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Cardinal Components Entity

Pyrofab edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 11 revisions

This module allows mods to attach components to Entity objects. Those components will be saved automatically with the entity.

Vanilla Alternative: Mixins

Instead of components attached to entities, one can use Mixin to implement an interface on the desired entity class and inject into its serialization methods.

+ No dependency required
- Requires at least as much setup as components
- Less maintainable
- Needs more mixins to handle player respawns
- Needs a lot more mixins to handle synchronization



Entity components be automatically synchronized from the server to the client by implementing EntitySyncedComponent (legacy), or AutoSyncedComponent (V3) - more information is available on the dedicated page.

Player Respawn

Mods can choose when and how components are copied when the player respawns. The most straightforward way to do so is by selecting a pre-defined RespawnCopyStrategy among the following:

  • ALWAYS_COPY: always copy the component's data, no matter the circumstances of respawn. This is generally helpful for components storing metadata like statistics, or some intrinsic traits.
  • INVENTORY: copy the component's data only if the inventory would be preserved. This is helpful for inventory extensions and experience-like resources. You may still have to listen to the player's death yourself to drop the resources (resources vanishing is not very fun, also do not forget to check keepInventory before dropping stuff).
  • LOSSLESS_ONLY: copy the component's data only if the player is cloned losslessly (eg. return from the End). This should be used for data that resets on death, like health or food.
  • NEVER_COPY: this strategy is not recommended by itself, as it leads to components losing their data for no apparent reason. It can however be used in conjunction with a PlayerCopyCallback if you have some highly custom logic.

If you want more control, you can pass your own RespawnCopyStrategy. This is useful if you want partial losses, like losing just a few levels on death. Alternatively, you can implement PlayerComponent on your component and not set a respawn strategy (a set RespawnCopyStrategy will take precedence). Your component's shouldCopyForRespawn and copyForRespawn methods will then be called instead to perform the copy.

Setting a RespawnCopyStrategy is done in EntityComponents (legacy) or during registration to an EntityComponentFactoryRegistry.


public final class MyComponents implements EntityComponentInitializer {
    public void registerEntityComponentFactories(EntityComponentFactoryRegistry registry) {
        // Scenario 1:
        // Add the component to every ZombieEntity instance, including husks and zombie villagers
        registry.registerFor(ZombieEntity.class, INFECTION, ZombieInfection::new);

        // Scenario 2:
        // Add the component to every instance of PlayerEntity, and ensure the component's data is always copied
        registry.registerForPlayers(MAGIK, player -> new RandomIntComponent(), RespawnCopyStrategy.ALWAYS_COPY);

        // Scenario 3:
        // Add the component to every living entity
        registry.registerFor(LivingEntity.class, BLUE, e -> new RandomIntComponent());
        // Ensure the component's data is copied when keepInventory is enabled (Optional)
        registry.setRespawnCopyStrategy(BLUE, RespawnCopyStrategy.INVENTORY);

        // Scenario 4:
        // Add the component to every entity
        registry.registerFor(Entity.class, RED, e -> new RandomIntComponent());
        // Add a specialized component to every instance of PlayerEntity without specifying a strategy
        // The attached component can implement PlayerComponent to customize respawn copying
        registry.registerForPlayers(RED, PlayerIntComponent::new);