- Edited the HREF for item skins
- Added the ability to change the length gas clouds exist through configuration
- Also added the ability to change the distance the gas can travel
- Fixed a startup crash on dedicated servers
- Disabled candyfloss ore recipe when candyworld is not installed, fixes loading crash with Immersive Engineering
- Gas loading errors are now more descriptive and don't crash. Check your logs if you make custom gases !
Update the contained library
Removed an unlocalized tooltip line on candyfloss grenades and tubes.
Fix a crash when Need to Breathe is not installed
Additions / Changes:
- Candyfloss clouds now are a lot more nutritious ! They aren't as easily breathable though.
- Made the gas mask work as a Need to Breathe protective helmet
Api changes:
- Made the gas bypass bypass agents checks as well
Also check out UpcraftLP's new add-on, Gaspunk Inhaler !
Now requires forge 1.12.2- or later
Added a few API features
- added a way for add-ons to bypass a gas' checks when running its effect
- exposed a few classes
Also now packages Ladylib as a contained dependency instead of shading the code like a caveman
Additions / changes :
- Gas agents are now defined through json files
- There is an appropriate config folder for modpack makers
- This means you can make custom gases using any potion now
- Items have thaumcraft aspects assigned
- Gas tubes and grenades are done automagically, which means any custom gas should have aspects out of the box
Localization additions :
- Updated german translation thanks to UpcraftLP
Fixes :
- Fixed a crash when the jar's certificate was invalid
- Added the missing recipe for the syringe