#LORIS meets ReactJS
##1. Setting up Grunt
In order to run the grunt build step, you will have to install the following dependencies:
- NodeJS
###1.1 Installing dependencies
####1.1.1 NodeJS
To check whether or not NodeJS is installed on your machine, run the following:
node -v
If not installed, use one of the following steps to install for your OS:
For this install you will need sudo rights
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash -
yum -y install nodejs
yum install gcc-c++ make
Download the NodeJS package from here
####1.1.2 NPM
Once NodeJS is installed, use the following to install NPM
curl -L https://www.npmjs.com/install.sh | sudo sh
###1.2 Installing Grunt
Once NodeJS and NPM are installed, you are ready to install Grunt. First, cd
into the LORIS home directory in your terminal.
Then run the following command:
npm install --only=dev
Grunt should now be installed.
##2. Compiling JSX
###2.1 Using Grunt to compile all JSX
To compile all JSX files in LORIS, use the following command:
node_modules/.bin/grunt jsx
NOTE: If you create a new React file, ensure you add it to the Grunt.js
file under the babel.compile.files
with the following format:
'desc/file.js' : 'src/file.js'
###2.2 Using Babel to compile JSX
There are four major ways you can compile JSX with Babel. You can compile once or continuously a single or a directory. Using continuous compilation becomes useful when you are constantly making changes to the JSX file.
####2.2.1 Compile single file
To compile a single file use the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/babel src/file.js --out-file desc/file.js
####2.2.2 Compile a directory
To compile a directory use the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/babel src/ --out-dir desc/
####2.2.3 Continuously compile single file
To compile a single file continuously use the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/babel --watch src/file.js --out-file desc/file.js
####2.2.4 Continuously compile a directory
To compile a directory continuously use the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/babel --watch src/ --out-dir desc/
##3. LORIS JSX file structure
Within LORIS, we have two main ways of adding JSX and their compiled files. When creating a new JSX file always use the .js
extension or the continuous compilation will not work as expected. The file name of the JSX and its compiled file should have the
same name.
###3.1 Adding generic JSX files
Within LORIS we have many React components that can be used throughout the different modules. When adding a new generic file, the
JSX file should be placed in the jsx/
directory and its compiled file in the htdocs/js/components
###3.2 Adding module specific JSX files
In many cases, React components are designed for a specific LORIS module. In such cases the JSX file should be placed in the
and its compiled file in the module/$DESIRED_MODULE/js/