5.31.0 (2021-09-21)
- changes (d09fa19)
- create update_api_definitions file (3c76feb)
- Created file (bd3f128)
- Created file (fb49df6)
- final change (4b90200)
- Final Update (2586611)
- New file (8199a9a)
- new files (313e078)
- Python update (3d7a16b)
- test (25de3c2)
- test (cccea62)
- test (cc22418)
- Test workflow running (989e34a)
- testt (d73e111)
- testt (037dc0a)
- tets (37a5d78)
- tett (25a131c)
- Upadted (8f7a196)
- update (d676c60)
- update (91f7cfe)
- updated (443d19c)
- Updated (949f18e)
- Updated again (095ec0d)
- Updated with js (2cc0578)
- Updated api definitions (5c013f7)
- Updated api definitions (b4a74df)
- Updated api definitions (2d5ceec)
- Updated api definitions (8c4bf52)
- Updated api definitions (1f3b920)
5.30.0 (2021-08-19)
- Update (cb8c38a)
Corrected the price, call_sid_to_coach, and uri data types for Conference, Participant, and Recording (breaking change) Made documentation for property time_limit in the call api public. (breaking change) Added domain_sid in sip_credential_list_mapping and sip_ip_access_control_list_mapping APIs (breaking change)
5.29.0 (2021-08-17)
- test (bc29a7d)
5.28.0 (2021-08-17)
- update version (4c975ff)
1.1.0 (2021-08-17)
- Update (cbfbb25)
- Add http agent to axios to work with proxy (#109) (6762db4)
- add keytar sanity-check during install (#75) (b7c2d2c)
- add support for null response fields (#115) (206854e)
- add titles to inline schemas (#112) (cdd2964)
- Added new file (000e346)
- allow API redirect responses (#101) (9b766d7)
- axios expects paramsSerializer (#82) (8c55d29)
- delay module-loading error logs until all locations have been exhausted (#89) (fb8368e)
- don't display "undefined" when no profiles exists (#92) (e753fcd)
- don't get so fancy with the font color scheme (#96) (3f12305)
- dynamically install keytar if it fails to load (#74) (9e7e1d1)
- encode URL path params (#94) (7c42fcc)
- fixing semantic errors in the openAPI specs (#106) (135a40c)
- getParams when operation parameters is absent (#103) (3757872)
- increase Node minimum version requirement to 10.12.0 (#91) (fcc13d9)
- move the mocha config file to the project root (189e5d9)
- need to use the plugin name, not the plugin object (#121) (ad89bde)
- no more ignoring low severity vulnerabilities (33eabe1)
- npm audit vulnerabilities (#120) (9b7a3f6)
- Outputting entire error response w/ JSON format flag enabled (#111) (ae08a07)
- pin 'tslib' to avoid issues when interacting with plugin-plugins (#88) (845f65d)
- properly describe request bodies and add response descriptions (#85) (8821832)
- remove duplicate enum values (#114) (f27c07e)
- remove the lock file since this is a library, upgrade dev dependencies, and fix eslint errors/warnings (55c2091)
- removed dist (c464dbc)
- rollback plugin-help upgrade (4152d89)
- travis deploy config (#77) (820f17d)
- travis.yml formatting (9be0527)
- update (4ba4798)
- update (4f7a450)
- Update (2c975fc)
- update the wording for the env vars help message (#80) (8468619)
- update travis deploy (#76) (8fe5e65)
- Updated (bcbfeb9)
- upgrade dependencies and drop tslib pinning (#97) (98987a3)
- use new 'instanceOf' in the catch blocks (#99) (1cffe58)
- add custom header param support (#98) (2de7aff)
- add operation IDs (#107) (1d5f595)
- add property descriptions to OAI (#117) (57268a9)
- add regional and edge support (#86) (42d7d6b)
- allow plugins to use the userConfig object to set arbitrary data (#118) (852477e)
- improve 'access denied' error messaging (#95) (62c3c5f)
- look through plugin pjson for an issue URL (#87) (075aa23)
- migrate from deprecated request package to axios (#81) (2eba9ba)
- splitting openAPI specs by version (#104) (4a8ee37)
- update the env var message to use the proper OS syntax (#93) (91a1898)