605, - "2008": 17.7329998016357, - "2009": 15.9910001754761, - "2010": 15.6969995498657, - "2011": 16.1590003967285, - "2012": 15.4580001831055, - "2013": 15.9779996871948, - "2014": 16.3239994049072, - "2015": 16.4699993133545, - "2016": 16.8939990997314, - "2017": 16.9759998321533 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleados en la industria, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 61.5429992675781, - "1992": 59.6759986877441, - "1993": 58.4370002746582, - "1994": 56.5349998474121, - "1995": 59.140998840332, - "1996": 60.9169998168945, - "1997": 58.5540008544922, - "1998": 61.4599990844727, - "1999": 61.9539985656738, - "2000": 64.5950012207031, - "2001": 64.2679977416992, - "2002": 63.2019996643066, - "2003": 63.1160011291504, - "2004": 62.681999206543, - "2005": 64.6139984130859, - "2006": 64.9530029296875, - "2007": 64.8280029296875, - "2008": 65.3759994506836, - "2009": 64.8600006103516, - "2010": 65.6549987792969, - "2011": 65.3130035400391, - "2012": 65.5650024414063, - "2013": 66.302001953125, - "2014": 67.265998840332, - "2015": 67.0930023193359, - "2016": 67.427001953125, - "2017": 67.5110015869141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Trabajadores asalariados (empleados), mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 36.2180004119873, - "1992": 38.721999168396, - "1993": 40.0460014343262, - "1994": 42.0030002593994, - "1995": 39.4020004272461, - "1996": 37.0440006256104, - "1997": 39.7829990386963, - "1998": 36.6319999694825, - "1999": 36.157000541687, - "2000": 33.4230003356933, - "2001": 33.8479995727539, - "2002": 34.8909997940064, - "2003": 35.1579999923706, - "2004": 35.3900003433228, - "2005": 33.2719993591308, - "2006": 32.6999998092652, - "2007": 32.6679992675781, - "2008": 32.282000541687, - "2009": 32.9239997863769, - "2010": 32.0910005569458, - "2011": 32.2229995727539, - "2012": 32.0029993057251, - "2013": 31.3769989013671, - "2014": 30.5529994964599, - "2015": 30.5869998931885, - "2016": 30.2789998054505, - "2017": 30.1900000572204 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleo vulnerable, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS" - 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"1996": 35.0519981384277, - "1997": 37.1349983215332, - "1998": 37.4169998168945, - "1999": 37.0449981689453, - "2000": 37.6069984436035, - "2001": 36.7869987487793, - "2002": 37.2960014343262, - "2003": 36.7480010986328, - "2004": 38.5209999084473, - "2005": 39.309398651123, - "2006": 40.4678001403809, - "2007": 40.7428016662598, - "2008": 40.5638008117676, - "2009": 40.472599029541, - "2010": 40.3107986450195, - "2011": 40.6427993774414, - "2012": 41.6988983154297, - "2013": 41.6950988769531, - "2014": 40.9546012878418, - "2015": 41.4146003723145, - "2016": 41.6912994384766, - "2017": 41.4035987854004 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 34.8600006103516, - "2014": 35.2700004577637, - "2015": 34.7999992370605, - "2016": 35.1599998474121, - "2017": 36.439998626709 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 38.4570007324219, - "1992": 40.3240013122559, - "1993": 41.5629997253418, - "1994": 43.4650001525879, - "1995": 40.859001159668, - "1996": 39.0830001831055, - "1997": 41.4459991455078, - "1998": 38.5400009155273, - "1999": 38.0460014343262, - "2000": 35.4049987792969, - "2001": 35.7319984436035, - "2002": 36.7980003356934, - "2003": 36.8839988708496, - "2004": 37.318000793457, - "2005": 35.3860015869141, - "2006": 35.0470008850098, - "2007": 35.1720008850098, - "2008": 34.6240005493164, - "2009": 35.1399993896484, - "2010": 34.3450012207031, - "2011": 34.6870002746582, - "2012": 34.435001373291, - "2013": 33.6980018615723, - "2014": 32.734001159668, - "2015": 32.9070014953613, - "2016": 32.5730018615723, - "2017": 32.4889984130859 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Independientes, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 2.23900008201599, - "1992": 1.60199999809265, - "1993": 1.51600003242493, - "1994": 1.46200001239777, - "1995": 1.45700001716614, - "1996": 2.03900003433228, - "1997": 1.66400003433228, - "1998": 1.90799999237061, - "1999": 1.88900005817413, - "2000": 1.98199999332428, - "2001": 1.88399994373322, - "2002": 1.90699994564056, - "2003": 1.72599995136261, - "2004": 1.92900002002716, - "2005": 2.11500000953674, - "2006": 2.34699988365173, - "2007": 2.50399994850159, - "2008": 2.34200000762939, - "2009": 2.21600008010864, - "2010": 2.25500011444092, - "2011": 2.46399998664856, - "2012": 2.43199992179871, - "2013": 2.3199999332428, - "2014": 2.18099999427795, - "2015": 2.32100009918213, - "2016": 2.29399991035461, - "2017": 2.29800009727478 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleadores, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - 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"2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 1.01813995838165, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 3.20000004768372, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 4.13622999191284, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 10.268030166626, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 9.19999980926514, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 11.3020496368408, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 43.1849899291992, - "2005": "", - "2006": 46.4452018737793, - "2007": 48.4203300476074, - "2008": 50.4843597412109, - "2009": 51.0410385131836, - "2010": 52.0154418945313, - "2011": 54.641529083252, - "2012": 55.8086814880371, - "2013": 57.2568511962891, - "2014": 57.7636184692383, - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 93.5139770507813, - "2005": 97.2598419189453, - "2006": "", - "2007": 93.7057113647461, - "2008": 97.9007034301758, - "2009": 97.5330123901367, - "2010": "", - "2011": 95.4021072387695, - "2012": 97.5464172363281, - "2013": 93.9123229980469, - "2014": 95.2473602294922, - "2015": 95.4645385742188, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 94.7827529907227, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 92.6142425537109, - "2000": 92.6128616333008, - "2001": 92.0723114013672, - "2002": 90.044563293457, - "2003": 89.7346572875977, - "2004": 89.5783081054688, - "2005": 87.7873992919922, - "2006": "", - "2007": 91.0298461914063, - "2008": 91.0757675170898, - "2009": 90.8332977294922, - "2010": 90.7311325073242, - "2011": 90.2333526611328, - "2012": 89.8296203613281, - "2013": 89.768669128418, - "2014": 89.6353988647461, - "2015": 89.3108901977539, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.382002951884872, - "1961": 0.401743462344435, - "1962": 0.414914381914269, - "1963": 0.421630981647542, - "1964": 0.422803526898264, - "1965": 0.419344146528382, - "1966": 0.441927050914976, - "1967": 0.458850821548156, - "1968": 0.468556570643322, - "1969": 0.470161793007461, - "1970": 0.46421407551835, - "1971": 0.486332566299, - "1972": 0.499729256707213, - "1973": 0.50579324446425, - "1974": 0.506835406113439, - "1975": 0.504052242369537, - "1976": 0.532632369654558, - "1977": 0.554367545758653, - "1978": 0.566448826496496, - "1979": 0.56684615651891, - "1980": 0.556123020021703, - "1981": 0.574583227027161, - "1982": 0.582855276672072, - "1983": 0.582359194105151, - "1984": 0.575354105651909, - "1985": 0.56356222772134, - "1986": 0.591124221452374, - "1987": 0.611594066081015, - "1988": 0.624151625500808, - "1989": 0.628914864312211, - "1990": 0.626813409494097, - "1991": 0.666004372778521, - "1992": 0.698011176068543, - "1993": 0.721404774934136, - "1994": 0.73533884696189, - "1995": 0.740507566366128, - "1996": 0.783686128233923, - "1997": 0.820438079130547, - "1998": 0.851858650782835, - "1999": 0.879507992282014, - "2000": 0.905080821268554, - "2001": 0.962063231076325, - "2002": 1.01526132874903, - "2003": 1.06610459390056, - "2004": 1.11702203672787, - "2005": 1.16988849837855, - "2006": 1.25106532319521, - "2007": 1.33057985116363, - "2008": 1.4056221698627, - "2009": 1.47271874890952, - "2010": 1.53138624887729, - "2011": 1.623798797878, - "2012": 1.70558938079462, - "2013": 1.78151477467257, - "2014": 1.85813537239824, - "2015": 1.93979745755197, - "2016": 2.04362236382697, - "2017": 2.14747246964957 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.599095656686814, - "1961": 0.608617043318914, - "1962": 0.6185436037303, - "1963": 0.629001461033647, - "1964": 0.639194256541998, - "1965": 0.648778810377281, - "1966": 0.650848366161227, - "1967": 0.651284384227406, - "1968": 0.654141989762655, - "1969": 0.663168018643213, - "1970": 0.67914859604532, - "1971": 0.69547092259161, - "1972": 0.715261606452642, - "1973": 0.734556768173106, - "1974": 0.74788147060576, - "1975": 0.753541110237672, - "1976": 0.747292623687312, - "1977": 0.735665104939808, - "1978": 0.72570983805018, - "1979": 0.723820981359679, - "1980": 0.731734767819883, - "1981": 0.738047155192305, - "1982": 0.748810563201758, - "1983": 0.763122706784952, - "1984": 0.779391083010311, - "1985": 0.796904970331488, - "1986": 0.807824734232757, - "1987": 0.820015434704876, - "1988": 0.833408891449325, - "1989": 0.846259378053613, - "1990": 0.857671960764207, - "1991": 0.864113197347877, - "1992": 0.868252017644772, - "1993": 0.874497053983054, - "1994": 0.886711602710877, - "1995": 0.906069098733139, - "1996": 0.928990952231179, - "1997": 0.954802595834644, - "1998": 0.985650995652554, - "1999": 1.02376951453108, - "2000": 1.06957986167766, - "2001": 1.11378958113262, - "2002": 1.16545508686775, - "2003": 1.21915303555024, - "2004": 1.26674184437432, - "2005": 1.30459066216083, - "2006": 1.32420688453781, - "2007": 1.33501402273198, - "2008": 1.34665333358675, - "2009": 1.37104716572256, - "2010": 1.41328505050676, - "2011": 1.46022920386424, - "2012": 1.52069967650611, - "2013": 1.58629465570857, - "2014": 1.64521179965818, - "2015": 1.69236150841927, - "2016": 1.71822327625312, - "2017": 1.73635099147859 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.03926912674357, - "1961": 1.04235518802442, - "1962": 1.04209758968839, - "1963": 1.04344669982185, - "1964": 1.05275168069713, - "1965": 1.07236316963637, - "1966": 1.0889897270773, - "1967": 1.1151263757223, - "1968": 1.14277226053704, - "1969": 1.16202659239305, - "1970": 1.16943086213688, - "1971": 1.15897820106516, - "1972": 1.14104074437894, - "1973": 1.123851022791, - "1974": 1.11688530050725, - "1975": 1.12375624637912, - "1976": 1.13026492324634, - "1977": 1.14496604033972, - "1978": 1.16464208948354, - "1979": 1.18582114048111, - "1980": 1.20706482699396, - "1981": 1.21625057256225, - "1982": 1.2281812596777, - "1983": 1.24129727309379, - "1984": 1.25346001071741, - "1985": 1.26409130732931, - "1986": 1.26101251263994, - "1987": 1.25818765100474, - "1988": 1.25886323583053, - "1989": 1.26700874570254, - "1990": 1.28453015924797, - "1991": 1.30153458006835, - "1992": 1.32295261550183, - "1993": 1.35005206708687, - "1994": 1.38503436082803, - "1995": 1.42860579649211, - "1996": 1.4763273529121, - "1997": 1.53258785057695, - "1998": 1.59017334592665, - "1999": 1.63941904228513, - "2000": 1.67618106971453, - "2001": 1.69265421553926, - "2002": 1.69984304151809, - "2003": 1.70754487134019, - "2004": 1.72909404541828, - "2005": 1.77076640845505, - "2006": 1.81958882580603, - "2007": 1.88682674439086, - "2008": 1.96159566147629, - "2009": 2.02865759019535, - "2010": 2.08054615683444, - "2011": 2.10755609526372, - "2012": 2.12303588872839, - "2013": 2.13931992413003, - "2014": 2.17308588791906, - "2015": 2.23285599800371, - "2016": 2.30055013202693, - "2017": 2.38996339321067 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.55386009380817, - "1961": 3.6079075121376, - "1962": 3.66165416096993, - "1963": 3.71129085437927, - "1964": 3.75198499582231, - "1965": 3.78234376851437, - "1966": 3.8021449765984, - "1967": 3.81615405264125, - "1968": 3.827990116757, - "1969": 3.84189626611344, - "1970": 3.86070759551685, - "1971": 3.8940104140809, - "1972": 3.92673260787658, - "1973": 3.95973667236529, - "1974": 3.9935812270088, - "1975": 4.02824807459196, - "1976": 4.06902018308806, - "1977": 4.10688357348833, - "1978": 4.14156097482206, - "1979": 4.17175351804027, - "1980": 4.19744351083763, - "1981": 4.22191280821822, - "1982": 4.24289911188448, - "1983": 4.26337846969997, - "1984": 4.28729522241621, - "1985": 4.31784170960336, - "1986": 4.36317979600999, - "1987": 4.4121434484637, - "1988": 4.46694940497587, - "1989": 4.53031368698997, - "1990": 4.60375159590662, - "1991": 4.71203146671904, - "1992": 4.8244378256131, - "1993": 4.93732498738344, - "1994": 5.04484201628982, - "1995": 5.14432647951947, - "1996": 5.270442298105, - "1997": 5.3872880961102, - "1998": 5.50330272279982, - "1999": 5.62982230341719, - "2000": 5.77335780750746, - "2001": 5.93847136141515, - "2002": 6.1213786011365, - "2003": 6.31398614583473, - "2004": 6.50450134745796, - "2005": 6.68805172069703, - "2006": 6.86634820644957, - "2007": 7.03786878555218, - "2008": 7.21194038208552, - "2009": 7.4009579502232, - "2010": 7.61216452056392, - "2011": 7.85061968405636, - "2012": 8.1034235835586, - "2013": 8.37325600409954, - "2014": 8.66298578343254, - "2015": 8.9752343661567, - "2016": 9.28732245067666, - "2017": 9.62073679560813 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1288469, - "1961": 1346537, - "1962": 1407089, - "1963": 1468352, - "1964": 1527803, - "1965": 1584223, - "1966": 1637085, - "1967": 1688195, - "1968": 1738964, - "1969": 1791301, - "1970": 1846663, - "1971": 1909875, - "1972": 1973930, - "1973": 2039503, - "1974": 2107247, - "1975": 2177450, - "1976": 2253104, - "1977": 2329289, - "1978": 2405788, - "1979": 2481741, - "1980": 2556923, - "1981": 2633247, - "1982": 2709054, - "1983": 2785600, - "1984": 2864781, - "1985": 2948381, - "1986": 3042158, - "1987": 3138842, - "1988": 3240235, - "1989": 3348744, - "1990": 3465997, - "1991": 3611239, - "1992": 3761847, - "1993": 3915422, - "1994": 4067761, - "1995": 4216811, - "1996": 4391297, - "1997": 4561680, - "1998": 4734304, - "1999": 4918218, - "2000": 5118910, - "2001": 5340878, - "2002": 5581405, - "2003": 5833308, - "2004": 6085531, - "2005": 6333091, - "2006": 6576965, - "2007": 6815390, - "2008": 7057739, - "2009": 7317131, - "2010": 7601839, - "2011": 7917833, - "2012": 8252497, - "2013": 8608510, - "2014": 8988531, - "2015": 9395132, - "2016": 9804603, - "2017": 10239664 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.5334923584929, - "1961": 1.55519181844983, - "1962": 1.58609858563697, - "1963": 1.61721171187623, - "1964": 1.63723553168492, - "1965": 1.64185764197234, - "1966": 1.6203798324449, - "1967": 1.59089247114339, - "1968": 1.56251929581398, - "1969": 1.54653986206972, - "1970": 1.5479140618163, - "1971": 1.55322872412513, - "1972": 1.57070100033778, - "1973": 1.59553563693693, - "1974": 1.62197904978235, - "1975": 1.64689847560563, - "1976": 1.65883026649985, - "1977": 1.67188488245015, - "1978": 1.68476022079185, - "1979": 1.69526523968057, - "1980": 1.70252089600208, - "1981": 1.6930318534365, - "1982": 1.68305201233295, - "1983": 1.67659929571608, - "1984": 1.67909002303658, - "1985": 1.69328320422121, - "1986": 1.70321832768492, - "1987": 1.72234629667307, - "1988": 1.75052565219521, - "1989": 1.78813069892161, - "1990": 1.83473606640034, - "1991": 1.88037931652429, - "1992": 1.93522201639796, - "1993": 1.99137109137938, - "1994": 2.03775720578903, - "1995": 2.06914401792809, - "1996": 2.08143786472781, - "1997": 2.07945957056806, - "1998": 2.07561973043778, - "1999": 2.08712575431897, - "2000": 2.12251605484671, - "2001": 2.16996433366695, - "2002": 2.24081914400163, - "2003": 2.32118364504374, - "2004": 2.39164342093749, - "2005": 2.4428061517026, - "2006": 2.47148717291052, - "2007": 2.48544816726571, - "2008": 2.49806921715978, - "2009": 2.52853444539578, - "2010": 2.58694706434543, - "2011": 2.6590355870504, - "2012": 2.75409863752948, - "2013": 2.86612664958836, - "2014": 2.98655272345706, - "2015": 3.11021940218175, - "2016": 3.22492667856963, - "2017": 3.3469499412693 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.19028136409396, - "1961": 2.16172964951582, - "1962": 2.11570110894262, - "1963": 2.06676927560357, - "1964": 2.03339358321452, - "1965": 2.02383013879701, - "1966": 2.0188016409921, - "1967": 2.03357398171826, - "1968": 2.06005824785061, - "1969": 2.0880210908041, - "1970": 2.11221543828115, - "1971": 2.12604864051505, - "1972": 2.14029038163067, - "1973": 2.15323931223116, - "1974": 2.16247638055585, - "1975": 2.16675513291063, - "1976": 2.15494608472046, - "1977": 2.13954428663556, - "1978": 2.12625750532559, - "1979": 2.12238173084214, - "1980": 2.13142487979962, - "1981": 2.13763789733704, - "1982": 2.15416261140364, - "1983": 2.18068074289676, - "1984": 2.2176648539774, - "1985": 2.26472139936815, - "1986": 2.30854581192637, - "1987": 2.36609342086919, - "1988": 2.42647496829351, - "1989": 2.47469411957127, - "1990": 2.50359958962022, - "1991": 2.50718286062472, - "1992": 2.4927314361689, - "1993": 2.47547312413126, - "1994": 2.47627126171458, - "1995": 2.5050772154461, - "1996": 2.54989100607943, - "1997": 2.61952643927417, - "1998": 2.69924663763286, - "1999": 2.76787709005758, - "2000": 2.81500747983854, - "2001": 2.83634364335998, - "2002": 2.84259440801039, - "2003": 2.84765331225016, - "2004": 2.8718314713075, - "2005": 2.92631904743912, - "2006": 3.00178254563536, - "2007": 3.10213052650067, - "2008": 3.22055701782083, - "2009": 3.34698765568208, - "2010": 3.47496461575304, - "2011": 3.59805117690737, - "2012": 3.72499371192758, - "2013": 3.85302195744623, - "2014": 3.97852839852068, - "2015": 4.09936422129023, - "2016": 4.20338026947473, - "2017": 4.3021137508686 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.58086784620884, - "1961": 2.57128087539766, - "1962": 2.58007201942704, - "1963": 2.59999284711492, - "1964": 2.62181163250099, - "1965": 2.64037998991087, - "1966": 2.64393983028961, - "1967": 2.65193879713482, - "1968": 2.66020002509928, - "1969": 2.66336795241756, - "1970": 2.65946555463572, - "1971": 2.64377999489015, - "1972": 2.62292362174556, - "1973": 2.60351089792872, - "1974": 2.59441675229023, - "1975": 2.599808682035, - "1976": 2.60723842929634, - "1977": 2.62423923646903, - "1978": 2.65123542753481, - "1979": 2.68900767916412, - "1980": 2.73674171194991, - "1981": 2.78194429210767, - "1982": 2.84080944193347, - "1983": 2.90093090599517, - "1984": 2.94587982704223, - "1985": 2.96824533828913, - "1986": 2.96041146348882, - "1987": 2.93469538751632, - "1988": 2.90640697853427, - "1989": 2.89757285684156, - "1990": 2.91930038854316, - "1991": 2.96209540962119, - "1992": 3.03265056340107, - "1993": 3.11450848767095, - "1994": 3.1836435719337, - "1995": 3.22757944211091, - "1996": 3.24262464629155, - "1997": 3.23706610289462, - "1998": 3.22814935046366, - "1999": 3.24074288702966, - "2000": 3.28841760939152, - "2001": 3.35773577114875, - "2002": 3.45793860243241, - "2003": 3.5797934925734, - "2004": 3.70972091625452, - "2005": 3.83956978946637, - "2006": 3.96839036761791, - "2007": 4.09989038178517, - "2008": 4.23121121957012, - "2009": 4.35879286741275, - "2010": 4.48025223814844, - "2011": 4.58837449411738, - "2012": 4.68616762029832, - "2013": 4.7812388860074, - "2014": 4.88524404896565, - "2015": 5.00391757027474, - "2016": 5.12622986344317, - "2017": 5.26449053116497 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.27167102108898, - "1961": 3.27329098867534, - "1962": 3.27089163602275, - "1963": 3.26364915174492, - "1964": 3.25080939008163, - "1965": 3.23251041770846, - "1966": 3.19668540776759, - "1967": 3.16048205026773, - "1968": 3.12896571971589, - "1969": 3.10940772053642, - "1970": 3.10597399971341, - "1971": 3.11271273927737, - "1972": 3.13057226896407, - "1973": 3.159803087895, - "1974": 3.20100797015524, - "1975": 3.25266440273001, - "1976": 3.30641841961314, - "1977": 3.3721970162441, - "1978": 3.43683448473193, - "1979": 3.48204799741909, - "1980": 3.49911529278305, - "1981": 3.48059650272746, - "1982": 3.43846210204976, - "1983": 3.39125310115022, - "1984": 3.36593368467498, - "1985": 3.3764644331167, - "1986": 3.41041523266731, - "1987": 3.48032606467682, - "1988": 3.56514462223191, - "1989": 3.63463101771828, - "1990": 3.67343433790663, - "1991": 3.68545201831879, - "1992": 3.67164910377613, - "1993": 3.6522797006001, - "1994": 3.65634129314711, - "1995": 3.69909023443272, - "1996": 3.76638668440501, - "1997": 3.86469258269438, - "1998": 3.98503272174108, - "1999": 4.11398600502863, - "2000": 4.24345312101605, - "2001": 4.36745351597335, - "2002": 4.49774728007489, - "2003": 4.62932325966023, - "2004": 4.75597780188693, - "2005": 4.87454385829923, - "2006": 4.98395445840302, - "2007": 5.08149762606082, - "2008": 5.17538599818152, - "2009": 5.27824099664854, - "2010": 5.39590327299465, - "2011": 5.52076579799747, - "2012": 5.65789832220039, - "2013": 5.79507915156707, - "2014": 5.9140130716039, - "2015": 6.0043426531832, - "2016": 6.06277656300954, - "2017": 6.09997746757024 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.93293659145973, - "1961": 3.88578779918786, - "1962": 3.82783121971406, - "1963": 3.77036660810821, - "1964": 3.72842155470136, - "1965": 3.70945556217664, - "1966": 3.69745090680049, - "1967": 3.70579223237875, - "1968": 3.73148710765013, - "1969": 3.77105082056171, - "1970": 3.8214202880141, - "1971": 3.88189945296583, - "1972": 3.95586983792403, - "1973": 4.02793840083877, - "1974": 4.07694575476168, - "1975": 4.09229267726678, - "1976": 4.07149073909012, - "1977": 4.01842462495705, - "1978": 3.95641206544057, - "1979": 3.91801652190163, - "1980": 3.91954369837724, - "1981": 3.94595259231834, - "1982": 4.01132350660524, - "1983": 4.09205818115789, - "1984": 4.15496855211881, - "1985": 4.18382724714216, - "1986": 4.18006197516197, - "1987": 4.15217513596735, - "1988": 4.1200897466366, - "1989": 4.11333333062765, - "1990": 4.14811527612704, - "1991": 4.21861877955475, - "1992": 4.3213292967143, - "1993": 4.44699742556656, - "1994": 4.58118908232541, - "1995": 4.71431861128727, - "1996": 4.84046642432033, - "1997": 4.96829727020001, - "1998": 5.09447682900297, - "1999": 5.21514440237604, - "2000": 5.32852060592066, - "2001": 5.42565413294803, - "2002": 5.51496520208751, - "2003": 5.6028770427002, - "2004": 5.69987335125412, - "2005": 5.81136560450216, - "2006": 5.93702265080119, - "2007": 6.07550588718887, - "2008": 6.21364237303481, - "2009": 6.33168583966294, - "2010": 6.4178695191092, - "2011": 6.47234383409409, - "2012": 6.49913955406458, - "2013": 6.50658963831272, - "2014": 6.50709569673484, - "2015": 6.50891664826029, - "2016": 6.50418047313914, - "2017": 6.50060504581735 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.46098643462965, - "1961": 4.44183238939508, - "1962": 4.43560654587407, - "1963": 4.4441683829589, - "1964": 4.47028070504861, - "1965": 4.5132194003771, - "1966": 4.55992166640964, - "1967": 4.63067320326076, - "1968": 4.70396421347296, - "1969": 4.7505590242271, - "1970": 4.75698170284387, - "1971": 4.72998275778369, - "1972": 4.66530877267948, - "1973": 4.58963578358773, - "1974": 4.54072869254371, - "1975": 4.53709732596625, - "1976": 4.56726342453267, - "1977": 4.63781005327813, - "1978": 4.72336384844759, - "1979": 4.78671936803542, - "1980": 4.80900498747476, - "1981": 4.78950399775075, - "1982": 4.73982995475929, - "1983": 4.68380244015973, - "1984": 4.65683594286947, - "1985": 4.67850185274884, - "1986": 4.7368261474739, - "1987": 4.83732315290914, - "1988": 4.96631950739518, - "1989": 5.10366066235841, - "1990": 5.23711732111899, - "1991": 5.37302009588212, - "1992": 5.50688756907261, - "1993": 5.63624497221065, - "1994": 5.75811272334923, - "1995": 5.87028606323514, - "1996": 5.96383604927385, - "1997": 6.04299255912777, - "1998": 6.11761390628545, - "1999": 6.20249568644575, - "2000": 6.3051544269536, - "2001": 6.41486639368421, - "2002": 6.54470685643033, - "2003": 6.67759214710185, - "2004": 6.78866286421508, - "2005": 6.86428405070748, - "2006": 6.9136090200555, - "2007": 6.93264446918728, - "2008": 6.93020651763619, - "2009": 6.91976876086999, - "2010": 6.9098939256154, - "2011": 6.89738284980987, - "2012": 6.88115290279664, - "2013": 6.87167426446646, - "2014": 6.88297844770104, - "2015": 6.92258937118099, - "2016": 6.98352801804994, - "2017": 7.07228253513455 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.38593353021208, - "1961": 5.43568244930775, - "1962": 5.4996856823571, - "1963": 5.55903019515876, - "1964": 5.58853850648157, - "1965": 5.57679415612735, - "1966": 5.51566207305313, - "1967": 5.42207880645936, - "1968": 5.322183107234, - "1969": 5.25388082673066, - "1970": 5.23702192341308, - "1971": 5.26748515423503, - "1972": 5.34465561492944, - "1973": 5.43909367032122, - "1974": 5.50792436804958, - "1975": 5.52870735166697, - "1976": 5.506661642962, - "1977": 5.44427616950378, - "1978": 5.37126022262525, - "1979": 5.32975278167079, - "1980": 5.34204711856771, - "1981": 5.39030295627867, - "1982": 5.48365532834389, - "1983": 5.60712018487782, - "1984": 5.73965753879876, - "1985": 5.86910268083843, - "1986": 5.99496588061606, - "1987": 6.12582807056715, - "1988": 6.25513532682595, - "1989": 6.37505666707117, - "1990": 6.48166281382179, - "1991": 6.58021198327957, - "1992": 6.65830533562204, - "1993": 6.72833290482644, - "1994": 6.808089370981, - "1995": 6.90556564703669, - "1996": 7.01060399840489, - "1997": 7.13079917380461, - "1998": 7.25066350410982, - "1999": 7.34730444941262, - "2000": 7.40832727274245, - "2001": 7.43180253145438, - "2002": 7.43078367625208, - "2003": 7.41113512083923, - "2004": 7.38312775683022, - "2005": 7.35487775213387, - "2006": 7.33181434189309, - "2007": 7.304635734303, - "2008": 7.28437002934545, - "2009": 7.28585726228123, - "2010": 7.31651148199976, - "2011": 7.37344007162359, - "2012": 7.45401532517276, - "2013": 7.55117217277439, - "2014": 7.65395598312444, - "2015": 7.75395761435145, - "2016": 7.84940295728088, - "2017": 7.94760288376767 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.61784940146564, - "1961": 6.53841517458403, - "1962": 6.40445780668506, - "1963": 6.25588801867737, - "1964": 6.14778651370085, - "1965": 6.10714544844081, - "1966": 6.10900975639666, - "1967": 6.17730520902502, - "1968": 6.27274181935083, - "1969": 6.33942342076393, - "1970": 6.34982570961236, - "1971": 6.31992767513444, - "1972": 6.24402067118078, - "1973": 6.15575156196287, - "1974": 6.10340233705711, - "1975": 6.11184456817632, - "1976": 6.16655473615248, - "1977": 6.266912125218, - "1978": 6.3980533016977, - "1979": 6.53722996948839, - "1980": 6.67018647486831, - "1981": 6.7905061630698, - "1982": 6.91260206130308, - "1983": 7.03026303863607, - "1984": 7.13748697793532, - "1985": 7.23222351462483, - "1986": 7.30991005948418, - "1987": 7.37480162277218, - "1988": 7.43575265940328, - "1989": 7.50670839365307, - "1990": 7.59449653297091, - "1991": 7.70396689734477, - "1992": 7.8249305743882, - "1993": 7.94228837460187, - "1994": 8.03285253255097, - "1995": 8.08293357794928, - "1996": 8.09186574552944, - "1997": 8.06692326774344, - "1998": 8.01867482935161, - "1999": 7.9630169349751, - "2000": 7.9110242587136, - "2001": 7.85489131070494, - "2002": 7.8035443050858, - "2003": 7.76461200114228, - "2004": 7.74919074122431, - "2005": 7.7637818721532, - "2006": 7.8142392053009, - "2007": 7.88971300387315, - "2008": 7.98256644621306, - "2009": 8.08099235996515, - "2010": 8.17528136040132, - "2011": 8.26701371407652, - "2012": 8.35537951407622, - "2013": 8.42752915224211, - "2014": 8.4653130995237, - "2015": 8.45853561598566, - "2016": 8.4076149503775, - "2017": 8.31653172482866 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.21231403396987, - "1961": 7.20594680426551, - "1962": 7.26011170019158, - "1963": 7.33717423884646, - "1964": 7.38358647067024, - "1965": 7.37292057377241, - "1966": 7.29893573338338, - "1967": 7.18755598253769, - "1968": 7.07111771414554, - "1969": 6.99732392868194, - "1970": 6.99256580948056, - "1971": 7.04932967767166, - "1972": 7.15886643503295, - "1973": 7.30365996398169, - "1974": 7.45750357314451, - "1975": 7.60311867374781, - "1976": 7.74000814958408, - "1977": 7.87136713727229, - "1978": 7.99307179395093, - "1979": 8.10029296599379, - "1980": 8.19054399947941, - "1981": 8.25120708845418, - "1982": 8.29370475642846, - "1983": 8.32954507504945, - "1984": 8.37746604356006, - "1985": 8.44741733657423, - "1986": 8.53166603311576, - "1987": 8.64044770371304, - "1988": 8.75126621593545, - "1989": 8.83194471106659, - "1990": 8.86532567121056, - "1991": 8.86834750794135, - "1992": 8.82888536359158, - "1993": 8.76100912686267, - "1994": 8.68434881853908, - "1995": 8.61073560846459, - "1996": 8.53212974862519, - "1997": 8.45175402363995, - "1998": 8.38215428168284, - "1999": 8.33988352095733, - "2000": 8.33389096070374, - "2001": 8.35474056059472, - "2002": 8.41160172504405, - "2003": 8.4920502257626, - "2004": 8.57857643970774, - "2005": 8.65945151751751, - "2006": 8.74611420774125, - "2007": 8.82876294058604, - "2008": 8.893685445995, - "2009": 8.92192113978983, - "2010": 8.90237262334494, - "2011": 8.83975814544503, - "2012": 8.72878128441839, - "2013": 8.58666995144461, - "2014": 8.43938254062556, - "2015": 8.30336511725346, - "2016": 8.17463533042974, - "2017": 8.0555259125667 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8.66480897963036, - "1961": 8.56947597983346, - "1962": 8.41008723736092, - "1963": 8.23603661417805, - "1964": 8.11657280050994, - "1965": 8.08723168090222, - "1966": 8.10912913336963, - "1967": 8.20871363784066, - "1968": 8.35870062161991, - "1969": 8.52017929525554, - "1970": 8.67090444976424, - "1971": 8.82019889745806, - "1972": 8.96380514280963, - "1973": 9.09642883339514, - "1974": 9.21253459245079, - "1975": 9.30825465165575, - "1976": 9.37713075296642, - "1977": 9.41657681659357, - "1978": 9.44336216688763, - "1979": 9.48105719501119, - "1980": 9.54063974905328, - "1981": 9.60441565846355, - "1982": 9.69152498657539, - "1983": 9.77819534752397, - "1984": 9.83222733363084, - "1985": 9.83774672350309, - "1986": 9.79889740342039, - "1987": 9.72784911672145, - "1988": 9.63318900113338, - "1989": 9.52895746523303, - "1990": 9.42579505769704, - "1991": 9.33289618248413, - "1992": 9.23284394376205, - "1993": 9.14175880237416, - "1994": 9.07980432949025, - "1995": 9.05633086238441, - "1996": 9.06091343081676, - "1997": 9.09674456599498, - "1998": 9.15436198358936, - "1999": 9.21980932414987, - "2000": 9.28320263837279, - "2001": 9.339168356629, - "2002": 9.4011772834828, - "2003": 9.45002282732385, - "2004": 9.46029074796553, - "2005": 9.4191042186247, - "2006": 9.34139019767567, - "2007": 9.2127886340803, - "2008": 9.0515334574675, - "2009": 8.88517189951991, - "2010": 8.73057458789976, - "2011": 8.58631897252714, - "2012": 8.44636373647647, - "2013": 8.31725733595976, - "2014": 8.2062272528738, - "2015": 8.11630647441192, - "2016": 8.04783764333853, - "2017": 8.00643317687661 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 53.7740268167468, - "1961": 53.5577049858786, - "1962": 53.3655720678687, - "1963": 53.2277773066759, - "1964": 53.185184162843, - "1965": 53.2539609758611, - "1966": 53.2599157207861, - "1967": 53.4230689026716, - "1968": 53.6885099298336, - "1969": 53.9884739744756, - "1970": 54.2929327878881, - "1971": 54.6085846447816, - "1972": 54.9222344099806, - "1973": 55.2493119931248, - "1974": 55.6133694657954, - "1975": 56.0165204328164, - "1976": 56.386388168305, - "1977": 56.769384906429, - "1978": 57.1607435146108, - "1979": 57.5498203815529, - "1980": 57.9267996994822, - "1981": 58.1809331835221, - "1982": 58.4565386220009, - "1983": 58.7377877455234, - "1984": 59.0171846282326, - "1985": 59.2991326257703, - "1986": 59.525953232125, - "1987": 59.7956454857846, - "1988": 60.0958479918031, - "1989": 60.4143504360675, - "1990": 60.7475882749544, - "1991": 61.1285950283647, - "1992": 61.4937813391209, - "1993": 61.8698979932498, - "1994": 62.2864939399616, - "1995": 62.7485149224117, - "1996": 63.175633465878, - "1997": 63.6340137928738, - "1998": 64.1061538689733, - "1999": 64.5673557146969, - "2000": 65.0052540284315, - "2001": 65.3479445526017, - "2002": 65.7056931237668, - "2003": 66.0637710968467, - "2004": 66.4102666684466, - "2005": 66.7430386914865, - "2006": 67.1042635833158, - "2007": 67.435124915229, - "2008": 67.7445666779683, - "2009": 68.0443432538649, - "2010": 68.3339435777661, - "2011": 68.5921333921987, - "2012": 68.8236981603479, - "2013": 69.0283458776238, - "2014": 69.2021060529114, - "2015": 69.3403136843805, - "2016": 69.3999926058363, - "2017": 69.4524367767663 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 19496030, - "1961": 19988715, - "1962": 20507155, - "1963": 21059279, - "1964": 21656935, - "1965": 22305257, - "1966": 22932060, - "1967": 23633365, - "1968": 24389405, - "1969": 25172362, - "1970": 25969526, - "1971": 26783587, - "1972": 27608868, - "1973": 28456724, - "1974": 29344866, - "1975": 30279461, - "1976": 31222358, - "1977": 32197724, - "1978": 33204059, - "1979": 34235903, - "1980": 35286805, - "1981": 36287997, - "1982": 37323988, - "1983": 38378009, - "1984": 39435423, - "1985": 40491628, - "1986": 41503526, - "1987": 42539206, - "1988": 43592317, - "1989": 44657437, - "1990": 45734649, - "1991": 46848151, - "1992": 47949670, - "1993": 49064375, - "1994": 50222894, - "1995": 51435040, - "1996": 52637511, - "1997": 53882031, - "1998": 55148343, - "1999": 56406101, - "2000": 57636483, - "2001": 58771926, - "2002": 59909718, - "2003": 61034396, - "2004": 62132623, - "2005": 63200725, - "2006": 64276144, - "2007": 65303389, - "2008": 66296091, - "2009": 67273637, - "2010": 68241251, - "2011": 69179389, - "2012": 70089803, - "2013": 70967760, - "2014": 71802643, - "2015": 72584332, - "2016": 73265400, - "2017": 73920494 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.45637761398767, - "1961": 9.47426287571613, - "1962": 9.56112711129348, - "1963": 9.69470197428475, - "1964": 9.8439830059333, - "1965": 9.99047360764819, - "1966": 10.1103795723239, - "1967": 10.2449550020486, - "1968": 10.3790913536945, - "1969": 10.4952598944967, - "1970": 10.5865579121296, - "1971": 10.6572196548503, - "1972": 10.6959216630839, - "1973": 10.7202504809826, - "1974": 10.7564290447867, - "1975": 10.8159769666608, - "1976": 10.8886757893873, - "1977": 10.9780374402575, - "1978": 11.0608926979688, - "1979": 11.1033141720263, - "1980": 11.0875517871289, - "1981": 11.0088660350147, - "1982": 10.8904638725987, - "1983": 10.7439387280764, - "1984": 10.5890638736248, - "1985": 10.4408820995648, - "1986": 10.2942532247703, - "1987": 10.1561058100719, - "1988": 10.0360689654136, - "1989": 9.94779121192652, - "1990": 9.89874128593811, - "1991": 9.89680329331325, - "1992": 9.92356815262403, - "1993": 9.97100507440516, - "1994": 10.0258409559302, - "1995": 10.0765976600647, - "1996": 10.1169157321316, - "1997": 10.1552178074998, - "1998": 10.1757798251136, - "1999": 10.1570954142643, - "2000": 10.0882556547786, - "2001": 9.96528833610439, - "2002": 9.80063378486658, - "2003": 9.60871166749284, - "2004": 9.41301457780069, - "2005": 9.2297409806429, - "2006": 9.06594658819187, - "2007": 8.90755571166373, - "2008": 8.76140817270385, - "2009": 8.63492447203248, - "2010": 8.53031995249957, - "2011": 8.44868433560023, - "2012": 8.38980618891652, - "2013": 8.33811336740305, - "2014": 8.26936751323781, - "2015": 8.16901839818859, - "2016": 8.04040653729318, - "2017": 7.88687374817094 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.6346028692656, - "1961": 11.7659272146565, - "1962": 11.883470894306, - "1963": 11.9916323882131, - "1964": 12.0884873398014, - "1965": 12.1612166125327, - "1966": 12.18352096111, - "1967": 12.200207400291, - "1968": 12.2129236898477, - "1969": 12.2337679222709, - "1970": 12.2755149131416, - "1971": 12.3454590899379, - "1972": 12.4312170796248, - "1973": 12.5179974086916, - "1974": 12.5688721993059, - "1975": 12.5470774726759, - "1976": 12.4585624278891, - "1977": 12.313896096642, - "1978": 12.1330076739765, - "1979": 11.9407827547464, - "1980": 11.7504132480494, - "1981": 11.5507673789208, - "1982": 11.3615697730929, - "1983": 11.1875299730536, - "1984": 11.0447012605058, - "1985": 10.9504577777924, - "1986": 10.9024090271194, - "1987": 10.9027542466453, - "1988": 10.9336952476332, - "1989": 10.9712252357627, - "1990": 10.9997760550517, - "1991": 11.0341792655474, - "1992": 11.0550820594329, - "1993": 11.0584500258548, - "1994": 11.0263558998646, - "1995": 10.9359716993488, - "1996": 10.7829820898935, - "1997": 10.5782417064989, - "1998": 10.3396849504542, - "1999": 10.0974663568639, - "2000": 9.87435118650341, - "2001": 9.66288859626897, - "2002": 9.47257867991789, - "2003": 9.29916083837212, - "2004": 9.14269783579759, - "2005": 9.00936687628034, - "2006": 8.91138141743103, - "2007": 8.83475330604201, - "2008": 8.76938165696013, - "2009": 8.69161457245491, - "2010": 8.57868856210006, - "2011": 8.434283627693, - "2012": 8.25844672361601, - "2013": 8.06148255355327, - "2014": 7.85921941529129, - "2015": 7.6618497895884, - "2016": 7.4680162401447, - "2017": 7.28010196662017 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.1741610971407, - "1961": 14.2458540413898, - "1962": 14.262206309737, - "1963": 14.2278365770488, - "1964": 14.1667803908653, - "1965": 14.1066386284191, - "1966": 14.110550973503, - "1967": 14.1600282561704, - "1968": 14.2316480340508, - "1969": 14.2772961344128, - "1970": 14.2422176238362, - "1971": 14.1860152693122, - "1972": 14.0467210222121, - "1973": 13.8281509041292, - "1974": 13.5628332932316, - "1975": 13.2975957087471, - "1976": 13.0885397607183, - "1977": 12.8795654274973, - "1978": 12.6773369633544, - "1979": 12.4895399005234, - "1980": 12.3226666247293, - "1981": 12.2104431090328, - "1982": 12.1575994634602, - "1983": 12.1540615643728, - "1984": 12.1703676585064, - "1985": 12.1651815020208, - "1986": 12.1528813218216, - "1987": 12.1373591462293, - "1988": 12.1057942843544, - "1989": 12.0424199108776, - "1990": 11.9329782977952, - "1991": 11.7953575039113, - "1992": 11.5821085641153, - "1993": 11.3025646594709, - "1994": 10.9918857481028, - "1995": 10.698943888437, - "1996": 10.442141598697, - "1997": 10.2073666825765, - "1998": 9.9987334149546, - "1999": 9.81167911531413, - "2000": 9.63520771206943, - "2001": 9.47587751396768, - "2002": 9.35425852798009, - "2003": 9.26134278351383, - "2004": 9.17293017223838, - "2005": 9.05700417141299, - "2006": 8.91736875459399, - "2007": 8.73591795555818, - "2008": 8.5145745237215, - "2009": 8.27278267294511, - "2010": 8.04068378552087, - "2011": 7.83056537958571, - "2012": 7.62439103400164, - "2013": 7.42707674307575, - "2014": 7.24378571818834, - "2015": 7.07908870180222, - "2016": 6.94207296069256, - "2017": 6.84250662166119 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 42.672113089445, - "1961": 42.8343875019838, - "1962": 42.9727737711614, - "1963": 43.0609318389448, - "1964": 43.0628308413347, - "1965": 42.9636952556245, - "1966": 42.9379393026155, - "1967": 42.7607770446871, - "1968": 42.4834999534094, - "1969": 42.169629759411, - "1970": 41.846359616595, - "1971": 41.4974049411376, - "1972": 41.1510329821429, - "1973": 40.7909513345099, - "1974": 40.3930493071958, - "1975": 39.9552314925917, - "1976": 39.5445916486069, - "1977": 39.1237315200827, - "1978": 38.6976955105672, - "1979": 38.2784261004068, - "1980": 37.8757567896801, - "1981": 37.5971540082597, - "1982": 37.3005622661147, - "1983": 36.9988337847766, - "1984": 36.6955201493512, - "1985": 36.3830256646263, - "1986": 36.1108669718649, - "1987": 35.7922110657517, - "1988": 35.437202603221, - "1989": 35.0553358769425, - "1990": 34.6486601291389, - "1991": 34.1593735049163, - "1992": 33.681780835266, - "1993": 33.1927770193667, - "1994": 32.6686640437486, - "1995": 32.1071585980688, - "1996": 31.553924236017, - "1997": 30.978698111016, - "1998": 30.3905434082269, - "1999": 29.8028219818859, - "2000": 29.221388164061, - "2001": 28.7135840859831, - "2002": 28.1729282750967, - "2003": 27.6222427573186, - "2004": 27.0852319840954, - "2005": 26.5689095878164, - "2006": 26.0293882102347, - "2007": 25.5270062992188, - "2008": 25.0434929399462, - "2009": 24.5546987959119, - "2010": 24.05389190167, - "2011": 23.5572469237449, - "2012": 23.0728782560935, - "2013": 22.5983981182767, - "2014": 22.134908163656, - "2015": 21.6844519494628, - "2016": 21.312684943487, - "2017": 20.9268264276256 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 15470978, - "1961": 15986577, - "1962": 16513443, - "1963": 17036823, - "1964": 17535126, - "1965": 17995211, - "1966": 18487739, - "1967": 18916566, - "1968": 19299237, - "1969": 19661775, - "1970": 20016051, - "1971": 20353016, - "1972": 20686220, - "1973": 21009798, - "1974": 21313735, - "1975": 21597609, - "1976": 21896692, - "1977": 22189691, - "1978": 22479073, - "1979": 22771513, - "1980": 23072471, - "1981": 23449699, - "1982": 23816082, - "1983": 24174243, - "1984": 24520034, - "1985": 24843667, - "1986": 25177729, - "1987": 25462928, - "1988": 25705432, - "1989": 25912411, - "1990": 26085715, - "1991": 26179294, - "1992": 26263310, - "1993": 26322702, - "1994": 26341422, - "1995": 26318280, - "1996": 26290517, - "1997": 26231178, - "1998": 26143951, - "1999": 26035773, - "2000": 25908953, - "2001": 25824112, - "2002": 25687762, - "2003": 25519386, - "2004": 25340607, - "2005": 25158794, - "2006": 24932376, - "2007": 24720055, - "2008": 24508027, - "2009": 24276579, - "2010": 24021264, - "2011": 23758934, - "2012": 23497335, - "2013": 23233321, - "2014": 22966713, - "2015": 22698938, - "2016": 22499749, - "2017": 22273104 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 16.8633491230388, - "1961": 16.8226062459375, - "1962": 16.8270965671184, - "1963": 16.841462873683, - "1964": 16.8075631106679, - "1965": 16.6958400146727, - "1966": 16.6438673680025, - "1967": 16.4005413882257, - "1968": 16.0389282295109, - "1969": 15.6585657027272, - "1970": 15.3286270796171, - "1971": 14.9659305818874, - "1972": 14.673094880306, - "1973": 14.4448030216892, - "1974": 14.2613438146583, - "1975": 14.1105583111687, - "1976": 13.9974894599995, - "1977": 13.9302699959433, - "1978": 13.8873508732363, - "1979": 13.8481034451371, - "1980": 13.8026769169015, - "1981": 13.835943520306, - "1982": 13.7813930295616, - "1983": 13.6572422473502, - "1984": 13.480451230339, - "1985": 13.2673863848131, - "1986": 13.0555766229239, - "1987": 12.7520976728771, - "1988": 12.3977130712333, - "1989": 12.0416907303021, - "1990": 11.715905776292, - "1991": 11.3298367354576, - "1992": 11.0445902117178, - "1993": 10.831762334041, - "1994": 10.6504223957812, - "1995": 10.472243010283, - "1996": 10.3288005474264, - "1997": 10.1930897219406, - "1998": 10.0521250428182, - "1999": 9.89367650970793, - "2000": 9.71182926548819, - "2001": 9.57481797574647, - "2002": 9.34609106719868, - "2003": 9.06173913543266, - "2004": 8.76960397605941, - "2005": 8.5025385401231, - "2006": 8.20063803820967, - "2007": 7.95633503761864, - "2008": 7.75953675926454, - "2009": 7.59030155051187, - "2010": 7.43451955404909, - "2011": 7.29239791646624, - "2012": 7.19004049847586, - "2013": 7.10983882164765, - "2014": 7.0319030301764, - "2015": 6.94351345807215, - "2016": 6.90259574264972, - "2017": 6.80421783934425 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 21.8, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 23.7, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 35.6, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - 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"countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 3.05999994277954, - "1973": 2.77999997138977, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 1.91999995708466, - "1977": 2.3199999332428, - "1978": 2.35999989509583, - "1979": 2.75999999046326, - "1980": "", - "1981": 3.99000000953674, - "1982": 4.82999992370605, - "1983": 4.61999988555908, - "1984": 4.03999996185303, - "1985": 3.38000011444092, - "1986": 2.36999988555908, - "1987": 3.55999994277954, - "1988": 3.78999996185303, - "1989": 2.97000002861023, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 6.42000007629395, - "1993": 6.03000020980835, - "1994": "", - "1995": 6.42049980163574, - "1996": 7.25339984893799, - "1997": 8.15839958190918, - "1998": 9.42280006408691, - "1999": 10.2082996368408, - "2000": "", - "2001": 9.61040019989014, - "2002": 9.37090015411377, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 6.73979997634888, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 11.6094999313354, - "2017": 12.8273000717163 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 1.92999994754791, - "1977": 2.11999988555908, - "1978": 2.15000009536743, - "1979": 2.75, - "1980": "", - "1981": 3.90000009536743, - "1982": 4.69999980926514, - "1983": 4.61999988555908, - "1984": 3.90000009536743, - "1985": 3.17000007629395, - "1986": 2.22000002861023, - "1987": 3.33999991416931, - "1988": 3.53999996185303, - "1989": 3.00999999046326, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 5.40999984741211, - "1993": 5.15999984741211, - "1994": "", - "1995": 5.36889982223511, - "1996": 5.8144998550415, - "1997": 6.45130014419556, - "1998": 7.37939977645874, - "1999": 8.14990043640137, - "2000": "", - "2001": 7.77169990539551, - "2002": 7.57340002059937, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 5.21770000457764, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 10.1897001266479, - "2017": 11.3443002700806 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - 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"2014": 8.11800003051758, - "2015": 10.0649995803833, - "2016": 13.4689998626709, - "2017": 15.3360004425049 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 1.89999997615814, - "1977": 2.75999999046326, - "1978": 2.79999995231628, - "1979": 2.75999999046326, - "1980": "", - "1981": 4.15999984741211, - "1982": 5.09000015258789, - "1983": 4.63000011444092, - "1984": 4.40000009536743, - "1985": 3.85999989509583, - "1986": 2.71000003814697, - "1987": 3.95000004768372, - "1988": 4.25, - "1989": 2.97000002861023, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 7.94999980926514, - "1993": 7.34000015258789, - "1994": "", - "1995": 8.06869983673096, - "1996": 9.50150012969971, - "1997": 10.8042001724243, - "1998": 12.5186996459961, - "1999": 13.2489995956421, - "2000": "", - "2001": 12.1437997817993, - "2002": 11.7903995513916, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 8.51480007171631, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 13.4387998580933, - "2017": 14.6888999938965 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 30.3152008056641, - "1996": 30.0701007843018, - "1997": 29.9617004394531, - "1998": 29.5447006225586, - "1999": 28.4433002471924, - "2000": "", - "2001": 27.8225994110107, - "2002": 26.5494995117188, - "2003": 26.793399810791, - "2004": 26.3334999084473, - "2005": 26.422700881958, - "2006": 26.4258995056152, - "2007": 26.3796005249023, - "2008": 25.0069007873535, - "2009": 25.3047008514404, - "2010": "", - "2011": 25.8936004638672, - "2012": 25.919900894165, - "2013": 26.2122001647949, - "2014": 25.9451999664307, - "2015": 27.9659996032715, - "2016": 28.4676990509033, - "2017": 29.3822002410889 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - 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"2014": 6.01440000534058, - "2015": 9.14570045471191, - "2016": 11.271900177002, - "2017": 12.2642002105713 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 6.75010013580322, - "1996": 7.2185001373291, - "1997": 7.95930004119873, - "1998": 9.14109992980957, - "1999": 9.91520023345947, - "2000": "", - "2001": 9.42249965667725, - "2002": 8.90470027923584, - "2003": 9.4040002822876, - "2004": 8.1141996383667, - "2005": 8.68389987945557, - "2006": 7.57789993286133, - "2007": 7.08489990234375, - "2008": 6.00909996032715, - "2009": 7.19740009307861, - "2010": "", - "2011": 5.93590021133423, - "2012": 5.58820009231567, - "2013": 5.92059993743896, - "2014": 6.47370004653931, - "2015": 9.3036003112793, - "2016": 12.0579996109009, - "2017": 13.7937002182007 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 1.74559998512268, - "1996": 2.15680003166199, - "1997": 2.91260004043579, - "1998": 2.75180006027222, - "1999": 3.24029994010925, - "2000": "", - "2001": 2.59809994697571, - "2002": 3.20219993591309, - "2003": 3.12450003623962, - "2004": 2.95740008354187, - "2005": 3.22740006446838, - "2006": 2.55460000038147, - "2007": 3.07649993896484, - "2008": 2.82690000534058, - "2009": 3.04239988327026, - "2010": "", - "2011": 2.45930004119873, - "2012": 2.5081000328064, - "2013": 2.53229999542236, - "2014": 3.02379989624023, - "2015": 4.23530006408691, - "2016": 5.36870002746582, - "2017": 5.69780015945435 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 6.34000015258789, - "1986": 4.53000020980835, - "1987": 6.65000009536743, - "1988": 7.17000007629395, - "1989": 5.51000022888184, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 11.9099998474121, - "1993": 11.5299997329712, - "1994": "", - "1995": 11.9160003662109, - "1996": 13.0651998519897, - "1997": 14.936900138855, - "1998": 17.785400390625, - "1999": 18.881799697876, - "2000": "", - "2001": 18.1268005371094, - "2002": 18.2597999572754, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 16.0459995269775, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 27.2467002868652, - "2017": 29.2052001953125 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 6, - "1986": 4.17000007629395, - "1987": 6.21999979019165, - "1988": 6.59999990463257, - "1989": 5.3899998664856, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 9.89999961853027, - "1993": 9.77999973297119, - "1994": "", - "1995": 9.93840026855469, - "1996": 10.6128997802734, - "1997": 12.1192998886108, - "1998": 14.1501998901367, - "1999": 15.3854999542236, - "2000": "", - "2001": 14.8966999053955, - "2002": 14.8229999542236, - "2003": 15.3219003677368, - "2004": 14.3360004425049, - "2005": 15.4828996658325, - "2006": 13.9569997787476, - "2007": 13.1191997528076, - "2008": 12.0284996032715, - "2009": 14.0017004013062, - "2010": "", - "2011": 12.3027000427246, - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 23.9290008544922, - "2017": 25.7406005859375 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 13.7110004425049, - "1992": 14.960000038147, - "1993": 14.1759996414185, - "1994": 15.1029996871948, - "1995": 14.0369997024536, - "1996": 16.0410003662109, - "1997": 18.3379993438721, - "1998": 22.2919998168945, - "1999": 22.931999206543, - "2000": 23.7740001678467, - "2001": 22.5400009155273, - "2002": 22.7609996795654, - "2003": 24.431999206543, - "2004": 23.2950000762939, - "2005": 21.7649993896484, - "2006": 23.0380001068115, - "2007": 21.9200000762939, - "2008": 20.5750007629395, - "2009": 23.1030006408691, - "2010": 20.7880001068115, - "2011": 19.7859992980957, - "2012": 20.0510005950928, - "2013": 19.6110000610352, - "2014": 19.128999710083, - "2015": 23.943000793457, - "2016": 31.4790000915527, - "2017": 34.8699989318848 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - 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"countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 34.4567923509414, - "1991": 35.0653267124663, - "1992": 35.6689090268431, - "1993": 36.2690302721082, - "1994": 36.8609549285163, - "1995": 37.445872922182, - "1996": 38.028601253076, - "1997": 38.6038680748356, - "1998": 39.1729604975036, - "1999": 39.7341755452006, - "2000": 40.2900843801014, - "2001": 40.8427266682805, - "2002": 41.4927263729513, - "2003": 41.767000918874, - "2004": 42.1127112491583, - "2005": 42.3975327411335, - "2006": 42.6818908496682, - "2007": 42.693841334547, - "2008": 42.7952174729513, - "2009": 42.8973182462805, - "2010": 42.5442620861642, - "2011": 42.1839210817995, - "2012": 42.3432816868091, - "2013": 42.3503503184525, - "2014": 42.4492041305022, - "2015": 42.7744748770347, - "2016": 42.9152703289099, - "2017": 42.9395209672831 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población activa, mujeres (% de la población activa total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 72.8531494140625, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - 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"countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres jóvenes (% de mujeres entre 15 y 24 años)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - 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"2007": 87.758903503418, - "2008": 87.8326034545898, - "2009": 88.1252975463867, - "2010": "", - "2011": 86.6480026245117, - "2012": 86.6184997558594, - "2013": 85.899299621582, - "2014": 85.9745025634766, - "2015": 85.1644973754883, - "2016": 84.7265014648438, - "2017": 84.227897644043 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación intermedia, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 53.1599998474121, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 51.9300003051758, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 61.5800018310547, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 55.9799995422363, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 62.5299987792969, - "1986": 62.3699989318848, - "1987": 63.7900009155273, - 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}, - { - "data": { - "1960": 88.7099990844727, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 83.5800018310547, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 86.9400024414063, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 82.7300033569336, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 85.0400009155273, - "1986": 84.8899993896484, - "1987": 85.7900009155273, - "1988": 85.3399963378906, - "1989": 84.9300003051758, - "1990": 84.5699996948242, - "1991": "", - "1992": 85.4199981689453, - "1993": 84.9199981689453, - "1994": "", - "1995": 82.6448974609375, - "1996": 80.5479965209961, - "1997": 81.1968994140625, - "1998": 80.7156982421875, - "1999": 80.549201965332, - "2000": "", - "2001": 79.9683990478516, - "2002": 79.9869003295898, - "2003": 79.6032028198242, - "2004": 79.956901550293, - "2005": 80.0698013305664, - "2006": 79.5938034057617, - "2007": 79.1399993896484, - "2008": 79.1294021606445, - "2009": 79.0738983154297, - "2010": 66.4542007446289, - "2011": 77.254997253418, - "2012": 76.8115997314453, - "2013": 76.2220993041992, - "2014": 76.7969970703125, - "2015": 75.1363983154297, - "2016": 73.2251968383789, - "2017": 72.8593978881836 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, varones (% de la población masculina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 50.4252662181465, - "1991": 51.7282534744772, - "1992": 53.0480251419483, - "1993": 54.3858138598884, - "1994": 55.7382076135361, - "1995": 57.1044849889484, - "1996": 58.5018958522589, - "1997": 59.9152689587489, - "1998": 61.3428120423316, - "1999": 62.7805437549614, - "2000": 64.2295164751199, - "2001": 65.6959580278267, - "2002": 67.4595741507433, - "2003": 68.204896288838, - "2004": 69.1588674114763, - "2005": 69.9487657590684, - "2006": 70.7452710714867, - "2007": 70.7521840938513, - "2008": 71.0196531758246, - "2009": 71.2894865650546, - "2010": 70.2440076676875, - "2011": 69.1903995469516, - "2012": 69.6155742805045, - "2013": 69.6100130494894, - "2014": 69.8647927511925, - "2015": 70.7715163997648, - "2016": 71.148173745171, - "2017": 71.1863949147577 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporcin de tasas de participacin laboral femenina y masculina (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 20.7981072633884, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 25.2931310439308, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 42.7536198817066, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 36.3350637570391, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 48.3184380411799, - "1986": 48.4627160860424, - "1987": 50.3205475093215, - "1988": 50.7850972725495, - "1989": 51.0891313243103, - "1990": 52.0515556540291, - "1991": "", - "1992": 61.5897936526509, - "1993": 61.8582193970263, - "1994": "", - "1995": 59.308680636075, - "1996": 59.3480925139428, - "1997": 59.9811090105462, - "1998": 61.3200416122852, - "1999": 62.8808235091869, - "2000": "", - "2001": 66.781378600136, - "2002": 68.4302038822238, - "2003": 69.0524960773935, - "2004": 70.1092717434003, - "2005": 71.3548683461667, - "2006": 71.4870972197606, - "2007": 71.6110699681232, - "2008": 71.2454499761803, - "2009": 71.8935075094743, - 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"1995": 46.5589981079102, - "1996": 47.4620018005371, - "1997": 48.3660011291504, - "1998": 49.2729988098145, - "1999": 50.1829986572266, - "2000": 51.101001739502, - "2001": 52.0219993591309, - "2002": 53.4860000610352, - "2003": 53.8730010986328, - "2004": 54.898998260498, - "2005": 55.4329986572266, - "2006": 55.9679985046387, - "2007": 55.6189994812012, - "2008": 55.8250007629395, - "2009": 56.0149993896484, - "2010": 54.5810012817383, - "2011": 53.1319999694824, - "2012": 53.0769996643066, - "2013": 52.976001739502, - "2014": 52.859001159668, - "2015": 53.3779983520508, - "2016": 53.3219985961914, - "2017": 53.2039985656738 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de población activa, mujeres (% de la población femenina mayor de 15 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 18.4500007629395, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - 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"2013": 53.6931991577148, - "2014": 55.0432014465332, - "2015": 53.4029998779297, - "2016": 51.8813018798828, - "2017": 52.7910995483398 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 48.4994010925293, - "1996": 47.1040000915527, - "1997": 47.3967018127441, - "1998": 48.2387008666992, - "1999": 49.2440986633301, - "2000": "", - "2001": 50.6365013122559, - "2002": 51.902099609375, - "2003": 51.8490982055664, - "2004": 52.9443016052246, - "2005": 53.4986000061035, - "2006": 53.0820007324219, - "2007": 52.2025985717773, - "2008": 51.3270988464355, - "2009": 51.7164993286133, - "2010": "", - "2011": 47.4119987487793, - "2012": 47.1144981384277, - "2013": 46.2421989440918, - "2014": 47.7047004699707, - "2015": 45.6665992736816, - "2016": 35.907398223877, - "2017": 36.1731986999512 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación básica (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.BASC.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 66.0323028564453, - "1996": 64.0280990600586, - "1997": 64.6204986572266, - "1998": 64.682502746582, - "1999": 65.2823028564453, - "2000": "", - "2001": 65.2762985229492, - "2002": 65.8654022216797, - "2003": 65.6882019042969, - "2004": 66.3917999267578, - "2005": 66.6632995605469, - "2006": 66.1318969726563, - "2007": 65.364501953125, - "2008": 64.7231979370117, - "2009": 64.7573013305664, - "2010": "", - "2011": 61.7079010009766, - "2012": 61.155101776123, - "2013": 60.4061012268066, - "2014": 61.6708984375, - "2015": 59.6393013000488, - "2016": 48.5859985351563, - "2017": 48.5402984619141 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación básica, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.BASC.