We will show some of the features below.
We can markup text as italic or bold without any issues! You can also inserts links.
You can watch the source-code via right mouse click -> "View Source", or in the View menu of LibreWeb Browser.
Why not support ==highlight== and strikethrough text as well out-of-the-box?😇 Sure, we can also write very long long lines without enters to check how line wrapping is behaving.
New paragraph.
New soft line break.
- list 1
- list 2
- list 3
- list 3.1
- list 3.2
- list 4
- first
- second
- third
- sub-numbering
- within an
- already numbered
- list
- four
Some basic math:
a^2^ + b^2^ = c^2^
I could either watch it happen or be a part of it. 🤓
~ Elon Musk