This is a personal project to control my standing desk using a Raspberry Pi 4. The setup is specifically tailored to my hardware and requirements and is not intended for general customization. However, feel free to use it if you find it helpful.
- Motor controller ID: WP-CB01
- Control panel circuit board ID: DCU_G-PRT5G
I installed the Raspberry Pi between the motor controller and the control panel.
Therefore, I cut the cable connecting the control panel to the controller and soldered an Ethernet connector to both ends.
The phases of my Ethernet cable are mapped as follows to the desk's cables:
Ethernet | Desk | Function |
Orange | Red | Key1 |
Orange-White | Yellow | +35V |
Green | Green | +5V |
Green-White | White | RX |
Brown | Brown | Ground |
Brown-White | Black | TX |
Blue | Purple | Ground |
Blue-White | - | - |
In case the Raspberry Pi and the control panel both send signals at the same time, I built in a relay that controls which one can write.
The desk is connected to NC, so even if the Pi is offline, the desk works as usual.
To make it more secure for the long term, I soldered everything to a PCB with a line grid.
I mapped the cables from top to bottom as following to the pcb:
- Key1
- +35V
- +5V
- RX
- TX
- Serial ports on the Raspberry Pi must be enabled.
sudo apt-get install python3-dev sudo apt-get install -y libmariadb-dev pip3 install mariadb sudo apt install mariadb-server
pip install pyserial
pip install flask
pip install flask-classful
pip install rpi.gpio
pip install python-dotenv
pip install mariadb
Creating linux user
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -c "desk" -Gsambashare desk
set user pw
sudo passwd desk
add user to sudo group
sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>
to install all project specific ressources
start the mariadb cli with
sudo mysql -u root -q
and execute
source path/documentation/database.sql
to load the db configuration
to start the project simply run
If you want the project to start run
crontab -e
and add:
@reboot bash path-to-project/smart-desk/desk-controller/