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - 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}, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 65.3899993896484, - "1991": 65.7399978637695, - "1992": 66.0849990844727, - "1993": 66.4219970703125, - "1994": 66.75, - "1995": 67.0690002441406, - "1996": 67.3809967041016, - "1997": 67.681999206543, - "1998": 67.9810028076172, - "1999": 68.2919998168945, - "2000": 68.6220016479492, - "2001": 68.9739990234375, - "2002": 69.9369964599609, - "2003": 70.0989990234375, - "2004": 71.0490036010742, - "2005": 71.3239974975586, - "2006": 71.5910034179688, - "2007": 71.3499984741211, - "2008": 71.5780029296875, - "2009": 71.7929992675781, - "2010": 70.7760009765625, - "2011": 69.7419967651367, - "2012": 69.5370025634766, - "2013": 69.5869979858398, - "2014": 69.4889984130859, - "2015": 69.8219985961914, - "2016": 69.7649993896484, - "2017": 69.8190002441406 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% del total de la población entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 44.8499984741211, - "1991": 45.8559989929199, - "1992": 46.8639984130859, - "1993": 47.8689994812012, - "1994": 48.8689994812012, - "1995": 49.8600006103516, - "1996": 50.8489990234375, - "1997": 51.8279991149902, - "1998": 52.8030014038086, - "1999": 53.7849998474121, - "2000": 54.7820014953613, - "2001": 55.7949981689453, - "2002": 57.4179992675781, - "2003": 57.9910011291504, - "2004": 59.2430000305176, - "2005": 59.8930015563965, - "2006": 60.5390014648438, - "2007": 60.2789993286133, - "2008": 60.6520004272461, - "2009": 61.0180015563965, - "2010": 59.6699981689453, - "2011": 58.3089981079102, - "2012": 58.367000579834, - "2013": 58.4580001831055, - "2014": 58.5209999084473, - "2015": 59.2630004882813, - "2016": 59.4329986572266, - "2017": 59.5369987487793 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 62.0769996643066, - "1991": 61.8819999694824, - "1992": 61.6609992980957, - "1993": 61.4230003356934, - "1994": 61.1860008239746, - "1995": 60.9620018005371, - "1996": 60.7439994812012, - "1997": 60.5390014648438, - "1998": 60.351001739502, - "1999": 60.1860008239746, - "2000": 60.0470008850098, - "2001": 59.935001373291, - "2002": 60.8860015869141, - "2003": 60.6450004577637, - "2004": 62.0670013427734, - "2005": 62.0789985656738, - "2006": 62.0499992370605, - "2007": 61.7220001220703, - "2008": 61.3349990844727, - "2009": 60.9220008850098, - "2010": 59.2630004882813, - "2011": 57.5839996337891, - "2012": 57.1619987487793, - "2013": 55.9519996643066, - "2014": 54.9519996643066, - "2015": 54.8199996948242, - "2016": 55.0180015563965, - "2017": 54.976001739502 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 51.2400016784668, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - 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"1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 73.9599990844727, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 81.4499969482422, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 76.370002746582, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 82.3000030517578, - "1986": 82.4000015258789, - "1987": 83.0800018310547, - "1988": 82.1100006103516, - "1989": 82.2399978637695, - "1990": 81.1699981689453, - "1991": "", - "1992": 81.7200012207031, - "1993": 80.7799987792969, - "1994": "", - "1995": 77.8535003662109, - "1996": 74.1920013427734, - "1997": 75.1558990478516, - "1998": 74.4175033569336, - "1999": 74.0898971557617, - "2000": "", - "2001": 72.2547988891602, - "2002": 72.6672973632813, - "2003": 72.1264038085938, - "2004": 73.1128005981445, - "2005": 74.3113021850586, - "2006": 72.6692962646484, - "2007": 71.872200012207, - "2008": 71.3795013427734, - "2009": 70.999397277832, - "2010": "", - "2011": 67.0222015380859, - "2012": 66.8180999755859, - "2013": 64.6663970947266, - "2014": 66.553596496582, - "2015": 63.5997009277344, - "2016": 60.4581985473633, - "2017": 60.9580001831055 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, varones (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 44.9570007324219, - "1991": 45.3230018615723, - "1992": 45.6699981689453, - "1993": 46.0040016174316, - "1994": 46.3390007019043, - "1995": 46.6870002746582, - "1996": 47.0480003356934, - 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"2014": 50.3890991210938, - "2015": 48.3616981506348, - "2016": 47.4455986022949, - "2017": 48.8083992004395 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 67.3130035400391, - "1992": 66.2740020751953, - "1993": 66375, - "1994": 64.8880004882813, - "1995": 68.9540023803711, - "1996": 71.2760009765625, - "1997": 70.8499984741211, - "1998": 71.5810012817383, - "1999": 70.6060028076172, - 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"1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 9.72799968719482, - "1992": 9.6879997253418, - "1993": 10.1409997940063, - "1994": 10.8830003738403, - "1995": 9.00899982452393, - "1996": 9.36800003051758, - "1997": 9.35099983215332, - "1998": 9.42000007629395, - "1999": 9.28400039672852, - "2000": 10.0500001907349, - "2001": 9.8120002746582, - "2002": 12.5830001831055, - "2003": 12.6990003585815, - "2004": 12.8149995803833, - "2005": 13.2119998931885, - "2006": 12.918999671936, - "2007": 13.1099996566772, - "2008": 13.41100025177, - "2009": 13.0509996414185, - "2010": 12.6169996261597, - "2011": 11.6800003051758, - "2012": 12.6230001449585, - "2013": 12.2170000076294, - "2014": 11.9399995803833, - "2015": 11.6549997329712, - "2016": 10.7620000839233, - "2017": 10.8140001296997 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleados en la industria, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 60.9990005493164, - "1992": 60.0209999084473, - "1993": 60.3919982910156, - "1994": 56.6430015563965, - "1995": 60.2019996643066, - "1996": 63.3009986877441, - "1997": 75.5849990844727, - "1998": 75.7539978027344, - "1999": 75.6699981689453, - "2000": 75.4029998779297, - "2001": 64.9179992675781, - "2002": 64.3899993896484, - "2003": 64.8320007324219, - "2004": 65.495002746582, - "2005": 69.8710021972656, - "2006": 70.9810028076172, - "2007": 71.8249969482422, - "2008": 72.7080001831055, - "2009": 73.3690032958984, - "2010": 75.6320037841797, - "2011": 76.1050033569336, - "2012": 75.4049987792969, - "2013": 75.2819976806641, - "2014": 75.6969985961914, - "2015": 74.8170013427734, - "2016": 74.4970016479492, - "2017": 74.536003112793 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Trabajadores asalariados (empleados), mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 37.2850008010864, - "1992": 38.3480005264282, - "1993": 38.0369997024536, - "1994": 41.8010005950928, - "1995": 37.7810001373291, - "1996": 34.6200008392334, - "1997": 22.3420000076293, - "1998": 22.1419997215271, - "1999": 22.2249999046325, - "2000": 22.5660004615784, - "2001": 32.6450004577637, - "2002": 32.9350004196167, - "2003": 32.6459999084473, - "2004": 31.9600009918213, - "2005": 27.2649993896485, - "2006": 26.0279989242553, - "2007": 25.6520004272461, - "2008": 24.1729993820191, - "2009": 23.8050007820129, - "2010": 21.9790005683899, - "2011": 21.4830002784729, - "2012": 21.9910006523132, - "2013": 21.938000202179, - "2014": 21.5300006866455, - "2015": 22.2500009536743, - "2016": 22.4830007553101, - "2017": 22.4130001068115 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleo vulnerable, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 39.7019996643066, - "1992": 40.2649993896484, - "1993": 41.3940010070801, - "1994": 42.0410003662109, - "1995": 43.1720008850098, - "1996": 43.3330001831055, - "1997": 43.5670013427734, - "1998": 43.556999206543, - "1999": 44.064998626709, - "2000": 44.6440010070801, - "2001": 45.7919998168945, - "2002": 47.2770004272461, - "2003": 47.1990013122559, - "2004": 48.4550018310547, - "2005": 48.6110000610352, - "2006": 49.7719993591309, - "2007": 49.5830001831055, - "2008": 50.0999984741211, - "2009": 49.8040008544922, - "2010": 49.1990013122559, - "2011": 48.2709999084473, - "2012": 48.2680015563965, - "2013": 48.3230018615723, - "2014": 48.5670013427734, - "2015": 48.0050010681152, - "2016": 46.1399993896484, - "2017": 45.0439987182617 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 37.6399993896484, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 41.9300003051758, - "1986": 42.0099983215332, - "1987": 43.2900009155273, - "1988": 43.4000015258789, - "1989": 44.0900001525879, - "1990": 44.25, - "1991": "", - "1992": 50.7599983215332, - "1993": 51, - "1994": "", - "1995": 45.0606994628906, - "1996": 43.2616996765137, - "1997": 43.4407997131348, - "1998": 43.298698425293, - "1999": 43.9393997192383, - "2000": "", - "2001": 46.9188003540039, - "2002": 48.2817001342773, - "2003": 48.046501159668, - "2004": 49.3860015869141, - "2005": 50.0169982910156, - "2006": 50.4721984863281, - "2007": 50.4062004089355, - "2008": 50.8078994750977, - "2009": 50.4347991943359, - "2010": 44.8406982421875, - "2011": 48.999698638916, - "2012": 49.3979988098145, - "2013": 49.0018997192383, - "2014": 50.0386009216309, - "2015": 46.9856986999512, - "2016": 44.9090995788574, - "2017": 45.0367012023926 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 36.439998626709, - "2013": 36.9500007629395, - "2014": 37.3699989318848, - "2015": 37.9700012207031, - "2016": 38.2299995422363, - "2017": 38.3699989318848 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 39.0009994506836, - "1992": 39.9790000915527, - "1993": 39.6080017089844, - "1994": 43.3569984436035, - "1995": 39.7980003356934, - "1996": 36.6990013122559, - "1997": 24.4150009155273, - "1998": 24.246000289917, - "1999": 24.3299999237061, - "2000": 24.5970001220703, - "2001": 35.0820007324219, - "2002": 35.6100006103516, - "2003": 35.1679992675781, - "2004": 34.5050010681152, - "2005": 30.128999710083, - "2006": 29.0189990997314, - "2007": 28.1749992370605, - "2008": 27.2919998168945, - "2009": 26.6310005187988, - "2010": 24.3680000305176, - "2011": 23.8950004577637, - 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"1999": 2.10400009155273, - "2000": 2.02999997138977, - "2001": 2.43700003623962, - "2002": 2.67600011825562, - "2003": 2.5220000743866, - "2004": 2.54500007629395, - "2005": 2.86400008201599, - "2006": 2.9909999370575, - "2007": 2.52300000190735, - "2008": 3.11800003051758, - "2009": 2.82599997520447, - "2010": 2.38899993896484, - "2011": 2.41199994087219, - "2012": 2.60500001907349, - "2013": 2.77999997138977, - "2014": 2.77300000190735, - "2015": 2.93400001525879, - "2016": 3.01999998092651, - "2017": 3.05200004577637 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleadores, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 41.9434013366699, - "1996": 40.0525016784668, - "1997": 39.1086006164551, - "1998": 37.627498626709, - "1999": 37.8995018005371, - "2000": "", - "2001": 39.2560997009277, - "2002": 40.328800201416, - "2003": 39.3553009033203, - "2004": 41.2378997802734, - "2005": 41.5372009277344, - "2006": 41.6450996398926, - "2007": 42.2489013671875, - "2008": 42.5546989440918, - "2009": 40.9592018127441, - "2010": "", - "2011": 40.2212982177734, - "2012": 40.6178016662598, - 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"1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 22.5900001525879, - "2010": 31.9099998474121, - "2011": 33.2400016784668, - "2012": 33.310001373291, - "2013": 33.0099983215332, - "2014": 33.8300018310547, - "2015": 32.9099998474121, - "2016": 34.0999984741211, - "2017": 33.7200012207031 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Empleo de tiempo parcial, mujeres (% del total de mujeres empleadas)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.PART.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - 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"2012": 66.1905740530523, - "2013": 66.4772470827405, - "2014": 67.5881750910806, - "2015": 67.4916326713458, - "2016": 67.402522204167, - "2017": 68.1053081670761 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres y varones (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FM.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 32.0750007629395, - "1991": 31.8540000915527, - "1992": 33.8479995727539, - "1993": 35.484001159668, - "1994": 35.4900016784668, - "1995": 34.3569984436035, - "1996": 34.6920013427734, - 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"2015": 36.140998840332, - "2016": 34.8569984436035, - "2017": 35.1549987792969 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.6300010681152, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.8600006103516, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 38.5400009155273, - "1981": 37.7700004577637, - "1982": 38.6800003051758, - "1983": 37.3800010681152, - "1984": 38.8899993896484, - "1985": 40.7400016784668, - "1986": 39.439998626709, - "1987": "", - "1988": 39.2700004577637, - "1989": 38.8600006103516, - "1990": 39, - "1991": 37.689998626709, - "1992": 38.6199989318848, - "1993": 41.1800003051758, - 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"2015": 42.1809997558594, - "2016": 40.0789985656738, - "2017": 40.2649993896484 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, hombres (% de la población masculina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 75.0599975585938, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 63.2299995422363, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 51.2700004577637, - "1981": 51.3899993896484, - "1982": 51.0800018310547, - "1983": 49.0299987792969, - "1984": 50.310001373291, - "1985": 54.9300003051758, - "1986": 52.9099998474121, - "1987": "", - "1988": 52.7799987792969, - "1989": 52.6599998474121, - "1990": 52.5299987792969, - "1991": 50.939998626709, - "1992": 50.2799987792969, - 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"2014": 30.5149993896484, - "2015": 29.8439998626709, - "2016": 29.4109992980957, - "2017": 29.8209991455078 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 27.6000003814697, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 23.6100006103516, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 25.3099994659424, - "1981": 23.6399993896484, - "1982": 25.7299995422363, - "1983": 25.2900009155273, - "1984": 26.8199996948242, - "1985": 26.2600002288818, - "1986": 25.75, - "1987": "", - "1988": 25.7199993133545, - "1989": 24.8999996185303, - "1990": 25.1100006103516, - "1991": 24.1000003814697, - "1992": 26.5799999237061, - 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"indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 1.72467005252838, - "2009": 3.66932988166809, - "2010": 2.66996002197266, - "2011": 3.31616997718811, - "2012": 4.28930997848511, - "2013": 4.38913011550903, - "2014": 4.28205013275146, - "2015": 5.41729021072388, - "2016": 6.52478981018066, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Adolescentes que no asisten a la escuela, mujeres (% de mujeres en edad de asistir al ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.UNER.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.90046751500869, - "1991": 1.77119226626609, - "1992": 1.73958226579077, - "1993": 1.6688976078711, - "1994": 1.8186366394305, - "1995": 2.31919468997184, - "1996": 2.12345138657512, - "1997": 2.15267010853746, - "1998": 2.07441842257543, - "1999": 2.0118966322, - "2000": 1.9224438303992, - "2001": 1.98102720637716, - "2002": 1.87965978959027, - "2003": 1.78609696487181, - "2004": 1.73643050662905, - "2005": 1.72144676322004, - "2006": 1.48459994211502, - "2007": 1.42302439657894, - "2008": 1.37955568127817, - "2009": 1.37721552452135, - "2010": 1.29627191442914, - "2011": 1.2535210348683, - "2012": 1.26623535102347, - "2013": 1.24776349272169, - "2014": 1.26669532210401, - "2015": 1.25010964872204, - "2016": 1.3787190919229, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personal de las fuerzas armadas (% del total de la fuerza laboral)", - "indicatorCode": "MS.MIL.TOTL.TF.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Necesidades de anticoncepción insatisfechas (% de mujeres casadas entre 15 y 49 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.UWT.TFRT" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.7915446411065, - "1961": 50.8008271066918, - "1962": 50.8085651278708, - "1963": 50.8148443819224, - "1964": 50.8196631866263, - "1965": 50.8232782005495, - "1966": 50.8256242104217, - "1967": 50.8266177276873, - "1968": 50.8265204368394, - "1969": 50.8255224352792, - "1970": 50.8237722620417, - "1971": 50.8213492941744, - "1972": 50.8182575685197, - 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"2009": 50.5137245143156, - "2010": 50.5082193617963, - "2011": 50.5025662610707, - "2012": 50.4967288657343, - "2013": 50.4906378532601, - "2014": 50.484259638539, - "2015": 50.4775714344505, - "2016": 50.4704948849396, - "2017": 50.4630644548279 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3919393, - "1961": 4008265, - "1962": 4098796, - "1963": 4190911, - "1964": 4284523, - "1965": 4379481, - "1966": 4475774, - "1967": 4573036, - "1968": 4670358, - "1969": 4766541, - "1970": 4860717, - "1971": 4952637, - "1972": 5042471, - "1973": 5130384, - "1974": 5216700, - "1975": 5301768, - "1976": 5385639, - "1977": 5468546, - "1978": 5551274, - "1979": 5634812, - "1980": 5719983, - "1981": 5806918, - "1982": 5895737, - "1983": 5987015, - "1984": 6081434, - "1985": 6179373, - "1986": 6281065, - "1987": 6386147, - "1988": 6493542, - "1989": 6601778, - "1990": 6709675, - "1991": 6816846, - "1992": 6923241, - "1993": 7028516, - "1994": 7132353, - "1995": 7234524, - "1996": 7334772, - "1997": 7433005, - "1998": 7529289, - "1999": 7623804, - "2000": 7716709, - "2001": 7807911, - "2002": 7897433, - "2003": 7985622, - "2004": 8072976, - "2005": 8159811, - "2006": 8246307, - "2007": 8332331, - "2008": 8417474, - "2009": 8501178, - "2010": 8583041, - "2011": 8662885, - "2012": 8740856, - "2013": 8817171, - "2014": 8892196, - "2015": 8966170, - "2016": 9039141, - "2017": 9110968 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 91.670539855957, - "1971": 90.6597366333008, - "1972": 90.7299270629883, - "1973": 88.7386474609375, - "1974": 88.8014984130859, - "1975": 87.171272277832, - "1976": 91.2164993286133, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 95.5596389770508, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 99.1960525512695, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 97.388298034668, - "2011": 98.1307373046875, - "2012": 100, - "2013": 100, - "2014": 98.0690307617188, - "2015": 98.2018127441406, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - 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"1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 47.3927993774414, - "1971": 53.8726806640625, - "1972": 58.6969299316406, - "1973": 62.4830703735352, - "1974": 64.1259307861328, - "1975": 62.9067802429199, - "1976": 63.5560684204102, - "1977": 64.8600616455078, - "1978": 65.8774795532227, - "1979": 67.6822509765625, - "1980": 66.7587890625, - "1981": 67.1993103027344, - "1982": 65.789192199707, - "1983": 70.2602233886719, - "1984": 72.7250671386719, - "1985": 76.2762069702148, - "1986": 78.0743026733398, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 80.4804992675781, - "1990": 77.8256301879883, - "1991": 94.9897766113281, - "1992": 95.6446228027344, - "1993": 76.9859466552734, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 80.0774230957031, - "1999": 82.2210693359375, - "2000": 85.3363571166992, - "2001": "", - "2002": 89.0171966552734, - "2003": 91.7119064331055, - "2004": 93.7554016113281, - "2005": 96.0076599121094, - "2006": 97.1355514526367, - "2007": 96.8332290649414, - "2008": 96.3676605224609, - "2009": 93.7889709472656, - "2010": 94.3054580688477, - "2011": 93.7892608642578, - "2012": 91.9276123046875, - "2013": 99.932373046875, - "2014": 100.062553405762, - "2015": 100.425918579102, - "2016": 100.212333679199, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 45.8948593139648, - "1971": 44.2313690185547, - "1972": 43.1211204528809, - "1973": 42.6263198852539, - "1974": 43.7462997436523, - "1975": 44.2475700378418, - "1976": 45.3227806091309, - "1977": 45.7692413330078, - "1978": 45.8235702514648, - "1979": 47.2089309692383, - "1980": 47.2905311584473, - "1981": 48.3631896972656, - "1982": 45.5036201477051, - "1983": 48.3977584838867, - "1984": 49.3216590881348, - "1985": 49.6428184509277, - "1986": 49.9409713745117, - "1987": "", - "1988": 48.1502990722656, - "1989": 47.9289703369141, - "1990": 47.7388114929199, - "1991": 47.7310218811035, - "1992": 47.1990394592285, - "1993": 47.4502410888672, - "1994": 46.5544395446777, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.4793281555176, - "1999": 47.361198425293, - "2000": 46.9911994934082, - "2001": "", - "2002": 46.9305305480957, - "2003": 45.9610404968262, - "2004": 46.0264587402344, - "2005": 46.1917190551758, - "2006": 46.7566108703613, - "2007": 47.014949798584, - "2008": 47.3128204345703, - "2009": 47.6358604431152, - "2010": 47.3793106079102, - "2011": 47.464111328125, - "2012": 47.1749496459961, - "2013": 46.7733001708984, - "2014": 46.5680694580078, - "2015": 46.3153114318848, - "2016": 46.1925506591797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 52.7219200134277, - "1971": 52.6080513000488, - "1972": 52.9120407104492, - "1973": 53.4544982910156, - "1974": 53.9161987304688, - "1975": 53.6575813293457, - "1976": 53.8595199584961, - "1977": 53.1400604248047, - "1978": 53.0619201660156, - "1979": 52.9017181396484, - "1980": 52.6167793273926, - "1981": 52.673469543457, - "1982": 51.9223785400391, - "1983": 51.229118347168, - "1984": 50.8664207458496, - "1985": 50.9617195129395, - "1986": 50.7770500183105, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 51.0500793457031, - "1990": 51.5440483093262, - "1991": 50.1726913452148, - "1992": 50.6478614807129, - "1993": 51.6019706726074, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 51.2931098937988, - "1999": 51.2264785766602, - "2000": 50.7429504394531, - "2001": "", - "2002": 50.5520286560059, - "2003": 50.638988494873, - "2004": 50.6023788452148, - "2005": 50.5172691345215, - "2006": 50.5626411437988, - "2007": 50.6423416137695, - "2008": 50.5490913391113, - "2009": 50.520938873291, - "2010": 50.6444511413574, - "2011": 50.6313781738281, - "2012": 50.820499420166, - "2013": 50.0766181945801, - "2014": 50.0641288757324, - "2015": 50.0304908752441, - "2016": 50.0460205078125, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 51.5701599121094, - "1971": 51.0592613220215, - "1972": 51.0314712524414, - "1973": 51.3096618652344, - "1974": 51.9745597839355, - "1975": 51.848518371582, - "1976": 52.2974510192871, - "1977": 51.7629699707031, - "1978": 51.6185111999512, - 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"countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 49.9464683532715, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 50.0799102783203, - "2008": 51.0005416870117, - "2009": 64.128662109375, - "2010": 51.9844398498535, - "2011": 49.6819915771484, - "2012": "", - "2013": 53.0737686157227, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 2.5, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 5.94714021682739, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 12.6132898330688, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 29, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 33.0345802307129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 75.3070220947266, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 76.3395767211914, - "2008": 72.4481201171875, - "2009": 76.963737487793, - "2010": 73.5491485595703, - "2011": 71.1509475708008, - "2012": "", - "2013": 74.55322265625, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 57.6574897766113, - "1971": 64.0187377929688, - "1972": 69.8231964111328, - "1973": 72.8544998168945, - "1974": 73.5810699462891, - "1975": 71.2585830688477, - "1976": 71.2563781738281, - "1977": 72.7026290893555, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 78.3080673217773, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 88.479377746582, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": 95.3996124267578, - "2012": 95.3225402832031, - "2013": 93.0974502563477, - "2014": 96.4309310913086, - "2015": 93.689826965332, - "2016": 93.2539291381836, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 95.0111694335938, - "2008": 94.6077880859375, - "2009": 92.6399002075195, - "2010": 93.3109512329102, - "2011": 92.0632476806641, - "2012": 91.5031890869141, - "2013": 90.7481079101563, - "2014": 90.8924407958984, - "2015": 91.6967468261719, - "2016": 93.0752029418945, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 77.5280532836914, - "1999": 77.0523223876953, - "2000": 77.6071472167969, - "2001": "", - "2002": 77.3424377441406, - "2003": 77.1015319824219, - "2004": 78.0877914428711, - "2005": 78.0684204101563, - "2006": 78.1282272338867, - "2007": 78.3973007202148, - "2008": 78.0458068847656, - "2009": 77.8153686523438, - "2010": 77.6911468505859, - "2011": 78.2500610351563, - "2012": 78.1914367675781, - "2013": 80.936279296875, - "2014": 80.954231262207, - "2015": 81.2740936279297, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.04, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.04, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.04, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.04, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.04, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.04, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.04, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.04, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.04, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.04, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.04, - "2008": 1.04, - "2009": 1.04, - "2010": 1.04, - "2011": 1.04, - "2012": 1.04, - "2013": 1.04, - "2014": 1.04, - "2015": 1.04, - "2016": 1.04, - "2017": 1.04 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.732843444300403, - "1961": 0.76150173741051, - "1962": 0.779546564073863, - "1963": 0.788636344655868, - "1964": 0.791056184757937, - "1965": 0.788015928831733, - "1966": 0.817714412364537, - "1967": 0.838917332179906, - "1968": 0.851604769569106, - "1969": 0.856826784873979, - "1970": 0.855531866787609, - "1971": 0.899380006679274, - "1972": 0.935891288111809, - "1973": 0.963612080499237, - "1974": 0.981329192784711, - "1975": 0.989047800298995, - "1976": 1.04019129374314, - "1977": 1.08204344046366, - "1978": 1.1145727783257, - "1979": 1.13758856991553, - "1980": 1.15156077577948, - "1981": 1.20130912885758, - "1982": 1.24120274781779, - "1983": 1.27298850478719, - "1984": 1.29926507513519, - "1985": 1.32146178679409, - "1986": 1.37823738836688, - "1987": 1.42813790096941, - "1988": 1.46952314879338, - "1989": 1.50142908492668, - "1990": 1.52460394144159, - "1991": 1.57746018538784, - "1992": 1.62132180886406, - "1993": 1.65780396001147, - "1994": 1.68884075762989, - "1995": 1.71642276899251, - "1996": 1.78015003868558, - "1997": 1.83718453535071, - "1998": 1.88843810127673, - "1999": 1.93516229756664, - "2000": 1.9789392111405, - "2001": 2.05058637308075, - "2002": 2.11505407959092, - "2003": 2.17544705028023, - "2004": 2.23606483704834, - "2005": 2.30024907436593, - "2006": 2.39050066781417, - "2007": 2.47647476191528, - "2008": 2.55870049406734, - "2009": 2.63760999795205, - "2010": 2.71450473427885, - "2011": 2.81039103938445, - "2012": 2.90052860961542, - "2013": 2.98434724697979, - "2014": 3.06054951117801, - "2015": 3.13046672877419, - "2016": 3.21898843518811, - "2017": 3.2956439525732 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.89006174683771, - "1961": 0.904606083830806, - "1962": 0.921173623552104, - "1963": 0.939534539675798, - "1964": 0.960083089724065, - "1965": 0.983130417309817, - "1966": 1.00279996639683, - "1967": 1.02262457093612, - "1968": 1.04171863447756, - "1969": 1.05837755303059, - "1970": 1.07261909194915, - "1971": 1.08513974584029, - "1972": 1.09575354598326, - "1973": 1.10570670733419, - "1974": 1.11580117698928, - "1975": 1.12677549329789, - "1976": 1.14004936085638, - "1977": 1.15039804028204, - "1978": 1.16160701820753, - "1979": 1.17822877560821, - "1980": 1.2024001499307, - "1981": 1.23001628231169, - "1982": 1.26138683688695, - "1983": 1.29243058392715, - "1984": 1.31807641547937, - "1985": 1.33701353649539, - "1986": 1.34593395452301, - "1987": 1.35018793801835, - "1988": 1.35411605543052, - "1989": 1.3625876790446, - "1990": 1.37814383613399, - "1991": 1.39193444943144, - "1992": 1.41157897169533, - "1993": 1.43545258137743, - "1994": 1.46090740384513, - "1995": 1.48705035563506, - "1996": 1.50720369745493, - "1997": 1.52658333023903, - "1998": 1.54932250593051, - "1999": 1.58056246192026, - "2000": 1.622375338713, - "2001": 1.66153234545518, - "2002": 1.70847898190729, - "2003": 1.7596623331705, - "2004": 1.8098032485414, - "2005": 1.85624374679221, - "2006": 1.88555942503225, - "2007": 1.91403890965406, - "2008": 1.94211423947036, - "2009": 1.96950282554859, - "2010": 1.99650729770656, - "2011": 2.00666359840547, - "2012": 2.01543212877916, - "2013": 2.03074206000995, - "2014": 2.06334904524125, - "2015": 2.11835130068342, - "2016": 2.18098085393927, - "2017": 2.26395313076572 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.49092040064388, - "1961": 1.5183381134576, - "1962": 1.5462844793577, - "1963": 1.57314470263583, - "1964": 1.59709652761975, - "1965": 1.61747513403418, - "1966": 1.62079446477119, - "1967": 1.62240104333291, - "1968": 1.6244147398519, - "1969": 1.62841356027358, - "1970": 1.63533419644295, - "1971": 1.63466551334098, - "1972": 1.63548946091059, - "1973": 1.64110522721106, - "1974": 1.65543351160695, - "1975": 1.679949662056, - "1976": 1.70586841610771, - "1977": 1.73890956675472, - "1978": 1.77445721928746, - "1979": 1.8054544480084, - "1980": 1.82871396663203, - "1981": 1.83314203841455, - "1982": 1.83157887238109, - "1983": 1.82982702228523, - "1984": 1.83431944878826, - "1985": 1.84776147855873, - "1986": 1.8551309602542, - "1987": 1.86940546946297, - "1988": 1.88864770883656, - "1989": 1.91019781492165, - "1990": 1.93295444773273, - "1991": 1.94437484560304, - "1992": 1.95753722245654, - "1993": 1.97576586234788, - "1994": 2.00343561475127, - "1995": 2.04244288116853, - "1996": 2.08176801606048, - "1997": 2.12987911751426, - "1998": 2.18259594429276, - "1999": 2.23410750930802, - "2000": 2.28116645565273, - "2001": 2.31144993546931, - "2002": 2.34100088712359, - "2003": 2.36985893273449, - "2004": 2.39721976168147, - "2005": 2.42304602115833, - "2006": 2.43120980472954, - "2007": 2.4367019637249, - "2008": 2.4485962300338, - "2009": 2.47990249825289, - "2010": 2.53703845456137, - "2011": 2.60059954608666, - "2012": 2.69036610262955, - "2013": 2.79306140257459, - "2014": 2.88957933216482, - "2015": 2.97033148263623, - "2016": 3.02496563833921, - "2017": 3.06497686414372 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.3274347979061, - "1961": 5.4036859847555, - "1962": 5.46626775248225, - "1963": 5.51809215431989, - "1964": 5.5639306574241, - "1965": 5.60616785554449, - "1966": 5.64434975181913, - "1967": 5.67412859331774, - "1968": 5.70078231673411, - "1969": 5.73052869995244, - "1970": 5.76733606694812, - "1971": 5.83830745417489, - "1972": 5.91470522557812, - "1973": 5.99175422346553, - "1974": 6.06218490616673, - "1975": 6.1229409219494, - "1976": 6.21337021162186, - "1977": 6.29056154272931, - "1978": 6.36044872574318, - "1979": 6.42894335110263, - "1980": 6.49922307366325, - "1981": 6.58477005432316, - "1982": 6.66760180625547, - "1983": 6.74833898835045, - "1984": 6.82647755349968, - "1985": 6.90250088641737, - "1986": 6.98136271772976, - "1987": 7.05586528843365, - "1988": 7.13092329524673, - "1989": 7.21408796449804, - "1990": 7.31035189920469, - "1991": 7.42079472553575, - "1992": 7.5429567659073, - "1993": 7.67359819250581, - "1994": 7.80726066647337, - "1995": 7.94208546990589, - "1996": 8.09373157322481, - "1997": 8.24310063602818, - "1998": 8.391972099365, - "1999": 8.54174523089192, - "2000": 8.69358832974156, - "2001": 8.83990382577265, - "2002": 8.98360150904712, - "2003": 9.13383965158385, - "2004": 9.30216944752847, - "2005": 9.49591730789876, - "2006": 9.69226705872908, - "2007": 9.90867138211554, - "2008": 10.1408426944134, - "2009": 10.3813576019614, - "2010": 10.6275993852527, - "2011": 10.8511515849162, - "2012": 11.0787445850549, - "2013": 11.3210801968114, - "2014": 11.5932468409934, - "2015": 11.9048811359944, - "2016": 12.2392673465541, - "2017": 12.6015836301003 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 208803, - "1961": 216594, - "1962": 224051, - "1963": 231258, - "1964": 238388, - "1965": 245521, - "1966": 252628, - "1967": 259480, - "1968": 266247, - "1969": 273148, - "1970": 280334, - "1971": 289150, - "1972": 298247, - "1973": 307400, - "1974": 316246, - "1975": 324624, - "1976": 334630, - "1977": 344002, - "1978": 353086, - "1979": 362259, - "1980": 371754, - "1981": 382372, - "1982": 393104, - "1983": 404024, - "1984": 415148, - "1985": 426531, - "1986": 438504, - "1987": 450598, - "1988": 463049, - "1989": 476258, - "1990": 490501, - "1991": 505864, - "1992": 522217, - "1993": 539340, - "1994": 556841, - "1995": 574572, - "1996": 593657, - "1997": 612710, - "1998": 631856, - "1999": 651206, - "2000": 670859, - "2001": 690212, - "2002": 709474, - "2003": 729394, - "2004": 750962, - "2005": 774849, - "2006": 799254, - "2007": 825623, - "2008": 853603, - "2009": 882538, - "2010": 912171, - "2011": 940023, - "2012": 968377, - "2013": 998199, - "2014": 1030894, - "2015": 1067412, - "2016": 1106325, - "2017": 1148126 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.21360920612412, - "1961": 2.21924005005658, - "1962": 2.21926308549858, - "1963": 2.2167765673524, - "1964": 2.21569485532235, - "1965": 2.21754637536877, - "1966": 2.20304090828658, - "1967": 2.19018564686881, - "1968": 2.18304417283554, - "1969": 2.18691080177428, - "1970": 2.2038509117684, - "1971": 2.21912218831434, - "1972": 2.24757093057246, - "1973": 2.28133020842105, - "1974": 2.30962102478578, - "1975": 2.32716796629651, - "1976": 2.32726114091462, - "1977": 2.31921049522889, - "1978": 2.30981170992249, - "1979": 2.30767155757049, - "1980": 2.31654818132104, - "1981": 2.32030260473935, - "1982": 2.33343334916965, - "1983": 2.35309287735088, - "1984": 2.37481661409686, - "1985": 2.39626408456915, - "1986": 2.40206041458568, - "1987": 2.40813397998293, - "1988": 2.41863638218628, - "1989": 2.43987338560512, - "1990": 2.47464967389637, - "1991": 2.50702524511343, - "1992": 2.55251876289136, - "1993": 2.60457578876904, - "1994": 2.65407689024708, - "1995": 2.6961694641098, - "1996": 2.72460982102382, - "1997": 2.74945365292417, - "1998": 2.771615547865, - "1999": 2.79191296209701, - "2000": 2.81110732423533, - "2001": 2.81633517176741, - "2002": 2.81906756042532, - "2003": 2.82887133539863, - "2004": 2.85908160025725, - "2005": 2.91637846558229, - "2006": 2.98499716115313, - "2007": 3.0814557468213, - "2008": 3.19143173084188, - "2009": 3.29434228020789, - "2010": 3.37954889870593, - "2011": 3.43349740103963, - "2012": 3.47241774403076, - "2013": 3.5129294872471, - "2014": 3.57976895240927, - "2015": 3.68573162390055, - "2016": 3.81433241908747, - "2017": 3.97700968261763 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.83559359094308, - "1961": 2.81885125331066, - "1962": 2.79965345895731, - "1963": 2.78374241363142, - "1964": 2.77932793016729, - "1965": 2.78934942047914, - "1966": 2.79404562524242, - "1967": 2.81296652530911, - "1968": 2.83719088832357, - "1969": 2.85471162421555, - "1970": 2.85996783603413, - "1971": 2.84307299913541, - "1972": 2.81947364642617, - "1973": 2.79515139607484, - "1974": 2.77859566392547, - "1975": 2.77420768853246, - "1976": 2.7742643219641, - "1977": 2.78438018762588, - "1978": 2.80121233410343, - "1979": 2.82011083240724, - "1980": 2.83831610482282, - "1981": 2.84512516542777, - "1982": 2.85160471140739, - "1983": 2.86209452658704, - "1984": 2.88301878601739, - "1985": 2.91709396218287, - "1986": 2.94859184730745, - "1987": 2.99260211319875, - "1988": 3.04202564550742, - "1989": 3.08775955322332, - "1990": 3.12499394531212, - "1991": 3.1434634561096, - "1992": 3.16034111196492, - "1993": 3.17473890288347, - "1994": 3.18562694921784, - "1995": 3.19350702181747, - "1996": 3.19295411243017, - "1997": 3.18719053561656, - "1998": 3.18755112533172, - "1999": 3.21020802604474, - "2000": 3.26325597307661, - "2001": 3.33489883916483, - "2002": 3.43788881299926, - "2003": 3.55624100962442, - "2004": 3.66583479675465, - "2005": 3.75370167842102, - "2006": 3.81186436690562, - "2007": 3.84975243413365, - "2008": 3.88636688717616, - "2009": 3.95068638110399, - "2010": 4.05793332641271, - "2011": 4.18876524650501, - "2012": 4.35955063892491, - "2013": 4.54971328105126, - "2014": 4.72845059385794, - "2015": 4.87783469666149, - "2016": 4.99391314044781, - "2017": 5.08462000626498 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.41336192280893, - "1961": 3.42025874543194, - "1962": 3.43845127089853, - "1963": 3.45891877768644, - "1964": 3.46969617402162, - "1965": 3.46424689689187, - "1966": 3.42971306823767, - "1967": 3.38403122476376, - "1968": 3.33593199152356, - "1969": 3.29729671894147, - "1970": 3.2745567065284, - "1971": 3.25523751603692, - "1972": 3.25211910204253, - "1973": 3.25940514394244, - "1974": 3.26907815285525, - "1975": 3.27717217244216, - "1976": 3.28202161152872, - "1977": 3.28464150042187, - "1978": 3.29054136211951, - "1979": 3.30805950294011, - "1980": 3.34073080026909, - "1981": 3.3783342790449, - "1982": 3.42912408007622, - "1983": 3.48517641682481, - "1984": 3.53516717592122, - "1985": 3.57266251618895, - "1986": 3.58905637992022, - "1987": 3.59941548489011, - "1988": 3.60395377864291, - "1989": 3.60389331539069, - "1990": 3.60108243660611, - "1991": 3.58550085640804, - "1992": 3.56791040033279, - "1993": 3.55848995129128, - "1994": 3.5724420625578, - "1995": 3.6176262070077, - "1996": 3.68968373262984, - "1997": 3.79324429261709, - "1998": 3.91186899271127, - "1999": 4.02103673952836, - "2000": 4.10734626544214, - "2001": 4.16668320971302, - "2002": 4.20388445158263, - "2003": 4.2390931803317, - "2004": 4.30261352162901, - "2005": 4.4104692608114, - "2006": 4.54876401627589, - "2007": 4.72681824335288, - "2008": 4.92342360108897, - "2009": 5.10729038706504, - "2010": 5.26010658928615, - "2011": 5.37543661830058, - "2012": 5.46604422565069, - "2013": 5.54049592550717, - "2014": 5.61320412037794, - "2015": 5.69251913665265, - "2016": 5.77044684762185, - "2017": 5.84899559497862 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.12127802508094, - "1961": 4.08291469823345, - "1962": 4.02398950129953, - "1963": 3.95668715945601, - "1964": 3.89849516574183, - "1965": 3.85783243672765, - "1966": 3.81981371688613, - "1967": 3.79815426815921, - "1968": 3.78752468493321, - "1969": 3.78030945291355, - "1970": 3.77285747232045, - "1971": 3.75836373129935, - "1972": 3.74661921369425, - "1973": 3.74163025613677, - "1974": 3.74995686928518, - "1975": 3.77457247264402, - "1976": 3.81310016035223, - "1977": 3.86479613761767, - "1978": 3.9218738037658, - "1979": 3.97301490342006, - "1980": 4.01101333292308, - "1981": 4.0324337449403, - "1982": 4.04536636920295, - "1983": 4.05049996542517, - "1984": 4.0485326003488, - "1985": 4.04089802696683, - "1986": 4.01884011408255, - "1987": 3.99044932876595, - "1988": 3.96839317875394, - "1989": 3.97152160698551, - "1990": 4.00967140445062, - "1991": 4.07305785492524, - "1992": 4.17515498523813, - "1993": 4.29553042143326, - "1994": 4.40413171090362, - "1995": 4.48507800721623, - "1996": 4.54279783633445, - "1997": 4.57265999049644, - "1998": 4.59805577975403, - "1999": 4.65425073175403, - "2000": 4.75963201934503, - "2001": 4.90192449634108, - "2002": 5.08780446914783, - "2003": 5.29430202252223, - "2004": 5.48600596781088, - "2005": 5.64191920107963, - "2006": 5.76169499409797, - "2007": 5.85018976689348, - "2008": 5.91818735212313, - "2009": 5.98420384179563, - "2010": 6.05892621482904, - "2011": 6.13002339751171, - "2012": 6.20590319825692, - "2013": 6.28418117330377, - "2014": 6.36090485655171, - "2015": 6.4330916731345, - "2016": 6.50109125377359, - "2017": 6.56756923470025 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.51080282625541, - "1961": 4.46771969111815, - "1962": 4.43640359491197, - "1963": 4.41281775654662, - "1964": 4.39140861589091, - "1965": 4.36860083845571, - "1966": 4.33644013720104, - "1967": 4.30409812997358, - "1968": 4.27802231049048, - "1969": 4.26768593829362, - "1970": 4.27770048011416, - "1971": 4.29959088436578, - "1972": 4.34208183059638, - "1973": 4.39394010272915, - "1974": 4.43939655337666, - "1975": 4.4696238951323, - "1976": 4.49060502328041, - "1977": 4.50032202367651, - "1978": 4.50056968894533, - "1979": 4.49374194072777, - "1980": 4.48178453895611, - "1981": 4.46075067398093, - "1982": 4.43151004294123, - "1983": 4.40812398300722, - "1984": 4.41028914542909, - "1985": 4.44801079204042, - "1986": 4.51283269432291, - "1987": 4.61575585157124, - "1988": 4.73554081097584, - "1989": 4.8415752304266, - "1990": 4.91800126891354, - "1991": 4.96327919488843, - "1992": 4.98314373039213, - "1993": 5.00006046796514, - "1994": 5.04877215749989, - "1995": 5.14794133628437, - "1996": 5.29305943263427, - "1997": 5.48125629960646, - "1998": 5.68920765580717, - "1999": 5.88155127262568, - "2000": 6.03723607599612, - "2001": 6.15725354521752, - "2002": 6.24474987698536, - "2003": 6.31091650582553, - "2004": 6.37372062375503, - "2005": 6.4435185516529, - "2006": 6.51330426011356, - "2007": 6.5838142713537, - "2008": 6.65414430644055, - "2009": 6.72323057231695, - "2010": 6.78948330538869, - "2011": 6.84847903476058, - "2012": 6.91063974862871, - "2013": 6.96377556928407, - "2014": 6.99020961530979, - "2015": 6.98063866950563, - "2016": 6.94087847256333, - "2017": 6.86883256945531 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.05425460230939, - "1961": 5.01785810515475, - "1962": 4.97336654961595, - "1963": 4.93062954182927, - "1964": 4.90434762313209, - "1965": 4.90055897047138, - "1966": 4.90809621946446, - "1967": 4.93525418665976, - "1968": 4.97141654420998, - "1969": 5.00125772546591, - "1970": 5.0168298146838, - "1971": 5.01692634666725, - "1972": 5.01159551695539, - "1973": 4.99968423416259, - "1974": 4.98058159372783, - "1975": 4.95565062660253, - "1976": 4.93016248381809, - "1977": 4.89397356736037, - "1978": 4.86338723986832, - "1979": 4.86147368839504, - "1980": 4.89947859921091, - "1981": 4.97401804572652, - "1982": 5.08927388672452, - "1983": 5.22216918149849, - "1984": 5.33775070961835, - "1985": 5.41713886968071, - "1986": 5.46133411112063, - "1987": 5.47199970937097, - "1988": 5.47559996211617, - "1989": 5.51312169435593, - "1990": 5.6066484273386, - "1991": 5.74371365986958, - "1992": 5.93316135219926, - "1993": 6.14643349270792, - "1994": 6.34075903194852, - "1995": 6.49177561533774, - "1996": 6.61098670375029, - "1997": 6.69045785526283, - "1998": 6.7443667670701, - "1999": 6.79571421357183, - "2000": 6.85723579090053, - "2001": 6.92113244601983, - "2002": 6.98751012037581, - "2003": 7.05510390360276, - "2004": 7.12040923688993, - "2005": 7.18018993574852, - "2006": 7.23551854612235, - "2007": 7.28946340086468, - "2008": 7.3313544345122, - "2009": 7.34599110405954, - "2010": 7.32528420294956, - "2011": 7.26963193678967, - "2012": 7.18575013542725, - "2013": 7.08341711871075, - "2014": 6.97771551093015, - "2015": 6.87950296732016, - "2016": 6.79139529141255, - "2017": 6.70939832285622 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.63023694242294, - "1961": 5.63907467172821, - "1962": 5.66186191886246, - "1963": 5.68884286329564, - "1964": 5.70695701390469, - "1965": 5.70791509494278, - "1966": 5.68901247785855, - "1967": 5.66039592507124, - "1968": 5.62357197808563, - "1969": 5.58088139806203, - "1970": 5.53562137617912, - "1971": 5.48241602347357, - "1972": 5.4260950891885, - "1973": 5.3810981790057, - "1974": 5.36866218107232, - "1975": 5.39957817829003, - "1976": 5.4778592866517, - "1977": 5.59882323295679, - "1978": 5.73855555705671, - "1979": 5.86076133125246, - "1980": 5.94488508343392, - "1981": 5.99702251539759, - "1982": 6.01090653189349, - "1983": 6.01548618393075, - "1984": 6.0543082080258, - "1985": 6.15017488031545, - "1986": 6.29276941207114, - "1987": 6.4862887612376, - "1988": 6.70108038225712, - "1989": 6.89408321426186, - "1990": 7.04090524774889, - "1991": 7.14522732220365, - "1992": 7.21394896031338, - "1993": 7.25841802998215, - "1994": 7.29824175713243, - "1995": 7.34546009460472, - "1996": 7.40254472700253, - "1997": 7.45744250911206, - "1998": 7.5111056273426, - "1999": 7.56361160863899, - "2000": 7.61328338113004, - "2001": 7.65993422314004, - "2002": 7.70722490368391, - "2003": 7.74319048119351, - "2004": 7.74935937511032, - "2005": 7.7157782556755, - "2006": 7.64890364243093, - "2007": 7.54768655290574, - "2008": 7.42474347417207, - "2009": 7.2995740238915, - "2010": 7.18518231130023, - "2011": 7.07927969047732, - "2012": 6.98571249608877, - "2013": 6.90903011861741, - "2014": 6.85447258573081, - "2015": 6.82531038054037, - "2016": 6.82520380248395, - "2017": 6.84762735367468 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.52887144967165, - "1961": 6.50807930814936, - "1962": 6.46624506287583, - "1963": 6.40835332702602, - "1964": 6.34212660680005, - "1965": 6.27250267155005, - "1966": 6.19406546541286, - "1967": 6.10880690447071, - "1968": 6.0357030369614, - "1969": 6.001102266822, - "1970": 6.01859519136984, - "1971": 6.07914899425235, - "1972": 6.19492526077519, - "1973": 6.33617288686383, - "1974": 6.45892997488834, - "1975": 6.5397831590455, - "1976": 6.59403035180194, - "1977": 6.60402717945661, - "1978": 6.60280746315036, - "1979": 6.63988199078088, - "1980": 6.7402031057473, - "1981": 6.89867166989701, - "1982": 7.11097330900161, - "1983": 7.34518075287614, - "1984": 7.55247360903786, - "1985": 7.70376392799977, - "1986": 7.80873819826125, - "1987": 7.86702719698948, - "1988": 7.89375894639822, - "1989": 7.91479324430377, - "1990": 7.94561347737007, - "1991": 7.97942566970874, - "1992": 8.01978553394076, - "1993": 8.06284115492391, - "1994": 8.10273138663453, - "1995": 8.135629674548, - "1996": 8.17291600628513, - "1997": 8.20564606180758, - "1998": 8.22366939994749, - "1999": 8.211726296777, - "2000": 8.16119823085227, - "2001": 8.07672933855692, - "2002": 7.95848373028505, - "2003": 7.81913947102186, - "2004": 7.67677153050232, - "2005": 7.54369095758579, - "2006": 7.42332384949091, - "2007": 7.31172608663509, - "2008": 7.2158685097528, - "2009": 7.14447792606698, - "2010": 7.1023678210014, - "2011": 7.08901085746588, - "2012": 7.10477407530499, - "2013": 7.14510357120215, - "2014": 7.20304797668607, - "2015": 7.27255815219228, - "2016": 7.35899328520488, - "2017": 7.45632241411065 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.16067878912821, - "1961": 7.07203916708081, - "1962": 6.96524562230881, - "1963": 6.86531906592967, - "1964": 6.80710230422275, - "1965": 6.8069040160019, - "1966": 6.85580664592088, - "1967": 6.96217852599924, - "1968": 7.09527897105983, - "1969": 7.21011316172461, - "1970": 7.28367552207811, - "1971": 7.31374456501329, - "1972": 7.30628624962469, - "1973": 7.29298235765588, - "1974": 7.32359537638737, - "1975": 7.42505421778328, - "1976": 7.59472776143392, - "1977": 7.81959798425248, - "1978": 8.06575066088421, - "1979": 8.28304181823925, - "1980": 8.44253542322555, - "1981": 8.56050071337362, - "1982": 8.62481391202756, - "1983": 8.65104040177624, - "1984": 8.66545050693603, - "1985": 8.68422002311239, - "1986": 8.71019346079153, - "1987": 8.73493692911596, - "1988": 8.75687895730137, - "1989": 8.77459205301845, - "1990": 8.78699526072566, - "1991": 8.79675404043279, - "1992": 8.81153910596773, - "1993": 8.81501995798544, - "1994": 8.78440031249176, - "1995": 8.7086598522114, - "1996": 8.60495379885545, - "1997": 8.46018648718607, - "1998": 8.29092672869199, - "1999": 8.12091862265627, - "2000": 7.96487103960107, - "2001": 7.82337098274532, - "2002": 7.69381548487775, - "2003": 7.5827771984728, - "2004": 7.49692461653241, - "2005": 7.43987729129053, - "2006": 7.41683609606532, - "2007": 7.41990713759708, - "2008": 7.4461394365722, - "2009": 7.4917120338927, - "2010": 7.55187061366027, - "2011": 7.62864620074116, - "2012": 7.72233379915351, - "2013": 7.81360597407037, - "2014": 7.87521054983731, - "2015": 7.89108304983253, - "2016": 7.87303532281375, - "2017": 7.80949023407617 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.76495634143162, - "1961": 7.81889616053234, - "1962": 7.92643102493832, - "1963": 8.05551545549231, - "1964": 8.16127808800275, - "1965": 8.22006265584042, - "1966": 8.23329091230823, - "1967": 8.20111448912397, - "1968": 8.16249885715424, - "1969": 8.17536238542792, - "1970": 8.27060770227615, - "1971": 8.42125624465688, - "1972": 8.64737610526278, - "1973": 8.90787122367448, - "1974": 9.14158375984818, - "1975": 9.31342499838733, - "1976": 9.42975436178106, - "1977": 9.48660538768835, - "1978": 9.50460930146678, - "1979": 9.51577106183097, - "1980": 9.53766239578628, - "1981": 9.55986095887403, - "1982": 9.57845275557763, - "1983": 9.5934300470986, - "1984": 9.60210397606619, - "1985": 9.60177325548935, - "1986": 9.5977657295752, - "1987": 9.59049179568027, - "1988": 9.56591440563576, - "1989": 9.50521352054152, - "1990": 9.39979674133345, - "1991": 9.25541203524681, - "1992": 9.07827837833154, - "1993": 8.88041072687474, - "1994": 8.68066168392232, - "1995": 8.49290271107024, - "1996": 8.32825819469582, - "1997": 8.1717835749853, - "1998": 8.033266346061, - "1999": 7.92399595739922, - "2000": 7.84927773623733, - "2001": 7.81024327499551, - "2002": 7.80138206916323, - "2003": 7.81892658844526, - "2004": 7.85629638236304, - "2005": 7.90699589647408, - "2006": 7.97788731099719, - "2007": 8.06151654135555, - "2008": 8.13975590782795, - "2009": 8.18799176255629, - "2010": 8.19152749975854, - "2011": 8.15806555020284, - "2012": 8.08335111382124, - "2013": 7.97602768507041, - "2014": 7.85143688947857, - "2015": 7.72022973909376, - "2016": 7.59263266521697, - "2017": 7.45705779167654 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 56.3699564549697, - "1961": 56.2043567988536, - "1962": 55.9961432548557, - "1963": 55.796993728085, - "1964": 55.6862195926036, - "1965": 55.6956533652397, - "1966": 55.7130530447512, - "1967": 55.8416868265006, - "1968": 56.0576606637734, - "1969": 56.3256877471525, - "1970": 56.629276450665, - "1971": 56.8792686881365, - "1972": 57.1990569693479, - "1973": 57.5711096869162, - "1974": 57.9780129200452, - "1975": 58.4107257845782, - "1976": 58.879977956211, - "1977": 59.3392900703698, - "1978": 59.799235310807, - "1979": 60.272779190227, - "1980": 60.7562164596495, - "1981": 61.2121927047322, - "1982": 61.6610182313209, - "1983": 62.0891649827443, - "1984": 62.4730203613027, - "1985": 62.7965735660065, - "1986": 63.0277567533919, - "1987": 63.2203168482785, - "1988": 63.3723849952298, - "1989": 63.494177401024, - "1990": 63.5978453210192, - "1991": 63.6407258256167, - "1992": 63.7093759569219, - "1993": 63.7941869655254, - "1994": 63.8864508574175, - "1995": 63.9876602783625, - "1996": 64.1519610349329, - "1997": 64.3058445818138, - "1998": 64.4742247311201, - "1999": 64.6887348246709, - "2000": 64.9588101665088, - "2001": 65.2569386979594, - "2002": 65.6031186838662, - "2003": 65.9722729209731, - "2004": 66.3207265423895, - "2005": 66.6202971342967, - "2006": 66.8762352500623, - "2007": 67.0848771195757, - "2008": 67.2535330068063, - "2009": 67.4021644757358, - "2010": 67.540448086045, - "2011": 67.6374977533471, - "2012": 67.7446657106198, - "2013": 67.835386202672, - "2014": 67.8735191787314, - "2015": 67.8415568920111, - "2016": 67.781628437383, - "2017": 67.650916488987 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2209360, - "1961": 2252820, - "1962": 2295168, - "1963": 2338402, - "1964": 2385889, - "1965": 2439181, - "1966": 2493590, - "1967": 2553660, - "1968": 2618093, - "1969": 2684787, - "1970": 2752589, - "1971": 2817024, - "1972": 2884246, - "1973": 2953619, - "1974": 3024539, - "1975": 3096801, - "1976": 3171063, - "1977": 3244996, - "1978": 3319619, - "1979": 3396258, - "1980": 3475245, - "1981": 3554542, - "1982": 3635371, - "1983": 3717288, - "1984": 3799256, - "1985": 3880435, - "1986": 3958814, - "1987": 4037342, - "1988": 4115112, - "1989": 4191745, - "1990": 4267209, - "1991": 4338290, - "1992": 4410754, - "1993": 4483785, - "1994": 4556607, - "1995": 4629203, - "1996": 4705400, - "1997": 4779857, - "1998": 4854451, - "1999": 4931742, - "2000": 5012682, - "2001": 5095204, - "2002": 5180962, - "2003": 5268296, - "2004": 5354056, - "2005": 5436090, - "2006": 5514820, - "2007": 5589734, - "2008": 5661049, - "2009": 5729978, - "2010": 5797024, - "2011": 5859359, - "2012": 5921464, - "2013": 5981162, - "2014": 6035446, - "2015": 6082789, - "2016": 6126877, - "2017": 6163653 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.34992196491751, - "1961": 9.3586649981139, - "1962": 9.30449525018707, - "1963": 9.23616736719157, - "1964": 9.22548007071962, - "1965": 9.30768036387881, - "1966": 9.45276877621896, - "1967": 9.67468664697006, - "1968": 9.93052140103148, - "1969": 10.1569670752858, - "1970": 10.3188643490809, - "1971": 10.4095113832357, - "1972": 10.452484954782, - "1973": 10.4631739066705, - "1974": 10.4676327946786, - "1975": 10.4816583757186, - "1976": 10.4934525935988, - "1977": 10.5021228693132, - "1978": 10.5099278994465, - "1979": 10.5169221202332, - "1980": 10.5196070752744, - "1981": 10.5054749380695, - "1982": 10.4889926324683, - "1983": 10.4559635237198, - "1984": 10.383925643902, - "1985": 10.2608373120298, - "1986": 10.087634805939, - "1987": 9.87134967745815, - "1988": 9.62923892764111, - "1989": 9.38762396851636, - "1990": 9.16413711122011, - "1991": 8.95489173582379, - "1992": 8.76611239824129, - "1993": 8.60224385947814, - "1994": 8.46868380510878, - "1995": 8.36907975826464, - "1996": 8.31380649031497, - "1997": 8.28597697512338, - "1998": 8.28420630840274, - "1999": 8.30572135567476, - "2000": 8.34547365392764, - "2001": 8.40476834206529, - "2002": 8.48037476476537, - "2003": 8.55258255993302, - "2004": 8.5927904910419, - "2005": 8.58415610555733, - "2006": 8.53813816756255, - "2007": 8.44400268448385, - "2008": 8.31354909714028, - "2009": 8.16700644298716, - "2010": 8.01776620145848, - "2011": 7.8701592205924, - "2012": 7.72060627936283, - "2013": 7.57003578585467, - "2014": 7.41886647997109, - "2015": 7.26878842707774, - "2016": 7.13403835584431, - "2017": 7.0010029671936 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 10.5193893643171, - "1961": 10.6755942223367, - "1962": 10.8987694670114, - "1963": 11.1592126282987, - "1964": 11.3960123934392, - "1965": 11.5533579329053, - "1966": 11.6258930310954, - "1967": 11.6386987465879, - "1968": 11.6103280283165, - "1969": 11.5736128148274, - "1970": 11.5511717505167, - "1971": 11.5260283719734, - "1972": 11.5145446692154, - "1973": 11.5081054361623, - "1974": 11.4971725420285, - "1975": 11.4777604292607, - "1976": 11.4564572036325, - "1977": 11.427451777823, - "1978": 11.3855105358679, - "1979": 11.3118019512268, - "1980": 11.1844175569967, - "1981": 10.9960452322791, - "1982": 10.7633944752926, - "1983": 10.502430760977, - "1984": 10.2381377562346, - "1985": 9.98933709898211, - "1986": 9.75022392695762, - "1987": 9.52918723462093, - "1988": 9.32903264554668, - "1989": 9.15895826229817, - "1990": 9.03034527593504, - "1991": 8.94063293805755, - "1992": 8.89343717681317, - "1993": 8.87738021473953, - "1994": 8.88140903949162, - "1995": 8.90158203934109, - "1996": 8.94819541158386, - "1997": 9.00329126689559, - "1998": 9.05726714507382, - "1999": 9.08705036395868, - "2000": 9.0681391421992, - "2001": 9.0027130169099, - "2002": 8.89090051274883, - "2003": 8.74382624874728, - "2004": 8.57967265359483, - "2005": 8.41129673085605, - "2006": 8.24461279996158, - "2007": 8.07268988930825, - "2008": 7.89873353960261, - "2009": 7.72653823039411, - "2010": 7.55970000835369, - "2011": 7.404644664071, - "2012": 7.25963306793214, - "2013": 7.12423519970294, - "2014": 7.00114055091466, - "2015": 6.89541834524459, - "2016": 6.81732695042805, - "2017": 6.75476124046561 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 13.0160272348434, - "1961": 13.1660239944275, - "1962": 13.2082542348443, - "1963": 13.1465399478156, - "1964": 13.0258780144824, - "1965": 12.9081078118863, - "1966": 12.8438292601404, - "1967": 12.7890502526002, - "1968": 12.7419540981753, - "1969": 12.6902086859213, - "1970": 12.6156438995959, - "1971": 12.5416495545603, - "1972": 12.4730241116152, - "1973": 12.3987210314082, - "1974": 12.2997105449805, - "1975": 12.1554780048761, - "1976": 11.9851219278512, - "1977": 11.7523829934926, - "1978": 11.4646274954853, - "1979": 11.1525952764368, - "1980": 10.8596085018539, - "1981": 10.6014639442802, - "1982": 10.3678880980533, - "1983": 10.1639648746437, - "1984": 9.98854218360855, - "1985": 9.8368781666866, - "1986": 9.71316015466165, - "1987": 9.63698304517841, - "1988": 9.60541523222713, - "1989": 9.60345979574893, - "1990": 9.60712415813757, - "1991": 9.61180863167765, - "1992": 9.6368896643768, - "1993": 9.67104715576477, - "1994": 9.69257248805022, - "1995": 9.67577268052088, - "1996": 9.61972248637484, - "1997": 9.49839391987412, - "1998": 9.31610957791378, - "1999": 9.09957691730048, - "2000": 8.88830861856931, - "2001": 8.6944104013454, - "2002": 8.50027996435298, - "2003": 8.30910750482461, - "2004": 8.12070937400169, - "2005": 7.93389602603589, - "2006": 7.75947436343012, - "2007": 7.59479223573532, - "2008": 7.44212398110787, - "2009": 7.30270300091246, - "2010": 7.17583830156195, - "2011": 7.0698255673888, - "2012": 6.98836669868108, - "2013": 6.92749409079171, - "2014": 6.87414152232846, - "2015": 6.81019802098354, - "2016": 6.73861374484133, - "2017": 6.64771441359786 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 38.3026087471242, - "1961": 38.3919572163909, - "1962": 38.537588992662, - "1963": 38.6849141175951, - "1964": 38.7498497499723, - "1965": 38.6981787792158, - "1966": 38.6425972034297, - "1967": 38.4841845801816, - "1968": 38.2415570194925, - "1969": 37.9437835528951, - "1970": 37.6033874823869, - "1971": 37.2824238576887, - "1972": 36.8862378050739, - "1973": 36.4371360896182, - "1974": 35.959802173788, - "1975": 35.4663332934724, - "1976": 34.9066518321671, - "1977": 34.3701483869009, - "1978": 33.8403159634498, - "1979": 33.2982774586703, - "1980": 32.7445604666873, - "1981": 32.2030372409446, - "1982": 31.6713799624237, - "1983": 31.1624960289052, - "1984": 30.7005020851976, - "1985": 30.3009255475761, - "1986": 29.9908805288784, - "1987": 29.7238178632878, - "1988": 29.4966917095234, - "1989": 29.291734634478, - "1990": 29.0918027797761, - "1991": 28.9384794488476, - "1992": 28.7476672771708, - "1993": 28.5322148419688, - "1994": 28.3062884761091, - "1995": 28.0702542517316, - "1996": 27.7543073918423, - "1997": 27.4510547821581, - "1998": 27.1338031695149, - "1999": 26.7695199444372, - "2000": 26.3476015037497, - "2001": 25.903157476268, - "2002": 25.4132798070867, - "2003": 24.893887427443, - "2004": 24.377104010082, - "2005": 23.8837855578045, - "2006": 23.4314976912087, - "2007": 23.0064514983088, - "2008": 22.6056242987803, - "2009": 22.2164779223028, - "2010": 21.8319525287022, - "2011": 21.5113506617367, - "2012": 21.1765897043253, - "2013": 20.8435336005165, - "2014": 20.5332339802753, - "2015": 20.2535619719945, - "2016": 19.9791042160629, - "2017": 19.7474998809127 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1501230, - "1961": 1538851, - "1962": 1579577, - "1963": 1621250, - "1964": 1660246, - "1965": 1694779, - "1966": 1729555, - "1967": 1759896, - "1968": 1786018, - "1969": 1808606, - "1970": 1827794, - "1971": 1846463, - "1972": 1859978, - "1973": 1869365, - "1974": 1875915, - "1975": 1880343, - "1976": 1879946, - "1977": 1879547, - "1978": 1878569, - "1979": 1876295, - "1980": 1872983, - "1981": 1870004, - "1982": 1867261, - "1983": 1865703, - "1984": 1867031, - "1985": 1872407, - "1986": 1883747, - "1987": 1898207, - "1988": 1915380, - "1989": 1933775, - "1990": 1951965, - "1991": 1972692, - "1992": 1990270, - "1993": 2005391, - "1994": 2018904, - "1995": 2030749, - "1996": 2035715, - "1997": 2040438, - "1998": 2042982, - "1999": 2040856, - "2000": 2033168, - "2001": 2022495, - "2002": 2006997, - "2003": 1987932, - "2004": 1967958, - "2005": 1948872, - "2006": 1932233, - "2007": 1916974, - "2008": 1902823, - "2009": 1888662, - "2010": 1873845, - "2011": 1863504, - "2012": 1851015, - "2013": 1837810, - "2014": 1825855, - "2015": 1815969, - "2016": 1805939, - "2017": 1799188 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.7671921479638, - "1961": 14.5503389996268, - "1962": 14.4305652908063, - "1963": 14.3791615414809, - "1964": 14.3279593420508, - "1965": 14.2367130344242, - "1966": 14.1728749121938, - "1967": 14.0564355809936, - "1968": 13.8892748930007, - "1969": 13.6799620521464, - "1970": 13.4365718322742, - "1971": 13.214745931155, - "1972": 12.8986690242433, - "1973": 12.5303096220478, - "1974": 12.162919086779, - "1975": 11.8330948593356, - "1976": 11.4650727006835, - "1977": 11.1903136155853, - "1978": 10.9901779320967, - "1979": 10.8338802310067, - "1980": 10.7005344078367, - "1981": 10.6055280643853, - "1982": 10.5400973890778, - "1983": 10.4961003932845, - "1984": 10.4738221453544, - "1985": 10.4747102819074, - "1986": 10.5274964472591, - "1987": 10.5576475834885, - "1988": 10.5622438317496, - "1989": 10.5293165764309, - "1990": 10.4543333457035, - "1991": 10.3860378791124, - "1992": 10.2173404359808, - "1993": 9.98378747146445, - "1994": 9.73230694856729, - "1995": 9.49289953186962, - "1996": 9.18638949388359, - "1997": 8.94936959538835, - "1998": 8.7604264465273, - "1999": 8.58289266317803, - "2000": 8.39115374298114, - "2001": 8.20603405801269, - "2002": 8.0220993299849, - "2003": 7.84095367387115, - "2004": 7.67672198248552, - "2005": 7.53859280091257, - "2006": 7.42741052781694, - "2007": 7.33896937326519, - "2008": 7.26476677806982, - "2009": 7.18723669099623, - "2010": 7.09641421878661, - "2011": 7.03688043027688, - "2012": 6.92858993771204, - "2013": 6.79180431002189, - "2014": 6.65795190703217, - "2015": 6.54794560576639, - "2016": 6.42316352079356, - "2017": 6.34502422684927 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - 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"2016": 2.45335006713867, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 76.3883590698242, - "1971": 69.0624237060547, - "1972": 73.1062088012695, - "1973": 71.2899780273438, - "1974": 68.8526229858398, - "1975": 69.2826232910156, - "1976": 74.7731704711914, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 96.1449584960938, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 99.1266479492188, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 97.6268997192383, - "2011": 99.3583984375, - "2012": "", - "2013": 99.9510498046875, - "2014": 99.9473571777344, - "2015": 100, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 81.0139312744141, - "1971": 74.3563003540039, - "1972": 77.1535263061523, - "1973": 76.5783233642578, - "1974": 75.2490615844727, - "1975": 76.2434768676758, - "1976": 79.6738128662109, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 97.1817779541016, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - 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"1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 81.4636611938477, - "2014": 82.6806106567383, - "2015": 84.7576217651367, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa neta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% de población en edad escolar oficial)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - 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"data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 131.356384277344, - "1971": 151.242034912109, - "1972": 135.963226318359, - "1973": 129.927886962891, - "1974": 125.077529907227, - "1975": 112.828178405762, - "1976": 108.631393432617, - "1977": 110.07462310791, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 88.2176666259766, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 103.713798522949, - "1998": 100.706817626953, - "1999": 100.738899230957, - "2000": 101.316711425781, - "2001": "", - "2002": 99.5251617431641, - "2003": 98.9355392456055, - "2004": 97.6572875976563, - "2005": 98.1733474731445, - "2006": 96.8600616455078, - "2007": 99.5074005126953, - "2008": 96.2199325561523, - "2009": 94.68115234375, - 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"1986": 104.41918182373, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 102.152458190918, - "1990": 102.619590759277, - "1991": 102.035057067871, - "1992": 98.5001602172852, - "1993": 98.3969116210938, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 97.8569183349609, - "1997": 76.7834396362305, - "1998": 101.948608398438, - "1999": 103.908508300781, - "2000": 104.628639221191, - "2001": "", - "2002": 103.906509399414, - "2003": 102.512001037598, - "2004": 105.060997009277, - "2005": 104.26904296875, - "2006": 103.869941711426, - "2007": 103.867462158203, - "2008": 103.532409667969, - "2009": 101.970291137695, - "2010": 99.8520889282227, - "2011": 98.8053283691406, - "2012": 98.325927734375, - "2013": 96.6394195556641, - "2014": 96.604850769043, - "2015": 97.227668762207, - "2016": 98.382942199707, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 49.462589263916, - "1971": 49.2759017944336, - "1972": 49.1615295410156, - "1973": 49.1861190795898, - "1974": 49.0072288513184, - "1975": 48.9077911376953, - "1976": 48.9616889953613, - "1977": 48.8697814941406, - "1978": 48.7845611572266, - "1979": 48.6829299926758, - "1980": 48.6078987121582, - "1981": 48.6238899230957, - "1982": 48.2934112548828, - "1983": 48.4589996337891, - "1984": 48.3728981018066, - "1985": 48.3730087280273, - "1986": 48.3255805969238, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 48.6374092102051, - "1990": 48.6684494018555, - "1991": 48.6449317932129, - "1992": 48.5241317749023, - "1993": 48.5898590087891, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 48.389820098877, - "1997": 48.4512214660645, - "1998": 48.4075698852539, - "1999": 48.4161109924316, - "2000": 48.5080718994141, - "2001": "", - "2002": 48.5045204162598, - "2003": 48.4719314575195, - 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"1980": 0.970730006694794, - "1981": 0.9721599817276, - "1982": 0.960210025310516, - "1983": 0.967459976673126, - "1984": 0.964969992637634, - "1985": 0.965789973735809, - "1986": 0.964410006999969, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 0.978359997272491, - "1990": 0.980199992656708, - "1991": 0.979560017585754, - "1992": 0.975109994411469, - "1993": 0.97791999578476, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 0.970319986343384, - "1997": 0.972459971904755, - "1998": 0.971029996871948, - "1999": 0.971419990062714, - "2000": 0.975080013275146, - "2001": "", - "2002": 0.975279986858368, - "2003": 0.974089980125427, - "2004": 0.953289985656738, - "2005": 0.954540014266968, - "2006": 0.954559981822968, - "2007": 0.950250029563904, - "2008": 0.947889983654022, - "2009": 0.951210021972656, - "2010": 0.97105997800827, - "2011": 0.968500018119812, - "2012": 0.969020009040833, - "2013": 0.969720005989075, - "2014": 0.970510005950928, - "2015": 0.97105997800827, - "2016": 0.972519993782043, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación primaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 3.8, - "2006": 3.8, - "2007": 3.8, - "2008": 3.8, - "2009": 3.8, - "2010": 3.8, - "2011": 3.8, - "2012": 3.8, - "2013": 3.8, - "2014": 5.3, - "2015": 5.3, - "2016": 5.1, - "2017": 5.1 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 14.6899995803833, - "1976": 12.75, - "1977": 11.8299999237061, - "1978": 14.2600002288818, - "1979": 13.6300001144409, - "1980": 10.460000038147, - "1981": 11.3500003814697, - "1982": 19.6000003814697, - "1983": 14.6499996185303, - "1984": 13.9099998474121, - "1985": "", - "1986": 8.71000003814697, - "1987": "", - "1988": 6.23000001907349, - "1989": 5.28999996185303, - "1990": "", - "1991": 6.44910001754761, - "1992": "", - "1993": 4.65869998931885, - "1994": "", - "1995": 7.3088002204895, - "1996": "", - "1997": 7.13600015640259, - "1998": "", - "1999": 11.1579999923706, - "2000": "", - "2001": 10.3900003433228, - "2002": 10.1680002212524, - "2003": "", - "2004": 10.1619997024536, - "2005": 9.34000015258789, - "2006": "", - "2007": 8.42700004577637, - "2008": 9.28499984741211, - "2009": "", - "2010": 8.42430019378662, - "2011": "", - "2012": 6.65939998626709, - "2013": "", - "2014": 6.6648998260498, - "2015": "", - "2016": 6.73820018768311, - "2017": 6.95809984207153 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 11.3999996185303, - "1977": 11.3800001144409, - "1978": 13.4300003051758, - "1979": 13.4799995422363, - "1980": 10.6199998855591, - "1981": 11.9099998474121, - "1982": 20.1800003051758, - "1983": 14.6300001144409, - "1984": 13.0299997329712, - "1985": "", - "1986": 8.34000015258789, - "1987": "", - "1988": 5.59999990463257, - "1989": 5, - "1990": 7.71570014953613, - "1991": "", - "1992": 4.605299949646, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 6.28439998626709, - "1996": "", - "1997": 5.88399982452393, - "1998": "", - "1999": 