- AKHenry -- setup tags in repo
- Pete -- Finish API docs.
- Proof read docs and edit as needed
- Document Telemetry Metadata. (what are values, what properties matter?)
- remove source property.
- Supporting new-style telemetry in old telemetry api. (support fixed position)
- Enable time conductor and set default to last fifteen minutes
- Time Conductor API: Needs to function even if the UI is not enabled.
- Need realtime/etc to work without it.
- Time Conductor API: Needs to function even if the UI is not enabled.
- standardize openmct.plugins: they should all be functions that return a plugin.
- Update strategy for tutorial (how are we going to present this code?)
- AKHenry+Pete -- to complete revisions to master for conductor/etc.
- AKHenry -- to complete tutorials
- AKHenry - Updated docs
- Why can't I add telemetry to table or fixed position?
- containment policy is based on TYPE, not on INSTANCE. WHY?
- containment applies when objects
- Pete -- publish Open MCT to NPM
- Need generic telemetry type??
- Clean up composition policy to make sense (no more candidate, context);
- Limit evaluator registration (it should be a separate registry)
- enumeration formatting / format services in general.
- format registry: key -> format class
- Fixing object API. (persistence spaces, etc.)
- Provide python server implementation.
- Ensure new-style points can be added to fixed position.
Non-expandle items have hover effects where the expand disclosure arrow would be, but don't handle click events.
Need to figure out how to handle composition policy which is based on type and also based on "applies to". (maybe also applies to telemetry checking.)
Can attempt to save objects in immutable folders-- should check for mutability before containment.
Determine strategy for finishing all work by next Wednesday. (So fri, tues, weds)