10.1429996490479, - "2000": "", - "2001": 9.5939998626709, - "2002": 9.31999969482422, - "2003": "", - "2004": 8.55300045013428, - "2005": 7.63800001144409, - "2006": "", - "2007": 6.9520001411438, - "2008": 7.50600004196167, - "2009": "", - "2010": 7.44980001449585, - "2011": "", - "2012": 5.6483998298645, - "2013": "", - "2014": 6.34280014038086, - "2015": "", - "2016": 6.37060022354126, - "2017": 6.60489988327026 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 5.69999980926514, - "1992": 5.32999992370605, - "1993": 5.10699987411499, - "1994": 6.78399991989136, - "1995": 5.2519998550415, - "1996": 7.87200021743774, - "1997": 7.6560001373291, - "1998": 7.55200004577637, - "1999": 10.6339998245239, - "2000": 10.0129995346069, - "2001": 9.67099952697754, - "2002": 9.57100009918213, - "2003": 9.66100025177002, - "2004": 10.4320001602173, - "2005": 9.77799987792969, - "2006": 9.41800022125244, - "2007": 8.60000038146973, - "2008": 9.5019998550415, - "2009": 10.673999786377, - "2010": 9.91499996185303, - "2011": 8.87100028991699, - "2012": 8.13899993896484, - "2013": 7.17600011825562, - "2014": 7.12599992752075, - "2015": 7.14200019836426, - "2016": 7.26900005340576, - "2017": 7.46600008010864 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 16.2700004577637, - "1977": 13.0799999237061, - "1978": 16.2999992370605, - "1979": 14.0299997329712, - "1980": 10.0699996948242, - "1981": 9.96000003814697, - "1982": 18.25, - "1983": 14.6899995803833, - "1984": 15.8999996185303, - "1985": "", - "1986": 9.64999961853027, - "1987": "", - "1988": 7.75, - "1989": 6.03999996185303, - "1990": 9.5693998336792, - "1991": "", - "1992": 7.50589990615845, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 9.51949977874756, - "1996": "", - "1997": 9.58800029754639, - "1998": "", - "1999": 13.1009998321533, - "2000": "", - "2001": 11.9309997558594, - "2002": 11.8070001602173, - "2003": "", - "2004": 13.0129995346069, - "2005": 12.2779998779297, - "2006": "", - "2007": 10.8830003738403, - "2008": 12.1309995651245, - "2009": "", - "2010": 9.91819953918457, - "2011": "", - "2012": 8.13350009918213, - "2013": "", - "2014": 7.12550020217896, - "2015": "", - "2016": 7.26639986038208, - "2017": 7.46080017089844 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 40.1285018920898, - "1991": "", - "1992": 35.5331993103027, - "1993": "", - "1994": 35.4589004516602, - "1995": "", - "1996": 30.1620006561279, - "1997": "", - "1998": 30.6558990478516, - "1999": "", - "2000": 30.6243000030518, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 27.3062992095947, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 25.4328994750977, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 27.7205009460449, - "2010": 17.3199996948242, - "2011": 17.2199993133545, - "2012": 16.7700004577637, - "2013": 16.2399997711182, - "2014": 16.5699996948242, - "2015": 21.4955997467041, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 5.16230010986328, - "1997": "", - "1998": 7.98059988021851, - "1999": "", - "2000": 8.79730033874512, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 8.42409992218018, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 6.32999992370605, - "2007": 7.55999994277954, - "2008": "", - "2009": 10.2680997848511, - "2010": 8.50529956817627, - "2011": 7.32880020141602, - "2012": 6.44309997558594, - "2013": 6.16300010681152, - "2014": 7.11600017547607, - "2015": 6.82859992980957, - "2016": 7.04780006408691, - "2017": 7.30450010299683 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 5.05639982223511, - "1997": "", - "1998": 10.0920000076294, - "1999": "", - "2000": 11.2843999862671, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 8.95580005645752, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 4.11999988555908, - "2007": 4.40000009536743, - "2008": "", - "2009": 9.64200019836426, - "2010": 7.55579996109009, - "2011": 5.92449998855591, - "2012": 5.48150014877319, - "2013": 5.63490009307861, - "2014": 6.12939977645874, - "2015": 5.93289995193481, - "2016": 5.82690000534058, - "2017": 5.91629981994629 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 1.46140003204346, - "1997": "", - "1998": 3.60570001602173, - "1999": "", - "2000": 3.56859993934631, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 4.03649997711182, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 5.34999990463257, - "2007": 5.90999984741211, - "2008": "", - "2009": 5.55830001831055, - "2010": 4.66849994659424, - "2011": 4.67640018463135, - "2012": 4.25570011138916, - "2013": 4.40059995651245, - "2014": 5.04050016403198, - "2015": 5.03840017318726, - "2016": 6.37220001220703, - "2017": 6.72629976272583 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 24.75, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 17.2999992370605, - "1987": "", - "1988": 14.3299999237061, - "1989": 13.2200002670288, - "1990": 16.4531002044678, - "1991": "", - "1992": 12.9681997299194, - "1993": "", - "1994": 15.5579996109009, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 17.8360004425049, - "1998": "", - "1999": 25.6599998474121, - "2000": "", - "2001": 24.7810001373291, - "2002": 25.2250003814697, - "2003": "", - "2004": 24.5580005645752, - "2005": 23.4150009155273, - "2006": "", - "2007": 21.5349998474121, - "2008": 23.6909999847412, - "2009": "", - "2010": 19.0025005340576, - "2011": "", - "2012": 16.7008991241455, - "2013": "", - "2014": 16.971399307251, - "2015": "", - "2016": 15.9816999435425, - "2017": 17.1853008270264 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 23.6100006103516, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 16.5300006866455, - "1987": "", - "1988": 12.539999961853, - "1989": 12.25, - "1990": 15.0325002670288, - "1991": "", - "1992": 10.7934999465942, - "1993": "", - "1994": 13.285400390625, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 14.3000001907349, - "1998": "", - "1999": 22.0300006866455, - "2000": "", - "2001": 21.8640003204346, - "2002": 21.9519996643066, - "2003": "", - "2004": 20.2129993438721, - "2005": 18.7670001983643, - "2006": "", - "2007": 18.136999130249, - "2008": 19.9109992980957, - "2009": "", - "2010": 17.141300201416, - "2011": "", - "2012": 14.7812004089355, - "2013": "", - "2014": 14.8879995346069, - "2015": "", - "2016": 14.7051000595093, - "2017": 16.1037998199463 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 14.789999961853, - "1992": 12.8360004425049, - "1993": 12.0010004043579, - "1994": 15.2600002288818, - "1995": 12.1319999694824, - "1996": 18.4009990692139, - "1997": 18.4150009155273, - "1998": 18.0900001525879, - "1999": 24.7040004730225, - "2000": 24.6079998016357, - "2001": 23.1590003967285, - "2002": 24.0540008544922, - "2003": 24.7159996032715, - "2004": 24.8110008239746, - "2005": 23.8279991149902, - "2006": 21.8490009307861, - "2007": 20.6529998779297, - "2008": 23.0809993743896, - "2009": 24.3840007781982, - "2010": 21.8969993591309, - "2011": 21.3110008239746, - "2012": 19.5909996032715, - "2013": 19.7169990539551, - "2014": 20.1599998474121, - "2015": 18.746000289917, - "2016": 17.8810005187988, - "2017": 18.6509990692139 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - 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"2002": 95.6409301757813, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 98.6955718994141, - "2009": 98.4912796020508, - "2010": "", - "2011": 96.5307083129883, - "2012": "", - "2013": 96.161750793457, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.00970995426178, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.00555002689362, - "1993": "", - 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"1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 25.722143666035, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 25.1240060026862, - "2010": "", - "2011": 37.9093235900503, - "2012": "", - "2013": 17.8840821414229, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Incidencia de los beneficios de los programas activos del mercado laboral (ALMP) y los beneficios por desempleo para el quintil más pobre (% del total de beneficios de los ALMP/D)", - "indicatorCode": "per_lm_alllm.ben_q1_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - 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"1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 1190000, - "2013": 1300000, - "2014": 920000, - "2015": 900000, - "2016": 950000, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Flujos oficiales netos de organismos de las Naciones Unidas, Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) (USD a precios actuales)", - "indicatorCode": "DT.NFL.ILOG.CD" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 14.7170000076294, - "1992": 15.0380001068115, - "1993": 16.1280002593994, - "1994": 14.8540000915527, - "1995": 14.4270000457764, - "1996": 14.871000289917, - "1997": 14.3100004196167, - "1998": 13.7849998474121, - "1999": 12.5729999542236, - "2000": 12.2180004119873, - "2001": 12.8879995346069, - "2002": 12.0190000534058, - "2003": 11.7510004043579, - "2004": 12.2480001449585, - "2005": 11.4739999771118, - "2006": 11.2690000534058, - "2007": 10.9060001373291, - "2008": 11.3669996261597, - "2009": 11.4350004196167, - 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"1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 23.5679998397827, - "1992": 22.5920000076294, - "1993": 22.0860004425049, - "1994": 22.26699924469, - "1995": 23.9259996414184, - "1996": 23.0060007572174, - "1997": 24.1010003089905, - "1998": 25.6430006027222, - "1999": 23.8899991512299, - "2000": 23.1019995212555, - "2001": 24.7700006961822, - "2002": 25.25, - "2003": 25.0770008563995, - "2004": 26.2100005149842, - "2005": 23.7610001564026, - "2006": 24.5600004196167, - "2007": 23.9149999618531, - "2008": 23.8280005455018, - "2009": 27.7090005874634, - "2010": 23.154999256134, - "2011": 24.5959997177124, - "2012": 24.1370005607605, - "2013": 23.9789996147156, - "2014": 24.6310005187988, - "2015": 24.193000793457, - "2016": 25.0930004119873, - "2017": 25.0449995994568 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Empleo vulnerable, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 30.0380001068115, - "1992": 32.0439987182617, - "1993": 33.6720008850098, - "1994": 33.0820007324219, - "1995": 32.5530014038086, - "1996": 31.9610004425049, - "1997": 32.8250007629395, - "1998": 33.5779991149902, - "1999": 32.640998840332, - "2000": 31.9899997711182, - "2001": 32.0169982910156, - "2002": 32.0789985656738, - "2003": 33.0250015258789, - "2004": 34.8230018615723, - "2005": 34.5929985046387, - "2006": 35.5690002441406, - "2007": 37.8800010681152, - "2008": 39.0089988708496, - "2009": 38.7490005493164, - "2010": 42.3930015563965, - "2011": 44.6030006408691, - "2012": 45.1539993286133, - "2013": 46.0099983215332, - "2014": 46.5579986572266, - "2015": 46.5299987792969, - "2016": 46.6910018920898, - "2017": 46.8059997558594 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 23.7199993133545, - "1981": 24.2000007629395, - "1982": 22.3700008392334, - "1983": 24.1900005340576, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.4232997894287, - "1991": "", - "1992": 31.6937999725342, - "1993": "", - "1994": 31.3500003814697, - "1995": "", - "1996": 32.9799995422363, - "1997": 33.7169990539551, - "1998": 34.1240005493164, - "1999": 33.189998626709, - "2000": 33.0900001525879, - "2001": 32.3650016784668, - "2002": 32.1679992675781, - "2003": 33.3120002746582, - "2004": 34.2639999389648, - "2005": 35.3219985961914, - "2006": 36.5120010375977, - "2007": 37.6520004272461, - "2008": 38.9949989318848, - "2009": 38.8759994506836, - "2010": 40.9716987609863, - "2011": 43.2470016479492, - "2012": 43.8386001586914, - "2013": 44.4334983825684, - "2014": 45.0766983032227, - "2015": 44.9362983703613, - "2016": 44.6626014709473, - "2017": 45.0376014709473 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - 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"2011": 27.4529991149902, - "2012": 26.4330005645752, - "2013": 26.507999420166, - "2014": 26.9899997711182, - "2015": 26.6310005187988, - "2016": 27.4209995269775, - "2017": 27.4080009460449 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Independientes, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 2.05100011825562, - "1992": 2.13000011444092, - "1993": 2.33400011062622, - "1994": 2.27600002288818, - "1995": 1.63199996948242, - "1996": 1.77699995040894, - "1997": 1.58399999141693, - "1998": 1.62399995326996, - "1999": 1.89900004863739, - "2000": 2.06100010871887, - "2001": 1.91299998760223, - "2002": 1.54900002479553, - "2003": 1.75999999046326, - "2004": 1.92400002479553, - "2005": 1.69000005722046, - "2006": 1.72800004482269, - "2007": 1.70799994468689, - "2008": 1.84700000286102, - "2009": 1.76400005817413, - "2010": 2.85500001907349, - "2011": 2.85800004005432, - "2012": 2.29699993133545, - "2013": 2.52900004386902, - "2014": 2.35899996757507, - "2015": 2.43799996376038, - "2016": 2.32800006866455, - "2017": 2.36299991607666 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Empleadores, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 21.2730007171631, - "1992": 23.6709995269775, - "1993": 25.257999420166, - "1994": 24.6319999694824, - "1995": 23.8390007019043, - "1996": 21.9130001068115, - "1997": 21.9449996948242, - "1998": 20.9810009002686, - "1999": 18.9039993286133, - "2000": 18.2140007019043, - "2001": 17.5319995880127, - "2002": 16.992000579834, - "2003": 17.3770008087158, - "2004": 17.9909992218018, - "2005": 18.4650001525879, - "2006": 18.1119995117188, - "2007": 21.17799949646, - "2008": 20.4009990692139, - "2009": 20.378999710083, - "2010": 24.4680004119873, - "2011": 25.5179996490479, - "2012": 25.2950000762939, - "2013": 24.9500007629395, - "2014": 24.363000869751, - "2015": 24.25, - "2016": 24.1520004272461, - "2017": 24.2590007781982 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, edades entre 15 y 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 22.1784992218018, - "1991": "", - "1992": 25.2035007476807, - "1993": "", - "1994": 24.3822994232178, - "1995": "", - "1996": 23.8419990539551, - "1997": 24.5230007171631, - "1998": 23.3740005493164, - "1999": 20.57200050354, - "2000": 20.19700050354, - "2001": 19.2889995574951, - "2002": 18.4850006103516, - "2003": 19.0659999847412, - "2004": 19.9249992370605, - "2005": 20.5429992675781, - "2006": 20.9020004272461, - "2007": 21.7099990844727, - "2008": 22.4680004119873, - "2009": 22.0090007781982, - "2010": 23.8204002380371, - "2011": 25.2693004608154, - "2012": 25.5592994689941, - "2013": 25.1240997314453, - "2014": 24.5370006561279, - "2015": 24.4330005645752, - "2016": 24.0881004333496, - "2017": 24.2879009246826 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, entre 15 y 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - } - ], - "dataSource": "Indicadores del desarrollo mundial", - "lastUpdated": "2018-11-14" - } -} -;; diff --git a/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.json b/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.json deleted file mode 100644 index 567630e4..00000000 --- a/src/data/worldbank/worldbank.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36722 +0,0 @@ -{ - "PER": { - "indicators": [ - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 31.4799995422363, - "2003": 29.6299991607666, - "2004": 27.6299991607666, - "2005": 27.2099990844727, - "2006": 26.9699993133545, - "2007": 27.6700000762939, - "2008": 26.9599990844727, - "2009": 27.3600006103516, - "2010": 25.3400001525879, - "2011": 24.7999992370605, - "2012": 25.0400009155273, - "2013": 24.0900001525879, - "2014": 24.2099990844727, - "2015": 21.6800003051758, - "2016": 23.7399997711182, - "2017": 23.7600002288818 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Empleo de tiempo parcial, mujeres (% del total de mujeres empleadas)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.PART.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 57.3788986206055, - "2003": 59.2597007751465, - "2004": 60.5155982971191, - "2005": 58.567699432373, - "2006": 59.5596008300781, - "2007": 62.5275993347168, - "2008": 61.5718002319336, - "2009": 63.0060997009277, - "2010": 64.4614028930664, - "2011": 64.3878021240234, - "2012": 63.0351982116699, - "2013": 62.2015991210938, - "2014": 61.209400177002, - "2015": 62.2141990661621, - "2016": 61.5542984008789, - "2017": 61.4822998046875 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación intermedia (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.INTM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 70.0301971435547, - "2003": 69.0485000610352, - "2004": 70.3840026855469, - "2005": 68.869499206543, - "2006": 69.7163009643555, - "2007": 72.8778991699219, - "2008": 72.2699966430664, - "2009": 72.4912033081055, - "2010": 74.2916030883789, - "2011": 73.6003036499023, - "2012": 72.7871017456055, - "2013": 72.2193984985352, - "2014": 71.2494964599609, - "2015": 71.3886032104492, - "2016": 71.5625991821289, - "2017": 71.3718032836914 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación intermedia, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.INTM.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - 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"1980": 55.189998626709, - "1981": 55.189998626709, - "1982": 55.2000007629395, - "1983": "", - "1984": 55.2400016784668, - "1985": 33.2799987792969, - "1986": 61.8699989318848, - "1987": 61.2200012207031, - "1988": 33.9000015258789, - "1989": 61.2900009155273, - "1990": 61.5, - "1991": 57.2599983215332, - "1992": 58.9000015258789, - "1993": 51.1699981689453, - "1994": 60.7799987792969, - "1995": 62.9199981689453, - "1996": "", - "1997": 65.6900024414063, - "1998": 66.8499984741211, - "1999": 68.1600036621094, - "2000": 65.7799987792969, - "2001": 68.7900009155273, - "2002": 68.9080963134766, - "2003": 67.3677978515625, - "2004": 67.9903030395508, - "2005": 67.2468032836914, - "2006": 68.3915023803711, - "2007": 71.3191986083984, - "2008": 70.5858001708984, - "2009": 70.9860000610352, - "2010": 72.5417022705078, - "2011": 72.1799011230469, - "2012": 71.3255996704102, - "2013": 71.1633987426758, - "2014": 70.6107025146484, - "2015": 70.4191970825195, - "2016": 70.5944976806641, - "2017": 70.5223999023438 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% de la población total mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": 87.3899993896484, - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 80.3300018310547, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": 79.3300018310547, - "1980": 79.1600036621094, - "1981": 79.0699996948242, - "1982": 79, - "1983": "", - "1984": 71.8499984741211, - "1985": "", - "1986": 75.2399978637695, - "1987": 74.8499984741211, - "1988": "", - "1989": 75.2300033569336, - "1990": 76.6999969482422, - "1991": 71.9100036621094, - "1992": 75.4000015258789, - "1993": 73.4100036621094, - "1994": 76.4100036621094, - "1995": 77.5800018310547, - "1996": "", - "1997": 77.9800033569336, - "1998": 79.6600036621094, - "1999": 79.4199981689453, - "2000": 78.8499984741211, - "2001": 79.620002746582, - "2002": 78.301399230957, - "2003": 76.4201965332031, - "2004": 77.5261993408203, - "2005": 76.845100402832, - "2006": 77.3216018676758, - "2007": 81.222900390625, - "2008": 80.4542007446289, - "2009": 80.0244979858398, - "2010": 81.5476989746094, - "2011": 81.2610015869141, - "2012": 80.5313034057617, - "2013": 80.1552963256836, - "2014": 79.7189025878906, - "2015": 79.0904998779297, - "2016": 79.7091979980469, - "2017": 79.195198059082 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, varones (% de la población masculina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - 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"countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de población activa, mujeres (% de la población femenina mayor de 15 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": 22.3700008392334, - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 19.9599990844727, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": 31.2000007629395, - "1980": 31.2900009155273, - "1981": 31.3799991607666, - "1982": 31.4799995422363, - "1983": "", - "1984": 39.75, - "1985": "", - "1986": 49.7900009155273, - "1987": 48.3800010681152, - "1988": "", - "1989": 48.1800003051758, - "1990": 47.7999992370605, - "1991": 43.5499992370605, - "1992": 43.7999992370605, - "1993": 29.75, - "1994": 46.4700012207031, - "1995": 49.4799995422363, - "1996": "", - "1997": 54.6100006103516, - "1998": 55.5200004577637, - "1999": 58.0900001525879, - "2000": 53.9799995422363, - "2001": 58.9500007629395, - "2002": 60.0960006713867, - "2003": 58.8216018676758, - "2004": 59.0247001647949, - "2005": 58.2130012512207, - "2006": 59.9501991271973, - "2007": 62.0531997680664, - "2008": 61.3744010925293, - "2009": 62.5868988037109, - "2010": 64.11669921875, - "2011": 63.6805992126465, - "2012": 62.7182006835938, - "2013": 62.7584991455078, - "2014": 62.127799987793, - "2015": 62.3297996520996, - "2016": 62.0901985168457, - "2017": 62.467098236084 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - 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"countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación básica, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.BASC.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 80.0698013305664, - "2003": 67.7149963378906, - "2004": 68.4058990478516, - "2005": 66.8352966308594, - "2006": 66.3368988037109, - "2007": 72.7347030639648, - "2008": 69.448600769043, - "2009": 69.0343017578125, - "2010": 68.8998031616211, - "2011": 69.6343994140625, - "2012": 67.1211013793945, - "2013": 65.5431976318359, - "2014": 64.5300979614258, - "2015": 62.7122001647949, - "2016": 62.986198425293, - "2017": 60.263599395752 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación básica, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 77.1238021850586, - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 60.2109985351563, - "1991": 60.4550018310547, - "1992": 61.8699989318848, - "1993": 63.2179985046387, - "1994": 64.5240020751953, - "1995": 65.8629989624023, - "1996": 67.5199966430664, - "1997": 69.1600036621094, - "1998": 70.2919998168945, - "1999": 71.7509994506836, - "2000": 69.3489990234375, - "2001": 72.5810012817383, - "2002": 74.0139999389648, - "2003": 75.4079971313477, - "2004": 76.7649993896484, - "2005": 78.0879974365234, - "2006": 79.3820037841797, - "2007": 80.6320037841797, - "2008": 80.4580001831055, - 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"2015": 71.0400009155273, - "2016": 71.5709991455078, - "2017": 72.1520004272461 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 43.1910018920898, - "1991": 43.2229995727539, - "1992": 44.8289985656738, - "1993": 46.375, - "1994": 47.9109992980957, - "1995": 50.7939987182617, - "1996": 51.9980010986328, - "1997": 53.2690010070801, - "1998": 55.0839996337891, - 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"indicatorCode": "SH.ANM.ALLW.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 0.3, - "2007": "", - "2008": 0.8, - "2009": 1, - "2010": 0.8, - "2011": 0.6, - "2012": 0.6, - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que creen que está justificado que un marido golpee a su esposa cuando ella se niega a tener relaciones sexuales (%)", - 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"2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 12.2, - "2007": "", - "2008": 12.6, - "2009": 10.9, - "2010": 10.3, - "2011": 9.6, - "2012": 9.3, - "2013": 9, - "2014": 8.6, - "2015": 6.5, - "2016": 6, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Necesidades de anticoncepción insatisfechas (% de mujeres casadas entre 15 y 49 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.UWT.TFRT" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 49.7412220022422, - "1961": 49.7405035767773, - "1962": 49.7402183429689, - "1963": 49.7407162477034, - "1964": 49.7421598401563, - "1965": 49.7448412584914, - "1966": 49.748646088836, - "1967": 49.7536126003403, - "1968": 49.7601614654142, - "1969": 49.7688879987984, - "1970": 49.7799501839058, - "1971": 49.7934155973814, - "1972": 49.808789840365, - "1973": 49.8255564295153, - "1974": 49.8429127424629, - "1975": 49.8603836427817, - "1976": 49.8777486258549, - "1977": 49.8948468022071, - "1978": 49.9114673224068, - "1979": 49.9273047513511, - "1980": 49.9422032914111, - "1981": 49.9559225754817, - "1982": 49.9685307408655, - "1983": 49.9801156917872, - "1984": 49.9908374938965, - "1985": 50.0007930439709, - "1986": 50.0101419016066, - "1987": 50.0187099242005, - "1988": 50.0259637977906, - "1989": 50.0312651271551, - "1990": 50.0342150473453, - "1991": 50.0347572293915, - "1992": 50.033326649678, - "1993": 50.030740741891, - "1994": 50.0280807766137, - "1995": 50.026045430119, - "1996": 50.0248434213908, - "1997": 50.0242997538366, - "1998": 50.0243673081321, - "1999": 50.0247698679163, - "2000": 50.0254679956433, - "2001": 50.0264571177643, - "2002": 50.0278180157439, - "2003": 50.0293807159822, - "2004": 50.0308948159481, - "2005": 50.0322306017521, - "2006": 50.033390040648, - "2007": 50.0343869352691, - "2008": 50.0353467232847, - "2009": 50.0364429426064, - "2010": 50.0377872826721, - "2011": 50.0393985400396, - "2012": 50.0412713143112, - "2013": 50.0434064796722, - "2014": 50.0458377854127, - "2015": 50.0485296754487, - "2016": 50.0515298151895, - "2017": 50.0548320644059 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5004721, - "1961": 5148262, - "1962": 5297665, - "1963": 5452349, - "1964": 5611421, - "1965": 5774222, - "1966": 5940648, - "1967": 6110779, - "1968": 6284375, - "1969": 6461221, - "1970": 6641178, - "1971": 6823856, - "1972": 7009330, - "1973": 7198621, - "1974": 7393120, - "1975": 7593710, - "1976": 7800831, - "1977": 8013773, - "1978": 8230942, - "1979": 8450073, - "1980": 8669527, - "1981": 8888432, - "1982": 9107129, - "1983": 9326509, - "1984": 9548042, - "1985": 9772633, - "1986": 10000155, - "1987": 10229681, - "1988": 10460377, - "1989": 10691111, - "1990": 10920797, - "1991": 11149309, - "1992": 11376105, - "1993": 11599241, - "1994": 11816310, - "1995": 12025641, - "1996": 12226609, - "1997": 12419736, - "1998": 12606015, - "1999": 12786981, - "2000": 12964040, - "2001": 13137629, - "2002": 13308134, - "2003": 13476784, - "2004": 13645023, - "2005": 13814104, - "2006": 13984304, - "2007": 14156091, - "2008": 14331114, - "2009": 14511323, - "2010": 14697923, - "2011": 14891720, - "2012": 15091930, - "2013": 15296126, - "2014": 15500874, - "2015": 15703562, - "2016": 15903293, - "2017": 16100379 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 67.949577331543, - "1978": 75.0156021118164, - "1979": 84.7582702636719, - "1980": 84.5397872924805, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 94.3837280273438, - "1999": 95.0136108398438, - "2000": 95.5454864501953, - "2001": 95.7724990844727, - "2002": "", - "2003": 96.6299209594727, - "2004": 96.921630859375, - "2005": 96.0303268432617, - "2006": 96.4719390869141, - "2007": 95.4194564819336, - "2008": 95.8081665039063, - "2009": 95.2583923339844, - "2010": 92.9879531860352, - "2011": 88.8521118164063, - "2012": 98.3144607543945, - "2013": 93.7408828735352, - "2014": 94.7446594238281, - "2015": 94.8355407714844, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 23.197660446167, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 41.768009185791, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 52.1739501953125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 60.910701751709, - "1999": 61.7676391601563, - "2000": 63.8640518188477, - "2001": 66.6630401611328, - "2002": 67.3620529174805, - "2003": "", - "2004": 68.1773681640625, - "2005": 69.6006774902344, - "2006": 72.1924285888672, - "2007": 75.9625778198242, - "2008": 77.6753768920898, - "2009": 80.4776611328125, - "2010": 80.7018508911133, - "2011": 81.1748275756836, - "2012": 75.8371429443359, - "2013": 80.5659713745117, - "2014": 79.4018707275391, - "2015": 78.6519622802734, - "2016": 80.3221588134766, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 30.7303600311279, - "1971": 38.5358390808105, - "1972": 40.1944885253906, - "1973": "", - "1974": 38.1874618530273, - "1975": 63.888069152832, - "1976": 72.1487579345703, - "1977": 47.0706596374512, - "1978": 51.2668495178223, - "1979": 53.1899490356445, - "1980": 52.953800201416, - "1981": 53.6105194091797, - "1982": 53.7116584777832, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 59.0662498474121, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 63.9740409851074, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 67.1886672973633, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 78.5781326293945, - "1999": 79.6793212890625, - "2000": 81.5766067504883, - "2001": 84.4440002441406, - "2002": 85.51708984375, - "2003": 78.9803009033203, - "2004": 83.7653503417969, - "2005": 84.5824508666992, - "2006": 87.7421722412109, - "2007": 90.3146667480469, - "2008": 91.1638107299805, - "2009": 93.1049423217773, - "2010": 94.9087905883789, - "2011": 95.3835678100586, - "2012": 92.6181716918945, - "2013": 97.7117080688477, - "2014": 95.5008392333984, - "2015": 95.7722625732422, - "2016": 97.8610687255859, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 44.0310401916504, - "1971": 44.100040435791, - "1972": 44.1003684997559, - "1973": 44.0998191833496, - "1974": 44.1655693054199, - "1975": 42.7002105712891, - "1976": 42.6476783752441, - "1977": 45.9697914123535, - "1978": 44.635799407959, - "1979": 60.2808113098145, - "1980": 40.128101348877, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 70.5823211669922, - "2004": 67.7231674194336, - "2005": 70.2429962158203, - "2006": 66.9079132080078, - "2007": 64.5308380126953, - "2008": 66.247428894043, - "2009": 59.7417793273926, - "2010": 56.0594482421875, - "2011": 48.3022918701172, - "2012": 48.9602317810059, - "2013": 48.9428482055664, - "2014": 54.0125694274902, - "2015": 56.7083587646484, - "2016": 54.6560211181641, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.5932807922363, - "1971": 48.7150802612305, - "1972": 47.6504707336426, - "1973": 43.9413108825684, - "1974": 44.2774200439453, - "1975": 68.7019882202148, - "1976": 73.4592514038086, - "1977": 46.4037208557129, - "1978": 46.1341400146484, - "1979": 45.8060111999512, - "1980": 45.7374382019043, - "1981": 46.132381439209, - "1982": 46.2699317932129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 46.7608184814453, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 47.6299705505371, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 47.632080078125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.888069152832, - "1999": 47.7373313903809, - "2000": 47.510929107666, - "2001": 47.5320701599121, - "2002": 47.5045318603516, - "2003": 47.1419486999512, - "2004": 48.1854705810547, - "2005": 48.1036186218262, - "2006": 48.5288391113281, - "2007": 48.5853118896484, - "2008": 48.7057304382324, - "2009": 48.6301383972168, - "2010": 48.8050193786621, - "2011": 48.8094711303711, - "2012": 48.2569618225098, - "2013": 48.5901412963867, - "2014": 48.5766410827637, - "2015": 48.6633911132813, - "2016": 48.6433982849121, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.8385696411133, - "1971": 50.9975204467773, - "1972": 50.3261604309082, - "1973": "", - "1974": 44.2513008117676, - "1975": 70.4495086669922, - "1976": 75.0633087158203, - "1977": 46.3243789672852, - "1978": 45.908031463623, - "1979": 46.5185089111328, - "1980": 45.4979400634766, - "1981": 46.132381439209, - "1982": 46.2699317932129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 46.7608184814453, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 47.6299705505371, - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 47.632080078125, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.888069152832, - "1999": 47.7373313903809, - "2000": 47.510929107666, - "2001": 47.5320701599121, - "2002": 47.5045318603516, - "2003": 47.7377090454102, - "2004": 48.6879806518555, - "2005": 48.6171493530273, - "2006": 48.8807792663574, - "2007": 48.890079498291, - "2008": 48.9906616210938, - "2009": 48.6909713745117, - "2010": 48.8688888549805, - "2011": 48.8034706115723, - "2012": 48.2652206420898, - "2013": 48.5958518981934, - "2014": 48.6534004211426, - "2015": 48.7756385803223, - "2016": 48.7421684265137, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 9.02184009552002, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 18.4954395294189, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 18.4397106170654, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 43.3140487670898, - "2005": 40.4030799865723, - "2006": 39.7140884399414, - "2007": 42.0277786254883, - "2008": 42.0777206420898, - "2009": 42.1277389526367, - "2010": 47.6409606933594, - "2011": 48.8342704772949, - "2012": 51.1922416687012, - "2013": 51.9419097900391, - "2014": 50.5954895019531, - "2015": 51.4677505493164, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 2.99389004707336, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 8.18871021270752, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 18.4397106170654, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 11.7591495513916, - "2005": 15.1386804580688, - "2006": 16.0016593933105, - "2007": 17.0619201660156, - "2008": 17.227710723877, - "2009": 17.832389831543, - "2010": 19.9095706939697, - "2011": 20.9165000915527, - "2012": 21.7303199768066, - "2013": 20.5774402618408, - "2014": 20.8854904174805, - "2015": 20.8408794403076, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 13.8929395675659, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 27.6347904205322, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 42.5531806945801, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 57.7741584777832, - "2005": 45.9065284729004, - "2006": 44.6119804382324, - "2007": 46.9851913452148, - "2008": 47.5463485717773, - "2009": 47.3424301147461, - "2010": 53.2193794250488, - "2011": 54.1841888427734, - "2012": 56.3102684020996, - "2013": 57.2789688110352, - "2014": 56.2469902038574, - "2015": 57.157341003418, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 24.9134407043457, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 39.0290412902832, - "1978": 38.7047691345215, - "1979": 47.9896507263184, - "1980": 49.8363914489746, - "1981": 51.2098388671875, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 66.8261108398438, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 77.2057876586914, - "2001": 79.8575210571289, - "2002": 83.194709777832, - "2003": "", - "2004": 82.527458190918, - "2005": 82.5394973754883, - "2006": 87.1178283691406, - "2007": "", - "2008": 87.6278533935547, - "2009": 89.939697265625, - "2010": 90.2468338012695, - "2011": 88.9716186523438, - "2012": 81.7379379272461, - "2013": 89.4017486572266, - "2014": 87.2488327026367, - "2015": 87.2978820800781, - "2016": 87.2509994506836, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 72.4094085693359, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 88.7865982055664, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 93.2807769775391, - "1994": "", - "1995": 88.1133575439453, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 99.6503982543945, - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 99.8705291748047, - "2005": 99.8693313598633, - "2006": 99.8297576904297, - "2007": 99.8442916870117, - "2008": 99.8495025634766, - "2009": 99.8424911499023, - "2010": 99.8506164550781, - "2011": 99.1729431152344, - "2012": 93.0671081542969, - "2013": 95.9269332885742, - "2014": 95.7099227905273, - "2015": 98.2808227539063, - "2016": 99.8950119018555, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": 55.5725708007813, - "1980": 60.0711212158203, - "1981": 60.4582595825195, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 60.0712890625, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 59.1646308898926, - "1994": "", - "1995": 57.6934089660645, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 59.6443405151367, - "1999": 62.0265617370605, - "2000": 62.1155281066895, - "2001": 63.6815605163574, - "2002": 66.9655685424805, - "2003": 63.7260284423828, - "2004": 64.0355377197266, - "2005": 64.2262496948242, - "2006": 64.4960708618164, - "2007": 64.6508407592773, - "2008": 65.2520294189453, - "2009": 65.2591400146484, - "2010": 66.2344284057617, - "2011": 65.9048004150391, - "2012": 67.1833267211914, - "2013": 66.7540664672852, - "2014": 67.0082092285156, - "2015": 67.8424530029297, - "2016": 69.9231262207031, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.334943612263856, - "1961": 0.349147022654834, - "1962": 0.353646103597639, - "1963": 0.34944565187488, - "1964": 0.33852375769925, - "1965": 0.321601878695304, - "1966": 0.344558255409762, - "1967": 0.360854156237691, - "1968": 0.36834211834908, - "1969": 0.366525150586863, - "1970": 0.355554391103506, - "1971": 0.381705230418245, - "1972": 0.399909891517433, - "1973": 0.409328284034322, - "1974": 0.410611542976652, - "1975": 0.404387262038284, - "1976": 0.432902486183206, - "1977": 0.453306962074678, - "1978": 0.463725723771869, - "1979": 0.463415785816914, - "1980": 0.453242720162242, - "1981": 0.481648344168574, - "1982": 0.503287206084554, - "1983": 0.518328879899461, - "1984": 0.52765808769738, - "1985": 0.532078017507473, - "1986": 0.571171261079706, - "1987": 0.604446882664888, - "1988": 0.631077043060901, - "1989": 0.651335609804371, - "1990": 0.665922215369852, - "1991": 0.707604200151543, - "1992": 0.74411219936662, - "1993": 0.774456246467978, - "1994": 0.79764305498678, - "1995": 0.814002144084758, - "1996": 0.851797771271205, - "1997": 0.882925156478731, - "1998": 0.908233165535117, - "1999": 0.928718045330638, - "2000": 0.945770064406625, - "2001": 0.984485025076821, - "2002": 1.01302714663282, - "2003": 1.03425275898558, - "2004": 1.0599692869588, - "2005": 1.10544282936379, - "2006": 1.19427432519364, - "2007": 1.29087904922899, - "2008": 1.38510535679297, - "2009": 1.46482204684495, - "2010": 1.52579422978178, - "2011": 1.58925921105946, - "2012": 1.63556306391072, - "2013": 1.67044932428634, - "2014": 1.70021369761384, - "2015": 1.72866468673421, - "2016": 1.7768396631339, - "2017": 1.8194291066422 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.567483954656432, - "1961": 0.580176490663546, - "1962": 0.59399709570379, - "1963": 0.607004319238493, - "1964": 0.617365684248006, - "1965": 0.625279258497252, - "1966": 0.633179870889549, - "1967": 0.637545556793987, - "1968": 0.6412411735455, - "1969": 0.646394853232849, - "1970": 0.653935190413508, - "1971": 0.665049593689898, - "1972": 0.676013353061327, - "1973": 0.685950632502911, - "1974": 0.692711695835005, - "1975": 0.696076002892393, - "1976": 0.6946822217576, - "1977": 0.688951212131611, - "1978": 0.68436872907515, - "1979": 0.685910747106625, - "1980": 0.695355121450109, - "1981": 0.709967502715607, - "1982": 0.727089973280264, - "1983": 0.745230451130117, - "1984": 0.761915614295249, - "1985": 0.776270290475632, - "1986": 0.790097911501954, - "1987": 0.801148970109826, - "1988": 0.8106787034609, - "1989": 0.819222776608114, - "1990": 0.827036859496035, - "1991": 0.831728451047024, - "1992": 0.835690100312875, - "1993": 0.840934768542926, - "1994": 0.84901271657242, - "1995": 0.860427932175607, - "1996": 0.872155006812599, - "1997": 0.886596731219553, - "1998": 0.904861758839868, - "1999": 0.927365106744117, - "2000": 0.953290868686834, - "2001": 0.985588724907004, - "2002": 1.05002707742701, - "2003": 1.1507939246332, - "2004": 1.27022917815132, - "2005": 1.37994492874021, - "2006": 1.3822779074946, - "2007": 1.35956326923607, - "2008": 1.32856403606364, - "2009": 1.30866808179188, - "2010": 1.30819880011585, - "2011": 1.30778060664324, - "2012": 1.3204740971465, - "2013": 1.34146402055841, - "2014": 1.36509068036482, - "2015": 1.38899024590975, - "2016": 1.40004346269942, - "2017": 1.41484859363568 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.11512665136512, - "1961": 1.11892151543987, - "1962": 1.11936023183026, - "1963": 1.12026924170312, - "1964": 1.1253117079215, - "1965": 1.13578976900776, - "1966": 1.13731662360179, - "1967": 1.14319303643611, - "1968": 1.15082247637991, - "1969": 1.15601989159634, - "1970": 1.15747537560354, - "1971": 1.14551136220422, - "1972": 1.13137791078147, - "1973": 1.12053374652347, - "1974": 1.11849951285783, - "1975": 1.12698521184175, - "1976": 1.13040491957718, - "1977": 1.14023665500965, - "1978": 1.1544606735826, - "1979": 1.17037959053401, - "1980": 1.18655839009441, - "1981": 1.18919697337045, - "1982": 1.19308769857801, - "1983": 1.19795065914788, - "1984": 1.20241444342655, - "1985": 1.20602167666892, - "1986": 1.20264159958353, - "1987": 1.19708499276077, - "1988": 1.1925294045498, - "1989": 1.19286970135652, - "1990": 1.19966540897435, - "1991": 1.20429852532605, - "1992": 1.21318303352808, - "1993": 1.22619293427541, - "1994": 1.24388208064563, - "1995": 1.26725021961402, - "1996": 1.29317110031553, - "1997": 1.32175080329788, - "1998": 1.35115667807445, - "1999": 1.3809045309444, - "2000": 1.41200593426169, - "2001": 1.50304126391138, - "2002": 1.57716337821391, - "2003": 1.6209951588595, - "2004": 1.64055481641724, - "2005": 1.65228257327186, - "2006": 1.647804095848, - "2007": 1.66234461634533, - "2008": 1.68830583418788, - "2009": 1.71612931946434, - "2010": 1.74181800838609, - "2011": 1.75468673258519, - "2012": 1.76903176320481, - "2013": 1.78728284367988, - "2014": 1.81352343012894, - "2015": 1.85022306398432, - "2016": 1.88504996324032, - "2017": 1.92875571880912 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.72086527066533, - "1961": 3.74821711642048, - "1962": 3.76892176540286, - "1963": 3.78231404807102, - "1964": 3.78743502316614, - "1965": 3.78458042817904, - "1966": 3.78820499440297, - "1967": 3.78447657819077, - "1968": 3.77752759820985, - "1969": 3.77207342079771, - "1970": 3.77059612014615, - "1971": 3.79297499418217, - "1972": 3.81661354460605, - "1973": 3.84005385474416, - "1974": 3.86102266174804, - "1975": 3.87848576275815, - "1976": 3.904775297715, - "1977": 3.92499165499406, - "1978": 3.94117660637426, - "1979": 3.95550148111041, - "1980": 3.96940917307253, - "1981": 3.99599029525445, - "1982": 4.02308038781938, - "1983": 4.05056081529309, - "1984": 4.07700471269546, - "1985": 4.10238720867992, - "1986": 4.15118648684675, - "1987": 4.19326776792595, - "1988": 4.23282309967782, - "1989": 4.27586137228607, - "1990": 4.32554589661284, - "1991": 4.39300649223916, - "1992": 4.46635215368491, - "1993": 4.54562736249417, - "1994": 4.62948129420743, - "1995": 4.71726919572873, - "1996": 4.81985564110938, - "1997": 4.92290538472669, - "1998": 5.02683877711067, - "1999": 5.13196195411567, - "2000": 5.23892283878504, - "2001": 5.43662745868166, - "2002": 5.63194702066774, - "2003": 5.82550004700677, - "2004": 6.01682606794656, - "2005": 6.20530382648108, - "2006": 6.30508138121672, - "2007": 6.40926979130537, - "2008": 6.5199057826078, - "2009": 6.63822496080474, - "2010": 6.76548836607414, - "2011": 6.8777289497424, - "2012": 6.99591861291679, - "2013": 7.12485725141873, - "2014": 7.27135726209004, - "2015": 7.43971783224269, - "2016": 7.61236101305315, - "2017": 7.80524434827004 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 186219, - "1961": 192968, - "1962": 199665, - "1963": 206225, - "1964": 212529, - "1965": 218530, - "1966": 225044, - "1967": 231261, - "1968": 237394, - "1969": 243722, - "1970": 250412, - "1971": 258827, - "1972": 267519, - "1973": 276431, - "1974": 285450, - "1975": 294521, - "1976": 304605, - "1977": 314540, - "1978": 324396, - "1979": 334243, - "1980": 344129, - "1981": 355181, - "1982": 366387, - "1983": 377776, - "1984": 389274, - "1985": 400911, - "1986": 415125, - "1987": 428958, - "1988": 442769, - "1989": 457137, - "1990": 472384, - "1991": 489790, - "1992": 508097, - "1993": 527258, - "1994": 547034, - "1995": 567282, - "1996": 589305, - "1997": 611412, - "1998": 633684, - "1999": 656223, - "2000": 679176, - "2001": 714244, - "2002": 749507, - "2003": 785090, - "2004": 820997, - "2005": 857207, - "2006": 881722, - "2007": 907302, - "2008": 934375, - "2009": 963294, - "2010": 994386, - "2011": 1024212, - "2012": 1055819, - "2013": 1089827, - "2014": 1127124, - "2015": 1168301, - "2016": 1210616, - "2017": 1256674 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.70331105237992, - "1961": 1.69997208766222, - "1962": 1.70191833427117, - "1963": 1.70559483525452, - "1964": 1.70623387329738, - "1965": 1.70190952197873, - "1966": 1.67315024450186, - "1967": 1.64288382872298, - "1968": 1.61712182993536, - "1969": 1.60313352538166, - "1970": 1.6036311630256, - "1971": 1.60070880786981, - "1972": 1.60931238924582, - "1973": 1.62424119168346, - "1974": 1.63919991007855, - "1975": 1.65103728598573, - "1976": 1.64678567019702, - "1977": 1.64249682577811, - "1978": 1.63862147994464, - "1979": 1.63579535765287, - "1980": 1.63425294136577, - "1981": 1.61517747499982, - "1982": 1.59961550987655, - "1983": 1.58905082511563, - "1984": 1.58501656727628, - "1985": 1.58801722402789, - "1986": 1.58727571468157, - "1987": 1.59058692239046, - "1988": 1.59853794860622, - "1989": 1.61243328451707, - "1990": 1.63292141277261, - "1991": 1.64937531571455, - "1992": 1.67336682047734, - "1993": 1.70404341320785, - "1994": 1.73894344200259, - "1995": 1.77558889985434, - "1996": 1.80273176271004, - "1997": 1.83163269373052, - "1998": 1.86258717466124, - "1999": 1.89497427109652, - "2000": 1.92785597142989, - "2001": 1.96351244478646, - "2002": 1.991729418394, - "2003": 2.01945820452848, - "2004": 2.04607278641919, - "2005": 2.06763349510522, - "2006": 2.08072505268048, - "2007": 2.09648285649498, - "2008": 2.11793055556331, - "2009": 2.14860551270357, - "2010": 2.18967732779042, - "2011": 2.22600239945452, - "2012": 2.27084968865476, - "2013": 2.3256610628941, - "2014": 2.39252945398244, - "2015": 2.47183983561441, - "2016": 2.55042792397951, - "2017": 2.64221092918304 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.30350411001768, - "1961": 2.26488128709869, - "1962": 2.22014625677822, - "1963": 2.1779783029336, - "1964": 2.14975773524826, - "1965": 2.14002930265906, - "1966": 2.12424566335334, - "1967": 2.12499912040674, - "1968": 2.13510492292392, - "1969": 2.14553874569528, - "1970": 2.15165140883138, - "1971": 2.14012554785772, - "1972": 2.12959043583202, - "1973": 2.11922474617715, - "1974": 2.10790601368651, - "1975": 2.09491775496855, - "1976": 2.06898417130581, - "1977": 2.04255797049455, - "1978": 2.01947699066802, - "1979": 2.00511734860704, - "1980": 2.00186238534121, - "1981": 1.99116042362913, - "1982": 1.99256055093561, - "1983": 2.00303200199946, - "1984": 2.01915807004978, - "1985": 2.0392367374709, - "1986": 2.0543485684669, - "1987": 2.0729479105071, - "1988": 2.09575740669236, - "1989": 2.1238488916351, - "1990": 2.1569583533067, - "1991": 2.18382084921473, - "1992": 2.21443943872891, - "1993": 2.24576017297693, - "1994": 2.27506668112126, - "1995": 2.30192245837312, - "1996": 2.32359563905321, - "1997": 2.34691727418749, - "1998": 2.37081285170713, - "1999": 2.39417732770542, - "2000": 2.41675453151599, - "2001": 2.4315572900135, - "2002": 2.4420330034273, - "2003": 2.45251407550303, - "2004": 2.4696632866296, - "2005": 2.4984251600285, - "2006": 2.54156301477342, - "2007": 2.5955401526834, - "2008": 2.65936097631503, - "2009": 2.73314231463039, - "2010": 2.81735802190773, - "2011": 2.90431231641641, - "2012": 3.00303579502897, - "2013": 3.10732967384417, - "2014": 3.20926399316168, - "2015": 3.30461246827631, - "2016": 3.38499726974767, - "2017": 3.460974213031 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.72780331698677, - "1961": 2.70858451038127, - "1962": 2.7055106689376, - "1963": 2.71099617596082, - "1964": 2.71588864357579, - "1965": 2.71510264589849, - "1966": 2.69142265576999, - "1967": 2.66907050639534, - "1968": 2.64685032322228, - "1969": 2.62362175817852, - "1970": 2.5992527229356, - "1971": 2.56170561729651, - "1972": 2.52566258482089, - "1973": 2.49364357600058, - "1974": 2.46958015960517, - "1975": 2.45550561510703, - "1976": 2.44282886199461, - "1977": 2.43872581898044, - "1978": 2.44230825070712, - "1979": 2.4531368286616, - "1980": 2.47066535463815, - "1981": 2.47989662972166, - "1982": 2.49907599828969, - "1983": 2.52563900905708, - "1984": 2.55621075699419, - "1985": 2.58849539637602, - "1986": 2.61630997045745, - "1987": 2.6449890969251, - "1988": 2.67347114170233, - "1989": 2.70113231471122, - "1990": 2.72724650540551, - "1991": 2.73902102658891, - "1992": 2.752637611443, - "1993": 2.76751009872634, - "1994": 2.7817729608212, - "1995": 2.7947858759165, - "1996": 2.80513545413361, - "1997": 2.81590458543453, - "1998": 2.83004603992983, - "1999": 2.85220569264942, - "2000": 2.88541248603155, - "2001": 2.91696447532774, - "2002": 2.95815348403867, - "2003": 3.01153472605443, - "2004": 3.07911649511932, - "2005": 3.16058184600056, - "2006": 3.25257424250095, - "2007": 3.35852625972285, - "2008": 3.47261957062369, - "2009": 3.58469137092224, - "2010": 3.6875968632022, - "2011": 3.77318453116021, - "2012": 3.84972019479552, - "2013": 3.92258849366022, - "2014": 4.00032901368471, - "2015": 4.08718631169506, - "2016": 4.17354469753809, - "2017": 4.26770672493444 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.34791755707559, - "1961": 3.3221703406257, - "1962": 3.29144761592315, - "1963": 3.25661412051684, - "1964": 3.21978934755052, - "1965": 3.18219603686732, - "1966": 3.12699788743656, - "1967": 3.07489437925999, - "1968": 3.0288294380905, - "1969": 2.99331968369446, - "1970": 2.97051215913803, - "1971": 2.9485692245377, - "1972": 2.94022437811094, - "1973": 2.9424655243093, - "1974": 2.95148772798057, - "1975": 2.9645847728469, - "1976": 2.97532327637318, - "1977": 2.98927783722403, - "1978": 3.00733463954252, - "1979": 3.0311669275518, - "1980": 3.06083596025481, - "1981": 3.08231989095943, - "1982": 3.11262850651237, - "1983": 3.14636416554915, - "1984": 3.17659992800616, - "1985": 3.19980492451006, - "1986": 3.21504080987561, - "1987": 3.2248799889498, - "1988": 3.2309465887969, - "1989": 3.23575412055007, - "1990": 3.24078054757003, - "1991": 3.23556287598733, - "1992": 3.23387429460711, - "1993": 3.23802388692013, - "1994": 3.25118334289215, - "1995": 3.27555014933088, - "1996": 3.31055760259323, - "1997": 3.35632657014773, - "1998": 3.41377536150602, - "1999": 3.48415313982245, - "2000": 3.56736816357927, - "2001": 3.65476117077433, - "2002": 3.75459127136767, - "2003": 3.8620047529147, - "2004": 3.96932418850602, - "2005": 4.07076768363228, - "2006": 4.16416028594336, - "2007": 4.25003655670457, - "2008": 4.33094794039709, - "2009": 4.41294826473045, - "2010": 4.50027653574632, - "2011": 4.59130370317246, - "2012": 4.68690945252323, - "2013": 4.78389165778206, - "2014": 4.87859556315369, - "2015": 4.96872493801726, - "2016": 5.05136295051364, - "2017": 5.13424527868286 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.85501854947816, - "1961": 3.79223197891482, - "1962": 3.72620486481885, - "1963": 3.66331948609315, - "1964": 3.61238138703855, - "1965": 3.57759143226271, - "1966": 3.54217131122015, - "1967": 3.5241987969128, - "1968": 3.51979313774242, - "1969": 3.52413266780381, - "1970": 3.53432779546038, - "1971": 3.54094725383845, - "1972": 3.55510491803138, - "1973": 3.57491981452564, - "1974": 3.59860297122229, - "1975": 3.62461779227574, - "1976": 3.64796938993566, - "1977": 3.67233919095557, - "1978": 3.69596776456841, - "1979": 3.71725518779174, - "1980": 3.73525568349923, - "1981": 3.73865590511716, - "1982": 3.74549556028982, - "1983": 3.75275384331826, - "1984": 3.75608017520666, - "1985": 3.75404689036019, - "1986": 3.7485426472975, - "1987": 3.73836608622183, - "1988": 3.73006846506687, - "1989": 3.73264363874692, - "1990": 3.75038630429378, - "1991": 3.77226863863887, - "1992": 3.80875461174899, - "1993": 3.85949590641107, - "1994": 3.92391433774647, - "1995": 4.00123269905545, - "1996": 4.09528036837027, - "1997": 4.20262454790717, - "1998": 4.3164714873393, - "1999": 4.42831658231134, - "2000": 4.53350996552849, - "2001": 4.6283538202857, - "2002": 4.71292254142636, - "2003": 4.79092080060946, - "2004": 4.87020977180096, - "2005": 4.95625412350365, - "2006": 5.0474074226626, - "2007": 5.14560870974966, - "2008": 5.24701083907515, - "2009": 5.34525496958616, - "2010": 5.43622535952198, - "2011": 5.52068606187681, - "2012": 5.6004706621977, - "2013": 5.67156097845441, - "2014": 5.72897981565557, - "2015": 5.77067654569669, - "2016": 5.79478135721837, - "2017": 5.80370152754159 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.29542254386506, - "1961": 4.25699085574721, - "1962": 4.2320688589642, - "1963": 4.21900648344292, - "1964": 4.21581121223618, - "1965": 4.22055273266346, - "1966": 4.21782128218293, - "1967": 4.22554963941586, - "1968": 4.24136051715564, - "1969": 4.26290944080074, - "1970": 4.28833559347453, - "1971": 4.30768428154655, - "1972": 4.33322504907388, - "1973": 4.35983381821773, - "1974": 4.38096559787554, - "1975": 4.39279293088715, - "1976": 4.39300520854632, - "1977": 4.38620999466543, - "1978": 4.37482072224288, - "1979": 4.36226690898393, - "1980": 4.35060644023601, - "1981": 4.32798349765735, - "1982": 4.31160170618041, - "1983": 4.30248782208052, - "1984": 4.30264266830079, - "1985": 4.31428519680532, - "1986": 4.34070358723512, - "1987": 4.37444640268912, - "1988": 4.4183996915597, - "1989": 4.47774875366063, - "1990": 4.55452190064918, - "1991": 4.63883331993938, - "1992": 4.74131440571014, - "1993": 4.85274244379047, - "1994": 4.96087062013337, - "1995": 5.05991196812412, - "1996": 5.15891934404391, - "1997": 5.25021500049236, - "1998": 5.33665915332158, - "1999": 5.4236336160975, - "2000": 5.51378316587909, - "2001": 5.60016532662284, - "2002": 5.6884989051432, - "2003": 5.77868620426699, - "2004": 5.86854484178768, - "2005": 5.95567486037094, - "2006": 6.03464254362819, - "2007": 6.11409647720522, - "2008": 6.18768452859764, - "2009": 6.2464687048779, - "2010": 6.28670630175605, - "2011": 6.30593461412578, - "2012": 6.30427073333507, - "2013": 6.29531376706936, - "2014": 6.29990887611183, - "2015": 6.32949229493479, - "2016": 6.37922638910233, - "2017": 6.45493460402798 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.04517432832946, - "1961": 5.0460922629991, - "1962": 5.05088181235936, - "1963": 5.06013003567269, - "1964": 5.07580697445194, - "1965": 5.09757162006297, - "1966": 5.10782490131551, - "1967": 5.12682589241077, - "1968": 5.14851516658379, - "1969": 5.16516924587473, - "1970": 5.17275700184515, - "1971": 5.16439981406396, - "1972": 5.15367448153739, - "1973": 5.13919120365103, - "1974": 5.11957132030473, - "1975": 5.09463686463707, - "1976": 5.06439504601624, - "1977": 5.03017616541518, - "1978": 4.99977949063674, - "1979": 4.98375222290821, - "1980": 4.98757313980336, - "1981": 4.99648138283061, - "1982": 5.02805165976621, - "1983": 5.08001330829932, - "1984": 5.14784239988965, - "1985": 5.2274275893268, - "1986": 5.32219857036187, - "1987": 5.42658066726017, - "1988": 5.53615163362753, - "1989": 5.64408238658871, - "1990": 5.744426115498, - "1991": 5.82514867285085, - "1992": 5.90162346398465, - "1993": 5.97792871685072, - "1994": 6.05796410436995, - "1995": 6.14194965359028, - "1996": 6.23359163058349, - "1997": 6.32597834785417, - "1998": 6.41577900833681, - "1999": 6.49774172652638, - "2000": 6.56688089259836, - "2001": 6.63627305686033, - "2002": 6.70226995777695, - "2003": 6.76343901953456, - "2004": 6.81369566533368, - "2005": 6.84627925868797, - "2006": 6.85430412430848, - "2007": 6.84699659298578, - "2008": 6.83808765153744, - "2009": 6.84571815973448, - "2010": 6.87717764671312, - "2011": 6.92361351457233, - "2012": 6.99348022333528, - "2013": 7.07209878790209, - "2014": 7.13735192368173, - "2015": 7.17624264450508, - "2016": 7.18932281442106, - "2017": 7.17811008187384 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.07929749558567, - "1961": 6.09621384774393, - "1962": 6.11351898353785, - "1963": 6.12792649041239, - "1964": 6.13610843452721, - "1965": 6.1361014994233, - "1966": 6.11082962302105, - "1967": 6.08521434010296, - "1968": 6.05754748881154, - "1969": 6.02627583857602, - "1970": 5.99194901868313, - "1971": 5.94650939088363, - "1972": 5.90310427717118, - "1973": 5.86616357044952, - "1974": 5.84195925968458, - "1975": 5.83426206238294, - "1976": 5.84131207526171, - "1977": 5.8594981765772, - "1978": 5.89296997925997, - "1979": 5.94808640250582, - "1980": 6.02690319783305, - "1981": 6.11456347489744, - "1982": 6.2283534893445, - "1983": 6.35282583165344, - "1984": 6.46912942018775, - "1985": 6.56946182433853, - "1986": 6.66718799202372, - "1987": 6.74357162387143, - "1988": 6.80684270185063, - "1989": 6.8725330552705, - "1990": 6.94950321840123, - "1991": 7.02876554176616, - "1992": 7.11507899846582, - "1993": 7.20006103850814, - "1994": 7.27524736353887, - "1995": 7.33887515712256, - "1996": 7.40588704425126, - "1997": 7.4612115439785, - "1998": 7.49864310796418, - "1999": 7.51321989138797, - "2000": 7.50524585740601, - "2001": 7.51677433448803, - "2002": 7.50128511640213, - "2003": 7.47247321560345, - "2004": 7.45441303192125, - "2005": 7.46155631397539, - "2006": 7.5148015904684, - "2007": 7.59803731115019, - "2008": 7.68853107839782, - "2009": 7.75579394264574, - "2010": 7.78476871453707, - "2011": 7.79535309492162, - "2012": 7.7743943649877, - "2013": 7.73839176512952, - "2014": 7.71486770908094, - "2015": 7.71922759454763, - "2016": 7.74820081276254, - "2017": 7.80334998304388 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.30953541284902, - "1961": 7.28426550246773, - "1962": 7.2475460433636, - "1963": 7.20217887699799, - "1964": 7.15324793728792, - "1965": 7.10444008021863, - "1966": 7.03244594446736, - "1967": 6.96713135919332, - "1968": 6.91333664843362, - "1969": 6.8780343529497, - "1970": 6.86604093430412, - "1971": 6.8600696498107, - "1972": 6.87590780800844, - "1973": 6.91326660668297, - "1974": 6.97234820648768, - "1975": 7.05203292566704, - "1976": 7.14595479739151, - "1977": 7.25543205293385, - "1978": 7.37129390885103, - "1979": 7.48246258999472, - "1980": 7.58332028956136, - "1981": 7.65481212384407, - "1982": 7.726509987893, - "1983": 7.8025319436175, - "1984": 7.88574491578847, - "1985": 7.97527624864839, - "1986": 8.06130666200807, - "1987": 8.14203138064004, - "1988": 8.21834139534821, - "1989": 8.2910201364517, - "1990": 8.35903430107424, - "1991": 8.39856306828619, - "1992": 8.43808870644413, - "1993": 8.4729467072613, - "1994": 8.49454478736303, - "1995": 8.49991069085365, - "1996": 8.47373814379144, - "1997": 8.42153768287723, - "1998": 8.35994629230144, - "1999": 8.31473824822294, - "2000": 8.30199600602868, - "2001": 8.34199166820804, - "2002": 8.40407140505735, - "2003": 8.47110174586917, - "2004": 8.51686674213255, - "2005": 8.52898002345719, - "2006": 8.52797292508146, - "2007": 8.494704399308, - "2008": 8.44526230762833, - "2009": 8.40565216711176, - "2010": 8.39227648485476, - "2011": 8.4158053489866, - "2012": 8.4602444432547, - "2013": 8.50914257755756, - "2014": 8.53849218189296, - "2015": 8.53449464917714, - "2016": 8.50369847953493, - "2017": 8.44813600672779 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8.44382396388372, - "1961": 8.36233827305958, - "1962": 8.27735745664744, - "1963": 8.20017056865388, - "1964": 8.14618680502254, - "1965": 8.12340021682582, - "1966": 8.09391228232601, - "1967": 8.09572723870394, - "1968": 8.12790452511189, - "1969": 8.18938092351275, - "1970": 8.27826027249985, - "1971": 8.36751734943841, - "1972": 8.48718900197151, - "1973": 8.62096820461358, - "1974": 8.74632208679449, - "1975": 8.8506133562365, - "1976": 8.92108573533108, - "1977": 8.96763385545514, - "1978": 9.00585753054055, - "1979": 9.0586253690646, - "1980": 9.1368998562436, - "1981": 9.2096302667455, - "1982": 9.30559212642935, - "1983": 9.40761234292223, - "1984": 9.49536339346749, - "1985": 9.56060228227272, - "1986": 9.60921297904142, - "1987": 9.64025962485836, - "1988": 9.65538411591711, - "1989": 9.65770716583284, - "1990": 9.64917847098128, - "1991": 9.59651142599651, - "1992": 9.53450947674806, - "1993": 9.47621114668338, - "1994": 9.44061823683919, - "1995": 9.43891237758244, - "1996": 9.43222124266487, - "1997": 9.46240496680325, - "1998": 9.50887409771241, - "1999": 9.53903036220981, - "2000": 9.53570874015421, - "2001": 9.49182615129213, - "2002": 9.41072650836898, - "2003": 9.3188263104036, - "2004": 9.25068768689056, - "2005": 9.2234225576154, - "2006": 9.21182514000693, - "2007": 9.23230213992706, - "2008": 9.26776652083941, - "2009": 9.28854916634387, - "2010": 9.27580292148841, - "2011": 9.22806220209112, - "2012": 9.14824799058145, - "2013": 9.04138852430851, - "2014": 8.91622569693646, - "2015": 8.77915245492648, - "2016": 8.62488093660105, - "2017": 8.45742771288628 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 53.0045718814008, - "1961": 52.7020483227249, - "1962": 52.4290777698644, - "1963": 52.2052692875549, - "1964": 52.0664366240078, - "1965": 52.0272868023733, - "1966": 51.8574566756163, - "1967": 51.8244891526923, - "1968": 51.8902197911487, - "1969": 52.0106029495044, - "1970": 52.1649773579326, - "1971": 52.2121669696236, - "1972": 52.328660846138, - "1973": 52.4999711750428, - "1974": 52.7132188728465, - "1975": 52.9589814518883, - "1976": 53.1614123773705, - "1977": 53.3768292720971, - "1978": 53.6212800890493, - "1979": 53.9242769209613, - "1980": 54.2973336376944, - "1981": 54.5526968470828, - "1982": 54.9290083391841, - "1983": 55.3710599815944, - "1984": 55.8044641417992, - "1985": 56.1937747138001, - "1986": 56.5447448654036, - "1987": 56.83004057897, - "1988": 57.0913976186887, - "1989": 57.3931572487007, - "1990": 57.7611428472012, - "1991": 58.0241094697144, - "1992": 58.3716995629524, - "1993": 58.768341188018, - "1994": 59.1613813885939, - "1995": 59.5275562788987, - "1996": 59.8211147798846, - "1997": 60.1019715470671, - "1998": 60.3800535204863, - "1999": 60.6742279510699, - "2000": 60.9946792045288, - "2001": 61.3396784655984, - "2002": 61.6810336957108, - "2003": 62.0342109834372, - "2004": 62.4061324067143, - "2005": 62.7872879467663, - "2006": 63.1570400194275, - "2007": 63.5462193303377, - "2008": 63.9314730078168, - "2009": 64.2788157299829, - "2010": 64.5670043493912, - "2011": 64.7894621695093, - "2012": 64.9563395743738, - "2013": 65.0790683966736, - "2014": 65.182559049086, - "2015": 65.2807712592159, - "2016": 65.3363907296678, - "2017": 65.4036302248767 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2652731, - "1961": 2713240, - "1962": 2777517, - "1963": 2846413, - "1964": 2921667, - "1965": 3004171, - "1966": 3080669, - "1967": 3166880, - "1968": 3260976, - "1969": 3360520, - "1970": 3464369, - "1971": 3562883, - "1972": 3667889, - "1973": 3779274, - "1974": 3897152, - "1975": 4021551, - "1976": 4147032, - "1977": 4277498, - "1978": 4413536, - "1979": 4556641, - "1980": 4707322, - "1981": 4848879, - "1982": 5002456, - "1983": 5164187, - "1984": 5328234, - "1985": 5491611, - "1986": 5654562, - "1987": 5813532, - "1988": 5971975, - "1989": 6135966, - "1990": 6307977, - "1991": 6469287, - "1992": 6640426, - "1993": 6816682, - "1994": 6990692, - "1995": 7158570, - "1996": 7314094, - "1997": 7464506, - "1998": 7611519, - "1999": 7758402, - "2000": 7907375, - "2001": 8058579, - "2002": 8208595, - "2003": 8360217, - "2004": 8515331, - "2005": 8673501, - "2006": 8832072, - "2007": 8995661, - "2008": 9162092, - "2009": 9327707, - "2010": 9490009, - "2011": 9648265, - "2012": 9803165, - "2013": 9954576, - "2014": 10103866, - "2015": 10251406, - "2016": 10390638, - "2017": 10530232 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.5970746033297, - "1961": 9.56827946368687, - "1962": 9.56439520853417, - "1963": 9.58694874687062, - "1964": 9.64145814706893, - "1965": 9.73030123549155, - "1966": 9.80978512452341, - "1967": 9.9308778798906, - "1968": 10.0709776230731, - "1969": 10.2022202924184, - "1970": 10.3118904507604, - "1971": 10.37463884035, - "1972": 10.4249779115804, - "1973": 10.4702941104153, - "1974": 10.5244755292049, - "1975": 10.5950173768794, - "1976": 10.6605538152143, - "1977": 10.7349782093957, - "1978": 10.8114708120321, - "1979": 10.8824071348919, - "1980": 10.9434113302836, - "1981": 10.9571932516804, - "1982": 10.9791387535431, - "1983": 10.9977997130974, - "1984": 10.9956924139082, - "1985": 10.9651376236912, - "1986": 10.9098930786359, - "1987": 10.8219677970471, - "1988": 10.726034478127, - "1989": 10.6566867852531, - "1990": 10.6291071300212, - "1991": 10.6056140504454, - "1992": 10.6313785550716, - "1993": 10.6776610698895, - "1994": 10.7001989537684, - "1995": 10.6745052489497, - "1996": 10.5821883103993, - "1997": 10.4588510273847, - "1998": 10.3290461203676, - "1999": 10.2270113641367, - "2000": 10.1680193958071, - "2001": 10.1210111717258, - "2002": 10.1064815027021, - "2003": 10.1127101326778, - "2004": 10.1136106965927, - "2005": 10.0853461194944, - "2006": 10.0077887300537, - "2007": 9.91037073090098, - "2008": 9.79420159440523, - "2009": 9.66059666939994, - "2010": 9.50881549966359, - "2011": 9.33120678218591, - "2012": 9.13556571433418, - "2013": 8.93736217096567, - "2014": 8.75854427572637, - "2015": 8.61096135743945, - "2016": 8.4863750222281, - "2017": 8.39504409212702 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.416755732535, - "1961": 11.512547635017, - "1962": 11.6384583483793, - "1963": 11.7869175676543, - "1964": 11.9319288529844, - "1965": 12.0388901011738, - "1966": 12.0797892486512, - "1967": 12.1160166322493, - "1968": 12.154176031825, - "1969": 12.2035448098742, - "1970": 12.264601249959, - "1971": 12.3174418202505, - "1972": 12.3961937012801, - "1973": 12.4887495844691, - "1974": 12.5701209462474, - "1975": 12.6152154065384, - "1976": 12.6215751574223, - "1977": 12.6063933664222, - "1978": 12.5778176328034, - "1979": 12.5383206476531, - "1980": 12.4788584198423, - "1981": 12.3693203584208, - "1982": 12.2620681870439, - "1983": 12.1568933977561, - "1984": 12.0644982702731, - "1985": 11.9988310205639, - "1986": 11.9757567709214, - "1987": 11.9731373885193, - "1988": 11.9801200167757, - "1989": 11.9674581935326, - "1990": 11.9036297265904, - "1991": 11.7806641342533, - "1992": 11.6270179244974, - "1993": 11.4539536443567, - "1994": 11.2923379737825, - "1995": 11.1708695185056, - "1996": 11.0992081125342, - "1997": 11.0641938610787, - "1998": 11.0476634406403, - "1999": 11.0245412893004, - "2000": 10.9776821868555, - "2001": 10.9049881904118, - "2002": 10.7974424361404, - "2003": 10.6542859672075, - "2004": 10.4821701224579, - "2005": 10.2875959653403, - "2006": 10.10230180857, - "2007": 9.90569429835499, - "2008": 9.69781688957563, - "2009": 9.49095668009228, - "2010": 9.3024801674305, - "2011": 9.1645302442606, - "2012": 9.05493983273708, - "2013": 8.96585304878543, - "2014": 8.8844210407477, - "2015": 8.80106467537373, - "2016": 8.72138925701672, - "2017": 8.64710025477659 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.143020502833, - "1961": 14.292049295869, - "1962": 14.3824387669369, - "1963": 14.4055132190707, - "1964": 14.3787770054049, - "1965": 14.3282209545185, - "1966": 14.3922466396775, - "1967": 14.4787104884664, - "1968": 14.5648055693685, - "1969": 14.6171598216498, - "1970": 14.598961208388, - "1971": 14.6333478510378, - "1972": 14.6400746776189, - "1973": 14.6035984937675, - "1974": 14.5167012731704, - "1975": 14.3793594462576, - "1976": 14.293460711183, - "1977": 14.1668439655468, - "1978": 14.0038875254026, - "1979": 13.8260719219311, - "1980": 13.6572156704743, - "1981": 13.5610149593264, - "1982": 13.5262979780888, - "1983": 13.5294431111484, - "1984": 13.5194671911164, - "1985": 13.4382904412498, - "1986": 13.3474757836205, - "1987": 13.1795775098798, - "1988": 12.9452674288512, - "1989": 12.6875144571064, - "1990": 12.4600818896427, - "1991": 12.3049834823889, - "1992": 12.2061264015889, - "1993": 12.1535170207346, - "1994": 12.1119421938129, - "1995": 12.0348731427606, - "1996": 11.9542528996792, - "1997": 11.8490895823173, - "1998": 11.7161856237824, - "1999": 11.5611965013477, - "2000": 11.3954069406919, - "2001": 11.1844830460289, - "2002": 10.945412102509, - "2003": 10.6903702463711, - "2004": 10.4370400977119, - "2005": 10.2051584677745, - "2006": 10.017041958744, - "2007": 9.86292118798341, - "2008": 9.74195163641174, - "2009": 9.63807631821753, - "2010": 9.52762768661332, - "2011": 9.43918626447264, - "2012": 9.34571779033136, - "2013": 9.24728382170542, - "2014": 9.1497544493456, - "2015": 9.0609164822818, - "2016": 8.9948169221819, - "2017": 8.94227341218033 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 43.2745628479338, - "1961": 43.5497345608546, - "1962": 43.8020004647327, - "1963": 44.0124166643741, - "1964": 44.146128352826, - "1965": 44.1881327694477, - "1966": 44.3543383299807, - "1967": 44.3910342691169, - "1968": 44.3322526106415, - "1969": 44.2173236296979, - "1970": 44.0644265219213, - "1971": 43.9948580361942, - "1972": 43.8547256092559, - "1973": 43.6599749702131, - "1974": 43.4257584654055, - "1975": 43.1625327853536, - "1976": 42.9338123249145, - "1977": 42.6981790729088, - "1978": 42.4375433045764, - "1979": 42.1202215979283, - "1980": 41.7332571892331, - "1981": 41.4513128576628, - "1982": 41.0479112729966, - "1983": 40.5783792031125, - "1984": 40.1185311455054, - "1985": 39.70383807752, - "1986": 39.3040686477497, - "1987": 38.976691653104, - "1988": 38.6757792816335, - "1989": 38.3309813790131, - "1990": 37.913311256186, - "1991": 37.5828840380465, - "1992": 37.1619482833627, - "1993": 36.6860314494878, - "1994": 36.2091373171987, - "1995": 35.7551745253726, - "1996": 35.359029579006, - "1997": 34.9751230682062, - "1998": 34.593107702403, - "1999": 34.1938100948144, - "2000": 33.7663979566862, - "2001": 33.2236940757199, - "2002": 32.6870192836215, - "2003": 32.140288969556, - "2004": 31.5770415253391, - "2005": 31.0074082267526, - "2006": 30.5378785993558, - "2007": 30.0445108783569, - "2008": 29.5486212095754, - "2009": 29.0829593092123, - "2010": 28.6675072845346, - "2011": 28.3328088807483, - "2012": 28.0477418127094, - "2013": 27.7960743519077, - "2014": 27.546083688824, - "2015": 27.2795109085414, - "2016": 27.0512482572791, - "2017": 26.7911254268533 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2165771, - "1961": 2242054, - "1962": 2320483, - "1963": 2399711, - "1964": 2477225, - "1965": 2551521, - "1966": 2634935, - "1967": 2712638, - "1968": 2786005, - "1969": 2856979, - "1970": 2926397, - "1971": 3002146, - "1972": 3073922, - "1973": 3142916, - "1974": 3210518, - "1975": 3277638, - "1976": 3349194, - "1977": 3421735, - "1978": 3493010, - "1979": 3559189, - "1980": 3618076, - "1981": 3684372, - "1982": 3738286, - "1983": 3784546, - "1984": 3830534, - "1985": 3880110, - "1986": 3930468, - "1987": 3987191, - "1988": 4045632, - "1989": 4098008, - "1990": 4140436, - "1991": 4190232, - "1992": 4227582, - "1993": 4255301, - "1994": 4278584, - "1995": 4299789, - "1996": 4323210, - "1997": 4343818, - "1998": 4360812, - "1999": 4372356, - "2000": 4377489, - "2001": 4364806, - "2002": 4350032, - "2003": 4331477, - "2004": 4308695, - "2005": 4283396, - "2006": 4270510, - "2007": 4253128, - "2008": 4234647, - "2009": 4220322, - "2010": 4213528, - "2011": 4219243, - "2012": 4232946, - "2013": 4251723, - "2014": 4269884, - "2015": 4283855, - "2016": 4302039, - "2017": 4313473 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 17.7147866125658, - "1961": 17.7451376299686, - "1962": 17.7811033494165, - "1963": 17.8199858776491, - "1964": 17.8354224944368, - "1965": 17.8210217137553, - "1966": 17.882302441652, - "1967": 17.7963071484012, - "1968": 17.613271009448, - "1969": 17.3966189981739, - "1970": 17.2008640635743, - "1971": 17.0440683649059, - "1972": 16.8184572303569, - "1973": 16.5676268919764, - "1974": 16.3389362459877, - "1975": 16.1679579325576, - "1976": 16.0187764563092, - "1977": 15.9249417409398, - "1978": 15.8558381463704, - "1979": 15.755829028344, - "1980": 15.5971830989165, - "1981": 15.5209775399156, - "1982": 15.2595451078639, - "1983": 14.8920426942079, - "1984": 14.5345656841159, - "1985": 14.2667166157063, - "1986": 13.9808360932078, - "1987": 13.8239767547049, - "1988": 13.7503918360066, - "1989": 13.6760087283742, - "1990": 13.549599639953, - "1991": 13.4972364214043, - "1992": 13.3288039572764, - "1993": 13.0785607843966, - "1994": 12.8048571496033, - "1995": 12.5494318641064, - "1996": 12.3055685667925, - "1997": 12.0618396248102, - "1998": 11.8292586379803, - "1999": 11.6080723041662, - "2000": 11.3933088291388, - "2001": 11.1342228392792, - "2002": 10.9441647449721, - "2003": 10.7956327559774, - "2004": 10.6578313051694, - "2005": 10.5146537936378, - "2006": 10.4185348320417, - "2007": 10.2758953920186, - "2008": 10.108852683588, - "2009": 9.95392631090254, - "2010": 9.8373994304908, - "2011": 9.7290923720151, - "2012": 9.64708418964098, - "2013": 9.58293748141686, - "2014": 9.51190819873072, - "2015": 9.41752975088588, - "2016": 9.33504207808044, - "2017": 9.20175175989635 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 19.9, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 17.7, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 21.3, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 18.7, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 17.5, - "2007": "", - "2008": 17.5, - "2009": 19, - "2010": 20.1, - "2011": 18.8, - "2012": 19.1, - "2013": "", - "2014": 18.6, - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 16.40212059021, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 9.27567958831787, - "1978": 14.9357795715332, - "1979": 15.608980178833, - "1980": 18.2693195343018, - "1981": 18.6492099761963, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 13.8940095901489, - "1994": "", - "1995": 14.8668804168701, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 9.51642990112305, - "1999": 9.93101978302002, - "2000": 10.3901100158691, - "2001": 10.3947696685791, - "2002": 9.67593955993652, - "2003": 7.38550996780396, - "2004": 7.3831000328064, - "2005": 8.68778991699219, - "2006": 8.40347003936768, - "2007": 7.50579023361206, - "2008": 6.73749017715454, - "2009": 6.46747016906738, - "2010": 5.8792200088501, - "2011": 5.14483022689819, - "2012": 4.48300981521606, - "2013": 4.48023986816406, - "2014": 3.88772010803223, - "2015": 2.89066004753113, - "2016": 2.64842009544373, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 66.3081512451172, - "1978": 53.896671295166, - "1979": 63.7672004699707, - "1980": 68.0959091186523, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 72.5888824462891, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 84.9431228637695, - "1999": 81.7548828125, - "2000": 80.4578323364258, - "2001": 76.7653274536133, - "2002": "", - "2003": 83.688117980957, - "2004": 84.9451522827148, - "2005": 83.9068984985352, - "2006": 89.5678176879883, - "2007": 82.1506576538086, - "2008": 87.5698394775391, - "2009": 90.9920272827148, - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 91.9978637695313, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 75.1686935424805, - "1978": 60.5240592956543, - "1979": 69.4373931884766, - "1980": 73.5544509887695, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 77.0887908935547, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 87.5836868286133, - "1999": 86.6598968505859, - "2000": 86.0798110961914, - "2001": 82.7331008911133, - "2002": "", - "2003": 89.7753601074219, - "2004": 89.8949432373047, - "2005": 88.5395736694336, - "2006": 93.2895278930664, - "2007": 86.1826095581055, - "2008": 91.0813980102539, - "2009": 93.7223281860352, - "2010": 84.4389114379883, - "2011": 77.8172988891602, - "2012": "", - "2013": 93.777946472168, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el quinto grado, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 25.1066703796387, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 18.9699802398682, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 17.6011695861816, - "1994": "", - "1995": 24.1690006256104, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 16.9151992797852, - "1999": 16.7713394165039, - "2000": 15.8652601242065, - "2001": 14.8622398376465, - "2002": 14.3700704574585, - "2003": 12.624400138855, - "2004": 12.6243801116943, - "2005": 11.9681997299194, - "2006": 11.8247003555298, - "2007": 12.2448902130127, - "2008": 11.5320100784302, - "2009": 11.3450403213501, - "2010": 10.3103799819946, - "2011": 9.54613971710205, - "2012": 9.45825004577637, - "2013": 8.67220020294189, - "2014": 7.74471998214722, - "2015": 6.71103000640869, - "2016": 6.22891998291016, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Alumnos de mayor edad, nivel primario, mujeres (% de matrícula de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.OENR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 111.178573608398, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 123.154182434082, - "1978": 116.815849304199, - "1979": 116.224510192871, - "1980": 116.536880493164, - "1981": 119.895027160645, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 121.098327636719, - "1994": "", - "1995": 118.343963623047, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 120.452346801758, - "1999": 121.362098693848, - "2000": 117.818962097168, - "2001": 118.534080505371, - "2002": 117.80354309082, - "2003": 113.831336975098, - "2004": 110.966117858887, - "2005": 111.062698364258, - "2006": 107.866142272949, - "2007": 107.803497314453, - "2008": 103.407836914063, - "2009": 103.642082214355, - "2010": 107.535026550293, - "2011": 105.478218078613, - "2012": 90.6481170654297, - "2013": 93.7644882202148, - "2014": 92.6168670654297, - "2015": 98.2173004150391, - "2016": 101.808471679688, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa bruta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 97.2108993530273, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 101.55549621582, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 109.379203796387, - "1978": 110.83081817627, - "1979": 108.835487365723, - "1980": 109.543601989746, - "1981": 111.491889953613, - "1982": 113.576080322266, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 117.171279907227, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - 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"1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 45.8893089294434, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 46.4466705322266, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 47.7745208740234, - "1978": 48.1232109069824, - "1979": 47.6291198730469, - "1980": 47.9101982116699, - "1981": 48.1260681152344, - "1982": 47.5917587280273, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 48.1530303955078, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 48.5799903869629, - "1992": 48.5502815246582, - "1993": 48.5816993713379, - "1994": "", - "1995": 48.5816917419434, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 48.8835296630859, - "1999": 49.010181427002, - "2000": 49.0340881347656, - "2001": 49.0970687866211, - "2002": 49.0829391479492, - "2003": 49.0204811096191, - "2004": 49.0365982055664, - "2005": 49.0601615905762, - "2006": 49.0042304992676, - "2007": 49.0141487121582, - "2008": 49.0527305603027, - "2009": 49.0133514404297, - "2010": 49.0601005554199, - "2011": 48.91162109375, - "2012": 48.7655792236328, - "2013": 48.8618202209473, - "2014": 48.9521408081055, - "2015": 48.9706802368164, - "2016": 49.0734100341797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 27.5532493591309, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 44.2566413879395, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 42.5531806945801, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 79.6410522460938, - "2005": 66.2373886108398, - "2006": 64.8725204467773, - "2007": 66.1341705322266, - "2008": 65.7824783325195, - "2009": 65.6573333740234, - "2010": 71.8836669921875, - "2011": 72.6237182617188, - "2012": 74.2169418334961, - "2013": 75.2330932617188, - "2014": 74.280403137207, - "2015": 75.2641296386719, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela primaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CUAT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 62.6108818054199, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 74.1317672729492, - "1978": 73.3493270874023, - "1979": 73.6949615478516, - "1980": 74.5740509033203, - "1981": 73.2970581054688, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - 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"1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 5.99890995025635, - "1971": 6.60086011886597, - "1972": 7.20349979400635, - "1973": 8.64694023132324, - "1974": 10.04358959198, - "1975": 12.1021795272827, - "1976": 13.1058197021484, - "1977": 13.4970798492432, - "1978": "", - "1979": 14.0186195373535, - "1980": 15.1139001846313, - "1981": 16.0586204528809, - "1982": 17.5200595855713, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 20.8117408752441, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 30.0437698364258, - "1992": "", - "1993": 33.0262718200684, - "1994": "", - "1995": 35.1008796691895, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 57.4724082946777, - "1999": 56.5135498046875, - "2000": 59.0798988342285, - "2001": 62.7684593200684, - "2002": 60.7887382507324, - "2003": 60.0858688354492, - "2004": 62.8813095092773, - "2005": 64.4681701660156, - "2006": 65.2962188720703, - "2007": 69.4759979248047, - "2008": 73.2374725341797, - "2009": 77.9454879760742, - "2010": 78.7401962280273, - "2011": 77.1505432128906, - "2012": 77.257080078125, - "2013": 85.6049118041992, - "2014": 88.1948394775391, - "2015": 89.2614288330078, - "2016": 89.6323013305664, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel preprimario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRE.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 0.532140016555786, - "1971": 0.526419997215271, - "1972": 0.491780012845993, - "1973": 0.485210001468658, - "1974": 0.486110001802444, - "1975": 0.468609988689423, - "1976": 0.435990005731583, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 0.541299998760223, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - 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"countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación secundaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 0.865130007266998, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 0.884800016880035, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 0.934849977493286, - "1978": 0.949970006942749, - "1979": 0.933210015296936, - "1980": 0.945450007915497, - "1981": 0.954750001430511, - "1982": 0.935350000858307, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 0.957040011882782, - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 0.972220003604889, - "1992": 0.971409976482391, - "1993": 0.97298002243042, - "1994": "", - "1995": 0.973010003566742, - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 0.986370027065277, - "1999": 0.992179989814758, - "2000": 0.993640005588531, - 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"1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 11.8, - "2006": 11.8, - "2007": 11.8, - "2008": 11.8, - "2009": 11, - "2010": 11, - "2011": 11, - "2012": 11, - "2013": 11, - "2014": 11, - "2015": 11, - "2016": 11, - "2017": 11 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": 5.90000009536743, - "1970": 4.84000015258789, - "1971": 4.57000017166138, - "1972": 4.40000009536743, - "1973": 4.23000001907349, - "1974": 4, - "1975": 4.92000007629395, - "1976": 5.19999980926514, - "1977": 5.82000017166138, - "1978": 6.5, - "1979": 7.11999988555908, - "1980": 6.96999979019165, - "1981": 6.76999998092651, - "1982": 6.98000001907349, - "1983": 9.19999980926514, - "1984": 10.5, - "1985": 11.789999961853, - "1986": "", - "1987": 3.63000011444092, - "1988": "", - "1989": 7.92000007629395, - "1990": 8.60000038146973, - "1991": 5.80000019073486, - "1992": 9.39999961853027, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 7.07000017166138, - "1997": 7.69000005722046, - "1998": 7.75, - "1999": 7.98999977111816, - "2000": "", - "2001": 7.88000011444092, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 2.94000005722046, - "1988": "", - "1989": 6.05000019073486, - "1990": 6.5, - "1991": 4.80999994277954, - "1992": 7.5, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 6.38000011444092, - "1997": 6.80000019073486, - "1998": 6.55000019073486, - "1999": 7.48999977111816, - "2000": "", - "2001": 7.15999984741211, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 6.02799987792969, - "1992": 6.32499980926514, - "1993": 5.66099977493286, - "1994": 5.19799995422363, - "1995": 5.38000011444092, - "1996": 5.90399980545044, - "1997": 5.44199991226196, - "1998": 6.26900005340576, - "1999": 6.09899997711182, - "2000": 5.85200023651123, - "2001": 6.10500001907349, - "2002": 5.92500019073486, - "2003": 4.65000009536743, - "2004": 5.37400007247925, - "2005": 4.87099981307983, - "2006": 4.75600004196167, - "2007": 4.56300020217896, - "2008": 4.54699993133545, - "2009": 3.94899988174438, - "2010": 3.80999994277954, - "2011": 3.61899995803833, - "2012": 3.50200009346008, - "2013": 3.54399991035461, - "2014": 3.06900000572205, - "2015": 2.96199989318848, - "2016": 3.56800007820129, - "2017": 3.73300004005432 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 4.8899998664856, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 11.5, - "1991": 7.32999992370605, - "1992": 12.5, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 8.06999969482422, - "1997": 8.84000015258789, - "1998": 9.27999973297119, - "1999": 8.60000038146973, - "2000": "", - "2001": 8.77000045776367, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 21.4862995147705, - "2003": 18.578800201416, - "2004": 25.031400680542, - "2005": 27.382999420166, - "2006": 23.9983005523682, - "2007": 22.2649993896484, - "2008": 21.7492008209229, - "2009": 20.656400680542, - "2010": 18.7518997192383, - "2011": 19.9489002227783, - "2012": 19.0884990692139, - "2013": 19.6812000274658, - "2014": 20.3285007476807, - "2015": 21.5114994049072, - "2016": 20.0230007171631, - "2017": 20.7716999053955 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 7.6016001701355, - "2003": 9.15740013122559, - "2004": 8.35249996185303, - "2005": 8.73040008544922, - "2006": 7.85769987106323, - "2007": 7.60120010375977, - "2008": 7.03350019454956, - "2009": 7.52540016174316, - "2010": 6.8737998008728, - "2011": 6.37779998779297, - "2012": 5.56419992446899, - "2013": 5.90590000152588, - "2014": 5.83239984512329, - "2015": 6.52640008926392, - "2016": 7.25330018997192, - "2017": 7.17170000076294 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.80999994277954, - "1998": 1.37000000476837, - "1999": 1.69000005722046, - "2000": 1.54999995231628, - "2001": 1.44000005722046, - "2002": 5.15939998626709, - "2003": 8.15709972381592, - "2004": 8.48019981384277, - "2005": 8.67020034790039, - "2006": 7.21360015869141, - "2007": 6.91349983215332, - "2008": 7.58489990234375, - "2009": 6.04010009765625, - "2010": 6.61520004272461, - "2011": 6.10440015792847, - "2012": 5.90829992294312, - "2013": 3.91129994392395, - "2014": 4.55089998245239, - "2015": 4.38619995117188, - "2016": 4.5952000617981, - "2017": 6.31029987335205 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 5.84999990463257, - "1998": 6.42999982833862, - "1999": 6.57000017166138, - "2000": 6.94999980926514, - "2001": 6.1100001335144, - "2002": 6.83879995346069, - "2003": 6.22149991989136, - "2004": 5.77029991149902, - "2005": 5.6596999168396, - "2006": 4.97830009460449, - "2007": 5.21610021591187, - "2008": 3.64310002326965, - "2009": 4.24209976196289, - "2010": 4.07469987869263, - "2011": 3.54010009765625, - "2012": 4.00839996337891, - "2013": 2.91009998321533, - "2014": 3.38199996948242, - "2015": 3.34599995613098, - "2016": 4.14029979705811, - "2017": 3.91519999504089 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 9.98999977111816, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 13.3100004196167, - "1997": 13.0500001907349, - "1998": 13.7200002670288, - "1999": 12.6400003433228, - "2000": 13.6400003433228, - "2001": 13.2399997711182, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 9.5600004196167, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 12.3900003433228, - "1997": 12.5699996948242, - "1998": 12.1800003051758, - "1999": 13.0799999237061, - "2000": 13.6700000762939, - "2001": 12.6199998855591, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - 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"2011": 7.44299983978271, - "2012": 8.3430004119873, - "2013": 6.68499994277954, - "2014": 7.76000022888184, - "2015": 6.32499980926514, - "2016": 8.75300025939941, - "2017": 8.32999992370605 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 10.8299999237061, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 14.5500001907349, - "1997": 13.6099996566772, - "1998": 15.4700002670288, - "1999": 12.1599998474121, - "2000": 13.6099996566772, - "2001": 13.9499998092651, - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - 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"1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 73.8583374023438, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 81.6587524414063, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 82.0626220703125, - "2005": 82.4543685913086, - "2006": 83.4548721313477, - "2007": 84.6468811035156, - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 90.668830871582, - "2013": "", - "2014": 90.4491806030273, - "2015": 91.2465286254883, - "2016": 91.1885299682617, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 0.930069983005524, - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 0.967010021209717, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 0.978049993515015, - "2005": 0.983319997787476, - "2006": 0.984210014343262, - "2007": 0.986649990081787, - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 0.999559998512268, - "2013": "", - "2014": 0.996290028095245, - "2015": 0.995299994945526, - "2016": 0.995800018310547, - 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"1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 100.5, - "2004": 100.5, - "2005": 104.5, - "2006": 74.5, - "2007": 74.5, - "2008": 67, - "2009": 41, - "2010": 27.5, - "2011": 26.5, - "2012": 26.5, - "2013": 26.5, - "2014": 26.5, - "2015": 26.5, - "2016": 26.5, - "2017": 26.5 - }, - "countryName": "Perú", - "countryCode": "PER", - "indicatorName": "Tiempo necesario para iniciar un negocio, mujeres (días)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.REG.DURS.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 32.2900009155273, - "1992": 31.9120006561279, - "1993": 31.0400009155273, - "1994": 31.1490001678467, - "1995": 32.2669982910156, - "1996": 33.1619987487793, - "1997": 33.1339988708496, - "1998": 34.0029983520508, - "1999": 33.7859992980957, - "2000": 33.6389999389648, - "2001": 33.7120018005371, - "2002": 33.5390014648438, - "2003": 33.7910003662109, - "2004": 32.9480018615723, - "2005": 32.9830017089844, - "2006": 34.632999420166, - "2007": 36.2360000610352, - "2008": 36.9650001525879, - "2009": 36.5940017700195, - 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"indicatorCode": "SH.ANM.NPRG.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 33.3, - "1991": 32, - "1992": 30.8, - "1993": 29.7, - "1994": 28.7, - "1995": 27.8, - "1996": 27, - "1997": 26.2, - "1998": 25.4, - "1999": 24.6, - "2000": 23.9, - "2001": 23.2, - "2002": 22.5, - "2003": 21.8, - "2004": 21.1, - "2005": 20.3, - "2006": 19.4, - "2007": 18.5, - "2008": 17.6, - "2009": 16.6, - "2010": 15.8, - "2011": 15.2, - "2012": 14.7, - "2013": 14.4, - "2014": 14.3, - "2015": 14.4, - "2016": 14.6, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Prevalencia de anemia entre mujeres en edad fértil (% de mujeres de entre 15 y 49 años)", - "indicatorCode": "SH.ANM.ALLW.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que creen que está justificado que un marido golpee a su esposa cuando ella se niega a tener relaciones sexuales (%)", - 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"indicatorCode": "SG.VAW.1549.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 0, - "2014": "", - "2015": 0, - "2016": "", - "2017": 0 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "La ley exige igualdad de remuneración para hombres y mujeres por trabajo de igual valor (1=sí; 0=no)", - 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"indicatorCode": "SG.JOB.NOPN.EQ" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 12, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 14.2, - "1998": 17.4, - "1999": 18.2, - "2000": 16, - "2001": 16, - "2002": 16, - "2003": 22.6, - "2004": 22.6, - "2005": 24.2, - "2006": 22.6, - "2007": 23.2, - "2008": 23.2, - "2009": 27.6, - "2010": 26.2, - "2011": 26.2, - "2012": 36.8, - "2013": 36.8, - "2014": 37.4, - "2015": 42.4, - "2016": 42.4, - "2017": 42.6 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de escaños ocupados por mujeres en los parlamentos nacionales (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SG.GEN.PARL.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educacin terciaria, profesores (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 2.15122008323669, - "1972": 2.48431992530823, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 5.11663007736206, - "1978": 6.08361005783081, - "1979": "", - "1980": 8.34525966644287, - "1981": 9.09467029571533, - "1982": 9.83487033843994, - "1983": 10.4100999832153, - "1984": 10.8674297332764, - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 11.7746295928955, - "1994": 12.1846904754639, - "1995": 12.7100200653076, - "1996": 13.847339630127, - "1997": 14.7216701507568, - "1998": 15.9961595535278, - "1999": 17.2146892547607, - "2000": 18.658519744873, - "2001": 19.7050094604492, - "2002": 20.9156703948975, - "2003": 22.0414009094238, - "2004": 23.0993499755859, - "2005": 23.8413505554199, - "2006": 24.339469909668, - "2007": 24.8660297393799, - 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"1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 0.0989099964499474, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 0.0553499981760979, - "2014": 0.0442100018262863, - "2015": 0.166989997029305, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos nivel de doctorado o equivalente, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.DO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 11.5771198272705, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 12.9674301147461, - "2014": 12.8495397567749, - "2015": 13.6109304428101, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos nivel de licenciatura o equivalente, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 18.4584999084473, - "2000": 18.5202007293701, - "2001": "", - "2002": 13.6679201126099, - "2003": 10.1943998336792, - "2004": 8.81509971618652, - "2005": 8.85035991668701, - "2006": 6.92757987976074, - "2007": 6.30041980743408, - "2008": 6.90633010864258, - "2009": 8.32923030853271, - "2010": 11.0055799484253, - "2011": 12.3255395889282, - "2012": 12.6420297622681, - "2013": 9.9647102355957, - "2014": 8.00582981109619, - "2015": 5.94252014160156, - "2016": 5.64198017120361, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Adolescentes que no asisten a la escuela, mujeres (% de mujeres en edad de asistir al ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.UNER.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 0.575469844821104, - "1991": 0.556243602403939, - "1992": 0.534102261538524, - "1993": 0.512607448379551, - "1994": 0.499479513804929, - "1995": 0.52662136478357, - "1996": 0.516202916758395, - "1997": 0.492882811119239, - 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"1967": 50.1402925624016, - "1968": 50.1347945889094, - "1969": 50.1302379496851, - "1970": 50.1269203851996, - "1971": 50.1251844724604, - "1972": 50.1248392362608, - "1973": 50.1251156892843, - "1974": 50.1250571391677, - "1975": 50.1241851869247, - "1976": 50.122078261603, - "1977": 50.1193922520359, - "1978": 50.117991533671, - "1979": 50.120230944788, - "1980": 50.1274255986448, - "1981": 50.1400900538471, - "1982": 50.1571246962244, - "1983": 50.1763168471198, - "1984": 50.1948354933124, - "1985": 50.2108344417773, - "1986": 50.2234787523967, - "1987": 50.2335706332245, - "1988": 50.2428417043025, - "1989": 50.2536575476627, - "1990": 50.2673760392319, - "1991": 50.2842376536875, - "1992": 50.3029574693023, - "1993": 50.3215872512599, - "1994": 50.3376479518284, - "1995": 50.3494427431597, - "1996": 50.3569234822169, - "1997": 50.3606139277588, - "1998": 50.3602775182666, - "1999": 50.355779590591, - "2000": 50.3472425804614, - "2001": 50.3344423910029, - "2002": 50.3179929878801, - "2003": 50.2998344658808, - "2004": 50.2824934371356, - "2005": 50.2677749896704, - "2006": 50.2563333652732, - "2007": 50.2477405779241, - "2008": 50.2413444655974, - "2009": 50.2360611763824, - "2010": 50.2311246589852, - "2011": 50.2264648166746, - "2012": 50.2223440038377, - "2013": 50.2187186413498, - "2014": 50.2155800705633, - "2015": 50.2129295235281, - "2016": 50.2106822126913, - "2017": 50.2088000617141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 19156559, - "1961": 19766220, - "1962": 20393694, - "1963": 21038608, - "1964": 21700487, - "1965": 22379424, - "1966": 23072797, - "1967": 23781446, - "1968": 24512916, - "1969": 25277411, - "1970": 26080967, - "1971": 26926610, - "1972": 27808334, - "1973": 28711961, - "1974": 29617991, - "1975": 30511794, - "1976": 31388332, - "1977": 32249766, - "1978": 33097665, - "1979": 33936252, - "1980": 34768819, - "1981": 35595551, - "1982": 36415343, - "1983": 37229095, - "1984": 38037950, - "1985": 38843457, - "1986": 39643463, - "1987": 40439557, - "1988": 41241293, - "1989": 42061252, - "1990": 42907164, - "1991": 43783246, - "1992": 44683267, - "1993": 45591586, - "1994": 46486389, - "1995": 47351425, - "1996": 48185257, - "1997": 48991681, - "1998": 49766759, - "1999": 50507138, - "2000": 51213051, - "2001": 51878234, - "2002": 52509648, - "2003": 53136973, - "2004": 53800047, - "2005": 54526575, - "2006": 55328392, - "2007": 56195237, - "2008": 57105221, - "2009": 58025277, - "2010": 58930624, - "2011": 59814705, - "2012": 60682808, - "2013": 61535994, - "2014": 62378597, - "2015": 63213533, - "2016": 64038916, - "2017": 64851331 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - 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"countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 53.8530082702637, - "2000": 55.3409194946289, - "2001": "", - "2002": 60.324821472168, - "2003": 63.2065582275391, - "2004": 65.012092590332, - "2005": 66.6292495727539, - "2006": 68.0054168701172, - "2007": 69.3793334960938, - "2008": 70.1110763549805, - "2009": 69.9764404296875, - "2010": 69.6642379760742, - "2011": 69.36279296875, - "2012": 69.5795288085938, - "2013": 72.6909484863281, - "2014": 74.4079132080078, - "2015": 76.8230590820313, - "2016": 78.6078872680664, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 16.3660202026367, - "1972": 18.8100395202637, - "1973": "", - "1974": 23.133150100708, - "1975": 24.950590133667, - "1976": 27.1732597351074, - "1977": 32.8336296081543, - "1978": 35.3179588317871, - "1979": 37.7659187316895, - "1980": 40.3788909912109, - "1981": 45.3581886291504, - "1982": 49.7917594909668, - "1983": 51.5937004089355, - "1984": 53.3869209289551, - "1985": 52.309268951416, - "1986": 53.8731307983398, - "1987": 53.6404800415039, - "1988": 53.3380508422852, - "1989": 53.293140411377, - "1990": 52.3982810974121, - "1991": 51.7791786193848, - "1992": 51.068000793457, - "1993": 52.367618560791, - "1994": 54.2611999511719, - "1995": 56.6984405517578, - "1996": 59.0895690917969, - "1997": 61.6367416381836, - "1998": 65.8298568725586, - "1999": 68.742561340332, - "2000": 71.9352416992188, - "2001": 74.1587524414063, - "2002": 77.1828231811523, - "2003": 81.6951217651367, - "2004": 82.5823135375977, - "2005": 83.3487777709961, - "2006": 85.4001998901367, - "2007": 86.4813385009766, - "2008": 88.200798034668, - "2009": 87.591911315918, - "2010": 87.8837738037109, - "2011": 87.8781127929688, - "2012": 89.2878112792969, - "2013": 90.9356002807617, - "2014": 94.6566162109375, - "2015": 98.7249298095703, - "2016": 101.36109161377, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 42.6027793884277, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": 65.8379898071289, - "1975": 66.0780563354492, - "1976": 70.6163177490234, - "1977": 65.3352508544922, - "1978": 67.2568588256836, - "1979": 67.0101013183594, - "1980": 67.1832122802734, - "1981": 66.2561416625977, - "1982": 62.8651885986328, - "1983": 62.1298294067383, - "1984": 60.8985290527344, - "1985": 59.7556800842285, - "1986": 62.2541694641113, - "1987": 61.3211784362793, - "1988": 61.782039642334, - "1989": 63.4597816467285, - "1990": 63.2202186584473, - "1991": 63.338550567627, - "1992": 53.7262191772461, - "1993": 57.0093803405762, - "1994": 59.3088188171387, - "1995": 58.4569282531738, - "1996": 57.8544502258301, - "1997": 56.5431213378906, - "1998": 55.5537414550781, - "1999": 55.9118194580078, - "2000": 56.1070518493652, - "2001": 55.9407691955566, - "2002": 57.0930213928223, - "2003": 59.2524299621582, - "2004": 57.3966484069824, - "2005": 56.6326904296875, - "2006": 56.0685005187988, - "2007": 55.6003608703613, - "2008": 55.4262809753418, - "2009": 56.4104309082031, - "2010": 56.2095794677734, - "2011": 55.9787902832031, - "2012": 56.3016014099121, - "2013": 52.6191787719727, - "2014": 52.8722686767578, - "2015": 53.5777397155762, - "2016": 54.0277214050293, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 36.7083511352539, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": 36.4845314025879, - "1975": 36.2572898864746, - "1976": 34.0612602233887, - "1977": 40.4406890869141, - "1978": 41.7322807312012, - "1979": 41.2662315368652, - "1980": 41.399730682373, - "1981": 43.3149795532227, - "1982": 44.1810684204102, - "1983": 44.251781463623, - "1984": 45.2611389160156, - "1985": 45.1374816894531, - "1986": 46.271900177002, - "1987": 46.6855201721191, - "1988": 46.9416885375977, - "1989": 47.1937103271484, - "1990": 47.4671897888184, - "1991": 47.8266716003418, - "1992": 48.1710510253906, - "1993": 48.3161315917969, - "1994": 48.3647689819336, - "1995": 48.5400314331055, - "1996": 48.3825492858887, - "1997": 48.4634208679199, - "1998": 48.6573181152344, - "1999": 48.9613418579102, - "2000": 49.1820983886719, - "2001": 49.5453109741211, - "2002": 49.8053703308105, - "2003": 50.0108489990234, - "2004": 50.1059494018555, - "2005": 50.2921981811523, - "2006": 50.4536895751953, - "2007": 50.551830291748, - "2008": 50.6189002990723, - "2009": 50.5663681030273, - "2010": 50.338451385498, - "2011": 50.1949615478516, - "2012": 49.9666786193848, - "2013": 50.1169013977051, - "2014": 50.0197296142578, - "2015": 50.0227088928223, - "2016": 50.0508804321289, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 38.480899810791, - "1972": 40.9771003723145, - "1973": "", - "1974": 40.7499198913574, - "1975": 40.5029907226563, - "1976": 39.4464111328125, - "1977": 43.9346389770508, - "1978": 45.2214393615723, - "1979": 44.5320701599121, - "1980": 44.7398300170898, - "1981": 46.6999588012695, - "1982": 47.0528182983398, - "1983": 47.0636100769043, - "1984": 47.6120414733887, - "1985": 47.1283912658691, - "1986": 48.3011512756348, - "1987": 48.6086616516113, - "1988": 48.8446083068848, - "1989": 49.2492980957031, - "1990": 49.4368896484375, - "1991": 49.6602592468262, - "1992": 48.8490180969238, - "1993": 49.3578109741211, - "1994": 49.6157112121582, - "1995": 49.6799583435059, - "1996": 49.4451217651367, - "1997": 49.3644409179688, - "1998": 49.6043281555176, - "1999": 49.9482803344727, - "2000": 50.2231903076172, - "2001": 50.5112380981445, - "2002": 50.894458770752, - "2003": 51.454948425293, - "2004": 51.1848487854004, - "2005": 51.1829681396484, - "2006": 51.2800903320313, - "2007": 51.3124084472656, - "2008": 51.3983497619629, - "2009": 51.4645118713379, - "2010": 51.2785415649414, - "2011": 51.1162796020508, - "2012": 51.0203704833984, - "2013": 50.804328918457, - "2014": 50.7924499511719, - "2015": 50.9904708862305, - "2016": 51.147289276123, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 17.6146793365479, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 15.1735200881958, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 19.0862503051758, - "2005": 24.2976703643799, - "2006": 28.3331909179688, - "2007": 28.244779586792, - "2008": 28.5378303527832, - "2009": 29.3842506408691, - "2010": 28.1100196838379, - "2011": "", - "2012": 32.1964797973633, - "2013": 30.6377296447754, - "2014": 31.0507907867432, - "2015": 32.1521186828613, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 2.72135996818542, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 6.44299983978271, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 14.1850595474243, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.7000598907471, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 37.3907089233398, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 45.2249908447266, - "2005": 45.3649787902832, - "2006": 49.0287094116211, - "2007": 49.1021881103516, - "2008": 50.1750907897949, - "2009": 51.7892913818359, - "2010": 51.2572593688965, - "2011": "", - "2012": 55.6831588745117, - "2013": 54.8283004760742, - "2014": 56.0910301208496, - "2015": 58.0607986450195, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 57.7865180969238, - "1994": 59.1399307250977, - "1995": 60.7619400024414, - "1996": "", - "1997": 65.8351211547852, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 70.3402709960938, - "2001": "", - "2002": 75.5402069091797, - "2003": 78.3982009887695, - "2004": 80.5414505004883, - "2005": 83.1432418823242, - "2006": 82.9347686767578, - "2007": 84.2996520996094, - "2008": 84.8303833007813, - "2009": 85.050537109375, - "2010": 84.7211074829102, - "2011": 83.4844665527344, - "2012": 81.7629699707031, - "2013": 82.5334625244141, - "2014": 83.0946884155273, - "2015": 89.8460006713867, - "2016": 93.9376983642578, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 78.8815536499023, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 95.8587417602539, - "1998": 96.1689300537109, - "1999": 99.3823013305664, - "2000": 99.855827331543, - "2001": 99.8772277832031, - "2002": 99.8886184692383, - "2003": 99.8799285888672, - "2004": 99.1973571777344, - "2005": 97.7970428466797, - "2006": 96.7511596679688, - "2007": 96.3826904296875, - "2008": 96.3228607177734, - "2009": 97.1317596435547, - "2010": 98.2715072631836, - "2011": 99.3690414428711, - "2012": 99.902961730957, - "2013": 99.9063186645508, - "2014": 99.8947830200195, - "2015": 99.9044418334961, - "2016": 99.8771209716797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 60.6210899353027, - "1972": 60.7547416687012, - "1973": "", - "1974": 59.7021408081055, - "1975": "", - "1976": 62.1456718444824, - "1977": 62.0864410400391, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 61.7508811950684, - "2000": 62.8778305053711, - "2001": 62.6197814941406, - "2002": 63.2484283447266, - "2003": 63.4530715942383, - "2004": 66.0438690185547, - "2005": 66.4361419677734, - "2006": 66.5317230224609, - "2007": 66.5347290039063, - "2008": 66.4026107788086, - "2009": 66.517578125, - "2010": 66.6491088867188, - "2011": 66.8611679077148, - "2012": 67.1352005004883, - "2013": 67.2985382080078, - "2014": 67.6304931640625, - "2015": 67.6561889648438, - "2016": 68.0946426391602, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.477000990365496, - "1961": 0.500530703391948, - "1962": 0.517743351560372, - "1963": 0.529013236809819, - "1964": 0.535453494954306, - "1965": 0.53799863043845, - "1966": 0.557730362828123, - "1967": 0.572858329436388, - "1968": 0.583214916183584, - "1969": 0.588280254051365, - "1970": 0.58821822058975, - "1971": 0.606953515758334, - "1972": 0.619562466417442, - "1973": 0.627323944446844, - "1974": 0.632544633600884, - "1975": 0.636904556870847, - "1976": 0.660818824677235, - "1977": 0.68238324581952, - "1978": 0.701399974977085, - "1979": 0.717583641305361, - "1980": 0.731158037387352, - "1981": 0.765851370911571, - "1982": 0.795263754231047, - "1983": 0.818878441055679, - "1984": 0.836504158242404, - "1985": 0.8487710914887, - "1986": 0.876477393600115, - "1987": 0.897210553230549, - "1988": 0.913344236320798, - "1989": 0.927416609226621, - "1990": 0.940933801659178, - "1991": 0.971415045053082, - "1992": 0.99939200954129, - "1993": 1.02232681754758, - "1994": 1.03709713905929, - "1995": 1.04353971808075, - "1996": 1.06432965318294, - "1997": 1.07603370457936, - "1998": 1.08405487751152, - "1999": 1.09487292291743, - "2000": 1.11202520107766, - "2001": 1.15510281680918, - "2002": 1.19833794343877, - "2003": 1.24074243970418, - "2004": 1.280688472261, - "2005": 1.31787479191798, - "2006": 1.38231016396952, - "2007": 1.44042995816282, - "2008": 1.49262000968598, - "2009": 1.54039247412813, - "2010": 1.58559498004968, - "2011": 1.64341352297498, - "2012": 1.69554115400294, - "2013": 1.74114362209355, - "2014": 1.77801699089274, - "2015": 1.80619548971902, - "2016": 1.84208290833137, - "2017": 1.86760083613396 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.623880148861769, - "1961": 0.628086705500596, - "1962": 0.632337592574568, - "1963": 0.637228591782991, - "1964": 0.642985658753049, - "1965": 0.649525177702287, - "1966": 0.652421955932696, - "1967": 0.65530495263808, - "1968": 0.660080506935955, - "1969": 0.668169774369271, - "1970": 0.679648879583337, - "1971": 0.690008905317413, - "1972": 0.700976908577119, - "1973": 0.713012974384194, - "1974": 0.726720507594219, - "1975": 0.742208102945638, - "1976": 0.753515693459458, - "1977": 0.768411777003281, - "1978": 0.784318216062566, - "1979": 0.797153415847059, - "1980": 0.805233033956836, - "1981": 0.806789073543998, - "1982": 0.803600900060249, - "1983": 0.800954285991028, - "1984": 0.804796347310657, - "1985": 0.816984525036948, - "1986": 0.828810015189389, - "1987": 0.847731775518824, - "1988": 0.868600249613882, - "1989": 0.884201058418428, - "1990": 0.891718242942326, - "1991": 0.883669144463994, - "1992": 0.870153473782479, - "1993": 0.859827531769295, - "1994": 0.863291421996478, - "1995": 0.884577260514529, - "1996": 0.913800214293753, - "1997": 0.955545901762383, - "1998": 1.00346494319773, - "1999": 1.04979810775269, - "2000": 1.09075913622638, - "2001": 1.11644113440319, - "2002": 1.13924784675273, - "2003": 1.16141161592281, - "2004": 1.18489115818059, - "2005": 1.2099054229996, - "2006": 1.22220611034194, - "2007": 1.23571509221378, - "2008": 1.24816601717559, - "2009": 1.25569068804273, - "2010": 1.25689321153113, - "2011": 1.24407695846313, - "2012": 1.22552336033093, - "2013": 1.20969692013741, - "2014": 1.2074029754502, - "2015": 1.22356234663292, - "2016": 1.24714626667658, - "2017": 1.28749554885774 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.994061356723471, - "1961": 0.997838736996755, - "1962": 1.00046607542184, - "1963": 1.00431568558446, - "1964": 1.01285298521452, - "1965": 1.02753757078209, - "1966": 1.04045465140379, - "1967": 1.05663881596439, - "1968": 1.07451503429681, - "1969": 1.09233905628299, - "1970": 1.10934153630117, - "1971": 1.12143716277085, - "1972": 1.13326458176171, - "1973": 1.14279554582829, - "1974": 1.14812656591911, - "1975": 1.14924416274062, - "1976": 1.13967193731964, - "1977": 1.12895702871146, - "1978": 1.12038423981778, - "1979": 1.11845288282121, - "1980": 1.12531294924415, - "1981": 1.13854684471927, - "1982": 1.15912140323281, - "1983": 1.18065466599762, - "1984": 1.19515917079224, - "1985": 1.19956894666393, - "1986": 1.18881135109687, - "1987": 1.17003745836997, - "1988": 1.15369798272101, - "1989": 1.15351070895471, - "1990": 1.17571744372845, - "1991": 1.20690925537218, - "1992": 1.25517232211333, - "1993": 1.3111344999302, - "1994": 1.36347655145846, - "1995": 1.40685080020389, - "1996": 1.43945267576542, - "1997": 1.46573660128135, - "1998": 1.48799918885619, - "1999": 1.50997660924772, - "2000": 1.53362869556212, - "2001": 1.54983865200205, - "2002": 1.56949261416641, - "2003": 1.58797334624336, - "2004": 1.59903206032515, - "2005": 1.60044342413872, - "2006": 1.58070197339728, - "2007": 1.55380433946045, - "2008": 1.52956759262515, - "2009": 1.52112328563291, - "2010": 1.53469953983008, - "2011": 1.55801813828131, - "2012": 1.60174523232766, - "2013": 1.65537755530129, - "2014": 1.70439077225755, - "2015": 1.74212851317568, - "2016": 1.76102751264387, - "2017": 1.77070845315418 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.53961702109, - "1961": 3.5875245747543, - "1962": 3.63056817315352, - "1963": 3.67131773572049, - "1964": 3.71411992469845, - "1965": 3.76048982491731, - "1966": 3.80888785139973, - "1967": 3.85806212716997, - "1968": 3.90451255519589, - "1969": 3.94160667106374, - "1970": 3.96632149413785, - "1971": 3.98800309389125, - "1972": 3.99532025183529, - "1973": 3.99638687153367, - "1974": 4.00294901858462, - "1975": 4.0212123882723, - "1976": 4.0464209454144, - "1977": 4.08844826967117, - "1978": 4.13681775658904, - "1979": 4.17686949705378, - "1980": 4.20313696609235, - "1981": 4.23714212133658, - "1982": 4.25462181597096, - "1983": 4.26860005794931, - "1984": 4.29610736604968, - "1985": 4.34497159662917, - "1986": 4.40888566145481, - "1987": 4.4865992607239, - "1988": 4.5750259642665, - "1989": 4.66847060743419, - "1990": 4.764122950753, - "1991": 4.84902191573662, - "1992": 4.93551198930911, - "1993": 5.0231199463673, - "1994": 5.11195664416861, - "1995": 5.20227139065192, - "1996": 5.30052977405393, - "1997": 5.39783682866485, - "1998": 5.49153681108562, - "1999": 5.57803114569544, - "2000": 5.65648230896158, - "2001": 5.72042354791572, - "2002": 5.77632928198239, - "2003": 5.83142529283987, - "2004": 5.8944669695177, - "2005": 5.97063714398645, - "2006": 6.05115713373421, - "2007": 6.14349953336791, - "2008": 6.2434322996439, - "2009": 6.34441951910027, - "2010": 6.44456278699107, - "2011": 6.53197705153054, - "2012": 6.61577976721546, - "2013": 6.70929136886263, - "2014": 6.82981408654385, - "2015": 6.98709235272307, - "2016": 7.1635592855095, - "2017": 7.37113321544627 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 678069, - "1961": 709118, - "1962": 740407, - "1963": 772394, - "1964": 805982, - "1965": 841576, - "1966": 878817, - "1967": 917503, - "1968": 957110, - "1969": 996336, - "1970": 1034455, - "1971": 1073834, - "1972": 1111032, - "1973": 1147441, - "1974": 1185593, - "1975": 1226944, - "1976": 1270104, - "1977": 1318515, - "1978": 1369190, - "1979": 1417473, - "1980": 1461381, - "1981": 1508234, - "1982": 1549335, - "1983": 1589161, - "1984": 1634151, - "1985": 1687737, - "1986": 1747835, - "1987": 1814361, - "1988": 1886800, - "1989": 1963617, - "1990": 2044150, - "1991": 2123059, - "1992": 2205348, - "1993": 2290120, - "1994": 2376364, - "1995": 2463350, - "1996": 2554074, - "1997": 2644491, - "1998": 2732960, - "1999": 2817304, - "2000": 2896857, - "2001": 2967655, - "2002": 3033130, - "2003": 3098643, - "2004": 3171226, - "2005": 3255584, - "2006": 3348008, - "2007": 3452354, - "2008": 3565326, - "2009": 3681367, - "2010": 3797821, - "2011": 3907083, - "2012": 4014641, - "2013": 4128629, - "2014": 4260342, - "2015": 4416788, - "2016": 4587466, - "2017": 4780278 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.44467452513927, - "1961": 1.461068428865, - "1962": 1.48002115359674, - "1963": 1.50076022154322, - "1964": 1.52282778577657, - "1965": 1.54542844599448, - "1966": 1.55828088123512, - "1967": 1.57326002913111, - "1968": 1.58670209777954, - "1969": 1.59281758636012, - "1970": 1.5891128576636, - "1971": 1.56960351004466, - "1972": 1.54151629507902, - "1973": 1.51325440687435, - "1974": 1.4955573114704, - "1975": 1.4928555657152, - "1976": 1.49241448995807, - "1977": 1.5086962181369, - "1978": 1.53071532573161, - "1979": 1.54367955708015, - "1980": 1.54143294550401, - "1981": 1.52595483216174, - "1982": 1.49663575844685, - "1983": 1.46811266490498, - "1984": 1.45964768970438, - "1985": 1.47964703343959, - "1986": 1.51478690156844, - "1987": 1.57161947360456, - "1988": 1.63938349561081, - "1989": 1.70334223083443, - "1990": 1.75575346242305, - "1991": 1.78702847084736, - "1992": 1.81079418387201, - "1993": 1.82983109712023, - "1994": 1.84809153165439, - "1995": 1.86730361185275, - "1996": 1.88294723081181, - "1997": 1.90052062104176, - "1998": 1.91601780152017, - "1999": 1.9233835057776, - "2000": 1.92006927609542, - "2001": 1.8990409447013, - "2002": 1.86925087762448, - "2003": 1.84129789096952, - "2004": 1.82985527875096, - "2005": 1.84241350493015, - "2006": 1.86593888602548, - "2007": 1.91355014353085, - "2008": 1.97307868015718, - "2009": 2.0272130712965, - "2010": 2.06737505558019, - "2011": 2.08646843181112, - "2012": 2.09297002055393, - "2013": 2.10307327133038, - "2014": 2.14000334794337, - "2015": 2.21520600319546, - "2016": 2.31330259785768, - "2017": 2.44532837730038 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.04839448243432, - "1961": 2.06577686578415, - "1962": 2.0817512471379, - "1963": 2.09323299207495, - "1964": 2.09648780183889, - "1965": 2.08983474776497, - "1966": 2.06282740394121, - "1967": 2.02767728977972, - "1968": 1.99240245521147, - "1969": 1.96679184827811, - "1970": 1.95490067527021, - "1971": 1.94758277954718, - "1972": 1.9532849396875, - "1973": 1.96202209810824, - "1974": 1.96117974113637, - "1975": 1.94581485263747, - "1976": 1.90755602774802, - "1977": 1.86161040672357, - "1978": 1.82059984114286, - "1979": 1.80231742143129, - "1980": 1.81540257754528, - "1981": 1.85470941886582, - "1982": 1.91681307932316, - "1983": 1.99001098361494, - "1984": 2.05877309989346, - "1985": 2.11436146008956, - "1986": 2.1506697800172, - "1987": 2.17694752366247, - "1988": 2.19699206348898, - "1989": 2.21589002779946, - "1990": 2.23609517133538, - "1991": 2.24440894532205, - "1992": 2.25641289836753, - "1993": 2.26642263040427, - "1994": 2.26654951122466, - "1995": 2.25369319348146, - "1996": 2.22717698788337, - "1997": 2.18832050282169, - "1998": 2.1494044991194, - "1999": 2.12823177079518, - "2000": 2.13420806353881, - "2001": 2.15993646199132, - "2002": 2.21409038282396, - "2003": 2.28259888712144, - "2004": 2.34451096297369, - "2005": 2.38903869555279, - "2006": 2.40947355908204, - "2007": 2.41407834667833, - "2008": 2.42116728234881, - "2009": 2.45735492137332, - "2010": 2.53576311249925, - "2011": 2.64183685390557, - "2012": 2.78457116248524, - "2013": 2.94436953254934, - "2014": 3.09301456842711, - "2015": 3.21481630816591, - "2016": 3.30505573797934, - "2017": 3.37626069694699 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.66098868252156, - "1961": 2.62888908450882, - "1962": 2.58109675563943, - "1963": 2.52987317979843, - "1964": 2.49183843088477, - "1965": 2.47391074614294, - "1966": 2.46274855784721, - "1967": 2.47178819690829, - "1968": 2.48609722897546, - "1969": 2.48454271893701, - "1970": 2.4578038076579, - "1971": 2.40503362306037, - "1972": 2.33167510142823, - "1973": 2.25917701194903, - "1974": 2.21661909591499, - "1975": 2.217182058098, - "1976": 2.2416833822735, - "1977": 2.30439191403745, - "1978": 2.38615336678001, - "1979": 2.4609935575386, - "1980": 2.51526533100048, - "1981": 2.5563729892184, - "1982": 2.57929213348001, - "1983": 2.59094964204203, - "1984": 2.60153374212162, - "1985": 2.61543431785017, - "1986": 2.62346398387386, - "1987": 2.63535013734076, - "1988": 2.64537031038016, - "1989": 2.64440085087347, - "1990": 2.62871026919212, - "1991": 2.58835104079319, - "1992": 2.53650880093436, - "1993": 2.48609913430296, - "1994": 2.45583717969226, - "1995": 2.45544844345996, - "1996": 2.47974178161001, - "1997": 2.5331321046118, - "1998": 2.60071174814853, - "1999": 2.66055056770191, - "2000": 2.70136821381926, - "2001": 2.7241460528373, - "2002": 2.730005125725, - "2003": 2.7379842379059, - "2004": 2.776518020514, - "2005": 2.86043818339153, - "2006": 2.97602715481001, - "2007": 3.13146657363387, - "2008": 3.30513019264227, - "2009": 3.46554485211678, - "2010": 3.59472188169468, - "2011": 3.69058392795297, - "2012": 3.76187265820209, - "2013": 3.81786646098108, - "2014": 3.87302573700202, - "2015": 3.93609697568878, - "2016": 3.99718171387025, - "2017": 4.06641615420353 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.06923517181891, - "1961": 3.05728662334022, - "1962": 3.06426569584374, - "1963": 3.07460514015093, - "1964": 3.06754909245342, - "1965": 3.03354085281458, - "1966": 2.96891603697133, - "1967": 2.88283130963393, - "1968": 2.79789608083803, - "1969": 2.74416585751197, - "1970": 2.73545839002058, - "1971": 2.75947483769679, - "1972": 2.81742516470063, - "1973": 2.89123417558397, - "1974": 2.95791858117038, - "1975": 3.00545759470773, - "1976": 3.02590156832487, - "1977": 3.03857088451432, - "1978": 3.04470439499006, - "1979": 3.04733112403423, - "1980": 3.04866570524962, - "1981": 3.05529491903609, - "1982": 3.05956226139863, - "1983": 3.05786944945822, - "1984": 3.04440991635037, - "1985": 3.01644398092003, - "1986": 2.97012642487548, - "1987": 2.91036796641704, - "1988": 2.85250007662223, - "1989": 2.81765533918537, - "1990": 2.81690961483517, - "1991": 2.83603941434944, - "1992": 2.89053842012044, - "1993": 2.96212338307607, - "1994": 3.02455850086696, - "1995": 3.06455779415499, - "1996": 3.08464669661732, - "1997": 3.08253354278658, - "1998": 3.07995531394941, - "1999": 3.10991673652478, - "2000": 3.18974180173771, - "2001": 3.3137844173932, - "2002": 3.48368952027766, - "2003": 3.67527696109912, - "2004": 3.85210072400122, - "2005": 3.99292814571742, - "2006": 4.09581930203539, - "2007": 4.16925385221719, - "2008": 4.22398132962406, - "2009": 4.27678268558718, - "2010": 4.33746305380142, - "2011": 4.39820252905021, - "2012": 4.46496469865131, - "2013": 4.53868526243958, - "2014": 4.61971457708713, - "2015": 4.70889034617176, - "2016": 4.79876300224926, - "2017": 4.89300674491939 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.70302315175101, - "1961": 3.62808872915509, - "1962": 3.51960740807392, - "1963": 3.40842481754018, - "1964": 3.33694400548854, - "1965": 3.32423196753268, - "1966": 3.35252794221143, - "1967": 3.4273187834197, - "1968": 3.52345226612955, - "1969": 3.60531427905899, - "1970": 3.6535033382773, - "1971": 3.67255676346026, - "1972": 3.66450935176483, - "1973": 3.63940671413585, - "1974": 3.61305083879935, - "1975": 3.59349252271081, - "1976": 3.56735119175339, - "1977": 3.55570952049699, - "1978": 3.54576394109759, - "1979": 3.52001442233472, - "1980": 3.47186963536896, - "1981": 3.41650300154101, - "1982": 3.33850240036205, - "1983": 3.25885474883069, - "1984": 3.20638238457986, - "1985": 3.19488846679002, - "1986": 3.21686066585907, - "1987": 3.27864348672439, - "1988": 3.36041573475285, - "1989": 3.4322400514602, - "1990": 3.47875015647154, - "1991": 3.49358551383655, - "1992": 3.48684889133107, - "1993": 3.48139026094399, - "1994": 3.5116881956929, - "1995": 3.595316821675, - "1996": 3.72257000839198, - "1997": 3.89583692790619, - "1998": 4.08955085503756, - "1999": 4.26635719227024, - "2000": 4.40502584419502, - "2001": 4.51504917119488, - "2002": 4.59509295863646, - "2003": 4.65496577477359, - "2004": 4.71065759477868, - "2005": 4.77226004434975, - "2006": 4.83396833882379, - "2007": 4.90051158252119, - "2008": 4.97341188960225, - "2009": 5.05345454878225, - "2010": 5.14129809895273, - "2011": 5.23199243905028, - "2012": 5.32413224312012, - "2013": 5.42959476463791, - "2014": 5.56632135697063, - "2015": 5.74151098718828, - "2016": 5.94599034462168, - "2017": 6.190403401281 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.0204495962846, - "1961": 4.05747785869023, - "1962": 4.14301086683899, - "1963": 4.24995403687431, - "1964": 4.34230867846081, - "1965": 4.3997153635538, - "1966": 4.42303529896981, - "1967": 4.42013053284773, - "1968": 4.3982114084414, - "1969": 4.36716058861731, - "1970": 4.33205946696685, - "1971": 4.29355957892804, - "1972": 4.25272510032424, - "1973": 4.20434202332408, - "1974": 4.14147969330396, - "1975": 4.0623374706298, - "1976": 3.96074898025002, - "1977": 3.85352563488368, - "1978": 3.7542862165223, - "1979": 3.68380091932954, - "1980": 3.65373087039458, - "1981": 3.67613377728772, - "1982": 3.73592832031776, - "1983": 3.81368699010137, - "1984": 3.88069587143323, - "1985": 3.92133263744601, - "1986": 3.93983986868554, - "1987": 3.93346515145071, - "1988": 3.92847256788438, - "1989": 3.96297085621425, - "1990": 4.05623415372394, - "1991": 4.19079062258569, - "1992": 4.37912921631268, - "1993": 4.59073971655076, - "1994": 4.78165995602842, - "1995": 4.92708224748092, - "1996": 5.03551096404815, - "1997": 5.10656492884986, - "1998": 5.15288507524128, - "1999": 5.19515458606446, - "2000": 5.24580376469684, - "2001": 5.30757414491267, - "2002": 5.3769588425136, - "2003": 5.45389533371066, - "2004": 5.53638921542206, - "2005": 5.62369990002673, - "2006": 5.71667787278767, - "2007": 5.80925233251538, - "2008": 5.91487041535815, - "2009": 6.05340496694225, - "2010": 6.23223854259949, - "2011": 6.44475602890179, - "2012": 6.69603973013181, - "2013": 6.94855459549592, - "2014": 7.14771480742256, - "2015": 7.26284342843417, - "2016": 7.29957500844799, - "2017": 7.26346387555253 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.2959967142333, - "1961": 5.32901586646309, - "1962": 5.31995795759425, - "1963": 5.28264612994284, - "1964": 5.23821957150817, - "1965": 5.19574117744312, - "1966": 5.15028563072411, - "1967": 5.10943257573856, - "1968": 5.06197160770612, - "1969": 4.98902814718978, - "1970": 4.88232664072617, - "1971": 4.75443083085583, - "1972": 4.59849554453712, - "1973": 4.44347930270173, - "1974": 4.32806224622475, - "1975": 4.26951638010916, - "1976": 4.25635246423265, - "1977": 4.30590411105618, - "1978": 4.38640637558005, - "1979": 4.45174663213408, - "1980": 4.47776235814983, - "1981": 4.49741623594568, - "1982": 4.47854667840531, - "1983": 4.4559830912874, - "1984": 4.47878547385287, - "1985": 4.56848674086724, - "1986": 4.72063944765271, - "1987": 4.93072377642091, - "1988": 5.16656169098081, - "1989": 5.37856128282261, - "1990": 5.53673054543364, - "1991": 5.64784352880949, - "1992": 5.72087980943739, - "1993": 5.76818726525959, - "1994": 5.81007283250314, - "1995": 5.85855354913026, - "1996": 5.91472383701414, - "1997": 5.97363866734844, - "1998": 6.03687670170056, - "1999": 6.10570703468856, - "2000": 6.18103808232621, - "2001": 6.27368442479321, - "2002": 6.36794821218083, - "2003": 6.47608750780412, - "2004": 6.61598306782148, - "2005": 6.79347259948983, - "2006": 7.01676443051581, - "2007": 7.2794107899006, - "2008": 7.54133982558233, - "2009": 7.74431632614179, - "2010": 7.85519949449711, - "2011": 7.88453568978386, - "2012": 7.83087183719528, - "2013": 7.72273078818653, - "2014": 7.60443718882154, - "2015": 7.50366052940498, - "2016": 7.41339329270387, - "2017": 7.33720330273561 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.25568343049411, - "1961": 6.21034269577087, - "1962": 6.15737363925468, - "1963": 6.08837449480964, - "1964": 5.99273730484537, - "1965": 5.86720168190202, - "1966": 5.72099664722068, - "1967": 5.54801396231272, - "1968": 5.37501062195, - "1969": 5.23849597237185, - "1970": 5.15735478673011, - "1971": 5.14079585736176, - "1972": 5.1724817459399, - "1973": 5.2242584623272, - "1974": 5.25999925248132, - "1975": 5.26360741894126, - "1976": 5.24602279745298, - "1977": 5.20642847455079, - "1978": 5.17016563979155, - "1979": 5.17845915399087, - "1980": 5.25401252507383, - "1981": 5.43137289440317, - "1982": 5.65825830542843, - "1983": 5.90047444349366, - "1984": 6.11203612308614, - "1985": 6.26717712248703, - "1986": 6.3986234906213, - "1987": 6.48147012479859, - "1988": 6.52824537812779, - "1989": 6.56061845811137, - "1990": 6.59357972467208, - "1991": 6.64910560985868, - "1992": 6.71232477249257, - "1993": 6.78159138358537, - "1994": 6.8551981281058, - "1995": 6.93370160378677, - "1996": 7.02407763336916, - "1997": 7.10831498106791, - "1998": 7.2013125387043, - "1999": 7.32731451434391, - "2000": 7.49686290884308, - "2001": 7.72514849627027, - "2002": 7.99629096711661, - "2003": 8.2637918323352, - "2004": 8.45995915208029, - "2005": 8.54670757246888, - "2006": 8.56873974272125, - "2007": 8.49830239165296, - "2008": 8.36760048432697, - "2009": 8.22586680628858, - "2010": 8.10297389864689, - "2011": 7.99506870450659, - "2012": 7.89827313366459, - "2013": 7.81616878785346, - "2014": 7.75054339955145, - "2015": 7.7022651510039, - "2016": 7.67395827412455, - "2017": 7.6696220776101 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.11823372918024, - "1961": 6.94903729696421, - "1962": 6.7375676649082, - "1963": 6.52410207445323, - "1964": 6.36344332227797, - "1965": 6.28130972980763, - "1966": 6.26089215534241, - "1967": 6.30990620545503, - "1968": 6.39084639409937, - "1969": 6.44808597463791, - "1970": 6.45456512406154, - "1971": 6.42362727516116, - "1972": 6.34081854741819, - "1973": 6.25381200029535, - "1974": 6.23084166855488, - "1975": 6.30517518259251, - "1976": 6.44644661100331, - "1977": 6.67376935386136, - "1978": 6.93754420062831, - "1979": 7.16679298683918, - "1980": 7.32462654682787, - "1981": 7.46563847069756, - "1982": 7.53662055606236, - "1983": 7.56207558223756, - "1984": 7.57881090635125, - "1985": 7.60721504342057, - "1986": 7.65419237834514, - "1987": 7.70147598045083, - "1988": 7.75132042407203, - "1989": 7.80315410517539, - "1990": 7.85877873118761, - "1991": 7.94894082991844, - "1992": 8.03968071537831, - "1993": 8.1449416597383, - "1994": 8.28715494092594, - "1995": 8.4752769462178, - "1996": 8.70418897198415, - "1997": 8.9722457165738, - "1998": 9.23241518571, - "1999": 9.41864853167294, - "2000": 9.49610146226798, - "2001": 9.48868754006858, - "2002": 9.38012245178957, - "2003": 9.20116547846391, - "2004": 9.00110180201143, - "2005": 8.81348757347243, - "2006": 8.68569235329138, - "2007": 8.56823714679723, - "2008": 8.46605382372723, - "2009": 8.38196257124287, - "2010": 8.31664549007059, - "2011": 8.27469390973204, - "2012": 8.25420754665461, - "2013": 8.2482850036772, - "2014": 8.24643787258174, - "2015": 8.24212422611905, - "2016": 8.23675040116229, - "2017": 8.22992052391338 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.6580382578003, - "1961": 7.64092476963223, - "1962": 7.69721720365044, - "1963": 7.78823062594838, - "1964": 7.86056661224699, - "1965": 7.88754849599577, - "1966": 7.85304842524951, - "1967": 7.7750273143598, - "1968": 7.70048234565618, - "1969": 7.69394156236272, - "1970": 7.78640991340543, - "1971": 7.94280111543195, - "1972": 8.17052182989459, - "1973": 8.42537743853084, - "1974": 8.64953052687, - "1975": 8.81420177437623, - "1976": 8.88764681371558, - "1977": 8.92897951569633, - "1978": 8.94635068343043, - "1979": 8.95499570916094, - "1980": 8.96927554365741, - "1981": 9.01010404418822, - "1982": 9.03842446617277, - "1983": 9.06533549261249, - "1984": 9.10356463516721, - "1985": 9.1599786455648, - "1986": 9.21647008445074, - "1987": 9.27136694860181, - "1988": 9.34378735333632, - "1989": 9.45959092797247, - "1990": 9.63042930617436, - "1991": 9.86899736661803, - "1992": 10.16034704893, - "1993": 10.4483886664611, - "1994": 10.6541532114734, - "1995": 10.7355190440703, - "1996": 10.697979230536, - "1997": 10.5491175124201, - "1998": 10.3284117686502, - "1999": 10.0956062845768, - "2000": 9.88819685170857, - "2001": 9.68372114558476, - "2002": 9.49353780624493, - "2003": 9.32284346257949, - "2004": 9.17325964417837, - "2005": 9.04684350618311, - "2006": 8.98976227269062, - "2007": 8.9543891043431, - "2008": 8.93427543511606, - "2009": 8.91896647042288, - "2010": 8.90104114460151, - "2011": 8.88191078354842, - "2012": 8.85706691659577, - "2013": 8.82886067717898, - "2014": 8.80190406343561, - "2015": 8.77806800043801, - "2016": 8.75518512804401, - "2017": 8.73721157704535 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 51.3740981942273, - "1961": 51.0825185594413, - "1962": 50.7260454763102, - "1963": 50.3712698808343, - "1964": 50.1178591224048, - "1965": 50.005243655724, - "1966": 49.8962197822735, - "1967": 49.9078714596298, - "1968": 50.0005364518195, - "1969": 50.1015808266417, - "1970": 50.1692862845154, - "1971": 50.1707771669281, - "1972": 50.129795621701, - "1973": 50.0822444723383, - "1974": 50.0931646642181, - "1975": 50.1983577300751, - "1976": 50.2014713684522, - "1977": 50.3770352938375, - "1978": 50.6600481127625, - "1979": 50.9681224972008, - "1980": 51.2720148056806, - "1981": 51.7530548552573, - "1982": 52.1638985109023, - "1983": 52.5661746616376, - "1984": 53.0439524784014, - "1985": 53.6247794448141, - "1986": 54.248039475057, - "1987": 54.9375982330173, - "1988": 55.6587455447569, - "1989": 56.3475553554664, - "1990": 56.9680708090628, - "1991": 57.5365958509879, - "1992": 58.0756035587103, - "1993": 58.5729515655137, - "1994": 59.0245406892013, - "1995": 59.4324919254818, - "1996": 59.7794358643999, - "1997": 60.0679347989713, - "1998": 60.321572866677, - "1999": 60.5778529530676, - "2000": 60.8593497500871, - "2001": 61.1669894963088, - "2002": 61.5051215829016, - "2003": 61.8590181319129, - "2004": 62.2004958471504, - "2005": 62.5146552389426, - "2006": 62.9355636625846, - "2007": 63.3266699569812, - "2008": 63.7045517937203, - "2009": 64.0909926203368, - "2010": 64.4904110380778, - "2011": 64.8775648959116, - "2012": 65.268138790345, - "2013": 65.6452162175268, - "2014": 65.985086165937, - "2015": 66.2748344365623, - "2016": 66.4844051086433, - "2017": 66.6728752259533 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9841509, - "1961": 10097083, - "1962": 10344914, - "1963": 10597414, - "1964": 10875820, - "1965": 11190885, - "1966": 11512454, - "1967": 11868814, - "1968": 12256589, - "1969": 12664383, - "1970": 13084635, - "1971": 13509290, - "1972": 13940261, - "1973": 14379595, - "1974": 14836589, - "1975": 15316420, - "1976": 15757405, - "1977": 16246476, - "1978": 16767293, - "1979": 17296670, - "1980": 17826674, - "1981": 18421785, - "1982": 18995663, - "1983": 19569911, - "1984": 20176832, - "1985": 20829718, - "1986": 21505801, - "1987": 22216521, - "1988": 22954386, - "1989": 23700487, - "1990": 24443384, - "1991": 25191389, - "1992": 25950077, - "1993": 26704338, - "1994": 27438378, - "1995": 28142132, - "1996": 28804875, - "1997": 29428291, - "1998": 30020092, - "1999": 30596140, - "2000": 31167930, - "2001": 31732354, - "2002": 32296123, - "2003": 32870010, - "2004": 33463896, - "2005": 34087100, - "2006": 34821235, - "2007": 35586572, - "2008": 36378625, - "2009": 37188976, - "2010": 38004602, - "2011": 38806324, - "2012": 39606539, - "2013": 40395436, - "2014": 41160571, - "2015": 41894664, - "2016": 42575892, - "2017": 43238247 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.54405497770895, - "1961": 9.51567876913239, - "1962": 9.42419703736866, - "1963": 9.33182638924142, - "1964": 9.32776430239989, - "1965": 9.45220889276646, - "1966": 9.64094168379578, - "1967": 9.93574528917437, - "1968": 10.274166042812, - "1969": 10.5640538776761, - "1970": 10.7549041413994, - "1971": 10.8309145054247, - "1972": 10.8278582960058, - "1973": 10.7791352453821, - "1974": 10.7344830197621, - "1975": 10.7215724752721, - "1976": 10.6617615316979, - "1977": 10.6481454780168, - "1978": 10.6680734527994, - "1979": 10.7016705704074, - "1980": 10.7414037124128, - "1981": 10.7895091040737, - "1982": 10.8219503099518, - "1983": 10.8709342379592, - "1984": 10.9789603255654, - "1985": 11.1594610293786, - "1986": 11.3571533506759, - "1987": 11.6177871371499, - "1988": 11.8850799451113, - "1989": 12.0724734558518, - "1990": 12.131853136037, - "1991": 12.0685329788964, - "1992": 11.8929329854059, - "1993": 11.6430674651912, - "1994": 11.3776682326878, - "1995": 11.1333422820243, - "1996": 10.8888197529456, - "1997": 10.6582299145849, - "1998": 10.4500491804158, - "1999": 10.2703657344288, - "2000": 10.1210027569537, - "2001": 9.97525764126265, - "2002": 9.86738531559297, - "2003": 9.7904086561194, - "2004": 9.73001566336921, - "2005": 9.67577901829009, - "2006": 9.64263863582664, - "2007": 9.60176783672139, - "2008": 9.55672111539217, - "2009": 9.51333847143892, - "2010": 9.47306632071411, - "2011": 9.43398402947984, - "2012": 9.39613886364423, - "2013": 9.35010034452683, - "2014": 9.28197259463719, - "2015": 9.18455848394744, - "2016": 9.05855220544007, - "2017": 8.90936687174547 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.2970154773058, - "1961": 11.5350532372907, - "1962": 11.8681092367028, - "1963": 12.2518442763598, - "1964": 12.6002212669542, - "1965": 12.8356559652449, - "1966": 12.9422014616519, - "1967": 12.9772002519443, - "1968": 12.9628870392792, - "1969": 12.9274607586347, - "1970": 12.8851012311008, - "1971": 12.8149296482153, - "1972": 12.7416838419734, - "1973": 12.6774835295117, - "1974": 12.6367762510817, - "1975": 12.6238303989543, - "1976": 12.5749279246482, - "1977": 12.5809905101327, - "1978": 12.6259125908678, - "1979": 12.7119072338363, - "1980": 12.8567992405379, - "1981": 13.0702071767456, - "1982": 13.3170773635506, - "1983": 13.568985608593, - "1984": 13.7551012875406, - "1985": 13.8022770529695, - "1986": 13.677366841606, - "1987": 13.4393944939065, - "1988": 13.1260981711147, - "1989": 12.7988665481348, - "1990": 12.502485890293, - "1991": 12.2112199914296, - "1992": 11.9453082962801, - "1993": 11.7011373919112, - "1994": 11.4778373402554, - "1995": 11.2812491077355, - "1996": 11.1126516929171, - "1997": 10.974648940909, - "1998": 10.8602366145548, - "1999": 10.7603835814105, - "2000": 10.6692263268533, - "2001": 10.5723750569097, - "2002": 10.4879913014076, - "2003": 10.4119701958947, - "2004": 10.3430634549446, - "2005": 10.2822906026595, - "2006": 10.2258437182515, - "2007": 10.1660541147305, - "2008": 10.0995471097355, - "2009": 10.0139478868838, - "2010": 9.89511683933835, - "2011": 9.7460611192819, - "2012": 9.56898023623132, - "2013": 9.37423581308318, - "2014": 9.17899175476767, - "2015": 8.99613839023776, - "2016": 8.8229080065685, - "2017": 8.66368031829601 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 15.2395701024463, - "1961": 15.4915305000147, - "1962": 15.5876755046106, - "1963": 15.5349851159326, - "1964": 15.4002371560008, - "1965": 15.2708436432125, - "1966": 15.2273729436716, - "1967": 15.1924186951282, - "1968": 15.1588148273977, - "1969": 15.1095278439941, - "1970": 15.0302632567266, - "1971": 14.9932247317143, - "1972": 14.9525498363189, - "1973": 14.9162404795772, - "1974": 14.902382467628, - "1975": 14.9200999102216, - "1976": 14.9830935579213, - "1977": 15.1595735609368, - "1978": 15.4031751426075, - "1979": 15.6150356375526, - "1980": 15.6838496978485, - "1981": 15.6396492156927, - "1982": 15.4011798324552, - "1983": 14.9926975117389, - "1984": 14.5086461818943, - "1985": 14.0718359925417, - "1986": 13.6985985886602, - "1987": 13.3696904714097, - "1988": 13.0892128123229, - "1989": 12.8421867082974, - "1990": 12.6050002420342, - "1991": 12.3734647151072, - "1992": 12.1902165300492, - "1993": 12.0480303547245, - "1994": 11.9271882341128, - "1995": 11.8010897748562, - "1996": 11.6756869564611, - "1997": 11.5521571917485, - "1998": 11.4311518083325, - "1999": 11.3175246113718, - "2000": 11.2164794409425, - "2001": 11.1108590251107, - "2002": 11.0170731491329, - "2003": 10.9297245467963, - "2004": 10.837499825976, - "2005": 10.7278128008625, - "2006": 10.5738205698474, - "2007": 10.380301817405, - "2008": 10.1520151641468, - "2009": 9.90852141903605, - "2010": 9.67757798861213, - "2011": 9.47445902435903, - "2012": 9.28636477589559, - "2013": 9.11606982788219, - "2014": 8.96185957637968, - "2015": 8.81854667388158, - "2016": 8.69182209818654, - "2017": 8.59295702041952 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 45.0862847846827, - "1961": 45.3299568658044, - "1962": 45.6433863505363, - "1963": 45.9574123834452, - "1964": 46.1680209528967, - "1965": 46.2342665193587, - "1966": 46.2948923663268, - "1967": 46.2340664132002, - "1968": 46.0949509929846, - "1969": 45.9568125022945, - "1970": 45.8643922213467, - "1971": 45.8412197391807, - "1972": 45.8748841264637, - "1973": 45.921368656128, - "1974": 45.9038863171973, - "1975": 45.7804298816527, - "1976": 45.7521076861334, - "1977": 45.5345164364913, - "1978": 45.2031341306484, - "1979": 44.8550080057454, - "1980": 44.524848228227, - "1981": 44.0098030234061, - "1982": 43.5814796731268, - "1983": 43.1652252804131, - "1984": 42.6599401555489, - "1985": 42.0302489585568, - "1986": 41.3430748634882, - "1987": 40.5758025062587, - "1988": 39.7662284909766, - "1989": 38.9839740370994, - "1990": 38.2678062401842, - "1991": 37.6143822332755, - "1992": 36.9888844519807, - "1993": 36.403928488119, - "1994": 35.8635026666301, - "1995": 35.3652366838663, - "1996": 34.9200343615461, - "1997": 34.5342283723639, - "1998": 34.1868903222374, - "1999": 33.8441159012369, - "2000": 33.4841679409513, - "2001": 33.1125869557754, - "2002": 32.718549135116, - "2003": 32.3095565752473, - "2004": 31.9050371833318, - "2005": 31.514707617071, - "2006": 31.0132792036812, - "2007": 30.5298305096509, - "2008": 30.0520159066358, - "2009": 29.5645878605629, - "2010": 29.0650261749312, - "2011": 28.5904580525579, - "2012": 28.1160814424395, - "2013": 27.6454924136106, - "2014": 27.1850997475192, - "2015": 26.7380732107147, - "2016": 26.3520356058472, - "2017": 25.9559915586004 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8636981, - "1961": 8960019, - "1962": 9308373, - "1963": 9668800, - "1964": 10018685, - "1965": 10346963, - "1966": 10681527, - "1967": 10995130, - "1968": 11299217, - "1969": 11616692, - "1970": 11961877, - "1971": 12343486, - "1972": 12757041, - "1973": 13184925, - "1974": 13595809, - "1975": 13968430, - "1976": 14360823, - "1977": 14684775, - "1978": 14961182, - "1979": 15222109, - "1980": 15480764, - "1981": 15665532, - "1982": 15870345, - "1983": 16070023, - "1984": 16226967, - "1985": 16326002, - "1986": 16389827, - "1987": 16408675, - "1988": 16400107, - "1989": 16397148, - "1990": 16419630, - "1991": 16468798, - "1992": 16527842, - "1993": 16597128, - "1994": 16671647, - "1995": 16745944, - "1996": 16826308, - "1997": 16918899, - "1998": 17013707, - "1999": 17093694, - "2000": 17148264, - "2001": 17178225, - "2002": 17180395, - "2003": 17168320, - "2004": 17164925, - "2005": 17183891, - "2006": 17159149, - "2007": 17156311, - "2008": 17161270, - "2009": 17154934, - "2010": 17128201, - "2011": 17101298, - "2012": 17061628, - "2013": 17011929, - "2014": 16957684, - "2015": 16902081, - "2016": 16875558, - "2017": 16832806 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 18.5496992049305, - "1961": 18.303373128499, - "1962": 18.1876016092229, - "1963": 18.1705829911528, - "1964": 18.1675625299417, - "1965": 18.1277669109014, - "1966": 18.1253179610033, - "1967": 18.0644474661277, - "1968": 17.9732491263076, - "1969": 17.9198238996657, - "1970": 17.9490277335192, - "1971": 18.0330653592511, - "1972": 18.1806504481714, - "1973": 18.3276446470391, - "1974": 18.3647275984875, - "1975": 18.2364995724768, - "1976": 18.194086203564, - "1977": 17.7939523654218, - "1978": 17.1740463971731, - "1979": 16.5280651343565, - "1980": 15.9841992898407, - "1981": 15.2999466309678, - "1982": 14.8632224771209, - "1983": 14.6035421600812, - "1984": 14.396192686114, - "1985": 14.1561359130456, - "1986": 13.9671094332221, - "1987": 13.7667175409426, - "1988": 13.550917507539, - "1989": 13.3429207806673, - "1990": 13.1603201078571, - "1991": 13.0296975267387, - "1992": 12.8533596256514, - "1993": 12.6547607414833, - "1994": 12.4584770922619, - "1995": 12.2828978012745, - "1996": 12.1316957121679, - "1997": 12.0074222397064, - "1998": 11.89550189935, - "1999": 11.7662077084547, - "2000": 11.5984621731556, - "2001": 11.429352873755, - "2002": 11.2134846845756, - "2003": 10.9678618325563, - "2004": 10.7244739024113, - "2005": 10.504604213549, - "2006": 10.2136149155823, - "2007": 9.98347457751533, - "2008": 9.80045363275346, - "2009": 9.642118554643, - "2010": 9.49233134698067, - "2011": 9.36993790891698, - "2012": 9.26073643031258, - "2013": 9.15518677264519, - "2014": 9.04424841637181, - "2015": 8.92338814659532, - "2016": 8.83730550109215, - "2017": 8.69935421988486 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 27.6, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 22.7, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 22.9, - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 11.0268802642822, - "1976": 10.4547004699707, - "1977": 9.17765045166016, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 7.40555000305176, - "1994": 5.99414014816284, - "1995": 5.86112022399902, - "1996": 5.71038007736206, - "1997": 5.86861991882324, - "1998": "", - "1999": 5.50338983535767, - "2000": 5.15410995483398, - "2001": 4.43002986907959, - "2002": 4.62583017349243, - "2003": 4.11779022216797, - "2004": 3.81575989723206, - "2005": 3.62211990356445, - "2006": 3.27349996566772, - "2007": 2.93780994415283, - "2008": 2.76592993736267, - "2009": 2.76389002799988, - "2010": 2.61749005317688, - "2011": 2.39423990249634, - "2012": 2.20823001861572, - "2013": 1.55244994163513, - "2014": 0.614090025424957, - "2015": 0.57845002412796, - "2016": 0.633140027523041, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 54.6530303955078, - "1976": 69.9093170166016, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 78.9077224731445, - "1993": 80.7669372558594, - "1994": 83.8027496337891, - "1995": 84.5456924438477, - "1996": 84.2148513793945, - "1997": "", - "1998": 87.892219543457, - "1999": 88.4703216552734, - "2000": 88.4167861938477, - "2001": 90.0668869018555, - "2002": 92.1650924682617, - "2003": 91.5344390869141, - "2004": 92.4305801391602, - "2005": 93.2923583984375, - "2006": 93.5037536621094, - "2007": 92.622932434082, - "2008": 95.118293762207, - "2009": 95.1764984130859, - "2010": 95.8753967285156, - "2011": 96.5216674804688, - "2012": 95.6034774780273, - "2013": 96.4706802368164, - "2014": 96.2517013549805, - "2015": 94.006591796875, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 57.0148315429688, - "1976": 73.4128112792969, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 82.266487121582, - "1993": 83.7839508056641, - "1994": 86.0997619628906, - "1995": 86.3451766967773, - "1996": 86.1890411376953, - "1997": "", - "1998": 89.7832107543945, - "1999": 89.9975967407227, - "2000": 89.2668762207031, - "2001": 91.2684326171875, - "2002": 93.5630569458008, - "2003": 93.5006103515625, - "2004": 94.4015426635742, - "2005": 95.2023391723633, - "2006": 95.4746627807617, - "2007": 94.7527923583984, - "2008": 96.7407608032227, - "2009": 96.7733383178711, - "2010": 97.1086807250977, - "2011": 97.3246307373047, - "2012": 96.4663772583008, - "2013": 97.2819290161133, - "2014": 97.2213516235352, - "2015": 94.8507919311523, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el quinto grado, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 20.0964202880859, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 8.69946956634521, - "1998": 7.90799999237061, - "1999": 7.23480987548828, - "2000": 6.68796014785767, - "2001": 6.36931991577148, - "2002": 6.02274990081787, - "2003": 6.05930995941162, - "2004": 5.89727020263672, - "2005": 5.83757019042969, - "2006": 5.53212022781372, - "2007": 5.32916021347046, - "2008": 4.84978008270264, - "2009": 4.38919019699097, - "2010": 3.89658999443054, - "2011": 3.55352997779846, - "2012": 3.37202000617981, - "2013": 3.37847995758057, - "2014": 3.14515995979309, - "2015": 2.71628999710083, - "2016": 2.29651999473572, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Alumnos de mayor edad, nivel primario, mujeres (% de matrícula de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.OENR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 86.2040634155273, - "2000": 86.1457672119141, - "2001": 85.6056213378906, - "2002": 87.2188034057617, - "2003": 85.3783569335938, - "2004": 82.2027282714844, - "2005": 81.6029434204102, - "2006": 81.9774703979492, - "2007": 85.9030914306641, - "2008": 79.7459411621094, - "2009": "", - "2010": 74.7694473266602, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 71.1279067993164, - "2014": 71.5661392211914, - "2015": 72.5121002197266, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa neta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% de población en edad escolar oficial)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 78.8815536499023, - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 95.8587417602539, - "1998": 96.1689300537109, - "1999": 96.9949722290039, - "2000": 97.5223999023438, - "2001": 97.8680572509766, - "2002": 97.5880279541016, - "2003": 97.6168899536133, - "2004": 97.1172485351563, - "2005": 95.9656066894531, - "2006": 94.9869918823242, - "2007": 94.7998580932617, - "2008": 94.8000717163086, - "2009": 95.4994125366211, - "2010": 96.532600402832, - "2011": 97.6352767944336, - "2012": 98.1623764038086, - "2013": 97.8608932495117, - "2014": 97.1454696655273, - "2015": 96.4732971191406, - "2016": 96.1772308349609, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 131.019317626953, - "1976": 132.771743774414, - "1977": 132.286422729492, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 110.507278442383, - "1994": 107.460113525391, - "1995": 109.437652587891, - "1996": 107.280006408691, - "1997": 107.791816711426, - "1998": "", - "1999": 107.236831665039, - "2000": 106.449737548828, - "2001": 105.782257080078, - "2002": 104.417297363281, - "2003": 102.602348327637, - "2004": 98.8414764404297, - "2005": 98.5688171386719, - "2006": 98.0761871337891, - "2007": 104.85578918457, - "2008": 108.284156799316, - "2009": 109.744972229004, - "2010": 104.038833618164, - "2011": 103.324058532715, - "2012": 102.995933532715, - "2013": 103.003936767578, - "2014": 103.942939758301, - "2015": 104.772163391113, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa bruta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 98.7209167480469, - "1972": 99.1042785644531, - "1973": "", - "1974": 105.597457885742, - "1975": 103.878562927246, - "1976": 105.058853149414, - "1977": 109.953521728516, - "1978": 109.039520263672, - "1979": 114.596542358398, - "1980": 115.622917175293, - "1981": 115.034057617188, - "1982": 113.681289672852, - "1983": 112.122123718262, - "1984": 112.220832824707, - "1985": 111.674346923828, - "1986": 111.772506713867, - "1987": 111.550537109375, - "1988": 110.354827880859, - "1989": 109.933197021484, - "1990": 108.45906829834, - "1991": 108.111457824707, - "1992": 108.052291870117, - "1993": 107.980827331543, - "1994": 107.48291015625, - "1995": 107.698822021484, - "1996": 107.196197509766, - "1997": 106.780349731445, - "1998": 106.27375793457, - "1999": 106.234222412109, - "2000": 106.37133026123, - "2001": 106.162048339844, - "2002": 106.208763122559, - "2003": 105.896812438965, - "2004": 104.902412414551, - "2005": 103.661109924316, - "2006": 102.285133361816, - "2007": 102.18367767334, - "2008": 102.497222900391, - "2009": 103.788917541504, - "2010": 104.640037536621, - "2011": 105.62377166748, - "2012": 106.565078735352, - "2013": 106.374588012695, - "2014": 105.527442932129, - "2015": 104.462173461914, - "2016": 104.226852416992, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 47.9386711120605, - "1972": 47.1405601501465, - "1973": "", - "1974": 47.9801483154297, - "1975": 47.5506782531738, - "1976": 47.5547409057617, - "1977": 48.3430595397949, - "1978": 48.0186195373535, - "1979": 48.6875686645508, - "1980": 49.0072708129883, - "1981": 48.7638092041016, - "1982": 48.7381896972656, - "1983": 48.3248901367188, - "1984": 48.385669708252, - "1985": 48.6590690612793, - "1986": 48.6722793579102, - "1987": 48.633228302002, - "1988": 48.567008972168, - "1989": 48.5586395263672, - "1990": 48.3616409301758, - "1991": 48.5323791503906, - "1992": 48.5127296447754, - "1993": 48.4985504150391, - "1994": 48.3620185852051, - "1995": 48.4413909912109, - "1996": 48.4220390319824, - "1997": 48.4798011779785, - "1998": 48.5556182861328, - "1999": 48.6382713317871, - "2000": 48.7258911132813, - "2001": 48.7849502563477, - "2002": 48.8140602111816, - "2003": 48.8151206970215, - "2004": 48.8213005065918, - "2005": 48.7635116577148, - "2006": 48.7414512634277, - "2007": 48.7775115966797, - "2008": 48.7980003356934, - "2009": 48.8316917419434, - "2010": 48.8726196289063, - "2011": 48.8866310119629, - "2012": 48.9136390686035, - "2013": 48.8976783752441, - "2014": 48.9075698852539, - "2015": 48.9355583190918, - "2016": 48.9735908508301, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 32.1890602111816, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 49.6509284973145, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 62.2423286437988, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 65.5550689697266, - "2005": 69.1048583984375, - "2006": 68.4678192138672, - "2007": 69.8880081176758, - "2008": 70.8418502807617, - "2009": 72.7437133789063, - "2010": 73.2645568847656, - "2011": "", - "2012": 75.7189483642578, - "2013": 76.9667663574219, - "2014": 77.6536407470703, - "2015": 78.0581665039063, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela primaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CUAT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 65.8192520141602, - "1976": 67.640983581543, - "1977": 73.6753311157227, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 88.8730926513672, - "1994": 90.5397720336914, - "1995": 93.6248092651367, - "1996": 94.9687194824219, - "1997": 94.7226028442383, - "1998": "", - "1999": 95.2226791381836, - "2000": 96.1635971069336, - "2001": 96.9123306274414, - "2002": 98.3771896362305, - "2003": 97.9900207519531, - "2004": 99.7771224975586, - "2005": 100.170600891113, - "2006": 99.4751586914063, - "2007": 99.1805877685547, - "2008": 97.3068618774414, - "2009": 94.4646682739258, - "2010": 94.1280136108398, - "2011": 94.1138763427734, - "2012": 101.253288269043, - "2013": 105.449089050293, - "2014": 107.385673522949, - "2015": 102.761360168457, - "2016": 102.143676757813, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización de la educación de nivel primario, mujeres (% del grupo etario correspondiente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.CMPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 12.5530004501343, - "1972": 12.7066698074341, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 13.3032102584839, - "1977": 15.1224403381348, - "1978": 15.2336397171021, - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": 23.1742305755615, - "1982": 30.827600479126, - "1983": 37.5311012268066, - "1984": 43.0372886657715, - "1985": 49.5182914733887, - "1986": 54.742618560791, - "1987": 58.6999702453613, - "1988": 60.4529418945313, - "1989": 61.2495498657227, - "1990": 59.8170585632324, - "1991": 62.2305717468262, - "1992": 62.9831886291504, - "1993": 63.6146507263184, - "1994": 65.6101913452148, - "1995": 67.4229125976563, - "1996": 68.8409194946289, - "1997": 69.8229904174805, - "1998": 71.1544876098633, - "1999": 71.7415237426758, - "2000": 72.1717910766602, - "2001": 72.4209213256836, - "2002": 72.3654632568359, - "2003": 76.3847122192383, - "2004": 78.6467895507813, - "2005": 86.0408935546875, - "2006": 94.0295791625977, - "2007": 100.997970581055, - "2008": 102.317642211914, - "2009": 101.019836425781, - "2010": 101.361572265625, - "2011": 102.465019226074, - "2012": 104.256248474121, - "2013": 70.5023498535156, - "2014": 70.8542709350586, - "2015": 71.1455764770508, - "2016": 71.3131103515625, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel preprimario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRE.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.257050007581711, - "1972": 0.282029986381531, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 0.370779991149902, - "1978": 0.40200999379158, - "1979": "", - "1980": 0.467310011386871, - "1981": 0.486059993505478, - "1982": 0.512290000915527, - "1983": 0.542789995670319, - "1984": 0.551490008831024, - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": 0.821560025215149, - "1994": 0.852869987487793, - "1995": 0.876590013504028, - "1996": 0.903389990329742, - "1997": 0.916270017623901, - "1998": 0.930280029773712, - "1999": 0.941330015659332, - "2000": 0.959869980812073, - "2001": 0.975639998912811, - "2002": 0.990480005741119, - "2003": 1.00636005401611, - "2004": 1.02211999893188, - "2005": 1.03689002990723, - "2006": 1.0395599603653, - "2007": 1.04272997379303, - "2008": 1.04367005825043, - "2009": 1.04351997375488, - "2010": 1.0355099439621, - "2011": 1.02590000629425, - "2012": 1.01695001125336, - "2013": 1.00680994987488, - "2014": 1.00631999969482, - "2015": 1.00218999385834, - "2016": 1.02186000347137, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación terciaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.TERT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.632560014724731, - "1972": 0.701560020446777, - "1973": "", - "1974": 0.694329977035522, - "1975": 0.68708997964859, - "1976": 0.657500028610229, - "1977": 0.790960013866425, - "1978": 0.83363002538681, - "1979": 0.811349987983704, - "1980": 0.818889975547791, - "1981": 0.886929988861084, - "1982": 0.899489998817444, - "1983": 0.899789988994598, - "1984": 0.919809997081757, - "1985": 0.902350008487701, - "1986": 0.94625997543335, - "1987": 0.957740008831024, - "1988": 0.966639995574951, - "1989": 0.982280015945435, - "1990": 0.989530026912689, - "1991": 0.998260021209717, - "1992": 0.967469990253448, - "1993": 0.988839983940125, - "1994": 1.00106000900269, - "1995": 1.00612998008728, - "1996": 0.999689996242523, - "1997": 0.998109996318817, - "1998": 1.00989997386932, - "1999": 1.02656996250153, - "2000": 1.04103994369507, - "2001": 1.05637001991272, - "2002": 1.07448995113373, - "2003": 1.09983003139496, - "2004": 1.08845996856689, - "2005": 1.08884000778198, - "2006": 1.09370994567871, - "2007": 1.0938800573349, - "2008": 1.09619998931885, - "2009": 1.09741997718811, - "2010": 1.08694005012512, - "2011": 1.07705998420715, - "2012": 1.07121002674103, - "2013": 1.06169998645782, - "2014": 1.06246995925903, - "2015": 1.07413995265961, - "2016": 1.08606004714966, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación secundaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": 0.940060019493103, - "1972": 0.910300016403198, - "1973": "", - "1974": 0.941980004310608, - "1975": 0.926649987697601, - "1976": 0.927869975566864, - "1977": 0.958289980888367, - "1978": 0.946680009365082, - "1979": 0.973190009593964, - "1980": 0.986440002918243, - "1981": 0.977419972419739, - "1982": 0.976310014724731, - "1983": 0.960039973258972, - "1984": 0.962130010128021, - "1985": 0.972649991512299, - "1986": 0.973439991474152, - "1987": 0.97146999835968, - "1988": 0.968739986419678, - "1989": 0.968559980392456, - "1990": 0.961399972438812, - "1991": 0.96875, - "1992": 0.969799995422363, - "1993": 0.970939993858337, - "1994": 0.967109978199005, - "1995": 0.971340000629425, - "1996": 0.971390008926392, - "1997": 0.974449992179871, - "1998": 0.978309988975525, - "1999": 0.982140004634857, - "2000": 0.98540997505188, - "2001": 0.98650997877121, - "2002": 0.98675000667572, - "2003": 0.985859990119934, - "2004": 0.985040009021759, - "2005": 0.981620013713837, - "2006": 0.97979998588562, - "2007": 0.979659974575043, - "2008": 0.98105001449585, - "2009": 0.985059976577759, - "2010": 0.991219997406006, - "2011": 0.997300028800964, - "2012": 1.00309002399445, - "2013": 1.00528001785278, - "2014": 1.00650000572205, - "2015": 1.0064799785614, - "2016": 1.00555002689362, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación primaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 25.8, - "2014": 25.9, - "2015": 25.4, - "2016": 25.5, - "2017": 25.6 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 1.83000004291534, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 3.04699993133545, - "1992": 3.09599995613098, - "1993": 3.21399998664856, - "1994": 4.2480001449585, - "1995": 6.88800001144409, - "1996": 5.25, - "1997": 4.05499982833862, - "1998": 3.57299995422363, - "1999": 2.48799991607666, - "2000": 2.56299996376038, - "2001": 2.53800010681152, - "2002": 2.86500000953674, - "2003": 2.96399998664856, - "2004": 3.66100001335144, - "2005": 3.55789995193481, - "2006": 3.56599998474121, - "2007": 3.6275999546051, - "2008": 3.87409996986389, - "2009": 5.35640001296997, - "2010": 5.30329990386963, - "2011": 5.1697998046875, - "2012": 4.88700008392334, - "2013": 4.91389989852905, - "2014": 4.80940008163452, - "2015": 4.31269979476929, - "2016": 3.85899996757507, - "2017": 3.41960000991821 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 1.47000002861023, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 2.5239999294281, - "1992": 2.67400002479553, - "1993": 2.87899994850159, - "1994": 3.97199988365173, - "1995": 6.04199981689453, - "1996": 4.44600009918213, - "1997": 2.96799993515015, - "1998": 2.87400007247925, - "1999": 1.94900000095367, - "2000": 2.19199991226196, - "2001": 2.15000009536743, - "2002": 2.5220000743866, - "2003": 2.61100006103516, - "2004": 3.07500004768372, - "2005": 3.35890007019043, - "2006": 3.37750005722046, - "2007": 3.40720009803772, - "2008": 3.77819991111755, - "2009": 5.35820007324219, - "2010": 5.37449979782104, - "2011": 5.19430017471313, - "2012": 4.89279985427856, - "2013": 4.8882999420166, - "2014": 4.78649997711182, - "2015": 4.22749996185303, - "2016": 3.8283998966217, - "2017": 3.30920004844666 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 4.2649998664856, - "1992": 4.06500005722046, - "1993": 3.95499992370605, - "1994": 4.85200023651123, - "1995": 8.64200019836426, - "1996": 6.90399980545044, - "1997": 6.20499992370605, - "1998": 4.96400022506714, - "1999": 3.57399988174438, - "2000": 3.28999996185303, - "2001": 3.30900001525879, - "2002": 3.53200006484985, - "2003": 3.6470000743866, - "2004": 4.73600006103516, - "2005": 3.91599988937378, - "2006": 3.8970000743866, - "2007": 4.03499984741211, - "2008": 4.07499980926514, - "2009": 5.38000011444092, - "2010": 5.20800018310547, - "2011": 5.15199995040894, - "2012": 4.91400003433228, - "2013": 4.99100017547607, - "2014": 4.86800003051758, - "2015": 4.48000001907349, - "2016": 3.93700003623962, - "2017": 3.60400009155273 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 2.60999989509583, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 4.22499990463257, - "1992": 4.03800010681152, - "1993": 3.95099997520447, - "1994": 4.83900022506714, - "1995": 8.61100006103516, - "1996": 6.86600017547607, - "1997": 6.13399982452393, - "1998": 4.92500019073486, - "1999": 3.54099988937378, - "2000": 3.26699995994568, - "2001": 3.27500009536743, - "2002": 3.50200009346008, - "2003": 3.62700009346008, - "2004": 4.70100021362305, - "2005": 3.90100002288818, - "2006": 3.88240003585815, - "2007": 3.99230003356934, - "2008": 4.03439998626709, - "2009": 5.35340023040771, - "2010": 5.18459987640381, - "2011": 5.12919998168945, - 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"2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 33.4122009277344, - "2006": 32.8610992431641, - "2007": 32.4630012512207, - "2008": 33.5794982910156, - "2009": 33.1169013977051, - "2010": 32.9648017883301, - "2011": 32.761100769043, - "2012": 32.323600769043, - "2013": 31.3575000762939, - "2014": 31.448299407959, - "2015": 30.7975997924805, - "2016": 30.5363998413086, - "2017": 29.4489002227783 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - 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"countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 3.34999990463257, - "1996": 4.78999996185303, - "1997": 3.32999992370605, - "1998": 3.21000003814697, - "1999": 1.86000001430511, - "2000": 1.33000004291534, - "2001": 2.70000004768372, - "2002": 1.62000000476837, - "2003": 1.67999994754791, - "2004": 3.97000002861023, - "2005": 3.84509992599487, - "2006": 3.582200050354, - "2007": 3.89779996871948, - "2008": 3.56970000267029, - "2009": 5.08249998092651, - "2010": 5.50180006027222, - "2011": 4.99989986419678, - "2012": 4.83920001983643, - "2013": 4.95340013504028, - "2014": 5.36089992523193, - "2015": 4.78170013427734, - "2016": 5.01679992675781, - "2017": 4.17390012741089 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 2.44000005722046, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 5.42899990081787, - "1992": 5.39200019836426, - "1993": 5.36600017547607, - "1994": 7.10099983215332, - "1995": 11.326000213623, - "1996": 9.23900032043457, - "1997": 7.37599992752075, - "1998": 6.43599987030029, - "1999": 4.08599996566772, - "2000": 5.08300018310547, - "2001": 4.85200023651123, - "2002": 5.91499996185303, - "2003": 6.17799997329712, - "2004": 7.60200023651123, - "2005": 6.92439985275269, - "2006": 7.04370021820068, - "2007": 7.17150020599365, - "2008": 7.64769983291626, - "2009": 10.0659999847412, - "2010": 9.72869968414307, - "2011": 9.78660011291504, - "2012": 9.37679958343506, - "2013": 9.41889953613281, - "2014": 9.43970012664795, - "2015": 8.55729961395264, - "2016": 7.66510009765625, - "2017": 6.86959981918335 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 1.64999997615814, - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 5.23999977111816, - "1992": 5.03900003433228, - "1993": 4.85699987411499, - "1994": 6.47900009155273, - "1995": 9.19600009918213, - "1996": 7.58900022506714, - "1997": 5.64099979400635, - "1998": 5.15399980545044, - "1999": 2.94700002670288, - "2000": 4.43400001525879, - "2001": 3.80599999427795, - "2002": 4.79899978637695, - "2003": 5.05700016021729, - "2004": 5.93499994277954, - "2005": 6.17409992218018, - "2006": 6.40740013122559, - "2007": 6.5528998374939, - "2008": 7.02400016784668, - "2009": 9.41180038452148, - "2010": 9.29650020599365, - "2011": 9.24870014190674, - "2012": 8.85019969940186, - "2013": 8.67749977111816, - "2014": 8.73700046539307, - "2015": 7.77430009841919, - "2016": 7.09700012207031, - "2017": 6.26999998092651 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 5.7649998664856, - "1992": 6.00099992752075, - "1993": 6.21700000762939, - "1994": 8.10299968719482, - "1995": 14.960000038147, - "1996": 12.1169996261597, - "1997": 10.3999996185303, - "1998": 8.66600036621094, - "1999": 6.08300018310547, - "2000": 6.16699981689453, - "2001": 6.64099979400635, - "2002": 7.82299995422363, - "2003": 8.14900016784668, - "2004": 10.6009998321533, - "2005": 8.16800022125244, - "2006": 8.06900024414063, - "2007": 8.21399974822998, - "2008": 8.71000003814697, - "2009": 11.1780004501343, - "2010": 10.5080003738403, - "2011": 10.7510004043579, - "2012": 10.2849998474121, - "2013": 10.7489995956421, - "2014": 10.6400003433228, - "2015": 9.94400024414063, - "2016": 8.66100025177002, - "2017": 7.90199995040894 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - 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"countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.1415759073992, - "1991": 29.5231155134243, - "1992": 29.9700557856078, - "1993": 30.4517032393041, - "1994": 30.9529281372851, - "1995": 32.0806478546184, - "1996": 31.9841038843699, - "1997": 32.9449615664252, - "1998": 32.798595828881, - "1999": 32.4857982591688, - "2000": 32.8373750272335, - "2001": 32.5484312932772, - "2002": 33.0719758898829, - "2003": 32.948767257457, - "2004": 34.0644462310812, - "2005": 34.4165692236673, - "2006": 34.9613553376007, - "2007": 35.220510337493, - "2008": 35.254006324804, - "2009": 35.7338455555259, - "2010": 35.7076615303363, - "2011": 35.9455024988552, - "2012": 36.4181690024803, - "2013": 36.5460189883526, - "2014": 36.0809537603904, - "2015": 36.2951773462273, - "2016": 36.3869699174728, - "2017": 36.4838222908823 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Población activa, mujeres (% de la población activa total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 79.890998840332, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 84.9559097290039, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 88.6820373535156, - "2001": "", - "2002": 88.728630065918, - "2003": "", - "2004": 89.6310195922852, - "2005": 90.2104110717773, - "2006": 89.8345108032227, - "2007": 91.3555526733398, - "2008": 91.45361328125, - "2009": 92.1162490844727, - "2010": 91.8534164428711, - "2011": 92.3382797241211, - "2012": 93.1792373657227, - "2013": 92.903938293457, - "2014": 93.5913391113281, - "2015": 93.4854965209961, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 90.8609390258789, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 94.9032135009766, - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": 96.4823608398438, - "2001": "", - "2002": 97.2721099853516, - "2003": "", - "2004": 97.6079330444336, - "2005": 97.6279296875, - "2006": 97.6917190551758, - "2007": 98.1161117553711, - "2008": 98.3564224243164, - "2009": 98.3815994262695, - "2010": 98.4921264648438, - "2011": 98.5066604614258, - "2012": 99.0295715332031, - "2013": 98.6019134521484, - "2014": 99.079460144043, - "2015": 99.0149536132813, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres jóvenes (% de mujeres entre 15 y 24 años)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - 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"2011": 38.9410018920898, - "2012": 39.905200958252, - "2013": 39.9612998962402, - "2014": 38.8889999389648, - "2015": 39.3418006896973, - "2016": 39.2219009399414, - "2017": 38.6375999450684 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación básica (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.BASC.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - 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"1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 74.7751007080078, - "2006": 76.0064010620117, - "2007": 75.4893035888672, - "2008": 75.2104034423828, - "2009": 74.9406967163086, - "2010": 73.8803024291992, - "2011": 73.6476974487305, - "2012": 73.1961975097656, - "2013": 73.1511001586914, - "2014": 72.0792999267578, - "2015": 71.4275970458984, - "2016": 71.5052032470703, - "2017": 70.6910018920898 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 82.9421997070313, - "2006": 83.7192001342773, - "2007": 83.3655014038086, - "2008": 83.1641006469727, - "2009": 82.2954025268555, - "2010": 81.2183990478516, - "2011": 80.8443984985352, - "2012": 80.8687973022461, - "2013": 80.5921020507813, - "2014": 79.8393020629883, - "2015": 79.0083999633789, - "2016": 79.1174011230469, - "2017": 78.2623977661133 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 89.9293975830078, - "2006": 90.5899963378906, - "2007": 90.5078964233398, - "2008": 90.4466018676758, - "2009": 89.0522003173828, - "2010": 88.095703125, - "2011": 87.5824966430664, - "2012": 88.201301574707, - "2013": 88.0045013427734, - "2014": 87.5739974975586, - "2015": 86.4746017456055, - "2016": 86.6574020385742, - "2017": 85.8006973266602 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 60.5, - "1991": 60.7620010375977, - "1992": 61.3359985351563, - "1993": 61.9939994812012, - "1994": 62.0400009155273, - "1995": 62.0970001220703, - "1996": 62.2490005493164, - "1997": 63.7820014953613, - "1998": 63.5670013427734, - "1999": 62.8979988098145, - "2000": 62.9070014953613, - "2001": 62.3479995727539, - "2002": 62.4910011291504, - "2003": 62.0099983215332, - "2004": 63.4659996032715, - "2005": 63.8160018920898, - "2006": 64.6740036010742, - "2007": 64.8899993896484, - "2008": 64.6220016479492, - "2009": 64.6259994506836, - "2010": 64.4729995727539, - "2011": 64.6060028076172, - "2012": 65.3440017700195, - "2013": 65.1529998779297, - "2014": 64.5279998779297, - "2015": 64.6269989013672, - "2016": 64.6760025024414, - "2017": 64.8109970092773 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% del total de la población entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 35.2140007019043, - "1991": 35.826000213623, - "1992": 36.6829986572266, - "1993": 37.6450004577637, - "1994": 38.2280006408691, - "1995": 39.5849990844727, - "1996": 39.6310005187988, - "1997": 41.8320007324219, - "1998": 41.5330009460449, - "1999": 40.7449989318848, - "2000": 41.173999786377, - "2001": 40.5530014038086, - "2002": 41.2519989013672, - "2003": 40.7799987792969, - "2004": 43.1549987792969, - "2005": 43.8549995422363, - "2006": 45.1440010070801, - "2007": 45.6980018615723, - "2008": 45.5400009155273, - 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"1993": 55.1870002746582, - "1994": 54.798999786377, - "1995": 55.0149993896484, - "1996": 54.1839981079102, - "1997": 54.4109992980957, - "1998": 54.9290008544922, - "1999": 53.6920013427734, - "2000": 52.9080009460449, - "2001": 51.2439994812012, - "2002": 49.8139991760254, - "2003": 48.2820014953613, - "2004": 49.1669998168945, - "2005": 49.4220008850098, - "2006": 49.9739990234375, - "2007": 50.0029983520508, - "2008": 49.3269996643066, - "2009": 48.1860008239746, - "2010": 48.2519989013672, - "2011": 47.7560005187988, - "2012": 47.9580001831055, - "2013": 47.0309982299805, - "2014": 45.9070014953613, - "2015": 45.3919982910156, - "2016": 45, - "2017": 44.9500007629395 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.5699996948242, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.0699996948242, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": 46.3199996948242, - "1979": 46.9199981689453, - "1980": 49.3499984741211, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": 50.9700012207031, - "1989": "", - "1990": 41.1100006103516, - "1991": 52.1759986877441, - "1992": 53.3359985351563, - "1993": 54.5349998474121, - "1994": 54.1259994506836, - "1995": 54.3569984436035, - "1996": 53.0719985961914, - "1997": 53.1139984130859, - "1998": 53.7709999084473, - "1999": 52.4249992370605, - "2000": 51.5209999084473, - "2001": 49.5610008239746, - "2002": 48.2459983825684, - "2003": 47.015998840332, - "2004": 47.9869995117188, - "2005": 47.8872985839844, - "2006": 48.3806991577148, - "2007": 48.3536987304688, - "2008": 47.7228012084961, - "2009": 46.9217987060547, - "2010": 47.0658988952637, - 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"1996": 72.0149993896484, - "1997": 71.7129974365234, - "1998": 71.9830017089844, - "1999": 70.3290023803711, - "2000": 68.9869995117188, - "2001": 67.0910034179688, - "2002": 65.0530014038086, - "2003": 63.5050010681152, - "2004": 64.3960037231445, - "2005": 63.6879997253418, - "2006": 64.2070007324219, - "2007": 64.0749969482422, - "2008": 63.556999206543, - "2009": 61.9889984130859, - "2010": 62.2599983215332, - "2011": 61.5670013427734, - "2012": 61.5200004577637, - "2013": 60.4169998168945, - "2014": 59.3540000915527, - "2015": 58.7410011291504, - "2016": 58.2949981689453, - "2017": 58.1310005187988 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, hombres (% de la población masculina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 85.2099990844727, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - 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"2013": 59.7664985656738, - "2014": 58.8596992492676, - "2015": 57.902400970459, - "2016": 57.1875991821289, - "2017": 56.7085990905762 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, varones (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 34.5180015563965, - "1991": 34.7470016479492, - "1992": 35.4809989929199, - "1993": 36.2799987792969, - "1994": 36.1570014953613, - "1995": 37.5400009155273, - "1996": 36.2490005493164, - "1997": 36.9749984741211, - 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"2015": 31.5622997283936, - "2016": 31.1597995758057, - "2017": 30.7444000244141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 70.2529983520508, - "1992": 70.072998046875, - "1993": 71.2460021972656, - "1994": 73.6859970092773, - "1995": 74.6600036621094, - "1996": 72.4250030517578, - "1997": 69.7580032348633, - "1998": 71.8199996948242, - "1999": 70.2580032348633, - "2000": 71.1520004272461, - "2001": 72.2239990234375, - "2002": 73.4499969482422, - "2003": 75.3919982910156, - "2004": 75.3669967651367, - "2005": 76.6019973754883, - "2006": 77.2220001220703, - "2007": 78.0429992675781, - "2008": 78.3980026245117, - "2009": 80.5540008544922, - "2010": 80.4739990234375, - "2011": 80.3170013427734, - "2012": 80.5019989013672, - "2013": 80.4069976806641, - "2014": 80.0790023803711, - "2015": 80.0169982910156, - "2016": 79.6959991455078, - "2017": 79.427001953125 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleados de servicios, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.SRV.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 73.9122280305615, - "2009": "", - "2010": 82.2804530074953, - "2011": "", - "2012": 72.2302158924971, - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Cobertura de los programas de trabajo y protección social (% de la población)", - "indicatorCode": "per_allsp.cov_pop_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - 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"2015": 16.4699993133545, - "2016": 16.8939990997314, - "2017": 16.9759998321533 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Empleados en la industria, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 61.5429992675781, - "1992": 59.6759986877441, - "1993": 58.4370002746582, - "1994": 56.5349998474121, - "1995": 59.140998840332, - "1996": 60.9169998168945, - "1997": 58.5540008544922, - "1998": 61.4599990844727, - "1999": 61.9539985656738, - "2000": 64.5950012207031, - "2001": 64.2679977416992, - "2002": 63.2019996643066, - "2003": 63.1160011291504, - "2004": 62.681999206543, - "2005": 64.6139984130859, - "2006": 64.9530029296875, - "2007": 64.8280029296875, - "2008": 65.3759994506836, - "2009": 64.8600006103516, - "2010": 65.6549987792969, - "2011": 65.3130035400391, - "2012": 65.5650024414063, - "2013": 66.302001953125, - "2014": 67.265998840332, - "2015": 67.0930023193359, - "2016": 67.427001953125, - "2017": 67.5110015869141 - }, - "countryName": "México", - "countryCode": "MEX", - "indicatorName": "Trabajadores asalariados (empleados), mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - 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"indicatorName": "Educacin terciaria, profesores (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.TER.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 17.841890335083, - "2000": "", - "2001": 20.1296691894531, - "2002": 23.4713897705078, - "2003": 26.398380279541, - "2004": 27.5286502838135, - "2005": 29.2680797576904, - "2006": "", - "2007": 34.4019393920898, - "2008": 40.1734085083008, - "2009": 42.1641693115234, - "2010": "", - "2011": 49.3431396484375, - "2012": 51.8513717651367, - 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"1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 51.2302093505859, - "2000": 51.1069183349609, - "2001": 51.4395484924316, - "2002": 51.5112495422363, - "2003": 51.348331451416, - "2004": 51.6572303771973, - "2005": 51.6635894775391, - "2006": "", - "2007": 51.4726295471191, - "2008": 51.4235000610352, - "2009": 51.3141784667969, - "2010": 51.1540298461914, - "2011": 51.0076789855957, - "2012": 50.8134803771973, - "2013": 50.4970588684082, - "2014": 50.3012008666992, - "2015": 50.0480117797852, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 50.4657897949219, - "1971": 50.7786903381348, - "1972": 50.8894805908203, - "1973": 51.2640113830566, - "1974": 51.9650917053223, - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 51.5578994750977, - "2003": 51.7473793029785, - "2004": 51.5375099182129, - "2005": 51.622730255127, - "2006": "", - "2007": 51.7353096008301, - "2008": 51.7060203552246, - "2009": 51.618968963623, - "2010": 51.4983787536621, - "2011": 51.3676605224609, - "2012": 51.1544189453125, - "2013": 50.7307586669922, - "2014": 50.509578704834, - "2015": 50.249870300293, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 5.0261697769165, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 30.5576400756836, - "2005": "", - "2006": 33.717830657959, - "2007": 35.0384788513184, - "2008": 36.7026901245117, - "2009": 38.3714904785156, - "2010": 37.5922889709473, - "2011": 40.9427604675293, - "2012": 42.2436294555664, - "2013": 43.8012008666992, - "2014": 44.5681114196777, - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 1.01813995838165, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 3.20000004768372, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 4.13622999191284, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 10.268030166626, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 9.19999980926514, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 11.3020496368408, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 43.1849899291992, - "2005": "", - "2006": 46.4452018737793, - "2007": 48.4203300476074, - "2008": 50.4843597412109, - "2009": 51.0410385131836, - "2010": 52.0154418945313, - "2011": 54.641529083252, - "2012": 55.8086814880371, - "2013": 57.2568511962891, - "2014": 57.7636184692383, - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 93.5139770507813, - "2005": 97.2598419189453, - "2006": "", - "2007": 93.7057113647461, - "2008": 97.9007034301758, - "2009": 97.5330123901367, - "2010": "", - "2011": 95.4021072387695, - "2012": 97.5464172363281, - "2013": 93.9123229980469, - "2014": 95.2473602294922, - "2015": 95.4645385742188, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 94.7827529907227, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 92.6142425537109, - "2000": 92.6128616333008, - "2001": 92.0723114013672, - "2002": 90.044563293457, - "2003": 89.7346572875977, - "2004": 89.5783081054688, - "2005": 87.7873992919922, - "2006": "", - "2007": 91.0298461914063, - "2008": 91.0757675170898, - "2009": 90.8332977294922, - "2010": 90.7311325073242, - "2011": 90.2333526611328, - "2012": 89.8296203613281, - "2013": 89.768669128418, - "2014": 89.6353988647461, - "2015": 89.3108901977539, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.05, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.05, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.05, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.05, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.05, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.05, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.05, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.05, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.05, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.05, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.05, - "2008": 1.05, - "2009": 1.05, - "2010": 1.05, - "2011": 1.05, - "2012": 1.05, - "2013": 1.05, - "2014": 1.05, - "2015": 1.05, - "2016": 1.05, - "2017": 1.05 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.382002951884872, - "1961": 0.401743462344435, - "1962": 0.414914381914269, - "1963": 0.421630981647542, - "1964": 0.422803526898264, - "1965": 0.419344146528382, - "1966": 0.441927050914976, - "1967": 0.458850821548156, - "1968": 0.468556570643322, - "1969": 0.470161793007461, - "1970": 0.46421407551835, - "1971": 0.486332566299, - "1972": 0.499729256707213, - "1973": 0.50579324446425, - "1974": 0.506835406113439, - "1975": 0.504052242369537, - "1976": 0.532632369654558, - "1977": 0.554367545758653, - "1978": 0.566448826496496, - "1979": 0.56684615651891, - "1980": 0.556123020021703, - "1981": 0.574583227027161, - "1982": 0.582855276672072, - "1983": 0.582359194105151, - "1984": 0.575354105651909, - "1985": 0.56356222772134, - "1986": 0.591124221452374, - "1987": 0.611594066081015, - "1988": 0.624151625500808, - "1989": 0.628914864312211, - "1990": 0.626813409494097, - "1991": 0.666004372778521, - "1992": 0.698011176068543, - "1993": 0.721404774934136, - "1994": 0.73533884696189, - "1995": 0.740507566366128, - "1996": 0.783686128233923, - "1997": 0.820438079130547, - "1998": 0.851858650782835, - "1999": 0.879507992282014, - "2000": 0.905080821268554, - "2001": 0.962063231076325, - "2002": 1.01526132874903, - "2003": 1.06610459390056, - "2004": 1.11702203672787, - "2005": 1.16988849837855, - "2006": 1.25106532319521, - "2007": 1.33057985116363, - "2008": 1.4056221698627, - "2009": 1.47271874890952, - "2010": 1.53138624887729, - "2011": 1.623798797878, - "2012": 1.70558938079462, - "2013": 1.78151477467257, - "2014": 1.85813537239824, - "2015": 1.93979745755197, - "2016": 2.04362236382697, - "2017": 2.14747246964957 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.599095656686814, - "1961": 0.608617043318914, - "1962": 0.6185436037303, - "1963": 0.629001461033647, - "1964": 0.639194256541998, - "1965": 0.648778810377281, - "1966": 0.650848366161227, - "1967": 0.651284384227406, - "1968": 0.654141989762655, - "1969": 0.663168018643213, - "1970": 0.67914859604532, - "1971": 0.69547092259161, - "1972": 0.715261606452642, - "1973": 0.734556768173106, - "1974": 0.74788147060576, - "1975": 0.753541110237672, - "1976": 0.747292623687312, - "1977": 0.735665104939808, - "1978": 0.72570983805018, - "1979": 0.723820981359679, - "1980": 0.731734767819883, - "1981": 0.738047155192305, - "1982": 0.748810563201758, - "1983": 0.763122706784952, - "1984": 0.779391083010311, - "1985": 0.796904970331488, - "1986": 0.807824734232757, - "1987": 0.820015434704876, - "1988": 0.833408891449325, - "1989": 0.846259378053613, - "1990": 0.857671960764207, - "1991": 0.864113197347877, - "1992": 0.868252017644772, - "1993": 0.874497053983054, - "1994": 0.886711602710877, - "1995": 0.906069098733139, - "1996": 0.928990952231179, - "1997": 0.954802595834644, - "1998": 0.985650995652554, - "1999": 1.02376951453108, - "2000": 1.06957986167766, - "2001": 1.11378958113262, - "2002": 1.16545508686775, - "2003": 1.21915303555024, - "2004": 1.26674184437432, - "2005": 1.30459066216083, - "2006": 1.32420688453781, - "2007": 1.33501402273198, - "2008": 1.34665333358675, - "2009": 1.37104716572256, - "2010": 1.41328505050676, - "2011": 1.46022920386424, - "2012": 1.52069967650611, - "2013": 1.58629465570857, - "2014": 1.64521179965818, - "2015": 1.69236150841927, - "2016": 1.71822327625312, - "2017": 1.73635099147859 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.03926912674357, - "1961": 1.04235518802442, - "1962": 1.04209758968839, - "1963": 1.04344669982185, - "1964": 1.05275168069713, - "1965": 1.07236316963637, - "1966": 1.0889897270773, - "1967": 1.1151263757223, - "1968": 1.14277226053704, - "1969": 1.16202659239305, - "1970": 1.16943086213688, - "1971": 1.15897820106516, - "1972": 1.14104074437894, - "1973": 1.123851022791, - "1974": 1.11688530050725, - "1975": 1.12375624637912, - "1976": 1.13026492324634, - "1977": 1.14496604033972, - "1978": 1.16464208948354, - "1979": 1.18582114048111, - "1980": 1.20706482699396, - "1981": 1.21625057256225, - "1982": 1.2281812596777, - "1983": 1.24129727309379, - "1984": 1.25346001071741, - "1985": 1.26409130732931, - "1986": 1.26101251263994, - "1987": 1.25818765100474, - "1988": 1.25886323583053, - "1989": 1.26700874570254, - "1990": 1.28453015924797, - "1991": 1.30153458006835, - "1992": 1.32295261550183, - "1993": 1.35005206708687, - "1994": 1.38503436082803, - "1995": 1.42860579649211, - "1996": 1.4763273529121, - "1997": 1.53258785057695, - "1998": 1.59017334592665, - "1999": 1.63941904228513, - "2000": 1.67618106971453, - "2001": 1.69265421553926, - "2002": 1.69984304151809, - "2003": 1.70754487134019, - "2004": 1.72909404541828, - "2005": 1.77076640845505, - "2006": 1.81958882580603, - "2007": 1.88682674439086, - "2008": 1.96159566147629, - "2009": 2.02865759019535, - "2010": 2.08054615683444, - "2011": 2.10755609526372, - "2012": 2.12303588872839, - "2013": 2.13931992413003, - "2014": 2.17308588791906, - "2015": 2.23285599800371, - "2016": 2.30055013202693, - "2017": 2.38996339321067 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.55386009380817, - "1961": 3.6079075121376, - "1962": 3.66165416096993, - "1963": 3.71129085437927, - "1964": 3.75198499582231, - "1965": 3.78234376851437, - "1966": 3.8021449765984, - "1967": 3.81615405264125, - "1968": 3.827990116757, - "1969": 3.84189626611344, - "1970": 3.86070759551685, - "1971": 3.8940104140809, - "1972": 3.92673260787658, - "1973": 3.95973667236529, - "1974": 3.9935812270088, - "1975": 4.02824807459196, - "1976": 4.06902018308806, - "1977": 4.10688357348833, - "1978": 4.14156097482206, - "1979": 4.17175351804027, - "1980": 4.19744351083763, - "1981": 4.22191280821822, - "1982": 4.24289911188448, - "1983": 4.26337846969997, - "1984": 4.28729522241621, - "1985": 4.31784170960336, - "1986": 4.36317979600999, - "1987": 4.4121434484637, - "1988": 4.46694940497587, - "1989": 4.53031368698997, - "1990": 4.60375159590662, - "1991": 4.71203146671904, - "1992": 4.8244378256131, - "1993": 4.93732498738344, - "1994": 5.04484201628982, - "1995": 5.14432647951947, - "1996": 5.270442298105, - "1997": 5.3872880961102, - "1998": 5.50330272279982, - "1999": 5.62982230341719, - "2000": 5.77335780750746, - "2001": 5.93847136141515, - "2002": 6.1213786011365, - "2003": 6.31398614583473, - "2004": 6.50450134745796, - "2005": 6.68805172069703, - "2006": 6.86634820644957, - "2007": 7.03786878555218, - "2008": 7.21194038208552, - "2009": 7.4009579502232, - "2010": 7.61216452056392, - "2011": 7.85061968405636, - "2012": 8.1034235835586, - "2013": 8.37325600409954, - "2014": 8.66298578343254, - "2015": 8.9752343661567, - "2016": 9.28732245067666, - "2017": 9.62073679560813 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1288469, - "1961": 1346537, - "1962": 1407089, - "1963": 1468352, - "1964": 1527803, - "1965": 1584223, - "1966": 1637085, - "1967": 1688195, - "1968": 1738964, - "1969": 1791301, - "1970": 1846663, - "1971": 1909875, - "1972": 1973930, - "1973": 2039503, - "1974": 2107247, - "1975": 2177450, - "1976": 2253104, - "1977": 2329289, - "1978": 2405788, - "1979": 2481741, - "1980": 2556923, - "1981": 2633247, - "1982": 2709054, - "1983": 2785600, - "1984": 2864781, - "1985": 2948381, - "1986": 3042158, - "1987": 3138842, - "1988": 3240235, - "1989": 3348744, - "1990": 3465997, - "1991": 3611239, - "1992": 3761847, - "1993": 3915422, - "1994": 4067761, - "1995": 4216811, - "1996": 4391297, - "1997": 4561680, - "1998": 4734304, - "1999": 4918218, - "2000": 5118910, - "2001": 5340878, - "2002": 5581405, - "2003": 5833308, - "2004": 6085531, - "2005": 6333091, - "2006": 6576965, - "2007": 6815390, - "2008": 7057739, - "2009": 7317131, - "2010": 7601839, - "2011": 7917833, - "2012": 8252497, - "2013": 8608510, - "2014": 8988531, - "2015": 9395132, - "2016": 9804603, - "2017": 10239664 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.5334923584929, - "1961": 1.55519181844983, - "1962": 1.58609858563697, - "1963": 1.61721171187623, - "1964": 1.63723553168492, - "1965": 1.64185764197234, - "1966": 1.6203798324449, - "1967": 1.59089247114339, - "1968": 1.56251929581398, - "1969": 1.54653986206972, - "1970": 1.5479140618163, - "1971": 1.55322872412513, - "1972": 1.57070100033778, - "1973": 1.59553563693693, - "1974": 1.62197904978235, - "1975": 1.64689847560563, - "1976": 1.65883026649985, - "1977": 1.67188488245015, - "1978": 1.68476022079185, - "1979": 1.69526523968057, - "1980": 1.70252089600208, - "1981": 1.6930318534365, - "1982": 1.68305201233295, - "1983": 1.67659929571608, - "1984": 1.67909002303658, - "1985": 1.69328320422121, - "1986": 1.70321832768492, - "1987": 1.72234629667307, - "1988": 1.75052565219521, - "1989": 1.78813069892161, - "1990": 1.83473606640034, - "1991": 1.88037931652429, - "1992": 1.93522201639796, - "1993": 1.99137109137938, - "1994": 2.03775720578903, - "1995": 2.06914401792809, - "1996": 2.08143786472781, - "1997": 2.07945957056806, - "1998": 2.07561973043778, - "1999": 2.08712575431897, - "2000": 2.12251605484671, - "2001": 2.16996433366695, - "2002": 2.24081914400163, - "2003": 2.32118364504374, - "2004": 2.39164342093749, - "2005": 2.4428061517026, - "2006": 2.47148717291052, - "2007": 2.48544816726571, - "2008": 2.49806921715978, - "2009": 2.52853444539578, - "2010": 2.58694706434543, - "2011": 2.6590355870504, - "2012": 2.75409863752948, - "2013": 2.86612664958836, - "2014": 2.98655272345706, - "2015": 3.11021940218175, - "2016": 3.22492667856963, - "2017": 3.3469499412693 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.19028136409396, - "1961": 2.16172964951582, - "1962": 2.11570110894262, - "1963": 2.06676927560357, - "1964": 2.03339358321452, - "1965": 2.02383013879701, - "1966": 2.0188016409921, - "1967": 2.03357398171826, - "1968": 2.06005824785061, - "1969": 2.0880210908041, - "1970": 2.11221543828115, - "1971": 2.12604864051505, - "1972": 2.14029038163067, - "1973": 2.15323931223116, - "1974": 2.16247638055585, - "1975": 2.16675513291063, - "1976": 2.15494608472046, - "1977": 2.13954428663556, - "1978": 2.12625750532559, - "1979": 2.12238173084214, - "1980": 2.13142487979962, - "1981": 2.13763789733704, - "1982": 2.15416261140364, - "1983": 2.18068074289676, - "1984": 2.2176648539774, - "1985": 2.26472139936815, - "1986": 2.30854581192637, - "1987": 2.36609342086919, - "1988": 2.42647496829351, - "1989": 2.47469411957127, - "1990": 2.50359958962022, - "1991": 2.50718286062472, - "1992": 2.4927314361689, - "1993": 2.47547312413126, - "1994": 2.47627126171458, - "1995": 2.5050772154461, - "1996": 2.54989100607943, - "1997": 2.61952643927417, - "1998": 2.69924663763286, - "1999": 2.76787709005758, - "2000": 2.81500747983854, - "2001": 2.83634364335998, - "2002": 2.84259440801039, - "2003": 2.84765331225016, - "2004": 2.8718314713075, - "2005": 2.92631904743912, - "2006": 3.00178254563536, - "2007": 3.10213052650067, - "2008": 3.22055701782083, - "2009": 3.34698765568208, - "2010": 3.47496461575304, - "2011": 3.59805117690737, - "2012": 3.72499371192758, - "2013": 3.85302195744623, - "2014": 3.97852839852068, - "2015": 4.09936422129023, - "2016": 4.20338026947473, - "2017": 4.3021137508686 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.58086784620884, - "1961": 2.57128087539766, - "1962": 2.58007201942704, - "1963": 2.59999284711492, - "1964": 2.62181163250099, - "1965": 2.64037998991087, - "1966": 2.64393983028961, - "1967": 2.65193879713482, - "1968": 2.66020002509928, - "1969": 2.66336795241756, - "1970": 2.65946555463572, - "1971": 2.64377999489015, - "1972": 2.62292362174556, - "1973": 2.60351089792872, - "1974": 2.59441675229023, - "1975": 2.599808682035, - "1976": 2.60723842929634, - "1977": 2.62423923646903, - "1978": 2.65123542753481, - "1979": 2.68900767916412, - "1980": 2.73674171194991, - "1981": 2.78194429210767, - "1982": 2.84080944193347, - "1983": 2.90093090599517, - "1984": 2.94587982704223, - "1985": 2.96824533828913, - "1986": 2.96041146348882, - "1987": 2.93469538751632, - "1988": 2.90640697853427, - "1989": 2.89757285684156, - "1990": 2.91930038854316, - "1991": 2.96209540962119, - "1992": 3.03265056340107, - "1993": 3.11450848767095, - "1994": 3.1836435719337, - "1995": 3.22757944211091, - "1996": 3.24262464629155, - "1997": 3.23706610289462, - "1998": 3.22814935046366, - "1999": 3.24074288702966, - "2000": 3.28841760939152, - "2001": 3.35773577114875, - "2002": 3.45793860243241, - "2003": 3.5797934925734, - "2004": 3.70972091625452, - "2005": 3.83956978946637, - "2006": 3.96839036761791, - "2007": 4.09989038178517, - "2008": 4.23121121957012, - "2009": 4.35879286741275, - "2010": 4.48025223814844, - "2011": 4.58837449411738, - "2012": 4.68616762029832, - "2013": 4.7812388860074, - "2014": 4.88524404896565, - "2015": 5.00391757027474, - "2016": 5.12622986344317, - "2017": 5.26449053116497 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.27167102108898, - "1961": 3.27329098867534, - "1962": 3.27089163602275, - "1963": 3.26364915174492, - "1964": 3.25080939008163, - "1965": 3.23251041770846, - "1966": 3.19668540776759, - "1967": 3.16048205026773, - "1968": 3.12896571971589, - "1969": 3.10940772053642, - "1970": 3.10597399971341, - "1971": 3.11271273927737, - "1972": 3.13057226896407, - "1973": 3.159803087895, - "1974": 3.20100797015524, - "1975": 3.25266440273001, - "1976": 3.30641841961314, - "1977": 3.3721970162441, - "1978": 3.43683448473193, - "1979": 3.48204799741909, - "1980": 3.49911529278305, - "1981": 3.48059650272746, - "1982": 3.43846210204976, - "1983": 3.39125310115022, - "1984": 3.36593368467498, - "1985": 3.3764644331167, - "1986": 3.41041523266731, - "1987": 3.48032606467682, - "1988": 3.56514462223191, - "1989": 3.63463101771828, - "1990": 3.67343433790663, - "1991": 3.68545201831879, - "1992": 3.67164910377613, - "1993": 3.6522797006001, - "1994": 3.65634129314711, - "1995": 3.69909023443272, - "1996": 3.76638668440501, - "1997": 3.86469258269438, - "1998": 3.98503272174108, - "1999": 4.11398600502863, - "2000": 4.24345312101605, - "2001": 4.36745351597335, - "2002": 4.49774728007489, - "2003": 4.62932325966023, - "2004": 4.75597780188693, - "2005": 4.87454385829923, - "2006": 4.98395445840302, - "2007": 5.08149762606082, - "2008": 5.17538599818152, - "2009": 5.27824099664854, - "2010": 5.39590327299465, - "2011": 5.52076579799747, - "2012": 5.65789832220039, - "2013": 5.79507915156707, - "2014": 5.9140130716039, - "2015": 6.0043426531832, - "2016": 6.06277656300954, - "2017": 6.09997746757024 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.93293659145973, - "1961": 3.88578779918786, - "1962": 3.82783121971406, - "1963": 3.77036660810821, - "1964": 3.72842155470136, - "1965": 3.70945556217664, - "1966": 3.69745090680049, - "1967": 3.70579223237875, - "1968": 3.73148710765013, - "1969": 3.77105082056171, - "1970": 3.8214202880141, - "1971": 3.88189945296583, - "1972": 3.95586983792403, - "1973": 4.02793840083877, - "1974": 4.07694575476168, - "1975": 4.09229267726678, - "1976": 4.07149073909012, - "1977": 4.01842462495705, - "1978": 3.95641206544057, - "1979": 3.91801652190163, - "1980": 3.91954369837724, - "1981": 3.94595259231834, - "1982": 4.01132350660524, - "1983": 4.09205818115789, - "1984": 4.15496855211881, - "1985": 4.18382724714216, - "1986": 4.18006197516197, - "1987": 4.15217513596735, - "1988": 4.1200897466366, - "1989": 4.11333333062765, - "1990": 4.14811527612704, - "1991": 4.21861877955475, - "1992": 4.3213292967143, - "1993": 4.44699742556656, - "1994": 4.58118908232541, - "1995": 4.71431861128727, - "1996": 4.84046642432033, - "1997": 4.96829727020001, - "1998": 5.09447682900297, - "1999": 5.21514440237604, - "2000": 5.32852060592066, - "2001": 5.42565413294803, - "2002": 5.51496520208751, - "2003": 5.6028770427002, - "2004": 5.69987335125412, - "2005": 5.81136560450216, - "2006": 5.93702265080119, - "2007": 6.07550588718887, - "2008": 6.21364237303481, - "2009": 6.33168583966294, - "2010": 6.4178695191092, - "2011": 6.47234383409409, - "2012": 6.49913955406458, - "2013": 6.50658963831272, - "2014": 6.50709569673484, - "2015": 6.50891664826029, - "2016": 6.50418047313914, - "2017": 6.50060504581735 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.46098643462965, - "1961": 4.44183238939508, - "1962": 4.43560654587407, - "1963": 4.4441683829589, - "1964": 4.47028070504861, - "1965": 4.5132194003771, - "1966": 4.55992166640964, - "1967": 4.63067320326076, - "1968": 4.70396421347296, - "1969": 4.7505590242271, - "1970": 4.75698170284387, - "1971": 4.72998275778369, - "1972": 4.66530877267948, - "1973": 4.58963578358773, - "1974": 4.54072869254371, - "1975": 4.53709732596625, - "1976": 4.56726342453267, - "1977": 4.63781005327813, - "1978": 4.72336384844759, - "1979": 4.78671936803542, - "1980": 4.80900498747476, - "1981": 4.78950399775075, - "1982": 4.73982995475929, - "1983": 4.68380244015973, - "1984": 4.65683594286947, - "1985": 4.67850185274884, - "1986": 4.7368261474739, - "1987": 4.83732315290914, - "1988": 4.96631950739518, - "1989": 5.10366066235841, - "1990": 5.23711732111899, - "1991": 5.37302009588212, - "1992": 5.50688756907261, - "1993": 5.63624497221065, - "1994": 5.75811272334923, - "1995": 5.87028606323514, - "1996": 5.96383604927385, - "1997": 6.04299255912777, - "1998": 6.11761390628545, - "1999": 6.20249568644575, - "2000": 6.3051544269536, - "2001": 6.41486639368421, - "2002": 6.54470685643033, - "2003": 6.67759214710185, - "2004": 6.78866286421508, - "2005": 6.86428405070748, - "2006": 6.9136090200555, - "2007": 6.93264446918728, - "2008": 6.93020651763619, - "2009": 6.91976876086999, - "2010": 6.9098939256154, - "2011": 6.89738284980987, - "2012": 6.88115290279664, - "2013": 6.87167426446646, - "2014": 6.88297844770104, - "2015": 6.92258937118099, - "2016": 6.98352801804994, - "2017": 7.07228253513455 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.38593353021208, - "1961": 5.43568244930775, - "1962": 5.4996856823571, - "1963": 5.55903019515876, - "1964": 5.58853850648157, - "1965": 5.57679415612735, - "1966": 5.51566207305313, - "1967": 5.42207880645936, - "1968": 5.322183107234, - "1969": 5.25388082673066, - "1970": 5.23702192341308, - "1971": 5.26748515423503, - "1972": 5.34465561492944, - "1973": 5.43909367032122, - "1974": 5.50792436804958, - "1975": 5.52870735166697, - "1976": 5.506661642962, - "1977": 5.44427616950378, - "1978": 5.37126022262525, - "1979": 5.32975278167079, - "1980": 5.34204711856771, - "1981": 5.39030295627867, - "1982": 5.48365532834389, - "1983": 5.60712018487782, - "1984": 5.73965753879876, - "1985": 5.86910268083843, - "1986": 5.99496588061606, - "1987": 6.12582807056715, - "1988": 6.25513532682595, - "1989": 6.37505666707117, - "1990": 6.48166281382179, - "1991": 6.58021198327957, - "1992": 6.65830533562204, - "1993": 6.72833290482644, - "1994": 6.808089370981, - "1995": 6.90556564703669, - "1996": 7.01060399840489, - "1997": 7.13079917380461, - "1998": 7.25066350410982, - "1999": 7.34730444941262, - "2000": 7.40832727274245, - "2001": 7.43180253145438, - "2002": 7.43078367625208, - "2003": 7.41113512083923, - "2004": 7.38312775683022, - "2005": 7.35487775213387, - "2006": 7.33181434189309, - "2007": 7.304635734303, - "2008": 7.28437002934545, - "2009": 7.28585726228123, - "2010": 7.31651148199976, - "2011": 7.37344007162359, - "2012": 7.45401532517276, - "2013": 7.55117217277439, - "2014": 7.65395598312444, - "2015": 7.75395761435145, - "2016": 7.84940295728088, - "2017": 7.94760288376767 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.61784940146564, - "1961": 6.53841517458403, - "1962": 6.40445780668506, - "1963": 6.25588801867737, - "1964": 6.14778651370085, - "1965": 6.10714544844081, - "1966": 6.10900975639666, - "1967": 6.17730520902502, - "1968": 6.27274181935083, - "1969": 6.33942342076393, - "1970": 6.34982570961236, - "1971": 6.31992767513444, - "1972": 6.24402067118078, - "1973": 6.15575156196287, - "1974": 6.10340233705711, - "1975": 6.11184456817632, - "1976": 6.16655473615248, - "1977": 6.266912125218, - "1978": 6.3980533016977, - "1979": 6.53722996948839, - "1980": 6.67018647486831, - "1981": 6.7905061630698, - "1982": 6.91260206130308, - "1983": 7.03026303863607, - "1984": 7.13748697793532, - "1985": 7.23222351462483, - "1986": 7.30991005948418, - "1987": 7.37480162277218, - "1988": 7.43575265940328, - "1989": 7.50670839365307, - "1990": 7.59449653297091, - "1991": 7.70396689734477, - "1992": 7.8249305743882, - "1993": 7.94228837460187, - "1994": 8.03285253255097, - "1995": 8.08293357794928, - "1996": 8.09186574552944, - "1997": 8.06692326774344, - "1998": 8.01867482935161, - "1999": 7.9630169349751, - "2000": 7.9110242587136, - "2001": 7.85489131070494, - "2002": 7.8035443050858, - "2003": 7.76461200114228, - "2004": 7.74919074122431, - "2005": 7.7637818721532, - "2006": 7.8142392053009, - "2007": 7.88971300387315, - "2008": 7.98256644621306, - "2009": 8.08099235996515, - "2010": 8.17528136040132, - "2011": 8.26701371407652, - "2012": 8.35537951407622, - "2013": 8.42752915224211, - "2014": 8.4653130995237, - "2015": 8.45853561598566, - "2016": 8.4076149503775, - "2017": 8.31653172482866 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.21231403396987, - "1961": 7.20594680426551, - "1962": 7.26011170019158, - "1963": 7.33717423884646, - "1964": 7.38358647067024, - "1965": 7.37292057377241, - "1966": 7.29893573338338, - "1967": 7.18755598253769, - "1968": 7.07111771414554, - "1969": 6.99732392868194, - "1970": 6.99256580948056, - "1971": 7.04932967767166, - "1972": 7.15886643503295, - "1973": 7.30365996398169, - "1974": 7.45750357314451, - "1975": 7.60311867374781, - "1976": 7.74000814958408, - "1977": 7.87136713727229, - "1978": 7.99307179395093, - "1979": 8.10029296599379, - "1980": 8.19054399947941, - "1981": 8.25120708845418, - "1982": 8.29370475642846, - "1983": 8.32954507504945, - "1984": 8.37746604356006, - "1985": 8.44741733657423, - "1986": 8.53166603311576, - "1987": 8.64044770371304, - "1988": 8.75126621593545, - "1989": 8.83194471106659, - "1990": 8.86532567121056, - "1991": 8.86834750794135, - "1992": 8.82888536359158, - "1993": 8.76100912686267, - "1994": 8.68434881853908, - "1995": 8.61073560846459, - "1996": 8.53212974862519, - "1997": 8.45175402363995, - "1998": 8.38215428168284, - "1999": 8.33988352095733, - "2000": 8.33389096070374, - "2001": 8.35474056059472, - "2002": 8.41160172504405, - "2003": 8.4920502257626, - "2004": 8.57857643970774, - "2005": 8.65945151751751, - "2006": 8.74611420774125, - "2007": 8.82876294058604, - "2008": 8.893685445995, - "2009": 8.92192113978983, - "2010": 8.90237262334494, - "2011": 8.83975814544503, - "2012": 8.72878128441839, - "2013": 8.58666995144461, - "2014": 8.43938254062556, - "2015": 8.30336511725346, - "2016": 8.17463533042974, - "2017": 8.0555259125667 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 8.66480897963036, - "1961": 8.56947597983346, - "1962": 8.41008723736092, - "1963": 8.23603661417805, - "1964": 8.11657280050994, - "1965": 8.08723168090222, - "1966": 8.10912913336963, - "1967": 8.20871363784066, - "1968": 8.35870062161991, - "1969": 8.52017929525554, - "1970": 8.67090444976424, - "1971": 8.82019889745806, - "1972": 8.96380514280963, - "1973": 9.09642883339514, - "1974": 9.21253459245079, - "1975": 9.30825465165575, - "1976": 9.37713075296642, - "1977": 9.41657681659357, - "1978": 9.44336216688763, - "1979": 9.48105719501119, - "1980": 9.54063974905328, - "1981": 9.60441565846355, - "1982": 9.69152498657539, - "1983": 9.77819534752397, - "1984": 9.83222733363084, - "1985": 9.83774672350309, - "1986": 9.79889740342039, - "1987": 9.72784911672145, - "1988": 9.63318900113338, - "1989": 9.52895746523303, - "1990": 9.42579505769704, - "1991": 9.33289618248413, - "1992": 9.23284394376205, - "1993": 9.14175880237416, - "1994": 9.07980432949025, - "1995": 9.05633086238441, - "1996": 9.06091343081676, - "1997": 9.09674456599498, - "1998": 9.15436198358936, - "1999": 9.21980932414987, - "2000": 9.28320263837279, - "2001": 9.339168356629, - "2002": 9.4011772834828, - "2003": 9.45002282732385, - "2004": 9.46029074796553, - "2005": 9.4191042186247, - "2006": 9.34139019767567, - "2007": 9.2127886340803, - "2008": 9.0515334574675, - "2009": 8.88517189951991, - "2010": 8.73057458789976, - "2011": 8.58631897252714, - "2012": 8.44636373647647, - "2013": 8.31725733595976, - "2014": 8.2062272528738, - "2015": 8.11630647441192, - "2016": 8.04783764333853, - "2017": 8.00643317687661 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 53.7740268167468, - "1961": 53.5577049858786, - "1962": 53.3655720678687, - "1963": 53.2277773066759, - "1964": 53.185184162843, - "1965": 53.2539609758611, - "1966": 53.2599157207861, - "1967": 53.4230689026716, - "1968": 53.6885099298336, - "1969": 53.9884739744756, - "1970": 54.2929327878881, - "1971": 54.6085846447816, - "1972": 54.9222344099806, - "1973": 55.2493119931248, - "1974": 55.6133694657954, - "1975": 56.0165204328164, - "1976": 56.386388168305, - "1977": 56.769384906429, - "1978": 57.1607435146108, - "1979": 57.5498203815529, - "1980": 57.9267996994822, - "1981": 58.1809331835221, - "1982": 58.4565386220009, - "1983": 58.7377877455234, - "1984": 59.0171846282326, - "1985": 59.2991326257703, - "1986": 59.525953232125, - "1987": 59.7956454857846, - "1988": 60.0958479918031, - "1989": 60.4143504360675, - "1990": 60.7475882749544, - "1991": 61.1285950283647, - "1992": 61.4937813391209, - "1993": 61.8698979932498, - "1994": 62.2864939399616, - "1995": 62.7485149224117, - "1996": 63.175633465878, - "1997": 63.6340137928738, - "1998": 64.1061538689733, - "1999": 64.5673557146969, - "2000": 65.0052540284315, - "2001": 65.3479445526017, - "2002": 65.7056931237668, - "2003": 66.0637710968467, - "2004": 66.4102666684466, - "2005": 66.7430386914865, - "2006": 67.1042635833158, - "2007": 67.435124915229, - "2008": 67.7445666779683, - "2009": 68.0443432538649, - "2010": 68.3339435777661, - "2011": 68.5921333921987, - "2012": 68.8236981603479, - "2013": 69.0283458776238, - "2014": 69.2021060529114, - "2015": 69.3403136843805, - "2016": 69.3999926058363, - "2017": 69.4524367767663 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 19496030, - "1961": 19988715, - "1962": 20507155, - "1963": 21059279, - "1964": 21656935, - "1965": 22305257, - "1966": 22932060, - "1967": 23633365, - "1968": 24389405, - "1969": 25172362, - "1970": 25969526, - "1971": 26783587, - "1972": 27608868, - "1973": 28456724, - "1974": 29344866, - "1975": 30279461, - "1976": 31222358, - "1977": 32197724, - "1978": 33204059, - "1979": 34235903, - "1980": 35286805, - "1981": 36287997, - "1982": 37323988, - "1983": 38378009, - "1984": 39435423, - "1985": 40491628, - "1986": 41503526, - "1987": 42539206, - "1988": 43592317, - "1989": 44657437, - "1990": 45734649, - "1991": 46848151, - "1992": 47949670, - "1993": 49064375, - "1994": 50222894, - "1995": 51435040, - "1996": 52637511, - "1997": 53882031, - "1998": 55148343, - "1999": 56406101, - "2000": 57636483, - "2001": 58771926, - "2002": 59909718, - "2003": 61034396, - "2004": 62132623, - "2005": 63200725, - "2006": 64276144, - "2007": 65303389, - "2008": 66296091, - "2009": 67273637, - "2010": 68241251, - "2011": 69179389, - "2012": 70089803, - "2013": 70967760, - "2014": 71802643, - "2015": 72584332, - "2016": 73265400, - "2017": 73920494 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.45637761398767, - "1961": 9.47426287571613, - "1962": 9.56112711129348, - "1963": 9.69470197428475, - "1964": 9.8439830059333, - "1965": 9.99047360764819, - "1966": 10.1103795723239, - "1967": 10.2449550020486, - "1968": 10.3790913536945, - "1969": 10.4952598944967, - "1970": 10.5865579121296, - "1971": 10.6572196548503, - "1972": 10.6959216630839, - "1973": 10.7202504809826, - "1974": 10.7564290447867, - "1975": 10.8159769666608, - "1976": 10.8886757893873, - "1977": 10.9780374402575, - "1978": 11.0608926979688, - "1979": 11.1033141720263, - "1980": 11.0875517871289, - "1981": 11.0088660350147, - "1982": 10.8904638725987, - "1983": 10.7439387280764, - "1984": 10.5890638736248, - "1985": 10.4408820995648, - "1986": 10.2942532247703, - "1987": 10.1561058100719, - "1988": 10.0360689654136, - "1989": 9.94779121192652, - "1990": 9.89874128593811, - "1991": 9.89680329331325, - "1992": 9.92356815262403, - "1993": 9.97100507440516, - "1994": 10.0258409559302, - "1995": 10.0765976600647, - "1996": 10.1169157321316, - "1997": 10.1552178074998, - "1998": 10.1757798251136, - "1999": 10.1570954142643, - "2000": 10.0882556547786, - "2001": 9.96528833610439, - "2002": 9.80063378486658, - "2003": 9.60871166749284, - "2004": 9.41301457780069, - "2005": 9.2297409806429, - "2006": 9.06594658819187, - "2007": 8.90755571166373, - "2008": 8.76140817270385, - "2009": 8.63492447203248, - "2010": 8.53031995249957, - "2011": 8.44868433560023, - "2012": 8.38980618891652, - "2013": 8.33811336740305, - "2014": 8.26936751323781, - "2015": 8.16901839818859, - "2016": 8.04040653729318, - "2017": 7.88687374817094 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 11.6346028692656, - "1961": 11.7659272146565, - "1962": 11.883470894306, - "1963": 11.9916323882131, - "1964": 12.0884873398014, - "1965": 12.1612166125327, - "1966": 12.18352096111, - "1967": 12.200207400291, - "1968": 12.2129236898477, - "1969": 12.2337679222709, - "1970": 12.2755149131416, - "1971": 12.3454590899379, - "1972": 12.4312170796248, - "1973": 12.5179974086916, - "1974": 12.5688721993059, - "1975": 12.5470774726759, - "1976": 12.4585624278891, - "1977": 12.313896096642, - "1978": 12.1330076739765, - "1979": 11.9407827547464, - "1980": 11.7504132480494, - "1981": 11.5507673789208, - "1982": 11.3615697730929, - "1983": 11.1875299730536, - "1984": 11.0447012605058, - "1985": 10.9504577777924, - "1986": 10.9024090271194, - "1987": 10.9027542466453, - "1988": 10.9336952476332, - "1989": 10.9712252357627, - "1990": 10.9997760550517, - "1991": 11.0341792655474, - "1992": 11.0550820594329, - "1993": 11.0584500258548, - "1994": 11.0263558998646, - "1995": 10.9359716993488, - "1996": 10.7829820898935, - "1997": 10.5782417064989, - "1998": 10.3396849504542, - "1999": 10.0974663568639, - "2000": 9.87435118650341, - "2001": 9.66288859626897, - "2002": 9.47257867991789, - "2003": 9.29916083837212, - "2004": 9.14269783579759, - "2005": 9.00936687628034, - "2006": 8.91138141743103, - "2007": 8.83475330604201, - "2008": 8.76938165696013, - "2009": 8.69161457245491, - "2010": 8.57868856210006, - "2011": 8.434283627693, - "2012": 8.25844672361601, - "2013": 8.06148255355327, - "2014": 7.85921941529129, - "2015": 7.6618497895884, - "2016": 7.4680162401447, - "2017": 7.28010196662017 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.1741610971407, - "1961": 14.2458540413898, - "1962": 14.262206309737, - "1963": 14.2278365770488, - "1964": 14.1667803908653, - "1965": 14.1066386284191, - "1966": 14.110550973503, - "1967": 14.1600282561704, - "1968": 14.2316480340508, - "1969": 14.2772961344128, - "1970": 14.2422176238362, - "1971": 14.1860152693122, - "1972": 14.0467210222121, - "1973": 13.8281509041292, - "1974": 13.5628332932316, - "1975": 13.2975957087471, - "1976": 13.0885397607183, - "1977": 12.8795654274973, - "1978": 12.6773369633544, - "1979": 12.4895399005234, - "1980": 12.3226666247293, - "1981": 12.2104431090328, - "1982": 12.1575994634602, - "1983": 12.1540615643728, - "1984": 12.1703676585064, - "1985": 12.1651815020208, - "1986": 12.1528813218216, - "1987": 12.1373591462293, - "1988": 12.1057942843544, - "1989": 12.0424199108776, - "1990": 11.9329782977952, - "1991": 11.7953575039113, - "1992": 11.5821085641153, - "1993": 11.3025646594709, - "1994": 10.9918857481028, - "1995": 10.698943888437, - "1996": 10.442141598697, - "1997": 10.2073666825765, - "1998": 9.9987334149546, - "1999": 9.81167911531413, - "2000": 9.63520771206943, - "2001": 9.47587751396768, - "2002": 9.35425852798009, - "2003": 9.26134278351383, - "2004": 9.17293017223838, - "2005": 9.05700417141299, - "2006": 8.91736875459399, - "2007": 8.73591795555818, - "2008": 8.5145745237215, - "2009": 8.27278267294511, - "2010": 8.04068378552087, - "2011": 7.83056537958571, - "2012": 7.62439103400164, - "2013": 7.42707674307575, - "2014": 7.24378571818834, - "2015": 7.07908870180222, - "2016": 6.94207296069256, - "2017": 6.84250662166119 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 42.672113089445, - "1961": 42.8343875019838, - "1962": 42.9727737711614, - "1963": 43.0609318389448, - "1964": 43.0628308413347, - "1965": 42.9636952556245, - "1966": 42.9379393026155, - "1967": 42.7607770446871, - "1968": 42.4834999534094, - "1969": 42.169629759411, - "1970": 41.846359616595, - "1971": 41.4974049411376, - "1972": 41.1510329821429, - "1973": 40.7909513345099, - "1974": 40.3930493071958, - "1975": 39.9552314925917, - "1976": 39.5445916486069, - "1977": 39.1237315200827, - "1978": 38.6976955105672, - "1979": 38.2784261004068, - "1980": 37.8757567896801, - "1981": 37.5971540082597, - "1982": 37.3005622661147, - "1983": 36.9988337847766, - "1984": 36.6955201493512, - "1985": 36.3830256646263, - "1986": 36.1108669718649, - "1987": 35.7922110657517, - "1988": 35.437202603221, - "1989": 35.0553358769425, - "1990": 34.6486601291389, - "1991": 34.1593735049163, - "1992": 33.681780835266, - "1993": 33.1927770193667, - "1994": 32.6686640437486, - "1995": 32.1071585980688, - "1996": 31.553924236017, - "1997": 30.978698111016, - "1998": 30.3905434082269, - "1999": 29.8028219818859, - "2000": 29.221388164061, - "2001": 28.7135840859831, - "2002": 28.1729282750967, - "2003": 27.6222427573186, - "2004": 27.0852319840954, - "2005": 26.5689095878164, - "2006": 26.0293882102347, - "2007": 25.5270062992188, - "2008": 25.0434929399462, - "2009": 24.5546987959119, - "2010": 24.05389190167, - "2011": 23.5572469237449, - "2012": 23.0728782560935, - "2013": 22.5983981182767, - "2014": 22.134908163656, - "2015": 21.6844519494628, - "2016": 21.312684943487, - "2017": 20.9268264276256 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 15470978, - "1961": 15986577, - "1962": 16513443, - "1963": 17036823, - "1964": 17535126, - "1965": 17995211, - "1966": 18487739, - "1967": 18916566, - "1968": 19299237, - "1969": 19661775, - "1970": 20016051, - "1971": 20353016, - "1972": 20686220, - "1973": 21009798, - "1974": 21313735, - "1975": 21597609, - "1976": 21896692, - "1977": 22189691, - "1978": 22479073, - "1979": 22771513, - "1980": 23072471, - "1981": 23449699, - "1982": 23816082, - "1983": 24174243, - "1984": 24520034, - "1985": 24843667, - "1986": 25177729, - "1987": 25462928, - "1988": 25705432, - "1989": 25912411, - "1990": 26085715, - "1991": 26179294, - "1992": 26263310, - "1993": 26322702, - "1994": 26341422, - "1995": 26318280, - "1996": 26290517, - "1997": 26231178, - "1998": 26143951, - "1999": 26035773, - "2000": 25908953, - "2001": 25824112, - "2002": 25687762, - "2003": 25519386, - "2004": 25340607, - "2005": 25158794, - "2006": 24932376, - "2007": 24720055, - "2008": 24508027, - "2009": 24276579, - 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"1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": 0.969690024852753, - "2000": "", - "2001": 0.937789976596832, - "2002": 0.931159973144531, - "2003": 0.944580018520355, - "2004": 0.95235002040863, - "2005": 0.941330015659332, - "2006": "", - "2007": 0.951210021972656, - "2008": 0.932020008563995, - "2009": 0.957009971141815, - "2010": "", - "2011": 0.929180026054382, - "2012": 0.977670013904572, - "2013": 0.951520025730133, - "2014": 0.964219987392426, - "2015": 0.974870026111603, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación primaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 40.3, - "2014": 40.3, - "2015": 39.4, - "2016": 40.2, - "2017": 40.2 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 3.05999994277954, - "1973": 2.77999997138977, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 1.91999995708466, - "1977": 2.3199999332428, - "1978": 2.35999989509583, - "1979": 2.75999999046326, - "1980": "", - "1981": 3.99000000953674, - "1982": 4.82999992370605, - "1983": 4.61999988555908, - "1984": 4.03999996185303, - "1985": 3.38000011444092, - "1986": 2.36999988555908, - "1987": 3.55999994277954, - "1988": 3.78999996185303, - "1989": 2.97000002861023, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 6.42000007629395, - "1993": 6.03000020980835, - "1994": "", - "1995": 6.42049980163574, - "1996": 7.25339984893799, - "1997": 8.15839958190918, - "1998": 9.42280006408691, - "1999": 10.2082996368408, - "2000": "", - "2001": 9.61040019989014, - "2002": 9.37090015411377, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 6.73979997634888, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 11.6094999313354, - "2017": 12.8273000717163 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 1.92999994754791, - "1977": 2.11999988555908, - "1978": 2.15000009536743, - "1979": 2.75, - "1980": "", - "1981": 3.90000009536743, - "1982": 4.69999980926514, - "1983": 4.61999988555908, - "1984": 3.90000009536743, - "1985": 3.17000007629395, - "1986": 2.22000002861023, - "1987": 3.33999991416931, - "1988": 3.53999996185303, - "1989": 3.00999999046326, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 5.40999984741211, - "1993": 5.15999984741211, - "1994": "", - "1995": 5.36889982223511, - "1996": 5.8144998550415, - "1997": 6.45130014419556, - "1998": 7.37939977645874, - "1999": 8.14990043640137, - "2000": "", - "2001": 7.77169990539551, - "2002": 7.57340002059937, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 5.21770000457764, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 10.1897001266479, - "2017": 11.3443002700806 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - 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"1994": "", - "1995": 8.06869983673096, - "1996": 9.50150012969971, - "1997": 10.8042001724243, - "1998": 12.5186996459961, - "1999": 13.2489995956421, - "2000": "", - "2001": 12.1437997817993, - "2002": 11.7903995513916, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 8.51480007171631, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 13.4387998580933, - "2017": 14.6888999938965 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 30.3152008056641, - "1996": 30.0701007843018, - "1997": 29.9617004394531, - "1998": 29.5447006225586, - "1999": 28.4433002471924, - "2000": "", - "2001": 27.8225994110107, - "2002": 26.5494995117188, - "2003": 26.793399810791, - "2004": 26.3334999084473, - "2005": 26.422700881958, - "2006": 26.4258995056152, - "2007": 26.3796005249023, - "2008": 25.0069007873535, - "2009": 25.3047008514404, - "2010": "", - "2011": 25.8936004638672, - "2012": 25.919900894165, - "2013": 26.2122001647949, - "2014": 25.9451999664307, - "2015": 27.9659996032715, - "2016": 28.4676990509033, - "2017": 29.3822002410889 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - 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"2003": 9.4040002822876, - "2004": 8.1141996383667, - "2005": 8.68389987945557, - "2006": 7.57789993286133, - "2007": 7.08489990234375, - "2008": 6.00909996032715, - "2009": 7.19740009307861, - "2010": "", - "2011": 5.93590021133423, - "2012": 5.58820009231567, - "2013": 5.92059993743896, - "2014": 6.47370004653931, - "2015": 9.3036003112793, - "2016": 12.0579996109009, - "2017": 13.7937002182007 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - 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"1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 6.34000015258789, - "1986": 4.53000020980835, - "1987": 6.65000009536743, - "1988": 7.17000007629395, - "1989": 5.51000022888184, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 11.9099998474121, - "1993": 11.5299997329712, - "1994": "", - "1995": 11.9160003662109, - "1996": 13.0651998519897, - "1997": 14.936900138855, - "1998": 17.785400390625, - "1999": 18.881799697876, - "2000": "", - "2001": 18.1268005371094, - "2002": 18.2597999572754, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 16.0459995269775, - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": 27.2467002868652, - "2017": 29.2052001953125 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 6, - "1986": 4.17000007629395, - "1987": 6.21999979019165, - "1988": 6.59999990463257, - "1989": 5.3899998664856, - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 9.89999961853027, - "1993": 9.77999973297119, - "1994": "", - "1995": 9.93840026855469, - "1996": 10.6128997802734, - "1997": 12.1192998886108, - "1998": 14.1501998901367, - "1999": 15.3854999542236, - "2000": "", - "2001": 14.8966999053955, - "2002": 14.8229999542236, - "2003": 15.3219003677368, - "2004": 14.3360004425049, - "2005": 15.4828996658325, - "2006": 13.9569997787476, - "2007": 13.1191997528076, - "2008": 12.0284996032715, - 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"countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres jóvenes (% de mujeres entre 15 y 24 años)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - 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"countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación intermedia, varones (% de la fuerza laboral masculina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.INTM.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 88.4589996337891, - "1996": 87.8597030639648, - "1997": 87.9685974121094, - "1998": 88.4373016357422, - "1999": 87.7745971679688, - "2000": "", - "2001": 87.4306030273438, - "2002": 87.7020034790039, - "2003": 87.2332000732422, - "2004": 87.7825012207031, - "2005": 88.2975997924805, - "2006": 88.1137008666992, - 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"2008": 79.1294021606445, - "2009": 79.0738983154297, - "2010": 66.4542007446289, - "2011": 77.254997253418, - "2012": 76.8115997314453, - "2013": 76.2220993041992, - "2014": 76.7969970703125, - "2015": 75.1363983154297, - "2016": 73.2251968383789, - "2017": 72.8593978881836 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, varones (% de la población masculina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 50.4252662181465, - "1991": 51.7282534744772, - "1992": 53.0480251419483, - "1993": 54.3858138598884, - "1994": 55.7382076135361, - "1995": 57.1044849889484, - "1996": 58.5018958522589, - "1997": 59.9152689587489, - "1998": 61.3428120423316, - "1999": 62.7805437549614, - "2000": 64.2295164751199, - "2001": 65.6959580278267, - "2002": 67.4595741507433, - "2003": 68.204896288838, - "2004": 69.1588674114763, - "2005": 69.9487657590684, - "2006": 70.7452710714867, - "2007": 70.7521840938513, - "2008": 71.0196531758246, - "2009": 71.2894865650546, - "2010": 70.2440076676875, - "2011": 69.1903995469516, - "2012": 69.6155742805045, - "2013": 69.6100130494894, - "2014": 69.8647927511925, - "2015": 70.7715163997648, - "2016": 71.148173745171, - "2017": 71.1863949147577 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporcin de tasas de participacin laboral femenina y masculina (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 20.7981072633884, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 25.2931310439308, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 42.7536198817066, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 36.3350637570391, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 48.3184380411799, - "1986": 48.4627160860424, - "1987": 50.3205475093215, - "1988": 50.7850972725495, - "1989": 51.0891313243103, - "1990": 52.0515556540291, - "1991": "", - "1992": 61.5897936526509, - "1993": 61.8582193970263, - "1994": "", - "1995": 59.308680636075, - "1996": 59.3480925139428, - "1997": 59.9811090105462, - "1998": 61.3200416122852, - "1999": 62.8808235091869, - "2000": "", - "2001": 66.781378600136, - "2002": 68.4302038822238, - "2003": 69.0524960773935, - "2004": 70.1092717434003, - "2005": 71.3548683461667, - "2006": 71.4870972197606, - "2007": 71.6110699681232, - "2008": 71.2454499761803, - "2009": 71.8935075094743, - 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"2013": 53.6931991577148, - "2014": 55.0432014465332, - "2015": 53.4029998779297, - "2016": 51.8813018798828, - "2017": 52.7910995483398 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina mayor de 15 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 48.4994010925293, - "1996": 47.1040000915527, - "1997": 47.3967018127441, - "1998": 48.2387008666992, - 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}, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Fuerza laboral con educación avanzada, mujeres (% de la fuerza laboral femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 65.3899993896484, - "1991": 65.7399978637695, - "1992": 66.0849990844727, - "1993": 66.4219970703125, - "1994": 66.75, - "1995": 67.0690002441406, - "1996": 67.3809967041016, - "1997": 67.681999206543, - "1998": 67.9810028076172, - "1999": 68.2919998168945, - "2000": 68.6220016479492, - "2001": 68.9739990234375, - "2002": 69.9369964599609, - "2003": 70.0989990234375, - "2004": 71.0490036010742, - "2005": 71.3239974975586, - "2006": 71.5910034179688, - "2007": 71.3499984741211, - "2008": 71.5780029296875, - "2009": 71.7929992675781, - "2010": 70.7760009765625, - "2011": 69.7419967651367, - "2012": 69.5370025634766, - "2013": 69.5869979858398, - "2014": 69.4889984130859, - "2015": 69.8219985961914, - "2016": 69.7649993896484, - "2017": 69.8190002441406 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, total (% del total de la población entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 44.8499984741211, - "1991": 45.8559989929199, - "1992": 46.8639984130859, - "1993": 47.8689994812012, - "1994": 48.8689994812012, - "1995": 49.8600006103516, - "1996": 50.8489990234375, - "1997": 51.8279991149902, - "1998": 52.8030014038086, - "1999": 53.7849998474121, - "2000": 54.7820014953613, - "2001": 55.7949981689453, - "2002": 57.4179992675781, - "2003": 57.9910011291504, - "2004": 59.2430000305176, - "2005": 59.8930015563965, - "2006": 60.5390014648438, - "2007": 60.2789993286133, - "2008": 60.6520004272461, - "2009": 61.0180015563965, - "2010": 59.6699981689453, - "2011": 58.3089981079102, - "2012": 58.367000579834, - "2013": 58.4580001831055, - "2014": 58.5209999084473, - "2015": 59.2630004882813, - "2016": 59.4329986572266, - "2017": 59.5369987487793 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-64 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 62.0769996643066, - "1991": 61.8819999694824, - "1992": 61.6609992980957, - "1993": 61.4230003356934, - "1994": 61.1860008239746, - "1995": 60.9620018005371, - "1996": 60.7439994812012, - "1997": 60.5390014648438, - "1998": 60.351001739502, - "1999": 60.1860008239746, - "2000": 60.0470008850098, - "2001": 59.935001373291, - "2002": 60.8860015869141, - "2003": 60.6450004577637, - "2004": 62.0670013427734, - "2005": 62.0789985656738, - "2006": 62.0499992370605, - "2007": 61.7220001220703, - "2008": 61.3349990844727, - "2009": 60.9220008850098, - "2010": 59.2630004882813, - "2011": 57.5839996337891, - "2012": 57.1619987487793, - "2013": 55.9519996643066, - "2014": 54.9519996643066, - "2015": 54.8199996948242, - "2016": 55.0180015563965, - "2017": 54.976001739502 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 51.2400016784668, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - 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"1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 73.9599990844727, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 81.4499969482422, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 76.370002746582, - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 82.3000030517578, - "1986": 82.4000015258789, - "1987": 83.0800018310547, - "1988": 82.1100006103516, - "1989": 82.2399978637695, - "1990": 81.1699981689453, - "1991": "", - "1992": 81.7200012207031, - "1993": 80.7799987792969, - "1994": "", - "1995": 77.8535003662109, - "1996": 74.1920013427734, - "1997": 75.1558990478516, - "1998": 74.4175033569336, - "1999": 74.0898971557617, - "2000": "", - "2001": 72.2547988891602, - "2002": 72.6672973632813, - "2003": 72.1264038085938, - "2004": 73.1128005981445, - "2005": 74.3113021850586, - "2006": 72.6692962646484, - "2007": 71.872200012207, - "2008": 71.3795013427734, - "2009": 70.999397277832, - "2010": "", - "2011": 67.0222015380859, - "2012": 66.8180999755859, - "2013": 64.6663970947266, - "2014": 66.553596496582, - "2015": 63.5997009277344, - "2016": 60.4581985473633, - "2017": 60.9580001831055 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, varones (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 44.9570007324219, - "1991": 45.3230018615723, - "1992": 45.6699981689453, - "1993": 46.0040016174316, - "1994": 46.3390007019043, - "1995": 46.6870002746582, - "1996": 47.0480003356934, - 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"2014": 50.3890991210938, - "2015": 48.3616981506348, - "2016": 47.4455986022949, - "2017": 48.8083992004395 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, de 15 a 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 67.3130035400391, - "1992": 66.2740020751953, - "1993": 66375, - "1994": 64.8880004882813, - "1995": 68.9540023803711, - "1996": 71.2760009765625, - "1997": 70.8499984741211, - "1998": 71.5810012817383, - "1999": 70.6060028076172, - 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"1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 9.72799968719482, - "1992": 9.6879997253418, - "1993": 10.1409997940063, - "1994": 10.8830003738403, - "1995": 9.00899982452393, - "1996": 9.36800003051758, - "1997": 9.35099983215332, - "1998": 9.42000007629395, - "1999": 9.28400039672852, - "2000": 10.0500001907349, - "2001": 9.8120002746582, - "2002": 12.5830001831055, - "2003": 12.6990003585815, - "2004": 12.8149995803833, - "2005": 13.2119998931885, - "2006": 12.918999671936, - "2007": 13.1099996566772, - "2008": 13.41100025177, - "2009": 13.0509996414185, - "2010": 12.6169996261597, - "2011": 11.6800003051758, - "2012": 12.6230001449585, - "2013": 12.2170000076294, - "2014": 11.9399995803833, - "2015": 11.6549997329712, - "2016": 10.7620000839233, - "2017": 10.8140001296997 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleados en la industria, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 60.9990005493164, - "1992": 60.0209999084473, - "1993": 60.3919982910156, - "1994": 56.6430015563965, - "1995": 60.2019996643066, - "1996": 63.3009986877441, - "1997": 75.5849990844727, - "1998": 75.7539978027344, - "1999": 75.6699981689453, - "2000": 75.4029998779297, - "2001": 64.9179992675781, - "2002": 64.3899993896484, - "2003": 64.8320007324219, - "2004": 65.495002746582, - "2005": 69.8710021972656, - "2006": 70.9810028076172, - "2007": 71.8249969482422, - "2008": 72.7080001831055, - "2009": 73.3690032958984, - "2010": 75.6320037841797, - "2011": 76.1050033569336, - "2012": 75.4049987792969, - "2013": 75.2819976806641, - "2014": 75.6969985961914, - "2015": 74.8170013427734, - "2016": 74.4970016479492, - "2017": 74.536003112793 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Trabajadores asalariados (empleados), mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 37.2850008010864, - "1992": 38.3480005264282, - "1993": 38.0369997024536, - "1994": 41.8010005950928, - "1995": 37.7810001373291, - "1996": 34.6200008392334, - "1997": 22.3420000076293, - "1998": 22.1419997215271, - "1999": 22.2249999046325, - "2000": 22.5660004615784, - "2001": 32.6450004577637, - "2002": 32.9350004196167, - "2003": 32.6459999084473, - "2004": 31.9600009918213, - "2005": 27.2649993896485, - "2006": 26.0279989242553, - "2007": 25.6520004272461, - "2008": 24.1729993820191, - "2009": 23.8050007820129, - "2010": 21.9790005683899, - "2011": 21.4830002784729, - "2012": 21.9910006523132, - "2013": 21.938000202179, - "2014": 21.5300006866455, - "2015": 22.2500009536743, - "2016": 22.4830007553101, - "2017": 22.4130001068115 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleo vulnerable, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 39.7019996643066, - "1992": 40.2649993896484, - "1993": 41.3940010070801, - "1994": 42.0410003662109, - "1995": 43.1720008850098, - "1996": 43.3330001831055, - "1997": 43.5670013427734, - "1998": 43.556999206543, - "1999": 44.064998626709, - "2000": 44.6440010070801, - "2001": 45.7919998168945, - "2002": 47.2770004272461, - "2003": 47.1990013122559, - "2004": 48.4550018310547, - "2005": 48.6110000610352, - "2006": 49.7719993591309, - "2007": 49.5830001831055, - "2008": 50.0999984741211, - "2009": 49.8040008544922, - "2010": 49.1990013122559, - "2011": 48.2709999084473, - "2012": 48.2680015563965, - "2013": 48.3230018615723, - "2014": 48.5670013427734, - "2015": 48.0050010681152, - "2016": 46.1399993896484, - "2017": 45.0439987182617 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": 37.6399993896484, - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": 41.9300003051758, - "1986": 42.0099983215332, - "1987": 43.2900009155273, - "1988": 43.4000015258789, - "1989": 44.0900001525879, - "1990": 44.25, - "1991": "", - "1992": 50.7599983215332, - "1993": 51, - "1994": "", - "1995": 45.0606994628906, - "1996": 43.2616996765137, - "1997": 43.4407997131348, - "1998": 43.298698425293, - "1999": 43.9393997192383, - "2000": "", - "2001": 46.9188003540039, - "2002": 48.2817001342773, - "2003": 48.046501159668, - "2004": 49.3860015869141, - "2005": 50.0169982910156, - "2006": 50.4721984863281, - "2007": 50.4062004089355, - "2008": 50.8078994750977, - "2009": 50.4347991943359, - "2010": 44.8406982421875, - "2011": 48.999698638916, - "2012": 49.3979988098145, - "2013": 49.0018997192383, - "2014": 50.0386009216309, - "2015": 46.9856986999512, - "2016": 44.9090995788574, - "2017": 45.0367012023926 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 36.439998626709, - "2013": 36.9500007629395, - "2014": 37.3699989318848, - "2015": 37.9700012207031, - "2016": 38.2299995422363, - "2017": 38.3699989318848 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 39.0009994506836, - "1992": 39.9790000915527, - "1993": 39.6080017089844, - "1994": 43.3569984436035, - "1995": 39.7980003356934, - "1996": 36.6990013122559, - "1997": 24.4150009155273, - "1998": 24.246000289917, - "1999": 24.3299999237061, - "2000": 24.5970001220703, - "2001": 35.0820007324219, - "2002": 35.6100006103516, - "2003": 35.1679992675781, - "2004": 34.5050010681152, - "2005": 30.128999710083, - "2006": 29.0189990997314, - "2007": 28.1749992370605, - "2008": 27.2919998168945, - "2009": 26.6310005187988, - "2010": 24.3680000305176, - "2011": 23.8950004577637, - 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"1999": 2.10400009155273, - "2000": 2.02999997138977, - "2001": 2.43700003623962, - "2002": 2.67600011825562, - "2003": 2.5220000743866, - "2004": 2.54500007629395, - "2005": 2.86400008201599, - "2006": 2.9909999370575, - "2007": 2.52300000190735, - "2008": 3.11800003051758, - "2009": 2.82599997520447, - "2010": 2.38899993896484, - "2011": 2.41199994087219, - "2012": 2.60500001907349, - "2013": 2.77999997138977, - "2014": 2.77300000190735, - "2015": 2.93400001525879, - "2016": 3.01999998092651, - "2017": 3.05200004577637 - }, - "countryName": "Brasil", - "countryCode": "BRA", - "indicatorName": "Empleadores, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - 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"indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 41.9434013366699, - "1996": 40.0525016784668, - "1997": 39.1086006164551, - "1998": 37.627498626709, - "1999": 37.8995018005371, - "2000": "", - "2001": 39.2560997009277, - "2002": 40.328800201416, - "2003": 39.3553009033203, - "2004": 41.2378997802734, - "2005": 41.5372009277344, - "2006": 41.6450996398926, - "2007": 42.2489013671875, - "2008": 42.5546989440918, - "2009": 40.9592018127441, - "2010": "", - "2011": 40.2212982177734, - "2012": 40.6178016662598, - 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"1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 22.5900001525879, - "2010": 31.9099998474121, - "2011": 33.2400016784668, - "2012": 33.310001373291, - "2013": 33.0099983215332, - "2014": 33.8300018310547, - "2015": 32.9099998474121, - "2016": 34.0999984741211, - "2017": 33.7200012207031 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Empleo de tiempo parcial, mujeres (% del total de mujeres empleadas)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.PART.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - 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"2012": 66.1905740530523, - "2013": 66.4772470827405, - "2014": 67.5881750910806, - "2015": 67.4916326713458, - "2016": 67.402522204167, - "2017": 68.1053081670761 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de participación en la fuerza laboral de mujeres y varones (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.CACT.FM.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 32.0750007629395, - "1991": 31.8540000915527, - "1992": 33.8479995727539, - "1993": 35.484001159668, - "1994": 35.4900016784668, - "1995": 34.3569984436035, - "1996": 34.6920013427734, - 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"2015": 36.140998840332, - "2016": 34.8569984436035, - "2017": 35.1549987792969 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral de personas entre 15 y 24 años; total (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.6300010681152, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 42.8600006103516, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 38.5400009155273, - "1981": 37.7700004577637, - "1982": 38.6800003051758, - "1983": 37.3800010681152, - "1984": 38.8899993896484, - "1985": 40.7400016784668, - "1986": 39.439998626709, - "1987": "", - "1988": 39.2700004577637, - "1989": 38.8600006103516, - "1990": 39, - "1991": 37.689998626709, - "1992": 38.6199989318848, - "1993": 41.1800003051758, - 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"2015": 42.1809997558594, - "2016": 40.0789985656738, - "2017": 40.2649993896484 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, hombres (% de la población masculina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 75.0599975585938, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 63.2299995422363, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 51.2700004577637, - "1981": 51.3899993896484, - "1982": 51.0800018310547, - "1983": 49.0299987792969, - "1984": 50.310001373291, - "1985": 54.9300003051758, - "1986": 52.9099998474121, - "1987": "", - "1988": 52.7799987792969, - "1989": 52.6599998474121, - "1990": 52.5299987792969, - "1991": 50.939998626709, - "1992": 50.2799987792969, - 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"2014": 30.5149993896484, - "2015": 29.8439998626709, - "2016": 29.4109992980957, - "2017": 29.8209991455078 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de participación en la fuerza laboral, mujeres (% de la población femenina entre 15-24 años) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 27.6000003814697, - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 23.6100006103516, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 25.3099994659424, - "1981": 23.6399993896484, - "1982": 25.7299995422363, - "1983": 25.2900009155273, - "1984": 26.8199996948242, - "1985": 26.2600002288818, - "1986": 25.75, - "1987": "", - "1988": 25.7199993133545, - "1989": 24.8999996185303, - "1990": 25.1100006103516, - "1991": 24.1000003814697, - "1992": 26.5799999237061, - 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"indicatorCode": "SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 1.72467005252838, - "2009": 3.66932988166809, - "2010": 2.66996002197266, - "2011": 3.31616997718811, - "2012": 4.28930997848511, - "2013": 4.38913011550903, - "2014": 4.28205013275146, - "2015": 5.41729021072388, - "2016": 6.52478981018066, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Adolescentes que no asisten a la escuela, mujeres (% de mujeres en edad de asistir al ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.UNER.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.90046751500869, - "1991": 1.77119226626609, - "1992": 1.73958226579077, - "1993": 1.6688976078711, - "1994": 1.8186366394305, - "1995": 2.31919468997184, - "1996": 2.12345138657512, - "1997": 2.15267010853746, - "1998": 2.07441842257543, - "1999": 2.0118966322, - "2000": 1.9224438303992, - "2001": 1.98102720637716, - "2002": 1.87965978959027, - "2003": 1.78609696487181, - "2004": 1.73643050662905, - "2005": 1.72144676322004, - "2006": 1.48459994211502, - "2007": 1.42302439657894, - "2008": 1.37955568127817, - "2009": 1.37721552452135, - "2010": 1.29627191442914, - "2011": 1.2535210348683, - "2012": 1.26623535102347, - "2013": 1.24776349272169, - "2014": 1.26669532210401, - "2015": 1.25010964872204, - "2016": 1.3787190919229, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personal de las fuerzas armadas (% del total de la fuerza laboral)", - "indicatorCode": "MS.MIL.TOTL.TF.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Necesidades de anticoncepción insatisfechas (% de mujeres casadas entre 15 y 49 años de edad)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.UWT.TFRT" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 50.7915446411065, - "1961": 50.8008271066918, - "1962": 50.8085651278708, - "1963": 50.8148443819224, - "1964": 50.8196631866263, - "1965": 50.8232782005495, - "1966": 50.8256242104217, - "1967": 50.8266177276873, - "1968": 50.8265204368394, - "1969": 50.8255224352792, - "1970": 50.8237722620417, - "1971": 50.8213492941744, - "1972": 50.8182575685197, - 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"2009": 50.5137245143156, - "2010": 50.5082193617963, - "2011": 50.5025662610707, - "2012": 50.4967288657343, - "2013": 50.4906378532601, - "2014": 50.484259638539, - "2015": 50.4775714344505, - "2016": 50.4704948849396, - "2017": 50.4630644548279 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3919393, - "1961": 4008265, - "1962": 4098796, - "1963": 4190911, - "1964": 4284523, - "1965": 4379481, - "1966": 4475774, - "1967": 4573036, - "1968": 4670358, - "1969": 4766541, - "1970": 4860717, - "1971": 4952637, - "1972": 5042471, - "1973": 5130384, - "1974": 5216700, - "1975": 5301768, - "1976": 5385639, - "1977": 5468546, - "1978": 5551274, - "1979": 5634812, - "1980": 5719983, - "1981": 5806918, - "1982": 5895737, - "1983": 5987015, - "1984": 6081434, - "1985": 6179373, - "1986": 6281065, - "1987": 6386147, - "1988": 6493542, - "1989": 6601778, - "1990": 6709675, - "1991": 6816846, - "1992": 6923241, - "1993": 7028516, - "1994": 7132353, - "1995": 7234524, - "1996": 7334772, - "1997": 7433005, - "1998": 7529289, - "1999": 7623804, - "2000": 7716709, - "2001": 7807911, - "2002": 7897433, - "2003": 7985622, - "2004": 8072976, - "2005": 8159811, - "2006": 8246307, - "2007": 8332331, - "2008": 8417474, - "2009": 8501178, - "2010": 8583041, - "2011": 8662885, - "2012": 8740856, - "2013": 8817171, - "2014": 8892196, - "2015": 8966170, - "2016": 9039141, - "2017": 9110968 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 91.670539855957, - "1971": 90.6597366333008, - "1972": 90.7299270629883, - "1973": 88.7386474609375, - "1974": 88.8014984130859, - "1975": 87.171272277832, - "1976": 91.2164993286133, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 95.5596389770508, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 99.1960525512695, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 97.388298034668, - "2011": 98.1307373046875, - "2012": 100, - "2013": 100, - "2014": 98.0690307617188, - "2015": 98.2018127441406, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Transición a la escuela secundaria, mujeres (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - 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"1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 47.3927993774414, - "1971": 53.8726806640625, - "1972": 58.6969299316406, - "1973": 62.4830703735352, - "1974": 64.1259307861328, - "1975": 62.9067802429199, - "1976": 63.5560684204102, - "1977": 64.8600616455078, - "1978": 65.8774795532227, - "1979": 67.6822509765625, - "1980": 66.7587890625, - "1981": 67.1993103027344, - "1982": 65.789192199707, - "1983": 70.2602233886719, - "1984": 72.7250671386719, - "1985": 76.2762069702148, - "1986": 78.0743026733398, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 80.4804992675781, - "1990": 77.8256301879883, - "1991": 94.9897766113281, - "1992": 95.6446228027344, - "1993": 76.9859466552734, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 80.0774230957031, - "1999": 82.2210693359375, - "2000": 85.3363571166992, - "2001": "", - "2002": 89.0171966552734, - "2003": 91.7119064331055, - "2004": 93.7554016113281, - "2005": 96.0076599121094, - "2006": 97.1355514526367, - "2007": 96.8332290649414, - "2008": 96.3676605224609, - "2009": 93.7889709472656, - "2010": 94.3054580688477, - "2011": 93.7892608642578, - "2012": 91.9276123046875, - "2013": 99.932373046875, - "2014": 100.062553405762, - "2015": 100.425918579102, - "2016": 100.212333679199, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel secundario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 45.8948593139648, - "1971": 44.2313690185547, - "1972": 43.1211204528809, - "1973": 42.6263198852539, - "1974": 43.7462997436523, - "1975": 44.2475700378418, - "1976": 45.3227806091309, - "1977": 45.7692413330078, - "1978": 45.8235702514648, - "1979": 47.2089309692383, - "1980": 47.2905311584473, - "1981": 48.3631896972656, - "1982": 45.5036201477051, - "1983": 48.3977584838867, - "1984": 49.3216590881348, - "1985": 49.6428184509277, - "1986": 49.9409713745117, - "1987": "", - "1988": 48.1502990722656, - "1989": 47.9289703369141, - "1990": 47.7388114929199, - "1991": 47.7310218811035, - "1992": 47.1990394592285, - "1993": 47.4502410888672, - "1994": 46.5544395446777, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 47.4793281555176, - "1999": 47.361198425293, - "2000": 46.9911994934082, - "2001": "", - "2002": 46.9305305480957, - "2003": 45.9610404968262, - "2004": 46.0264587402344, - "2005": 46.1917190551758, - "2006": 46.7566108703613, - "2007": 47.014949798584, - "2008": 47.3128204345703, - "2009": 47.6358604431152, - "2010": 47.3793106079102, - "2011": 47.464111328125, - "2012": 47.1749496459961, - "2013": 46.7733001708984, - "2014": 46.5680694580078, - "2015": 46.3153114318848, - "2016": 46.1925506591797, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas vocacionales (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 52.7219200134277, - "1971": 52.6080513000488, - "1972": 52.9120407104492, - "1973": 53.4544982910156, - "1974": 53.9161987304688, - "1975": 53.6575813293457, - "1976": 53.8595199584961, - "1977": 53.1400604248047, - "1978": 53.0619201660156, - "1979": 52.9017181396484, - "1980": 52.6167793273926, - "1981": 52.673469543457, - "1982": 51.9223785400391, - "1983": 51.229118347168, - "1984": 50.8664207458496, - "1985": 50.9617195129395, - "1986": 50.7770500183105, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 51.0500793457031, - "1990": 51.5440483093262, - "1991": 50.1726913452148, - "1992": 50.6478614807129, - "1993": 51.6019706726074, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 51.2931098937988, - "1999": 51.2264785766602, - "2000": 50.7429504394531, - "2001": "", - "2002": 50.5520286560059, - "2003": 50.638988494873, - "2004": 50.6023788452148, - "2005": 50.5172691345215, - "2006": 50.5626411437988, - "2007": 50.6423416137695, - "2008": 50.5490913391113, - "2009": 50.520938873291, - "2010": 50.6444511413574, - "2011": 50.6313781738281, - "2012": 50.820499420166, - "2013": 50.0766181945801, - "2014": 50.0641288757324, - "2015": 50.0304908752441, - "2016": 50.0460205078125, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos en programas de educación general (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 51.5701599121094, - "1971": 51.0592613220215, - "1972": 51.0314712524414, - "1973": 51.3096618652344, - "1974": 51.9745597839355, - "1975": 51.848518371582, - "1976": 52.2974510192871, - "1977": 51.7629699707031, - "1978": 51.6185111999512, - 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"countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel secundario, alumnos (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 49.9464683532715, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 50.0799102783203, - "2008": 51.0005416870117, - "2009": 64.128662109375, - "2010": 51.9844398498535, - "2011": 49.6819915771484, - "2012": "", - "2013": 53.0737686157227, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 2.5, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 5.94714021682739, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 12.6132898330688, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos escuela de nivel posterior a la secundaria completa, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 29, - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 33.0345802307129, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": 75.3070220947266, - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 76.3395767211914, - "2008": 72.4481201171875, - "2009": 76.963737487793, - "2010": 73.5491485595703, - "2011": 71.1509475708008, - "2012": "", - "2013": 74.55322265625, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Nivel de instrucción, al menos ciclo inferior de la escuela secundaria completo, población de más de 25 años, mujeres (%) (acumulativo)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 57.6574897766113, - "1971": 64.0187377929688, - "1972": 69.8231964111328, - "1973": 72.8544998168945, - "1974": 73.5810699462891, - "1975": 71.2585830688477, - "1976": 71.2563781738281, - "1977": 72.7026290893555, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 78.3080673217773, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 88.479377746582, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": 95.3996124267578, - "2012": 95.3225402832031, - "2013": 93.0974502563477, - "2014": 96.4309310913086, - "2015": 93.689826965332, - "2016": 93.2539291381836, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de finalización del ciclo inferior de la educación secundaria, mujeres (% del grupo etario pertinente)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 95.0111694335938, - "2008": 94.6077880859375, - "2009": 92.6399002075195, - "2010": 93.3109512329102, - "2011": 92.0632476806641, - "2012": 91.5031890869141, - "2013": 90.7481079101563, - "2014": 90.8924407958984, - "2015": 91.6967468261719, - "2016": 93.0752029418945, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Total de inscripciones, nivel primario, mujeres (% neto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TENR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": 77.5280532836914, - "1999": 77.0523223876953, - "2000": 77.6071472167969, - "2001": "", - "2002": 77.3424377441406, - "2003": 77.1015319824219, - "2004": 78.0877914428711, - "2005": 78.0684204101563, - "2006": 78.1282272338867, - "2007": 78.3973007202148, - "2008": 78.0458068847656, - "2009": 77.8153686523438, - "2010": 77.6911468505859, - "2011": 78.2500610351563, - "2012": 78.1914367675781, - "2013": 80.936279296875, - "2014": 80.954231262207, - "2015": 81.2740936279297, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Educación de nivel primario, maestras (% de mujeres)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": 1.04, - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": 1.04, - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": 1.04, - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": 1.04, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.04, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": 1.04, - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 1.04, - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.04, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 1.04, - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": 1.04, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": 1.04, - "2008": 1.04, - "2009": 1.04, - "2010": 1.04, - "2011": 1.04, - "2012": 1.04, - "2013": 1.04, - "2014": 1.04, - "2015": 1.04, - "2016": 1.04, - "2017": 1.04 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de sexos al nacer (mujeres cada 1000 hombres)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.BRTH.MF" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.732843444300403, - "1961": 0.76150173741051, - "1962": 0.779546564073863, - "1963": 0.788636344655868, - "1964": 0.791056184757937, - "1965": 0.788015928831733, - "1966": 0.817714412364537, - "1967": 0.838917332179906, - "1968": 0.851604769569106, - "1969": 0.856826784873979, - "1970": 0.855531866787609, - "1971": 0.899380006679274, - "1972": 0.935891288111809, - "1973": 0.963612080499237, - "1974": 0.981329192784711, - "1975": 0.989047800298995, - "1976": 1.04019129374314, - "1977": 1.08204344046366, - "1978": 1.1145727783257, - "1979": 1.13758856991553, - "1980": 1.15156077577948, - "1981": 1.20130912885758, - "1982": 1.24120274781779, - "1983": 1.27298850478719, - "1984": 1.29926507513519, - "1985": 1.32146178679409, - "1986": 1.37823738836688, - "1987": 1.42813790096941, - "1988": 1.46952314879338, - "1989": 1.50142908492668, - "1990": 1.52460394144159, - "1991": 1.57746018538784, - "1992": 1.62132180886406, - "1993": 1.65780396001147, - "1994": 1.68884075762989, - "1995": 1.71642276899251, - "1996": 1.78015003868558, - "1997": 1.83718453535071, - "1998": 1.88843810127673, - "1999": 1.93516229756664, - "2000": 1.9789392111405, - "2001": 2.05058637308075, - "2002": 2.11505407959092, - "2003": 2.17544705028023, - "2004": 2.23606483704834, - "2005": 2.30024907436593, - "2006": 2.39050066781417, - "2007": 2.47647476191528, - "2008": 2.55870049406734, - "2009": 2.63760999795205, - "2010": 2.71450473427885, - "2011": 2.81039103938445, - "2012": 2.90052860961542, - "2013": 2.98434724697979, - "2014": 3.06054951117801, - "2015": 3.13046672877419, - "2016": 3.21898843518811, - "2017": 3.2956439525732 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 80 años en adelante, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 0.89006174683771, - "1961": 0.904606083830806, - "1962": 0.921173623552104, - "1963": 0.939534539675798, - "1964": 0.960083089724065, - "1965": 0.983130417309817, - "1966": 1.00279996639683, - "1967": 1.02262457093612, - "1968": 1.04171863447756, - "1969": 1.05837755303059, - "1970": 1.07261909194915, - "1971": 1.08513974584029, - "1972": 1.09575354598326, - "1973": 1.10570670733419, - "1974": 1.11580117698928, - "1975": 1.12677549329789, - "1976": 1.14004936085638, - "1977": 1.15039804028204, - "1978": 1.16160701820753, - "1979": 1.17822877560821, - "1980": 1.2024001499307, - "1981": 1.23001628231169, - "1982": 1.26138683688695, - "1983": 1.29243058392715, - "1984": 1.31807641547937, - "1985": 1.33701353649539, - "1986": 1.34593395452301, - "1987": 1.35018793801835, - "1988": 1.35411605543052, - "1989": 1.3625876790446, - "1990": 1.37814383613399, - "1991": 1.39193444943144, - "1992": 1.41157897169533, - "1993": 1.43545258137743, - "1994": 1.46090740384513, - "1995": 1.48705035563506, - "1996": 1.50720369745493, - "1997": 1.52658333023903, - "1998": 1.54932250593051, - "1999": 1.58056246192026, - "2000": 1.622375338713, - "2001": 1.66153234545518, - "2002": 1.70847898190729, - "2003": 1.7596623331705, - "2004": 1.8098032485414, - "2005": 1.85624374679221, - "2006": 1.88555942503225, - "2007": 1.91403890965406, - "2008": 1.94211423947036, - "2009": 1.96950282554859, - "2010": 1.99650729770656, - "2011": 2.00666359840547, - "2012": 2.01543212877916, - "2013": 2.03074206000995, - "2014": 2.06334904524125, - "2015": 2.11835130068342, - "2016": 2.18098085393927, - "2017": 2.26395313076572 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 75 a 79 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1.49092040064388, - "1961": 1.5183381134576, - "1962": 1.5462844793577, - "1963": 1.57314470263583, - "1964": 1.59709652761975, - "1965": 1.61747513403418, - "1966": 1.62079446477119, - "1967": 1.62240104333291, - "1968": 1.6244147398519, - "1969": 1.62841356027358, - "1970": 1.63533419644295, - "1971": 1.63466551334098, - "1972": 1.63548946091059, - "1973": 1.64110522721106, - "1974": 1.65543351160695, - "1975": 1.679949662056, - "1976": 1.70586841610771, - "1977": 1.73890956675472, - "1978": 1.77445721928746, - "1979": 1.8054544480084, - "1980": 1.82871396663203, - "1981": 1.83314203841455, - "1982": 1.83157887238109, - "1983": 1.82982702228523, - "1984": 1.83431944878826, - "1985": 1.84776147855873, - "1986": 1.8551309602542, - "1987": 1.86940546946297, - "1988": 1.88864770883656, - "1989": 1.91019781492165, - "1990": 1.93295444773273, - "1991": 1.94437484560304, - "1992": 1.95753722245654, - "1993": 1.97576586234788, - "1994": 2.00343561475127, - "1995": 2.04244288116853, - "1996": 2.08176801606048, - "1997": 2.12987911751426, - "1998": 2.18259594429276, - "1999": 2.23410750930802, - "2000": 2.28116645565273, - "2001": 2.31144993546931, - "2002": 2.34100088712359, - "2003": 2.36985893273449, - "2004": 2.39721976168147, - "2005": 2.42304602115833, - "2006": 2.43120980472954, - "2007": 2.4367019637249, - "2008": 2.4485962300338, - "2009": 2.47990249825289, - "2010": 2.53703845456137, - "2011": 2.60059954608666, - "2012": 2.69036610262955, - "2013": 2.79306140257459, - "2014": 2.88957933216482, - "2015": 2.97033148263623, - "2016": 3.02496563833921, - "2017": 3.06497686414372 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 70 a 74 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.3274347979061, - "1961": 5.4036859847555, - "1962": 5.46626775248225, - "1963": 5.51809215431989, - "1964": 5.5639306574241, - "1965": 5.60616785554449, - "1966": 5.64434975181913, - "1967": 5.67412859331774, - "1968": 5.70078231673411, - "1969": 5.73052869995244, - "1970": 5.76733606694812, - "1971": 5.83830745417489, - "1972": 5.91470522557812, - "1973": 5.99175422346553, - "1974": 6.06218490616673, - "1975": 6.1229409219494, - "1976": 6.21337021162186, - "1977": 6.29056154272931, - "1978": 6.36044872574318, - "1979": 6.42894335110263, - "1980": 6.49922307366325, - "1981": 6.58477005432316, - "1982": 6.66760180625547, - "1983": 6.74833898835045, - "1984": 6.82647755349968, - "1985": 6.90250088641737, - "1986": 6.98136271772976, - "1987": 7.05586528843365, - "1988": 7.13092329524673, - "1989": 7.21408796449804, - "1990": 7.31035189920469, - "1991": 7.42079472553575, - "1992": 7.5429567659073, - "1993": 7.67359819250581, - "1994": 7.80726066647337, - "1995": 7.94208546990589, - "1996": 8.09373157322481, - "1997": 8.24310063602818, - "1998": 8.391972099365, - "1999": 8.54174523089192, - "2000": 8.69358832974156, - "2001": 8.83990382577265, - "2002": 8.98360150904712, - "2003": 9.13383965158385, - "2004": 9.30216944752847, - "2005": 9.49591730789876, - "2006": 9.69226705872908, - "2007": 9.90867138211554, - "2008": 10.1408426944134, - "2009": 10.3813576019614, - "2010": 10.6275993852527, - "2011": 10.8511515849162, - "2012": 11.0787445850549, - "2013": 11.3210801968114, - "2014": 11.5932468409934, - "2015": 11.9048811359944, - "2016": 12.2392673465541, - "2017": 12.6015836301003 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 208803, - "1961": 216594, - "1962": 224051, - "1963": 231258, - "1964": 238388, - "1965": 245521, - "1966": 252628, - "1967": 259480, - "1968": 266247, - "1969": 273148, - "1970": 280334, - "1971": 289150, - "1972": 298247, - "1973": 307400, - "1974": 316246, - "1975": 324624, - "1976": 334630, - "1977": 344002, - "1978": 353086, - "1979": 362259, - "1980": 371754, - "1981": 382372, - "1982": 393104, - "1983": 404024, - "1984": 415148, - "1985": 426531, - "1986": 438504, - "1987": 450598, - "1988": 463049, - "1989": 476258, - "1990": 490501, - "1991": 505864, - "1992": 522217, - "1993": 539340, - "1994": 556841, - "1995": 574572, - "1996": 593657, - "1997": 612710, - "1998": 631856, - "1999": 651206, - "2000": 670859, - "2001": 690212, - "2002": 709474, - "2003": 729394, - "2004": 750962, - "2005": 774849, - "2006": 799254, - "2007": 825623, - "2008": 853603, - "2009": 882538, - "2010": 912171, - "2011": 940023, - "2012": 968377, - "2013": 998199, - "2014": 1030894, - "2015": 1067412, - "2016": 1106325, - "2017": 1148126 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 años de edad y más, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.21360920612412, - "1961": 2.21924005005658, - "1962": 2.21926308549858, - "1963": 2.2167765673524, - "1964": 2.21569485532235, - "1965": 2.21754637536877, - "1966": 2.20304090828658, - "1967": 2.19018564686881, - "1968": 2.18304417283554, - "1969": 2.18691080177428, - "1970": 2.2038509117684, - "1971": 2.21912218831434, - "1972": 2.24757093057246, - "1973": 2.28133020842105, - "1974": 2.30962102478578, - "1975": 2.32716796629651, - "1976": 2.32726114091462, - "1977": 2.31921049522889, - "1978": 2.30981170992249, - "1979": 2.30767155757049, - "1980": 2.31654818132104, - "1981": 2.32030260473935, - "1982": 2.33343334916965, - "1983": 2.35309287735088, - "1984": 2.37481661409686, - "1985": 2.39626408456915, - "1986": 2.40206041458568, - "1987": 2.40813397998293, - "1988": 2.41863638218628, - "1989": 2.43987338560512, - "1990": 2.47464967389637, - "1991": 2.50702524511343, - "1992": 2.55251876289136, - "1993": 2.60457578876904, - "1994": 2.65407689024708, - "1995": 2.6961694641098, - "1996": 2.72460982102382, - "1997": 2.74945365292417, - "1998": 2.771615547865, - "1999": 2.79191296209701, - "2000": 2.81110732423533, - "2001": 2.81633517176741, - "2002": 2.81906756042532, - "2003": 2.82887133539863, - "2004": 2.85908160025725, - "2005": 2.91637846558229, - "2006": 2.98499716115313, - "2007": 3.0814557468213, - "2008": 3.19143173084188, - "2009": 3.29434228020789, - "2010": 3.37954889870593, - "2011": 3.43349740103963, - "2012": 3.47241774403076, - "2013": 3.5129294872471, - "2014": 3.57976895240927, - "2015": 3.68573162390055, - "2016": 3.81433241908747, - "2017": 3.97700968261763 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 65 a 69 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2.83559359094308, - "1961": 2.81885125331066, - "1962": 2.79965345895731, - "1963": 2.78374241363142, - "1964": 2.77932793016729, - "1965": 2.78934942047914, - "1966": 2.79404562524242, - "1967": 2.81296652530911, - "1968": 2.83719088832357, - "1969": 2.85471162421555, - "1970": 2.85996783603413, - "1971": 2.84307299913541, - "1972": 2.81947364642617, - "1973": 2.79515139607484, - "1974": 2.77859566392547, - "1975": 2.77420768853246, - "1976": 2.7742643219641, - "1977": 2.78438018762588, - "1978": 2.80121233410343, - "1979": 2.82011083240724, - "1980": 2.83831610482282, - "1981": 2.84512516542777, - "1982": 2.85160471140739, - "1983": 2.86209452658704, - "1984": 2.88301878601739, - "1985": 2.91709396218287, - "1986": 2.94859184730745, - "1987": 2.99260211319875, - "1988": 3.04202564550742, - "1989": 3.08775955322332, - "1990": 3.12499394531212, - "1991": 3.1434634561096, - "1992": 3.16034111196492, - "1993": 3.17473890288347, - "1994": 3.18562694921784, - "1995": 3.19350702181747, - "1996": 3.19295411243017, - "1997": 3.18719053561656, - "1998": 3.18755112533172, - "1999": 3.21020802604474, - "2000": 3.26325597307661, - "2001": 3.33489883916483, - "2002": 3.43788881299926, - "2003": 3.55624100962442, - "2004": 3.66583479675465, - "2005": 3.75370167842102, - "2006": 3.81186436690562, - "2007": 3.84975243413365, - "2008": 3.88636688717616, - "2009": 3.95068638110399, - "2010": 4.05793332641271, - "2011": 4.18876524650501, - "2012": 4.35955063892491, - "2013": 4.54971328105126, - "2014": 4.72845059385794, - "2015": 4.87783469666149, - "2016": 4.99391314044781, - "2017": 5.08462000626498 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 64 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 3.41336192280893, - "1961": 3.42025874543194, - "1962": 3.43845127089853, - "1963": 3.45891877768644, - "1964": 3.46969617402162, - "1965": 3.46424689689187, - "1966": 3.42971306823767, - "1967": 3.38403122476376, - "1968": 3.33593199152356, - "1969": 3.29729671894147, - "1970": 3.2745567065284, - "1971": 3.25523751603692, - "1972": 3.25211910204253, - "1973": 3.25940514394244, - "1974": 3.26907815285525, - "1975": 3.27717217244216, - "1976": 3.28202161152872, - "1977": 3.28464150042187, - "1978": 3.29054136211951, - "1979": 3.30805950294011, - "1980": 3.34073080026909, - "1981": 3.3783342790449, - "1982": 3.42912408007622, - "1983": 3.48517641682481, - "1984": 3.53516717592122, - "1985": 3.57266251618895, - "1986": 3.58905637992022, - "1987": 3.59941548489011, - "1988": 3.60395377864291, - "1989": 3.60389331539069, - "1990": 3.60108243660611, - "1991": 3.58550085640804, - "1992": 3.56791040033279, - "1993": 3.55848995129128, - "1994": 3.5724420625578, - "1995": 3.6176262070077, - "1996": 3.68968373262984, - "1997": 3.79324429261709, - "1998": 3.91186899271127, - "1999": 4.02103673952836, - "2000": 4.10734626544214, - "2001": 4.16668320971302, - "2002": 4.20388445158263, - "2003": 4.2390931803317, - "2004": 4.30261352162901, - "2005": 4.4104692608114, - "2006": 4.54876401627589, - "2007": 4.72681824335288, - "2008": 4.92342360108897, - "2009": 5.10729038706504, - "2010": 5.26010658928615, - "2011": 5.37543661830058, - "2012": 5.46604422565069, - "2013": 5.54049592550717, - "2014": 5.61320412037794, - "2015": 5.69251913665265, - "2016": 5.77044684762185, - "2017": 5.84899559497862 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 55 a 59 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.12127802508094, - "1961": 4.08291469823345, - "1962": 4.02398950129953, - "1963": 3.95668715945601, - "1964": 3.89849516574183, - "1965": 3.85783243672765, - "1966": 3.81981371688613, - "1967": 3.79815426815921, - "1968": 3.78752468493321, - "1969": 3.78030945291355, - "1970": 3.77285747232045, - "1971": 3.75836373129935, - "1972": 3.74661921369425, - "1973": 3.74163025613677, - "1974": 3.74995686928518, - "1975": 3.77457247264402, - "1976": 3.81310016035223, - "1977": 3.86479613761767, - "1978": 3.9218738037658, - "1979": 3.97301490342006, - "1980": 4.01101333292308, - "1981": 4.0324337449403, - "1982": 4.04536636920295, - "1983": 4.05049996542517, - "1984": 4.0485326003488, - "1985": 4.04089802696683, - "1986": 4.01884011408255, - "1987": 3.99044932876595, - "1988": 3.96839317875394, - "1989": 3.97152160698551, - "1990": 4.00967140445062, - "1991": 4.07305785492524, - "1992": 4.17515498523813, - "1993": 4.29553042143326, - "1994": 4.40413171090362, - "1995": 4.48507800721623, - "1996": 4.54279783633445, - "1997": 4.57265999049644, - "1998": 4.59805577975403, - "1999": 4.65425073175403, - "2000": 4.75963201934503, - "2001": 4.90192449634108, - "2002": 5.08780446914783, - "2003": 5.29430202252223, - "2004": 5.48600596781088, - "2005": 5.64191920107963, - "2006": 5.76169499409797, - "2007": 5.85018976689348, - "2008": 5.91818735212313, - "2009": 5.98420384179563, - "2010": 6.05892621482904, - "2011": 6.13002339751171, - "2012": 6.20590319825692, - "2013": 6.28418117330377, - "2014": 6.36090485655171, - "2015": 6.4330916731345, - "2016": 6.50109125377359, - "2017": 6.56756923470025 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 50 a 54 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 4.51080282625541, - "1961": 4.46771969111815, - "1962": 4.43640359491197, - "1963": 4.41281775654662, - "1964": 4.39140861589091, - "1965": 4.36860083845571, - "1966": 4.33644013720104, - "1967": 4.30409812997358, - "1968": 4.27802231049048, - "1969": 4.26768593829362, - "1970": 4.27770048011416, - "1971": 4.29959088436578, - "1972": 4.34208183059638, - "1973": 4.39394010272915, - "1974": 4.43939655337666, - "1975": 4.4696238951323, - "1976": 4.49060502328041, - "1977": 4.50032202367651, - "1978": 4.50056968894533, - "1979": 4.49374194072777, - "1980": 4.48178453895611, - "1981": 4.46075067398093, - "1982": 4.43151004294123, - "1983": 4.40812398300722, - "1984": 4.41028914542909, - "1985": 4.44801079204042, - "1986": 4.51283269432291, - "1987": 4.61575585157124, - "1988": 4.73554081097584, - "1989": 4.8415752304266, - "1990": 4.91800126891354, - "1991": 4.96327919488843, - "1992": 4.98314373039213, - "1993": 5.00006046796514, - "1994": 5.04877215749989, - "1995": 5.14794133628437, - "1996": 5.29305943263427, - "1997": 5.48125629960646, - "1998": 5.68920765580717, - "1999": 5.88155127262568, - "2000": 6.03723607599612, - "2001": 6.15725354521752, - "2002": 6.24474987698536, - "2003": 6.31091650582553, - "2004": 6.37372062375503, - "2005": 6.4435185516529, - "2006": 6.51330426011356, - "2007": 6.5838142713537, - "2008": 6.65414430644055, - "2009": 6.72323057231695, - "2010": 6.78948330538869, - "2011": 6.84847903476058, - "2012": 6.91063974862871, - "2013": 6.96377556928407, - "2014": 6.99020961530979, - "2015": 6.98063866950563, - "2016": 6.94087847256333, - "2017": 6.86883256945531 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 45 a 49 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.05425460230939, - "1961": 5.01785810515475, - "1962": 4.97336654961595, - "1963": 4.93062954182927, - "1964": 4.90434762313209, - "1965": 4.90055897047138, - "1966": 4.90809621946446, - "1967": 4.93525418665976, - "1968": 4.97141654420998, - "1969": 5.00125772546591, - "1970": 5.0168298146838, - "1971": 5.01692634666725, - "1972": 5.01159551695539, - "1973": 4.99968423416259, - "1974": 4.98058159372783, - "1975": 4.95565062660253, - "1976": 4.93016248381809, - "1977": 4.89397356736037, - "1978": 4.86338723986832, - "1979": 4.86147368839504, - "1980": 4.89947859921091, - "1981": 4.97401804572652, - "1982": 5.08927388672452, - "1983": 5.22216918149849, - "1984": 5.33775070961835, - "1985": 5.41713886968071, - "1986": 5.46133411112063, - "1987": 5.47199970937097, - "1988": 5.47559996211617, - "1989": 5.51312169435593, - "1990": 5.6066484273386, - "1991": 5.74371365986958, - "1992": 5.93316135219926, - "1993": 6.14643349270792, - "1994": 6.34075903194852, - "1995": 6.49177561533774, - "1996": 6.61098670375029, - "1997": 6.69045785526283, - "1998": 6.7443667670701, - "1999": 6.79571421357183, - "2000": 6.85723579090053, - "2001": 6.92113244601983, - "2002": 6.98751012037581, - "2003": 7.05510390360276, - "2004": 7.12040923688993, - "2005": 7.18018993574852, - "2006": 7.23551854612235, - "2007": 7.28946340086468, - "2008": 7.3313544345122, - "2009": 7.34599110405954, - "2010": 7.32528420294956, - "2011": 7.26963193678967, - "2012": 7.18575013542725, - "2013": 7.08341711871075, - "2014": 6.97771551093015, - "2015": 6.87950296732016, - "2016": 6.79139529141255, - "2017": 6.70939832285622 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 40 a 44 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 5.63023694242294, - "1961": 5.63907467172821, - "1962": 5.66186191886246, - "1963": 5.68884286329564, - "1964": 5.70695701390469, - "1965": 5.70791509494278, - "1966": 5.68901247785855, - "1967": 5.66039592507124, - "1968": 5.62357197808563, - "1969": 5.58088139806203, - "1970": 5.53562137617912, - "1971": 5.48241602347357, - "1972": 5.4260950891885, - "1973": 5.3810981790057, - "1974": 5.36866218107232, - "1975": 5.39957817829003, - "1976": 5.4778592866517, - "1977": 5.59882323295679, - "1978": 5.73855555705671, - "1979": 5.86076133125246, - "1980": 5.94488508343392, - "1981": 5.99702251539759, - "1982": 6.01090653189349, - "1983": 6.01548618393075, - "1984": 6.0543082080258, - "1985": 6.15017488031545, - "1986": 6.29276941207114, - "1987": 6.4862887612376, - "1988": 6.70108038225712, - "1989": 6.89408321426186, - "1990": 7.04090524774889, - "1991": 7.14522732220365, - "1992": 7.21394896031338, - "1993": 7.25841802998215, - "1994": 7.29824175713243, - "1995": 7.34546009460472, - "1996": 7.40254472700253, - "1997": 7.45744250911206, - "1998": 7.5111056273426, - "1999": 7.56361160863899, - "2000": 7.61328338113004, - "2001": 7.65993422314004, - "2002": 7.70722490368391, - "2003": 7.74319048119351, - "2004": 7.74935937511032, - "2005": 7.7157782556755, - "2006": 7.64890364243093, - "2007": 7.54768655290574, - "2008": 7.42474347417207, - "2009": 7.2995740238915, - "2010": 7.18518231130023, - "2011": 7.07927969047732, - "2012": 6.98571249608877, - "2013": 6.90903011861741, - "2014": 6.85447258573081, - "2015": 6.82531038054037, - "2016": 6.82520380248395, - "2017": 6.84762735367468 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 35 a 39 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 6.52887144967165, - "1961": 6.50807930814936, - "1962": 6.46624506287583, - "1963": 6.40835332702602, - "1964": 6.34212660680005, - "1965": 6.27250267155005, - "1966": 6.19406546541286, - "1967": 6.10880690447071, - "1968": 6.0357030369614, - "1969": 6.001102266822, - "1970": 6.01859519136984, - "1971": 6.07914899425235, - "1972": 6.19492526077519, - "1973": 6.33617288686383, - "1974": 6.45892997488834, - "1975": 6.5397831590455, - "1976": 6.59403035180194, - "1977": 6.60402717945661, - "1978": 6.60280746315036, - "1979": 6.63988199078088, - "1980": 6.7402031057473, - "1981": 6.89867166989701, - "1982": 7.11097330900161, - "1983": 7.34518075287614, - "1984": 7.55247360903786, - "1985": 7.70376392799977, - "1986": 7.80873819826125, - "1987": 7.86702719698948, - "1988": 7.89375894639822, - "1989": 7.91479324430377, - "1990": 7.94561347737007, - "1991": 7.97942566970874, - "1992": 8.01978553394076, - "1993": 8.06284115492391, - "1994": 8.10273138663453, - "1995": 8.135629674548, - "1996": 8.17291600628513, - "1997": 8.20564606180758, - "1998": 8.22366939994749, - "1999": 8.211726296777, - "2000": 8.16119823085227, - "2001": 8.07672933855692, - "2002": 7.95848373028505, - "2003": 7.81913947102186, - "2004": 7.67677153050232, - "2005": 7.54369095758579, - "2006": 7.42332384949091, - "2007": 7.31172608663509, - "2008": 7.2158685097528, - "2009": 7.14447792606698, - "2010": 7.1023678210014, - "2011": 7.08901085746588, - "2012": 7.10477407530499, - "2013": 7.14510357120215, - "2014": 7.20304797668607, - "2015": 7.27255815219228, - "2016": 7.35899328520488, - "2017": 7.45632241411065 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 30 a 34 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.16067878912821, - "1961": 7.07203916708081, - "1962": 6.96524562230881, - "1963": 6.86531906592967, - "1964": 6.80710230422275, - "1965": 6.8069040160019, - "1966": 6.85580664592088, - "1967": 6.96217852599924, - "1968": 7.09527897105983, - "1969": 7.21011316172461, - "1970": 7.28367552207811, - "1971": 7.31374456501329, - "1972": 7.30628624962469, - "1973": 7.29298235765588, - "1974": 7.32359537638737, - "1975": 7.42505421778328, - "1976": 7.59472776143392, - "1977": 7.81959798425248, - "1978": 8.06575066088421, - "1979": 8.28304181823925, - "1980": 8.44253542322555, - "1981": 8.56050071337362, - "1982": 8.62481391202756, - "1983": 8.65104040177624, - "1984": 8.66545050693603, - "1985": 8.68422002311239, - "1986": 8.71019346079153, - "1987": 8.73493692911596, - "1988": 8.75687895730137, - "1989": 8.77459205301845, - "1990": 8.78699526072566, - "1991": 8.79675404043279, - "1992": 8.81153910596773, - "1993": 8.81501995798544, - "1994": 8.78440031249176, - "1995": 8.7086598522114, - "1996": 8.60495379885545, - "1997": 8.46018648718607, - "1998": 8.29092672869199, - "1999": 8.12091862265627, - "2000": 7.96487103960107, - "2001": 7.82337098274532, - "2002": 7.69381548487775, - "2003": 7.5827771984728, - "2004": 7.49692461653241, - "2005": 7.43987729129053, - "2006": 7.41683609606532, - "2007": 7.41990713759708, - "2008": 7.4461394365722, - "2009": 7.4917120338927, - "2010": 7.55187061366027, - "2011": 7.62864620074116, - "2012": 7.72233379915351, - "2013": 7.81360597407037, - "2014": 7.87521054983731, - "2015": 7.89108304983253, - "2016": 7.87303532281375, - "2017": 7.80949023407617 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 25 a 29 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 7.76495634143162, - "1961": 7.81889616053234, - "1962": 7.92643102493832, - "1963": 8.05551545549231, - "1964": 8.16127808800275, - "1965": 8.22006265584042, - "1966": 8.23329091230823, - "1967": 8.20111448912397, - "1968": 8.16249885715424, - "1969": 8.17536238542792, - "1970": 8.27060770227615, - "1971": 8.42125624465688, - "1972": 8.64737610526278, - "1973": 8.90787122367448, - "1974": 9.14158375984818, - "1975": 9.31342499838733, - "1976": 9.42975436178106, - "1977": 9.48660538768835, - "1978": 9.50460930146678, - "1979": 9.51577106183097, - "1980": 9.53766239578628, - "1981": 9.55986095887403, - "1982": 9.57845275557763, - "1983": 9.5934300470986, - "1984": 9.60210397606619, - "1985": 9.60177325548935, - "1986": 9.5977657295752, - "1987": 9.59049179568027, - "1988": 9.56591440563576, - "1989": 9.50521352054152, - "1990": 9.39979674133345, - "1991": 9.25541203524681, - "1992": 9.07827837833154, - "1993": 8.88041072687474, - "1994": 8.68066168392232, - "1995": 8.49290271107024, - "1996": 8.32825819469582, - "1997": 8.1717835749853, - "1998": 8.033266346061, - "1999": 7.92399595739922, - "2000": 7.84927773623733, - "2001": 7.81024327499551, - "2002": 7.80138206916323, - "2003": 7.81892658844526, - "2004": 7.85629638236304, - "2005": 7.90699589647408, - "2006": 7.97788731099719, - "2007": 8.06151654135555, - "2008": 8.13975590782795, - "2009": 8.18799176255629, - "2010": 8.19152749975854, - "2011": 8.15806555020284, - "2012": 8.08335111382124, - "2013": 7.97602768507041, - "2014": 7.85143688947857, - "2015": 7.72022973909376, - "2016": 7.59263266521697, - "2017": 7.45705779167654 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 20 a 24 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 56.3699564549697, - "1961": 56.2043567988536, - "1962": 55.9961432548557, - "1963": 55.796993728085, - "1964": 55.6862195926036, - "1965": 55.6956533652397, - "1966": 55.7130530447512, - "1967": 55.8416868265006, - "1968": 56.0576606637734, - "1969": 56.3256877471525, - "1970": 56.629276450665, - "1971": 56.8792686881365, - "1972": 57.1990569693479, - "1973": 57.5711096869162, - "1974": 57.9780129200452, - "1975": 58.4107257845782, - "1976": 58.879977956211, - "1977": 59.3392900703698, - "1978": 59.799235310807, - "1979": 60.272779190227, - "1980": 60.7562164596495, - "1981": 61.2121927047322, - "1982": 61.6610182313209, - "1983": 62.0891649827443, - "1984": 62.4730203613027, - "1985": 62.7965735660065, - "1986": 63.0277567533919, - "1987": 63.2203168482785, - "1988": 63.3723849952298, - "1989": 63.494177401024, - "1990": 63.5978453210192, - "1991": 63.6407258256167, - "1992": 63.7093759569219, - "1993": 63.7941869655254, - "1994": 63.8864508574175, - "1995": 63.9876602783625, - "1996": 64.1519610349329, - "1997": 64.3058445818138, - "1998": 64.4742247311201, - "1999": 64.6887348246709, - "2000": 64.9588101665088, - "2001": 65.2569386979594, - "2002": 65.6031186838662, - "2003": 65.9722729209731, - "2004": 66.3207265423895, - "2005": 66.6202971342967, - "2006": 66.8762352500623, - "2007": 67.0848771195757, - "2008": 67.2535330068063, - "2009": 67.4021644757358, - "2010": 67.540448086045, - "2011": 67.6374977533471, - "2012": 67.7446657106198, - "2013": 67.835386202672, - "2014": 67.8735191787314, - "2015": 67.8415568920111, - "2016": 67.781628437383, - "2017": 67.650916488987 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 2209360, - "1961": 2252820, - "1962": 2295168, - "1963": 2338402, - "1964": 2385889, - "1965": 2439181, - "1966": 2493590, - "1967": 2553660, - "1968": 2618093, - "1969": 2684787, - "1970": 2752589, - "1971": 2817024, - "1972": 2884246, - "1973": 2953619, - "1974": 3024539, - "1975": 3096801, - "1976": 3171063, - "1977": 3244996, - "1978": 3319619, - "1979": 3396258, - "1980": 3475245, - "1981": 3554542, - "1982": 3635371, - "1983": 3717288, - "1984": 3799256, - "1985": 3880435, - "1986": 3958814, - "1987": 4037342, - "1988": 4115112, - "1989": 4191745, - "1990": 4267209, - "1991": 4338290, - "1992": 4410754, - "1993": 4483785, - "1994": 4556607, - "1995": 4629203, - "1996": 4705400, - "1997": 4779857, - "1998": 4854451, - "1999": 4931742, - "2000": 5012682, - "2001": 5095204, - "2002": 5180962, - "2003": 5268296, - "2004": 5354056, - "2005": 5436090, - "2006": 5514820, - "2007": 5589734, - "2008": 5661049, - "2009": 5729978, - "2010": 5797024, - "2011": 5859359, - "2012": 5921464, - "2013": 5981162, - "2014": 6035446, - "2015": 6082789, - "2016": 6126877, - "2017": 6163653 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 15 y 64 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1564.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 9.34992196491751, - "1961": 9.3586649981139, - "1962": 9.30449525018707, - "1963": 9.23616736719157, - "1964": 9.22548007071962, - "1965": 9.30768036387881, - "1966": 9.45276877621896, - "1967": 9.67468664697006, - "1968": 9.93052140103148, - "1969": 10.1569670752858, - "1970": 10.3188643490809, - "1971": 10.4095113832357, - "1972": 10.452484954782, - "1973": 10.4631739066705, - "1974": 10.4676327946786, - "1975": 10.4816583757186, - "1976": 10.4934525935988, - "1977": 10.5021228693132, - "1978": 10.5099278994465, - "1979": 10.5169221202332, - "1980": 10.5196070752744, - "1981": 10.5054749380695, - "1982": 10.4889926324683, - "1983": 10.4559635237198, - "1984": 10.383925643902, - "1985": 10.2608373120298, - "1986": 10.087634805939, - "1987": 9.87134967745815, - "1988": 9.62923892764111, - "1989": 9.38762396851636, - "1990": 9.16413711122011, - "1991": 8.95489173582379, - "1992": 8.76611239824129, - "1993": 8.60224385947814, - "1994": 8.46868380510878, - "1995": 8.36907975826464, - "1996": 8.31380649031497, - "1997": 8.28597697512338, - "1998": 8.28420630840274, - "1999": 8.30572135567476, - "2000": 8.34547365392764, - "2001": 8.40476834206529, - "2002": 8.48037476476537, - "2003": 8.55258255993302, - "2004": 8.5927904910419, - "2005": 8.58415610555733, - "2006": 8.53813816756255, - "2007": 8.44400268448385, - "2008": 8.31354909714028, - "2009": 8.16700644298716, - "2010": 8.01776620145848, - "2011": 7.8701592205924, - "2012": 7.72060627936283, - "2013": 7.57003578585467, - "2014": 7.41886647997109, - "2015": 7.26878842707774, - "2016": 7.13403835584431, - "2017": 7.0010029671936 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 15 a 19 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 10.5193893643171, - "1961": 10.6755942223367, - "1962": 10.8987694670114, - "1963": 11.1592126282987, - "1964": 11.3960123934392, - "1965": 11.5533579329053, - "1966": 11.6258930310954, - "1967": 11.6386987465879, - "1968": 11.6103280283165, - "1969": 11.5736128148274, - "1970": 11.5511717505167, - "1971": 11.5260283719734, - "1972": 11.5145446692154, - "1973": 11.5081054361623, - "1974": 11.4971725420285, - "1975": 11.4777604292607, - "1976": 11.4564572036325, - "1977": 11.427451777823, - "1978": 11.3855105358679, - "1979": 11.3118019512268, - "1980": 11.1844175569967, - "1981": 10.9960452322791, - "1982": 10.7633944752926, - "1983": 10.502430760977, - "1984": 10.2381377562346, - "1985": 9.98933709898211, - "1986": 9.75022392695762, - "1987": 9.52918723462093, - "1988": 9.32903264554668, - "1989": 9.15895826229817, - "1990": 9.03034527593504, - "1991": 8.94063293805755, - "1992": 8.89343717681317, - "1993": 8.87738021473953, - "1994": 8.88140903949162, - "1995": 8.90158203934109, - "1996": 8.94819541158386, - "1997": 9.00329126689559, - "1998": 9.05726714507382, - "1999": 9.08705036395868, - "2000": 9.0681391421992, - "2001": 9.0027130169099, - "2002": 8.89090051274883, - "2003": 8.74382624874728, - "2004": 8.57967265359483, - "2005": 8.41129673085605, - "2006": 8.24461279996158, - "2007": 8.07268988930825, - "2008": 7.89873353960261, - "2009": 7.72653823039411, - "2010": 7.55970000835369, - "2011": 7.404644664071, - "2012": 7.25963306793214, - "2013": 7.12423519970294, - "2014": 7.00114055091466, - "2015": 6.89541834524459, - "2016": 6.81732695042805, - "2017": 6.75476124046561 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 10 a 14 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 13.0160272348434, - "1961": 13.1660239944275, - "1962": 13.2082542348443, - "1963": 13.1465399478156, - "1964": 13.0258780144824, - "1965": 12.9081078118863, - "1966": 12.8438292601404, - "1967": 12.7890502526002, - "1968": 12.7419540981753, - "1969": 12.6902086859213, - "1970": 12.6156438995959, - "1971": 12.5416495545603, - "1972": 12.4730241116152, - "1973": 12.3987210314082, - "1974": 12.2997105449805, - "1975": 12.1554780048761, - "1976": 11.9851219278512, - "1977": 11.7523829934926, - "1978": 11.4646274954853, - "1979": 11.1525952764368, - "1980": 10.8596085018539, - "1981": 10.6014639442802, - "1982": 10.3678880980533, - "1983": 10.1639648746437, - "1984": 9.98854218360855, - "1985": 9.8368781666866, - "1986": 9.71316015466165, - "1987": 9.63698304517841, - "1988": 9.60541523222713, - "1989": 9.60345979574893, - "1990": 9.60712415813757, - "1991": 9.61180863167765, - "1992": 9.6368896643768, - "1993": 9.67104715576477, - "1994": 9.69257248805022, - "1995": 9.67577268052088, - "1996": 9.61972248637484, - "1997": 9.49839391987412, - "1998": 9.31610957791378, - "1999": 9.09957691730048, - "2000": 8.88830861856931, - "2001": 8.6944104013454, - "2002": 8.50027996435298, - "2003": 8.30910750482461, - "2004": 8.12070937400169, - "2005": 7.93389602603589, - "2006": 7.75947436343012, - "2007": 7.59479223573532, - "2008": 7.44212398110787, - "2009": 7.30270300091246, - "2010": 7.17583830156195, - "2011": 7.0698255673888, - "2012": 6.98836669868108, - "2013": 6.92749409079171, - "2014": 6.87414152232846, - "2015": 6.81019802098354, - "2016": 6.73861374484133, - "2017": 6.64771441359786 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 5 a 9 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 38.3026087471242, - "1961": 38.3919572163909, - "1962": 38.537588992662, - "1963": 38.6849141175951, - "1964": 38.7498497499723, - "1965": 38.6981787792158, - "1966": 38.6425972034297, - "1967": 38.4841845801816, - "1968": 38.2415570194925, - "1969": 37.9437835528951, - "1970": 37.6033874823869, - "1971": 37.2824238576887, - "1972": 36.8862378050739, - "1973": 36.4371360896182, - "1974": 35.959802173788, - "1975": 35.4663332934724, - "1976": 34.9066518321671, - "1977": 34.3701483869009, - "1978": 33.8403159634498, - "1979": 33.2982774586703, - "1980": 32.7445604666873, - "1981": 32.2030372409446, - "1982": 31.6713799624237, - "1983": 31.1624960289052, - "1984": 30.7005020851976, - "1985": 30.3009255475761, - "1986": 29.9908805288784, - "1987": 29.7238178632878, - "1988": 29.4966917095234, - "1989": 29.291734634478, - "1990": 29.0918027797761, - "1991": 28.9384794488476, - "1992": 28.7476672771708, - "1993": 28.5322148419688, - "1994": 28.3062884761091, - "1995": 28.0702542517316, - "1996": 27.7543073918423, - "1997": 27.4510547821581, - "1998": 27.1338031695149, - "1999": 26.7695199444372, - "2000": 26.3476015037497, - "2001": 25.903157476268, - "2002": 25.4132798070867, - "2003": 24.893887427443, - "2004": 24.377104010082, - "2005": 23.8837855578045, - "2006": 23.4314976912087, - "2007": 23.0064514983088, - "2008": 22.6056242987803, - "2009": 22.2164779223028, - "2010": 21.8319525287022, - "2011": 21.5113506617367, - "2012": 21.1765897043253, - "2013": 20.8435336005165, - "2014": 20.5332339802753, - "2015": 20.2535619719945, - "2016": 19.9791042160629, - "2017": 19.7474998809127 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres (% del total)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 1501230, - "1961": 1538851, - "1962": 1579577, - "1963": 1621250, - "1964": 1660246, - "1965": 1694779, - "1966": 1729555, - "1967": 1759896, - "1968": 1786018, - "1969": 1808606, - "1970": 1827794, - "1971": 1846463, - "1972": 1859978, - "1973": 1869365, - "1974": 1875915, - "1975": 1880343, - "1976": 1879946, - "1977": 1879547, - "1978": 1878569, - "1979": 1876295, - "1980": 1872983, - "1981": 1870004, - "1982": 1867261, - "1983": 1865703, - "1984": 1867031, - "1985": 1872407, - "1986": 1883747, - "1987": 1898207, - "1988": 1915380, - "1989": 1933775, - "1990": 1951965, - "1991": 1972692, - "1992": 1990270, - "1993": 2005391, - "1994": 2018904, - "1995": 2030749, - "1996": 2035715, - "1997": 2040438, - "1998": 2042982, - "1999": 2040856, - "2000": 2033168, - "2001": 2022495, - "2002": 2006997, - "2003": 1987932, - "2004": 1967958, - "2005": 1948872, - "2006": 1932233, - "2007": 1916974, - "2008": 1902823, - "2009": 1888662, - "2010": 1873845, - "2011": 1863504, - "2012": 1851015, - "2013": 1837810, - "2014": 1825855, - "2015": 1815969, - "2016": 1805939, - "2017": 1799188 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población entre 0 y 14 años de edad, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0014.FE.IN" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": 14.7671921479638, - "1961": 14.5503389996268, - "1962": 14.4305652908063, - "1963": 14.3791615414809, - "1964": 14.3279593420508, - "1965": 14.2367130344242, - "1966": 14.1728749121938, - "1967": 14.0564355809936, - "1968": 13.8892748930007, - "1969": 13.6799620521464, - "1970": 13.4365718322742, - "1971": 13.214745931155, - "1972": 12.8986690242433, - "1973": 12.5303096220478, - "1974": 12.162919086779, - "1975": 11.8330948593356, - "1976": 11.4650727006835, - "1977": 11.1903136155853, - "1978": 10.9901779320967, - "1979": 10.8338802310067, - "1980": 10.7005344078367, - "1981": 10.6055280643853, - "1982": 10.5400973890778, - "1983": 10.4961003932845, - "1984": 10.4738221453544, - "1985": 10.4747102819074, - "1986": 10.5274964472591, - "1987": 10.5576475834885, - "1988": 10.5622438317496, - "1989": 10.5293165764309, - "1990": 10.4543333457035, - "1991": 10.3860378791124, - "1992": 10.2173404359808, - "1993": 9.98378747146445, - "1994": 9.73230694856729, - "1995": 9.49289953186962, - "1996": 9.18638949388359, - "1997": 8.94936959538835, - "1998": 8.7604264465273, - "1999": 8.58289266317803, - "2000": 8.39115374298114, - "2001": 8.20603405801269, - "2002": 8.0220993299849, - "2003": 7.84095367387115, - "2004": 7.67672198248552, - "2005": 7.53859280091257, - "2006": 7.42741052781694, - "2007": 7.33896937326519, - "2008": 7.26476677806982, - "2009": 7.18723669099623, - "2010": 7.09641421878661, - "2011": 7.03688043027688, - "2012": 6.92858993771204, - "2013": 6.79180431002189, - "2014": 6.65795190703217, - "2015": 6.54794560576639, - "2016": 6.42316352079356, - "2017": 6.34502422684927 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Población de 0 a 4 años, mujeres (% de la población femenina)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Mujeres que se casaron por primera vez antes de los 18 (% de mujeres 10-24)", - "indicatorCode": "SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS" - 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"2016": 2.45335006713867, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Repetidores, escuela primaria, mujeres (% de mujeres inscriptas)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 76.3883590698242, - "1971": 69.0624237060547, - "1972": 73.1062088012695, - "1973": 71.2899780273438, - "1974": 68.8526229858398, - "1975": 69.2826232910156, - "1976": 74.7731704711914, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 96.1449584960938, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 99.1266479492188, - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": 97.6268997192383, - "2011": 99.3583984375, - "2012": "", - "2013": 99.9510498046875, - "2014": 99.9473571777344, - "2015": 100, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Perseverancia en la escuela hasta el último grado del nivel primario, mujeres (% de la cohorte)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 81.0139312744141, - "1971": 74.3563003540039, - "1972": 77.1535263061523, - "1973": 76.5783233642578, - "1974": 75.2490615844727, - "1975": 76.2434768676758, - "1976": 79.6738128662109, - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 97.1817779541016, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - 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"1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": 81.4636611938477, - "2014": 82.6806106567383, - "2015": 84.7576217651367, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa neta de ingreso en primer grado, mujeres (% de población en edad escolar oficial)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - 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"data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 131.356384277344, - "1971": 151.242034912109, - "1972": 135.963226318359, - "1973": 129.927886962891, - "1974": 125.077529907227, - "1975": 112.828178405762, - "1976": 108.631393432617, - "1977": 110.07462310791, - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 88.2176666259766, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 103.713798522949, - "1998": 100.706817626953, - "1999": 100.738899230957, - "2000": 101.316711425781, - "2001": "", - "2002": 99.5251617431641, - "2003": 98.9355392456055, - "2004": 97.6572875976563, - "2005": 98.1733474731445, - "2006": 96.8600616455078, - "2007": 99.5074005126953, - "2008": 96.2199325561523, - "2009": 94.68115234375, - 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"1986": 104.41918182373, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 102.152458190918, - "1990": 102.619590759277, - "1991": 102.035057067871, - "1992": 98.5001602172852, - "1993": 98.3969116210938, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 97.8569183349609, - "1997": 76.7834396362305, - "1998": 101.948608398438, - "1999": 103.908508300781, - "2000": 104.628639221191, - "2001": "", - "2002": 103.906509399414, - "2003": 102.512001037598, - "2004": 105.060997009277, - "2005": 104.26904296875, - "2006": 103.869941711426, - "2007": 103.867462158203, - "2008": 103.532409667969, - "2009": 101.970291137695, - "2010": 99.8520889282227, - "2011": 98.8053283691406, - "2012": 98.325927734375, - "2013": 96.6394195556641, - "2014": 96.604850769043, - "2015": 97.227668762207, - "2016": 98.382942199707, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Inscripción escolar, nivel primario, mujeres (% bruto)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.PRM.ENRR.FE" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": 49.462589263916, - "1971": 49.2759017944336, - "1972": 49.1615295410156, - "1973": 49.1861190795898, - "1974": 49.0072288513184, - "1975": 48.9077911376953, - "1976": 48.9616889953613, - "1977": 48.8697814941406, - "1978": 48.7845611572266, - "1979": 48.6829299926758, - "1980": 48.6078987121582, - "1981": 48.6238899230957, - "1982": 48.2934112548828, - "1983": 48.4589996337891, - "1984": 48.3728981018066, - "1985": 48.3730087280273, - "1986": 48.3255805969238, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 48.6374092102051, - "1990": 48.6684494018555, - "1991": 48.6449317932129, - "1992": 48.5241317749023, - "1993": 48.5898590087891, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 48.389820098877, - "1997": 48.4512214660645, - "1998": 48.4075698852539, - "1999": 48.4161109924316, - "2000": 48.5080718994141, - "2001": "", - "2002": 48.5045204162598, - "2003": 48.4719314575195, - 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"1980": 0.970730006694794, - "1981": 0.9721599817276, - "1982": 0.960210025310516, - "1983": 0.967459976673126, - "1984": 0.964969992637634, - "1985": 0.965789973735809, - "1986": 0.964410006999969, - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": 0.978359997272491, - "1990": 0.980199992656708, - "1991": 0.979560017585754, - "1992": 0.975109994411469, - "1993": 0.97791999578476, - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 0.970319986343384, - "1997": 0.972459971904755, - "1998": 0.971029996871948, - "1999": 0.971419990062714, - "2000": 0.975080013275146, - "2001": "", - "2002": 0.975279986858368, - "2003": 0.974089980125427, - "2004": 0.953289985656738, - "2005": 0.954540014266968, - "2006": 0.954559981822968, - "2007": 0.950250029563904, - "2008": 0.947889983654022, - "2009": 0.951210021972656, - "2010": 0.97105997800827, - "2011": 0.968500018119812, - "2012": 0.969020009040833, - "2013": 0.969720005989075, - "2014": 0.970510005950928, - "2015": 0.97105997800827, - "2016": 0.972519993782043, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de inscripciones de mujeres con respecto a varones en la educación primaria (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": 3.8, - "2006": 3.8, - "2007": 3.8, - "2008": 3.8, - "2009": 3.8, - "2010": 3.8, - "2011": 3.8, - "2012": 3.8, - "2013": 3.8, - "2014": 5.3, - "2015": 5.3, - "2016": 5.1, - "2017": 5.1 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Impuestos laborales y contribuciones (% de ganancias comerciales)", - "indicatorCode": "IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": 14.6899995803833, - "1976": 12.75, - "1977": 11.8299999237061, - "1978": 14.2600002288818, - "1979": 13.6300001144409, - "1980": 10.460000038147, - "1981": 11.3500003814697, - "1982": 19.6000003814697, - "1983": 14.6499996185303, - "1984": 13.9099998474121, - "1985": "", - "1986": 8.71000003814697, - "1987": "", - "1988": 6.23000001907349, - "1989": 5.28999996185303, - "1990": "", - "1991": 6.44910001754761, - "1992": "", - "1993": 4.65869998931885, - "1994": "", - "1995": 7.3088002204895, - "1996": "", - "1997": 7.13600015640259, - "1998": "", - "1999": 11.1579999923706, - "2000": "", - "2001": 10.3900003433228, - "2002": 10.1680002212524, - "2003": "", - "2004": 10.1619997024536, - "2005": 9.34000015258789, - "2006": "", - "2007": 8.42700004577637, - "2008": 9.28499984741211, - "2009": "", - "2010": 8.42430019378662, - "2011": "", - "2012": 6.65939998626709, - "2013": "", - "2014": 6.6648998260498, - "2015": "", - "2016": 6.73820018768311, - "2017": 6.95809984207153 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total (% de participación total en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 11.3999996185303, - "1977": 11.3800001144409, - "1978": 13.4300003051758, - "1979": 13.4799995422363, - "1980": 10.6199998855591, - "1981": 11.9099998474121, - "1982": 20.1800003051758, - "1983": 14.6300001144409, - "1984": 13.0299997329712, - "1985": "", - "1986": 8.34000015258789, - "1987": "", - "1988": 5.59999990463257, - "1989": 5, - "1990": 7.71570014953613, - "1991": "", - "1992": 4.605299949646, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 6.28439998626709, - "1996": "", - "1997": 5.88399982452393, - "1998": "", - "1999": 10.1429996490479, - "2000": "", - "2001": 9.5939998626709, - "2002": 9.31999969482422, - "2003": "", - "2004": 8.55300045013428, - "2005": 7.63800001144409, - "2006": "", - "2007": 6.9520001411438, - "2008": 7.50600004196167, - "2009": "", - "2010": 7.44980001449585, - "2011": "", - "2012": 5.6483998298645, - "2013": "", - "2014": 6.34280014038086, - "2015": "", - "2016": 6.37060022354126, - "2017": 6.60489988327026 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones (% de participación masculina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 5.69999980926514, - "1992": 5.32999992370605, - "1993": 5.10699987411499, - "1994": 6.78399991989136, - "1995": 5.2519998550415, - "1996": 7.87200021743774, - "1997": 7.6560001373291, - "1998": 7.55200004577637, - "1999": 10.6339998245239, - "2000": 10.0129995346069, - "2001": 9.67099952697754, - "2002": 9.57100009918213, - "2003": 9.66100025177002, - "2004": 10.4320001602173, - "2005": 9.77799987792969, - "2006": 9.41800022125244, - "2007": 8.60000038146973, - "2008": 9.5019998550415, - "2009": 10.673999786377, - "2010": 9.91499996185303, - "2011": 8.87100028991699, - "2012": 8.13899993896484, - "2013": 7.17600011825562, - "2014": 7.12599992752075, - "2015": 7.14200019836426, - "2016": 7.26900005340576, - "2017": 7.46600008010864 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de la población activa femenina) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": 16.2700004577637, - "1977": 13.0799999237061, - "1978": 16.2999992370605, - "1979": 14.0299997329712, - "1980": 10.0699996948242, - "1981": 9.96000003814697, - "1982": 18.25, - "1983": 14.6899995803833, - "1984": 15.8999996185303, - "1985": "", - "1986": 9.64999961853027, - "1987": "", - "1988": 7.75, - "1989": 6.03999996185303, - "1990": 9.5693998336792, - "1991": "", - "1992": 7.50589990615845, - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": 9.51949977874756, - "1996": "", - "1997": 9.58800029754639, - "1998": "", - "1999": 13.1009998321533, - "2000": "", - "2001": 11.9309997558594, - "2002": 11.8070001602173, - "2003": "", - "2004": 13.0129995346069, - "2005": 12.2779998779297, - "2006": "", - "2007": 10.8830003738403, - "2008": 12.1309995651245, - "2009": "", - "2010": 9.91819953918457, - "2011": "", - "2012": 8.13350009918213, - "2013": "", - "2014": 7.12550020217896, - "2015": "", - "2016": 7.26639986038208, - "2017": 7.46080017089844 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres (% de participación femenina en la fuerza laboral) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 40.1285018920898, - "1991": "", - "1992": 35.5331993103027, - "1993": "", - "1994": 35.4589004516602, - "1995": "", - "1996": 30.1620006561279, - "1997": "", - "1998": 30.6558990478516, - "1999": "", - "2000": 30.6243000030518, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 27.3062992095947, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 25.4328994750977, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 27.7205009460449, - "2010": 17.3199996948242, - "2011": 17.2199993133545, - "2012": 16.7700004577637, - "2013": 16.2399997711182, - "2014": 16.5699996948242, - "2015": 21.4955997467041, - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de jóvenes sin educación, empleo ni capacitación, mujeres (% de la población de mujeres jóvenes)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.NEET.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 5.16230010986328, - "1997": "", - "1998": 7.98059988021851, - "1999": "", - "2000": 8.79730033874512, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 8.42409992218018, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 6.32999992370605, - "2007": 7.55999994277954, - "2008": "", - "2009": 10.2680997848511, - "2010": 8.50529956817627, - "2011": 7.32880020141602, - "2012": 6.44309997558594, - "2013": 6.16300010681152, - "2014": 7.11600017547607, - "2015": 6.82859992980957, - "2016": 7.04780006408691, - "2017": 7.30450010299683 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación intermedia, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.INTM.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 5.05639982223511, - "1997": "", - "1998": 10.0920000076294, - "1999": "", - "2000": 11.2843999862671, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 8.95580005645752, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 4.11999988555908, - "2007": 4.40000009536743, - "2008": "", - "2009": 9.64200019836426, - "2010": 7.55579996109009, - "2011": 5.92449998855591, - "2012": 5.48150014877319, - "2013": 5.63490009307861, - "2014": 6.12939977645874, - "2015": 5.93289995193481, - "2016": 5.82690000534058, - "2017": 5.91629981994629 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación básica, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.BASC.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": 1.46140003204346, - "1997": "", - "1998": 3.60570001602173, - "1999": "", - "2000": 3.56859993934631, - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": 4.03649997711182, - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 5.34999990463257, - "2007": 5.90999984741211, - "2008": "", - "2009": 5.55830001831055, - "2010": 4.66849994659424, - "2011": 4.67640018463135, - "2012": 4.25570011138916, - "2013": 4.40059995651245, - "2014": 5.04050016403198, - "2015": 5.03840017318726, - "2016": 6.37220001220703, - "2017": 6.72629976272583 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Personas desempleadas con educación avanzada, mujeres", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.ADVN.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 24.75, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 17.2999992370605, - "1987": "", - "1988": 14.3299999237061, - "1989": 13.2200002670288, - "1990": 16.4531002044678, - "1991": "", - "1992": 12.9681997299194, - "1993": "", - "1994": 15.5579996109009, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 17.8360004425049, - "1998": "", - "1999": 25.6599998474121, - "2000": "", - "2001": 24.7810001373291, - "2002": 25.2250003814697, - "2003": "", - "2004": 24.5580005645752, - "2005": 23.4150009155273, - "2006": "", - "2007": 21.5349998474121, - "2008": 23.6909999847412, - "2009": "", - "2010": 19.0025005340576, - "2011": "", - "2012": 16.7008991241455, - "2013": "", - "2014": 16.971399307251, - "2015": "", - "2016": 15.9816999435425, - "2017": 17.1853008270264 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, total de jóvenes (% del total de participación en la fuerza laboral de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": 23.6100006103516, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": 16.5300006866455, - "1987": "", - "1988": 12.539999961853, - "1989": 12.25, - "1990": 15.0325002670288, - "1991": "", - "1992": 10.7934999465942, - "1993": "", - "1994": 13.285400390625, - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": 14.3000001907349, - "1998": "", - "1999": 22.0300006866455, - "2000": "", - "2001": 21.8640003204346, - "2002": 21.9519996643066, - "2003": "", - "2004": 20.2129993438721, - "2005": 18.7670001983643, - "2006": "", - "2007": 18.136999130249, - "2008": 19.9109992980957, - "2009": "", - "2010": 17.141300201416, - "2011": "", - "2012": 14.7812004089355, - "2013": "", - "2014": 14.8879995346069, - "2015": "", - "2016": 14.7051000595093, - "2017": 16.1037998199463 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, varones jóvenes (% de participación en la fuerza laboral de varones de 15 a 24 años) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 14.789999961853, - "1992": 12.8360004425049, - "1993": 12.0010004043579, - "1994": 15.2600002288818, - "1995": 12.1319999694824, - "1996": 18.4009990692139, - "1997": 18.4150009155273, - "1998": 18.0900001525879, - "1999": 24.7040004730225, - "2000": 24.6079998016357, - "2001": 23.1590003967285, - "2002": 24.0540008544922, - "2003": 24.7159996032715, - "2004": 24.8110008239746, - "2005": 23.8279991149902, - "2006": 21.8490009307861, - "2007": 20.6529998779297, - "2008": 23.0809993743896, - "2009": 24.3840007781982, - "2010": 21.8969993591309, - "2011": 21.3110008239746, - "2012": 19.5909996032715, - "2013": 19.7169990539551, - "2014": 20.1599998474121, - "2015": 18.746000289917, - "2016": 17.8810005187988, - "2017": 18.6509990692139 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Desempleo, mujeres jóvenes (% de la población activa femenina entre 15 y 24 años de edad) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - 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"2002": 95.6409301757813, - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": 98.6955718994141, - "2009": 98.4912796020508, - "2010": "", - "2011": 96.5307083129883, - "2012": "", - "2013": 96.161750793457, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Tasa de alfabetización, mujeres adultas (% de mujeres de 15 años o más)", - "indicatorCode": "SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": 1.00970995426178, - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": 1.00555002689362, - "1993": "", - 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"1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": 25.722143666035, - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": 25.1240060026862, - "2010": "", - "2011": 37.9093235900503, - "2012": "", - "2013": 17.8840821414229, - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Incidencia de los beneficios de los programas activos del mercado laboral (ALMP) y los beneficios por desempleo para el quintil más pobre (% del total de beneficios de los ALMP/D)", - "indicatorCode": "per_lm_alllm.ben_q1_tot" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - 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"1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": 1190000, - "2013": 1300000, - "2014": 920000, - "2015": 900000, - "2016": 950000, - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Flujos oficiales netos de organismos de las Naciones Unidas, Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) (USD a precios actuales)", - "indicatorCode": "DT.NFL.ILOG.CD" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 14.7170000076294, - "1992": 15.0380001068115, - "1993": 16.1280002593994, - "1994": 14.8540000915527, - "1995": 14.4270000457764, - "1996": 14.871000289917, - "1997": 14.3100004196167, - "1998": 13.7849998474121, - "1999": 12.5729999542236, - "2000": 12.2180004119873, - "2001": 12.8879995346069, - "2002": 12.0190000534058, - "2003": 11.7510004043579, - "2004": 12.2480001449585, - "2005": 11.4739999771118, - "2006": 11.2690000534058, - "2007": 10.9060001373291, - "2008": 11.3669996261597, - "2009": 11.4350004196167, - 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"1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 23.5679998397827, - "1992": 22.5920000076294, - "1993": 22.0860004425049, - "1994": 22.26699924469, - "1995": 23.9259996414184, - "1996": 23.0060007572174, - "1997": 24.1010003089905, - "1998": 25.6430006027222, - "1999": 23.8899991512299, - "2000": 23.1019995212555, - "2001": 24.7700006961822, - "2002": 25.25, - "2003": 25.0770008563995, - "2004": 26.2100005149842, - "2005": 23.7610001564026, - "2006": 24.5600004196167, - "2007": 23.9149999618531, - "2008": 23.8280005455018, - "2009": 27.7090005874634, - "2010": 23.154999256134, - "2011": 24.5959997177124, - "2012": 24.1370005607605, - "2013": 23.9789996147156, - "2014": 24.6310005187988, - "2015": 24.193000793457, - "2016": 25.0930004119873, - "2017": 25.0449995994568 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - 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"2007": 37.8800010681152, - "2008": 39.0089988708496, - "2009": 38.7490005493164, - "2010": 42.3930015563965, - "2011": 44.6030006408691, - "2012": 45.1539993286133, - "2013": 46.0099983215332, - "2014": 46.5579986572266, - "2015": 46.5299987792969, - "2016": 46.6910018920898, - "2017": 46.8059997558594 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": 23.7199993133545, - "1981": 24.2000007629395, - "1982": 22.3700008392334, - "1983": 24.1900005340576, - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 29.4232997894287, - "1991": "", - "1992": 31.6937999725342, - "1993": "", - "1994": 31.3500003814697, - "1995": "", - "1996": 32.9799995422363, - "1997": 33.7169990539551, - "1998": 34.1240005493164, - "1999": 33.189998626709, - "2000": 33.0900001525879, - "2001": 32.3650016784668, - "2002": 32.1679992675781, - "2003": 33.3120002746582, - "2004": 34.2639999389648, - "2005": 35.3219985961914, - "2006": 36.5120010375977, - "2007": 37.6520004272461, - "2008": 38.9949989318848, - "2009": 38.8759994506836, - "2010": 40.9716987609863, - "2011": 43.2470016479492, - "2012": 43.8386001586914, - "2013": 44.4334983825684, - "2014": 45.0766983032227, - "2015": 44.9362983703613, - "2016": 44.6626014709473, - "2017": 45.0376014709473 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, mayores de 15 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": "", - "1992": "", - "1993": "", - "1994": "", - "1995": "", - "1996": "", - "1997": "", - "1998": "", - "1999": "", - "2000": "", - "2001": "", - "2002": "", - "2003": "", - "2004": "", - "2005": "", - "2006": "", - "2007": "", - "2008": "", - "2009": "", - "2010": "", - "2011": "", - "2012": "", - "2013": "", - "2014": "", - "2015": "", - "2016": "", - "2017": "" - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Proporción de mujeres con empleo en puestos gerenciales de nivel superior e intermedio (%)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SMGT.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 25.6189994812012, - "1992": 24.7229995727539, - "1993": 24.4200000762939, - "1994": 24.5419998168945, - "1995": 25.556999206543, - "1996": 24.7830009460449, - "1997": 25.6860008239746, - "1998": 27.2670001983643, - "1999": 25.7900009155273, - "2000": 25.1630001068115, - "2001": 26.6830005645752, - "2002": 26.7999992370605, - "2003": 26.8369998931885, - "2004": 28.1340007781982, - "2005": 25.451000213623, - "2006": 26.2880001068115, - "2007": 25.6229991912842, - "2008": 25.6749992370605, - "2009": 29.4729995727539, - "2010": 26.0100002288818, - "2011": 27.4529991149902, - "2012": 26.4330005645752, - "2013": 26.507999420166, - "2014": 26.9899997711182, - "2015": 26.6310005187988, - "2016": 27.4209995269775, - "2017": 27.4080009460449 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Independientes, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 2.05100011825562, - "1992": 2.13000011444092, - "1993": 2.33400011062622, - "1994": 2.27600002288818, - "1995": 1.63199996948242, - "1996": 1.77699995040894, - "1997": 1.58399999141693, - "1998": 1.62399995326996, - "1999": 1.89900004863739, - "2000": 2.06100010871887, - "2001": 1.91299998760223, - "2002": 1.54900002479553, - "2003": 1.75999999046326, - "2004": 1.92400002479553, - "2005": 1.69000005722046, - "2006": 1.72800004482269, - "2007": 1.70799994468689, - "2008": 1.84700000286102, - "2009": 1.76400005817413, - "2010": 2.85500001907349, - "2011": 2.85800004005432, - "2012": 2.29699993133545, - "2013": 2.52900004386902, - "2014": 2.35899996757507, - "2015": 2.43799996376038, - "2016": 2.32800006866455, - "2017": 2.36299991607666 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Empleadores, mujeres (% del empleo femenino)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": "", - "1991": 21.2730007171631, - "1992": 23.6709995269775, - "1993": 25.257999420166, - "1994": 24.6319999694824, - "1995": 23.8390007019043, - "1996": 21.9130001068115, - "1997": 21.9449996948242, - "1998": 20.9810009002686, - "1999": 18.9039993286133, - "2000": 18.2140007019043, - "2001": 17.5319995880127, - "2002": 16.992000579834, - "2003": 17.3770008087158, - "2004": 17.9909992218018, - "2005": 18.4650001525879, - "2006": 18.1119995117188, - "2007": 21.17799949646, - "2008": 20.4009990692139, - "2009": 20.378999710083, - "2010": 24.4680004119873, - "2011": 25.5179996490479, - "2012": 25.2950000762939, - "2013": 24.9500007629395, - "2014": 24.363000869751, - "2015": 24.25, - "2016": 24.1520004272461, - "2017": 24.2590007781982 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, edades entre 15 y 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación modelado OIT)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS" - }, - { - "data": { - "1960": "", - "1961": "", - "1962": "", - "1963": "", - "1964": "", - "1965": "", - "1966": "", - "1967": "", - "1968": "", - "1969": "", - "1970": "", - "1971": "", - "1972": "", - "1973": "", - "1974": "", - "1975": "", - "1976": "", - "1977": "", - "1978": "", - "1979": "", - "1980": "", - "1981": "", - "1982": "", - "1983": "", - "1984": "", - "1985": "", - "1986": "", - "1987": "", - "1988": "", - "1989": "", - "1990": 22.1784992218018, - "1991": "", - "1992": 25.2035007476807, - "1993": "", - "1994": 24.3822994232178, - "1995": "", - "1996": 23.8419990539551, - "1997": 24.5230007171631, - "1998": 23.3740005493164, - "1999": 20.57200050354, - "2000": 20.19700050354, - "2001": 19.2889995574951, - "2002": 18.4850006103516, - "2003": 19.0659999847412, - "2004": 19.9249992370605, - "2005": 20.5429992675781, - "2006": 20.9020004272461, - "2007": 21.7099990844727, - "2008": 22.4680004119873, - "2009": 22.0090007781982, - "2010": 23.8204002380371, - "2011": 25.2693004608154, - "2012": 25.5592994689941, - "2013": 25.1240997314453, - "2014": 24.5370006561279, - "2015": 24.4330005645752, - "2016": 24.0881004333496, - "2017": 24.2879009246826 - }, - "countryName": "Chile", - "countryCode": "CHL", - "indicatorName": "Relación entre empleo y población, entre 15 y 24 años, mujeres (%) (estimación nacional)", - "indicatorCode": "SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.NE.ZS" - } - ], - "dataSource": "Indicadores del desarrollo mundial", - "lastUpdated": "2018-11-14" - } -} diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeAmarrillo.svg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeAmarrillo.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..efae2035 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeAmarrillo.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeRojo.svg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeRojo.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..433883dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/imagenes-pokemon/closeRojo.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/facebook.svg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/facebook.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f65b500 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/imagenes-pokemon/facebook.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina1.jpg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..212db96c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina1.jpg differ diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina2.png b/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ca91e44 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/fondoPagina2.png differ diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/google.svg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/google.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edbcac1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/imagenes-pokemon/google.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png b/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef1ed874 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png differ diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes.png b/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3fa6268 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/imagenes.png differ diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/instagram.svg b/src/imagenes-pokemon/instagram.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1fbc9e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/imagenes-pokemon/instagram.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png b/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3fa6268 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo1.png differ diff --git a/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo2.png b/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef1ed874 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/imagenes-pokemon/logo2.png differ diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html index 7c800043..1b2b540b 100644 --- a/src/index.html +++ b/src/index.html @@ -1,14 +1,154 @@ - - - - Data Lovers - - - - - -
+ + + + + Data Lovers Pokémon + + + + + + + + + +
+ +




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Zonas cercanas de Centros Pokemón


Votación para nuevos Centros Pokemón



Si quieres sugerir un nuevo Centro Pokemón, ubicate en la zona y da click en el bóton


+ + - - + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js index 1463fecf..7c99c078 100644 --- a/src/main.js +++ b/src/main.js @@ -1,4 +1,111 @@ -import { example } from './data.js'; +import data from "./pokemon.js"; +import pokemons from "./data.js"; + +const lista = document.querySelector('#listado'); +const catalogue = data.pokemon; +const elementType = document.getElementsByClassName("elementType"); +const selectSort = document.getElementById("select"); + +const typeFilter = document.querySelectorAll(".typeFilter"); + +catalogue.forEach(poke => { + lista.appendChild(printData(poke)); +}) + +function printData(pokemon) { + const namePokemon = document.createElement('div'); + namePokemon.className = "pokedexClass"; + namePokemon.innerHTML = ` +
+ +






+ ` + namePokemon.addEventListener("click", onClickCard); + return namePokemon; + + function onClickCard(e) { + let cardSelect = document.querySelectorAll(".pokedexClass"); + let modal = document.querySelector("#myModal"); + let closed = document.querySelectorAll("#close")[0]; + let cardInfo = document.createElement("div"); + let modalInfo = document.querySelector("#infoPoke"); + + cardSelect.forEach(openModal => { + openModal.onclick = function () { + modal.style.display = "block"; + } + closed.onclick = function () { + modal.style.display = "none"; + if (event.target == cardInfo) { + modal.style.display = "none"; + } + } + }) + + modalInfo.innerHTML = ` +




+ +

ID = ${pokemon.id}


Type =${pokemon.type}


Heigth = ${pokemon.heigth}


Weight =${pokemon.weight}


Candy =${pokemon.candy}


Egg =${pokemon.egg}


Spawn Chance =${pokemon.spawn_chance}


Spawn Time =${pokemon.spawn_time}


Multipliers =${pokemon.multipliers}


Weakness =${pokemon.weaknesses}

+ ` + document.querySelector("#cardRotada").appendChild(cardInfo); + + }; +} + +function printData1(dataType) { + lista.innerHTML = ''; + dataType.forEach((pokemon) => { + const namePokemon = `
${pokemon.num} ${pokemon.name} +
TYPE: ${pokemon.type}
`; + lista.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', namePokemon); + }); + } + +for (let i = 0; i < elementType.length; i += 1) { + elementType[i].addEventListener('click', () => { + const elementPokemon = elementType[i].id; + const pokemonType = pokemons.filterType(elementPokemon); + printData1(pokemonType); + selectSort.addEventListener('change', () => { + const valueSelect = selectSort.value; + let pokemonsOrdered = []; + if (valueSelect === 'orderAZ') { + pokemonsOrdered = pokemons.sortbyNameAZ(pokemonType); + } else if (valueSelect === 'orderZA') { + pokemonsOrdered = pokemons.sortbyNameZA(pokemonType); + } else if (valueSelect === 'defaultOption') { + pokemonsOrdered = pokemons.sortbyNumber(pokemonType); + } + printData1(pokemonsOrdered); + }); + }); +} +selectSort.addEventListener('change', () => { + const valueSelect1 = selectSort.value; + let pokemonsOrdered1 = []; + if (valueSelect1 === 'orderAZ') { + pokemonsOrdered1 = pokemons.sortbyNameAZ(catalogue); + } else if (valueSelect1 === 'orderZA') { + pokemonsOrdered1 = pokemons.sortbyNameZA(catalogue); + } else if (valueSelect1 === 'defaultOption') { + pokemonsOrdered1 = pokemons.sortbyNumber(catalogue); + } + printData1(pokemonsOrdered1); +}); + + -console.log(example); diff --git a/src/pokemon.js b/src/pokemon.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49bbedf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pokemon.js @@ -0,0 +1,4086 @@ +export default { + "pokemon": [{ + "id": 1, + "num": "001", + "name": "Bulbasaur", + "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/001.png", + "type": [ + "Grass", + "Poison" + ], + "height": "0.71 m", + "weight": "6.9 kg", + "candy": "Bulbasaur Candy", + "candy_count": 25, + "egg": "2 km", + "spawn_chance": 0.69, + "avg_spawns": 69, + "spawn_time": "20:00", + "multipliers": [1.58], + "weaknesses": [ + "Fire", + "Ice", + "Flying", + "Psychic" + ], + "next_evolution": [{ + "num": "002", + "name": "Ivysaur" + }, { + "num": "003", + "name": "Venusaur" + }] + }, { + "id": 2, + "num": "002", + "name": "Ivysaur", + "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/002.png", + "type": [ + "Grass", + "Poison" + ], + "height": "0.99 m", + "weight": "13.0 kg", + "candy": "Bulbasaur Candy", + "candy_count": 100, + "egg": "Not in Eggs", + "spawn_chance": 0.042, + "avg_spawns": 4.2, + "spawn_time": "07:00", + "multipliers": [ + 1.2, + 1.6 + ], + "weaknesses": [ + "Fire", + "Ice", + "Flying", + "Psychic" + ], + "prev_evolution": [{ + "num": "001", + "name": "Bulbasaur" + }], + "next_evolution": [{ + "num": "003", + "name": "Venusaur" + }] + }, { + "id": 3, + "num": "003", + "name": "Venusaur", + "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/003.png", + "type": [ + "Grass", + "Poison" + ], + "height": "2.01 m", + "weight": "100.0 kg", + "candy": "Bulbasaur Candy", + "egg": "Not in Eggs", + "spawn_chance": 0.017, + "avg_spawns": 1.7, + "spawn_time": "11:30", + "multipliers": null, + "weaknesses": [ + "Fire", + "Ice", + "Flying", + "Psychic" + ], + "prev_evolution": [{ + "num": "001", + "name": "Bulbasaur" + }, { + "num": "002", + "name": "Ivysaur" + }] + }, { + "id": 4, + "num": "004", + "name": "Charmander", + "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/004.png", + "type": [ + "Fire" + ], + "height": "0.61 m", + "weight": "8.5 kg", + "candy": "Charmander Candy", + "candy_count": 25, + "egg": "2 km", + "spawn_chance": 0.253, + "avg_spawns": 25.3, + "spawn_time": "08:45", + "multipliers": [1.65], + "weaknesses": [ + "Water", + "Ground", + "Rock" + ], + "next_evolution": [{ + "num": "005", + "name": "Charmeleon" + }, { + "num": "006", + "name": "Charizard" + }] + }, { + "id": 5, + "num": "005", + "name": "Charmeleon", + "img": "http://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/pokemon/005.png", + "type": [ + "Fire" + ], + "height": "1.09 m", + "weight": "19.0 kg", + "candy": "Charmander Candy", + "candy_count": 100, + "egg": "Not in Eggs", + "spawn_chance": 0.012, + "avg_spawns": 1.2, + "spawn_time": "19:00", + "multipliers": [1.79], + "weaknesses": [ + "Water", + "Ground", + 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